
teddy-dbearMorning peoples, critters and everything else09:50
ChinnoDogerstazi: You could partition sdb manually and copy the partitions instead of copying the entire block device16:34
ChinnoDogI don't know if that will result in a working filesystem. If not then I would think the only option is to format the partitions on sdb as well and rsync the contents over.16:34
erstaziChinnoDog: thanks. Been waiting a bit before doing it. Ideally, I don't want to install fresh and then backup all the packages and data, however I can do that if need be. Very odd that this isn't more common of a situation than it is. Pure AF disks are very common out there that don't have the fake 512 bytes layer16:42
erstaziAlso read that I could switch the hard drives around and attempt that so I might try that method16:43
ChinnoDogI'm sure it is a common situation. I think the problem has a lot of variables though. Most AF disks emulate 512k sectors so compatibility is good. Having everything work depends on this though. If the software treats sectors at 4k then all sorts of other unplanned things occur.16:44
erstaziright, however this hard drive has no 512k sector compatibility16:46
ChinnoDogThe hard disk in my laptop has 4k sectors but I can move LVM volumes between it and my SSD without a problem. Your partition table on the original HDD is probably just not aligned well and copying the partitions themselves with dd will work fine.16:46
erstaziit is pure 4096 bytes16:46
ChinnoDogI think the compatibility is in software, not in hardware. Linux will allow addressing it as though it has 512k sectors.16:47
erstaziYeah, I am going to see in a second here when I flip hard drives16:47
ChinnoDogI keep saying 512k sectors. 512b sectors!16:47
ChinnoDogHDDs will need to grow by a couple orders of magnitude before there are 512k sectors.16:48
JonathanDI look forward to this day.17:54
ForgeI need to dump all the data off my new NVMe and rsync just the contents back. It's supposedly aligned, but performance is pretty lousy.18:20

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