[00:42] https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/10/03/yahoo_says_one_beeelion_user_hack_figure_wrong_its_three/ [01:03] diddledan: you still awake? [01:03] nope [01:04] lol [01:04] I think I've solved my issue with calling other programs from perl, without it launching a shell [01:04] \o/ [01:04] https://pastebin.com/A0BhGjUq [01:05] aha [01:05] fork [01:05] yeah [01:05] super simple [01:05] and it works [01:06] now, I have to figure out how I can run the command remotely. but I guess my program is my ssh session and my options and args are my actual application and args [01:06] nice thing now, i have a way to add, remove and validate all options and args before executing [01:06] simple to itterate through the array and remove anything that breaks out, such as & or | [01:07] so something like: [01:07] for(@options) { s/(\||\&)//g; } [01:08] that should be enough to remove any crap [01:08] check for ; too [01:09] good idea [01:09] yeah, that code works [01:10] awesome [01:10] ping: cannot resolve hello: Unknown host [01:10] child exited 17408 at ./fork.pl line 26. [01:10] just stripped that crap [01:11] even more regex: s/\Q(\||\&|\;)\E//g; [01:11] \Q and \E to treat everything as a string [01:11] so no nasty escape sequences [01:13] change the for to a map and voila! [01:13] map { s/\Q(\||\&|\;)\E//g; } @options; [01:13] that should be enough to strip all the crap [01:13] step 2: ..., step 3: profit [01:18] ok, so this is the final snippit.. https://pastebin.com/A0BhGjUq [01:19] Simples [01:22] and backtick, that can be used to execute code too [01:22] https://pastebin.com/A0BhGjUq [01:22] that should be it [01:22] i modified it to write the output of the code to a buffer instead of stdout [01:22] allowing me then to keep the output in a var [01:37] #perl tell me I don't need to escape. seems they're right. it gets treated like a normal character [01:47] Lol, MS says of SQL Server “this is not just a database engine. This is an enterprise database platform” <— what’s the diff?? [01:49] That’s from this video: https://youtu.be/mvr143yvLmk [01:59] im out [01:59] g'night folks [01:59] No [01:59] Err [01:59] Nn [02:00] Silly auto erect [02:00] Indeed. Silly erect. [02:00] cya [06:18] morning boys and girls. [06:58] Morning all [07:08] good morning [07:11] morning === paulmellors is now known as MooDoo [07:40] howdy all [07:46] howdoomoodoo? [07:47] :) [07:52] oh man, I don't want to work today [07:52] or ever [07:55] you're not the only one mat4y [07:55] see can't even type today lol [07:58] indeed [07:58] typing is for losers [08:49] i win \o/ i get to go to hospital with a wonky foot [08:56] boooooooooooo [11:47] popey: Just trying gnome-contacts on Solus and it's failing to load.. where is the best place to go from here ? the forums or a repo ? [11:48] yeah, try the forum, and tag @kenvandine on it [11:48] I just found a post mentioning gnome-contacts [11:48] thanks [12:33] diplo: Ubuntu [12:33] ;_ [12:33] ;) [12:36] heh, I was waiting for one person to do that SuperMatt :) [12:37] Just knew I'd get him here and it's snappy related which is ubuntu [14:27] who wears short shorts? [14:27] Nope, never.. [14:28] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcvjXAtzaMU [14:32] omg, CD-ROMs?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NU_XI7fguI [14:41] lol, love that they thought that the killer product to put on CDROM was "more encyclopedias, better encyclopedias..." [14:45] encarta did very well. a new version every year. kerching [14:59] of course in the early years encarta made a lot of dosh for pc sales.... no it won't work if your pc has no cd-rom.... no it's better with sound... [15:08] nearly time for the googs (50 minutes) [15:09] come see our new phones without headphone jacks? [15:09] yup [15:09] how... untempting [15:09] annoyingly, I'll only see the first 30 minuets live, cos I have to go out at 5:30 [15:10] see if only you had google glass 3 you watch it on the fly out and about till you walk into a lampost not marked on os maps :-P [15:10] :-) [15:19] fixed in google glass 4! [15:53] crikey, domain registrar's DNS control panels can be so inconsistent [15:59] it's android time [15:59] life stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YGoxbeSzLc [15:59] live, too [16:00] * zmoylan-pi puts on the soap opera androids... hums away to the theme tune... [16:00] time for another $900 phone announcement [16:05] human lives matter too. AIs shouldn't be privileged [16:06] I vote for "people first" rather than "AI First" [16:06] be quiet human, or we'll cut your food pellet supply! [16:09] AI and Software and Hardware?? you mean AI isn't software? [16:10] AIs are designing AIs now???! [16:10] has nobody even watched terminator?! [16:12] but it'll obey the generals who pay for it, the salesman said so [16:12] sales reps in the front row, mmm that's not what i'd want to hear XD [16:13] if they bring out ed-209 duck! [16:13] you have three seconds to comply [16:17] surprise, we're not releasing new phones [16:18] smart suppositories? [16:18] mmmm [16:18] no one will ever mug you for it... [16:18] I wonder how many times they're gonna say "Deep Learning" [16:18] BINGO [16:19] it's so uninteresting [16:19] radically helpful [16:19] it's a sales pitch with nothing new to show... [16:20] two different presenters, and nothing new yet [16:21] be excited aout the cloud! [16:21] maybe three is a charm [16:23] handsfree calling in the UK? free? [16:24] fourth presenter, and still no new hardware [16:27] * daftykins suddenly remembers Arnold Rimmer instructing the Scutters to repaint Red Dwarf [16:28] it was the wrong shade of gray [16:30] and it's arnold j. rimmer ssc bsc to you [16:30] mustn't forget the bsc [16:30] very important [16:31] apologies :> [16:39] I wonder how accurate that kids behaviour would be [16:39] it's certainly a good idea to keep kids occupied. I just not sure they'll respond like that [16:47] now you need a soundproof room to put them in [16:47] chromebook [16:48] ok, pixiebook [16:48] cheap? well no, no... [16:49] only one question, can it run linux? [16:50] wat. a browser only laptop with 16GB of RAM?! [16:51] well the browser is chrome... [16:51] point [16:52] which has an appetite for ram that makes zombies look vegan... [16:56] "the snap team is working with us" ... then you realise they are talking about snapchat not snappy :') [16:58] 1000$ for a tablet [16:58] that's as cheap as the new iphone [16:58] well you wouldn't want your phone to feel left out [17:01] yup, no headphone hole [17:02] pay more get less [17:03] dig at apple there [17:04] diddledan: my new code is being pentested now. so far, it hasn't got in. [17:04] \o/ [17:04] huzzah [17:04] I also re-wrote the re-write :) [17:05] hah [17:05] metarewrite [17:05] you see Austin, he loves coooooode [17:05] https://pastebin.com/2WzeCSRT [17:05] that's the new routine [17:06] using open3 [17:06] the scan is on-going, but i haven't been penetrated yet [17:06] * diddledan penetrates m0nkey_ [17:08] what if her family aren't in the kitchen? [17:09] ;D [17:12] * m0nkey_ sighs [17:13] dear Amazon.ca, please ship my crap. [17:14] I want my switch [17:14] i think there are health and safety ethics against that [17:14] heh you getting Zelda? [17:14] lol [17:14] not that kind of switch [17:14] ah :> [17:15] the switch i bought will serve a purpose [17:15] and not look pretty on the tv table, unused. [17:15] https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B00I5W5EGA [17:16] ah i've got one of those at a clients spare now, we had to move up to a 48 port for his house [17:16] too many gadgets :) [17:19] now you tell me :P [17:20] :D [17:20] in fact i still haven't vacuumed out the dust and considered a plan for it, ah well it might go in his London flat perhaps [17:20] i'm flying out to his Spain pad and then checking out the London one from Monday next week! [17:21] SW6 if anyone lurks there :> [17:21] arsenip: ooh are you still in the area? [17:28] pssst.... don't use ryanair ;-) [17:35] heh client and his wife and kid were booked on Monarch until Monday... [17:38] fun, we monitor their network devices [17:38] lets look at the network utilization trend for the last month :) [17:39] o rry [17:40] oh yes, there is a drop of traffic === redshift is now known as Guest98611 [17:45] daftykins: PM? :) [17:45] sure [18:42] he... he showed me things D: [19:04] lol [19:05] :> [19:05] don't say that. diddledan will be unhappy [19:05] that's true, bit jelly he will be [19:05] btw, confirmed, the remote code execution bug has been fixed. changes pushed to prod. no more gaping hole. [19:06] vewy gewd, i thought you were unpenetrated earlier, though [19:06] I was penetrated yesterday [19:07] then i patched the hole [19:07] ah right [19:07] thankfully it was during a security scan that revealed it, not some black hat. [19:07] yet ;D [19:08] * diddledan penetrates m0nkey_ again [19:09] thars a hole in server dear liza, dear liza... [19:09] i've asked if i can go and check out my Dad's companies server, as apparently the excuse for why windows updates has been turned off on the domain for 2 years was "the disk was full" [19:10] *had [19:10] lets see a virus copy itself on there then! [19:10] pls viruses are so 90s [19:11] lol [19:11] anyway, going home time [19:11] talk later [19:11] * zmoylan-pi leaves 8" floppy outside daftykins gaff... [19:11] m0nkey_: \o [19:11] zmoylan-pi: the drunks will get your floppy on the next wander by [19:12] that'll wipe off [19:12] unless they've been drinking tape head cleaner again [22:34] my netgear switch has shipped [22:34] i should see it tomorrow [22:34] \o/