=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === JanC is now known as Guest53841 [14:36] hi. I just tried to add back an email to my LP account that I removed a week or so ago, and I get a slightly perplexing error [14:36] There is 1 error. [14:37] The email address is already registered to Rik Mills. If you think that is a duplicated account, you can merge it into your account. [14:38] well, it **was** registered, and not sure what would happen if I tried to merge my own account into itself as it suggests! [14:38] Hi, how do I get the date when the tag is added to the bug using launchpadlib ? [14:42] acheronuk: It was used in a package changelog, so a new account was autocreated: https://launchpad.net/~rik-mills88 [14:43] ah. I did not realise that could happen [14:43] can I safely merge that back in then? [14:43] Yep [14:44] cool. thanks [14:44] alai: That data isn't directly exposed through the API, but you could extract it from the bug's activity_collection. [14:46] wgrant, do you have an example of using activity_collection? Or anything would help. [14:48] alai: In [8]: [c.newvalue for c in lp.bugs[1678036].activity if c.whatchanged == 'tags'] [14:48] Out[8]: [u'code-review lp-code ui'] [14:50] (and the date is in the "datechanged" property) [14:52] * alai trying it out now... [15:07] works for me. Thanks wgrant cjwatson !! [15:19] currious if you can add you own box to the build [15:31] necrose99: "the build"? [15:32] necrose99: No - we only build on systems we host. [15:40] cjwatson ok np just the build system was gripey , for armhf/arm64 [15:40] necrose99: "gripey" in what way? [15:41] You can always build packages locally if you want to, but if Launchpad is going to host something then it needs to have built it. [15:41] it will build under debian arm64 for RPI3 but dput groans [15:43] necrose99: If dput is complaining, that's well before it goes anywhere near our builders. What exactly is the error? [15:44] i added kahli to sources list for this RPi3 , [15:45] waled back to pure deb so hopefully i can push changes [15:45] walked.. [15:46] What exactly is the error from dput? [15:46] kahli linux no recipie for , i assume the system type [15:47] That doesn't seem like an exact error message. Copy and paste (on paste.ubuntu.com if it's long) [15:47] Never paraphrase error messages :) [15:49] nah , i droped kahli for now i may add back as source only as I want a pakage or or so , but dput from debian dosent get what kahli is [15:49] That isn't related to Launchpad, then. [15:50] no but if this build un freezes as rpi3 has little ram , i'll see if its heathier in a few [15:50] (We only offer build services for Ubuntu.) [15:52] ok droping kahli fixed dput i have debian/ubuntu sources on lists