
popeytsimonq2: I'm not sure. Should the content go in there (that seems like extra work) Or just a link? I'm not sure of the value of just posting a link there, as we'll just end up with a load of empty topics with one link in?13:19
popeyWhat do you think?13:20
popeyBe nice to have the entire thing posted as markdown :)13:20
popeyIn other news:- Google Code-In! https://community.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-participation-in-google-code-in/27113:20
balloonspopey, et la the new site looks wonderful!14:25
popeyyay, thanks14:25
popeynhaines: you about for ubucon call?16:33
tsimonq2popey: I tried20:46
tsimonq2popey: It was too large20:46
tsimonq2(too many chars)20:46
tsimonq2wxl: um don't :)20:46
popeyI wonder if it might do to just have the summary and a link?20:46
popeyI'm not sure what's best here, what do you think?20:46
popeyI would love for the content to appear on the hub in a pretty way20:47
tsimonq2Summary of a UWN featuring summaries, pretty meta :)20:47
tsimonq2popey: I can post the same text that I post on the Fridge?20:47
popeyThe problem is it will be formatted for moin20:48
popeywheras hub is markdown20:48
popey(would be nice if those were easily converted)20:48
popeyI'm keen to get wider audience, but not make more work for the UWN team20:49

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