
=== JanC is now known as Guest53841
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ricotztjaalton, hi, I assume you will need llvm-5.0 backports too soon?10:54
tjaaltonricotz: yes, I have it on x-staging10:54
tjaaltonthough fails to build on some archs10:54
ricotzoh, nice10:54
ricotzI pushed some no-change rebuilds to xedgers10:54
tjaaltonI guess you don't build on ppc et al?10:55
ricotzI see, arm6410:55
ricotzI think powerpc is deprecated?10:55
ricotz(and ppc64el worked)10:55
tjaaltonpowerpc might be10:55
ricotztjaalton, did you talk about that with chris?10:56
ricotzbut I guess it still needs to be build successfully10:56
ricotzfirefox/rust will need llvm-5.0 too soon, so better have it prepared10:57
ricotzof course trusty/zesty are needed too10:57
ricotzchrisccoulson, hi, is this on your agenda or will this be delegated? ^10:59
tjaaltonzesty still built powerpc binaries11:00
ricotzyeah, no way to ignore it11:00
tseliotnvidia 384 is in artful-proposed12:16
ricotztjaalton, btw, better add a trailing "~" for tight build-deps like on libclc in mesa for easier backports14:28

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