[01:10] blackboxsw, \o/ looks good. [01:10] you can have it drop the bug and the author from the comment. [01:11] and probably easier (or at least easy) to get log2dch to do it. [02:00] blackboxsw, https://gist.github.com/smoser/813c84bc7a79efc75d3f7fc2f383f12f now has '--trello' [02:02] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25683387/ === meetingology` is now known as meetingology [02:07] hello [02:08] we're having an issue with cloud-init on openstack [02:08] we have a new ga image based on centos 7.3.1611 [02:09] cloud-init is grabbing the first software_config element from the heat template, but it never informs heat that it has completed the operation [02:09] the stack-build subsequently fails [02:10] after timing-out [02:10] I've spent a few days on this, and can't get further on this, [02:10] we're on openstack-liberty [02:11] all pre-reqs are in the image === mgagne is now known as Guest66098 [02:35] cali_boxer, can you give a /var/log/cloud-init.log ? [02:35] whatever cloud-init would be doing would be in there. [12:26] hello [12:26] i want to ask something [12:53] Junaid, whats up? [14:25] hello [14:25] I need support for cloud-init [14:26] is there anyone who can assist? [14:37] cali_box_web, whats up? [14:38] I have an openstack build that partially works [14:38] the system will build the ste stacks [14:39] but... [14:39] cloud-init on some of the instances, does not signal the completion of the software_config section [14:39] the section is correctly deposited onto the system (ssh keys, hosts file) [14:40] but does not signal completion [14:40] this does work on other members in the stack that are Centos 7.2 [14:40] the system in target is a customized version of Centos 7.3 [14:40] 1611 [14:40] cloudinit 0.7.9 is used on the new image [14:41] 0.7/5 is used on the centos 7.3 [14:41] er 7.2 [14:41] the image in question is custom centos 7.2 linux [14:41] it has all pre-reqs as far as i can see [14:42] can you pastebin a /var/log/cloud-init.log ? [14:42] from the client? [14:42] sure [14:42] just a few [14:44] yeah [14:51] trying to figure out how to pastebin from putty [14:51] just a sec [14:56] https://pastebin.com/By0CwW9q [14:58] i can post a sanitized yaml file from the office [15:02] this is openstack liberty btw [15:22] cali_box_web, the error there (search for WARN) i think is that some part of your user-data does not start with '#!' [15:23] there is no user-data [15:24] i think there is.. [15:24] https://pastebin.com/QD3cqaBq [15:25] private paste? [15:26] web client doesn't allow that [15:26] oh. i meant it tells me it is a privarte paste [15:26] yes [15:27] let me see if I can post as something else [15:27] is that a public system ? i can hop in if you'd like and poke around, but *something* made cloud-init think that you had a script to be executed (i think heat does that) [15:27] it's not public [15:27] but the script did not start with a '#!' or otherwise kernel-recognizable format [15:27] whats your email i can send you the santized template [15:31] can you just collect all of /var/log/cloud-init* and /var/lib/cloud/ ? [15:31] send to scott.moser@canonical.com . [15:31] yes [15:31] thanks [15:39] sent from my work email [15:47] cali_box_web, i tihnk it borked the content [16:14] is there anyway to trace cloud data centre? [16:15] i want dataset of locations of data centres [16:49] Can anyone tell me about it? [16:49] Please [16:50] @smoser, I'll resend as links [16:52] Junaid i'm not sure what you're after. [16:56] how can i trace x,y coordinates of cloud data centres? [16:56] i want to know exact locations of data centres [16:57] I'm pretty sure that is out of the scope of this channel. [16:59] then where can i get it? can you tell me channel name where i can raise this question? [17:06] smoser, logs have been sent [17:07] i added the user_data section, which is getting parsed, and deposits /var/lib/cloud/instances/scripts/userdata but the system still does not complete a checkin letting heat know that it has performed the action [17:18] hrm Junaid I think you'd have to send a request to cloud vendors specifically. and some of them may not provide that specific information due to privacy concerns [17:19] I know my former company wanted to keep their datacenter locations confidential for one reason or another [17:28] smoser: shall I start on SRU MP for cloud-init? [17:30] yeah [17:35] smoser, were you able to see anything in the logs? [17:35] on the second set? [17:37] cali_boxer, i'm not sure you sent what i wanted ? [17:37] i need /var/lib/cloud/ directory [17:42] that was in the second link [17:42] the lins from our sync.domain.com [17:47] cali_boxer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25687216/ [17:47] that is in /var/lib/cloud//user-data.txt [17:48] whatever sent that user-data, sent an empty file that was "type" of text/x-shellscript; [17:48] cloud-init did what it is supposed to do (rather blindly) and put that into a file and executed it [17:48] and that resulted in the error you see [17:48] ok [17:48] admittedly cloud-init coudl say "oh that doesnt make any sense" and fail in a nicer way. [17:48] I modified the yaml file after your suggestion [17:48] but very clearly that is the "garbage in" part of "garbage in -> garbage out" [17:49] i now send a valid user_data containing, #!/bin/sh \n echo "hello" [17:49] which executes [17:50] but the system still doesn't respond back to the metadata agent saying thatthe step is complete [17:54] well, what you sent died because of the empty user-data [17:54] i can't diagnose a different failure without more ifo [17:54] info [17:55] fair enough. [17:55] i'll send a new set [17:55] stand by [18:08] items sent [18:10] blackboxsw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25687335/ [18:12] (from #ubuntu-devel) [18:19] thanks joining that channel now too [18:22] cali_boxer, well, i think i know what is wrong. i think that you didn't actually get networking up before cloud-init went to look for the metadata service (provided by openstack on [18:22] i'm not sure why that would differ between the two. [18:25] odd, since the unit file should have a want for networking [18:25] my co-worker discovered a potential issue as well [18:26] so there are 2 boots in your log. [18:26] it looks like salt-master/minion was not on the image [18:26] there are [18:26] i may not have cleaned the log after sealing the image [18:26] i've added it and am uploding the image to OS now [18:27] i'm not reallky able to look much deeper. [18:27] i'm pretty sure that networking doesnt end up coming up. [18:28] perhaps you have some sysconfig configuration in /etc/sysconfig/network that is messing it up. [18:28] in that second log you sent there are 2 boots, one worked, one failed. [18:28] blackboxsw, so what that means... is that we should (I will) make a metabug [18:29] ok, thank you for your help, [18:29] I'll let you know if the salt thing fixes it [18:30] so smoser as with curtin, cloud-init will link related bugs to the merge proposal, but not list them in final changelog for release. Only list the master bug [18:31] yeah. [18:36] bug 1721847 [18:36] bug 1721847 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Zesty) "sru cloud-init 2017-10-06 (17.1-17-g45d361cb-0ubuntu1)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1721847 [18:36] blackboxsw, ^ [18:40] thx smoser working through https://gist.github.com/smoser/6391b854e6a80475aac473bba4ef0310 right? [18:41] https://gist.github.com/smoser/6391b854e6a80475aac473bba4ef0310#file-ubuntu-release-process-md [18:41] yes [18:42] i'm working on filling out that bug with more info [18:42] and you will drop the LP: refernces in the generated changelog [18:49] blackboxsw, fyi, what i did there was just [18:49] git cherry-pick 833c9d6570dd2bfe695c596f744bc70c292a25e5 [18:49] on each branch [18:49] and then manually update changelog [18:49] and git commit -m "update changelog" [18:50] the hash above as found on ubuntu/devel branch [18:52] +1 on that thanks [18:54] blackboxsw, one thing the changelog generation doesnt do.. [18:54] 1717477 is already fixed, but the changelog will show it [18:54] so we should drop that line from the commit message [18:54] (as it was sru'd already) [19:13] smoser: ok I'm in the hangout to plow through Xenial [19:16] ok. 5 minutes [19:16] k ? [19:16] (ill be there in) [19:16] yeah no worries [19:16] will walk you through what I think I've done [19:28] blackboxsw, i'm here now. [20:31] smoser: zesty's changelog has mix of zesty-proposed and zesty in recent changelogs [20:31] shall I make changelog distro zesty-proposed from here on? [20:31] blackboxsw: it shouldn't really matter [20:32] blackboxsw: as uploads go to zesty-proposed anyways [20:32] blackboxsw: (speaking generally) [20:32] ok nacc was just trying to figure if we needed/wanted a convention from here on [20:32] blackboxsw: yeah, i would suggest using zesty not zesty-proposed, imo [20:32] as SRUs will go into *-proposed for real [20:32] (in the changelog) [20:32] as that is the 'release' you are targetting [20:32] blackboxsw, yeah, thats what i was saying. it doesnt matter. i prefer -proposed as i just think its cleaner [20:32] heh [20:32] but then somebody always messes up [20:32] (probably it was me) [20:32] :) [20:33] don't make me git blame ;) [20:33] i just like the clean break from 'xenial' to 'xenial-proposed' as it is then easy to see what was GA [20:33] but really, no one other than me probably ever looks :) [20:33] smoser: oh that's a good point, xenial-updates would work just as well [20:33] smoser: but yeah, your point is valid [20:33] it's good to have a line in the sand or something. I'm all for doc breadcrumbs whereever we can leave them. [20:33] :) [20:34] ok I'll go zesty-proposed for this commit as that's a convention we've kinda used in xenial for cloud-init [20:34] and attempted in zesty, when we didn't forget [20:35] it's official, I 💗 Chris Columbus. Not working on Monday [20:36] blackboxsw, you were so close to the statue in Central Park. [20:41] I should go back sometime.... like next week :) [20:45] smoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/331975 [20:45] I'm testing build now [20:50] smoser: I just saw Get:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty/universe amd64 python3-httpretty all 0.8.14-1 [19.5 kB] from apt build-dep.... which is ok right because that's pulling build-deps from current published upstream [20:50] which still depends on httpretty [20:50] which we are dropping [20:50] right [20:50] s/upstream/packaged version/ [20:50] its pulling it from apt source info [20:51] hrm, why do I see python3-httpretty, in debian/control on zesty [20:51] checking the built package details now to make sure it was patched out of there [20:54] yep safe/correct [20:57] hi guys [20:57] blackboxsw, hey [20:58] wait. what ? [20:58] why am I seeing Changelog w/ bugs linkedhmm [20:58] blackboxsw, i just diffed xenial (your propseod) to artful [20:58] and found [20:59] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25688137/ [21:00] looking at the paste [21:01] more useful [21:01] http://paste.ubuntu.com/25688142/ [21:01] blackboxsw, ^ [21:01] the thing i noticed really was the apport launcher [21:01] think we'd want that. [21:02] :-( [21:02] right we don't have apport official integration without it right? [21:02] so xenial and zesty both need it don't they? [21:03] I was difffing against ubuntu/xenial and didn't see the apport diff [21:03] *I dont think* [21:03] sure enough [21:04] i can account fo rhte other changes there, they make sense. [21:04] even that last one which looks suspiciouls (-aws) its ok. [21:05] so I need to resubmit MPs for xenial and zesty and bring in debian/apport-launcher.py [21:05] but i'm tempted to cherry pick [21:05] 2baa6bf9c314630ec29a192e1e81f0f4530cb102 [21:05] fec2d4a87fcff72aa9cafbfb88fff013a17db665 [21:06] should that have been pulled in from debian/new-upstream-snapshot ? [21:07] no because it is querying tip of master no ubuntu/devel right? [21:07] no. those are ubuntu/devel changes [21:07] we dont merge from ubuntu/devel [21:07] we could . [21:07] we dont [21:07] yeah ok makes sense [21:07] so cherry pick, new MP including those cherry picks for zesty and xenial? [21:08] you're EOW , I can hangout if you want to talk quickly through pro/cons [21:10] yeah, we can chat quick. [21:40] ok zesty pushed again [21:44] i did a sbuild && dput && git push [21:44] so it might all just go [21:45] and since i 'git pull'ed it should mark your MP as done also [21:45] thanks chad! [21:45] I'm testing the ubuntu-bug on my zesty container to be sure [21:46] thanks again smoser. I'm scrubbing trello bugs listed now [21:46] for the rest of the afternoon I presume [21:47] all done i think thanks chad. [21:51] hey team. fixed all my issues. all user error on my part. appreciate the patience. =) [21:51] * sedition is a derp sometimes [21:52] I know the feeling sedition [21:52] im trying to learn terraform and cloud-init at the same time on top of my BAU job