[00:21] n-iCe: Yep [00:21] n-iCe: We're keeping it. [00:21] n-iCe: We said something on Twitter on 9/28: https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/913532513234096128 [00:22] but is it going to be oficial? [00:22] Yes. [00:22] since ubuntu will not keep it, and you grubs stuff from ubuntu [00:22] n-iCe: Only Ubuntu *Desktop* is dropping it [00:22] Every other flavor and us is keeping it [00:22] oh ok [00:22] s/is/are/ [08:55] Where is the location of man's directory? [11:30] hi, i recently did a software update.... it rebooted. and now it wont start [11:30] it seems to get as far as doing some query with the wifi... [11:31] i have booted a usb-live lubuntu ok [11:31] how do i fix the one of the HDD ? [11:31] zap0: you need to figure out what is causing the issue. So what the culprit is [11:32] if its just a newer kernel lubuntu saves a list of installed kernels even older ones in the bootloader. So maybe try booting an older kernel [11:32] ok. [11:32] so how do i go about doing that? [11:32] i have the live ubuntu up and running. [11:33] zap0: go to the bootloader by rebooting [11:34] ok; what key is that? F1? f2? F8 ? [11:35] usually it should appear on its own. Though if you only have lubuntu installed it might skip the grub bootloader. So pressing escape or shift should do [11:35] ok. [11:37] got to grub.. theres a huge list of (i'm guessing) kernel images.. blah blah 4.10.0-33-generic.. in batches of 3.. 1) -- 2) upstart 3) recovery. and then older 4.10.0-(less than 33) [11:38] zap0: exactly [11:38] try one of the older ones and see if it works with them [11:38] do i go for the latest one in recovery mode; or the previous version? [11:42] tried older one; that's got the same weird issue.. it's stuck trying to reset the graphics mode (i'm guessing).. it goes between a screen with a cursor and the text log.. over and over again [11:49] zap0: sounds like a driver issue to me [11:49] do you have to happen anything proprietary installed? [11:50] it's a netbook.. it's been running fine (without any hardware changes) for over a year.. i've upgraded thru about 6 versions of lubuntu.. nothings changed. [11:51] the problem started a few days ago when i did that regular software upgrade thing (just updates the installed stuff) [11:51] i have no propretiry stuff. i don't do any kernel level stuff at all. [11:52] i have tried doing some arduino coding from it.... so maybe (big guess) it has a USB driver for that?!?! that's the only thing i can think of [11:52] never had issues with it though. [11:53] is there some feature where i can roll back recent updates? [12:11] zap0: if you did not do any btrfs snapshot then no [12:11] zap0: would be nice to know where the issue is. Can you take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log [15:17] I am trying to install lubuntu 17.04 desktopt version(32 bit) through virtual box."ubi-console-setup failed with exit code 1" error is ocuuring when I select the timezone as chicago [15:26] Can you please help how to resolve this issue [15:29] chilaka: is this only a cosmetic problem or are there real problems? [15:32] It is not allowing me to move further [15:33] If I continue with this error, installation is getting crashed [16:27] https://thepasteb.in/p/WnhzmmEQ8rBtV [16:28] I am not able to share the screenshot [16:37] try to use imgur [16:40] can you please let me know how can i do that [16:40] i need to upload the screenshot of the error [16:41] copy/paste [16:41] chilaka, https://imgur.com/ [16:43] https://imgur.com/QQOioCX [16:43] Thank you [16:43] I uploaded the screenshot of the error i am getting [16:43] ah perfect. I see it now. [16:43] :) [16:44] that error happens for two reasons: 1. the installer is corrupt (download failed). 2. that bug happened before and it's being fixed [16:44] something related to EFI [16:45] chilaka, are u using usb boot or dvd to install lubuntu ? [16:45] dvd [16:45] i installed virtual box first and then downloaded the lubuntu desktop 17.04 [16:47] i am following this site to install : https://dwheelerau.com/2014/01/25/setting-up-a-lubuntu-virtual-machine-with-virtual-box/ [16:56] chilaka, this install on screenshot is a virtual m, or real machine ? [16:59] its in virtual machine [18:15] Hi guys. help with advice I installed today LUBUNTU 17.04 near with Windows 7 encountered such a problem when I run LUBUNTU then the port does not work, the indicators are not lit, nothing at all, how I can not connect, when I restart the PC on Windows, the same situation happens, the network card does not work no signs of life (although in fact everything is fine-tuned, and working before installing Linux) found the solution to [18:15] I pull out the PC and do a BIOS reset (clrcmos) then when you start Windows everything works, everything is as usual, and when I run Linux, everything will repeat and such a problem was observed in other Linux destructives (Ubuntu, Linux Mint,) tell me what the problem can be and how it can be solved thank you in advance [18:17] hele me === absk123 is now known as Guest66385 [18:58] i am new to Linux. How do I install Lubuntu on my Pc that is already running Ubuntu 14.04 and crashes Firefox multiple times during any browsing session? [18:59] yusu: if you're trying to "fix" firefox by doing that, i'm not sure it will happen, unless your issue is that you're running out of memory [19:01] I am not out of memory. I have 69 gigs and 2gigs ram [19:01] then the issue probably lies in firefox itself somewhere [19:01] did you try using a new profile? [19:03] no, how do I do that? I tried updating The ubuntu but it doesn't allow me to do so. [19:04] do `firefox -ProfileManager` and make a new profile and use it [19:05] ok i will try that. if it is not successful can I come back to you? [19:06] sure btu you can also do #firefox on irc.mozilla.org [19:07] ok. Thanks, will keep you posted. [19:27] hiyas, Lubuntu kids [19:28] question: I have been using the 32bit Ubuntu release for several year, with outstanding results. Since Ubuntu is dropping 32bit, which flavor do I need to get? Xubuntu? Lubuntu" Mint? [19:29] we have no intention of removing 32 bit, so use lubuntu [19:29] we are the ONLY flavour that focused on older machines, so we will be the last one to drop it [19:31] thanks for the reply. and is Lubuntu somehow "better" than Xubuntu (I have heard they are also not dropping 32bit)? === absk123__ is now known as absk123 [19:32] well yeah totally better [19:32] in the same way that green is better than blue [19:32] (which is to say *I* think it's better, but i can't promise the same for you) [19:33] yeah, I figure it is apples and oranges. not sure how to make the decision [19:33] lubuntu is unique (objectively) in that we specifically target older models so we make decisions based on whether or not it remains lightweight [19:33] if you are not limited on resources, that may not be a need, but it can still be a benefit [19:34] both builds are inheriently lighter weight, but lubuntu is more constrained over all [19:34] for example, we don't include open office, but include abiword [19:35] frankly, i loathe abiword and it pales in comparison to libreoffice (sorry didn't mean to say open office) but requires more memory and disk space which is not a reasonable assumption for our target market [19:35] so when i install lubuntu, i install libreoffice. done. [19:36] not familiar with abiword. open/libreoffice is still available for download, right? my resource limits are not so much HDD space, as RAM (2GB max) and (presumable) bus speed [19:36] yes [19:36] and actually that's a fair amount of RAM [19:36] lubuntu can run on as little as 256MB [19:37] but again, a lighter weight footprint will allow you to do more [19:37] that said, i'd advise lubuntu [19:37] also, i really like it :) [19:37] i run it on a machine that i could easily run anything on. i don't NEED it. but it works well for me [19:37] i mean lubuntu doesn't have a bunch of desktop effects, but that doesn't really add to my productivity, so that's a simple "compromise" to make [19:38] may just have to give Lubuntu a try on a donated (previously MS Windows Vista-blechch) mini-laptop. I appreciate your opinion [19:38] no problem [19:38] feel free to come back here if you have any questions or concerns and we can help you sort them out [19:38] there's also the mailing list (see the topic) [19:38] with the next LTS coming out 18-04, will Lubuntu follow in a few months, ya think? [19:38] yes [19:39] Lubuntu (and Xubuntu and Kubuntu and all the other flavors provided by Canonical) *IS* Ubuntu, just modified. So we work on the same schedules [19:39] i.e. all those flavors some out at the same exact time [19:40] sweet. I'll give L a try. haven't heard about K, guess I'll try and research that flavor, as well [19:40] it's definitely heavier weight [19:40] waaaaaaay more feature rich, but you pay for it [19:41] you can think of it like this: regardless of your windows system, assuming they build for each version, you can run any software [19:41] but xp is definitely lighter than 10 [19:41] we're more like xp and kubuntu/ubuntu are more like 10 [19:41] the analogy fails in that xp is old whereas lubuntu is not. it's just simpler by design [19:41] yeah, I agree, I still miss the simplicity of XP... but not the networking difficulties [19:42] then i think you'll be very much at home with lubuntu [19:42] oic your point [21:10] test [21:10] wasabi: test 1 2 [21:15] newly installed Lubuntu on old machine and Abiword flashes like epilepsy [21:16] 2 gb RAM on some weird 64bit single-core Intel [21:24] I have a problem with graphics drawing to button labels in praat speech analysis program [21:25] I guess you should see the screenshot. I am using lubuntu 16.04 with compton as a compositor. The problem occurs also without any compositor [21:25] https://imgur.com/a/YYK6L [21:35] wasabi: It's fixed in 17.10, fix is coming for previous releases [23:22] hello i can't get my wifi working in 17.04 i can see it in the term but not showing up in networkmanger [23:22] it was working just fine in kali linux