=== sherlock__ is now known as Guest45299 [13:23] please help me to wifi not worked [13:26] giampy: version of ubuntu budgie? [13:29] ubuntu budgie 17.04 [13:31] pc : hp 255g4 amd 64 wifi rtl8723be [13:33] giampy: have you tried https://askubuntu.com/questions/902992/ubuntu-gnome-17-04-wi-fi-not-working-mac-address-keeps-changing [13:36] yes we tried [13:40] giampy: and this? https://askubuntu.com/questions/883673/rtl8723be-wifi-incredibly-weak [21:20] jbicha, FYI - that mutter dot release has really killed budgie-desktop. we are getting all sort of hangs and crashes now :( looks to be due to the tiling changes. Have reported to upstream budgie-desktop. [22:00] fossfreedom: report to GNOME please [22:01] I did test the new version in VBox first but since I don't usually run Budgie, it appeared to run ok [22:01] jbicha, will do. Going to work with ikey first over the weekend. [22:02] sorry about the trouble [22:02] last minute issues! [22:03] maybe complain to the GNOME Release Team about allowing mutter to make those kinds of changes that late in the dev cycle [22:04] I was actually remarking to the team how smoothly everything was working this cycle. [22:04] 8 weeks after the GNOME 3.26 freeze and they didn't even file the paperwork for a GNOME freeze break [22:05] the mutter changes were committed to git master ~20 hours *after* the 3.26.1 deadline [22:07] ouch. I'm going to-do a git bisect - thanks for the tip - should make it easier to see what happened when. [22:08] note that gtk+ was also required for the tiling feature [22:09] oh dear. this is going to be more complicated. [22:34] it sounds like Arch Linux updated to GNOME 3.26 today and broke Budgie there so at least things are a bit better here