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Tonio_hi there !10:39
Tonio_my @ubuntu.com email address doesn't forward to my gmail account since yesterday 23h59....10:39
Tonio_who may I contact to get that fixed please ?10:39
Tonio_I checked the canonicam smtp server and it seems to accept the email but nothing coming afterwards...10:40
Tonio_also, am I on the good channel to ask for this ?10:40
dasjoeNo, wrong channel. This one is for Ubuntu development, currently focused on the soon to be released 17.1010:43
dasjoePlease email rt@ubuntu.com with a link to your Launchpad profile and the details of your problem.10:44
Tonio_thx dasjoe :)10:49
xnoxLaney, nplan tests started to fail on s390x but it seems like "reboots" of the lxc container... don't really reboot? i've touched files in /run and i can see them after every reboot mark11:58
xnoxand i expect a fresh /run between each reboot11:58
Laneywhy would that have started now?11:59
xnoxnot sure yet12:00
xnoxbut i see it on s390x/lxc only at the moment12:01
xnoxLaney, is there a better way for me to debug what autopkgtest-virt-lxc is doing? as manual lxc containers do reboot with fresh /run for me12:04
Laneyxnox: pass autopkgtest --debug and ... -- lxc --debug ...12:12
Laneygot to have lunch now, see you in a bit12:12
xnoxLaney, so with debug logs it seems like lxc-wait was timing out... and the container did not actually stop to complete the shutdown part when rebooting12:45
xnoxi've made lxc-wait to be run without a timeout, and increased the wrappers timeout to be longer12:45
xnoximho it looks wrong that lxc-wait timeout is less than the overall command timeout is.12:45
xnoxas the test suite goes to pretend that everything is awesome, when it did not reboot12:46
xnoxand it looks like reboot command was not delievered.... cause i can do lxc-attach out of band and doing sudo reboot makes the test go further12:47
xnoxLaney, i am suspecting we either need to switch s390x to lxd provider and use the pre-published lxd base images, or we need to cherrypick these lxc commits and regenerated artful lxc autopkgtest runner http://launchpadlibrarian.net/336056950/lxc_2.0.8-0ubuntu7_2.0.8-0ubuntu7.1.diff.gz13:25
Laneyxnox: can you SRU them or at least provide a PPA for xenial?13:28
LaneyI'm not going to work on lxd or anything like that for s390x, since we'll be using bos02 soon13:28
Laneythanks for finding the problem13:29
xnoxLaney, do you have RT# of what is blocking you from using bos02?13:29
Laneybut you don't have to worry about that13:30
xnoxLaney, trello card? i thought you had RT#13:30
Laneymaybe William does, but I don't13:30
xnoxLaney, well i'm blocked landing systemd in artful now due to nplan/s390x "regression"13:30
Laneyok, and you found the fixes, so if you provide me with an lxc then I can upgrade to that and then we'll be happy again13:31
xnoxLaney, can you please skiptest nplan/s390x? i guess i can create a qemu vm locally, and test nplan in the adt qemu vm on s390x locally first.13:31
xnoxhmmmm https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-lxc/+archive/ubuntu/lxc-stable13:37
seb128slangasek, hey, is foundations reviewing their rls-aa-incoming bugs still? some like bug #1717009 didn't see much activity13:40
ubottubug 1717009 in fwupd (Ubuntu) "fwupd breaking access to certain usb devices" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171700913:40
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Laneyxnox: did you get an s390x build of that?15:01
LaneyI mean... I guess I could hack the template...15:01
xnoxLaney, well, it's not that simple.15:04
xnoxLaney, as autopkgtest-build-lxc fails with netplan only instances.15:05
Laneybecause why?15:05
xnoxLaney, so it seems we either need bos02 autopkgtest going or switch to lxd or fix more things.15:05
xnoxLaney, because it fiddles with /etc/network/interfaces; does not expect networkd config to be in runtime dirs; and expects chroot alone to work to get working networking, when it also needs to enter the pid and mount space and ipc namespace because resolved is now a stub resolver15:06
xnoxor like setup resolv.conf from the host15:06
xnoxso new lxc template help to get autopkgtest-build-lxc going further, but not to successful completion15:06
xnoxthis is reproducible on any arch15:07
xnoxbut s390x is the only one using lxc backend =/15:07
Laneyguess we should just get this in15:09
smoserbdmurray, around ?15:19
bdmurraysmoser: I have an appointment shortly what's up?15:20
smoserwanted to know what you need from us for cloud-init sru exception15:21
bdmurraysmoser: Ah, I'll have a look again when I get back then.15:22
smoserok. thanks.15:22
lamont-loadkeys '/etc/console-setup/cached_UTF-8_del.kmap.gz' > '/dev/null'17:00
lamont+loadkeys '/tmp/tmpkbd.vNPuVc' > '/dev/null'17:00
lamontwtf?  /etc/console-setup/cached_setup_keyboard.sh seems "not right" after the upgrade just now17:01
mdeslaurcyphermox: any ideas on that console-setup thing? ^17:23
irateminLooking for some assistance on a wifi problem.  Upgraded 17.04 - 17.10 last night.  Wifi connects but continues to show a ? instead of strength.  Unable to resolve any address.  Can ping  Tried forcing DNS to, but didnt fix it.17:24
irateminNetworkManager.conf already had wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no set as others had found a few months ago.17:26
nacciratemin: #ubuntu+1 for support17:27
irateminok, thank you  sorry if this was the wrong spot.17:27
slangasekseb128: we did discuss 1717009 in yesterday's meeting, we declined to target it for 17.10 at the time because we think we already have a full plate between now and release; this seems like something fixable in SRU once an upstream fix is available?17:38
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
seb128slangasek, sounds fine, the bug tag should be tagged to rls-aa-notfixing then right? would be nice also to add a comment stating the decision so others know what's going on :-)18:01
bdmurraysmoser: Looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CloudinitUpdates again all the "TODOs" in the Automated and Manual Test Results need to be done for the tag to get change to v-done correct?18:05
cyphermoxmdeslaur: nope. looks wrong.18:08
smoserbdmurray, yes. so we open a master bug, put that template in, and then for each master bug we would need to attach that stuff.18:08
smoseris that what you were asking ?18:08
smoserpreviously i was asking if you thought this was "Ready to Use"18:09
bdmurraysmoser: And *all* bits are required for it to be verified?18:09
smoseryes that'd be the intent.18:09
bdmurraysmoser: Then, yes its about ready to use - just some formatting changes to the page that I could make.18:10
smoser(but until we replace 'manual' with 'automated', the collected results will be human done)18:10
smoserbdmurray, sure. thanks!18:10
bdmurraysmoser: Should I remove the draft header too?18:10
smoserbdmurray, i have another question... with your general SRU team member hat on18:40
smosercloud-init upstream dropped a dependency on python3-prettytable.18:40
smoserwe dropped that dependency in the artful packaging18:40
smosershould we drop it in the xenial and zesty packaging ?18:41
smoseror just leave it as legacy18:41
bdmurrayIf its not used might as well drop it for new installs.18:42
smoserok. thanks.18:43
smoserblackboxsw, ^ i can make that packaging change quick in ubuntu packaging.18:43
smoserblackboxsw, ok. i did that. you might want to re-fetch upstream.18:47
NMCUNIXHi Guys18:56
NMCUNIXI'm on Kubuntu 17.10 beta 2 - Can I also install the new Gnome Ubuntu desktop by simply doing : sudo apt install ubuntu-session   ?18:57
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=== Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Pharaoh_Atem
jbichabdmurray: silly question, but do xdiagnose and xterm need to be demoted to universe before they are added to utils/demoted.cfg in ubuntu-release-upgrader?23:10
bdmurrayjbicha: demoted.cfg is created automatically so yes23:15
jbichaok, maybe we'll get that done next week23:15

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