
naccrbasak: hrm, nope -- it's not as easy as we hoped :)00:22
naccrbasak: more tmrw00:22
nacc /query rbasak00:54
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drabdisposable: I don't do vlan but in case it helps, here's my bond+bridge: http://dpaste.com/1YCGWKR02:32
drabif you figure out the vlan bit, I'd love o hear back, I'll probably need to implement that too some time soon02:33
lordievaderGood morning06:10
JenshaeSalutations. I am still very new to Ubuntu server. Where would I look for fixes or work arounds? Having the shutdown bug, where it times out at the end and gets stuck. How would I get the log for that? Can I help by submitting the log somewhere?09:01
jenshaeWhy are Ubuntu desktop and server so seemingly separate? Desktop has a kernal bug with fake and software raid, especially RAID5 and Server has a problem shutting down. Can they not give each other solutions to fix these problems? Copy and alter code rather than re-invent the wheel?09:36
dasjoeThey're not actually different10:40
JenshaeI installed server then a desktop and the graphics kept failing. Same Mesa version then same AMD proprietry version as Desktop and ended back on desktop (this is as home)10:43
JenshaeIs it two groups of people who aren't talking to each other?10:43
lordievaderJenshae: Desktop stuff is not really the speciality of this channel, #ubuntu is better suited for desktop questions.10:52
Jenshaelordievader: This is all stemmed off "Why is the Ubuntu Server sitting next to me unable to soft reboot?"10:53
lordievaderDoes it give an error?10:54
JenshaeHang on, will do it again now and copy the errors verbatim10:54
lordievaderPlease post them via a pastebin if multiple lines.10:55
Jenshae" [ OK ] Reached target Shutdown. " That is the last thing it says until it starts giving errors about "Waited 120 seconds without response"10:57
lordievaderWhat command do you use to shut it down/reboot?11:00
jenshaeApologies, the wireless is bad today.11:42
jenshaeWhat was my last message?11:42
lordievaderjenshae: The console output. I asked what command you used to shut the machine down.11:44
jenshaesudo poweroff / reboot11:45
jenshaeI have added a -f flag with 50% success11:45
lordievaderWhat version of ubuntu are you running?11:45
jenshae16.04.3 LTS 4.4.0-96-generic x86_6411:46
lordievaderDoes it work better when you use the systemd commands? (sudo systemctl reboot)11:47
jenshaeIt is a fresh install and updated. Nothing changed, haven't got around to configuring it yet.11:47
jenshaeTrying it now11:47
jenshaeThat worked.11:48
jenshaeWhy would that work?11:48
lordievaderSystemctl is used to talk directly to the init system. Not really sure how poweroff nowadays works.11:49
jenshaei.e. what is the difference?11:49
jenshaeWhat about shutdown vs poweroff?11:49
lordievaderFor as far as I know one is a wrapper around the other.11:49
jenshaeAnother oddity is "login:" and then the username types over that.11:50
jenshae0Thank you lordievader, at least now I feel I am not hard kicking it when I shut it down for the night or weekend. :11:52
jenshaeGoing AFK for lunch.11:53
Proktoshutdown now works fine for me12:01
roaksoax. s/win 413:30
jenshaeWould a journal of the steps I take with this server help for making Ubuntu Server more new admin friendly? I have been self teaching since end of 2015 but it was only a month ago that I learnt about cd -14:05
mdeslaurjenshae: wow, I didn't even know about cd -14:08
mdeslaurthanks :)14:08
jenshaeLike would anyone touch a basic Samba config with a barge pole? "Domain name?" "Folders + permissions?" "Network access password?" and populate the config file.14:08
jenshaeYou are welcome :)14:09
jenshaeThere is also cd ~/Documents and obviously cd .. like Windohs14:09
jenshaeYou can also ssh <ip address> without the username@ if you are using the same one via terminal.14:10
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ahasenackI have a quesiton when a package has both a systemd service file and a sysv initscript14:11
ahasenackit's my understanding systemd takes precedence, and if the action isn't available there, it falls back to the sysv script14:11
ahasenackexample: service <foo> reload14:11
ahasenackif there is no ExecReload in the systemd service file, it uses the initscript's reload action14:11
ahasenackand so on14:11
rbasakI was under the impression that if a systemd service unit is defined, the sysv script is never used.14:12
ahasenacknope :/14:12
rbasakThat may be a bug14:12
ahasenacksee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lighttpd/+bug/1707312/comments/2314:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1707312 in lighttpd (Ubuntu) "reload does not shut down lighttpd gracefully" [Medium,In progress]14:12
ahasenackif I have ExecReload in the systemd service file, that's what is used14:12
rbasakI would argue that it's an error to ever mix the two on the same system.14:12
ahasenackif I do not have it, then it calls the sysv reload14:12
ahasenackyeah, it leads to pain14:12
ahasenackand unexpected behavior14:13
ahasenackso here is my real world example14:13
rbasakI believe systemd catches direct calls to a sysv script somehow if a service unit is in use instead14:13
rbasakPerhaps the "service" wrapper is broken?14:13
ahasenackthe same happens if I call /etc/init.d/<script> directly14:13
ahasenackit will use the systemd service if the action is defined there14:13
ahasenackeven if I remove /lib/systemd/system/<foo>.service, I believe it's just generated again14:14
ahasenackinitially I thought that this decision of what to use was simpler: if systemd service file is there, completely ignore the sysv one14:14
ahasenackbut the fact that it's using a mix: try systemd, if action isn't there, try the sysv one, that was surprising14:15
rbasakPerhaps systemd upstream viewed "custom" sysv actions as actionable via the sysv init script even if a systemd service unit is defined, and that's colliding somewhat with Debian's force-reload action?14:15
ahasenackyeah, it might seem like a good idea14:15
ahasenackbut here is the problem14:15
ahasenackat least with force-reload14:15
ahasenacksince force-reload can restart the service, and do that without systemd knowing14:15
ahasenackwhat happens is that after you do "service <foo> force-reload"14:16
rbasakSounds like you found a rabbit hole :-/14:16
ahasenack"service <foo> status/stop/start/restart" become broken14:16
ahasenackbecause systemd thinks the service is dead (it changed pid)14:16
ahasenackand stop/start/status/restart actions are well defined in systemd, so their sysv counterparts are never used14:16
ahasenackI just filed a deb bug about this in this specific service14:17
rbasakI think this might be a general issue14:17
rbasakPerhaps something for ubuntu-devel@14:17
ubottuDebian bug 877870 in lighttpd "lighttpd: "reload" action breaks further actions" [Normal,Open]14:17
ahasenackthe other bug there is that reload is aliased to force-reload14:17
rbasakAnd I'd want to call Steve's attention to it. Perhaps xnox? ^14:17
rbasakPehraps /etc/init.d/... force-reload should always be considered broken if a systemd service unit exists.14:18
rbasakJust like start/stop/restart, except this time systemd isn't really wrapping it for us.14:19
rbasakAnd perhaps the "service" wrapper needs to handle this more gracefully.14:19
rbasakPerhaps both.14:19
ahasenackI tried adding PIDFile to the systemd service file, thinking that maybe it would monitor the pid in there and realize it changed, but that didn't happen14:19
rbasakI'm almost certain that we definitely don't want both the sysv init script and the systemd service unit both handling the daemon in any case.14:20
rbasakEven if it could be made to work here.14:20
xnoxrbasak, i wish we could kill init.d script when systemd unit exists14:21
ahasenackit indeed sounds like a source of unexpected behavior14:21
xnoxrbasak, because they are annoying and confusing14:21
xnoxlike not have it on disk at all14:21
ahasenacksysv can have generic actions, maybe that should have been blocked14:21
ahasenacklike this one that has "service <foo> reopen-logs" (!)14:21
ahasenackit just sends HUP14:21
ahasenackthing is, HUP really only reopens logs, it doesn't reload the config14:21
ahasenackmaybe that's why it wasn't used for the reload action14:22
ahasenackanyway, systemd at least tries to enforce some sort of standardization, where the policy failed14:22
rbasakDebian standardised sysv too - but didn't preclude custom actions, that's all14:22
jenshaeSmall tangent and your opinions would differ from those of a #debian channel - "I have a desktop that on the day I wanted to install it, I didn't have a large USB with me, so I went with Debian ... why is it so under developed? I had to compile Mesa from make files?"14:27
ahasenacklooks like I jumped the gun with force-reload. It is redirected to systemd14:32
ahasenackcan't find a mention of an alias or something like that in the manpages, though14:32
ahasenacksystemctl takes it just fine14:33
* jenshae is fairly lost14:35
jenshaeWouldn't having two sets of system command potentially create vulnerabilities in conflicts that can be exploited?14:36
ahasenackbugs yeah, exploits would depend14:36
ahasenacka concrete bug is that if you call "service lighttpd reload", all other actions break (service lighttpd stop, start, status)14:36
jenshaeIs it not better then to just link to the original sysv with a shortcut command?14:37
ahasenacksame happens if you call it directly via /etc/init.d/lighttpd14:37
ahasenacksystemd intercepts it, because the sysv script sources files elsewhere14:37
ahasenack". /lib/lsb/init-functions"14:38
jenshaeI mean if you were to remove systemd, have sysv and link the command "poweroff" to it, for example.14:38
ahasenackthat's a lof of "ifs" that require root anyway14:40
ProktoHi, does anyone know a way to increase the verbosity of debootstrap during base system installation?14:40
ahasenackProkto: if you are calling it yourselv, you can add --verbose14:41
ProktoI keep getting an error about packages not being configured correctly but the log isn't helping me much.14:41
jenshaeNot sure root is difficult to get. Been noticing that people use the same password for their keyring as their root password and that you can capture focus from the keyring dialogue.14:41
Proktoahasenack, it's an unattended isntallation14:41
naccrbasak: around? want to start HO early?15:04
rbasakSorry, just seen this. omw.15:11
naccrbasak: thanks15:13
jenshaeHO = ?15:15
naccjenshae: a HangOut (google)15:18
jenshaeHO ... for a podcast? ;P15:21
jenshaeHave a good weekend everyone. o715:23
drabhello folks, question for the good people making packages...16:22
drabI need to mess wih a link created by a package16:22
drabwhat happened a few nights ago is that the pkg was updated and the link recreated to be what the pkg expect it to be16:23
drabhow can I protect that link so that this doesn't happen again?16:23
drabI was thinking something like "alternatives", but the change of link doesn't happen from another pkg16:23
naccdrab: what link and what package? an ubuntu one?16:23
drabnacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ca-certificates/+bug/164728516:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1647285 in nss (Ubuntu) "SSL trust not system-wide" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:24
drabto fix that I manually relink libnssckbi.so16:24
drabhowever when libnss3 gets update that link gets restored to the original one16:25
drabwhich is what happened a few nights ago16:25
drabbreaking all our workstations...16:25
drabbasically what dwmw2 suggested: (With 'alternatives' to let you substitute p11-kit-trust.so for the original NSS libnssckbi.so, etc.)16:26
drabI guess that'd be he correct solution, I could probably make my own pkg and pin it or something so take precedence over libnss3, but no sure how to go about the whole process16:26
drabdon't know debs too well16:27
naccsarnold: --^ could you look at that bug?16:27
drabthat said that is not quite correct tho, because the problem is no just with /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nss/libnssckbi.so , there can be multiple versions of libnssckbi.so16:29
drabfor example on a system with ff installed you also have: /usr/lib/firefox/libnssckbi.so16:30
drabso right now our ansible task runs: locate -b '\libnssckbi.so' | xargs -I{} sh -c 'if [ ! -L {} ]; then cp -p {} {}.orig ; fi ; ln -f -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkcs11/p11-kit-trust.so {}'16:30
drabto replace them all so they all correctly end up using the system wide's CA16:30
sarnoldnacc, heh, drab showed me that bug the other day :/ I think dwmw2's right that the Right Solution is probably to use the alternatives tool to let it be selected, but (a) I don't know if alternatives actually works for _libraries_ -- it might conflict with ldconfig's standard operating procedure (b) that probably ought to be handled in conjunction with debian16:58
naccsarnold: ack17:01
drabin the meantime is thre something I can do?17:13
drabthat is not making the file immutable which would make the install/upgrade fail17:13
drabcould I ping the libnss pkg to be held back or something?17:13
drabso that it doesn't get installed automatically and we can handle it with ansible17:14
sarnolddrab: good idea. dpkg-hold should do it.17:19
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naccrbasak: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25687713/19:30
naccrbasak: automatically generated from a git commit that looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25687723/19:32
rbasaknacc: nice!20:13
rbasaknacc: automatic insertion of Author and Bug-Ubuntu seems a bit wrong. Was that dpkg-source magic?20:13
rbasakPerhaps it grabbed the top changelog entry that wasn't written yet?20:14
rbasakAlso can we use a version in between ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 somehow?20:14
rbasakgbp dch --snapshot might do the right thing for us here.20:15
naccrbasak: yes to both20:22
naccrbasak: that's just what dpkg-source 's template does20:22
naccrbasak: as to the versionn insertion, yes, i wanted to know what you wanted to do20:22
truelaiHey everyone. I have a network interface situation. I can't ping my second bridge, even from the host. what am I getting wrong?20:25
truelai# The loopback network interface20:25
truelaiauto lo20:25
truelaiiface lo inet loopback20:25
truelai# The primary network interface20:25
truelaiauto eno120:25
truelaiiface eno1 inet manual20:25
truelaibond-master bond020:25
truelai# Other physical interfaces20:25
truelaiauto eno220:25
truelaiiface eno2 inet manual20:26
truelaibond-master bond020:26
truelaiauto eno320:26
truelaiiface eno3 inet manual20:26
truelaibond-master bond120:26
truelaiauto eno420:26
truelaiiface eno4 inet manual20:26
truelaibond-master bond120:26
truelai# Bonded Interfaces20:26
truelaiauto bond020:26
truelaiiface bond0 inet manual20:26
truelai        bond-mode 420:26
truelai        bond-miimon 10020:26
truelai        bond-lacp-rate 120:26
truelai        bond-slaves eno1 eno220:26
truelai        bond-downdelay 20020:26
truelai        bond-updelay 20020:26
truelai        bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2+320:26
truelaiauto bond120:26
truelaiiface bond1 inet manual20:26
truelai        bond-mode 420:26
truelai        bond-miimon 10020:26
truelai        bond-lacp-rate 120:26
truelai        bond-slaves eno3 eno420:26
truelai        bond-downdelay 20020:26
truelai        bond-updelay 20020:26
truelai        bond-xmit-hash-policy layer2+320:26
truelaiauto br020:27
truelaiiface br0 inet static20:27
truelai        bridge_ports bond020:27
truelai        bridge_maxwait 1020:27
truelai        address
truelai        netmask 2420:27
nacctruelai: please don't do that.20:27
truelai        gateway
truelaiauto br120:27
nacctruelai: use a pastebin20:27
truelaiiface br1 inet manual20:27
truelai        bridge_ports bond120:27
truelai        bridge_maxwait 1020:27
truelai        address
truelai        netmask 2420:27
truelaiwas supposed to be the paste20:27
truelaisorry guys20:27
truelaiHey everyone. I have a network interface situation. I can't ping my second bridge, even from the host. what am I getting wrong? http://pasted.co/78c9ed4720:27
truelaiwas an accident20:27
truelaias I said20:27
truelaithe paste is in my corrected line20:27
truelaisometimes you forget if you should use ctl-v or the scroll click20:41
naccrbasak: what i'd like to know from you (as architect :) is a) what do you want to be in the default patch file generated by our quiltify and b) what version would you like to see generated?21:07
sarnoldtruelai: what does 'ip route get ....' report for the IP address in qwuestion?21:28
sarnoldtruelai: (note that I know next to nothing about bonding, bridging, etc)21:28
truelaiHi sarnold: dev br0  src
truelai    cache21:35
truelaiIt should be noted that ifconfig shows that that interface (br1) has no IPV4 adr21:36
sarnoldI don't know if I'd trust ifconfig to this task21:36
sarnoldit's not received the same care and attention that ip has21:37
truelaigotcha. anything else to try?21:37
truelainot knowing about bridges is probably gonna hurt your ability to help me but I'm open21:38
sarnoldindeed :) all I've got are asking Obvious Questions and suggesting to look at logs when those might help21:39
sarnoldtruelai: how about using ping -I to select different source addresses?21:40
rbasaknacc: a) the default should be fine, except that I think we need to remove anything grabbed from the previous changelog entry as that's misleading (and misattributes the previous uploader for any errors introduced by the contributor).21:41
truelaisarnold: bind: Cannot assign requested address21:41
sarnoldtruelai: hrm. maybe that one requires running as root?21:42
rbasaknacc: so the invariant template text should be fine I think. The dynamically generated stuff needs to be removed (at lesat).21:42
rbasaknacc: I don't really mind much beyond that. Feel free to tweak. Maybe it's easier to drop the entire header (we can do that fairly reliably programmatically I think) and rewrite our own template?21:42
rbasakIf you copy the invariant dpkg-source template I have no objection.21:42
* rbasak looks into the second question21:43
naccrbasak: i'll need to see how easy that is to do -- it's all internal to dpkg-source21:43
naccrbasak: and i'm hesitant to patch our dpkg if we can avoid it21:44
rbasaknacc: yeah so what I'm thinking is that you can take the output and then strip the header21:44
naccah sure21:44
rbasakOr otherwise alter the header21:44
naccyeah, that's easy enough (I think)21:44
rbasaknacc: while I'm looking21:45
rbasakThe generated isn't "normative" in the sense of the standard quilt settings21:45
rbasakI've intended to write a separate lint check for that, since it helps with future quilt refreshes, etc.21:45
rbasakSo perhaps strip everything before /^---/, "quilt refresh", and then write our own header in?21:46
naccrbasak: you're referring to things like '-p ab', etc?21:46
rbasakMy regexp may be insufficient21:47
naccrbasak: sure, but something like that21:47
rbasak/^---\s+\w/ maybe21:47
rbasak /^---\s+\w/ maybe21:47
nacclooking at the generator for this (in /usr/share/perl5/Dpkg/Source/Package/V2.pm), the generated line (since we control the source, in this case) is "\n---<implicit newline>"21:49
naccbut yeah, yours would catch it too21:49
rbasakFor the second question, I just tried gbp dch --snapshot21:51
rbasakhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25688418/ was the result21:51
naccrbasak: do you want me to use gbp for that?21:51
naccrbasak: or just for comparison?21:51
rbasakI was going to ask - is it already a dependency I think?21:52
naccyeah, it's in the snap21:52
rbasakI would be happy to use gbp for that, certainly for now, if it works.21:52
rbasakBut one catch is that I needed to give it a --since=<commitish> option21:52
naccok, so we'd then require the user to tell us they are building for release?21:52
naccrbasak: right,b ecuase we're not usinng gbp to maintain the source?21:52
rbasakYes. gbp can do its own heuristics. I think it may look for the tag matching the second changelog entry or similar.21:53
rbasakI think we have no choice but to do something similar.21:53
rbasakSo perhaps we can figure out what we need to base from and give --since as that.21:53
rbasakIf we don't commit the resultant debian/changelog, I think it may work correctly after the contributor adds more commits.21:54
rbasakOrdering will break if the contributor rebases, but I think that's reasonable.21:54
naccyeah, we donn't commit any of this yet21:54
naccit's all in a treeish21:54
nacc(that is, the genreated patch isn't available to the user yet)21:54
naccmy concern is this 'snapshot mode' will break the general case21:55
naccor would we only use it when doing the quiltify?21:55
naccrbasak: i think i need to sit down with you and figure out what the goal is :)21:55
rbasakI think I can define my goal21:56
nacc(or maybe s/goal/defaults/)21:56
naccI don't wnat to ahve to pass --release all the time just to do normal work21:56
rbasakI want "git ubuntu clone ...; <commit upstream changes>; git ubuntu build" to provide something reasonable for local install.21:56
rbasakAnd a subsequent "git ubuntu lint" and "git ubuntu submit" to be reasonable, even if the lint indicates that work needs to be done (rebase onto unapplied branch, write proper changelog, etc)21:57
rbasakAnd I'd like, if possible, for that all to happen by default.21:57
rbasakThat's make a great first time drive-by contributor UX21:57
naccbut also, if i do the work to make my own d/changelog, i don't want this garbage snapshot to occur :)21:58
rbasakI don't think it's necessary for this to work if on the unapplied branch.21:58
naccok, so that's the toggle to you?21:58
rbasakI'm leaning that way. I'm not sure I've thought it through fully yet.21:58
naccwhere "being on the unapplied branch" is about the ancestor branch type in pkg21:58
rbasakHow about this.21:59
nacci think that's workable, at least21:59
rbasakquiltify (let's call it that) is independent of whether we're on applied or unapplied, but doesn't touch the changelog.21:59
rbasakIt also only happens automatically if you have not fixed up quilt yourself.21:59
naccyep, I think that all makes sense to me21:59
rbasakAlso, notably, it happens independent of the commit graph according to our algorithm.21:59
naccright, it doesn't use the graph onw22:00
rbasakSo we don't differentiate, can't differentiate, and that's fine.22:00
rbasakchangelogify (let's call it that), if we use "gbp dch", _must_ use the commit graph, since it needs to know what changelog entries to add from the commits.22:00
rbasakLet's assume for now then that we're happy to use "gbp dch" and use the commit graph.22:01
rbasakIn that case, we might try to identify the --since parameter by matching the top changelog entry version string against existing tags.22:01
naccalthough ... that isn't quite right22:02
rbasakIf we do that, as a side effect we'll have detected whether we're on applied or unapplied.22:02
naccok, keep goingn22:02
rbasakLook for import/$version and applied/$version in parent commits.22:02
rbasakIf you see applied/$version, we're based on applied.22:03
rbasakIf you see import/$version without applied/$version, we're based on unapplied.22:03
rbasakI think.22:03
rbasakSomething like that anyway.22:03
naccyeah, it's ancestor check22:03
nacci think we can actually use our 'nearest' applied/import ancestor lookups22:03
naccwhich walk the commit graph currently22:04
rbasakIf we see nothing, but the second changelog entry does match, then we know that the contributor probably added a changelog entry.22:04
rbasakPerhaps we can verify that with an assertion that debian/changelog has changed between that identified commit and HEAD.22:04
rbasakAnd in addition, by identifying that commit we do know whether we're on applied or unapplied.22:05
rbasakHowever, since we also know if the user did or did not add a changelog entry, we know whether or not to changelogify.22:05
rbasakEdge case: the user added multiple changelog entries.22:05
rbasakI definitely want to changelogify if on applied.22:06
rbasakI'm not sure what we should do if on unapplied.22:06
rbasakAutomatic might be nice if it works.22:06
rbasakIf no match, then perhaps on applied we can fail and on unapplied we can warn and not do it or something.22:07
naccrbasak: i think i follow (sorry, i'm fixing two bugs in the snap at the same time)22:08
rbasakI'd prefer the behaviour to be the same if possible though (always detect if changelogify is needed and always do it if it is). If we can do that reliably, that'd be less surprising I think.22:08
rbasaknacc: so I think I've defined what to do in the applied case, and left it open on the unapplied case but we should be able to do something reasonable.22:08
rbasakAnd of course we could always have a --no-changelogify and/or --no-quiltify (using better names) for advanced edge cases.22:09
naccyes, i think my concern was our earlier conversation didn't clarify it to this degree22:09
gunixdoes lxd have any sort of default password for ubuntu images? cause i see they havess22:10
naccgunix: no, I do not believe so. You can use cloud-init to setup keys22:10
rbasakgunix: no. Ubuntu images are supposed to behave the same as much as possible everywhere, and obviously we couldn't do that in EC2 etc.22:10
nacc(and lxd images are cloud images)22:11
gunixok so i have to manually create user and add keys22:11
rbasakgunix: as nacc said. You can use "lxc profile ..." to set up lxd profiles that will put your key in correctly, including for the default profile.22:11
naccgunix: using cloud-init, it's not that manual22:11
naccgunix: although adding a specific user might be manual, yes, not sure how it couldn't be22:12
nacc(where manual again is cloud-init :)22:12
gunixrbasak: how can you do this with lxd profile/22:12
rbasakgunix: run "lxc profile edit default"22:15
rbasakgunix: then add this:22:15
rbasakMerge it in with any keys there already, for example if you have a config section already.22:16
gunixrbasak: i think i figured. i can add via github keys. i add my keys from github, and they get downloaded automatially22:16
rbasakgunix: you can do all kinds of things. See http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html#22:16
rbasakgunix: automatic download from GitHub: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html#ssh-import-id22:17
gunixomg, lxc default edit opened with nano. any way i can open with vim?22:17
rbasakexport EDITOR=vim22:17
rbasakI hate that too, but vim is no place to throw in an unprepared beginner by default :)22:18
gunixrbasak: yea, i figure. it's good that ubuntu cares about noobs. helps linux grow.22:18
gunixrbasak: got it to work with github key. i love this. thank you22:27
rbasakEnjoy cloud-init :)22:28
gunixrbasak: it's fkin genius. i love it.22:32
sarnoldapt-get purge nano22:32
sarnoldeasier than figuring out how to drive alternatives to fix it :)22:33
gunixsarnold: why -get ?22:33
sarnoldgunix: twenty years of finger macros are hard to undo22:33
rbasakHe's not down with the kids :)22:33
rbasakI've tended not to touch alternatives as I see vim as a user choice rather than a system-wide choice.22:33
gunixtwenty. nice. i used linux the last 11 years.22:33
rbasakIt occurs to me that I don't really sysadmin multi-user systems any more.22:34
gunixrbasak: i usually touch everything linux related. it's females i have a problem with. you wand to laugh, but you should not. i am actually married so linux is helping me live healthy.22:34
gunixrbasak: multi-user systems are sooo 2005. so is ad. ansible share ssh keys.22:35
rbasakmulti-uid or just multi-user on the same uid, someone will still get stuck in vi/vim sooner or later :)22:36
gunixoh i feel so bad for them. wait. nope. no. i don't22:44
gunixrbasak: don't worry, i am joking atm. with students and new employees i always promote the easy route so that they get used to linux and start loving it22:45
sarnoldwhen I first tried vi I thought I was ready for it .. and got stuck pretty bad. I used 'talk' to ask another ISP user how the hell to get out of it :)22:46
gunixrbasak: when they ask me about vim, i tell me "well, if you want to sacrifice 2 weeks of your life to be happy the rest of your life, go for vim"22:46
drabsarnold: funny you said that, that was my emacs experience, at least in vi C-c gets you out of it (at least it did back in the days, now it seems to tell you how to quit)23:47
sarnolddrab: hehe yeah I never got my head around emacs23:48
drabI used to make stickers out of this: http://www.darryl.com/viman.gif :P23:48

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