
=== pendulum_ is now known as pendulum
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:50
MooDoohowdy all :)08:17
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:22
MooDoohow are you brobostigon ?08:22
brobostigonhangover after wedding celebration last night. and you?08:23
MooDooI'm fine, just waiting for 1pm lol08:23
diploPart timer MooDoo !08:37
diploMorning all08:37
MooDoodiplo: yeah started at 608:38
diploI'd like that... problem is, most customers don't start till 8, even though I don't deal with them that often08:40
MooDoodiplo: i don't deal with customers directly all the time, so that's ok08:46
diploMy company is old, stuck in their ways, it's good and its bad. Can be so frustrating at times, there is really no need for me to sit in the office08:51
MooDoodiplo: if i didn't have to support staff with trivial things, I'd work from home08:59
MooDoohelps being it manager lol09:18
diploWe don't really have any structure at our place09:27
diploSo what do they do for 4 hours without the IT manager ?09:27
MooDoodiplo: i've a collegue09:30
MooDoodiplo: and our shifts are generally 8 - 4 so people know when we're in and cope when we're not09:33
diploAre you on call MooDoo ?09:43
diddledanmycroft have a version 2.0?! https://techcrunch.com/video/mycroft-open-source-voice-assistant/59c2b725c214e377dac11512/09:44
MooDoodiplo: not officially, but i'll answer if it rings during the week up until 10pm09:48
diploCan't ask more than that with it being not official :)09:50
MooDoodiplo: yeah :)09:51
diddledanwtf is a "functional distro"? https://nixos.org/10:56
diddledanand no it doesn't mean "working"10:57
diddledanthey're using "functional" as in "functional programming"10:57
diddledan"there is no /bin, /sbin, /lib, /usr, and so on. Instead all packages are kept in /nix/store."11:01
diddledanI can't believe cowsay isn't in the default installation!!12:22
diddledanscary email :  https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/HggkskXL/Screenshot%20from%202017-10-06%2013-29-55.png12:30
diddledanmethinks I shall not be opening that pdf12:30
m0nkey_diddledan: Why are you not using Quassel?12:32
* diddledan checks his watch..12:33
m0nkey_Good. I want it installed, working and being used by Tuesday.12:34
diddledangot a spare Ton and Ten (pounds)? https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/DC_Universe_25_Movie_Collection?id=i6sig4CJHDo12:51
diddledanthat's a lotta moolah12:51
diddledandnsmasq vuln: https://security.googleblog.com/2017/10/behind-masq-yet-more-dns-and-dhcp.html (announced Monday by Google, so probably patched already but I've only just heard about it and found it interesting)13:13
diddledanI need something sweet. chocolate.13:14
diddledanI love living with a sweetie shop a stone's throw away13:15
m0nkey_yeah, that dnsmasq bug pushed back the release of pfsense 2.415:08
diddledanI wonder if I've left any wilys about19:27
daftykinsdiddledan: i sure hope not20:11
diddledanit's OK, I think they're all upgraded to Xenial now20:17
diddledanba dum. tsh20:17
daftykinsdiddledan: not like you to have your wilys under controls21:57

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