
xorpadyeah... I want to know what happened to the ubuntu touch recovery02:03
xorpadYou based it on the worst known recovery and removed all the features, when you click backup/restore it's jokes that it tricked you and it's mot going to do a backup02:04
xorpadthis is horrible, whoever is responsible needs to be talked to very sternly02:05
xorpadIt's disgusting how cirppled and unusable the system went between vivid and xenial02:05
xorpadNow I have to write something useful and relevant to the ubuntu touch community before we can even think about pushing people to xenial, yeah that's right people are still using vivid because you keep putting out images and source but you don't seem to care about the quality of it02:07
xorpadyour system partition binaries have dead symlinks in them, including mount, making it impossible to boot the system because you can't mount the partitions02:08
xorpadworst project management I've seen in a reputable organization like this02:09
xorpadit's something I would expect from some fork of a fork of mint02:09
dobeywhy are you here complaining about a dead product?02:17
xorpaddobey, because they messed with what i was working on02:17
dobeyand i have no idea what you're even talking about02:18
xorpadthen ask questions that will have a meaningful answer02:18
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xorpadlots of people can't afford nice new phones, they deserve support02:18
dobeythat seems to be some advice you should perhaps follow02:18
dobeyhow is going on some tirade about a recovery image and vivid going to solve your problem, if you even actually have one?02:20
xorpadyou ask me why i'm complaining about you turning a perfectly working product into one that doesn't work, and has a total lack of functionality02:20
xorpadMy problem is that I need to make a recovery that does things aside from looking like unity02:20
dobeyi still have no idea what you're talking about, or why you're saying "you" or why you're doing so in this channel02:20
xorpadYou being the ubuntu devs02:21
xorpadif you're not one of them, than you have nothing to worry about, but this is pure idiocy, and whoever made the decision needs to know they messed up02:21
xorpada lot of people depend on free opensource software and a lot of us put our faith in ubuntu02:22
dobeyyou are being rude02:22
xorpadwell, whoever made this decision messed up and I wanted them to know it02:22
xorpadthat's all02:22
Son_Gokuxorpad, but wasn't all the ubuntu touch stuff forked by the ubports02:22
xorpadUbuntu keeps making snapshots and new versions, so not completely02:23
blahdeblahThat's just an automated process02:23
dobeyit sounds like xorpad wants to change the recovery to something other than the ubuntu recovery for some reason, and expects it to behave like it would on an android phone, even though it's not android02:23
blahdeblahCanonical doesn't support Ubuntu touch any more02:23
xorpadblahdeblah, yeah that's pretty clear from the lack of caring about the builds02:24
dobeyi'm surprised that stuff is still running, really02:24
Son_GokuI am too02:24
Son_GokuI thought all that stuff was shut off back in June?02:24
blahdeblahDrop us a ticket at rt@ubuntu.com and we can probably make it stop. :-)02:24
dobeyeven when the phone was supported, some of the channels were automated builds for build testing only, and not to be used on real devices generally02:24
xorpadOkay, whatever... i just won't put any faith in ubuntu anymore02:25
dobeybut then, there seems to be quite a few automated things that were set up for phone/unity stuff, still running, that i would expect to be dead now as well02:25
xorpadwhatever, whoever is making these, tell them I was here02:26
xorpadand what I said02:26
xorpadbecause decisions like this shouldn't even be considered by someone on a project like Ubuntu02:26
blahdeblahIt's a build server, and I can say on its behalf that it doesn't care about you or me or anything. :-)02:26
dobeyi still don't know what you were actually trying to say02:26
xorpadthat the code was great and now it's not functional in so many ways02:27
dobeynobody has any idea what "decision" you're takling about02:27
dobeyyou've been very vague02:27
xorpadthe decision to replace part of the firmware that was purpose built and useful it's something that pretty much does nothing02:28
Son_Gokuxorpad, I can pretty much guarantee that it was bitrot that did that02:28
dobeystill lost02:28
Son_Gokumost of the folks (if not all of them) who worked on the Touch project were laid off02:28
Son_Gokudobey: the initialization and system recovery code broke in the automated builds02:29
Son_Gokubasically, bitrot for the Ubuntu Touch firmware images02:29
xorpadit didn't break, it was replaced by useless code02:29
Son_Goku... hence, broken?02:29
xorpadno it does exactly what it is programmed to do02:30
xorpadit's very obvious it was done on purpose02:30
xorpadthis wasn't a bug in an automated system02:30
xorpadit was someone telling ubuntu phone and devs that ubuntu doesn't care about their own stuff02:30
dobeystill no idea what you're talking about02:31
xorpadwell, then you're not the person i should be talking to and you can ignore me02:31
xorpadI've said what I had to say, I'm done, if you don't get it, fine02:31
dobeythere is absolutely nobody you should be talking to, because there is nobody to talk to02:31
dobeynone of that changes the fact that ubuntu is still not android02:32
xorpadSomeone programmed the replacement that doesn't do anything other than joke about how it doesn't work02:32
xorpadand I'm not running android02:32
xorpadI'm running ubuntu02:32
xorpadSimply with a kernel module to handle android drivers so it can run on android devices02:32
dobeythe same recovery image was used on ubuntu phones for roughly 3 years02:34
xorpadAnd then it was replaced with one that has zero functionality02:35
dobey"and then" ?02:35
dobeyubuntu phone has been a dead project for 6 months02:35
dobeyi am pretty certain nobody replaced the recovery image in that time02:35
xorpadwell, the official site is still providing snapshots02:35
xorpadso someones still working on it02:36
dobeythe only people working on ubuntu phone images, are ubport02:36
xorpadNo, so people who aren't affiliated with ubuntu can post images and snapshots and products on ubuntu.com?02:36
dobeyas was previously stated, some automated thing is apparently still running if daily images are being built there02:37
xorpadthen you're not telling the truth, or your not aware of it02:37
xorpadthis was not an automated thing02:37
xorpadIt was a complete replacement of a product wiht one that literally tells jokes about how it doesn't work02:37
dobeyi seriously doubt that02:37
xorpadwell, that02:38
xorpadis why i'm here complaining02:38
xorpadbecause someone did it02:38
xorpadif it wasn't supposed to happen cannonical should track down who's messing with stuff that goes up on their official ubuntu site02:39
dobeyand what image in what channel are you even talking about?02:39
dobeycan you perhaps NOT be vague in a single accusation you're going to throw out?02:39
xorpadno, i'm done with people who have no idea what's going on02:40
xorpadas you clearly don't02:40
LargePrimei see you trolling02:40
LargePrime<xorpad> this is horrible, whoever is responsible needs to be talked to very sternly02:43
Son_GokuI doubt anyone knows anything about ubutouch anymore02:44
Son_Gokuat least anyone working at Canonical02:44
dobeyeven so02:44
dobeyeven the last "devel-proposed" image for mako on system-image.u.c is a year old02:45
dobeyand well, for all the other devices too02:45
dobeyso sounds like someone broke their own junk and then is looking to blame someone else02:46
dobeyand last "stable" channel release was feb 201702:47
dobeyand staging was apparently april 2202:49
dobeyso weird02:49
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tjaaltondoko: hi, next hwe stack update to xenial needs a fix to binutils so llvm-5.0 doesn't ftbfs on arm6406:07
tjaaltonI'll file a bug06:08
ricotztjaalton, doko, hi, you can find built packages at https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/mozilla/+packages06:15
tjaaltonprobably doesn't fix powerpc ftbfs?06:16
ricotzI can't test those06:16
ricotzsame for s390x06:16
tjaaltonI'll push this binutils to x-staging06:17
ricotzcould you do trusty and zesty as well which will be needed too06:18
tjaaltonI don't need trusty06:18
ricotzfirefox does06:18
tjaaltonand don't care much about zesty at this point :)06:18
ricotzdon't be narrow minded here, those backports are not only for X ;)06:19
tjaaltonx-staging is06:20
ricotzright, but this whole backport-request isn't06:20
tjaaltonmy tracker bug is #171620306:20
tjaaltondo you have another?06:21
ricotzanother bug report, no06:21
tjaaltoni'll ask for a s390x builder06:21
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cjwatsonjbicha: stuck cron job following last weekend's network event; fixed, thanks09:45
seb128hum, would be nice if somebody was reviewing the artful queue, things have been sitting there since friday mostly :-/11:48
xnoxLaney, sil2100, slangasek - https://bileto.ubuntu.com/#/ticket/2981 does not have autopkgtest results, how do I request them to be triggered? (i mean all the reverse-depends....)11:52
xnoxi expected for them to be available by now11:52
slangasekxnox: they should have been available nearly immediately; I'm not sure what happened there and don't have time to dig today, unfortunately11:56
sil2100xnox: I need to look into that later on, it's not the first time this happens - I'll try finding some time later today12:07
Laneyxnox: I don't know how that triggering stuff works, think that my results didn't come back last time12:26
tkamppeterxnox, have you seen bug 172183912:58
ubottubug 1721839 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Services asked for by UDEV do not get triggered" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172183912:58
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rbasakniedbalski: around?13:29
tkamppeterAnyone here who can help on a systemd issue? Bug 172183913:47
ubottubug 1721839 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Services asked for by UDEV do not get triggered" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172183913:47
xnoxtkamppeter, so if the SYSTEMD_WANTS is correct in udevadm info output, it means you got the udev rules correct.14:19
xnoxtkamppeter, next you need to figure out the .device unit name in systemd which matches that particular udev device and get the status of it14:20
xnoxtkamppeter, it maybe that the .device, from systemd point of view, is not "started" and therefore said .device units' .wants are not started14:20
xnoxtkamppeter, you can use something like $ systemctl list-units '*.device' | grep pci14:21
xnoxto find your printer, and check the state of that unit. is it active & plugged?14:22
xnoxpossibly a device unit is configured for one of the other udevadm entries, the one that was not tagged systemd?14:24
tkamppeterxnox, the printer was plugged and turned on at that time, as it appeared in the udevadm output.14:27
tkamppeterxnox, I can also start the service manually with "sudo systemctl start XXX.service".14:28
xnoxtkamppeter, i am not asking about the physical real world state.14:29
xnoxtkamppeter, i don't want you to start services by hand14:29
xnoxtkamppeter, i want to see the status of the systemd .device unit corresponding to the udevadm device14:29
xnoxthe two are separate14:29
tkamppeterxnox, starting services by hand was only a test to find out in which stage it fails.14:30
xnoxand confusingly the systemd .device unit state can be "unplugged offline" or "plugged online" and that matters whether wanted corresponding .service files are started or not14:30
xnoxtkamppeter, what is the output and states of all of your systemd .device units?14:30
xnox$ systemctl list-units '*.device' | pastebinit14:31
tkamppeterxnox, "systemctl list-units" has in its output:14:33
tkamppeter● udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2.service                 loaded failed failed    Automatic USB/Bluetooth printer setup (-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2)14:33
tkamppeterxnox, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25707724/14:37
xnoxcool (that output got trimmed, but it looks ok)14:38
xnoxtkamppeter, now you need to figure out why that service failed, as it seems like it was attempted to be started (impossible to know now if automatic, or by you manually, as one needs to reset-failed to get back to clean state after the printer is unplugged)14:39
xnoxtkamppeter, what is $ systemctl status udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2.service ?14:39
xnoxor e.g. journalctl -u udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2.service14:39
xnoxtkamppeter, note that the stuff after @ seems like an incomplete device unit, eg. it doesn't start with sys- (not sure if you need that or not)14:46
xnoxand do note there are %i and %I substitution variables available which can pass the instance name verbantim or systemd-UN-escaped14:47
tkamppeterxnox, What I did today is only plugging and turning on the printer, I did not try to start the service manually. On the other day when I started it manually it was correctly working after the manual start.15:06
tkamppeterThe udev-configure-printer UDEV rules file and systemd .service files are the same as in 17.04 and there they worked.15:09
tkamppeterxnox ^^15:09
tkamppeterxnox, so does %i mean verbatim and %I systemmd-UN-escaped? Or vice-versa?15:09
tkamppeterxnox, here is a complete list-units paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25707920/15:13
tkamppeterxnox, the problem is that automatic start does not work whereas manual start works.15:14
tkamppeterAll data which I pasted for you today is without doing any manual start attempt.15:14
tkamppeterxnox, systemctl status udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2.service --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25707960/15:18
tkamppeterxnox, journalctl -u udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2.service --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/25707972/15:21
xnoxLaney, is there some manual way to run britney? for it to list what tests/packages it would test if it were asked to migrate libseccomp?15:41
xnoxsuch that I would be able to run those tests manually15:41
xnoxi guess i can by-hand look at the reverse-deps15:42
tkamppeterxnox, did you get my pastes?15:56
xnoxtkamppeter, yes, and then you dropped out of irc.15:56
tkamppeterOK, I am back now.15:56
xnoxtkamppeter, it looks like the .service unit was started, did run, and did try to accells /sys/devices....15:56
xnoxtkamppeter, but that - for whatever reason - has failed.15:57
xnoxmaybe the printer/device was not yet "ready enough|15:57
xnoxmaybe the printer/device was not yet "ready enough"15:57
xnoxthus you need to somehow debug that unit, to see why it is failing when systemd starts it, at the time it does.15:57
Laneyxnox: not that I know of16:17
tkamppeterxnox, I have found the cause of the problem now: The directory which needs to get accessed by udev-configure-printer is: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2-2, note that the second last character is a dash. UDEV/systemd(?) inserts for the %i in the second line of the udev-configure-printer@.service file: -devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2, replacing each slash by a dash and the original dash by "x2d" (should it not be "\x2d"? Not su16:25
tkamppeterre what gets inserted for the %I in the ExecStart line, but udev-configure-printer ends up with a /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb2/2x2d2 which it does not find as the "x2d" is not turned back into a dash.16:25
xnoxtkamppeter, sigh16:26
xnoxlet me see if there is an option to unbreak that16:26
tkamppeterxnox, so the problem is the escaping, either UDEV or systemd do it wrong and it is a regression as in 17.04 it worked.16:26
xnoxtkamppeter, it might be a bug-fix actually16:27
tkamppeterxnox, this will probably break all UDEV/systemd interaction with all USB devices, probably even with all PCI hardware.16:27
Laneyxnox: reverse deps and reverse testsuite-triggers16:28
Laneyand the package itself16:28
xnoxtkamppeter, i believe when systemd-escape is called it should be called with "-p --template=...." options16:33
xnoxtkamppeter, '-p' makes the mangling to be path like, but let me test things here.16:34
xnoxtkamppeter, can you paste me the udev-configure-printer@.service unit?16:34
tkamppeterxnox, here we go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25708406/16:37
xnoxtkamppeter, that unit file is invalid16:38
xnoxtkamppeter, it is not a shell16:38
xnoxtkamppeter, you cannot execute multiple commands with ';' or use shell builtins16:38
tkamppeterHere is the UDEV rules file /lib/udev/rules.d/70-printers.rules: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25708425/16:38
xnoxtkamppeter, why do you have sleep 1 there? why is not a separate line?16:38
xnoxtkamppeter, you really should not have arbitrary sleeps =/16:39
xnoxbut that's besides the point16:39
tkamppeterxnox, this was to try out whether it was really due to the printer not ready.16:39
tkamppeterxnox, the original does not have the sleep 116:39
xnoxtkamppeter, note that in systemd ExecStart is not executed by shell, but by direct exec16:39
xnoxyou should have had something like16:39
xnoxExecStart=/bin/sleep 116:40
xnoxExecStart=/lib/udev/udev-configure-pirnter add %I16:40
xnoxbut that's for future reference16:40
xnoxmaybe even ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 116:40
tkamppeterxnox, here is the original .service file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25708443/16:42
tkamppeterxnox, this is the one with which I observed the escaping problem.16:43
tkamppeter\xnox, and as we have observed the escaping problem now, we have a possible cause, the thing of printer-not-ready was an assumption before discovering the escaping problem.16:44
tkamppeterxnox ^^16:44
xnoxtkamppeter, yeah sure.16:50
tkamppeter_ xnox, if I run the systemd-escape commad on the command line by hand, the x2d replacing the dash at the end of the path is actually a \x2d, but it seems that in the further processing the \ gets lost and the unescaping breaks16:54
xnoxtkamppeter_, i'm struggling to create a full dance of udev rule et.al.16:55
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xnoxtkamppeter_, could you please try changing the udev rule to call `systemd-escape -p --template=udev-configure-printer@.service %p` ?16:58
xnoxtkamppeter, also i wonder if we need to quote the SYSTEMD_WANTS="'%c'" rather than just ="%c"16:59
xnoxbut it does smell like a regression16:59
tkamppeterxnox, adding -p I already tried without success.17:03
xnoxtkamppeter, sigh17:04
tkamppeterxnox, am I right that after changing a UDEV rule file it is enough to get the change being used if I run "sudo systemctl restart udev"?17:04
xnoxtkamppeter, $ udevadm control --reload17:06
xnoxand one needs to reset the failed unit state as well17:07
xnoxand then unplug/replug printer17:07
tkamppeterHow do I reset the failed unit state?17:09
tkamppeterxnox ^^17:10
xnoxtkamppeter, read manpages?! =) $ systemctl reset-failed myunit.service17:10
tkamppeterxnox, tried the reset-failed, tried to restart udev and systemd and nothing happens, no new entry in journalctl -u, last entry is from an hour ago:17:20
tkamppeterOct 09 13:12:10 till-x1carbon systemd[1]: udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2x2d2.service: Unit configuration has fatal error, unit will not be started.17:20
xnoxthat is odd, unplugging printer, reseting the unit, plugging printer in, should trigger the unit again17:22
xnox"fatal error" is that unit still with bad =sleep 1?17:22
tkamppeterI have removed the sleep 1 and after that restarted systemd and udev and also replugged the printer.17:23
tkamppeterxnox ^^17:23
tkamppeterxnox, udevadm monitor --environment gives now17:47
tkamppeterSYSTEMD_WANTS='udev-configure-printer@-devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2\x2d2.service' printer.target17:47
tkamppeterxnox, so here the backslash is in.17:48
xnoxtkamppeter, that's good, but paths should really be encoded using -p option, such that this unit name is @devices.... rather than @-devices17:49
xnoxtkamppeter, as in systemd leading slash is discarded, unless it's the only thing hence, for example mount units for / /var /var/lib are encoded as -.mount var.mount var-lib.mount17:50
xnoxtkamppeter, but it does smell like there maybe parsing regression in udevd and/or systemd codes17:51
tkamppeterxnox, adding -p ...17:51
xnoxtkamppeter, is there a way for me to have a fake usb printer in udevadm?17:51
xnoxtkamppeter, can i fake add usb printer to like a VM?17:51
tkamppeterxnox, now I get SYSTEMD_WANTS='udev-configure-printer@devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2\x2d2.service' printer.target17:53
tkamppeterxnox, journalctl -u 'udev-configure-printer@devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2\x2d2.service' gives:17:57
tkamppeter-- Logs begin at Mon 2017-10-09 09:07:44 -03, end at Mon 2017-10-09 14:52:12 -03. --17:57
tkamppeter-- No entries --17:57
tkamppeterxnox, and systemctl status 'udev-configure-printer@devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2\x2d2.service':17:58
tkamppeter● udev-configure-printer@devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2\x2d2.service - Automatic USB/Bluetooth printer setup (devices-pci0000:00-0000:00:14.0-usb2-2\x2d2)17:59
tkamppeter   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/udev-configure-printer@.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)17:59
tkamppeter   Active: inactive (dead)17:59
xnoxtkamppeter, inactive (dead) sounds good, no? it ran and quit?17:59
xnoxor never ran.....17:59
xnoxbut note that the decoding is bad anyway18:00
xnoxthe subject should be %i and it's not good18:00
xnoxactually not sure18:00
xnoxtkamppeter, i do not have any time today to look into this properly, i will come back to the back report sometime this week.18:01
xnoxtkamppeter, i have a few more urgent systemd things to look into18:01
tkamppeterxnox, can you arrange it before Final Freeze on Thursday, so that Artful will have this fixed?18:03
xnoxtkamppeter, no, i cannot commit to that.18:03
xnoxtkamppeter, if you want to escalate, you can tag the bug rls-aa-incoming for core/foundations management to prioritise and assign it.18:04
xnoxtkamppeter, at the moment we are focusing on critical bugs only, that are preventing first-boot, install, reboot.18:04
tkamppeterDoes it mean I set the tag "rls-aa-incoming"? Have I also set another tag and/or subscribe the bug to someone?18:05
tkamppeterxnox ^^18:07
xnoxtkamppeter, rls-*-incoming is away for canonical, to escalate issues cross-teams at canonical. Bugs tageed with such a tag will end up on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-aa-incoming-bug-tasks.html18:08
xnoxtkamppeter, which all teams review during their sprint-board loading and commit to fixing for a timeframe18:09
xnoxtkamppeter, this has been going on.... since like forever, at least since precise? if not before that18:09
xnoxtkamppeter, there are such reports for every realease18:09
tkamppeterAdded the tag now.18:10
tkamppeterxnox, otherwise we have to make it an early-term (0-day, 1st week, 1st month, ...) SRU.18:11
tkamppeterxnox, would be bad if the 17.10 will not have USB printer auto setup for all its life.18:12
tkamppeterxnox, should we tell in the Release Notes that 17.10 is without automatic USB printer setup and that it is worked on it for an early SRU?18:13
xnoxtkamppeter, do edit the release notes, the known issues section, with a link to this bug. if we fix it before release we can remove that note18:14
tkamppeterxnox, Release Notes edited.18:24
xnoxtkamppeter, thanks =/ and sorry18:25
tkamppeterxnox, I could ask willcooke whether you could expense a USB printer so that you can test for fixing it as SRU shortly after release. WDYT?18:27
xnoxtkamppeter, ha18:27
xnoxtkamppeter, no way =) i think it should be doable to reproduce with "ls@.service" and udev rules that does SYSTEMD_WANTS for any device by calling systemd-escape --template=ls@.service %p18:27
xnoxtkamppeter, since one should be able to ls all the dev paths18:28
xnoxtkamppeter, and then i will need to plug in as many usb sticks as i can find18:28
tkamppeterxnox, OK, then we have a way to do it. Take some time after Final Freeze and let us get an early SRU.18:29
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