[11:23] @rbasak Sorry to bother you again but I tried omitting the first "dch -i" in my workflow and still can't get that man page to update. I can see that my change is recorded in util-linux_2.30.1-0ubuntu5_amd.changes but I still get the typo after running dpkg -i with the .deb on my artful system. Maybe I have something set up incorrectly or I'm not actually replacing the version on the artful system? I did track upstream to ke [11:23] will patch there if it isn't already but I think I'll need to figure this out anyway for future bugs [11:24] liam-r: you can run "debdiff " to see if your change actually made it into the source package [11:24] liam-r: can you pastebin that? [11:32] I messed about a bit so there's 3 files as I added a second changelog entry, I've tested building at all stages https://pastebin.com/8UHQBaHV [11:32] thanks [12:08] rbasak I just realized you probably meant to debdiff the .dsc in pbuilder/artful_result but I get some errors when I do that. New paste is at https://pastebin.com/z3Gqxy38 . I need to go back to the day job for a few hours but I'll leave the chat logged in. [12:17] liam-r: util-linux_2.30.1-0ubuntu5.dsc looks fine to me [14:41] rbasak: I ran dpkg -x on the generated .deb I've been installing and I can't find "mount.8" anywhere in the contents. Maybe I've been building or installing the wrong thing? There's a mount.txt note in Documentation that says "== Notes to developers == [14:41] The final solution will be libmount/mount.c as the [14:41] mount(8) command implementation. So, let's keep the [14:41] current mount/* code in maintenance mode and don't try to [14:41] rewrite it :-) [14:41] " [14:42] so maybe it's to do with the package rather than my build of it? [14:46] liam-r: the util-linux source package builds many binary packages with many different names. Are you installing the right one? [14:47] liam-r: looks like you want mount....deb [15:02] rbasak: Thanks, that's it. I had also just thought to mangled the man for fsck and it shows when I install the util-linux deb. [15:02] As a matter of interest how did you figure out that mount.....deb would be the package? Did you go through the build for util-linux or is there an easier way? [15:06] $ dpkg -S mount.8 [15:06] mount: /usr/share/man/man8/umount.8.gz [15:06] mount: /usr/share/man/man8/mount.8.gz [15:06] It's a fair question :) [15:08] Ah ok I had no idea that they could be built from another package and deployed like that. I'll need to sit down with some .deb documentation for a night or two I think :) Thanks again for helping me out so much I was going crazy trying to figure out what I was doing [15:15] No problem. [15:15] It's not built from another package. [15:15] Source packages exist in a separate namespace from binary packages. [15:15] One source package builds one or more binary packages. [15:16] Collorary: each binary package is built from exactly one source package. [15:19] Ah it begins to make sense. Thanks [19:41] Hello, I'm pinging about sponsorship for LP:1716047 (fix trusty's rustc control file).