
floridagram-bot1<SivaMachina> @ahoneybun, Because more is less. Except when it's not. Which is is about the time the offer is up and they charge you up the butt for stuff you didn't want in the first place.01:54
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> Yea it's not too bad right now01:56
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> 10 days until #Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) is released. Plenty of time to organise a release party!13:31
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> https://plus.google.com/+Ubuntu/posts/JGKwfXBzo8r13:31
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> Yep there is13:31
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Anyone up for Orlando on the first weekend in November? The same Uno's Pizza13:35
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> What happens in orlando?14:07
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> We normally drive up on a Saturday and return on Sunday. Just a Pizza Party with those who can make it14:07
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Ooh nice, sounds like fun14:08
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> If my schedule allows it I'll join in14:08
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> That looks like it was fun14:08
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> We had a good turn out last year14:08
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> We can get a turnout like that at a park, like we did last time.14:08
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> it was more for people in central and north who couldn't drive all the way down to that park14:09
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> that park one was pretty fun, I still have that intel computer from winning that android game14:09
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> :D14:09
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> The 1st half of the year release party is local, the 2nd one is up a bit higher14:10
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> I mean, we can get some PI 3/ Pi 3 Zeros and give them away.14:11
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Cool. It seems the last 2 have been in Orlando14:11
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Yes, it makes it easy for those who live outside of the Broward County area to come14:13
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> They get left out of most of the events14:13
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> giant train ride to orlando14:14
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> We are SoFlo, right?14:14
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @RazPi, I wish but it wont be ready for that just yet. Maybe next year14:14
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @AdamOutler, Most of the Ubuntu Fl group is but the group is not limited to South Florida. @itnet7  and @Abrerr are in Central Fl14:15
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Hm, amtrak is 37$ one way14:19
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Then again Keith's car has wifi14:19
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> but we could do a vpn in the train car14:19
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I can fit 4 in my car (+ myself) and the entire ride up would be about $60.0014:20
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> We also dont need to worry about transportation/etc while up there14:21
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Yeah that's a good point14:21
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> I'm not so much worried about cost I thought you might have more fun if you didn't have to drive all the way up14:21
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Actually Orlando Trips are nothing, a few hours of driving14:22
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I used to drive up there at least twice a month when I was a Disney pass holder14:22
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> oh man14:22
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> The Pizza Place (Uno) is also reasonably priced and they have some pretty good food14:23
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> @KMyers i was going through some stuff on my desktop and cleaning it up.  I saw you have a business card 3d print?15:12
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I did make one15:12
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Can i see?15:12
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I dont have one with me right now15:12
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> They are pretty easy to make15:13
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Ewww... I touched a Mac19:09
floridagram-bot1<RazPi> Wow, you need hydrocortizone19:14
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> What happened?19:15
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @AdamOutler, I found a bag of fake Halloween decorations19:16
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> Gah! I'm supposed to do a charity stream for extra-life the first weekend of November20:14
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> And there's no way in hell I want to miss this20:15
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, Nice20:19
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> Any way to reschedule the get together?20:19
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, What day is yours?20:20
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> that stream is a 24 hour stream spread over that weekend20:24
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I will send out a proposal on the mailing list later today so we can vote on a day20:25
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> okay, cool20:25
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> pretty much any weekend except that one, lol20:25
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> @KMyers what was with that Discover tweet from the account>20:25
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @ahoneybun, @$-27. I thought I did that from my personal one20:28
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Removed20:28
floridagram-bot1<ahoneybun> Lol21:33

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