
=== dkylbfyufderehtj is now known as xgtgezpveefdttex
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rbasakcfs: I commented in the bug02:35
cfsrbasak: I see, I've replied.  I'm not sure what is required other to say that trusty-security/universe/source/Sources is not parsable on trusty anymore because of the bad restriction formulas.03:58
cfsAnd that is bad if you depend on being able to do so on trusty.03:59
cfsRather parsing the build dependencies *03:59
rbasakcfs: parseable by *what*? For example, if you showed that rebuilding Trusty on Trusty was no longer possible, that's reasonable.05:02
rbasakcfs: but if rebuilding works, then normally we need to understand *actual user impact* before considering fixing something in a stable release.05:02
rbasakIf you don't want to explain further, your issue may not get fixed.05:03
rbasakThough in this case it might well just get fixed the next time a new version needs to be backported for security05:03

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