
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/YVj0XR7q/file_3341.jpg14:07
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> just had to..... ^^^14:07
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> Hey now14:11
* clivejo wonders if acheronuk is an internet stalker18:51
valorieadjusting to the humidity and cold yet, ahoneybun?20:03
valorieoh shit, RC tomorrow20:24
* valorie cleans it up20:44
clivejois it a distro or not22:49
clivejo#20 on Distro watch22:50
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Lies!22:51
valorieit's just an archive22:51
valoriedoes look and quack like a duck though22:51
* clivejo puts fingers in ears22:51
clivejola la la22:51
valoriedoesn't matter to me22:54
clivejoI love making Jonathan twitch :P22:55
clivejoyou can see him saying "no no no no NO NO" in his head22:55
valoriehe is a bit easy to bait23:06
valorieI wonder if we need new release notes23:07
valorieor can just re-use the beta223:07
valorieseems silly to re-do it with no changes23:07
clivejohaven't we been keeping them updated as we go?23:07
valoriemparillo did the last ones and I have updated nothing23:08
valoriebut hopefully others have23:08
valorieworking on a news story right now23:08
valoriethat restart puts me on the RC maybe23:54
valorieall good so far23:55
valorienow off to dinner23:55

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