
ikeyhttps://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/08/msg00090.html <- thats a lot of words for "we kinda want snapd working."01:52
=== ikey is now known as ikey|zzz
mupPR snapcraft#1600 closed: options: fix core-dynamic-linker on ppc64el/s390x <Created by cjwatson> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1600>03:27
mupPR snapcraft#1595 closed: tests: fix the skip of snapd integration tests in armhf <bug> <Created by elopio> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1595>03:30
CreateChangehello, where can i find an actual list of snap packages03:38
CreateChangei am struggling to that end03:38
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
zyga-ubuntugood morning06:02
mvohey zyga-ubuntu06:07
mvozyga-ubuntu: hrm, hrm, looks like we need 2.28.2 and pull in #4004 (nice number). I didn't see this pr and I'm not sure I would have spotted the significance. did we improve the validation in 2.28 or why did it start breaking suddenly?06:14
mupPR #4004: interfaces/lxd: lxd slot implementation can also be an app snap <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4004>06:14
zyga-ubuntumvo: hello, I think this is lxd on core (not classic) and we never touched this06:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: so lxd-as-a-snap vs lxd slot provided by core06:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: I think it was never working but perhaps my assumptions are wrong06:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: and it looks untested, maybe we test it in the nightly "important snaps work" thing but I didn't check yet06:17
zyga-ubuntumvo: although, the wording "stopped working" in the lxd bug report seems to imply improved validation06:18
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, stgraber indicated it is a regression - anyways, I am fixing now but would love to understand better why we see it now, maybe pawel knows06:19
zyga-ubuntumvo: as far as I understand it interface validation never prevented snaps from refreshing (we juts logged it) and while this has changed rencently it's not 2.28 material06:21
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, its not the refresh, its the connection that is no longer working for him06:22
zyga-ubuntumvo: hmm, on Ubuntu 14.04 we only have 2.27.5 available, why is that?06:51
zyga-ubuntumvo: I was trying to understand a failure in 2.27.6 when installed on 14.0406:51
zyga-ubuntumvo: it would fail with Failed to enable unit: File snapd.refresh.timer: No such file or directory06:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: 2.27.6 should be in proposed, also via core re-exec06:54
mvozyga-ubuntu: what failure on trusty is that, is there a forum post?06:54
zyga-ubuntumvo: it's this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/172207507:03
mupBug #1722075: package snapd 2.27.6~14.04 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 <amd64> <apport-package> <package-from-proposed> <zesty> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1722075>07:03
zyga-ubuntumvo: but I think it's weirder than I initially thought07:03
=== JanC is now known as Guest86327
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
mupPR snapd#4019 closed: release: snapd 2.28.2 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4019>07:05
mvozyga-ubuntu: is it 2.28.3 material? i.e. should I hold back this release?07:07
zyga-ubuntumvo: no, I think it's not meant to work07:09
zyga-ubuntumvo: but I'm still looking07:09
zyga-ubuntumvo: 17.04 system (upgrade from 16.10) with 14.04 package07:10
mvozyga-ubuntu: thanks for investigating07:13
mupPR snapd#4020 opened: tests: add test for lxd interface <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4020>07:15
mwhudson__chip__: my snapcraft pr is only about half way down the list, they must be slacker than you guys :)07:17
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: so um i guess we should package 2.28.2 for debian?07:17
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: yes, I think so07:20
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: btw, interesting observation07:20
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: recent 9.2 stable release of debian had brand new flatpak07:20
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: perhaps we could do the same07:20
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: good thing i don't have anything at all to do between now and artful release, eh?07:20
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: hmm07:20
mwhudsonzyga-ubuntu: although 2.28 should work ok via reexec thanks to the graceful apparmor stuff you did07:21
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: I need to fix my VM box (reinstall the OS on new drive and then copy data over)07:21
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: yep but we could try to get it into 9.3, if there is one07:21
zyga-ubuntumwhudson: we could pick the right stable release and go along with it07:21
mwhudsonyeah that'd be good07:22
zyga-ubuntuhmm, has the new snap pack landed?07:24
* zyga-ubuntu looks07:24
mupPR snapd#4015 closed: run-checks: use nakedret to check for naked returns on long functions <Created by chipaca> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4015>07:38
mupIssue snapcraft#1604 opened: Homebrew still on snapcraft 2.33 <Created by jedvardsson> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1604>07:40
zyga-ubuntuand mup is still using wrong URLs for github issues07:41
__chip__zyga-ubuntu: snap pack is on master, if that's your q07:42
zyga-ubuntuyep, that's what I wanted, thank you07:45
mupIssue snapcraft#1605 opened: lib* files in $SNAP/usr/lib/ links to /usr/lib/ <Created by wmmihaa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1605>07:55
mvocachio: good morning. we have a new 2.28.3 that fixes an issue with the lxd interface in the beta channel07:58
mupPR snapd#4021 opened: release: snapd 2.28.3 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4021>08:00
* zyga-ubuntu -> tea08:14
zyga-ubuntuspread test for content looks good; I fixed some issues and found one missing case that is now handled (source bind mount)08:14
zyga-ubuntuoh, chipaca is gone?08:17
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: hello08:43
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: not sure if you are up yet but I'd like to review and land https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/396508:44
mupPR #3965: interfaces/mount: add support for parsing x-snapd.{mode,uid,gid}= <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3965>08:44
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: it has one +1 already and I could use a review from you next08:44
Chipacapedronis: are you really around?09:11
Chipacai guess it's early even if he were09:12
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: o/09:22
zyga-ubuntuthank you for the response on the froum09:22
zyga-ubuntuhow are you feeling09:22
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: better today, thank you09:23
Chipacai'll be off to physio in a bit, that also helps09:24
mupPR snapcraft#1606 opened: kbuild plugin: if the parts build dir already contains a .config file, use it as the base config <Created by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1606>09:28
Chipacaok, off to physio09:42
mupIssue snapcraft#1604 closed: Homebrew still on snapcraft 2.33 <Created by jedvardsson> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1604>10:16
ackkit seems my snap is not able to resolve hostnames, but it has the 'network' interface (and it's connected). how can I debug what's going on?10:19
mupIssue snapcraft#1605 closed: lib* files in $SNAP/usr/lib/ links to /usr/lib/ <Created by wmmihaa> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/issue/1605>10:19
kalikianaackk: I find running it in devmode helpful in case something's being blocked by apparmor because you'll get log messages10:31
ackkkalikiana, so, it seems it's trying to access stuff under hostfs, like resolv.conf or os-release10:31
ackkbut it shouldn't really need that10:31
ackkI mean, having the "network" plug it should have connectivity?10:32
popeyAs a user, I have a snap which I think broke in 2.28. To confirm, how do I easily go back to core 2.27?10:32
kalikianapopey: `snap revert` gets you back to the previous revision, you can also do `snap revert core --revision=2925` for a specific one, but afair it must be one of the last three you had on your system10:35
zyga-ubuntupopey: can you share more information10:35
popeyhiri is broken on my nvidia laptop10:35
popeyworks on my intel laptop10:35
popeyit _used_ to work10:35
popeyI am trying to figure out if hiri broke their snap or we did10:35
kalikianaackk: Yes. Probably something's trying to be smart. Although /etc/os-release should be accessible just fine, other things may be blocked10:36
zyga-ubuntupopey: can you show any apparmor denials10:36
zyga-ubuntupopey: and confirm that it works on 2.27.x10:37
zyga-ubuntupopey: also can you run hiri from command line with SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes10:37
popeyI asked how I can go back to 2.27 :D10:37
ackkkalikiana, I see stuff like Oct 11 10:36:48 snap kernel: [2414545.321369] audit: type=1400 audit(1507718208.501:1586): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.lxd.lxc" name="/var/lib/snapd/hostfs/etc/nsswitch.conf" pid=5797 comm="lxc" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=010:37
zyga-ubuntuah, wait10:37
popeyTell me that and I will :)10:37
ackkkalikiana, I doubt lxc is opening that file explicitely10:37
zyga-ubuntupopey: that's all I need10:37
zyga-ubuntuthank you10:37
mupPR snapd#4021 closed: release: snapd 2.28.3 <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4021>10:39
kalikianaackk: does lxd have no network? if that's the case you might want to `snap disable lxd; snap enable lxd`. I've seen it some time ago and that was my work-around10:40
zyga-ubuntupopey: can you please help me out10:41
zyga-ubuntupopey: I need you to do this:10:41
kalikianaackk: and, put those logs in a bug report ideally10:41
zyga-ubuntupopey: sudo /usr/lib/snapd snap-discard-ns hiri #  (correct the snap name if needed)10:41
ackkkalikiana, disable/enable didn't work10:42
ackkkalikiana, the snap has the network plug connected10:42
zyga-ubuntupopey: SNAP_CONFINE_DEBUG=yes snap run --shell hiri10:42
ackkkalikiana, lxd does have network, lxc doesn't seem to10:43
popeyalan@hal:~$ sudo /usr/lib/snapd snap-discard-ns hiri10:43
popeysudo: /usr/lib/snapd: command not found10:43
zyga-ubuntupopey: sudo SNAP_NAME=hiri strace /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine snap.hiri.hiri -o snap-confine.strace10:43
ackkkalikiana, but lxd runs unconfined10:43
zyga-ubuntupopey: popey sorry, /usr/lib/snapd/snap-discard-ns hiri10:43
zyga-ubuntu(missing /)10:43
kalikianaackk: I'm not following... `lxc` is just the command line tool of lxd. What exactly is not working?10:43
ackkkalikiana, if I run lxc image list ubuntu:10:43
zyga-ubuntupopey: snap-confine should never access /sys/module/nvidia_modeset/uevent so I'm curious what is going on10:44
ackkkalikiana, that fetches the simplestreams index from the image server. that fails10:44
zyga-ubuntupopey: also paste snap version here (I only care about the distrO)10:44
ackkkalikiana, a curl of the same url from cmdline of course works10:44
popeyzyga-ubuntu: hang on10:44
kalikianaackk: Can you tr `lxc image list --debug --verbose ubuntu:` and see if it gives some diagnostics?10:45
popeyalan@hal:~$ snap version10:46
popeysnap    2.28.110:46
popeysnapd   2.28.110:46
popeyseries  1610:46
popeyubuntu  16.0410:46
popeykernel  4.10.0-35-generic10:46
popeyzyga-ubuntu: ^ What next?10:49
ackkkalikiana, just the same error: Get https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/streams/v1/index.json: lookup cloud-images.ubuntu.com: no such host10:49
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1603 xenial:amd64 xenial:armhf xenial:arm64 artful:amd64 zesty:arm6410:51
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.10:51
elopiosnappy-m-o autopkgtest 1602 xenial:amd64 xenial:armhf zesty:amd6410:52
snappy-m-oelopio: I've just triggered your test.10:52
zyga-solus popey: please exit the shell10:56
zyga-soluspopey: and run strace command again outside10:56
zyga-solussorry for the confusing input10:56
* zyga-solus fixed his T430 just now 10:56
popeyzyga-solus: are you expecting an strace file, because I have none, just spat to terminal10:57
popeyzyga-solus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25719391/10:57
zyga-soluspopey: perhaps put -o just after strace10:57
zyga-solusbut let me read this10:58
kalikianaackk: Maybe ask in #lxc-dev I'm running out of ideas10:59
ackkkalikiana, ok, thanks10:59
zyga-soluspopey: sudo SNAP_NAME=hiri strace -f -o snap-confine.strace /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine snap.hiri.hiri /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec hiri.hiri11:01
* zyga-solus is walking in the dark here but let's keep our minds open11:01
popeyzyga-solus: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25719424/11:05
* zyga-ubuntu found a bug11:06
zyga-ubuntupopey: when you ran this, did you see any denial?11:08
popeyzyga-ubuntu: [Wed Oct 11 12:11:09 2017] audit: type=1400 audit(1507720265.562:197783): apparmor="DENIED" operation="file_mmap" profile="snap.hiri.hiri" name="/snap/core/3017/usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec" pid=26893 comm="snap-exec" requested_mask="rm" denied_mask="rm" fsuid=0 ouid=011:11
popeythats the only denial when i re-ran your strace above11:11
zyga-ubuntuhmmm, that's weird11:11
zyga-ubuntuit says that the profile disallows running snap-exec11:12
zyga-ubunture-run that with snap-exec path of just /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec11:12
zyga-ubuntu(so everything the same but with different command at the end11:13
popeycannot snap-exec: cannot parse revision "": invalid snap revision: ""11:13
popeyalan@hal:~$ sudo SNAP_NAME=hiri strace -f -o snap-confine.strace /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine snap.hiri.hiri /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec hiri.hiri11:13
popey^ was the command11:13
zyga-ubuntuafter sudo add SNAP_REVISION=... where ... is the real revision of hiri11:14
zyga-ubuntu(little by little)11:14
popeyalan@hal:~$ sudo SNAP_REVISION=15 SNAP_NAME=hiri strace -f -o snap-confine.strace /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine snap.hiri.hiri /usr/lib/snapd/snap-exec hiri.hiri11:15
popeyseems to be just sat there11:15
zyga-ubuntulook at denials please11:15
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: what does snap-confine.strace do?11:16
zyga-ubuntuit's just a file name11:16
Chipacaso, jd.strand shared a magic strace of magics11:17
Chipacastrace -o /tmp/trace -D -f -vv -e '!_newselect,select,clock_gettime' -- /usr/bin/snap run <thing>11:17
Chipacathe filtered-out thing is the important bit imho11:18
zyga-ubuntupopey: ls -ld /sys/module/nvidia/version11:18
Chipacawithout that strace gets bamboozled by go11:18
Chipaca(or by our unusual usage of go)11:18
popey-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Oct  2 20:44 /sys/module/nvidia/version11:18
zyga-ubuntupopey: ok11:18
zyga-ubuntuI'm lost11:18
zyga-ubuntusnap list --all11:18
zyga-ubuntupopey: and please revert to one of the older core revisions you have on your system (the previous one)11:19
zyga-ubuntupopey: then discard the namespace and try again11:19
popeyhttps://pastebin.canonical.com/200343/ is my snap list --all11:19
popey(sorry, contains private snaps so not publicly sharing)11:20
popeyso core 2898 which is 16-2.27.6 i guess?11:20
Chipacapopey: don't forget to stand on the _left_ side of your _right_ foot while reverting, and the order is: adopt stance, start whistling tune, execute commands, leave stance, stop whistling11:20
zyga-ubuntupopey: core                  16-2.27.6                    2844  canonical         core,disabled11:21
zyga-ubuntupopey:  try tihs one11:21
zyga-ubuntupopey: actually11:21
zyga-ubuntubefore you do that11:21
zyga-ubuntupopey: try Chipaca's advice on how to strace11:22
Chipacaneed i mention that the tune is rms's free software tune, backwards and in a minor key?11:22
flexiondotorgzyga-ubuntu: popey is reverting to 2898.11:22
flexiondotorgHis irc client is a snap and froze. Which is why he is not replying right now.11:23
* Chipaca ROTBL11:23
* flexiondotorg end popey-proxy mode11:23
popeyok, interestingly my irc clent (irccloud-desktop) locked up during 'phase 2' whatever that is, but carried on after the rollback which is neat. well done team :)11:24
popeyinstalled:   16-2.27.6 (2898) 85MB core11:24
zyga-ubuntuflexiondotorg: interesting!11:25
popeyOk, hiri now works fine atfer rolling back to 2.2711:25
zyga-ubuntupopey: try hhir now11:25
zyga-ubuntupopey: ok11:25
zyga-ubuntupopey: please do this:11:25
zyga-ubuntupopey: send me all the apparmor profiles from /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.*.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine11:25
popeyzyga-ubuntu: sent11:27
zyga-soluslet me look11:28
* zyga-solus walks between kitchen and office11:28
zyga-ubuntupopey: ok so the working one is 289811:30
* zyga-ubuntu looks11:30
zyga-ubuntupopey: it makes no sense :/ it looks like the new profile is more forgiving actually11:33
popeyzyga-ubuntu: we have confirmed that this is also the case with a completely different snap, on another nvidia machine which is 17.1011:36
popeyreverting to core 2898 made the snap work there too.11:36
zyga-soluspopey: it looks like nvidia is affected in general11:36
popeyalso an opengl snap11:36
zyga-solusnot specific to hiri11:36
zyga-solusnow would be a good time for me to have easy way to use nvidia :/11:36
zyga-solus(which I don't)11:36
popeyThis is not the first time this problem has bitten us.11:36
zyga-solusI understand, we don't have any testing of nvidia AFAIK11:37
popeyIndeed, wasn't pointed at you. It's common across the company.11:37
zyga-solusI meant me for debugging, I think we need to fix our release process to include simple "works / not works" opengl testing on intel, nvidia and amd GPUs11:37
popeyI happen to be lucky enough to have two laptops side by side, nvidia and intel, so pick this stuff up. Not everyone has that luxury11:38
zyga-solusor just nvidia for a start11:38
zyga-soluspopey: I have 3 but all intel11:38
popeyI understand you can spin up a machine in AWS with a GPU11:38
popeyThere's your problem :)11:38
zyga-soluspopey: with ubuntu kernel?11:38
popeyHm, good question. I am not sure.11:38
zyga-solusprobably not11:38
* zyga-solus looks on ebay11:38
popeyseparately, will I be stuck on rev 2898 now I reverted to it?11:39
popeyor will the next update push me forward again?11:39
zyga-soluspopey: not sure, I think refresh vs revert but not sure if this is implemented11:40
popeyShall I file a bug in snapd for this?11:41
popeyFeels somewhat critical11:41
zyga-soluspopey: no, the forum thread is enough11:41
popeyzyga-solus: do you need remote access to an nvidia machine (I have a desktop here I can slap 16.04 on)?11:45
zyga-soluspopey: that wold help11:45
popeylemme dig it out, one mo11:46
zyga-soluspopey: thank you11:46
zyga-ubuntumvo: what is the status of your nvidia box?11:47
zyga-ubuntumvo: I have a laptop but unused, I could try to boot it from live media or maybe swap HDD and install that way (it's not used by me and has other os)11:47
mvozyga-ubuntu: I have a nvidia card somewhere I don't use it usually, but I can plug it in11:47
zyga-ubuntumvo: if that fails I'll try to install ubuntu on mine11:48
mvozyga-ubuntu: let me try to find it, any opengl game will do?11:49
zyga-solusmvo: yes11:49
zyga-solusmvo: or just try hiri11:49
mvozyga-ubuntu: what did change in this area recently? could it be snap-confine?11:50
zyga-solusmvo: I was looking at the diff between the snap-confine profiles and we did change various things for how the lib directory is called in solus and elsewhere11:50
zyga-solusmvo: but we never ever touch the file we get the denial on11:50
zyga-solusmvo: so I think something else may be broken11:50
zyga-solusmvo: and we just see the weird side effect11:51
mvozyga-solus: I see  - I wonder how we can test this in an integration test11:51
zyga-solusmvo: modprobe nvidia (maybe) if it sticks11:51
mvozyga-ubuntu: what file gets the denials11:51
zyga-solus [ 2879.277628] audit: type=1400 audit(1507710260.432:1680): apparmor=“DENIED” operation=“open” profile="/snap/core/3017/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia/uevent" pid=13789 comm=“snap-confine” requested_mask=“r” denied_mask=“r” fsuid=0 ouid=011:52
zyga-solusnot sure how this happens11:53
zyga-solushold on, I think I know11:53
zyga-solusjdstrand said that nvidia is not in sysfs the regular way and added a hack for supporting udev tagging, remember?11:54
zyga-solusone sec11:54
zyga-solusmvo: it is this patch11:56
mvozyga-solus: strange that denial, I add the card now, bbiab (need to open the machine etc)11:56
* Chipaca needs to reboot, brb11:56
zyga-solusmvo: I'm making a patch11:57
zyga-soluspopey: still there?11:59
zyga-soluspopey: refresh to stable again11:59
zyga-soluspopey: and edit the profile in /etc/apparmor.d/11:59
zyga-soluspopey: the one for snap-confine on revision 3017 (if I recall correctly)12:00
zyga-solusanyway, the latest one12:00
zyga-soluspopey: ls /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia/12:01
zyga-soluspopey: in the file you are editing go to line 6 (so inside the { } spanning the whole file)12:02
zyga-soluspopey: and add this line(s) (waiting for your ls output)12:02
zyga-soluspopey: /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia/uevent r,12:03
zyga-soluspopey: then save the file and use "apparmor_parser -r /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.3017.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine" to re-load12:03
zyga-soluspopey: then start hiri again12:03
popeyok. took a while to get to refresh core. updated now12:03
zyga-ubuntupopey: thank you12:03
popeyalan@hal:~$ ls /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia/12:05
popey0000:01:00.0  bind  module  new_id  remove_id  uevent  unbind12:05
zyga-ubuntuadd the uevent line as I said, reload the profile and start hiri12:06
zyga-ubuntuwe'll iterate till it works12:06
popeyso added that one uevent r line12:06
popeyhiri still core dumps12:07
popey[Wed Oct 11 13:09:07 2017] audit: type=1400 audit(1507723743.250:198339): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.hiri.hiri" name="/proc/17939/mounts" pid=17939 comm="hirimain" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100012:09
popey[Wed Oct 11 13:09:09 2017] audit: type=1400 audit(1507723744.825:198340): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.hiri.hiri" name="/etc/" pid=17939 comm="hirimain" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=012:09
popey[Wed Oct 11 13:09:09 2017] audit: type=1400 audit(1507723744.833:198341): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.hiri.hiri" name="/proc/17953/mounts" pid=17953 comm="hirimain" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100012:09
popey[Wed Oct 11 13:09:09 2017] audit: type=1400 audit(1507723744.837:198342): apparmor="DENIED" operation="open" profile="snap.hiri.hiri" name="/proc/17954/mounts" pid=17954 comm="hirimain" requested_mask="r" denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=100012:09
zyga-solusnothing else? can you connect the mount interfaces12:09
* ogra_ sets +q on popeybot 12:09
zyga-solusor try a some simple opengl snap/12:09
popeyi have another gl one that broke12:10
popey(for ogra)12:10
popeyand another12:11
ogra_you can ignoe inet612:11
zyga-ubuntupopey: works?12:11
popeyall broken12:11
ogra_(and we shoudl really quieten it, they should not be printed if there is no v6 network configured)12:12
mvozyga-solus: \o/ for making a patch, let me know once I can test something12:12
zyga-ubuntumvo: still at the /o\ stage, I need to wrap my head around this, I assumed a simple tweak would do but I think we tag things incorrectly somewhere and there are devices missing in the namespace12:12
zyga-ubuntumvo: so no patch yet12:13
zyga-soluspopey: can you try a richer patch please12:18
zyga-solus+    # See https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/commit/b17d5ba8d46c269dbaba08c0484a13e1e1c9e9e712:18
zyga-solus+    /sys/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia/uevent r,12:18
zyga-solus+    /dev/nvidia[0-9]* r,12:18
zyga-solus+    /dev/nvidiactl r,12:18
zyga-solus+    /dev/nvidia-uvm r,12:18
zyga-soluspopey: reload the profile and watch journalctl -f12:19
zyga-soluspopey: then restart hiri12:19
Chipacawhat was the generic name, on the phone, of things that mediated access to things? like the file manager12:19
zyga-solusChipaca: media hub12:19
ogra_Chipaca, content-hub12:19
zyga-solussorry :)12:19
ogra_but media-hub was clöose enough ;) (same thing. just for media files)12:20
Chipacaright, the content hub was one of them, wasn't there a name for all of them?12:20
zyga-solustrusted helper?12:20
ogra_trusted helper was the equivalent to snap intefaces12:20
zyga-soluswell, not really12:20
zyga-soluswe will use trusted helpers in snapd (we already use some)12:21
popeystill broken..12:21
ogra_(to allow direct accesds to bits ... like location or so)12:21
zyga-solusanyway, distraction12:21
zyga-soluspopey: any denials?12:21
zyga-solusdid you reload the profile?12:21
zyga-soluspopey: try discarding the namespace (just to be sure, I don't think we need to)12:21
popeyi did reload the profile12:21
popey^ me running hiri, goxel and ohmygiraffe12:22
popeytried discarding namespace too, also fails12:23
zyga-soluspopey: go to /sys/fs/cgroup/devices12:25
zyga-soluspopey: what do you have there12:26
popeylots of files, anything in particular you're interested in?12:27
zyga-soluspopey: snap.*12:27
zyga-solusgo to hiri12:28
zyga-solusthen show devices.allow please12:28
popeyit's an empty file12:30
popey--w------- 1 root alan 0 Oct 11 13:23 devices.allow12:30
zyga-soluscat it12:30
popeyalan@hal:/sys/fs/cgroup/devices/snap.hiri.hiri$ sudo cat devices.allow12:30
popeycat: devices.allow: Invalid argument12:30
zyga-solusaww, drat12:31
zyga-solusok, one sec12:31
zyga-soluswe don't log that12:31
zyga-solusit's the oldest part of snap-confine12:31
zyga-solusand one I barley touched12:31
zyga-solusso it doesn't log anything useful12:31
zyga-solusI'm afraid we need some build/edit cycles12:33
Chipacais this something breaking in 2.28, or is it broken before that?12:34
popeyam installing 17.10 on an nvidia machine here for you if that helps12:34
zyga-solusChipaca: 2.2812:34
Chipacazyga-solus: is it a blocker?12:34
zyga-soluspopey: yes, very much12:34
zyga-solusChipaca: yes12:34
Chipacazyga-solus: am I sad?12:34
* Chipaca is sad12:34
Chipacapopey: thank you for spotting it though12:35
Chipacazyga-solus: what aren't we testing?12:35
Chipacado we need to have an nvidia 16.04 box as part of qa?12:35
zyga-solusChipaca: absolutely12:36
Chipacahow do we do this?12:36
zyga-solusChipaca: I'd just make sure that cachio has a nvidia box to test on12:38
zyga-solusChipaca: and then try external target12:39
Chipacacachio: you're about to become a gamer dude12:39
zyga-solusChipaca: and ensure we run opengl snaps as a part of that12:39
popey(don't forget AMD) :)12:39
* Chipaca forgets AMD because it sucks12:39
* Chipaca looks for a fight12:39
zyga-soluspopey: we have no amd-specific code12:39
popeyshocked emoji12:39
* Chipaca stops looking for a fight and starts looking for tea12:39
* zyga-solus is starving, I need to break for food now12:39
mvozyga-solus: took a little bit, had to tweaks various things in artful and had the wrong nvidia driver (how is a user supposed to know twhich of nvidia-NNN he/she needs?). anyways, I can test things now too12:46
zyga-ubuntumvo: I think the driver package makes that12:47
zyga-ubuntumvo: did you install the proprietary driver?12:47
* kalikiana moving to a coffee shop, back in a bit12:48
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'd like to know which devices are in the cgroup12:48
zyga-ubuntupopey: can you cat devices.list12:49
zyga-ubuntupopey: on your existing machine12:49
zyga-ubuntupopey: so12:50
zyga-ubuntupopey: it looks like we don't do nvidia part correctly12:50
zyga-ubuntunvidia is 19512:51
zyga-ubuntuI'll update the forum12:51
zyga-ubuntupopey: what do you have in "ls -l /dev/nvidia*"12:55
zyga-ubuntupopey: we may be able to test a fix on your system with some shell12:55
popeyi have a desktop machine here ready for you12:55
zyga-ubuntupopey: ok, let me ssh in and play,12:58
zyga-ubuntupopey: but I see what is broken12:58
zyga-ubuntunot sure why yet12:58
popeyneeds an update, so apt dist upgrade while you do other things :)12:58
* popey gets quick bite to eat13:04
popeywill listen out for pings13:04
tai271828hi, question: do we have kernel snap that is corresponding to "proposed kernel"? especially for pi2 kernel.   may anyone know and please tell me the answer? (googled "pi2 kernel snap" and I think the answer is "no")13:07
ogra_tai271828, proposed as in the proposed deb archive ?13:08
tai271828ogra_: yes, and I just found this https://launchpad.net/pi2-kernel-snap13:08
ogra_tai271828, the beta and candidate channels get uploads in sync with the proposed deb13:08
tai271828ogra_: hmmm, cool, then I must misunderstand something, thanks for clarifying13:09
tai271828ogra_: thanks!13:09
ogra_tai271828, note that the pi2 kernel in stable is actually stuck due to the missing ability to upgrade gadgets on devices ... typically the snaps woould move on from beta/candidate to stable (but without working gadget upgades they wouldnt boot, the binary blobs are to old in the stable gadget currently)13:11
tai271828ogra_: got it, thanks for the useful information.13:12
=== ikey|zzz is now known as ikey
mupPR snapd#4022 opened:  interfaces/opengl: don't udev tag nvidia devices and use snap-confine instead (2.28) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4022>13:35
=== JoshStrobl|zzz is now known as JoshStrobl
slangasekhi, what has changed between core snap 2898 and core snap 3017?  Because this has broken the subiquity server image, /var/lib/snapd/seed doesn't seem to get processed correctly at boot and so subiquity doesn't start13:41
mvoslangasek: there were quite a few changes, do you have more details in what way things break? what can I do to reproduce?13:42
slangasekmvo: you can download and boot http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/artful-live-amd64.iso13:43
mvoslangasek: thanks, downloading now13:43
slangasekmvo: the only thing visible in the systemd journal is that snap-confine can't find libudev.so.113:43
mvoslangasek: any denials in dmesg?13:45
ogra_mvo, systemd from the PPA out of sync with the distro llibudev ?13:45
slangasekmvo: apparmor="DENIED" on /rofs/etc/ld.so.cache13:45
ogra_wow, where would /rofs come from ?13:46
slangasekit's a live image13:46
slangasekso root is an overlayfs + squashfs13:46
slangasekand the real path is not the apparent path13:46
slangasekso I guess one of the changes was to confine snap-confine itself?13:46
slangasekmwhudson: ^^ so, that's what's going on with the latest image13:47
mvoslangasek: we always had snap-confine confined13:47
ogra_we do have a patch to systemd in the PPA that makes the core snap have a differentlly versioned libudev package thoough13:48
ogra_mvo, that should have gone into a live-build hook instead i guess13:49
ogra_(til the actual systemd SRU lands)13:50
slangasekindeed, there's also a denial for /rofs/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1.6.613:50
slangasekwhich is probably the real one13:50
slangasekso, should we be extending the apparmor profile to account for /rofs as a special case?13:53
ogra_given that the fix is actually something that should rather live in /etc/sysctl.d, we shoulld probably just rework it to come either via a llive-build hook or via ubuntu-coe-config13:53
ogra_that perhaps as well :)13:53
slangasekjdstrand: ^^ ping13:53
zyga-ubuntupopey: I rebooted your machine, let's hope it re-connects13:54
popeyi see black screen13:54
popeywith a mouse cursor13:54
popey(It could just be slow)13:54
popeyit's back, desktop up13:55
mvoogra_: that systemd package can be removed from the ppa13:55
mvoogra_: let me kill it now13:55
mvoogra_: the actual fix is in the core build git13:56
mupPR snapd#4023 opened: tests: fix econnreset scenario when the iptables rule was not created <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4023>13:56
ogra_ah, right13:56
slangasekmvo, ogra_: does removing this systemd package from the ppa relate to the apparmor denials, or something else?13:56
ogra_slangasek, just to "out of sync with the archive regarding versioning" ... i think the denial actually requires the addition oof /rofs13:57
slangasekI'll chase jdstrand in person, thanks :)13:57
mvoslangasek: what I wonder about is why this worked before. we always had an apparmor profile around snap-confine and never allowed /ro14:02
ikeyok further to my slightly skewiff snapcraft forum post, i need to create a snap without a core dependency, and apparently "bare" is the way for this. are any ubuntuisms expected of my snap, and is it possible for me to properly have my /lib64 /usr/lib64 /usr/bin etc directories present in my snap?14:03
mupPR snapcraft#1606 closed: kbuild plugin: if the parts build dir already contains a .config file, use it as the base config <bug> <Created by piso77> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1606>14:05
jdstrandmvo: slangasek tracked me down. I suspect that the compiler options changed and libudev isn't being linked in statically14:06
ikeyi want to make a decent steam snap and ironically that means not using ubuntu for the base of it, hence the query..14:07
jdstrandmvo: I have a vague recollection that zyga touched this semi-recently (I could be wrong). We have traditionally statically linked in libseccomp and libcap (and honestly, libudev). not sure why this would've changed...14:07
zyga-ubuntuDEBUG: running snappy-app-dev add snap_snapd-hacker-toolbelt_busybox /dev/nvidia0 195:014:07
zyga-ubuntuDEBUG: running snappy-app-dev add snap_snapd-hacker-toolbelt_busybox /dev/nvidiactl 195:25514:08
zyga-ubuntuDEBUG: running snappy-app-dev add snap_snapd-hacker-toolbelt_busybox /dev/nvidia-uvm 247:014:08
zyga-ubuntuDEBUG: running snappy-app-dev add snap_snapd-hacker-toolbelt_busybox /dev/nvidia0 195:014:08
zyga-ubuntuDEBUG: running snappy-app-dev add snap_snapd-hacker-toolbelt_busybox /dev/nvidiactl 195:25514:08
zyga-ubuntuDEBUG: running snappy-app-dev add snap_snapd-hacker-toolbelt_busybox /dev/nvidia-uvm 247:014:08
popeyzyga-ubuntu: i see ohmygiraffe14:08
zyga-soluspopey: is there a giraffe on your screen?14:08
zyga-ubuntupopey: \o/14:10
jdstrandmvo: slangasek mentioned udev as the denial. I see /rofs/etc/ld.so.cache referenced in backscroll. that might be related-- not sure when ld.so will be used if all libs are statically linked. if so, we need to add that to the profile14:10
slangasekjdstrand: fwiw I just checked, and linkage of snap-confine is not different between the two images14:10
slangasekalthough, do I need to look at snap-confine within the core snap itself?14:11
slangaseksec, let me nest my loop mounts one level more14:11
jdstrandmvo (cc slangasek): however, I wouldn't expect snaps to work *today* on a live session, so this isn't a regression, is it?14:11
jdstrandslangasek: you would need to look in core, yes14:12
jdstrand(cause eof reexec)14:12
slangasekjdstrand: looked inside core_2898; snap-confine in there is also dynamically linked against libudev14:12
zyga-soluspopey: is hiri running?14:12
slangasekjdstrand: and this is a regression for subiquity specifically, which somehow *did* work before the core update, even if other snaps apparently do not14:13
popeyits slowly loading14:13
slangasekjdstrand: (we had it working in the 17.04 image, and it was working in artful dev until today)14:13
popeyyes, i see hiri now14:13
zyga-soluspopey: wooot14:13
zyga-soluspopey: so we have a fix14:13
jdstrandslangasek: I wonder why subiquity is (now?) using a snap...14:13
jdstrandI mean, why is snap-confine running at all?14:13
jdstrandcause, if we fixed this issue and made snap-confine be happy, it'll then launch something that will be sad (if in strict mode)14:14
slangasekjdstrand: that is also not new - it was a) let us move faster with subiquity during release freeze, b) dogfood snaps, c) make subiquity something that anyone can download into a maas ephemeral environment14:14
slangasekit's a classic snap, not strict14:15
jdstrandok. I find this quite curious. what happens if you allow /rofs/etc/ld.so.cache?14:15
jdstrandI guess you just need read?14:15
slangasekI expect so14:16
slangasekallow it> by editing the apparmor profile in the live env?14:16
jdstrandslangasek: yes14:16
jdstrandgrab the profile that corresponds to the core snap14:17
jdstrandslangasek: use snap list to get the revision of core. then edir /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.<rev>.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine14:18
jdstrandslangasek: if that is ro, just cp /snap/core/current/etc/apparmod.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine14:19
jdstrandslangasek: then modify and load that copy14:20
slangasekjdstrand: well, thus far 'snap list' says nothing, because things fail early enough that the seed is never fully processed AFAICS.  But yeah, I'll dig, thanks14:20
jdstrandzyga-solus: fyi, rofs might actually be a future consideration for snap-confine.d (ie, snapd detects it is in a live image, adds some policy)14:21
jdstrandzyga-solus: all future, nothing to do now14:21
zyga-solusjdstrand: hello14:21
zyga-solusjdstrand: future as in in the next 6 days for artful release?14:21
zyga-solusjdstrand: we need your review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/402214:21
mupPR #4022:  interfaces/opengl: don't udev tag nvidia devices and use snap-confine instead (2.28) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4022>14:21
jdstrandslangasek: you don't need snp listist then, just copy out of current like I said14:22
zyga-solusjdstrand: it's an urgent fix for 2.28.x14:22
* jdstrand nods14:22
zyga-solusmvo, jdstrand: if we need this rofs support for the artful release we should know and do this now so that it's ready14:23
zyga-solus(on time)14:23
mupPR snapcraft#1588 closed: lxd: use SUDO_UID for ID mapping <bug> <Created by kalikiana> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1588>14:23
zyga-solusslangasek, jdstrand: if you are sprinting now and make this decision please tell mvo and me ASAP14:25
slangasekzyga-solus: we are sprinting but are in different rooms ;)14:25
mupPR snapcraft#1348 opened: repo: setup a foreign arch and sources <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1348>14:26
mupPR snapcraft#1382 opened: rust plugin: make libc configurable <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1382>14:26
slangasekaaaand now I've booted this image again and the problem did not reproduce. yay?14:26
slangasekso possibly racy on top of everything14:26
mupPR snapd#4024 opened: debian: fix replaces/breaks for snap-xdg-open (thanks to apw!) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4024>14:27
zyga-solusslangasek: not yay14:27
zyga-solusslangasek: mvo said it doesn't work for him14:27
slangasekzyga-solus: snapd doesn't work, or reproducing doesn't work?14:28
slangasekI just rebooted and reproduced the failure again14:28
mvoslangasek: I had downloaded the image, booted and it failed14:28
mvoslangasek: let me try again14:28
mvoslangasek: but yeah, looks racy14:28
* kalikiana food14:29
mvozyga-*: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/current/artful-live-amd64.iso14:29
jdstrandmvo, zyga-solus: reviewed 402214:31
mvojdstrand: what shall we do about the /ro issue from slangasek? add support for that too?14:32
mvojdstrand: I'm still puzzled how this evar worked?14:33
slangasekjdstrand: so if I edit the profile under /etc/apparmor.d, apparmor_parser -r, and systemctl restart snapd, snapd overwrites the profile again and loads the original14:33
slangasekjdstrand: so I'm not sure how I should test the result14:34
jdstrandmvo: fyi, I recommended even better future-proofed rules14:35
mvojdstrand: in 4022? yeah, +1 for that14:35
mvoslangasek: please don't restart snapd, it should be fine without a restart14:35
jdstrandmvo: re 4022> note, I recommended one set, and 3 seconds ago recommended a better set14:35
slangasekmvo: so what should I do in order to test?14:35
mvoslangasek: and yes, on restart it will rewrite the rules, it is very opionated about that14:35
slangasekall the snaps get unmounted14:35
mvojdstrand: heh, ok14:35
jdstrandmvo: I'm puzzled too14:35
jdstrandslangasek: the test is, load the profile and don't restart snapd14:36
mvoslangasek: uh, you need to restart snapd so that it applies the seed, right?14:36
slangasekjdstrand: ok but then what?14:36
jdstrandslangasek: then launch whatever subiquty is doing14:36
slangasekwhat subiquity is doing is running the bits from the snaps, that are not mounted, because snap-confine failed and things were rolled back :)14:36
mvoslangasek: what changes did jdstrand suggest?14:36
jdstrandthat is a fun spelling14:36
ackkkalikiana, so it seems that adding the network slot to the lxc app actually makes it not work with network :)14:36
ackkquite odd14:36
slangasekmvo: adding /rofs/etc/ld.so.cache as a test14:37
jdstrandmvo: an r rule for the /rofs/ ld.so.cache14:37
jdstrand(that isnt the full path14:37
mvoslangasek: ta, I can try that and snap install /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/* manually14:37
jdstrandman, irc is *laggy*...14:37
slangasekah, testing that here as well14:37
jdstrandyes, snap install  a classic snap14:38
slangasekapparmor profile overwritten again14:38
jdstrandthen run snap run --shell snap.command14:38
jdstrandthat is enough to get snap-confine going14:38
slangasekbut this time the core snap has stayed mounted14:38
zyga-ubuntupopey: is the giraffe still around?14:38
slangasekjdstrand: I see apparmor denials for both ld.so.cache and libudev14:39
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: where did you push it?14:39
jdstrandzyga-ubuntu: I haven't pushed anything14:39
zyga-ubuntuah sorry14:39
jdstrandslangasek: I suggest copying the fileand loading that14:40
jdstrandsnapd shouldn't rewrite the file and load it then (and if it does, at least your changes aren't overwritten, you need only reload)14:40
slangasekjdstrand: oh, because the file doesn't have to have the same name as the path?  hurr ok14:41
jdstrandslangasek: it is the contents of the file that matter. the filename is just convention14:42
slangasekjdstrand: ok.  I have to add rofs for both libudev and ld.so.cache, and then I get farther... and then we get the same error for libpthread.so.014:43
jdstrandmvo: I'm curious. with 4022, with only the code changes, the apparmor rules are required?14:43
slangasekjdstrand: why are the libs from the rootfs being used instead of those inside the snap?14:43
slangasekisn't that the real issue here?14:43
mvojdstrand: I am not sure if they are strictly required, I had some denials when testing hiri14:43
popeyzyga-ubuntu: giraffe is back!14:43
zyga-ubuntupopey: great14:44
zyga-ubuntupopey: so it works14:44
zyga-ubuntuI'll close the window now, that's all I need14:44
zyga-ubuntupopey: thank you very very much14:45
jdstrandslangasek: I think what was maybe happening before is that snapd was considering the live session as "not Ubuntu' and running snapd in non-restrictive mode14:45
jdstrandmvo: does that sound plausible? ^14:45
popeyzyga-ubuntu: np, shall I shut this down now?14:45
mvojdstrand: let me check os-release14:45
zyga-ubuntupopey: yes, I think it's good now14:45
zyga-ubuntupopey: just label it "zyga" and put it on the shelf ^_^14:46
popeywas about to ask :D14:46
jdstrand(and snap-cofine's profile wasn't loaded and between the two, things worked cause snap-confine wasn't confined)14:46
mvojdstrand, slangasek: fwiw, I added /rofs/a-bunch-of-libs, now it fails on /vow/upper/var/lib/snapd/cookie14:46
jdstrandyeah, this is exactly the road I was talking to slangasek about running snaps in t he live image the other day14:46
jdstrandwe aren't gong to fix this whack-a-mole14:46
jdstrandwe need the previous behavior when on live session14:47
jdstrandsnap-cofine should not be confined and snapd needs to be cool with that14:47
mvojdstrand: well, os-release says ID=ubuntu so previous versions *should* have confined it too14:47
mvojdstrand: but obviously reality disagrees with me14:48
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: aha14:48
jdstrandthis is indeed puzzling14:48
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: by sayin "shoud not be confined" do you mean that in live sessions we should unload the profile14:48
slangasekprevious working image still available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily-live/20171010.1/artful-live-amd64.iso for comparison14:48
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: or just disable apparmor in the kernel?14:48
jdstrandslangasek: I thought for live fs there was something about detecting if apparmor was there and not using it14:49
jdstrandpassing apparmor=014:49
jdstrandsomething in the init script14:49
slangasekoh?  let me see14:49
slangasekI don't find any references to that in livecd-rootfs14:50
jdstrandsomething... (I can't recall the details)14:50
slangaseka userspace process is allowed to disable apparmor after boot?14:50
mvojdstrand: that sounds very plausible to me, if apparmor is disabled we detect that and things should work14:51
kalikianaackk: Interesting. Not what I would've expected...14:53
jdstrandmvo, slangasek: I bet what is happening is that the apparmor initscript is not loading /etc/apparmor.d. *but* snapd is reexcing and loading snap-confine's profile14:54
jdstrandmvo, slangasek: so napd needs to detect if on live session and not do that14:54
jdstrandslangasek: disable apparmor after boot> no. userspace can choose to not load profiles though14:55
jdstrandmvo: fyi, /lib/apparmor/functions /profile-load has: [ -d /rofs/etc/apparmor.d ]  && exit 0 # do not load if running liveCD14:56
jdstrandI gotta run14:56
slangasektest -d /rofs/etc/apparmor.d && exit 014:56
slangasekthat's in the apparmor init script14:57
mupPR snapcraft#1573 closed: WIP project_loader: parse YAML without processing it <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1573>14:59
zyga-ubuntuI wonder how can we detect that15:00
zyga-ubuntubeing in live session15:00
ogra_well, see above ... if /rofs exists ...15:00
mvoslangasek: the old image (based on 2898) fails in the same way for me15:00
ogra_(there are many other indicators though ... )15:01
kalikianakyrofa, sergiusens: Can I get a final review on https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/141215:01
mupPR snapcraft#1412: lxd: snapcraft refresh in containers <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1412>15:01
mvojdstrand: (see above, the previous 2898 is broken for me as well)15:01
mvoslangasek, jdstrand: on reboot it works now15:02
jdstrandmvo: so, reexec for snap-confine is loading the appropriate profile into the kernel. it shouldn't on livefs (see reference from me and slangasek, above)15:03
jdstrandmvo: in the reexec code, just looke for /rofs/etc/apparmor.d and don't load15:04
jdstrandthat should immediately fix this issue15:04
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: ok15:04
jdstrandI can't comment on when it was first introduced15:04
jdstrand(the regression)15:04
jdstrand. we've had reexec for ages, so not sure what it is showing up only now15:05
ogra_perhaps it should simply boot completely without reexec in live ?15:05
kalikianasergiusens: elopio: Also a real review here would be appreciated https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/156815:05
mupPR snapcraft#1568: lxd: don't re-inject the same snaps <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1568>15:05
ogra_(given thats a simple env var that might be easier to implement)15:05
jdstrandogra_: that would be simple. I don't know the requirements for livefs15:05
ogra_just use the deb until you install15:05
jdstrandthat does seem reasonable to me. mvo? ^15:06
elopiokalikiana: I'm still confused by that one. Aren't we checking the md5 of the .snap file?15:06
mvojdstrand: yes, working on a patch now15:07
ogra_mvo, just addint SNAP_REXEC=0 to casper defaults would do15:07
kalikianaelopio: Then let's discuss it :-) Yes, md5sum is used to see if the files are the same15:07
ogra_(assuming server uses casper for live)15:07
mvoogra_: interessting - jdstrand, what do you think about about "<ogra_> mvo, just addint SNAP_REXEC=0 to casper defaults would do"?15:08
kalikianaelopio: Did you run it more than once with the same container while testing? If you do a cleanbuild you won't see a difference15:09
elopiokalikiana: so, I don't understand why it knows that the core snap is the same and doesn't reinstall it, but it doesn't work the same way for the snapcraft snap and it is reinstalled?15:09
jdstrandmvo: I think that is very reasonable15:10
jdstrandI suspect you can test that right now15:10
elopiokalikiana: Sergio said it's because core comes from the store, and the snapcraft snap is a --dangerous install. But if we are checking the .snap, I don't understand that difference.15:10
jdstrandI forget how casper works otoh15:11
kalikianaelopio: Was the snapcraft snap the same? From your comment I can't tell15:11
mvojdstrand: could you pass it to steve, he seems to have dropped from irc. I will wait for his feedback and otherwise I will go ahead with a 2.28.4 with the nvidia fix but without any special subiquity15:11
jdstrandI need to focus on the sprint atm. I'' check back15:11
jdstrandmvo: yes15:11
kalikianaelopio: it should work for x versions as well, as long as the md5sum matches15:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: please don't fork 2.29 before we backport all the fixes from 2.28 to master15:11
mvojdstrand: thank you! I will be here waiting for feedback15:11
mvozyga-ubuntu: +10015:11
elopiokalikiana: I think so. I built a snapcraft.snap from your branch. Installed it with --dangerous. Ran container builds once, core and snapcraft are installed. Ran it again, only snapcraft is installed.15:12
elopioso it's identifying the repeated core. But as far as I understand, it should also identify the same snapcraft. Unless I'm missing a step or misunderstanding something...15:14
kalikianaelopio: Yeah. It's just the .snap files.15:16
kalikianaelopio: Does the code make sense to you? I don't know if there's a case I'm missing...15:21
elopioI think it makes sense. From reading the code, I got the idea that both store and local snaps would be checked and installed only if needed. kalikiana is there something you want me to try here?15:24
elopiokyrofa: ping. We are getting this in artful and zesty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25720772/15:26
* kalikiana thinking15:26
kyrofaelopio, those tests should be tagged as xenial-only15:26
kyrofaelopio, are you moving them around by any chance?15:27
kalikianasergiusens: btw this is also waiting on your re-review https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/154615:28
mupPR snapcraft#1546: cli: update parts cache in the container <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1546>15:28
kalikianaelopio: I just tried here again, with a new container, works 100% fine... `SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS=1 snapcraft -d pull` twice, second time I get `Not re-injecting same version of 'snapcraft'`15:30
kalikianaelopio: Did you test this way also?15:31
elopiokyrofa: I don't think I've touched them. And I see no != xenial skip in there. I can add it.15:31
elopiokalikiana: I tried without the `-d pull`. I can try again15:31
kalikianaelopio: The `-d` is just so you see the message, any command is fine15:32
kalikianapull is just the cheapest operation15:32
kyrofaelopio, hmm. That error isn't really unusual though, I'm surprised we haven't seen it more15:33
kyrofaelopio, we should add a way to ack pubkeys15:33
elopiokyrofa: so, how does it pass on xenial if it can't validate the keys? Could this be caused by a newer apt version or something like that?15:36
kyrofaelopio, yeah maybe. Or sha1 invalidation?15:36
kyrofaWe need to investigate15:36
kyrofaRather: I will investigate :)15:36
kyrofaI've got a few things on my queue though-- can it wait a bit?15:37
elopiokyrofa: do you want me to propose the skip?15:37
kyrofaelopio, it depends on how soon you need those tests to pass15:37
elopiokyrofa: I don't yet have the xenial results yet, but it seems to me that's the last blocker for the release. I'm not sure if sergiusens wanted to release this week, or the next.15:39
zyga-solus /me -> math with son, ping if emergency15:39
elopiokalikiana: so, please confirm the steps I'm running. Checkout your no-reinject branch, build a snap from that branch, install that snap. snapcraft init, and SNAPCRAFT_CONTAINER_BUILDS snapcraft twice.15:40
kalikianaelopio: assuming you have =1 in there like I did above, yes15:42
kalikianaelopio: Do you see log messages about installing or "not re-injecting"?15:43
elopioI will let you know in a few minutes when I have the snap built.15:44
elopioI didn't run with --debug, I will do that this time.15:44
kalikianaelopio: Okay. Thanks a lot!15:50
elopiokalikiana: now it seems to work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25720936/16:00
elopioI can't explain how I got the log with only snapcraft reinstall :/16:00
zyga-solusmvo: re, all good?16:01
mupPR snapcraft#1590 closed: setuptools: conditional Debian-specific deps <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1590>16:02
kalikianaelopio: Interesting. The inherent problem with manual testing I guess...16:02
elopiokalikiana: oh wait, maybe I know!16:04
elopioon my previous log, my snapcraft version was x2. So I reinstalled the snap snap, and ran two container builds from scratch.16:05
elopiokalikiana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25720968/ same log as before. Any idea how x2 could be different from x1?16:06
mvozyga-solus: still waiting for slangaseks feedback is seeding SNAP_REEXEC=0 in casper is sufficient16:06
jdstrandmvo: I advised slangasek to use SNAP_REEXEC=0 and he is testing that16:08
mvojdstrand: cool, thanks16:09
slangasekjdstrand, mvo: I am somewhat contended right now (just pulled into another meeting), I am going to test it as quickly as possible but don't know if I'll get it done before lunch (eta 20m)16:10
mvoslangasek: thank you, keep me updated. I'm preparing a new snapd right now but will wait with the release until you had a chance to test the env string16:11
mvoslangasek: I will just wait for your feedback16:12
slangasekmvo: does that mean that, once tested, you will be fixing this via snapd and I don't need to change livecd-rootfs?16:12
mvoslangasek: the other way around :)16:13
slangasekmvo: once tested, I will change it in livecd-rootfs and you will make no changes to snapd? :)16:13
mvoslangasek: if the re-exec env does not work for you I can fix in snapd, otherwise I will leave it out of snapd16:13
mvoslangasek: correct16:13
elopiokalikiana: here's an idea. When snapcraft is x2 in the host, in the container it will be installed as x1 on the first execution. On the second execution it compares x2 with x1, and then reinstalls it on the container. Now both the host and the container have x2, so the third execution will not reinstall it. Would that make sense?16:14
mvoslangasek: I think it makes more sense to customize the env in casper than to hardcode this behaviour in snapd. if you give me a pointer how I can do it I can test it here myself16:14
slangasekmvo: the rootfs is an overlay, so everything is editable; I was going to drop a snippet into /etc/systemd/system/snapd.service.d/ that sets Environment=SNAP_REEXEC=016:16
slangasekmvo: file extension must end in .conf, and Environment must be set under a [Service] block16:16
mvoslangasek: ta16:19
mvoslangasek: testing now16:19
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slangasekmvo: tested here also, and it passed16:26
jdstrandmvo: this isn't super-urgent since the apparmor accesses for snap-confine for the nvidia thing are safe, but I'm really puzzled how a stat on a file in /dev is causing those for you. I *think* the root cause was that my original PR was always intended for 2.28, but for some reason didn't make it there (so that is something to consider how to improve)16:26
kalikianaelopio: Ah. Yes. It would be looking for the same x2.snap which wouldn't be there.16:27
mvoslangasek: reliable?that is great16:27
kalikianaelopio: Unfortunately the x is a continuous number, nothing we can do here16:27
mvojdstrand: I'm not sure either, I think we need to do a proper retrospect on this16:28
mvojdstrand: when the fires are out of course :)16:28
zyga-susejdstrand: could it be the snappy-dev-app helper?16:28
mvojdstrand: so probably post-sprint16:28
jdstrandmvo: sure, that's fine. there were several issues. I want to make sure they are all knownand addressed16:29
mvojdstrand: yeah, I think we are in agreement16:29
mvojdstrand: do you think we need more for the .4 release?16:29
jdstrandmvo: for example, I thought I did the initial PR inenough time for it to be in 2.28 (indeed, I worked on it with priority so it would be there), but I must have missed a fork16:29
mvojdstrand: I can check the exact timing16:30
kalikianasergiusens: Can this be merged, please? https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/151216:30
mupPR snapcraft#1512: pluginhandler: clean error for BasePlugin.run{,_output} <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1512>16:30
jdstrandmvo: so, why did I miss that, how can I not miss it in the future, how can snapd team make that easier for me. that sort of thing16:30
zyga-susejdstrand: was the PR tagged for 2.28?16:31
zyga-suse(tagged as in github milestone)16:31
mvojdstrand: +116:31
jdstrandmvo: obviuosly there is the QA aspect (why didn't QA see that an lxd consuming snap broke, why didn't qa see that opengl failed on nvidia)16:31
jdstrand(I know that last one, the CI tests don't have nv hardware, which is why I mocked it)16:31
* jdstrand happens to also not have nvidia hardware16:31
zyga-susejdstrand: qa process doesn't involve nvidia unfortunately16:31
* jdstrand nods16:32
jdstrandzyga-suse: right, so we need to figure out how to do that, even if manual, whenever we see changes for nv16:32
jdstrandeg, hey zyga-suse, I patched something with nvidia, can you test real quick?16:32
zyga-susejdstrand: agreed16:32
zyga-susejdstrand: we were discussing similar measures16:33
jdstrandniemeyer also said we should all run candidate.16:33
zyga-susejdstrand: all releases smoke tested on nvidia HW16:33
zyga-susejdstrand: and also all nvidia-touching code really tested as well16:33
jdstrandanyway, don't have to discucss here. niemeyer and I talked about it. I'd like to participate in the post-mortem to make sure I know all the agreements and can adhere to them16:33
jdstrandzyga-suse: yeah16:34
jdstrandlike, I *knew* nvidia was busted. so I did the PR. unfortunately it didn't hit .28(failing), the fact that I happened to notice nv would fail was a failing. if we actually needed additional apparmor rules, that was also a failing (I'm really curios if they were actually needed)16:35
jdstrandok, lunch16:35
mupPR snapcraft#1536 closed: repo: implement :target suffix for package names <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1536>16:35
zyga-susejdstrand: we need apparmor permissions to stat files, right?16:36
kalikianaelopio: Can you please comment on the PR? I'm really trying to get my list of PRs down :-D16:38
elopiouh, sorry, my comment was caught in a network issue.16:39
kalikianaelopio: Ah, I see it now... not to be demanding, but I was thinking *review* comment ;-)16:40
mvoslangasek: for me the journy was slightly more complicated, when I do "printf "[Service]\nEnvironment=NO_REEXEC=0" > /etc/systemd/system/snap.subiquity.started.service.d/no-rexec.conf" (and added the basedir) things work, but it needs to be that because the "snap run" that starts subiquity is indepedent of snapd and will not inherit the environment16:40
elopiokalikiana: you have it.16:40
mvoslangasek: *if* this is a sufficient workaround for now I will go ahead with 2.28.416:40
mvoslangasek: and leave the re-exec disable to casper. I can help with the PR if you point me to the right branch once .4 is out :)16:41
kalikianaelopio: Ah, you did it separately. This distinction between "just comment" and proper reviews is really silly... but anyway, thanks a lot!16:41
slangasekmvo: yes, that looks like a sufficient workaround to me16:41
slangasekmvo: I'm going to shove it into livecd-rootfs rather than casper16:41
mvoslangasek: thank you, that sounds good as well, let me know if I can help16:41
kalikianakyrofa: Can you please check this one again? I addressed your comments https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/157716:43
mupPR snapcraft#1577: lxd: don't inject local snaps on a different arch <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1577>16:43
kalikianaalso elopio ^^16:43
elopiokalikiana: I like that distinction. I don't feel good about -1 a PR when I don't understand something. Like in this case.16:44
elopioone could argue that a -1 is the right thing to do, because this behaviour should have been explained in a PR comment somewhere. But still it's not clear if it's my fault because I'm being dumb, until we dig further.16:44
kalikianaelopio: Hmm yeah. To me it would be clearer if you could have a ? icon there, and turn it into a +1 or -1 as needed, like the "approve" and "discmiss" buttons you get at the bottom16:46
kalikianaReally the fact that it splits the work-flow so weirdly is what bugs me16:46
mvoa review for 4024 would be great16:47
kalikianayou missed the # there16:47
* zyga-suse looks16:52
mupPR snapd#4024 closed: debian: fix replaces/breaks for snap-xdg-open (thanks to apw!) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4024>16:52
zyga-suseah, I just looked from another computer :)16:53
mupPR snapcraft#1348 closed: repo: setup a foreign arch and sources <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1348>16:57
zyga-susemvo: tests on 4022 are incredibly slow16:57
* kalikiana still waiting on #1587 and #1577 wondering if sending European chocolates to his colleagues would help17:02
mupPR #1587: store: deal with 404 froms the SSO store properly <Created by mvo5> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1587>17:02
mupPR #1577: daemon, cmd/snap: refresh --devmode <Reviewed> <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/1577>17:02
* zyga-suse -> supper and clenaup17:03
Chipacakalikiana: presumably snapcraft#1587 and snapcraft#157717:03
mupPR snapcraft#1587: lifecycle: clean after deleting container <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1587>17:03
mupPR snapcraft#1577: lxd: don't inject local snaps on a different arch <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1577>17:03
kalikianaChipaca: Thanks, yeah. I guess ids are not unique...17:04
Chipacakalikiana: yeah, and they're similarly small numbers17:04
Chipacaotherwise mup does guess they're something else (e.g. #1688531)17:05
mupBug #1688531: Remove whitespace line between tracks in 'snap info' <snapd:Fix Committed by chipaca> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1688531>17:05
Chipacaanyway, EOD for me17:06
jdstrandzyga-suse: you do *not* need apparmor rules for the files to stat them. you need read on the directory the files are in. That is why I am puzzled why the /dev accesses were needed (and why the /sys denials popped up).17:13
jdstrandI suspect the /sys accesses are just noise and that the /dev accesses are not needed at all17:13
zyga-suseaha, interesting17:13
zyga-suseI didn't know that, I agree that some of those are probably not needed in that case17:13
jdstrandthis is why the mocked nvidia devices passed the test17:14
zyga-suseI was trying to be conservative in hard situation (time running out, remote access to hardware)17:14
jdstrandspread tests17:14
zyga-suseI'll gladly research why the sys access showed up17:14
jdstrandI'm super-curious on that. also curious if they still show up if they are just noise17:14
jdstrandI suspect they are cause snap-confine isn't going to do anything with any of that. it is just going to stat the files and add them to the cgroup17:15
* zyga-suse was hoping to do some updates on snap-update-ns but today turned out different17:15
zyga-suseI found a bug where snap-update-ns doesn't do what it should, I need to debug that17:16
zyga-susebut now I need a break17:16
jdstrandI suspect the udev lib calls snap-confine does a little earlier are triggering those, then udev ignores nvidia and moves on. then we stat and are good17:16
jdstrandzyga-suse: my curiosity is certainly not a reason to deprioritize other things :)17:16
jdstrandI would like to remove the /dev rules if possible17:17
zyga-suseno no, it's not your fault, I'm just tired and I want to wrap up that branch before jumping onto other topics17:17
zyga-susewho knows, maybe in .5 :)17:17
* zyga-suse knocks on wood17:17
jdstrandcause access to the devices is more than the setuid snap-confine needs (though, it is just read, but still)17:18
zyga-susejdstrand: I'm surprised stat is not triggering apparmor checks btw17:18
jdstrandthere is a bug on that17:18
* jdstrand finds17:19
zyga-susejdstrand: it's an information leak via (very) expensive enumeration17:19
zyga-suseso it will be changed eventually?17:19
mupBug #1655435: stat() unconditionally allowed via apparmor_inode_getattr() <AppArmor:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1655435>17:19
jdstrandzyga-suse: not in a way that we wouldn't know about it17:20
jdstrandand also, not any time soon17:20
jdstrandapparmor could conceivably grow a 'stat' perm (as opposed to read and write)17:20
jdstrandbut backc in the day that was implemented and it was amazingly annoying. no one is working on it17:21
zyga-susenot a weekend project?17:21
mvozyga-suse: yeah, I am waiting for two tests right now :/17:38
zyga-solusI'm assembling furniture17:38
mvozyga-suse: 4022 is green now17:39
zyga-solusI think we are doing the same thing lately :)17:39
mvozyga-solus: heh, enjoy, I will do 2.28.4 now - but first I check the forum if there is anything else we need to do17:39
zyga-solusgood call17:39
mupPR snapd#4022 closed:  interfaces/opengl: don't udev tag nvidia devices and use snap-confine instead (2.28) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4022>17:40
=== cachio is now known as cachio_afk
mupPR snapd#4025 opened: release: merge the snapd 2.28.4 changes back into master <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4025>17:57
mvocachio_afk: just a heads-up - we should have a 2.28.4 in beta in ~1h that fixes the opengl issue18:22
mupBug #1722882 opened: Ubuntu Core 16: Error: cannot refresh "pi2-kernel": snap "pi2-kernel" has changes in progress <Snappy:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1722882>18:26
jdstrandzyga-suse: heh, no, not a weekend project. I mean, the mediation itself wouldn't be bad (iirc), it would be the policy implications.18:41
zyga-solusjdstrand: do you think it's feasible to introduce a change that is backwards compatible?18:59
zyga-solusjdstrand: (stat keeps being allowed in absence of policy but can be controlled)19:00
mvozyga-solus: just fyi, the world is conspiring against us: https://code.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+snap/core/+build/90572 - my fresh core build with 2.28.4 does not upload to the store :/19:19
mvoa review for 4025 would be great19:25
zyga-solusmvo: :-(19:35
zyga-solusmvo: I'll review it in a sec19:35
mupPR snapd#4025 closed: release: merge the snapd 2.28.4 changes back into master <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4025>19:37
mvocachio_afk: 2.28.4 is in beta now and ready for testing towards candidate19:40
jdstrandzyga-solus: yes. it is possible to say 'you haven't specified any stat rules, so I'll let you stat. if you add a stat rule, every stat is mediated. that is possible19:52
zyga-susejdstrand: maybe I could work on that eventually, I'd like to19:52
jdstrandzyga-solus: honestly though, there are a number of info leaks-- I'd prefer to see fixing those. all of a sudden mediating stat is ging to be *painful* for policy19:57
zyga-suseanything small?19:57
jdstrandI would suggest going to #apparmor on OFTC and asking if there is something bitesize19:59
jdstrandthe one I want is kernel variable, so @{pid} corresponds to your pid19:59
jdstrandbut that is not at all bitesize :)19:59
mupPR snapd#4020 closed: tests: add test for lxd interface <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4020>20:02
=== cachio_afk is now known as cachio
mupPR snapcraft#1607 opened: python plugin: use extracted pip <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1607>21:06
JonelethIrenicusany way to not have snap directories show up as actual drives in applications?21:14
JonelethIrenicusFor some reason applications like Firelight pick them up as seperate drives.21:15
gouchicheck udisk2 interfaces ?21:15
JonelethIrenicusthanks I will21:16
kyrofagouchi, how will that help with hiding the mounted snaps?21:20
gouchioops sorry I misread21:20
gouchiI understood how to access drives21:21
gouchisorry my mistake21:21
kyrofaJonelethIrenicus, snaps are simply squashfs images mounted into place21:22
kyrofaJonelethIrenicus, those applications are probably picking them up like any other disk image21:23
=== JoshStrobl|AFK is now known as JoshStrobl
mupPR snapd#4026 opened: overlord/auth: continue for now supporting UBUNTU_STORE_ID if the model is generic-classic <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4026>22:12

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