
ubports_botProject daily-hammerhead build #347: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/347/00:25
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1145: SUCCESS in 1 min 43 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1145/00:27
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 723x818) https://irc.ubports.com/eyWcFdLa/file_1102.jpg01:06
tgBot<samzn> something like this could benefit some people :)01:07
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 723x818) https://irc.ubports.com/BxzNXrsv/file_1104.jpg01:07
tgBot<samzn> responsive whatsapp01:07
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 645x1223) https://irc.ubports.com/Rppu14fK/file_1106.jpg02:00
tgBot<Ern_st> @samzn Tell us more, now...02:02
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 645x1224) https://irc.ubports.com/oYIGzMxJ/file_1107.jpg02:02
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 646x1224) https://irc.ubports.com/4BOjcjaw/file_1109.jpg02:03
tgBot<Ern_st> This is whatapps I guess ? (A such long time i abandonned it included my friends using it :) )02:04
tgBot<samzn> ya02:05
tgBot<samzn> I'm unfucking it's design so the web client can work properly on the phone02:05
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> Dont you need an android phone anyways to login and use the web client?02:05
tgBot<samzn> Ya, proprietary software sucks02:05
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> :(02:06
tgBot<Ern_st> @PhoenixLandPirate, you have an old stuff running on the side no ?02:06
tgBot<Ern_st> @samzn, How do you do it ?02:06
tgBot<samzn> custom userstyles02:06
tgBot<samzn> I'll inject javascript hooks if possible as well so it can bridge native notifications02:07
tgBot<Ern_st> Ok i'm not familiar with that, it a webapp with an extra layer on top ?02:09
tgBot<samzn> it's a modified webapp :)02:09
tgBot<Ern_st> Ah ok cool, well done.02:09
tgBot<samzn> sadly my boss forces me to use it02:10
tgBot<Ern_st> Oh dear ! i'm sorry02:10
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> Does your boss know about email?02:11
tgBot<Ern_st> Yes we are force to use Outlook ^^02:14
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> Ditto for uni02:18
tgBot<samitormanen> @Alexander, Ok. Thanks! I didn't know that command. I got it working eventually without reflash. I fiddled with planemode and all the switches. Then I enabled wifi from battery stats page and then it started to work again.04:00
tgBot<malditobastardo> Having to depend on android to use the webapp sucks (whatsapp)06:02
tgBot<Lorxu> @UniversalSuperBox, Microsoft? Following standards? Did hell freeze over?06:03
fru[m]i think whatsapp sucks06:23
tgBot<malditobastardo> ^^06:25
tgBot<malditobastardo> Sadly for me it's the standard used by my friends/family06:26
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @malditobastardo you can always try to tell them: do you want to tell me something? I am on Telegram, no what’s up , sorry. citation from  audio cast . Love and friendship tester mode 😜06:38
tgBot<Milan Korecky> me only 853 friends06:43
tgBot<malditobastardo> Yeah of course I am working on it :) anyways it's hard to do the transition for now because of the video call thingy06:45
tgBot<malditobastardo> Everything else is ok for me for daily use06:45
tgBot<malditobastardo> I am using UT everyday as my primary device but I only need that to completely leave my secondary phone06:48
tgBot<malditobastardo> I know telegram doesn't have that feature yet in android even. Just in beta06:48
tgBot<Milan Korecky> Just a morning  attempt for joke06:49
tgBot<Milan Korecky> There is people already working on SIP I have heard on audiocast06:52
tgBot<bastos777> One day uMatriks hopefully will be enriched to the same features of riot. Or riot.im will provide a mobile design. Than, with matrix.org there is all the functionality of WhatsApp and more available ...06:52
tgBot<malditobastardo> Yeah I am waiting for that to happen soon tbh06:53
tgBot<malditobastardo> That will be a game changer06:53
tgBot<malditobastardo> Ok. I don't need video calls. But at least audio calls would be enough for me. I hope UBports team can achieve that in the future06:54
tgBot<malditobastardo> With telegram06:54
tgBot<bastos777> @samzn had changed the webapp of wa to be useful on ut. Maybe one can use his code for riot.im also.06:55
tgBot<bastos777> Even more he is trying to get notifications work with java script afaiu. This eventually could also be useful for a usable riot.im webapp.06:57
ubports_botProject click-import build #21: SUCCESS in 4.7 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/click-import/21/07:01
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #156: SUCCESS in 1.2 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/156/07:01
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1146: SUCCESS in 6.3 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1146/07:01
=== JanC is now known as Guest86327
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ubports_botProject ota-push-rc build #4: FAILURE in 2 min 53 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push-rc/4/07:08
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @alan_griffiths, Hi alan, thanks for your great work and congratulations for landing 1.0 (@all; time to party mir 1.0 is ready πŸ‘»πŸ»πŸŒˆπŸ˜œ) 3 noob questions if i may ask: 1. The libmirclient/libwaylandclient is this the same as the compositor (e.g. kwin)? 2. Does this mean that walyand apps can run on a mir server AND mir apps can run on a wayland server or only one way? 3. On a different subject... if i want to rotate the whole yunit/U8 07:18
tgBotmanually, do i need to adress mir or yunit?07:18
ubports_botProject daily-fp2 build #365: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/365/08:23
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1147: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1147/08:24
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/GwqkrGn5/file_111009:58
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> πŸ‘€09:58
WhereIsT1inkeyI heard in other channel someone just said:09:59
WhereIsT1inkey"I really liked the idea of the ubuntu phone but before it became really usable it ceased to exist"09:59
WhereIsT1inkeyis it true ? no more ubuntu touch ?09:59
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> Humm09:59
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> Official support is dead afaik09:59
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> But not uborts09:59
tgBot<kristijantkalec> yes, canonical stopped it09:59
tgBot<kristijantkalec> but we have the community :)10:00
WhereIsT1inkeywhen ?10:00
tgBot<kristijantkalec> now we have UBports10:00
tgBot<kristijantkalec> in April they anounced it10:00
tgBot<kristijantkalec> https://www.ubports.com/10:00
tgBot<kristijantkalec> check it out :)10:00
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> Mhanz10:00
WhereIsT1inkeyinteresting, I don't remember when it was, this spring or last year spring, I think last year spring I been in #ubuntu-touch and had conversation about future of ubuntu phones, I was very sceptical but people convinced me that there are good amount of software and the phones are quite useful and they could be popular in next 2-3 years, and I actually believed and waited and now its discontinued ?10:01
tgBot<kristijantkalec> it is NOT discontinued :)10:02
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> Ubports is the proest ubuntu touch ports10:03
WhereIsT1inkeyand now, in some random channel I found out its dead10:03
tgBot<kristijantkalec> it is continued by the UBports  πŸ˜Ž10:03
WhereIsT1inkeyI may check the link some day10:03
WhereIsT1inkeywhy are you all have that < tgBot> ?10:03
WhereIsT1inkeygateway ?10:03
tgBot<kristijantkalec> I guess you are on the IRC10:04
tgBot<kristijantkalec> and we are on the Telegram group10:04
WhereIsT1inkeyyes, and you ?10:04
tgBot<kristijantkalec> It is connected :)10:04
tgBot<alan_griffiths> @demokrit atomos, Thanks, but 1.0 hasn't quite landed yet. … 1. no, libmirserver is the analog of qtwayland, mutter, kwin or weston … 2. no, only wayland apps run on any wayland server (Mir, qtwayland, mutter, kwin or weston) … 3. the libmirclient API supports that request, the yunit server would decide if/how to handle it. mirout (from mir-utils) provides a command-line to use this API. … PS could you ask 1 & 2 on the forum so that we 10:04
tgBotpersist them and the answers?10:04
WhereIsT1inkeywhat is Telegram group ?10:04
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> Hi all10:05
tgBot<DeadSquirreI01> @WhereIsT1inkey, This one10:05
tgBot<kristijantkalec> https://telegram.org/10:05
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> all I'm running rc on my fp210:05
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> fp2 but the upgrades for r7 and r8 don't appear10:06
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> I'm stuck no r610:06
tgBot<DiogoConstantino> anyone else with this problem?10:06
WhereIsT1inkeysomewhat related10:07
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @alan_griffiths, Thanks for the quick answer!! Will repost this in the forums in the evening when at home.10:09
tgBotPajlow was added by: Pajlow10:32
tgBot<alan_griffiths> @demokrit atomos, "forums"? For the avoidance of doubt, I meant the forum I posted the diagram in.10:32
tgBot<demokrit atomos> That's what i understood as well xD πŸ‘10:33
tgBot<Stereofont> @DiogoConstantino, Same with M10 FHD10:58
tgBot<malditobastardo> I am downloading version 9 now in a N511:20
tgBot<malditobastardo> 50.6mb11:20
tgBot<Jaume81> are there an app to record screen in UT?11:20
tgBotchristianin was added by: christianin11:24
tgBot<vanyasem> @christianin, welcome11:25
tgBot<christianin> @vanyasem, Thanks You!11:27
tgBot<christianin> how to install Ubuntu on microsoft lumia 535?11:29
tgBot<Jaume81> and an app like shazam?11:33
tgBot<Schyken> @christianin, I do not think this is possible, at least at the moment. I don't believe it will be either. There's some really big difficulties getting something onto a Windows phone.11:34
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> does it have a lineageOS port?11:35
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> then there's a fighting chance if someone spends time on it11:35
tgBot<Stereofont> @christianin, I can understand how you would want to but it isn't like loading distros on a laptop. Each phone takes a lot of work and only a few are supported at the moment11:35
tgBot<christianin> @Stereofont, Sad situation. But I will try11:37
tgBot<Flohack> @christianin, Sorry not supported ATM. Is this a Windows Mobile device from recent years? x86?11:37
tgBot<christianin> @Flohack, yes11:38
tgBot<Schyken> @Flohack, The newer ones are x86?!11:38
tgBot<hawk_is_here> @samzn, Every time it works on a different IS, they change the encryption...11:38
tgBot<christianin> @Schyken, no11:39
tgBot<Schyken> @christianin, Ah, I misunderstood. I was excited for a moment πŸ˜†11:39
tgBot<christianin> @Schyken, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚11:40
tgBot<christianin> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/moeiF4nO/file_1112.png11:41
tgBot<Stereofont> Nexus 4 and 5, Fairphone 2, OnePlusOne your options for now11:41
tgBot<Jaume81> and Meizu Pro5, don't forgeted. I get a great surprise with this device and it's my only device. I have an Android mobile on table to get whatsapp web.11:45
tgBot<Stereofont> Agreed. I was thinking about availability11:46
tgBot<Stefan Kalb> @DiogoConstantino, Me on opo. Also still r6. Anybody already filed a bug report?11:49
tgBot<Stereofont> @Stefan Kalb, Maybe it is intentional?11:53
tgBot<Jaume81> It has a very good rear camera but front it's bad in house, it need a more powerful flash, rear will be better too with that accesory. …  With Telegram, Dekko (waiting for Dekko2), flas (radio), cloud music (need get better), podbird, timer (I think this function has to be native), uchanger, unav, pdfviewer. You can use only device. …  But I would like that I can see Netflix, Amazon video with browser (useragent) because to subway or bus I use moo12:05
tgBotand it's very important libreoffice compatibility in mobile or desktop (miracast with tv). And UT tweak tools has to be native, too. …  And the scopes, I like a lot the expirience and using rss (has to be native  and run well) or today scope (I prefer info today or wheather but mine don't get) but if I do some list player, I would like see that list in my music's scope, no the aritst or album, so another option. Or in video scope have to be different your rec12:05
tgBotdownloaded videos, like youtube scope or anotherservice similar service.12:05
tgBot<Jaume81> very important too, carddav sync. With task calendar app sync by next cloud or owncloud.12:07
tgBot<Jaume81> I've tried the witget expirience in Android and scopes is more better, nice and useful.12:11
tgBotBiffalo was added by: Biffalo12:16
tgBot<vanyasem> @Biffalo, welcome12:20
tgBot<Biffalo> I know I'm late to the Ubuntu Touch game but I got bored and purchased a Nexus 5 just to try it.12:20
tgBot<Biffalo> Better late than never12:21
tgBot<vanyasem> you are not late12:21
tgBot<Stereofont> Cool12:21
tgBot<vanyasem> you are `just in time` in fact12:21
tgBot<Biffalo> @vanyasem, Oh? Well that's good then.12:22
tgBot<vanyasem> sure! have you flashed ubports yet?12:22
tgBot<Biffalo> @vanyasem, Yup. Just flashed and booted stable 15.04 I'm assuming wiki stating that 16.04 is not ready yet is correct?12:25
tgBot<vanyasem> scopes and all apps crash12:26
tgBot<vanyasem> I couldn't even finish configuring it12:26
tgBot<Flohack> @Montefrio, Yes it will12:28
tgBot<Biffalo> So what is the skinny on the future of Ubuntu Touch. I know canonical killed it but UBports took over etc. Is there a roadmap or something for project goals etc?12:30
tgBot<shinyhairsmylifeambition> @Biffalo, https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestone/612:40
tgBot<Biffalo> @shinyhairsmylifeambition, thanks!12:41
ubports_botProject daily-mako build #140: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/140/12:55
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1148: SUCCESS in 1.3 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1148/12:55
tgBot<mariogrip> @samzn, Are you norwgian? I see some norwegian letters in there :P13:23
tgBot<Jo_Led> Is the browser not working on the BQ E5HD build, or is it just mine?13:30
tgBot<Flohack> @Jo_Led, Browser should be fine on all builds13:38
tgBot<Flohack> No noise about this in the moment I think13:38
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @mariogrip, Norwegian, more like, NO rwegian13:40
tgBot<Jo_Led> Any proposals for a troubleshooting? I have no idea how to proceed. When I click the browser, it seems like it's opening (screen with browser logo) for one second, then closes it.13:42
tgBot<Mohannes> @PhoenixLandPirate, Never liked Norwegian people. Especially the ones from Bergen. :P13:49
tgBot<Jaume81> @samzn, well, where can we get it? and use with telegram like in Android.13:52
tgBot<demokrit atomos> Porting unity-system-compositor to MirAL Β· Issue #1 Β· yunit-io/unity-system-compositor Β· GitHub … https://github.com/yunit-io/unity-system-compositor/issues/113:53
tgBot<demokrit atomos> Might be cool for developement if someone from our sidr could have a look at this, sorry if i annoy our busy devs but just read it and thought maybe anyone else is interested...13:55
=== tosky_ is now known as tosky
tgBot<vanyasem> @Jaume81, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/ScreenRecording14:17
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Mohannes, This15:23
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @PhoenixLandPirate, And when there name begins with M it's just an extra kicker!15:24
tgBot<garrogarri> Hi after the last update my phone (Nexus 4) looks like stuck in the bootloader (the screen with the Google logo)...16:11
tgBot<Montefrio> Garro16:12
tgBot<Montefrio> when was the last update?16:12
tgBot<Montefrio> devel channel?16:12
tgBot<garrogarri> Today16:12
tgBot<Montefrio> devel or stable channel?16:12
tgBot<garrogarri> On the devel channel (or rc I', not sure)16:13
tgBot<Montefrio> i have flashed my nexus 4 4 days ago with ubports installer16:15
tgBot<Montefrio> devel channel16:15
tgBot<Montefrio> ubuntu-build 2017100216:15
tgBot<Montefrio> and it works well, but since them i have no updates16:16
tgBot<Montefrio> Garro16:16
tgBot<Montefrio> just checked the update , there is no one16:17
tgBot<garrogarri> this is strange...16:20
tgBot<Montefrio> are you16:20
tgBot<garrogarri> It may be the same of 4 days ago16:20
tgBot<Montefrio> on this buil too?16:20
tgBot<Montefrio> build16:20
tgBot<garrogarri> How can I check?16:20
tgBot<Montefrio> ubuntu-build 2017100216:20
tgBot<Montefrio> system settings16:20
tgBot<Montefrio> scroll down16:21
tgBot<Montefrio> over16:21
tgBot<Montefrio> klick16:21
tgBot<Montefrio> then you see all the Infos16:21
tgBot<garrogarri> @Montefrio, It does not boot up... πŸ˜”16:22
tgBot<Montefrio> then try reboot to the bootloader16:22
tgBot<Montefrio> hold the buttons power and volume down16:23
tgBot<Montefrio> and from bootloader pull the buttom volum up to the revovery16:24
tgBot<Montefrio> and from there16:24
tgBot<Montefrio> reboot system16:24
tgBot<Montefrio> earlier it worked for me16:24
tgBot<Montefrio> or reflash it with ubport installer -mauell option without wipe16:25
tgBot<Montefrio> should work16:25
tgBot<Montefrio> Garro16:41
tgBotNikosChat was added by: NikosChat16:41
tgBot<garrogarri> @Montefrio, Thank you I'm flashing the stable now16:42
tgBot<garrogarri> @Montefrio, Yes?16:42
tgBot<Montefrio> ok , devel freeze time to time16:42
tgBot<Montefrio> after reboot works again16:42
tgBot<garrogarri> Yeah, and N4 is my daily driver16:43
tgBot<Montefrio> but i dont want to go back to android16:43
tgBot<garrogarri> That's why I'm going to stable16:43
tgBot<Montefrio> good , ok16:43
tgBot<garrogarri> UBports installer is really nice16:43
tgBot<Montefrio> yes :)16:45
tgBot<Montefrio> work well on arch linux too16:45
=== cachio is now known as cachio_afk
tgBot<Montefrio> Garro , everything went well?17:54
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @monte; if you add an "@" before the user you want to reach (Garro ;-p) he/she gets an notification and a button to click to get dorectly to that message even if 1k messages were sent by othet people inbetween, just fyi...17:57
tgBot<Montefrio> ok thx17:58
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @samzn, we complain about 'human rights' like 'my boss forces me to where high heels' and raise a big stink but we let bosses do this to us!  Unacceptable!  #audiocast17:58
tgBot<Montefrio> Garro is a Boy :)17:58
tgBot<demokrit atomos> K, thx17:59
tgBot<Montefrio> @Garro , everything went well?18:00
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @alan_griffiths, just posted our little dialog on your thread in the forum: https://community.ubuntu.com/t/mir-architecture/46718:16
tgBot<alan_griffiths> demokrit ack18:18
tgBotNikosChat was added by: NikosChat18:21
tgBot<Xorpad> what would you guys think of a exynos kernel port?18:23
tgBot<Xorpad> I want some challenging kernel work18:23
tgBot<Xorpad> exynos is samsungs proprietary kernels with no driver blobs, but I can get the specs on most of the stuff I would need to write myself18:24
tgBot<Xorpad> Like, they use stuff with opensourced drivers but don't share the drivers that they have modded to work with the android exynos kernel, so I'd have to mod the linux drivers to comply with android standards18:26
tgBot<Xorpad> a exynos kernel with a generic mali T series gpu driver, would make a log of samsung phones easy targets for porting18:28
tgBot<Xorpad> but it would have to comply with halium standards which would take some time and research beyond just supporting hardware18:28
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Are the kernels they have mainlined?18:29
tgBot<Xorpad> They have a mainline exynos kernel, but they mod it privately for every device, and only recently started sharing the source code for them. Most android ROM developers don't even touch exynos phones because it's hard to make them boot let alone work properly18:30
tgBot<Xorpad> the stuff they do provide, comes with no documentation or useful information18:30
tgBot<Xorpad> it would be a fun challenge18:30
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> I'd be more compelling to have a "normal" linux distro without libhybris running, if that'd be easier than Android.18:31
tgBot<Xorpad> I'm not sure how i would pull it off, but I've never failed to learn what I need as I go and get the job done18:31
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It'd be more compelling*18:31
tgBot<Xorpad> Well, I could make a normal linux kernel boot on an android phone if that's something you'd like me to do. I'd have to backport features and we'd still depend on the HAL18:31
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Ah, darn.18:32
tgBot<Xorpad> but otherwise, I already had a mainline linux kernel running on nexus 5 with wifi and sshd before I joined you guys18:32
tgBot<Xorpad> but it had a HAL and used android driver blobs18:32
tgBot<Xorpad> so it's doable, but it's not as easy as using an android based system18:33
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Probably better to fall on Android, then...18:34
tgBot<Xorpad> I would personally rather see us using as little android stuff as possible while still supporting android devices, but that's not my decision, I'm just a volunteer i'm not in change18:34
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Yes, a completely mainlined device without any Android bits would be the ideal future. But... Doesn't seem possible.18:35
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Or at least, it hasn't been done yet18:35
tgBot<LarreaMikel> Meizu pro5 has a Exynos 742018:35
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> That's true. Ubuntu Touch runs on the Pro 5. Its Android device tree is closed-source, though18:35
tgBot<Xorpad> @LarreaMikel cool! but it's not samsung, and samsung killed opensource by giving half-broken undocumented stuff when they finally released anything at all18:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Looking at our device survey...18:36
tgBot<Xorpad> I'm really just brainstorming for future right now while I wake up enough to actually do something productive18:37
tgBot<LarreaMikel> Yeah, meizu is not Very good to open source neither.18:38
tgBot<Guido> @UniversalSuperBox, Isnt't this what the Librem 5 project is about?18:38
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> The Pro 5 gets 2.66% of all (~2000) respondants18:38
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Guido, Yes. But. It doesn't exist yet. We're not going to make decisions now based on things that will happen.18:38
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It is the dream, and we'll see what happens with it.18:39
tgBot<Guido> @UniversalSuperBox, Sure. But maybe in the future this might be the way to go if things get more cleared.18:39
tgBot<Guido> @UniversalSuperBox, But a nice dream though! ☺️18:40
tgBot<Xorpad> we have to dream in order do push ourselves to new levels of skill and ability18:40
tgBot<Xorpad> if you just stick to what you know, you never grow18:40
tgBot<samzn> @mariogrip, Jeg har vært i norge før18:40
tgBot<samzn> Really wanna come back there18:40
tgBot<LarreaMikel> @UniversalSuperBox, I have not fulfilled any survey... Sry. (writting from my pro5 device). ;)18:40
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Oh, right. Need the regular stats page too.18:41
tgBot<Xorpad> heh18:41
tgBot<Xorpad> I have an s7 exynos, and an s5 neo, and those devices are very similar so porting to one, would make porting to the other easy18:42
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Grr, what's the Pro 5's codename? -_-18:42
tgBot<Xorpad> but first I want to port to bullhead18:42
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @UniversalSuperBox, Although @UniversalSuperBox might seem like a party pooper, he's right.  No matter what I encourage everyone to keep blazing forward exactly as we have been making Ubuntu Touch work on as many devices as possible and as awesome as possible.18:42
tgBot<LarreaMikel> @UniversalSuperBox, Oh... And still using canonical version ( It's my daily driver) :)18:43
tgBot<demokrit atomos> btw, building an x86 ubports image (with yunit, mir0.28/1.0 and snaps) would be the road to this wonderful no-android device (we'd just have to build for armhf/arm64 later on when the librem 5 or else gets available and all those people with x86 tablets would be our alpha/beta testers before that happens18:43
tgBot<LarreaMikel> @UniversalSuperBox, Turbo18:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Thank you18:43
tgBot<LarreaMikel> I think18:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Turbo makes up 6.5% of the requests to the update server18:43
tgBot<Biffalo> FWIW thanks to anyone who's put work in on Ubuntu Touch.  The concept of an open mobile OS is a project worth supporting. I've signed up as a patron as of now.18:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> With Hammerhead and Krillin eating the majority of everyone else's lunch18:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Biffalo, Thank you!18:44
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Biffalo, thanks!18:44
tgBot<Xorpad> lol "lunch"18:44
tgBot<Biffalo> Currently on galaxy s8, but am going to try UBtouch on Hammerhead and see if I can replicate my workflows to it.18:45
tgBot<Xorpad> hammerhead works great:D18:45
tgBot<Xorpad> I use it as one of my 3 phones that I actually have service for18:46
tgBot<Xorpad> like it's broken from updates a few times, but otherwise it's usable as a phone, not just to try out something for the future18:47
tgBot<JetPereira> @bastos777, πŸ‘18:52
tgBot<samzn> @Biffalo, Convergence on the S8 seems it could be excellent18:58
tgBot<samzn> The hardware has all the needed features, DeX itself is a twist on the convergence concept18:59
tgBot<Biffalo> @samzn, Yeah samsung has a thing that does convergence pretty well already. I just want a change of pace and want to try to untether myself from as many closed services as I can.18:59
tgBot<samzn> :D19:00
tgBot<Biffalo> Awesome there is a Subsonic app.19:02
tgBot<Xorpad> halium porting instructions don't work lol19:35
tgBot<Xorpad> I'm allowed to deviate from them when the instructions fail i assume?19:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, yeah. What are you stuck on?19:36
tgBot<Xorpad> building ninja_wrapper19:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, ninja_wrapper fails when anything inside it fails.19:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> The error will be a bit further up19:36
tgBot<Xorpad> it also doesn't work in cm-14.1 with bullhead, so it's a lineage issue19:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Have you commented out all of `vendor/lge/bullhead/Android.mk`? https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/2319:37
tgBot<Xorpad> I know @UniversalSuperBox , but I've tried everything related to every message I saw, and the only thing I can think of without rewriting half the stuff related to it, is to pull in some code from aosp19:37
tgBot<Xorpad> @UniversalSuperBox Well, as opposed to commenting out a whole file, i just renamed it so the makefile tree doesn't find it19:38
tgBot<Xorpad> moved it to Android.bak19:38
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Alright. Thing is, I'm pretty sure that bullhead builds fine. Maybe @bhushanshah can give a better answer.19:39
tgBot<Xorpad> @UniversalSuperBox It may buld fine, but not following exactly the halium-7.1 porting guide19:39
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> https://github.com/Halium/android_device_lge_bullhead/pull/1/commits/d9d1ab21c4b369b7dfc236867ed3fc9d28fdd8d319:40
tgBot<Xorpad> Sometimes you have to troubleshoot guides because they are outdated in relation to what they are talking about19:40
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> These may also be required19:40
tgBot<Xorpad> thank you @UniversalSuperBox19:40
tgBot<Xorpad> I'll try that as well19:40
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Yeah, forgot about that one.19:40
tgBot<Xorpad> but I assume it's okay to deviate from official porting guide when it fails to build with exact guide instruction?19:40
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Hasn't been merged yet because Bhushan wasn't sure about every edit in it. Maybe change one file at a time and see what changes so we can find what is exactly the culprit?19:41
tgBot<Xorpad> I mean, I made a gitlab repo, so you;; be able to see my changes19:41
tgBot<Xorpad> it's private for now but I'll invite people to it as needed19:41
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Xorpad, Sure, but Bullhead is one of the devices that is being built 'in-house', so it should at least build19:41
tgBot<Xorpad> @UniversalSuperBox It should, but it's not, so either my build environment is messed up, or the guide is outdated compared to the files it tells me to use19:42
tgBot<Xorpad> I could try setting up a fresh linux install19:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> What are you building on?19:43
tgBot<Xorpad> should I?19:43
tgBot<Xorpad> Lubuntu 17.0419:43
tgBot<Xorpad> with latest stable kernel from kernel.org19:43
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> I ended up using debootstrap to make myself a 16.04 chroot.19:44
tgBot<Xorpad> ahh, well that's why I ordered the raspberry pi 3, so I can do it on bare metal19:44
tgBot<Xorpad> I'm setting it up now19:44
tgBot<Xorpad> took me a while to find my sd card19:45
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> I don't know if the Android build system can actually do a bare metal build19:45
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Ironically19:45
tgBot<Xorpad> We'll, i'll find out19:45
tgBot<Xorpad> anyways, as far as for building packages and things to put on ubuntu phone it's great, because I can set it up to have all the same libraries and configurations as ubports and dynamically link against things I know will be on the target device19:53
tgBot<Xorpad> I've done that to make binaries for my hammerhead with the pi219:53
tgBot<Xorpad> simpler than using debootstrap to create a chroot and forcing everything through qemu19:53
tgBot<Xorpad> and it's also nice to know I have it for other purposes if needed19:54
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> I use the chroot for building Android. We've an ARM server for packages now. :)19:54
tgBot<Schyken> @UniversalSuperBox, Ooh! One of those big lotsa core ARM servers? :O19:55
tgBot<Xorpad> I know but this is a useful tool in general to have around incase i need it19:55
tgBot<Xorpad> and I don't need you to give me access to your server to use it:D19:55
tgBot<Xorpad> I mean, giving someone access to a server is srs bsns19:56
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @Schyken, 64 of them, to be exact19:57
tgBot<Schyken> @UniversalSuperBox, :D I like those πŸ‘Œ19:57
tgBot<Xorpad> I have a 64 core skylake server I have access too, could run a chroot with qemu on that and compile like a boss19:59
tgBot<Xorpad> but it's expensive as heck19:59
tgBot<Xorpad> and I don't know if I'll keep renting it19:59
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> jeeeez20:00
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> With your TR, I guess there's really no point20:00
tgBot<Xorpad> I got 3 months for really cheap because the hosting provider needed money to pay his employees, so I got 3 months for $600, but after that the price goes up to the actual price of $700 a month if I want to keep it and I can't afford that20:00
tgBot<Xorpad> he was like begging me to rent anything I wanted as much as I wanted for $600 so he could make payroll20:01
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> That's... really sad20:01
tgBot<Xorpad> yeah, but it worked good for both of us, and now he still has a chance to recover his business20:02
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Oh hey, you're building for an aarch64 device now. :P20:02
tgBot<Xorpad> I know:D20:02
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Once you get a rootfs on that bad boy, I have the steps that will start you toward getting Unity running on it.20:03
tgBot<Xorpad> cool!20:03
tgBot<Xorpad> well, after I get the halium stuff done, I'm gonna make a rootfs20:03
tgBot<Xorpad> and I won't turn down help:D20:03
tgBot<Xorpad> rootfs itself seems pretty simple to build, but everything that goes on top I don't know how to make20:04
tgBot<Xorpad> of course, even without help I'd eventually figure it out20:04
tgBot<Xorpad> just could take long long time20:04
tgBot<Xorpad> I've never attempted something in programming and completely failed, it may take me way longer than it should, it may be a hackish way of doing it, but I always find a way20:05
tgBot<Xorpad> the few times I've hit road blocks, I got depressed because I couldn't do it, but all those things, I later went back and succeeded at20:06
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It starts from the base Halium rootfs. Do you have a copy of that from the docs?20:06
tgBot<Xorpad> no, I just have a general idea how I would go about making one20:06
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Eh, prebuilt would be easier20:07
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Let me get that link20:07
tgBot<Xorpad> it sure would, but does Halium have one for arm64/aarch64?20:07
tgBot<Xorpad> thanks @UniversalSuperBox20:07
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> bshah.in/halium/halium-rootfs-20170630-151006.tar.gz20:07
vanyasemXorpad: yep, it works with arm6420:08
vanyasemi believe it's multiarch20:08
tgBot<Xorpad> oh, I already have that lol, I went to download it and it renamed the file to make it show it as the second version i downloaded20:08
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> That'll do it.20:08
tgBot<Xorpad> cool, well, I'll be needing it sooner or later20:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> You'll also need plain-jane TWRP installed on your fancy phone20:09
tgBotLaVerdaBirdo was added by: LaVerdaBirdo20:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> well, hi there!20:09
tgBot<Xorpad> easy enough20:09
tgBot<Xorpad> welcome @LaVerdaBirdo20:09
vanyasemXorpad: real talk think about it man20:10
tgBot<LaVerdaBirdo> HI,  Thanks20:10
tgBot<Xorpad> vanyasem, what do you mean real talk?20:10
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> I'm also confused20:10
tgBot<nfsprodriver> Welcome @LaVerdaBirdo! - Is the latest 16.04 testable so far, that I can revert to 15.04 w/o problems?20:11
vanyasemXorpad: that's a quote "easy easy real talk"20:11
vanyasem(sorry for the ot)20:11
tgBot<Xorpad> I don't understand still20:12
tgBot<Xorpad> lol20:12
vanyasemjust watch the video above20:12
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @nfsprodriver, You can test it on the Nexus 5 only. It isn't  very fun to run since the Apps scope crashes right away and you're left with the Unity desktop20:12
tgBot<Xorpad> I did20:12
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Blank20:12
tgBot<Xorpad> are you saying I'm making it sound too easy or something?20:12
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Well, I think it's pretty easy. :P20:12
vanyasemit's just a quote i used for no reason20:13
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Now that I know how to do it20:13
vanyasemrelax ;)20:13
tgBot<Xorpad> vanyasem Okay cool20:13
tgBot<Xorpad> just was confused20:13
tgBot<nfsprodriver> @UniversalSuperBox, Can I go back to 15.04, so does network and ssh work? Does it have latest halium kernel?20:13
tgBot<Xorpad> and I'm used to people on freenode not liking me20:13
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @nfsprodriver, You can't switch back and forth, no20:13
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It's a wipe20:13
tgBot<nfsprodriver> Hm, thank you!20:14
tgBot<vanyasem> @Xorpad, am i on freenode now?20:14
tgBot<Xorpad> @vanyasem I didn't realize that was you:P20:14
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Aaaaanyway. After you've got everything built, you can use http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/deploying-rootfs.html to deploy the rootfs and Android.20:14
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> If it doesn't work, there's an alternate script to use. :P20:14
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Yep, that one.20:15
vanyasemhere's a link to an alternative script20:15
tgBot<Xorpad> thanks @UniversalSuperBox I think I should get back to work rather than just keep chatting about it20:15
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Yep. If you get another build error, paste.ubuntu.com it and we'll see what we can do.20:15
tgBot<Xorpad> Sure @UniversalSuperBox but half the fun is finding the fix myself, so I'll try on my own first and ask for help if it becomes a time sink and unproductive20:17
=== cachio_afk is now known as cachio
jarlathDoes Podbird have an owner at the moment?20:59
jarlathThere are a few issues with it. Nothing stopping it working but it freezes for a few minute after some operations.20:59
ubports_botProject daily-bacon build #297: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/297/21:02
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1149: SUCCESS in 58 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1149/21:03
=== jarlath is now known as Iarla
tgBot<Xorpad> Okay... So... building ninja_wrapper fails in cm-14.1 and aosp, as well as in the halium-7.1 tree, so it must be my build environment21:54
tgBot<Xorpad> What linux version/distro should I install?21:55
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Ubuntu 16.0422:01
tgBot<vanyasem> any derivative will do as well22:02
tgBot<vanyasem> i use elementary OS 4.1 Loki based on Ubuntu 16.04 :)22:02
xorpadOkay, well, first I'm trying to figure out if I'm just building it the wrong way22:03
xorpadfor one thing, the build instructions say to use the lunch combo cm_bullhead-userdebug22:03
xorpadbut you have to use lineage_bullhead-userdebug22:03
xorpadthe instructions are not up to date with halium 7.122:03
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Ooh. Which instructions?22:04
tgBot<Xorpad> the official page on porting to new devices22:05
tgBot<Xorpad> I'm manuallly doing things the build tree doesn't in an attempt to make things work22:08
tgBot<vanyasem> there is a note on that page22:11
tgBot<vanyasem> that says to use breakfast codename with halium 7.1 and linegae 14.122:12
tgBot<vanyasem> you should `not` use lunch with halium 7.122:12
tgBot<vanyasem> read carefully22:12
xorpadI see22:13
xorpadbreakfast provides same results22:13
xorpadI did read that, but I didn't do it, lol, I forgot about using breakfast but I just tried now and same result22:14
tgBot<vanyasem> what exactly is the error you're getting?22:14
xorpadthere is circular dependencies of ninja_wrapper so it doesn't build it22:14
tgBot<vanyasem> also, could we maybe move to the haliup chat22:15
xorpadsure sorry22:15
tgBot<vanyasem> @xorpad, could you please copy the exact error22:15
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @jarlath, wasn't that ... mike sheldon?22:41
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 635x1129) https://irc.ubports.com/nzf4auN0/file_1115.jpg23:21
tgBot<samzn> (Photo, 635x1129) https://irc.ubports.com/SomIJ7fX/file_1117.jpg23:21
tgBot<samzn> I think the responsive experience is almost app like now23:21
tgBot<samzn> I will ubuntufy it :)23:21
tgBot<samzn> discord is a piece of shit but people from freelance work also use it23:26
tgBot<wayneoutthere> what is this? and thanks for doing it... whatever it is. :)23:32
tgBot<wayneoutthere> oh... nevermind23:32
tgBot<wayneoutthere> must be 'discord'23:32
tgBot<wayneoutthere> thanks for your contributions!  is this first time working on UT?23:33
tgBot<wayneoutthere> ...wait! is this the thing Joe (in here) said that the cool kids use in skool?23:33
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @exar_kun ! is this that?23:34
tgBot<mariogrip> @Mohannes, Hey!23:37
tgBot<mariogrip> @samzn, oji :)23:38
tgBot<mariogrip> @wayneoutthere, I would say that's pretty much true, it's mostly used by so called *gamers*23:44
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It's marketed toward them23:45
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> But it's just a really damn good team communication platform23:46
tgBot<Biffalo> It's a lot like slack23:47
tgBot<Biffalo> But discord is Def good for groups. Privacy policy is jenky and they have been known to ban servers they don't agree with23:48
tgBot<wayneoutthere> ok i see.  well this is still news23:48
tgBot<wayneoutthere> thanks23:48
tgBot<samzn> Telegram is better :)23:50
tgBot<exar_kun> @wayneoutthere, Yeah that23:58

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