=== dirlei is now known as vendetaxvt [04:37] so many people [06:11] Good morning [09:57] Howdy folks === oerheks_ is now known as oerheks [12:39] mnbmnn [13:59] Hello === runawaysheld123 is now known as runawaysheld123_ === runawaysheld123_ is now known as runawaysheld123 [14:14] morning folks [14:18] hey :) [14:21] hey GodFather :) [14:25] hey martina [14:26] Hello. Is there a way to hide the password prompt on the lockscreen, so that background-images are visible wihtout disturbances? [14:26] hello John85 [14:27] martina, doesn't it time out and disappear [14:27] ? [14:27] dougl: I'm not sure, I haven't waited for too long after activating the lockscreen. [14:27] anyone have any experience with SSD's and laptops? [14:28] John85, ask your real question and find out [14:29] ok, i was thinking of getting an SSD for my laptop, but then read an article saying that they actually draw more power than standard HDD, which made me think again [14:32] How is that Kubuntu related? try ##hardware ( but i guess that article is bullshit) [14:32] i know this is probably a discussion more suited to off topic forum, but its very quiet there [14:36] dougl: The password prompt seems be always visible on the lock screen. [14:38] martina, sorry don't have any direction really I was just curious - I never lock my screen, linux only at home [14:38] martina, solution: use a screensaver instead of the lockscreen feature [14:38] oerheks: I'll o [14:38] oerheks: I'll o [14:39] oerheks: I'll look into that, thanks. [14:39] it can be protected by a password too, but you need to click/hit a key [14:40] oerheks: Okay. That would be perfect. [14:45] where did the ifconfig go? [14:50] net-tools suite isn’t installed by default. This means the ifconfig command isn’t available, use 'ip' [15:03] are 17.04 user able to see youtube after latest updates ? === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [18:54] How do I change the default app for opening a link? [19:05] kiroma: System Settings ... Personalization .. Applications === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [19:11] But this way it also changes the way I open files locally. [19:12] I want to view pngs from URLs in my web browser, but I want to also view pngs on my disk in gwenview. [19:20] So then use the context menu [19:20] eg: right click, and choose "Open with..." [19:24] where do my boot messages/logs hide? [20:52] hello everyone [20:52] in my grub2, i got a simple menu with black background and white letter [20:53] i would like to get graphic menu [20:53] is anyone is able to tell me how to do ? [20:53] thanks [21:28] mixma, grub customiser perhaps? https://i.stack.imgur.com/o4b5H.jpg > https://launchpad.net/grub-customizer === est31_ is now known as est31 === kubuntu is now known as Guest85454