=== _d0048 is now known as d0048 === maclin1 is now known as maclin [04:57] ... [05:39] <\u> iMadper: 好久没来这个频道了 [05:41] \u: shia [05:41] .... no ime... [05:41] <\u> blame csslayer [05:41] . [05:42] my LC_CTYPE's fault... [05:42] <\u> Oh, just noticed I still use LC_CTYPE=zh_CN.UTF-8 emacs to start my emacs [05:43] I should use it as well... [05:43] * iMadper is too lazy to restart emacs... [05:45] <\u> it is 21 century emacs still requires LC_CTYPE... [05:46] \u: O_o [05:46] <\u> when you left Canonical, they took away your cloak? Are cloaks layered so you still keep the unaffiliated one? [05:47] \u: In fact, the linaro cloak expired every half year. [05:47] \u: And the unaffiliated still be kept. [05:48] sjtug? [05:48] why not tuna? [05:48] <\u> So if I lost the sjtug cloak, I would still have the unaffiliated one. [05:49] Sure. [05:49] <\u> LQYMGT applied for an organization & gave me the cloak [05:49] Aha. [05:49] <\u> tuna ppl have not done that :( [05:50] better to have one. [05:50] \u: Does purely functional data structure worth a read? [05:50] <\u> then i'll have 3 layers of cloaks. winter is coming, i need thicker cloaks [05:51] \u: It seems a bit wired with a non standard ML syntax.... [05:51] <\u> Purely Functional Data Structure? Of course [05:51] \u: When I work for linar, I have three.. [05:52] linaro + canonical + unaffiliated. [05:52] <\u> It uses Standard ML [05:52] \u: It does seem the is more updated? [05:53] \u: And more friendly to me. (by using scala...) [05:53] \u: However most of people told me that PFDS is a must-read... [05:54] <\u> https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Learning-Functional-Data-Structures-and-Algorithms [05:54] ⇪ f: GitHub - PacktPublishing/Learning-Functional-Data-Structures-and-Algorithms: Learning Functional Data Structures and Algorithms published by Packt [05:55] <\u> cannot find a pdf [05:56] \u: ... please check the pm [05:58] \u: Also I purchased fp for mortals... [05:58] from leanpub. [06:02] <\u> Should be good to learn Scala [06:04] * \u play lsp-mode [06:05] wow. Dotty supports lsp by default. However I haven't tried lsp-mode yet. [06:05] \u: Is lsp-mode stable enough? [06:06] * \u does not know dotty. (lsp-mode -1) does not turn off it, weird. [06:07] Dotty is the next scala compiler. [06:07] officially,. [06:07] <\u> tried haskell-ide-engine yesterday & code indexer at work. haven't used other lsp clients [06:08] <\u> when will clangd become mature [06:09] Not sure... I use rtags for C/C++ [06:10] <\u> I use it too [06:10] Doesn't work for kernel. [06:10] <\u> https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags/issues/1007 [06:10] ⇪ f: [Feature request] Speeding up query performance of rdm · Issue #1007 · Andersbakken/rtags · GitHub [06:10] <\u> Exactly! You should join #archlinux-cn-offtopic and talk with him [06:11] <\u> 34000+ C files and rtags checks each of them to serve a request [06:11] <\u> painfully slow [06:11] yes! [06:12] The sourceInsight works much better. [06:12] As well as the understand. [06:12] However both are expensive. And only understand has linux version. [06:12] <\u> Do sourceInsight & understand understand "compile_commands.json" ? [06:13] <\u> I mean if they do not understand the compilation commands [06:13] <\u> This is no way to provide precise goto definition/reference [06:14] Yeah, not precisely. [06:14] But fast. [06:14] How do you generate the compile_commands.json? [06:14] bear? [06:14] <\u> I'm still not sure whether I should use helm-gtags or ggtags.el [06:14] Bear is just another painfull tool... [06:15] It requires build the whole kernel to generate compile_commands.json.... [06:15] <\u> https://github.com/MaskRay/Config/blob/master/home/.emacs.d/layers/%2Bmy/my-code/packages.el#L81 [06:15] ⇪ f: Config/packages.el at master · MaskRay/Config · GitHub [06:15] <\u> I use bear. For my own project, meson, which generates compile_commands.json be default [06:16] <\u> For llvm, cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -D BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/.local/stow/llvm .. [06:16] <\u> But i gave up. It is extremely slow [06:16] -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON makes the magic. [06:16] <\u> https://github.com/atilaneves/cmake-ide/issues/135 [06:16] ⇪ f: Support source file blacklist · Issue #135 · atilaneves/cmake-ide · GitHub [06:17] It sounds like you are working on compiler related projects? [06:17] <\u> cmake-ide does something stupid so i have to turn off it in https://github.com/MaskRay/Config/blob/master/home/.spacemacs#L89 [06:17] ⇪ f: Config/.spacemacs at master · MaskRay/Config · GitHub [06:17] <\u> s/are/want/ [06:18] I haven't used cmake-ide... [06:19] <\u> It is shipped with spacemacs recently. I don't understand its purpose [06:20] Spacemaces is somehow too heavy for me... [06:20] <\u> ngkaho1234 in #archlinux-cn-offtopic forks rtags https://github.com/ngkaho1234/rtags [06:20] ⇪ f: GitHub - ngkaho1234/rtags: A c/c++ client/server indexer for c/c++/objc[++] with integration for Emacs based on clang. [06:21] \u: with a big improvement? [06:21] <\u> as a makeshift since clangd is immature [06:22] <\u> haven't tried. i'm waiting for kythe [06:22] haha [06:26] \u: Have you ever learned about type system? [06:27] \u: Any recommands book for starters? [06:43] iMadper: 吼久不见啊前辈 [06:45] Isolde: Hey. When will you graduate? [06:46] Isolde: Consider about working with me? [06:46] it should be read " Nothing " [06:48] iMadper: 明年6月毕业 [06:49] Isolde: . [06:49] iMadper: 工啥作,还是考研 [06:50] iMadper: 你去搞硬件了? [06:52] Isolde: Nope. Software department. [06:54] iMadper: 是做硬件的公司? [06:55] Isolde: Yes. HXT-semitech. [06:56] iMadper: 这公司官网咋没产品展示的…… [06:56] Isolde: Haven't released. [06:56] iMadper: 现在是电脑都不装中文输入法了吗 [06:56] yet... [06:57] huntxu: installed. But doesn't work now... [06:57] huntxu: hu tu xu shu zao. [06:57] ... [06:57] huntxu: you mei you hao shier a zui jin? [06:57] windows? [06:57] huntxu: arch [06:58] iMadper: 新成立的企业? [06:58] Isolde: Yep. [06:58] iMadper: 哇,你是去当老板了吗? [06:58] 还缺洗碗的吗 [06:58] Isolde: .... .... [06:58] iMadper: 有啊,昨天PES终于熬到top player级别了 [06:59] huntxu: le se. [06:59] iMadper: 赞助点钱买fifa吧 [07:00] huntxu: qiong === iMadper is now known as Qiong [07:02] Qiong: 手太残,多年用键盘,最近才学会用手柄... [07:03] huntxu: ... bu hao wan... [07:04] Qiong: 看了你司招聘吓坏了 [07:05] Isolde: which one? [07:07] 都要211985gpa3.7 [07:07] 我感觉我已经死在18岁了 [07:08] 2.7就有 [07:14] Qiong: arm的服务器芯片……靠谱吗 [07:55] Isolde: kao pu. [09:23] Qiong: 话说请教一下有没有在启动时检测是否有n卡然后在modprobe里面禁掉n卡驱动的方法 [09:24] Isolde: Inside of initramfs? [09:25] Isolde: try udev magic? [09:26] Isolde: DEVPATH=="/module/nvidia", ACTION=="remove", RUN+="do what every you want here" [09:26] action should be add .... [09:40] Qiong: 我试试 [09:40] Qiong: 我入arch邪教了,真好用 [10:00] gbk23012gbk10380 [10:05] .... [10:06] /connect irc.freenode.com [10:06] also /serverirc.freenode.com [10:07] /server irc.icq.com /join [10:09] 嗯嗯 [10:10] 有人在? [10:12] 恩 [10:12] Qiong: 话说再请教一下,如果只是为了从服务器上方便下载文件,用什么http服务器比较好? [10:13] 您好! [10:13] 你好 [10:14] 收徒弟 [10:14] ? [10:15] 收徒弟吗? [10:17] 出个价 [10:27] 恩 [10:38] 从服务器上方便下载文件,用什么http服务器比较好? [10:46] …… [10:55] [10:55] klo, 北美地区 [10:57] hunt@ [11:29] 有多少个人?交流经验!!! [11:30] How many people are there? Exchange experience!!! [11:32] Anybody here? [11:34] Who and the 100? [12:08] …… [12:08] 你要交流啥经验啊 [12:08] klo: [12:36] 黑掉电力 [14:05] Who and the 100?有人在线? [14:10] 因为墙,导致部分人回归,。 [14:24] 恩 [14:59] 有人 [15:43] 怎么晚才出来活动活动!!! [15:45] 怎么称呼你(void1) [16:36] 这人数也和墙有关系?惊了! [16:41] ..... [16:42] 有没有更好的频道? [17:49] 你好 === root is now known as Guest74174 [18:03] 00000000000 [18:03] 你好有人在? [18:06] /msg chanserv help [18:06] /msg memoserv help [18:14] ********************************** === strangemk2 is now known as void1 === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk