
=== ikey is now known as ikey|zzz
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|zzz
mvohey zyga-ubuntu06:55
zyga-ubuntuhey, sorry for being late, just waking up06:59
zyga-ubuntumvo: did you see my comment here? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4034#discussion_r14439182007:00
mupPR #4034: dbus: ensure io.snapcraft.Launcher.service is created on re-exec <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4034>07:00
mupPR snapd#4034 closed: dbus: ensure io.snapcraft.Launcher.service is created on re-exec <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4034>07:01
mvozyga-ubuntu: I did not, sorry07:01
mvozyga-ubuntu: fixing that now in an extra branch :/07:02
zyga-ubuntumvo: no worries, thank you07:02
mupPR snapd#4036 opened: interfaces/dbus: drop unneeded check for release.ReleaseInfo.ForceDevMode <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4036>07:06
mvozyga-ubuntu: -^07:06
zyga-ubuntuthank you!07:07
mvozyga-ubuntu: 4035 needs a second review, that is also 2.28 material (mostly to make cachios life easier)07:15
mupPR snapd#4035 closed: Fix econnreset test when the download needs a retry <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4035>07:17
* zyga-ubuntu needs a 2nd coffee07:39
zyga-ubuntusorry guys I just feels so sleepy today07:39
zyga-ubuntumvo: question about 2.28, I noticed that some PRs were going into master, are you tracking the cherry-pick list/07:40
zyga-ubuntuhey john07:45
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: 'sup07:48
Chipacaat this end, my 'just add conditions' branch is turning into a bit of a monster07:49
Chipacathe kind of thing i then need to split into three07:49
Chipacai think i'll split it now, even if it's a bit of an ouroboros07:50
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes, release/2.28 should be up-to-date07:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: i.e. all the things got cherry-picked07:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: I'm trying to make sense of the pi3 issue that sergio reported right now but I don't have a pi3 so its a bit guesswork. could you run the specific test on a pi3?07:52
mvo(you have one, right?)07:52
mvozyga-ubuntu: its external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-32:tests/main/ubuntu-core-upgrade - ideally with debug to get an idea what is going on inside it07:53
zyga-solusmvo: yes07:54
zyga-solusmvo: setting this up now07:54
mupPR snapd#4036 closed: interfaces/dbus: drop unneeded check for release.ReleaseInfo.ForceDevMode <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4036>07:55
mvozyga-solus: thank you. one of the logs says "snap "core" has changes in progress07:55
mvozyga-solus: so it might be auto-refreshing to something while the test is running07:56
zyga-solusmvo: sorry for the lag, the card didn't boot and I had to arrange keyboard/monitor; flashing edge image now08:11
zyga-solusmvo: offtopic, if you are using the wayland version of gnome on your x250 I found the UI scaling option to be invaluable and working very well (on artfuL)08:12
mvozyga-solus: my x250 is still on zesty, I think I upgrade today08:13
mvozyga-solus: I updated the forum topic from sergio, its a very strange behaviour08:13
mvozyga-solus: it looks like the reboot does not go through uboot or at least not through the normal uboot snap_boot handler08:14
mvozyga-solus: i.e. snap_mode=try should never happen after a reboot because the bootloader checks/changes that08:14
mvozyga-solus: so I'm curious what you see if you watch the terminal08:14
mupBug #1718942 changed: running favorited snap shows two icons in Ubuntu dock <artful> <Snappy:Fix Released> <gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1718942>08:14
mvozyga-solus: eh, watch the attached monitor08:15
zyga-solusmvo: I'll be ready to fire this in ~10 minutes08:15
zyga-solusI can also plug in serial tty if you think that is useful08:15
mvozyga-solus: the more logging the better. its one of those "can't happen" scenarios08:15
mvozyga-solus: I mean, the only explaination I have right now is craziness like kexec or similar08:16
mvoi.e. bypass uboot entirely08:16
zyga-solusok, serial also attached08:21
zyga-solusjust waiting for the copy to finish08:21
* zyga-solus worries that the card may be busted or just super slow08:21
zyga-ubuntuwrites are ~1MB/s08:23
mvozyga-ubuntu: I can  recommend scandisk extreme, that is what I'm using and they are pretty swift. but I guess that is not helpful right now :)08:24
* zyga-ubuntu tweets something08:24
zyga-ubuntumvo: just as a sanity check, I'll be testing this revision 4eafe60b201706ebd317891ab226832b45d23f1208:28
mvozyga-ubuntu: fwiw, I ordered a pi3 now too, shoudl have done that a long time agi08:28
zyga-ubuntumvo: copy complete, let's see if it boots08:28
mvozyga-ubuntu: autsch :( what happend?08:28
mvozyga-ubuntu: and thanks for the extra test for 4eafe60b201706ebd317891ab226832b45d23f1208:29
mvozyga-ubuntu: there is a spread test for it, but but but :)08:29
mvozyga-ubuntu: better safe than sorry08:29
zyga-ubuntumvo: nothing, they cards just stopped working one day08:30
zyga-ubuntuoddly there's nothing on serial port08:30
mvozyga-ubuntu: on the montior?08:30
zyga-ubuntuthe monitor is showing normal boot stuff08:30
zyga-ubuntumaybe I got the wires wrong?08:30
mvozyga-ubuntu: I vaguely remember the serial port was not enabled for some reason on the pi3 but I might be wrong. ogra_ will know08:31
zyga-ubuntuI'll make sure after initial setup08:31
zyga-ubuntuok, board up and running, I'll check serial08:35
ogra_mvo, zyga-ubuntu serial is enabled in non-stable08:36
zyga-ubuntuogra_: I'm on the edge image08:36
ogra_it was nitialllly not enablled on the pi08:36
zyga-ubuntuogra_: how can I check it's enabled? I didn't see any gettys in the process list08:36
zyga-ubuntumvo: funny, I saw "snap repair run"08:37
zyga-ubunturoot      1144  0.0  0.2   4340  2192 ttyS0    Ss+  08:37   0:00 /bin/bash /usr/share/subiquity/console-conf-wrapper --serial08:37
zyga-ubuntuI see this, could that be it?08:37
ogra_check /boot/uboot/cmdline.txt on a running system or cmdline.txt on the system-boot partition when checking the SD from a PC08:38
zyga-ubuntudwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 elevator=deadline rng_core.default_quality=70008:39
ogra_there you go08:39
ogra_both are enabled08:39
* zyga-ubuntu swaps RX/TX08:39
zyga-ubuntuok, ready for testing08:40
zyga-ubuntumvo: ok, shall I run one specific test or all of main?08:42
zyga-ubuntuexternal:ubuntu-core-16-arm-32:tests/main/ubuntu-core-upgrade  ?08:43
zyga-ubunturunning that08:43
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes, that one08:46
zyga-ubuntuI'll keep you posted08:47
zyga-ubuntuI think this will take a while08:47
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes :/ its the last piece of the puzzle08:47
mvozyga-ubuntu: once that is under control we can do 2.28.508:47
zyga-ubuntusorry for not having core prepared last night08:49
zyga-ubuntumvo: 1st restart08:53
zyga-ubuntuI really wished I ran this with --verbose-but-without-protocol-dump08:54
zyga-ubuntumvo: 2nd reboot08:55
zyga-ubuntumvo: 3rd reboot08:58
zyga-ubuntumvo: 4th reboot09:00
zyga-ubuntu(man, that's a lot)09:00
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes09:00
* zyga-ubuntu wasn't aware this test did so much rebooting09:00
zyga-ubunturestoring now09:02
zyga-ubuntumvo: what do we do if it passes/09:02
* zyga-ubuntu looks at his dead SD cards and wonders if there will be a uSD-sized HDD one day09:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: we ask cachio to use a second sd card and retry09:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25731170/09:05
zyga-ubuntumvo: you can retry the test from office.zygoon.pl09:05
zyga-ubuntumvo: I should just change the network config to static IP09:05
mvozyga-ubuntu: thats fine09:09
mvozyga-ubuntu: I assume the card from sergio is in a strange state. however I really want to get to the bottom of it, need to wait for him but I will prepare 2.28.509:10
zyga-ubuntumvo: ok09:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: you should be able to ssh into office.zygoon.pl and ssh into pi3-1 now09:13
zyga-ubuntumvo: and run the test any number of times09:13
zyga-ubuntumvo: ttyUSB1 is now attached to the serial console09:14
mvozyga-ubuntu: I will run it again a couple of times but I suspect it will just work. but who knows09:15
zyga-ubuntumvo: I ran prepare-remote as my own user, not sure if you have to repeat09:16
* kalikiana coffee break09:22
zyga-ubuntuI'll try to organize my attic over weeekend09:23
zyga-ubuntuand move the lab devices there09:23
zyga-ubuntuthis should give me a more convenient x86 box available as lab controller09:23
ogra_mvo, hmm, any idea why we did get these upload error mails for core ?09:31
ogra_(the snaps seems to be where they should be)09:31
ogra_" __all__: Can not create a new snap for core, the name is already taken and owned by someone else." is also a weird error i havent seen before09:32
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mvoogra_: should be fixed by noe09:34
mvoogra_: by now09:34
mvoogra_: did you get "Store authorization failed for core" mails earlierß09:34
ogra_yeah, i see they are where they should be, i was just wondering what it was09:34
ogra_only one per arch for the last build09:35
mvoogra_: it was using the wrong authorization for the automatic store uploads, it is now using the canonical store account again (as it should) so things are fine again. the token did expire (valid for 1y)09:36
popeymvo: zyga-ubuntu does core in edge (rev 3201) have the nvidia fixes?09:46
zyga-soluspopey: no idea09:47
* zyga-solus looks09:47
mvopopey: yes09:48
* popey refreshes09:48
mvopopey: it should have them, including the fixes for nvidia-375+09:48
mvopopey: please let us know :)09:48
popeyTry and stop me :)09:48
zyga-ubuntumvo: question09:48
zyga-ubuntu  edge:      16-2.28.4+git434.8c9d7e9 (3201) 87MB -09:48
zyga-ubuntuwhat is the git revision?09:48
zyga-ubuntuand what is the dot there?09:48
ogra_the first one is just a counter09:49
mvozyga-ubuntu: the git revision is 8c9d7e9 but for lp:snapd-vendor09:49
popeynot fixed09:51
zyga-ubuntuwhat /o\09:51
zyga-ubuntumvo: we don't refresh udev profiles09:52
* zyga-ubuntu looks to confirm09:52
zyga-ubuntu            shouldRefresh := (backend.Name() == interfaces.SecuritySecComp || backend.Name() == interfaces.SecurityAppArmor)09:52
zyga-ubuntuyes /o\09:53
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'll make a branch09:53
mvozyga-ubuntu: yes, darn indeed09:53
zyga-ubuntushould we just do all?09:54
zyga-ubuntuor too risky?09:54
zyga-ubuntuI wanted to do all since day one but we were conservative then09:54
* ogra_ wonders if there could be any bad impact on core 09:54
mvozyga-ubuntu: lets add udev for 2.28 and all for master ?09:55
ogra_i.e. with custom gadgets where people have custom slots09:55
mvozyga-ubuntu: will we udev reload a lot?09:55
mvoi.e. will this be slow or cause storms of udev events?09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: done https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/403709:56
mupPR #4037: overlord/ifacestate: refresh udev backend on startup <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4037>09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: it's only done if something is really different09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: so should be ok-ish09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: though09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: we re-run trigger anyway09:56
ogra_mvo, i wouldnt be that much concerned about storms of events but about device name changes or some such ...09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: as we don't know if the rules on disk were loaded09:56
zyga-ubuntumvo: let's try this and see what we get09:56
zyga-ubuntupopey: thank you for catching this09:56
mupPR snapd#4037 opened: overlord/ifacestate: refresh udev backend on startup <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4037>09:56
popeyzyga-ubuntu: no problemo09:57
popeyI am keen to play zzt ;)09:57
popeyUh, I mean, open my irc client09:57
mvozyga-ubuntu: could we do something very targeted for 2.28?09:57
mvozyga-ubuntu: I targed it to master now, this way we can land in edge, trigger build and ask popey to refresh, then we cherry pick to 2.28. sounds good?10:01
zyga-ubuntumvo: done10:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: ta!10:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: I have two branches though10:04
mvothats fine10:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: one for 2.28 with just udev10:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: and one for master with all10:04
mupPR snapd#4039 opened: overlord/ifacestate: refresh all security backends on startup <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4039>10:05
mvoI'm setting up a 16.04/nvidia machine in the meantime10:06
* mvo feels uneasy not being able to reproduce10:06
mupPR snapd#4040 opened: interfaces: add USB interface number attribute in udev rule for serial-port and hidraw interfaces <Created by musicguitar> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4040>10:07
zyga-ubuntumvo: install 16.04 and stable10:07
zyga-ubuntumvo: then refresh to beta10:07
zyga-ubuntumvo: no wait, install a snap before you do the beta refresh10:07
zyga-ubuntumvo: that should trigger this10:07
popeymy zyga desktop is still powered on and available if you need it10:07
zyga-ubuntupopey: no, it's fine, I think this patch will change that correctly10:08
zyga-ubuntumvo: meanwhile 3 runs on pi3-1 are green, still going10:08
ackkwhy can't I see prints() in snapcraft unittests?10:14
zyga-ubuntuackk: probably intercepted by the testing framework10:16
ackkmight be something in testscenarios I guess10:17
ackkoh wait, FakeTerminal10:18
* zyga-solus -> lunch10:34
mupPR snapcraft#1617 opened: Add options to configure applications socket activation <Created by albertodonato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1617>10:40
zyga-ubuntumvo: welcome back10:42
zyga-ubuntuwhat did you change?10:42
mvozyga-ubuntu: switch to xorg from wayland10:43
kalikianappisati: Hey! I just saw your snapcraft PR10:44
kalikianappisati: Thanks for looking into it! Do you need any help with it? I'm thinking we could have a very simple unit test for it10:48
zyga-ubuntuok, let's look at the tests10:48
ppisatikalikiana: if you feel like writing a unit test for it, go ahead - i'm really bad with that stuff10:49
kalikianaYeah, I can do that.10:50
kalikianappisati: Just to check first, should the return be ''? In the new PR there's no value10:51
mupPR snapd#4039 closed: overlord/ifacestate: refresh all security backends on startup <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4039>10:53
mvozyga-ubuntu: I baby-sit a core build now, then we can test the fix10:53
ppisatikalikiana: empty string or nothing have the same effect10:55
zyga-solusmvo: ta10:55
zyga-ubuntumvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4037 is green now10:57
mupPR #4037: overlord/ifacestate: refresh udev backend on startup <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4037>10:57
kalikianappisati: Hmmm this `'CROSS_COMPILE={}'.format(None)` gives me `'CROSS_COMPILE=None'`, though, which seems wrong?10:57
kalikianaI guess it might be ignored by kbuild?10:58
zyga-soluskalikiana: why wrong?10:58
zyga-solusI mean, it's valid python :)10:58
zyga-solusjust looks wrong as a string10:58
kalikianazyga-solus: Well, by wrong I mean the result looks wrong10:58
kalikianaLiterally in terms of human eyes10:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, waiting for confirmation before the merge mainly10:59
kalikianazyga-solus: This gets passed to kbuild10:59
* kalikiana knows very little about what's normal in kbuild terms11:00
zyga-ubuntumvo: tests passed on pi311:03
zyga-ubuntumvo: though the counter is off :)11:04
zyga-ubuntuzyga@fyke:~/snapd$ SPREAD_EXTERNAL_ADDRESS= spread -v -debug -reuse -repeat 5  external:ubuntu-core-16-arm-32:tests/main/ubuntu-core-upgrade11:04
zyga-ubuntu2017-10-13 12:47:47 Successful tasks: 611:04
zyga-ubuntu-repeat is -repeat-in-addition-to-the-one-you-selected11:04
mvozyga-ubuntu: heh, ok11:06
mvozyga-ubuntu: I get lunch while waiting for the builds I think11:07
kalikianappisati: aside from that detail, are you going to add an error message for the non-x86 case? or do you want me to do that also?11:07
kalikianaI think what you suggested in the bug sounds pretty good11:08
kalikianathe use case of the op is exactly that11:08
ppisatikalikiana: if arch != x86_64, it raises the exception there so you get a 'Cross compiling XXX on YYY is not supported' error11:16
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kalikianappisati: Yeah, was just wondering if it should be more specific in this case, like "Cross compiling for i686 is only supported from x86-64"11:29
kalikianaAlthough maybe the existing one is good enough11:30
kalikianappisati: Can you add me to your branch? Then I can push the tests11:32
mupPR snapd#4041 opened: cmd,packaging: enable apparmor on openSUSE <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4041>11:50
mupPR snapd#4037 closed: overlord/ifacestate: refresh udev backend on startup <Created by zyga> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4037>11:56
kalikianappisati: Nevermind, seems I was able to push already. Again, thanks for working on this11:57
jdstrandmvo: is a 2.28.5 expected in beta/candidate today?12:03
jdstrandmvo: hi btw :)12:03
mvojdstrand: yes12:04
mvopopey: could you try edge please with your example snap?12:04
mvojdstrand: we are just doing on confirmation about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/403912:05
mupPR #4039: overlord/ifacestate: refresh all security backends on startup <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4039>12:05
mvojdstrand: well, a variant for 2.28 that only refreshes udev in addition to seccomp and apparmor12:05
popeymvo: will do12:05
mvojdstrand: this is needed to ensure the broken profiles get flushed12:05
mvopopey: thank you!12:05
* popey notes a new install bar thing12:05
mvopopey: yes, new feature, if you like it send \o/ to Chipaca12:06
kalikianasergiusens: not sure if you're on yet, but FYI I'll be on a train in ~30 and have a longer lunch, killing some overtime from the late nights this week, but will check in later/ be available for q's12:06
popeyI thought my terminal was broken initially12:06
popeystill broken I'm afraid12:06
mvozyga-ubuntu: -^12:07
zyga-ubuntupopey: can you look at /etc/rules.d/12:07
zyga-ubuntupopey: look at the file for the snap12:08
zyga-ubuntupopey: can you paste it?12:08
popeyi assume you mean /etc/udev/rules.d12:08
mvoit is the right version, that git revision contains the fix12:08
popeyalan@hal:/etc/udev/rules.d$ pastebinit 70-snap.zzt.rules12:08
zyga-ubuntupopey: yes, sorry12:08
zyga-ubuntupopey: okay12:08
zyga-ubuntupopey: please go to /run/udev/tags12:08
zyga-ubuntupopey: then to app in question12:09
zyga-ubuntuand list files there and paste here12:09
zyga-ubuntuthis looks like a bug in udev12:09
zyga-ubuntucan you please12:09
mvojdstrand: are people asking on the sprint already?12:09
zyga-ubuntusudo udevadm control --reload12:10
zyga-ubuntusudo udevadm trigger12:10
zyga-ubuntuoh man12:10
popey(still busted)12:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: we do "sudo udevadm control --reload-rules"12:11
zyga-ubuntumvo: but help has only --reload12:11
* zyga-ubuntu checks12:11
zyga-ubuntupopey: ok, thank you, no new theories yet12:11
zyga-ubuntupopey: the files in /run... didn't change?12:11
* popey looks12:11
popeysame time/date on them12:11
zyga-ubuntupopey: if you remove the nvidia ones12:12
zyga-ubuntuand then run the app?12:12
jdstrandmvo: no, but last night I noticed in the forum someone with multiple network devices having trouble with network-control12:12
popeyso rm /run/udev/tags/snap_zzt_zzt/*nvidia*  ?12:12
mvojdstrand: ta12:12
jdstrandmvo: mwinter and the frr snap12:12
zyga-ubuntumvo: ok, I just checked that "--reload" and "--reload-rules" are the same (it's an alias)12:13
zyga-ubuntupopey: ok12:13
zyga-ubuntucan you reboot12:13
zyga-ubuntuI think it's a bug in udev12:13
zyga-ubuntumvo: we can do a cleanup thing that would go around all the udev snap tags and rm those files12:13
zyga-ubuntumvo: (via the udev backend)_12:13
popeyok, will reboot12:13
zyga-ubuntumvo: +1/-1?12:13
kalikianaelopio: We really need to split up the tests, two of my PRs now "failed" because of timeouts, and they were fine before... maybe we can discuss it a bit later if you have some time12:14
zyga-ubuntumvo: I think this could go to udev's Initialize (in master) and to udev init() in 2.2812:14
jdstrandmvo: thanks for working on this12:14
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu: what happens if the snap-confine is linked to libapparmor and apparmor isn't available?12:15
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: at runtime as in compiled but disabled on boot? nothing bad, it's been supported for months this way12:15
Son_Gokuwell, that is, userspace support is there, but not kernel space12:16
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: not sure if you have the time for that but I did some updates on https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008 -- I don't need a security review but another "still on the right/wrong" track review12:16
mupPR #4008: cmd/snap-update-ns: create missing mount points automatically <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4008>12:16
mvozyga-ubuntu: hm, but people will have to reboot anyway?12:16
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: same12:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: no12:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: if we remove those files then it's ok12:16
Son_Gokuso then why didn't you do this with openSUSE before?12:16
zyga-ubuntumvo: (popey just tested that)12:16
zyga-ubuntuSon_Goku: because before the backend was not enabled at all and snap-confine didn't run without any app profiles12:16
mvozyga-ubuntu: oh, he did? I thought he said it did not work, if it does, excellent, lets do it12:16
zyga-solusmvo: please check backlog to ensure I'm not confusing things12:17
mvozyga-ubuntu: didn't he say "<zyga-ubuntu> I think it's a bug in udev"12:17
mvozyga-ubuntu: eh, I mean, didn't he say he will reboot?12:17
mvopopey: hey, did removing the files help?12:17
zyga-solusmvo: he didn't reboot yet (I assumed, as that was his IRC system)12:17
zyga-solusmvo: better to ask though, sure :)12:17
mvozyga-solus: aha, I see "success"12:18
mvozyga-solus: I'm still slightly confused, lets see what he says :)12:18
* zyga-solus moved from kitchen back to office desk12:18
mvozyga-solus: but yeah, lets add workaround/cleanup12:18
zyga-solusI worry we don't have a full picture of udev behavior12:18
zyga-solusmvo: ok, I'm on it12:18
zyga-ubuntumvo: question, shoud snap-confine do this (so that we know it runs before 1st snap runs)12:20
popeyzyga-ubuntu: after rebooting, apps work (however, that's what ogra did without any updates)12:20
zyga-ubuntumvo: or should snapd do this (but it may start after the snap)_12:20
zyga-ubuntupopey: if you go to stable12:20
zyga-ubuntupopey: they should stop to work again12:20
zyga-ubuntupopey: then you can go to edge12:20
popeyok, lets test12:20
zyga-ubuntupopey: and they will stay broken12:20
zyga-ubuntupopey: and removing those files from /run will fix it again (assuming you are on edge)12:21
zyga-ubuntupopey: that's my theory12:21
zyga-ubuntupopey: udev doesn't remove tags for nvidia because of $unknown reason (and probably sysfs)12:21
popeyreverted to stable, and things are not as clear cut.12:22
popeyzzt and ohmygiraffe fail with the x issue12:24
popeycan't create a gl context12:24
popeyirccloud loads fine12:24
zyga-ubuntucan you look at udev rules12:24
zyga-ubuntupopey: because stable doesn't reload udev rules :)12:24
zyga-ubuntupopey: so you have to disable/enable12:24
popeyremove/install the snap good enough?12:25
zyga-ubuntuyes thouh disable/enable is faster12:25
popeyremoved / installed zzt, still broken12:25
popey(on stable core)12:25
zyga-ubuntunow go to edge12:25
zyga-ubuntuand it should stay broken12:26
zyga-ubuntuthen remove the files and it should work12:26
zyga-ubuntuand then reboot after saying on edge and it should work out of the box12:26
zyga-ubuntu(that's my theory)12:26
zyga-ubuntusorry for tha hands-on exercise :/12:26
mvozyga-ubuntu: hm, hm, ideally snap-confine, I'm slightly worried that the code will be more complex there12:26
zyga-ubuntumvo: right12:26
zyga-ubuntumvo: maybe snapd is "good enough"12:26
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: ^ what do you think?12:27
popeywent to edge and zzt works now12:27
zyga-ubuntupopey: !!12:27
zyga-ubuntupopey: without removing?12:27
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: sorry, what's the context?12:27
mvopopey: please try beta that should fix the gl context bug12:27
popeyohmygiraffe works too12:27
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: we're trying to figure out where to put some clenaup code: in snap-confine/C or in snapd/go12:27
popeyyes, without removing12:27
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: what does the cleanup code do?12:27
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: and is it distro-specific, or will everybody need it?12:28
zyga-ubuntupopey: then something doesn't hold, maybe that's just my confusion about stable not having refresh for udev12:28
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: rm /run/udev/tags/snap_*/*nvidia12:28
zyga-ubuntu(literally that)12:28
zyga-ubuntuI think it's a generic thing12:29
mvozyga-ubuntu: we could add a systemd unit?12:29
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'm puzzled,12:29
zyga-ubuntumvo: not in reexec easily12:29
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: who wrote those files?12:29
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: udev12:29
popeymvo: on beta ohmygiraffe fails, segfault12:29
mvozyga-ubuntu: hm, good point12:29
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: it seems (though I may be wrong) that udev doens't remove them12:29
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: how much do we love udev? (no ignore this question)12:29
popeysame for zzt12:29
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: with a retractable baton12:29
zyga-ubuntuno, I'm kidding12:29
zyga-ubuntuudev is fine, it's just an edge case12:29
mvopopey: what version of the nvidia driver do you have installed? apt list --installed nvidia-*12:29
zyga-ubuntupopey: note that unless you use edge you will not see reliable behavior12:30
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: how do these things persist over reboot?12:30
zyga-ubuntupopey: as non-edge doesn't reload udev12:30
Chipacazyga-ubuntu: or is it a "upgrade to new snapd, now wrong udev rules" thing?12:30
zyga-ubuntupopey: and your piror revision of snapd is relevant to "works/doesnt"12:30
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: those don't persist, it's just a classic reexec fix12:30
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: it seems, though we need to test this, that udev doesn't remove those tags12:30
zyga-ubuntumvo: can you try testing this12:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: on your machine12:31
mvozyga-ubuntu: I need to do a bit of fiddling, but probably12:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: just look if /run/udev/tags/snap_*/*nvidia go away12:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: after going from stable to edge, with reexec without a reboot12:31
zyga-ubuntumvo: note that after going to stable from edge you will have fake state with udev from edge and rest from stable so it's not a reliable measurement12:32
zyga-ubuntumvo: and download caching branch, perfect for that :) thank you for making it12:33
zyga-ubuntumvo: I'll hold and do the fixup in go if we need to12:35
zyga-ubuntuI need to break, my back is killing me :/12:35
mvozyga-ubuntu: ok, I can reproduce it with "hiri"12:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: I get "udev_enumerate_scan failed"12:39
mvozyga-ubuntu: I installed it before, then I refresh core to edge and the nvidia-files are still in run/udev/tags and hiri still fails to start12:40
mvozyga-ubuntu: if I move those files away hiri starts12:41
ogra_did you add code to e-generate all rulles ?12:41
ogra_if so, just rm them ?12:41
ogra_(before re-generation)12:41
Chipacaif the problem goes away with a reboot, and only happens on nvidia, would it be fair to publish an errata and fix it for 2.29?12:41
mvozyga-ubuntu: if I move the files back, things fail again12:42
Chipacaor are there headless, unattended devices out there that use nvidia?12:42
popeyzyga-ubuntu: mvo you don't need me for a bit do you?12:44
mvopopey: I can reproduce it now too, thank you. we may ask you in ~1-2h to double check our fix12:45
mvoChipaca, zyga-ubuntu just double checked (it was kind of expected) - a reboot makes the problem go away. but I'm not happy telling our users that bth12:46
Chipacamvo: is this breakage only in .4?12:51
Chipacaor is it in .1 also?12:51
Son_Gokumvo: that snapfuse thing looks gross12:53
Son_Gokuis it really true that `apt upgrade` won't upgrade components that pull in new dependencies?12:54
Son_Gokuthat seems like broken behavior12:54
popeyyou want apt dist-upgrade12:54
pstolowskizyga-solus, Chipaca, mvo i'm not coming to the standup today, i've a guy coming to mount blinders etc in my apartment12:54
popeyits not broken, it's documented, desired12:54
Chipacapopey: not sure how desired, given 'apt update' does the dist upgrade :-)12:55
mvoSon_Goku: firefighting right now, but happy to tell the full (sad) backstory, in a nutshell popey is right, its the behaviour of apt-get upgrade nice 1997 (roughtly) and some people use it, probably more out of ignorance than anything else12:55
Chipacapstolowski: you're so lazy man12:55
Chipacapopey: apt upgrade == apt-get dist-upgrade12:56
popeyupdate doesn't dist-upgrade12:56
mvoChipaca: almost12:56
Chipacamvo: la la la la12:56
mvoChipaca, popey apt upgrade will add new package but never remove packages12:56
popeyChipaca: Ah okay, you said "apt update" does dist-upgrade12:56
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* mvo fixed that back in the day12:56
Chipacapopey: yes, because my brain is a not particularly firm blancmange12:57
zyga-ubuntumvo: re,12:57
Son_Gokunow I'm glad that apt never won out in the rpm distros12:57
Son_Gokuthat's really stupid behavior12:57
zyga-ubuntumvo: ok12:58
popeyIt was often desired on systems where you were happy to upgrade existing software you've audited, but didn't want new stuff sneaking in12:58
zyga-ubuntumvo: so now that you can reproduce12:58
zyga-ubuntumvo: can you please confirm that after going to a build with udev reload patch we still keep the nvidia tag files in /run/udev/tags?12:58
zyga-ubuntumvo: (i.e. it's a bug in udev)12:58
Chipacapopey: AIUI it's merely flipping a default config, where apt-get uses one default and apt uses another, but i might've misunderstood12:59
Son_Gokuthat's an incredibly stupid default12:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: I did that, I refreshed to edge and the files are still there12:59
popeyIt's not a default12:59
popeyyou typed the wrong command :)12:59
mvozyga-ubuntu: fwiw, I am testing a small cleanup12:59
popeyholding it wrong etc12:59
* Chipaca wonders if Son_Goku accidentally ate trollflakes instead of cornflaes for breakfast12:59
zyga-ubuntumvo: thank you13:00
mvoSon_Goku: its a feature with its time and its place, however the sad thing is that it got cargo culted mostly because "apt-get dist-upgrade" sounds scary (and would remove stuff) and people use apt-get upgrade for the wrong reasons. fortunately apt upgrade fixes it13:00
Son_Gokuyeah, I've seen people say "never use dist-upgrade" at work13:01
Son_Gokuafaik, all dist-upgrade does is process Breaks/Replaces (aka, do proper upgrade)13:01
Son_Gokumvo: I just used smart most of the time before the new apt command became available ;)13:02
popeyPeople are silly :)13:02
* Son_Goku gasps13:02
Chipacamvo: i'll be in the standup in a minute (getting tea)13:02
zyga-ubuntuChipaca: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0du72G8CeOY13:02
ogra_popey, but *you* know the weirdest people13:04
popeyhello ogra_13:04
* ogra_ grins13:04
Chipacapopey: just to double-check, your nick rhymes with "ropey", not with "popeye", right?13:06
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diddledanpopey, the dopey13:14
diddledanpopey: you're dopey, right? :-p13:15
popeypeople call me poppy or popeye too13:15
popeyi used to get a surprising number of hits to my blog for people searching for "popey and olive oil"13:15
diddledanyou ought to make a page for that13:15
diddledangive them something to actually read13:16
* ikey wonders how many hits come from "in London a knight a popey interred"13:16
ikey*london lies13:17
* ikey wakes up13:17
diddledanwakey wakey ikey13:17
ikeyty lol13:17
diddledanpopey needs to invent a boxing match special move, similar to the rope-a-dope13:18
ogra_after alll we're the only disto who has A Pope ;)13:19
* diddledan pontificates13:19
diddledanI still say we should get popey canonised13:19
ogra_to shoot him at what exactly though ?13:20
ikeyogra_, the hopes and dreams of the innocent13:20
diddledannono, turn him into a saint13:20
ikeynow when you say saint13:21
ogra_before or after we shot him ?13:21
ikeyyou dont mean like howard saint right?13:21
diddledanwell usually they need to be dead13:21
diddledanpopey: we're killing you off13:21
ikeythats quite the job requirements13:21
diddledanhaha, great series13:22
ikey"Required: 10 years experience with being generally nice, 8 years experience with being generally not alive"13:22
diddledanthey did a straight-to-netflix movie with some random fella and eliza dushku (of Buffy the Vampire and Dollhouse)13:22
ikeyooo its friday the 13th13:23
* ikey avoids hockey all day13:23
ogra_it so is13:23
* diddledan goes back to bed13:23
ikeyif i meet anyone called jason im noping myself back all the way home13:23
ikeyor even more terrifying than that13:24
ikeyif i bump into lindsay lohan13:24
* ikey shudders13:24
Son_Gokuthe work buildsystem is down today :(13:26
Son_Gokuthis... is... not good13:26
ikeythe picture or the build system?13:26
ikeyi mean both are pretty out there13:27
ogra_so it is a vacation buildsystem then13:27
Son_Gokuikey: both13:27
mupPR snapd#4042 opened: snap-confine: cleanup incorrectly created nvidia udev tags <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4042>13:37
mupPR snapd#4041 closed: cmd,packaging: enable apparmor on openSUSE <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4041>13:55
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: hey, can you please review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/404213:57
mupPR #4042: snap-confine: cleanup incorrectly created nvidia udev tags <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4042>13:57
zyga-ubuntujdstrand: it's urgent for us to get this before EOD14:00
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cachiomvo, zyga-ubuntu running the test with logging enabled14:24
cachioI had to restart the screen to enable it14:24
Son_Gokuzyga-ubuntu: can you give positive karma to the snapd updates in Fedora, since popey can't?14:28
mvocachio: thank you14:32
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25732470/14:32
mvocachio: oh my14:32
cachiomvo, does it help?14:32
mvocachio: that explains why we don't have updated defaults14:32
mvocachio: can you mail me your uboot.env file from the card? the one that it cannot read?14:33
mvocachio: oh, nevermind - uEnv.txt? we don't use this since ages. sorry. ogra_ is the error/warning from https://paste.ubuntu.com/25732470/ expected on the pi3?14:33
ogra_yeah, thats normal14:33
mvocachio: -^14:33
ogra_it normally just skips14:34
ogra_(we should remove the old code that looks for it and prints the message but it isnt any blocker in any way)14:34
cachiomvo, I sent you the screen log14:34
mvocachio: hmmmm, "^MFAT: Misaligned buffer address (3ab0b570)14:36
mvoogra_: -^ have you seen this before?14:36
carroarmato0Hello, I'm trying to build a snap package containing a Go application. I managed to snap it correctly, however I encountered the following issue security tag snap.12to8.12to8 not allowed   due to the fact that the app's name starts with a number.... any way to fix this without having to rename the upstream project ?14:37
mvocachio, ogra_ the relevant part is http://paste.ubuntu.com/25732499/ I think - we try to store snap_mode=trying but that fails with the given error and so the system boots in try mode and it goes into the installed core. so mystery solved, now we need to understand why the buffer is misaligned and what that means. the error comes from uboot14:38
ogra_mvo, no, thats also normal14:38
mvoogra_: it is?14:38
zyga-solusSon_Goku: no, because we're going to do .514:39
zyga-solusSon_Goku: we found a number of issues14:39
Son_Gokugod damn it14:39
zyga-solusSon_Goku: I was meaning to tell you but I forgot, sorry14:39
Chipacacarroarmato0: that looks like a bug to me14:39
zyga-solusSon_Goku: that's all the week really :/14:39
ogra_mvo, and you will find that nothing gets corrupted, thats about the ram buffer only14:39
ogra_cachio, mvo, rather check the content by stopping the boot and lloking at the printenv output14:39
mvoogra_: well, what cachio is seeing is a device that boots in snap_mode=try and never gets to "snap_mode=trying" (or snap_mode="")14:40
zyga-solusmvo: hmm14:40
mvoogra_: and *if* the error is not a red-herring that would fit the picture14:40
ogra_right, but none of the messages are anything out of the ordinary14:40
zyga-solusmvo: I saw some misaligned fat errors in dos tools14:40
zyga-solusmvo: it was fixed >> xenial AFAIK14:40
* zyga-solus looks14:40
Chipacacarroarmato0: is your snap public?14:41
ogra_cachio, mvo, there are corruption issues where uboot doesnt init the SD coreectly and prints timeout messages *before* even loading uboot.env14:41
ogra_that happens with some new sandisk cards14:41
carroarmato0Chipaca:  no, but there is an old existing issue for it on launchpad14:41
ogra_(which are also not working i.e. in my desktop SD reader)14:41
cachioogra_, it was working until the last build14:42
ogra_(i.e. a general issue with these cards and linux)14:42
carroarmato0Chipaca:  kinda figured maybe someone knows a workaround for it or has been fixed in the meantime :)14:42
carroarmato0Chipaca:  hang on, I'll look it up14:42
zyga-solusmvo: this error comes from the following patch https://lists.denx.de/pipermail/u-boot/2015-September/228813.html14:42
cachioI tried with 2 cards and I see the same error14:42
carroarmato0Chipaca:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapcraft/+bug/163601614:42
mupBug #1636016: snapcraft should warn of invalid name <snapcraft (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1636016>14:42
zyga-solusogra_: ah, you're talking about that bug where some optimization would clobber the cards and there's a growing blacklist14:42
ogra_cachio, well, do you see any timeout messages something like "sdhc ... something, something ... increating timeout by ... millisecs"14:43
zyga-solusogra_: right/14:43
ogra_zyga-solus, mainly the sandisk extreme cards14:43
ogra_the very latest batch seems to have some issues14:43
Chipacacarroarmato0: I can confirm it's a bug, yes14:43
Chipacacarroarmato0: and i've got a minimal reproducer14:43
ogra_i can get them to mount on my laptop but my PC doesnt see them at all ... both on xenial both using the same USB reader14:44
zyga-solusis that the card that cachio is using?14:44
ogra_i think he used an ultra crad14:44
ogra_(if thats the same he showed me in YNC)14:44
zyga-solusogra_: very appropriate tweet from this morning https://twitter.com/zygoon/status/91875484906335846414:44
Chipacacarroarmato0: it's a bug in snapd, not snapcraft, though14:44
Chipacacarroarmato0: or … hm14:45
zyga-solusChipaca: let's roll the fix into 2.2814:45
Chipacacarroarmato0: reading #1589613 it might not be14:45
mupBug #1589613: Snap app names are too permissive <verification-done> <Canonical Click Reviewers tools:Invalid> <Snapcraft:Fix Released by kyrofa> <snapcraft (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Released by kyrofa> <snapcraft (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Released>14:45
mup<snapcraft (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released> <snapd (Ubuntu Yakkety):Fix Released by kyrofa> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1589613>14:45
mvoogra_: any ideas what might cause a pi3 from staying at "snap_mode=try" would be appreciated. if you could guide him to any further debug ddata, that would be great. I don't really see (except for a write failure) how the uboot does not go from "snap_mode=try" to "snap_mode=trying"14:45
Chipacasnap and app names14:45
* mvo takes a short break14:45
carroarmato0Chipaca:   I search for other snap packages which might start with a number in their name. Stumbled upon the 0ad game. https://uappexplorer.com/snap/ubuntu/play0ad   I'm not sure if they worked around the problem by naming it  play0ad rather than 0ad... or they just chose to name it like that right off the bat14:45
Chipacawe explicitly allow them to start with a number14:45
ogra_mvo, as i said ... the printout from "printenv" when intercepting the boot14:45
ogra_cachio, ^^^14:46
carroarmato0Chipaca:   snapcraft has no issue at all generating snaps beginning with a number14:46
Chipacabut then snap-confine aborts14:46
mvoogra_: will that happen before or after "snappy_boot" ran? because snappy_boot is when uboot toggles from snap_mode=try to trying and saves the env14:46
Chipacazyga-solus: so, why does snap-confine reject valid app names?14:46
carroarmato0Chipaca:  but the issue occurs after you installed the snap and try executing the command14:47
carroarmato0Chipaca:  I can provide you the  snapcraft.yaml if you want14:47
ogra_mvo, i think the countdown runs before anything gets changed ... :/14:47
Chipacacarroarmato0: no, thank you, i have a minimal reproducer as i said14:47
zyga-solusChipaca: let me look14:47
zyga-solusChipaca: probably because we don't reuse the regexp14:47
Chipacazyga-solus: that's the how, not the why :-)14:48
Chipacazyga-solus: there's even a comment in snap.ValidateName which says "keep in sync wiht these two others"14:48
Chipacazyga-solus: we obviously haven't :-)14:48
zyga-solusI know, I wrote the comment14:48
Chipacazyga-solus: the regexp in snapd is basically [a-z0-9]* except it must have at least one [a-z]14:49
zyga-soluswhat's the snap name?14:50
carroarmato0Chipaca: zyga-solus:  it's  12to814:50
zyga-solus12to8, gotcha14:50
Chipacacarroarmato0: anything starting with a number14:50
carroarmato0Chipaca: zyga-solus:  indeed14:50
Chipacazyga-solus: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25732561/14:50
cachioogra_, I don't see that14:50
cachioogra_, I use an extreme sdcard14:51
zyga-solus+       // Regression test: 12to814:52
zyga-solus+       sc_snap_name_validate("12to8", &err);14:52
zyga-solus+       g_assert_null(err);14:52
zyga-solusChipaca: this passes14:52
zyga-solusmaybe we ... have another routine?14:52
Chipacazyga-solus: it's the app name that's the problem, not the snap name14:52
zyga-solusmaybe not snap name but security token14:52
zyga-soluswhat's the error message?14:52
Chipacasecurity tag snap.123test.123test not allowed14:52
zyga-soluswe use14:52
zyga-solus+       // Regression test: 12to814:52
zyga-solus+       sc_snap_name_validate("12to8", &err);14:52
zyga-solus+       g_assert_null(err);14:52
zyga-solusor I cannot copy and paste14:52
mvocachio: so the log is nice, it shows are doing a single reboot only, so somehow the snap_mode is not changed *or* it is not written to disk, one of those14:53
* Chipaca hugs zyga-solus 14:53
zyga-soluswow, copy is greyed out14:53
zyga-solus            "^snap\\.([a-z](-?[a-z0-9])*)\\.([a-zA-Z0-9](-?[a-zA-Z0-9])*|hook\\.[a-z](-?[a-z])*)$";14:54
zyga-solusmust be vim with some fancy pants terminal mouse support in solus14:54
zyga-solusso that's the regexp14:54
Chipacazyga-solus: yeah, that's notably different14:54
* zyga-solus compares to snap.go14:54
zyga-solusI see14:55
zyga-solusChipaca: changing14:55
Chipacazyga-solus: ^[a-zA-Z0-9](?:-?[a-zA-Z0-9])*$14:55
carroarmato0Chipaca:  zyga-solus:  0:)  http://www.osnews.com/images/comics/wtfm.jpg14:55
Chipacazyga-solus: also the hook one will fail14:55
Chipacacarroarmato0: i think zyga-solus's wtf was about copy being greyed out, but it doesn't mean you're not right14:56
cachiomvo, ogra_ this is the printenv https://paste.ubuntu.com/25732587/14:56
zyga-solusChipaca: I think we have one more copy14:56
cachiodo you see anything weird on there?14:56
Chipacacarroarmato0: also I don't know if 0:) is a smiling angel or a shouting person with a unibrow14:56
Chipacazyga-solus: we do14:56
cachiomvo, ogra_ this is stopping the boot14:57
zyga-solusChipaca: I think in snap-update-ns14:57
Chipacawe always do things in threes14:57
zyga-solusin the C code there14:57
carroarmato0Chipaca:  smiling angel it is14:57
ogra_cachio, thats fine, gimme a sec14:57
ogra_cachio, try: run snappy_boot14:58
ogra_that should move on14:58
zyga-solusChipaca: what is (?:...)14:58
ogra_see if that changes anything, prints errrors etc14:58
kyrofaChipaca, carroarmato0 disallowing numbers at the beginning is on purpose, I remember the discussion14:59
zyga-soluskyrofa: we changed that when 2048 came out15:00
zyga-solusor something like that15:00
carroarmato0zyga-solus:  hahahaha15:00
carroarmato0zyga-solus:  priorities :D15:00
zyga-soluskyrofa: it's just internal misalignment in snapd15:00
cachioogra_, in progress15:00
* ogra_ is in a meetzing now15:01
zyga-solusChipaca: why do we allow UPPER CASE snap names?15:01
zyga-solusChipaca: in snap-confine15:01
zyga-solusman this is hairy15:01
kyrofazyga-solus, so... snapcraft and the store need to be updated now? Do we have a cross-project bug or anything?15:01
ogra_for developers with tourette ?15:01
Chipacazyga-solus: not snap names, but yes snap apps15:01
zyga-soluskyrofa: not sure, I think it's only snap-confine accepting the same set as snapd (for now)15:02
zyga-solusChipaca: aah15:02
zyga-solusthat makes sense15:02
Chipacakyrofa: do they though?15:02
Chipacacarroarmato0: did you publish your snap?15:03
carroarmato0Chipaca:   no I haven't. Have been playing around with it to learn how snaps work15:03
Chipacakyrofa: i ask because carroarmato0 here built a snap with an app both of which started with a number, so at least snapcraft seems to be a'ight15:03
kyrofaChipaca, ah, no indeed15:03
kyrofaChipaca, I was mistaken. We must have made that change along with you15:03
Chipacakyrofa: it's as if we sometimes talked to each other15:04
carroarmato0Chipaca:  the application is opensource, so if you want I could look into publishing it15:04
Chipacakyrofa: sounds horrible15:04
kyrofaChipaca, blech, you think I'd remember15:04
Chipacacarroarmato0: there's no rush15:04
Chipacakyrofa: it probably involved beer15:04
carroarmato0Chipaca:  but not sure if I'll keep it updated though15:04
zyga-soluslibsnap-confine-private/classic-test.c:55:13: warning: ‘test_is_on_classic_with_long_line’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]15:05
Chipacacarroarmato0: probably best to not do it until you're sure, then15:05
* zyga-solus prepares more fixes15:05
carroarmato0Chipaca: indeed, don't want to deploy abandonware :)15:05
Chipacacarroarmato0: you could install xbill-xaw and use it to reflect about what you nearly did15:05
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* zyga-solus looks at other parts of the code15:06
zyga-soluscarroarmato0: the good news is that this will land today and will be in the release15:06
carroarmato0zyga-solus:  oh cool.15:06
carroarmato0zyga-solus:  as soon as it lands will keep the ticket on launchpad updated15:07
zyga-solusChipaca: can you review please15:07
mupPR snapd#4043 opened: cmd/snap-confine: update valid security tag regexp <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4043>15:07
zyga-solusI'll do one more PR15:07
cachioogra_, it did not started any more15:09
carroarmato0zyga-solus: Chipaca:  I will be going now.  Thanks for the assistance. Will keep an eye out for the update and update the issue in launchpad. :) cheers15:09
cachioogra_, it hangs15:09
zyga-solus o/15:09
cachiomvo, ogra_ I'll be off 30 minutes15:12
ogra_cachio, hmm, are you sure it hangs and didnt just switch to tty console ?15:12
Chipacazyga-solus: won't that fail if a snap called 123 has the temerity of shipping a hook?15:12
zyga-solusikey: hey, where is the indent git tree for me to clone/build15:12
zyga-solusChipaca: looking15:13
cachioogra_, I can't connect through ssh anymore15:13
ogra_cachio, and no screen attched ?15:13
ogra_(could be that the direct running of snappy_boot simplly omits the serial tty option from the cmdline)15:13
ikeyzyga-solus, oh didnt know you wanted me to push it15:13
ikeygizza sec15:13
cachioogra_, just 1 screen and it is attached15:14
zyga-solusikey: yeah, it could save me a hop to an ubuntu machine :)15:14
ogra_cachio, nothing on that ?15:14
ikeyya giz 2 secs15:14
cachioogra_, the output of that screen is what I pasted15:15
ChipacaoSoMoN: did you call play0ad play0ad because 0ad didn't work, or because of some other reason?15:15
ogra_cachio, i meant a HDMI screen ... not the screen app :)15:15
ikeyzyga-solus, https://dev.solus-project.com/source/indent.git15:16
zyga-solusChipaca: +       g_assert_true(verify_security_tag("snap.123test.hook.configure", "123test"));15:16
ikeyand i stuffed the build in unstable repo for you15:16
zyga-solus 15:16
zyga-solusthis passes15:16
zyga-solusikey: thank you!15:16
zyga-solusChipaca: did I understand your question correctly? this is correct, right?15:17
oSoMoNChipaca, "0ad" is not allowed because it starts with a digit… there's a bug filed for that, let me try and find it15:17
zyga-solusoSoMoN: it should be allowed (by snapd) nowadays15:17
Chipacazyga-solus: did you change the regexp, or did I misread it the first time?15:17
zyga-solusChipaca: I didn't change it15:18
zyga-solusChipaca: I force-pushed to fix one tests that now passes15:18
Chipacazyga-solus: I shall put on the dunce hat and sit in the corner and thing about cookies15:18
cachioogra_, seending a pic by email15:19
cachioI'll need to go now15:19
Chipacazyga-solus: +115:20
zyga-solusChipaca: I'll make fmt (after installing indent) and push15:20
cachioogra_, which is your email?15:20
ogra_cachio, oga@ubuntu.com (or @canonical.com as you like)15:21
oSoMoNChipaca, I can't find that bug again, I'd swear I had filed one15:21
cachiooga or ogra?15:21
oSoMoNzyga-solus, oh that's good news, I'll try again when I get some spare time15:21
ogra_cachio, damn ... my R key is shaky ... ogra indeed15:21
cachioogra_, sent15:22
=== cachio is now known as cachio_afk
=== ikey is now known as ikey|afk
zyga-solusikey|afk: woot, I also learned about using different profiles :)15:23
ikey|afk-p main-x86_64 ^^15:23
ikey|afkok bbiab15:23
mupPR snapd#4044 opened: cmd/libsnap: enable two stranded tests <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4044>15:24
zyga-solusright :)15:24
zyga-solusmvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/milestone/13 we have three branches now15:24
zyga-solusjdstrand: kind ping about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/404215:27
mupPR #4042: snap-confine: cleanup incorrectly created nvidia udev tags <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4042>15:27
zyga-solusogra_: hey15:28
zyga-solusogra_: so, I'm lost with this FAT/pi3 issue15:28
zyga-solusogra_: can you please explain it to me how you understand it?15:28
ogra_zyga-solus, i dont yet ...15:30
ogra_zyga-solus, point is that none of the messages mentioned yet were anything unusual15:30
zyga-solusdid cachio upload his image anywhere?15:31
zyga-solus(of his card)15:31
ogra_he mailed it to me ... and it shows that i was wrong assuming "run snappy_boot" would be enough ...15:31
zyga-solusno, I mean his whole SD card image15:31
ogra_it is useless (misses bits from the cmdline)15:31
ogra_only a pic from the screen15:32
ogra_zyga-solus, i doubt that would help you though15:33
ogra_[    0.000000] Kernel command line: 8250.nr_uarts=1 dma.dmachans=0x7f35 bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=656 bcm2708_fb.fbheight=416 bcm2709.boardrev=0xa22082 bcm2709.serial=0x1dffa1eb smsc95xx.macaddr=B8:27:EB:FF:A1:EB bcm2708_fb.fbswap=1 bcm2709.uart_clock=48000000 vc_mem.mem_base=0x3dc00000 vc_mem.mem_size=0x3f000000  dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 elevator=deadline root=/dev/disk/by-label/writable net.ifnames=015:34
ogra_init=/lib/systemd/systemd ro panic=-1 fixrtc snap_core=core_x1.snap snap_kernel=pi2-kernel_43.snap15:34
ogra_so manually rrunning snappy_boot switched to the core_x1 properly ... at least we know that bit15:34
ogra_and the cmdline actually looks correct ...15:36
ogra_so why does he end up in an initrd prompt then ...15:36
ogra_https://imgur.com/a/YA3p9 is the image he mailed ... and that looks actually morre like a generral SD breakage15:39
ogra_sadly the actual error would be several lines above ... what you see thee is onlly fallout15:40
ogra_unless core_x1.snap is actually corrupt ...15:41
ogra_mvo, do we know how exactly core_x1.snap was assembled ? i'm wondering if the bootloader doesnt actually DTRT here and simply switch back as it should15:43
ogra_that photo seems to agree that there is something wrong with the rootfs assembling15:43
ogra_anyway ... i need to go afk too for at least 2h15:44
zyga-solusogra_: yeah, it looks like the SD card reads lorem ipsum on all blocks15:47
zyga-solusogra_: I think it's a test-made core15:47
zyga-solusogra_: looking at the test ...15:47
ogra_zyga-solus, well, i wouldnt go that far ... but probably on the core squashfs15:47
zyga-solusthis is the test that was executed15:48
* zyga-solus reads15:48
zyga-solussince this runs on ubuntu-core-16 target, I suspect it may contain a core that was built from the git tree15:49
zyga-solus(with some hackery obviously)15:49
zyga-solusbut not sure, I've never used external targets15:49
* zyga-solus looks15:49
zyga-solus    0) cmd="snap install --dangerous /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core_$(cat prevBoot).snap" ;;15:50
zyga-solusit looks like just previous core snap is sideloaded15:50
ogra_i wonder why he doesnt just use --revision and the store15:51
ogra_(saves you from using --dangerous ... )15:51
zyga-solusprobably simplicity15:52
ogra_anyway, really out now (need to mow the lawn before it gets to dark)15:52
zyga-solusit's dark already here :)15:52
ogra_the simplicity of building a complete core vs using one from the store ?15:52
* zyga-solus imagines ogra with a flashlight and a mower 15:52
zyga-solusogra_: it's not building one, it's just installing one on disk15:52
zyga-solussimplicity of passing --dangerous :)15:53
ogra_haha, not that dark yet ... i want to manager to finish at least half the garden before 19:0015:53
=== cachio_afk is now known as cachio
cachiozyga-solus, the upload failed16:05
cachiozyga-solus, I'll build it on jenkins16:06
cachiozyga-solus, so you can download from there16:06
mvozyga-solus: hey, thanks, looking at the PRs now16:07
zyga-susemvo: thank you16:08
mvocachio_: hey, anything new, new theories? I was also wondering if the same problem is reproducable in the edge core16:08
cachio_mvo, no, did you see the image that I sent?16:09
zyga-susemvo: no new theories16:09
mvocachio_: no, could you paste me the link again please?16:10
mvozyga-suse: did you manage to reproduce it as well?16:10
cachio_mvo, which link?16:10
mvocachio_: the image16:10
mvocachio_: aha, i have it now16:11
zyga-solusmvo: no, no luck, cachio_ didn't upload the image he was using, I suspect it may be his card more than the image though16:11
ogra_mvo, https://imgur.com/a/YA3p916:11
mvocachio_: autsch - when/how did that happen? i.e. after what action?16:12
ogra_mvo, i dont think it is the bootloader at all but the self assembled core_x1.snap16:12
ogra_mvo, after i asked him to stop the boot and "run snappy_boot" manually16:12
ogra_mvo, the dmesg output shows the cmdline is fine so i suspect there is something with the core snap itself16:12
ogra_mvo, which woulld mean the bootloader does exactly the right thing and rolls back16:13
zyga-solus_re, sorry16:13
mvoogra_: that is just the core from /var/lib/snapd/snapd/core_$(currentBoot), so its essentially the snap downloaded from the store16:14
mvocachio_: do you have the busybox prompt in front of you?16:15
mvocachio_: if so, does ls /var/lib/snapd/snaps show a core_x1.snap ?16:15
ogra_mvo, why is it called core_x1.snap then ?16:15
ogra_because it was sideloaded before16:15
ogra_silly me16:16
cachio_mvo, let me connect a keyboard16:17
mvocachio_: thanks16:17
=== zyga-solus_ is now known as zyga-solus
cachio_doesn't work the keyboard with the pi3 at this momento16:20
cachio_mvo, I tried with 2 and not working16:21
ogra_likely no usbhid module in the initrd ... :/16:22
ogra_you coudl try to boot again with console=tty1 dropped from the cmdline.txt16:22
ogra_that should give you the initrd shell on serial16:22
cachio_ogra_, tty1 or tty0?16:27
ogra_well, the "not serial" one :)16:27
cachio_ogra_, I have this time dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty0 elevator=deadline16:28
ogra_remove "console=tty0"16:28
ogra_then all output should only go to serial16:29
ogra_(including the initrd shell)16:29
ogra_the first console= arg on a kernel cmdline always means ""here prints the kernel to" the seond means "print all userspace output to this" (i.e. after starting initrd) ... if you have only one console= it will be used for all output16:30
ogra_(and input indeed)16:30
cachio_(initramfs) ls /var/lib16:32
cachio_ls: /var/lib: No such file or directory16:32
ogra_ls /root/var/lib16:32
ogra_the writable partition should be mounted under /root16:32
mvoogra_, cachio_ - so there is a new kernel in edge,beta,candidate for pi2, uploaded 2days, 7h ago16:32
mvocachio_, ogra_ I wonder if using the stable kernel/gadget makes a difference?16:33
mvocachio_ ogra_ or if the previous version of the kernel (r42) would help.16:34
cachio_mvo, we can try16:34
mvocachio_: does this match the time when the problems started? 2d ago?16:35
cachio_mvo, yes16:35
ogra_ogra@pi3:~$ snap list pi2-kernel16:35
ogra_Name        Version        Rev  Developer  Notes16:35
ogra_pi2-kernel  43   canonical  kernel16:35
ogra_mvo, that kernel silently upgraded on my pi3 here16:36
ogra_(and works fine)16:36
ogra_mvo, you cant boot the stable kernel ... it will fail16:36
mvoogra_: right, I'm sure its fine most of the time, but I'm a bit desperate right now16:36
mvoogra_ cachio_ so no stable kernel, I can make r42 available again I think16:37
ogra_(well, it might boot but many bits will be missing or not work)16:37
ogra_yeah, use edge16:37
ogra_so cachio_ can refresh to edge16:37
mvoogra_: the thing is, this test started to fail ~2d ago and all changes in snapd/core we did are unrelated to booting16:37
mvoppisati: I switched the pi2-kernel r42 to edge for a short time16:38
mvocachio_: snap refresh --edge pi2-kernel16:38
mvocachio_: should give you r42 now16:38
mvocachio_: this version is ~3 weeks old16:38
* ogra_ goes to pack up the lawnmower and stuff 16:38
cachio_mvo,  I need 10 minutes16:39
cachio_I am flashing again16:39
mvocachio_: sure, thanks a lot for your diligence in this issue. I'm excited about this potential clue, this is the best theory in the last few hours16:40
jdstrandmvo, zyga-solus: re 4042, done16:45
* jdstrand steps away16:46
kyrofaAny snapcraft peeps around today?16:46
kyrofaGH is super quiet16:46
ogra_kyrofa, talk to that kyrofa guy, i think he works on snapcraft at times ;)16:47
cachio_mvo, refreshing ...16:47
jdstrandmvo, zyga-solus: after thinking about it, please answer https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4042#issuecomment-33650656016:49
mupPR #4042: snap-confine: cleanup incorrectly created nvidia udev tags <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4042>16:49
kyrofaogra_, I HAVE been! And I'm STILL lonely16:54
* ogra_ hugs kyrofa 16:54
zyga-solusjdstrand: looking16:58
zyga-solusjdstrand: thank you for your review16:58
zyga-solusmvo: I'm baby-sitting family computers (sigh), I'll look at the patch and spread test in ~3016:59
zyga-solusmvo: shall we call it a (release) day and regroup early tomorrow to build a core snap and push it for testing17:00
zyga-solusmvo: please reply to jdstrand's question as well, I'm checking the tree17:02
cachio_mvo, running test17:07
cachio_using kernel 4217:07
mvozyga-solus: maybe, I can push the release to beta, thats fine. what patch/spread are you refering to? for 4042?17:14
mvocachio_: ohhhh, I'm curious how it goes17:14
zyga-solusmvo: patch requested by jdstrand and spread test to ensure this works17:15
zyga-solusmvo: please see his feedback17:15
mvozyga-solus: excellent, thank you17:16
kalikianakyrofa: would you feel like having a look at this PR? https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1613 not mine for a change, tho I added the unit test for it17:17
mupPR snapcraft#1613: cross compilation: enable cross compilation of i386 kernel on x86-64 … <Created by piso77> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1613>17:17
cachio_mvo, same issue17:18
kyrofakalikiana, sure. I've got some up for review as well17:18
zyga-solusmvo: but disclaimer, still hacking on family crap PCs17:18
kalikianakyrofa: I'm just looking at the queue now, so will get right to it17:19
mvocachio_: /o\17:19
ogra_cachio_, grep . /sys/class/mmc_host/mmc0/mmc0:*/* 2>/dev/null17:21
ogra_can you paste the output ?17:21
ogra_(on the pi)17:21
kalikianakyrofa: quick q on https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1614 - do you have any reference/ bug for the change? I think it makes complete sense, just wondering if there's some background to follow up on later17:22
mupPR snapcraft#1614: apt repo: allow insecure repos <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1614>17:22
kyrofakalikiana, no, it's the ROS error we're getting in the autopkgtests for anything beyond xenial17:22
zyga-solusogra_: good idea17:23
zyga-solusogra_: we can see the manufacturer ID17:23
mvozyga-solus: I will deal with the feedback from jamie, no worries, fix the PC :)17:23
ogra_zyga-solus, and the vendor ... and compare it to http://paste.ubuntu.com/25566047/ and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25566134/ which are two cards i know are failing regulary17:23
cachio_ogra_, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25733320/17:23
zyga-solusmvo: I'd rather not but "bla bla bla, internet is broken (shouting)"17:23
zyga-solusogra_: yeah, good idea17:24
ogra_yeah, but no match17:24
ogra_its a sandisk ... but not a mmodel i know as failing17:24
kalikianakyrofa: Ah. Alright. Maybe file a bug for it as a reminder.. approved in any case17:25
kyrofakalikiana, we need a discussion around it, I need to write a forum post17:25
kyrofaAt least... I think that's what I'm supposed to do these days :P17:25
mvozyga-solus: do you remember what PR introduced adding the nvidia udev tags?17:26
zyga-solusmvo: I think the one from garry, let me find it17:26
kalikianakyrofa: True, bugs don't work as well for proper discussions - which reminds me, wasn't there something else you were going to post in the forum? I'm trying to recall, it was something I was going to chime in on...17:26
mvozyga-solus: I want to improve my comment to make sure i refer to the right PR17:27
kyrofakalikiana, yeah, our ideal for slow tests17:27
mvozyga-solus: I think I can use 4022 as the reference, nevermind17:27
ogra_cachio_, any chance you can try with another SD to make sure its not that ?17:27
kalikianakyrofa: Yup, that's it. Feel free to poke me once you post it, in case I don't see it right away17:28
zyga-solusmvo: one sec17:29
cachio_ogra_, I tried with 217:29
cachio_ogra_, I can try another one17:29
ogra_both sandisk ?17:29
zyga-solusmvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3617/files17:29
mupPR #3617: interfaces/builtin: use udev tagging more broadly <Created by adglkh> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/3617>17:29
zyga-solusthis one17:29
cachio_ogra_, yes17:33
ogra_do you have a non-sandisk ?17:33
cachio_ogra_, yes17:33
cachio_a toshiba one17:33
ogra_can you try with that one ?17:33
ogra_just to make sure ...17:34
cachio_ogra_, running17:40
* Chipaca quietly walks out the back and pops a beer open17:46
mvocachio_: how is it looking so far? with the different card?17:48
zyga-solus_mvo: I see the patch now17:49
Son_GokuopenSUSE infrastructure is now down17:50
zyga-solus_mvo: woah, nice spread test17:50
zyga-solus_mvo: ^^17:50
zyga-solus_mvo: you will have failing opensuse tests17:50
Son_Gokumvo: all openSUSE tests need to be disabled for the next two days17:50
zyga-solus_two days? are they re-painting the data center?17:51
Son_Gokuthey're doing maintenance on the power systems17:51
mvoSon_Goku: woah, thank you17:51
mvozyga-solus_: thanks17:51
Son_Gokuit broke us here at work too ;)17:51
mvozyga-solus_: we can simply disable suse then (set to manual)17:52
zyga-solus_mvo: yes17:52
zyga-solus_mvo: let's do it in this PR17:52
zyga-solus_mvo: so that we can land one PR instead of two17:52
cachio_mvo, ogra_ with the toshiba card same error17:52
zyga-solus_Son_Goku: thank you for the tip17:52
zyga-solus_cachio_: stamp and send the card to mvo for debugging17:52
mvozyga-solus_: looks like opensuse is already on manual17:52
zyga-solus_cachio_: (physical card)17:52
ogra_cachio_, thanks, then it is definitely not a card issue17:52
zyga-solus_mvo: ooops, I didn't know that17:52
zyga-solus_(not great but I'll deal with that)17:53
Son_Gokumvo: note that the openSUSE repositories will be up17:53
* zyga-solus_ writes this down17:53
Son_Gokubut osc build will not work17:53
zyga-solus_mvo: what is this for?17:56
zyga-solus_+    mv $SNAP_MOUNT_DIR/core/current.renamed $SNAP_MOUNT_DIR/core/current17:56
zyga-solus_it seems unrelated17:56
mvozyga-solus_: the previous test is causing havoc17:56
mvozyga-solus_: its breaking things on purpose17:56
zyga-solus_and not doing restore, gotcha17:56
zyga-solus_cachio_: I'm 90% serious about that SD card17:57
cachio_zyga-solus_, I live in cordoba, it could take 1 week :)17:57
zyga-solus_cachio_: that's fine17:58
zyga-solus_cachio_: I think it's something we should understand for 2.29.x17:58
ogra_cachio_, send a pidgeon ;)17:59
ogra_cachio_, so you see this prob since 2.28.4 landed ? could you do the same test with a candidate image (which still has 2.28.1 ) ?17:59
mvocachio_: or use the same image and "snap refresh --candidate core"18:00
mvocachio_: and then do the test?18:00
cachio_mvo, refreshing18:01
Son_Gokuzyga-solus_: for building the packages for openSUSE, are we using `osc build`?18:01
mupPR snapd#4044 closed: cmd/libsnap: enable two stranded tests <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4044>18:03
mvozyga-solus_: 4044 does not cherry-pick without conflicts, I will skip that one (as its tests only)18:03
mupPR snapd#4043 closed: cmd/snap-confine: update valid security tag regexp <Created by zyga> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4043>18:04
* mvo waits for tests for 404218:04
kalikianaelopio: I think you might want to re-trigger these tests? I see some network outage there causing "failures"18:24
mupPR snapcraft#1602: tests: add the slow tag for ros snapd integration test <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1602>18:24
* elopio checks18:25
elopiokalikiana: we need Kyle's branch first to get everything to green.18:25
kalikianakyrofa: I see some conflicts here https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/160218:26
mupPR snapcraft#1602: tests: add the slow tag for ros snapd integration test <Created by elopio> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1602>18:26
kalikianaelopio: Hm? I thought it's the other way around?18:26
kalikianaMaybe I'm getting "hen and egg" confusion here18:26
kyrofaelopio, +1 it then, let's get it in there18:26
kalikianaThe failures at least look like false negatives to me18:26
kyrofaelopio, well, perhaps we should run an autopkgtest on it?18:26
kyrofakalikiana, not the zesty one18:27
elopiowell, yes, we need everything to be green :D18:27
kyrofakalikiana, it dies with a NO_PUBKEY18:27
elopio1603 and 1614 are chicken and egg.18:27
kalikianaOha. Indeed.18:28
kalikianakyrofa: Right, *that* PR. Now I see where I was confused :-D18:28
* kalikiana morns launchpad prerequisite branches for a moment18:29
kyrofakalikiana, yeah I feel ya18:29
kyrofaelopio, not chicken and egg, 1614 is required for 1603. It's more like chicken and human18:30
kyrofaHuman requires the chicken in order to eat it18:30
kalikianakyrofa: Now I see your old avatar as I'm reading this, where you look very ominous and slightly philosophical18:31
kyrofaMy old avatar? I looked like a child in my old one, not philosophical18:32
elopiowell everything is approved. We just need Sergio to push the merge button.18:32
kyrofaelopio, I finally have that power again, do we need to wait?18:33
cachio_mvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/25733615/18:33
cachio_I'll need to reflash againg18:33
elopiokyrofa: no need to wait. Maybe just run autopkgtest in your 1614 to check that the error is indeed gone.18:35
kyrofaelopio, zesty good enough? Or artful as well?18:35
mvocachio_: oh, so the same error ?18:35
jdstrandmvo: hey, are you using the system-image seed to build the core snap or something else?18:35
mvocachio_: snap change 6 ? does that show the same18:35
cachio_mvo, I could not go to 2.28.118:36
mvojdstrand: we are using live-build, why?18:36
mvocachio_: aha, so what is this pastebin about, what version was used in the test?18:36
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest something something18:36
snappy-m-oComputer says nooo. See logs for details:18:36
snappy-m-o Command '['/tmp/tmpc66uz1ql/retry_autopkgtest.sh', 'something', 'something']' returned non-zero exit status 118:36
kyrofaOh good, I was close18:36
jdstrandmvo: and does live-build use seeds?18:36
mvojdstrand: I think so, why?18:37
jdstrandmvo: we have a sizing request and want to be looking at the right thing to understand what is exactly being pulled in and how18:37
elopiokyrofa: just one, anyone.18:37
kyrofasnappy-m-o, autopkgtest 1614 zesty:amd6418:37
snappy-m-okyrofa: I've just triggered your test.18:37
mvojdstrand: aha, I think we have some room here, plus base snaps will make this a lot easier in the near future18:37
cachio_mvo, I was in 28.4 after run the test18:37
mvojdstrand: /usr/share/snappy/dpkg.list18:37
mvocachio_: ok18:37
cachio_mvo, I tried to refresh to candidate but it failed18:37
mvocachio_: oh, that failed too18:38
jdstrandmvo: yep, aware of that file. ok thanks18:38
cachio_I am refreshing again from a new one18:38
mvocachio_: so it seems refreshes are broken for all cores18:38
mvocachio_: what kind of error do you get? i.e. snap change 818:38
cachio_mvo, 1 minute, I am checking in my other pu318:40
cachio_I need a bigger usb hub18:41
zyga-solus_mvo: ack about skipping that PR18:42
zyga-solus_how are things?18:42
Pharaoh_Atemmvo: the dates are wrong in the fedora changelog18:50
Pharaoh_Atemyou put Tue Oct 11, but Oct 11 was a Wednesday18:50
cachio_mvo, same error with 28.118:58
cachio_mvo, I am gonna run with another pi318:58
cachio_to see if the problem is in the board18:59
mupPR snapcraft#1618 opened: states: add scriptlets to build state <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1618>19:20
mvocachio_: thanks a lot19:37
mvozyga-solus_: thinks are so so19:38
mvozyga-solus_: if we are happy about 4042 I will merge it into 2.2819:38
cachio_mvo, I don't know what else to try19:41
cachio_mvo, I'll try to save in disk the images that I use for beta validation19:41
cachio_so if we need to reproduce something we have the images used for the tests19:42
mvocachio_: yeah, I ordered a pi3, should be here early next week and I can try to make sense of this. testing in a second pi3 is certainly an idea19:44
cachio_mvo, I already tested in 2 pi319:51
mvocachio_: oh and always the same19:52
cachio_mvo, yes19:53
cachio_this is the output of the change19:53
cachio_from beta to candidate after the test fail19:53
mvocachio_: same error19:53
cachio_mvo, ye19:53
mupPR snapd#4042 closed: snap-confine: cleanup incorrectly created nvidia udev tags <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4042>19:58
mvozyga-solus_: any last concerns about 4042 or release/2.28? if not I will push to beta20:01
mvozyga-solus_: cachio_ had the refresh error now with 2.28.1 too, all a bit of a myserty, maybe you can try to reproduce with your pi3 using the same steps on monday. I will do so as well once my pi3 is here20:01
* mvo spread tests 404220:02
zyga-solus_mvo: let's see20:04
zyga-solus_nick zyga-solus20:04
=== zyga-solus_ is now known as zyga-solus
zyga-solusmvo: no, that's fine20:05
zyga-solusI read your improved patch and I was very happy about the test20:05
zyga-solusmvo: let's see if this is releasable20:05
zyga-solusman you should skip monday with a day like this20:05
mvozyga-solus: lets get it to beta and annouce in the forum, then we can keep debugging the pi3 issue, I would like to understand that before we go to stable anyway20:13
zyga-solusmvo: agreed20:17
zyga-solusmvo: thank you for staying so late tonight20:17
zyga-solusmvo: you made all of this possible!20:17
kyrofaelopio, other, unrelated errors in https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-zesty-snappy-dev-snapcraft-daily/zesty/amd64/s/snapcraft/20171013_184638_e91b2@/log.gz20:23
kyrofaAre those real errors, or should we re-run?20:24
cachio_mvo, also pawel has a pi320:26
cachio_he has 2 in fact20:27
mupPR snapd#4045 opened: snap-confine: cleanup broken nvidia (2.28) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4045>20:29
mvozyga-solus: -^ because the cherry-pick does not apply cleanly20:29
ryebotis it possible to `snap download` for a different arch, somehow? Alternatively, what url is the snap client hitting to perform the download? Does it need auth?20:34
zyga-ubuntumvo: ack20:34
zyga-ubuntuthe spread test conflicted?20:35
zyga-ubuntumvo: reviwed20:35
mvozyga-ubuntu: yeah, its a new test, I forgot about that20:36
zyga-ubuntumvo: hmm20:48
zyga-ubuntucore                     16-2.28.4+git434.8c9d7e9  3201  canonical     core,disabled20:48
zyga-ubuntuhow did this happen?20:49
zyga-ubuntuI think my fault http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25734299/20:50
zyga-ubuntuthen again, not sure20:50
elopiokyrofa: :( I had not seen those container builds errors before...20:50
mvozyga-ubuntu: hm, is it hanging there?20:55
mvozyga-ubuntu: it might be the new security re-generation?20:55
zyga-ubuntumvo: root     21944  0.0  0.0   8864  1092 ?        D    12:31   0:00 /snap/core/current/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine snap.core.hook.configure /usr/lib/snapd/snap-ex20:56
zyga-ubuntuno, it's in D state20:56
zyga-ubuntuI tried to gdb attach to it, gdb is also borked20:56
zyga-ubuntunothing in syslog20:57
zyga-ubuntuI'll reboot :/20:59
gouchiwe want to be able to browse / and even if we have home, removable-media and udisks2 interfaces it seems we can't browse it21:01
gouchiis there other interface we need to enable ?21:02
kalikianaelopio: would you mind giving https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1587#issuecomment-336521348 another look? I got a +1 from Kyle21:04
mupPR snapcraft#1587: lifecycle: clean after deleting container <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1587>21:04
zyga-ubuntumvo: I had to hard-reboot, that process prevented systemd to reboot21:05
zyga-ubuntumvo: ok, I'm tracking stable now21:06
zyga-ubuntuI'll refresh as soon as you push the new update21:06
gouchiwe will check log first21:06
kalikianaelopio: Thanks!21:08
* kalikiana wrapping up the late night shift now - so much for my plan of killing overtime :-D21:08
mupPR snapd#4045 closed: snap-confine: cleanup broken nvidia (2.28) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4045>21:24
mupPR snapd#4046 opened: release: snapd 2.28.5 <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4046>21:40
* zyga-solus noticed that "snap refresh" perpetually refreshes atom21:45
zyga-soluswhich is following stable21:45
zyga-solusand always at revision 3621:45
zyga-solusbut still refreshes each time anyway21:45
zyga-solusbut that's for tomorrow21:45
=== JoshStrobl is now known as JoshStrobl|AFK

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