=== maclin1 is now known as maclin [01:29] ... [01:56] Qiong: 枣 [02:40] quit [02:40] exit [02:52] Isolde: . [02:52] Isolde: Qiong: 话说再请教一下,如果只是为了从服务器上方便下载文件,用什么http [02:52] Isolde: Nginx [02:53] python -mSimpleHTTPServer啊 [02:53] huntxu: le se. [02:53] s/python/python2/ [02:53] 能用就是了 :P [02:53] Qiong: 已经lighttpd+拍黄片了…… [02:53] Isolde: Why invoke php... Lighttpd should be enough. [02:54] Qiong: h5ai 需要 拍黄片 [02:54] ... [02:54] Qiong: 你居然还没修好输入法 [02:55] Qiong: 本来想要轻量的……结果折腾下来还是乱七八糟的全装了 [02:55] huntxu: Even havne't attempted to fix it... [02:55] s/ne/en/ [02:56] Qiong: 不过看起来对你影响也不大... [02:56] huntxu: yep. [02:57] huntxu: wo hui pinyin a [02:57] huntxu: pa sha [02:57] Qiong: 为什么不推荐lighttpd? [02:57] huntxu: fan zheng nan guo de shi ni men. [02:57] Qiong: 那你还是用回英文吧... [02:57] 拼音更难看懂... [02:58] huntxu: Roger that. [02:58] Isolde: Nginx is easy to configure. [02:58] Qiong: fire in the hole [02:58] h [02:59] Qiong: ……我觉得lighttpd配置起来已经够简单了……nginx更简单? === xhw is now known as xhw514 [03:01] Qiong: 对了,我发现我通过http下载这个vps上的文件速度只有100k,但挂上ss(ss服务器也在这个vps上面)速度就上去了,这是被ispQoS了吗? [03:01] Isolde: it uses a different route. [03:02] Isolde: not QoS's fault. [03:02] Isolde: Likely. [03:03] 不同线路?可是ssServer和httpServer在同一个vps上面,线路会不同吗? [03:03] Qiong: [03:05] Isolde: .... .... [03:05] Isolde: I have no idea then... [03:06] Qiong: 如果是qos,换https会有效果吗 [03:06] Isolde: Maybe GFW will re-build http packets but won't deal with unknown packets... [03:06] Isolde: Depends on the QoS configuation? [03:07] Isolde: as you already know, there is a keyword filter for HTTP. [03:07] Isolde: So gfw will rebuild the tcp packet to a http packet and do the filter. [03:08] Isolde: However if all you transfered are binary data, the gfw may give it a fastpath. [03:09] (as the keyword filter won't apply to the binary data.) [03:09] Qiong: 那https能rebuild吗(加密的应该不能? [03:09] Isolde: It can be rebuilt but it's useless. [03:10] Isolde: Still can't check the payload. [03:10] Isolde: So use https when possible. [03:10] Qiong: 如果gfw用中间人攻击的方法是不是能看到内容? [03:11] Isolde: The man-in-the-middle requires a trusted CA. [03:11] Isolde: And yes, if he succeed. [03:12] Qiong: 问题是我的vps没有ca……这东西要钱的吧? [03:13] Isolde: You could always generate your own one. (But no one is going to trust it expect yourself.) [03:13] Isolde: also you could apply a free one from "Let's encrypt". [03:14] Qiong: 哦!我看看 [03:15] Qiong: 但是没有ca应该不影响加密功能的吧? [03:20] Qiong: 我发现一个问题……申请ca是不是一定要有域名…… [03:23] Isolde: apply for "let's encrypt?" Yes. [03:24] Isolde: I could provide you a free domain for one year. [03:24] Isolde: With .com postfix. [03:24] Qiong: 不不不,我有域名 [03:24] Isolde: *nod* [03:24] Qiong: 这个vps是新的,我还没设置解析 [03:25] Isolde: *nod* [03:28] Qiong: (我手上的这个me域名一年的钱比vps都贵……感觉好坑 [03:29] Isolde: ... ... [03:29] Isolde: I prefer .com [03:31] Qiong: 历史遗留问题了,这域名在我身上好多年了,舍不得 [03:33] *nod* === Qiong is now known as Qiong|eat [04:16] <\u> Qiong|eat: I'm also a starter of type system... === kkk is now known as ubrl [04:17] <\u> Types and Programming Languages , Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages that may be very tedious.. [04:23] * ubrl 2.6.32-042stab123.3 #1 SMP Fri May 5 12:29:05 MSK 2017 Description: Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [i686-linux] [04:28] \u: The goal is to understand the DOT. === Qiong|eat is now known as Qiong [04:29] \u: So may not need advanced tpoics at all. ;-) === _d0048 is now known as d0048 [06:54] Qiong: 我发现我看错了,挂ss也只有100k [06:54] 哭了 [06:55] 明明在实验室速度就不错 [07:09] Isolde: 实验室里速度多少? === _d0048 is now known as d0048 [08:19] mister: 跑满8M带宽 [08:19] Isolde: 那不错 [08:36] MangHuoEr: 早 [08:38] happyaron: 你基本上就是销声匿迹啊现在 [08:39] harajuku: happyaron: zao [08:39] happyaron: 你基本上就是销声匿迹啊现在 [08:39] harajuku: 你基本上就是销声匿迹啊现在 [08:40] Qiong: 卧槽, 好久不见 [08:41] HowIsItG1ing: HowIsItGoing 早 [08:41] Qiong: 你这名字... [08:42] harajuku: . [08:43] * harajuku 还没有从长假里回过神, 想翘班 [08:43] harajuku: Go ahead. [08:44] Qiong: 看样子你的输入法是坏掉了 [08:44] HowIsItGoing: 节前说的聚餐呢? [08:48] roylez: 乐乐 [08:50] ... [08:51] Qiong: 干,我tm重启路由器就好了…… [09:06] HowIsItGoing: 不要再玩路由器多播啦 [09:08] harajuku: yep... [09:08] +1 [09:08] HowIsItGoing: 不要再玩路由器多播啦 [10:09] 恩 [10:16] Qiong: my ss passed away [10:16] 你好,怎么进入频道 [10:17] "/j" [10:19] "/j" [10:20] … [10:20] 把引号去掉 [10:20] 后面再接你想去的频道 [10:25] 推荐 [10:26] 你是谁? [10:27] exit [10:27] 网络管理员? [10:29] klo: 不是 [10:29] 学生 [10:33] 学生? [11:26] 还有谁在 [11:26] ??? === root is now known as Guest39732 [11:30] Hi! [11:30] Guest39732:点点点. 19:30 [11:30] ????? [11:30] 你是谁? [11:30] ..... [11:41] ..... [11:41] 你说什么? [12:09] ????????? [12:10] ?????? [12:10] 别在意 [13:15] 沈阳。 [13:18] 各位 [13:19] 你在沈阳? [13:19] mao [13:28] 不是的。 [13:28] @klo [13:28] klo, [14:23] hi [14:23] Isolde:点点点. 22:23 [14:24] 这个点点点没有个性,我建议改成烫烫烫