
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://twitter.com/arwinneil/status/91909094215340851208:19
acheronukgreat to see a room full of PCs running kubuntu for an educational event like that!08:30
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> How do you know its Kubuntu?10:16
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @CliffordTheBigRedDoggie, "featuring @kubuntu"10:19
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> Oh, I should learn to read !10:19
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> and I can see our konqi and added favourites on the kickoff on the projector10:19
IrcsomeBot<CliffordTheBigRedDoggie> But looking at pictures serves me so well!10:19
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> also https://twitter.com/arwinneil/status/91908735215214592010:21
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IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I wonder if we can get some info and feedback on how that worksjop went? If good, maybe write somethng for our website?12:07
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I feel that Linux & FOSS story should be on our website13:47
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> jumping machine, brb13:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @Sick_Rimmit, Imho Twitter is fine16:11
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> But what does the KC think?16:11
valorieahoneybun: we should retweet those from the kub twitter19:13
valorieacheronuk: maybe someone can do a little q&a with the organizer?19:14
valorieacheronuk's tweets above19:14
ahoneybunShould be done19:16
ahoneybunI thought I gave other people access to the Twitter and mastodon19:17
valorieI have mastodon19:23
valorienot twitter19:24
clivejovalorie: did you have a calendar you prepared already?19:43
valoriefor next cycle? nope19:44
clivejofor this cycle?19:44
valorieI think the KDE release scheds aren't ready for 6 months in the future either19:45
valorieyes, I shared a google calendar with everybody19:45
clivejogot a link?19:45
clivejotimely has an import function19:46
clivejoI'm researching linking it to your release calendar19:46
clivejoif it does what we want, I might write to the developer and ask for a free pro account19:47
valoriecan't really fill out for bumbling buffalo until the schedule is published19:48
valorieI hope within a week or two19:48
clivejocan you share that calendar so that the Release Team can update it too?19:48
valoriehmmm, I shared permissions for some people19:49
valoriedunno how though19:49
clivejoare these tagged or in categories?19:50
valorieno -- I'll try to do that next time though19:51
clivejoI'm trying to import and not finding any upcoming events19:51
valorierelease should be there?19:53
clivejoyeah and podcast19:53
clivejodoes kde have a calendar with all KDE stuff on it?19:54
valorieI just looked up the scheds on the wiki19:55
clivejobut not a combined everything on one page thing?19:55
valoriesupposedly there is an ical somewhere19:56
valoriebut do not know who maintains it19:57
valorieor how to find it19:57
valoriethus the discussion of the phab calendar19:57
clivejothat link isn't working19:58
clivejois there a share link, rather than embed?19:58
valoriehuh, works for me19:58
valorieI'm trying to find another way19:58
clivejoit works for embedding it in a site19:59
valorieI wish I had disclosed that for posterity19:59
clivejobut not for extracting and importing19:59
valorieI do not see any way to get a link even like the one I sent20:02
valoriedon't have time right now for more research20:02
clivejodarn this storm looks nasty20:07
valorieis this more the hurricane remains?20:07
clivejosame one Rik was talking about20:08
valorielooking at windy.tv, looks like the really nasty part is just offshort20:09
clivejothey cancelling school on Monday down South20:09
valorielooks like the Scottish islands will bear the brunt20:10
valorieplaying the little windy.tv movie20:10
clivejolooks like it hitting us this time on Monday20:12
valoriehope it stays out to sea20:12
clivejoI could lose another roof :(20:14
clivejoshould wind down the tower as well20:18
valoriethanks for RTing, ahoneybun20:25
ahoneybunnp valorie I'll send some info to get into the account if you like20:26
valorieyes I think we should spread it around so every account has at least 3 people with access20:26
valorie2 is good, 3 is better20:27
clivejobut people who like it and know how it works!20:28
valorieI'm never gonna be good with G+ anymore because it's changed too much and I'm only frustrated20:29
valorieand I don't read hacker news etc20:30
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I can do twiiter. that at least I like20:30
clivejoI lost my rag with Snapfish earlier on20:30
clivejosuch a piece of poop20:30
valoriewhat is snapfish?20:31
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> so if @ahoneybun CC's me the twiiter as well, that would be good20:31
clivejosupposed to be a photo printing service20:31
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> @acheronuk cc?20:31
clivejoused to be owned by HP, but not sure these days20:31
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun cc = carbon copy, like in an email. i.e. send to me as well20:32
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> oh the twitter login?20:33
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun, yep20:33
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> was going to use IRC PM20:34
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun @Valoriez I quite often spot stuff on twitter in the morning for me, when USA people are still tucked in better20:34
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> @ahoneybun, CC is a figure of speach20:34
IrcsomeBot<ahoneybun> ah20:34
IrcsomeBot* acheronuk yawns20:36
IrcsomeBot* acheronuk pours a large JD20:37
clivejodid I tell you how much I love to acheronuk20:38
clivejolove you20:38
* clivejo nods20:39
acheronukclink clink.... glug20:39
acheronukthere ya go20:39
clivejoneed a stiff one20:40
acheronukI start with doubles, minimum20:41
clivejowell your in England20:42
clivejoyour singles are tiny!20:42
clivejo25ml compared to our 35ml20:43
valorieso that's where the Irish reputation came from!20:44
valoriethe size of the dram20:44
clivejoI thought a dram was smaller20:45
clivejolike a sip20:45
clivejoor a swig20:46
* acheronuk moves to Ireland20:50
clivejoI wouldn't take the boat for a bit20:51
mparillohttps://twitter.com/arwinneil/status/919087352152145920 sent to G+21:09
valoriethanks mparillo21:10
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> I'm still slightly awe struck to see a University computer lab  with several dozen PCs, all running an OS I helped to package!21:11
clivejolet hope they don't crash and burn21:12
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> LOL21:12
clivejosuccess = no thanks or acknowledgement21:13
valoriewell, ALL the computer labs should be running our stuff!21:14
clivejoany wee bug or annoyance = blast you to hell and back on all social media and throw toys out of pram21:14
valorienot everyone is trumpian21:14
clivejohave you read some of the comments on the net?21:15
valoriethose few do leave a bad taste in your mouth though21:15
valorieimo anyone who allows comments and then doesn't have any standards about what is allowed in comments is ......21:16
valorieirresponsible, in the very least21:16
valorieI do read some comments21:16
valorieonce they go south, it's very bad21:16
acheronukI read some, but you have to mentally filter it.21:18
acheronuksame goes for the whole net!21:19
acheronukon all topics21:19
clivejoKubuntu packagers suck, so I'm moving to Mint21:19
valorieI never bag on the mint users21:20
clivejoKubuntu packagers suck, so I'm going to build packages myself in my PPA21:20
valorieeveryone should use tools they like21:20
acheronukhaha. I'll just check his PPA. brb21:20
valoriethis isn't religion21:20
clivejoI installed KDEConnect from your PPA and it broke, you suck21:20
valorieI think our packagers ROCK21:21
acheronukclivejo: still nothing in his PPA. funny, that21:21
clivejoI followed instructions on xyz.com and it broke my system, you suck21:21
clivejoyou should reply to him about himself21:23
clivejoCongrats man, you are in luck.  User x on Launchpad is uploading Plasma 5.11.0 for Xenial and tell him how to install a PPA on his system21:24
* acheronuk rolls eyes21:26
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IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @acheronuk, Look up Partimus. I'm happy over here too. :D23:43
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> @valorie, But Mint is outdated, insecure, and made by amateurs... I only agreed to work with Clem to be considerate of y'all, but don't think he has the right to bottomfeed unless he pitches in too...23:46

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