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IrcsomeBotSilenoz was added by: Silenoz03:14
FirefisheI'm on Xenial.  I'm getting some repository error messages, and would like to ask for some help deciphering them, please.  Here's my paste output from Terminal:  https://paste.ubuntu.com/25736154/04:05
FirefisheAlso, what is the command line syntax for pulling in all extant repository keys?04:05
drostieFirefishe: do you have any interesting things you want to say about your setup?04:19
drostiealso what do you mean 'all extant repository keys' -- all packages that you custom-installed?04:19
Firefishedrostie: I though there was a command for pulling in all keys for listed and active repos.04:21
Firefishedrostie: I set this thing up about a month ago, and I've left it alone for a bit.  I don't remember why I initially set up the repos the way I did.04:21
drostieOh, you mean into your keyring? like PPAs?04:22
drostieyeah, looking over it you have a bunch of PPAs. hm.04:23
Firefishedrostie: I do recall that I'm using another server, rather than Main, as Main was getting to be a bit slowish.04:24
Firefishedrostie: Incidentally, what's the latest LTS?  Is Xenial deprecated now?04:25
drostiexenial should still be in its support window I think but I could double-check.04:26
drostieLatest LTS would be 17.04 which would be Zesty.04:26
Firefishe17.04 is LTS?04:27
drostieOh no, 17.04 was not LTS, you're right.04:27
Firefisheya...I"ll stick with Stable.04:28
drostieyeah, that's no problem.04:29
Firefishedrostie: I appreciate the help.  I'll have to research the ppa's to see what I was doing.  That said, is there a way to get a stock sources.list ?  If I, say, rename the old one, move it to another directory to save it, and reboot, will the system default?04:30
FirefisheOr, I guess rebooting really isn't an issue.  If I update with apt-get, will it throw errors?04:31
drostie@Firefishe I would definitely rename it but it's only, like, one line that you need04:32
Firefishedrostie: That one line:  I'm assuming it's a repo index line?04:33
Firefishedrostie: I'm just trying to eliminate my error messages.04:33
Firefishedrostie: Well, time to put on my mad scientist foil hat, change the name, and xperixenialment. muaha.04:34
drostieyeah like in my case it would be `deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main universe multiverse restricted`04:36
Firefishedrostie: I guess I could also just revert through synaptic.04:38
drostieFirefishe: but there's some stuff about it in /etc/apt/apt.conf04:39
FirefisheI don't like the newer package managers.  I much prefer synaptic.04:39
drostiesorry, about *issues* in apt.conf04:39
drostielike if you need a proxy and one isn't configured in there, or if you need*ed* a proxy and now you don't.04:39
FirefisheI don't see apt.conf anywhere.  There's an /apt.conf.d/ directory.04:40
FirefisheThat is:  /etc/apt.conf.d  rather04:40
FirefisheGads...I"m bad tonight04:40
FirefisheThats:  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/04:41
Firefishe<--Can be taught with mind control, lasers, and nano brain micro-droids. ;-)04:41
drostieit also suggests that you might test whether your network is just dropping packets to the right place with wget -qO- http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease  | head04:42
Firefishedrostie: The output of that command gave me standard output with what looks like a bunch of binary characters.04:44
FirefisheWhat is head?04:44
drostiejust truncates to only the first several lines.04:44
FirefisheI don't think I have packet issues, actually.  I think it's just the repos.04:45
FirefisheProbably those ppas.04:45
drostieFirefishe: here's what that gives for me: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25736313/04:45
drostieNo "binary characters"04:46
drostiewith that said it's worth moving these files and seeing if apt has sane defaults when the files it's looking for aren't there, but it *is* messing with `apt` so definitely don't do anything you can't undo with a livecd.04:47
drostiealso worth checking if any other mirrors do the right thing if archive.canonical.com doesn't.04:49
FirefisheLet me paste my output.  It's really weird.04:50
Firefishedrostie:   https://paste.ubuntu.com/25736331/04:52
FirefisheWhat terminal/desktop are you usng?04:52
FirefisheI'm using unity/gnome-terminal04:52
drostieI mean it's a custom shell config but I use zsh underneath.04:53
FirefisheYeah, I"m using bash.04:53
drostieFirefishe: maybe try wget -qO- http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial/InRelease >/tmp/wat && file /tmp/wat ?05:00
drostieif that doesn't work maybe gunzip </tmp/wat reveals some weird gzipping?05:00
Firefishewith the `?'  -- ??05:01
Firefishequestion mark, or not05:01
drostieNo question mark :D05:01
Firefishek :-D05:01
Firefishedrostie: That saved it, but the file can't be opened.05:03
FirefisheI'm wondering if I'm missing some encryption tools?05:04
drostieFirefishe: hmmm. does it happen for all web sites or just that domain?05:09
drostielike can you wget normal http:// stuff?05:09
Firefishecould you repaste that please?05:10
drostierepaste what?05:10
Firefishethe output paste link.05:10
drostiethis? https://paste.ubuntu.com/25736313/05:11
Firefisheyes, thank you05:15
drostiealso worth trying with https, maybe it's one of those "check OK to access this network" pages that's on a malfunctioning http server that doesn't do https correctly.05:18
Firefishedrostie: Sorry, connection issues.05:22
drostieyeah I can imagine, last thing I said to you was:05:23
drostiealso worth trying with https, maybe it's one of those "check OK to access this network" pages that's on a malfunctioning http server that doesn't do https correctly.05:23
Firefishedrostie: I just switched the url's to "https" and I get what seems to be a continuous update loop using apt-get.05:31
Firefishedrostie: This is getting stwange.05:31
drostieyeah. what changed?05:35
drostielike did you move to a new home? It can't be that you booted up a long-dead computer if you're running xenial.05:36
FirefisheIt's nine years old, actually.  Still working fine.05:36
Firefishebrb...rest room05:36
Firefishedrostie: My unit is a 2008 Asus G50V(t) RoG Gaming Laptop05:47
Firefishedrostie: It's a beast! :-D05:48
Firefishehave to reboot05:55
ubottusalvo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».10:09
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BluesKajHiyas all13:09
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mmedtI need a good editor for my AMP html project14:36
mmedtI am new on linux14:36
EvilClown@mmedt welcome to kubuntu14:55
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator15:07
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=== EvilClown is now known as EvilClown[away]
douglmorning folks16:50
douglI am thinking about backing up my OS drives as my installs of Mac OS's are broken and not going to recover - I have learned enough about Macs to know I don't like to be force fed...17:24
douglWhen my desktop in 17.04 goes into suspend mode will my job of copying lots of files to ext4 partitions get inter8pted?>17:25
douglor will it not go into suspend mode?17:29
BluesKaj'Morning dougl, I think you would get a notifier popup17:39
BluesKajhow are you backing up your data ? with rsync?17:40
=== EvilClown[away] is now known as EvilClown
douglBluesKaj, thanks for the info... just a straight copy of data from hfs+ by root cuz that is all I know18:52
douglBluesKaj, I would probably temporarily turn off power management18:53
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=== EvilClown[away] is now known as EvilClown
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=== MrStraw is now known as klaw
IrcsomeBot<Silenoz> Hi guys, … a short question, I yesterday had the possibility by a certain command, to let me the KDE plasma version to let. I can not remember the command now, and I seek in vain for it, so I now turn to you: "lsb_release" and "uname" are not. The output was done with "plasma 5.10.5" or something like that. Can someone of you help me?23:05
acheronukplasmashell -v23:06
acheronukkf5-config -v23:06
IrcsomeBot<Silenoz> Thanks for the quick help :)23:08

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