
=== njwsigbdczjihokw is now known as fcejxsncwjvomryb
=== fcejxsncwjvomryb is now known as LordOfBikes
JacalzHi, I would like to submit a package πŸ“¦18:31
JacalzThe package that I want to submit is called Brave and is18:32
Jacalza browser that has privacy features while being focused on speed and build be the creator of JavaScript πŸ‘18:33
JacalzI don’t know how to package it so any help would be appreciated πŸ™‚18:34
sladenjacalz: according to the download page, there is already a .deb20:38
Unit193Long gone.20:42
=== tacocat is now known as xn--q7fala8cvdf
=== xn--q7fala8cvdf is now known as tacocat

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