
knomeoh, this is the requests channel!04:44
knomei request somebody massages my back04:44
knomehello flocculant 04:45
knomeand good morning04:45
flocculantI request someone to massage some thing else - but not from people here :D04:45
knomeguess you didn't expect to see me here this early04:45
knomeand not on this channel :P04:45
flocculantnope not at all :)04:45
bluesabrethanks flocculant 13:05
flocculantnp - you did the work :D20:35
bluesabrehi flocculant 20:39
bluesabreand others20:39
bluesabreworking on the release notes, http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-17-1020:39
bluesabreshew, ochosi hopped right on them20:39
flocculantakxwi-dave: new kernel should fix the kvm issue - our next build 20:40
flocculantrelease notes? or announcement?20:40
ochosinice work bluesabre 20:40
* ochosi is currently a little distracted restoring files out of lost+found20:40
flocculantoh deary deary me20:40
bluesabreflocculant: both maybe?20:40
flocculantbluesabre: shrug :) probably release note material rather than announcement 20:41
bluesabreToo much for announcement20:41
flocculantis already there - so you could use that 20:41
flocculantI've still got to clean that up for next week obviously20:42
bluesabreThankfully, I think most of what I wrote was not already written :D20:42
flocculantfor 'most' of the cycle it's just real simple for the 3 or 4 people who look :D20:43
ochosiflocculant: how is this bugreport still open? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-indicator-plugin/+bug/1644917 upstream it was marked as fixed already and i thought it has been released too..?20:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1644917 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "Label missing from indicator-plugin clear option" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:43
flocculantbluesabre: also all that you wrote on pad - none of that I would have written :D20:43
bluesabreSeemed like useful/relevant details20:44
flocculantyea it is20:44
flocculantochosi: I never have a clue how launchpad works 20:44
bluesabre(nobody does)20:45
Unit193'weather plugin bug' fixed.20:45
flocculantochosi: also can't check - no indicator-plugin20:45
flocculantUnit193: I know :)20:45
flocculantoh hang on - that was the other install :p20:45
flocculantochosi: ok, bus isn't fixed here20:46
flocculanthangs are still cold20:46
flocculantoh sigh :(20:46
bluesabreochosi: might be because that plugin hasn't had a release in nearly 3 years20:46
ochosiwell at least we could've picked up the patch i guess20:46
ochosibut we can also poke andrzejr into making a release20:47
Unit193I get a mouse over on the clear button...20:47
Unit193ochosi: Would be good to get Ayatana support first.20:47
ochosieven if we want to replace it in the next release20:47
flocculantochosi: took the words out of my hands :D20:47
ochosihmpf, annoying to have such a bug in the release, but well, at least it's not LTS20:50
ochosii can't reproduce this one anymore: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/greybird-gtk-theme/+bug/168385720:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1683857 in greybird-gtk-theme (Ubuntu) "Terminal border doubles when more than 1 tab" [Undecided,Triaged]20:51
flocculantochosi: I would have checked at b2 time to see that bug20:51
ochosiand i think it was resolved somehow in the terminal itself20:51
ochosior i really fixed it in greybird20:52
ochosidon't remember now...20:52
flocculantmy trouble is generally using our ppa's - then not double checking the iso state 20:52
ochosimhm, understandable20:53
ochosiat least in 17.04 i don't see the 2px terminal border20:53
flocculantI don't see it 'here' 20:53
flocculantby Thursday the rel note will be up to date20:54
flocculantalso I have issues with kvm currently so booting it and using it is a royal pain20:54
ochosithis one i can confirm and it's not a greybird issue at least: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sgt-launcher/+bug/167061020:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1670610 in sgt-launcher (Ubuntu) "Menu bar greyed out" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:56
ochosi(not sure if that makes it "better", but at least i'm not the one who has to fix it ;))20:56
bluesabreStill not sure what the right way is to fix that, other than eat the menubar and have it displayed by the app20:57
flocculantoh - the other sgt bug appears to now be invalid as there's no preferences at all :)20:58
bluesabreCan't click what you can't see20:58
ochosihaha, well done20:58
ochosii'll fix all my future bugs like that20:58
bluesabreI might use that for future fixes20:58
flocculantha ha ha awesome :)20:58
flocculantwe can just immediately mark everything invalid :p20:59
bluesabreparole video bugs... rename to "Parole Audio Player"20:59
flocculantha ha ha 20:59
ochosiwell, as my script is walking the lost+found md5 hashes on its own now i guess i'll be on my way for the night20:59
flocculantnight night then :)21:00
bluesabrenighty ochosi21:00
ochosiand thanks for putting together the RN, they already look quite good to me21:00
ochosiit actually makes 17.10 feel like a much more worthwhile release than it felt during its development time21:00
flocculantwas a funny one for sure21:01
ochosibut i guess the good thing is that much of the upstream work has arrived21:01
ochosialthough in 18.04 that'll be much more fun still21:01
ochosiespecially looking forward to the discussion which 4.13 components we'll pick21:01
flocculantbluesabre: re your comment a while back, push people to test artful+ppa's. I like that one - but obviously will need to know which ppa's and have them actually available21:02
bluesabreflocculant: yeah, will need to think on that a bit more, but definitely interested in going that direction21:03
flocculantwe can haz chat closer to the time 21:03
flocculantanyway - need to chill out now - cya all later 21:05
bluesabreSure thing, have a good night flocculant 21:06
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-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ATTN: Xubuntu Core 17.10 - i386 - i386 built.22:06
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