
ZOOFILMя русский01:33
bazhangZOOFILM, #ubuntu-ru for that01:35
Droid_Do1phin_Wais there a package for appachee openoffice?03:41
syb0rgDroid_Do1phin_Wa, I think you will find this helpful https://www.liberiangeek.net/2013/08/apache-openoffice-4-0-releasedheres-how-to-install-it-in-ubuntu/04:09
syb0rgthough I am mildly curious: why open office over libre office?04:10
Droid_Do1phin_WaIt's a matter of personal perreffence04:26
Droid_Do1phin_Wasyb0rg: Is 14.04 a LTS release?04:27
Droid_Do1phin_Wasyb0rg: Is 17.04 a LTS release?04:27
flocculant14.04 is end of life, 16.04 is LTS, 17.04 isn't04:28
syb0rgI do believe flocculant is correct Droid_Do1phin_Wa04:31
syb0rgSpecifically I know he is right about 16.04, and I think every other *.04 is LTS04:32
flocculanteven .04's04:32
Droid_Do1phin_WaEnd of life cycled?Som that means that 16.04 is o04:33
syb0rgwell same thing but that is easier to remember04:33
flocculantsyb0rg: unless you start on the wrong one lol04:33
syb0rglol but I was on 16.04 long enough to always know it was an LTS, so I'm good04:33
flocculantanyway - 18.04 will definitely be LTS :D04:34
syb0rgunless Canonical decides to throw us a curveball and change to every third .04 :O04:34
Droid_Do1phin_WaMarch of next year is the expextedof the next lts release?04:34
flocculantnot been on a released version of any *buntu since 8.04 ish - always running the dev release04:34
flocculantDroid_Do1phin_Wa: April next04:34
syb0rghmm how is the dev release?04:35
syb0rghow does that release cycle work?04:35
flocculantsyb0rg: dev release is fine for me - no issues, I'm also invested in the xubuntu gtk3 ppa (and some git stuff)04:36
flocculantsyb0rg: just after 17.10 releases, 18.04 opens - and on and on04:36
syb0rgcool deal. I'm on Manjaro nowadays but Xubuntu is pretty much my goto recommendation for people04:37
syb0rgjust an excellent OS, for people of like any skill level, and great community support04:37
flocculantsyb0rg: looked a while back at manjaro - knackered my setup somehow lol04:38
flocculantsyb0rg: thanks :)04:38
syb0rgooh you're actually developing Xubuntu? Nice04:38
flocculantpretty sure the majority of the team are in this channel :)04:39
syb0rgsee this is why I love IRC. And just the other day I saw someone on reddit saying IRC is dead. As if =P04:40
syb0rgHow did you get such a cool job anyway (other than applying for it)04:40
syb0rgor are you a volunteer dev aka a pillar of the community?04:41
flocculantsyb0rg: Xubuntu is a community thing04:41
flocculantif you want to chat > #xubuntu-offtopic :)04:41
syb0rgok gotcha. Very cool to be part of such a project either way. Also fair enough =P04:42
Droid_Dolphin_WaGood saturday morning12:23
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Droid_Dolphin_WaLinux kicks redmond ass13:42
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=== Droid2Xu is now known as Droid2Xubuntu
Droid2Xubuntuis there a port of the adb utils for ubuntu?13:58
xanguaSudo apt install android-tools14:06
Droid_Dolphin_WaHow do I convert itunes m4p music files to .mps files other than at the command line?14:48
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Droid_Dolphin_Waalsa & pulse audio for sound How do I remove the botcjhed install of oss and revert back to p18:51
Mdorkis there any way to get picture from Iphone 5s into xubuntu? it see's the phone but I cant get to the pictures?20:04
well_laid_lawn!iphone | Mdork20:08
ubottuMdork: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:08
Mdorkthank you ubottu20:52
Mdorkalso going to updrage to the latest xubuntu 17.0420:52
alynpostI have configured xfce4-terminal with a font I prefer, Source Code Pro.  That it working.  I'd like to invoke xfce4-terminal from the command-line/shell with that same font, but a different size than my default.  I'm trying to do so using the --font parameter.  The following works:21:41
alynpostxfce4-terminal --font=SourceCodePro21:41
alynpostbut if I try to add a :size= it seems the glyphs are rendering but the cell-size, for lack of a better term, is the same.  so each character overlaps the ones around it.21:42
alynpostI suspect I'm simply using --font incorrectly; but am having trouble scaring up a guide on how to format a font argument to this option.  would one of you be able to point me in the right direction for using the --font command-line option for xfce4-terminal?21:42
alynpostI was able to inspect my terminalrc file and find a clue that resolved my issue.  Using the font name with spaces and appending the font size workes as expected:22:18
alynpostxfce4-terminal --font='Source Code Pro 24'22:18

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