
=== exio4 is now known as hacker
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vrmuppallawill plasma 5.11 be in backports after 17.10 release ?02:04
DarinMillervrmuppalla: Yes, 5.11 is aleady in backports staging.  A few known bug and 5.11.1 is right around the corner with fixes so you may want to wait a few days.02:20
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lordievaderGood morning06:11
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ForceReconwhat happens to kubuntu 17.04 in January11:47
ForceReconand does 16.04.3 look like 17.0411:48
lordievaderForceRecon: In January 17.04 is EOL. 16.04 is supported till 2021. See https://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life11:59
ForceReconI noticed that but why does a version of higher number have a EOL11:59
lordievaderBecause 16.04 is an LTS release and 17.04 is not.12:00
ForceReconI like 17.04 interface and everything.. is 16.04 the same?12:00
lordievaderLTS releases get 5 years support. Non-LTS only 9 months.12:00
lordievader16.04 is old :P12:00
ForceReconso if I build a laptop for someone and I put Kubuntu on it.. should I install 17.04 or OLD 16.0412:01
lordievaderDepends on the requirements.12:01
lordievaderLTS releases are often seen as more stable. But the downside is older software.12:02
ForceReconokay.. lets begin with does 16.04 and 17.04 look the same?12:02
lordievaderNo idea, sorry.12:02
lordievaderIf I run Kubuntu I run a development release.12:02
BluesKajHowdy all12:03
lordievaderWhat you could do is wait a couple of weeks for the release of 17.10.12:03
ForceReconyeah I am running 17.04.. I just don't know if I should put something on their laptop that is not going to get updated after January12:03
lordievaderForceRecon: That way you get 9 months of support.12:03
ForceReconoh!... now were talking12:03
ForceReconjust a couple of weeks?12:03
lordievaderForceRecon: Well at that time you should simply upgrade to 17.10.12:04
lordievaderSame with when 17.10 is going EOL, upgrade to 18.04.12:04
ForceReconso we change repos and away we go?12:04
ForceReconor will it just be an option12:04
lordievaderForceRecon: That would be the Debian way, Ubuntu has some toolie for it.12:04
ForceReconokeedo.. thanks a lot!12:05
ForceReconthat answered everything12:05
ForceReconBEA U tiful12:05
lordievaderCool, glad I could help.12:05
BluesKajsudo-do release-upgrade when it's released, add the -d  if you intend to upgrade to 17.10 before thursday12:05
BluesKajerr sudo do-release-upgrade rather12:06
ForceReconHEY BLUE!12:07
ForceReconbig thanks.. nice nice..12:07
ForceReconthey currently have linux- mint on the Laptop.. I guess I should just download and create the dvd and then just wipe out and install kubuntu.. they only use the laptop for mail, but I think the interface is easier for them then linux mint12:09
ForceReconit really is amazing how they get everything to update so well..12:17
ForceReconcrazy good12:17
ForceReconwow.. all done.. nicely done you guys!12:21
ForceReconwhere are error logs in kubuntu?  I do not see them in /var/log12:24
ForceReconi should say messages12:26
ForceReconsudo grep -i error messages12:26
BluesKajusually /var/log/syslog12:31
ForceReconhttps://pastebin.com/f4ntAbs7  - just some information13:13
ForceReconis there any way in kubuntu to show all hidden icons in the panel?  I can click the up arrow to see hidden icons, but prefer to see them all by default all the time13:18
BluesKajright click system tray >settings>enties>choose shown13:20
acheronukForceRecon: In systemtray setting, entries tab, there is a "Always show all entries" checkbox13:20
ForceReconthanks.. appreciated13:22
ForceReconSorry, the program "plasmashell" closed unexpectedly13:30
ForceReconYour computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyze the problem and send a report to the developers.13:30
ForceReconwow.. the RSS feeds are very handy13:39
IrcsomeBotalbertify was added by: albertify13:59
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acheronukWe're live at 15:00 UTC (in ~40 mins) over at UbuntuOnAir with some final ISO testing for #ubuntu 17.10. Join us! http://bit.ly/2sGXhC814:21
acheronukon IRC in #ubuntu-on-air14:22
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D0U91Emorning folks14:53
BluesKaj'Morning D0U91E. assume it's you dougl  :-)14:54
D0U91EBluesKaj, yepper - I was hoping I did not make it hard to use my nick... how are you today?15:00
BluesKajjust fine here, and you?15:01
D0U91ENot too too bad - fighting with manjaro just to get a taste of something different15:06
BluesKajyeah, i gave it a try for a couple of weeks. It was ok ,but some of the networking was a bit clunky like vpn in the cli rather than gui etc15:12
BluesKajI like using aliases for long networking strings, but it wasn't as easy as debian based OSs15:14
D0U91EBluesKaj, yeah I am not enjoying it but trying to get the knack interpreting the docs but it seems like Manjaro has alot of square pegs for the round holes in the distro.15:20
D0U91EI was looking at it to use on my little arm devices where debian currently dominates15:21
* D0U91E will quit being off topic now - Sorry15:22
BluesKajubuntu mate has an arm iso if you're not into raspbian15:23
D0U91EBluesKaj, yes - I thought mate on the pi was a bit sluggish so I was shooting for xfce and was to lazy to do it on debian - I don't know maybe I just need the distraction15:28
BluesKajI used a spare hdd instead of a usb stick when i moved the root dir off the microsd card to the hdd and the performance didn't suffer much on the rpi315:32
BluesKajpoorly worde that, but think you got the gist15:34
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IrcsomeBot<ger> Ubuntu 17.10 … on resume from login, video playback is broken and locks the system up. commands still work but take up to 20s for you changes etc to go through. … also on resume from locked session, shutdown and reboot never finish their actions. … also on resume from lock session, if dolphin is open for a few minutes plasma (I think) crashes. mouse works but everything else is frozen including that's. have to manually power machine16:48
IrcsomeBotback working. … if I boot up system and never lock session, none of these issues happen. … locking session via: … loginctl lock-session … ryzen 1700 // rx480 … anyone familiar with these issues?16:48
IrcsomeBot<ger> *including ttys16:49
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D0U91EBluesKaj, do you have a sec to give me a few pointers on setting static ip on 17.10 beta?17:26
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valoriezsync is so cool! for those who are testing the release candidate18:38
valorieif not, do it! we need lots and lots of testing this week18:38
bittindding the new Kubuntu too test out19:07
valoriebittin: good to hear -- please report any bugs and report your results on the qa tracker19:32
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ForceReconwhy do people leave the room.. other than reboot..20:01
ForceReconyou would think that it was important to get an answer20:02
ForceReconEven BluesKaj is gone..20:02
* ForceRecon is sad now20:02
valorieForceRecon: do you have a question?20:04
valoriesome people turn their computers off when they aren't using them20:04
ForceReconno, just watching the world..   really pleased with kununtu, but cannot get it to work on 3 monitors and can't take the chance to wipe debian for a test run..20:08
ForceReconI wish there something more stable, or that i was better at linux20:08
ForceReconprobably the later///20:08
valorieForceRecon: have you given artful a try yet?20:09
valorieI know there has been recent work on multiple monitors20:09
ForceReconI could dual boot, but.... yeah.. I just updated my vmware installtion today.. PERFECT!!!.. btw.. but I just can't chance it20:09
valorietry a live version and see?20:09
ForceReconwon't boot and when it does it is not the right graphics driver.. would have to take the plunge20:10
valorieI see20:10
ForceReconif it were only so simple20:10
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valoriedual boot is probably the best option then20:11
valoriewith a separate ~/home20:11
ForceReconyeah I am going to head that way shortly.. I really like kubuntu20:11
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