
Steristanyone know how to troubleshoot VPN refusing to turn on in 17.10? it doesn't appear to be related to display server change07:26
Steristthe instant I click my setting that worked perfectly pre-update, it switches back off without error message07:27
Steristalready tried putting my password in again in case that didn't carry over07:27
Steristok I checked system log, I'm getting "Invalid VPN Service Type (cannot find authentication binary)" and there's very little info of use on Google09:11
freakyythrmo: hey ;D12:02
freakyyand did itgo well with ur ubuntu 17.10 installation? :D12:03
freakyysomethign is bugged here12:03
freakyyback ;D12:05
SquarismPeople happy with gnome base 17.10? Better or worse than Unity? Or just different?13:19
freakyySquarism: i like gnome-shell more than unity and i used ubuntu-gnome before and not ubuntu with unity ;D14:46
freakyyso yes, i like ubuntu-gnome more ;D14:46
freakyyit really lookgs good14:46
bittinUbuntu test evening in #ubuntu-on-air and #ubuntu-meeting15:36
shemgpanyone getting 500 when doing apt update on Artful?16:46
flocculantfine here - always use the main server though16:48
shemgptwo computers here: ppas are working but even if I change mirrors & main archive won't work16:51
shemgpI also removed the apt-cacher-ng proxy already and same error16:51
shemgpis there a debug for apt?16:53
shemgpbtw, in xenial, it works16:53
Asad2005i am downloading an update now which has a new nvidia-384 will this solve the wayland issue?18:13
dgprattwhat's the default desktop environment in 17.10?18:20
naccdgpratt: on a fresh install of stock ubuntu? gnome18:20
dgprattnacc: that's what I thought, but when I installed 17.10 fresh on a VM, it looked much closer to screenshots I find searching for "unity" vs "gnome". Did they reskin it to look closer to Unity or am I tripping?18:22
daxit's themed and has a dock that isn't standard in upstream, yes18:23
daxshould look something like https://didrocks.fr/images/artful-shell-transition/final_freeze_ubuntu_17.04_desktop.png out of the box18:24
dgpratthmm, ok, thanks dax 18:33
daxoh, should be a "vanilla" gnome session on the login screen somewhere too, if you prefer that18:34
lordcirth_workLooks nice18:34
daxyeah, i liked it last time i tried it18:34
lordcirth_workdax, vanilla being like Debian & Fedora's desktop?18:34
daxwell, like upstream gnome, so pretty much18:34
sylockHello guys. I'm trying 17.10. it stucks on boot. I have a Nvidia GTX 670. With nouveau I can boot but only with acpi=off18:35
sylockWith Nvidia proprietary driver I can go to gsm but gnome-shell crash18:36
sylockSaying the fail whale is dead in journalctl18:37
sylockno idea?18:42
lordcirth_worksylock, anything in Xorg.0.log?18:52
sylockI check18:53
lordcirth_worksylock, that seems to imply that the 'nvidia' driver is not installed.  What about logs when it is installed?19:02
sylocklordcirth_work: with nvidia, Xorg is clean19:07
sylockI get GDM but gnome-session fails19:07
sylockhere are the logs: https://paste.ubuntu.com/25754703/19:07
lordcirth_worksylock, anything in syslog?19:09
lordcirth_workor $HOME/.xsession-errors19:10
sylocknot much more than in journalctl19:16
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sylockFinally I made it working with Nvidia proprietary. I'm not sure but I deinstall chrome-remote-desktop paquet. It could be the culprit.20:58
dgprattwhat version of Ubuntu made Gnome the default?22:56
naccdgpratt: it will be the default in 17.1022:57
naccdgpratt: so no released version yet22:58
dgprattthanks nacc, that explains my confusion -- I read somewhere that it was switching in 17.422:58
naccwell, 17.04 is already out, so that's pretty easy to test22:58
daxdgpratt: nope, 17.04 still defaults to Unity (though there is also Ubuntu GNOME, obviously)22:59
dgprattok, thanks for confirming dax23:00

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