
pittiinfinity: whoops :) will look05:11
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pittiinfinity: uploaded autopkgtest 5.0.2 to debian, I'll sync as soon as it gets imported. also, thanks to whoever added the britney "your package is stuck" email notifications!10:03
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LocutusOfBorgthanks ginggs :)11:22
ginggsLocutusOfBorg: r-cran-curl?11:23
ginggsLocutusOfBorg: np :)11:23
dupondjeSomebody already working on upgrading wpa? :) seems a hype atm ;)11:30
rbasakcpaelzer: I just remembered: https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-13412 is possibly relevant to the MariaDB failure too.11:30
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cpaelzerrbasak: I see an issue more local to mariadb11:37
cpaelzerrbasak: the test case only fails with the new mariadb upload11:38
cpaelzerrbasak: 10.1.25-1 is good, but 10.1.28-1 is bad11:38
cpaelzerrbasak: was 10.1.25-1 built before gcc7 - do you happen to know?11:38
cpaelzerlet me check dates11:39
cpaelzeralready pulls in gcc7 on the old build11:41
cpaelzerso no new optimization as we assumed before11:41
cpaelzeralso since the .28 is 14 houts old a rebuild won't be much different11:44
cpaelzerstill I have one ongoing atm11:45
cpaelzerjust to be sure11:45
cpaelzerrbasak: this is fixed in 10.1.29 according to the ticket you linked before11:48
cpaelzerrbasak: would need to do a test build with that11:49
cpaelzeris that released already?11:49
rbasakI don't see it in Debian11:49
cpaelzermaybe just the fix of the issue added on .2811:49
cpaelzeryeah me neither, can add the change on top (at least for a crappy test build)11:49
cpaelzerlooking for the actual fix now11:50
cpaelzerrbasak: I find no reference to the bug in the mariadb sources, nor on this jira page11:59
cpaelzerrbasak: do you know how they usually hide ... umm manage bugs to find it (the commit that fixed it)12:00
rbasakcpaelzer: no, I couldn't find it.12:02
cpaelzerI foudn it in the 10.0 branch12:05
cpaelzerbut takes time to consider that for 10.1 or if it is applicable to our case at all12:05
cpaelzerrbasak: https://github.com/MariaDB/server/commit/6454d4e17727b6c786fbb953f4cc05c8cd739e8312:06
cpaelzerthat is the one I found so far12:06
rbasakcpaelzer: I think that's the upstream workaround for the pcre3 bug fixed in my upload.12:07
rbasakThey patch their embedded version12:07
cpaelzerbut it is directed at the "new" error message12:07
cpaelzerat least according to the logs in the bug tracker12:08
rbasakAnd I think they might try to not use the system version if the bug exists12:08
cpaelzeryeah it seems they fix their internal which means this isn't directly applicable for us :-/12:09
cpaelzernor will we get more help as for upstream it is considered fixed12:09
cpaelzerrbasak: it seems to me that along the initial fix tests were changed, you picked the pcre fix that was included into the pcre3 package12:30
cpaelzerrbasak: but now on the re-patch I linked before where they detect if the lib is broken look at the tests12:30
cpaelzerrbasak: they change the counts, but not back to the values we have12:30
cpaelzerthat means considering that the pcre3 upload you had made the "fix" available  = __attribute__((noinline,noclone))12:31
cpaelzerthat matches your fix and is from their last commit12:31
cpaelzershouldn't we take the portion that adapts the test to match that change12:31
cpaelzerI'll try that in my test env before packaging it all up just to fail12:31
cpaelzerrbasak: do you have a pointer to the change you made to pcre to be sure?12:32
rbasakcpaelzer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcre3/2:8.39-5ubuntu112:33
rbasakcpaelzer: the failure we're seeing now seems like an exception happening before the test failure though? Or do I understand that part wrong?12:34
cpaelzerrbasak: the failure now mostly is that the test works but is expected to fail12:35
cpaelzerit runs like recurse(133) and expects it to fail12:35
rbasakI misunderstood that. Thanks12:35
cpaelzerthe first fix was to bump 133 to a huge number12:35
cpaelzerfailing, done12:35
cpaelzerbut that didn't always work as a constant is so ... constant12:35
cpaelzernow the newer fix changes back these values, but not to where they were12:36
cpaelzerupstream went 133 -> 400 -> 25012:36
cpaelzerwe are still at 13312:36
cpaelzerbut since you ported the pcre3 change I wonder if making these numbers match would be required12:36
cpaelzerand OTOH there is a part of the change in pcre which you did not port - was that intentional?12:36
cpaelzeraround: SET(PCRE_NO_RECURSE "${WIN32}" CACHE BOOL12:37
cpaelzerrbasak: ^^ ?12:37
rbasakHalf intentional - I picked the patch from https://bugs.exim.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217312:37
ubottubugs.exim.org bug 2173 in Code "stack frame size detection is broken" [Bug,Resolved: wontfix]12:37
cpaelzerrbasak: this part is "missing" then in comparison12:38
cpaelzerwhich has a great on = off = on logic twist12:39
cpaelzerasuuming that ${WIN32} is off for our builds we would set NO_RECURES off now (with the change), which means we would recurse12:39
rbasakIs that suitable for the global src:pcre3?12:40
cpaelzerit before was on in the mariadb local pcre12:40
cpaelzerI don't think so, but am not the expert12:40
cpaelzerI would want to check how our pcre3 is12:40
cpaelzerit might be off anyway or so12:40
cpaelzerwe have default off12:41
cpaelzerand it is in the build logs12:41
cpaelzerof course everything is slightly different in that pcre312:43
cpaelzerbut I found Use stack recursion ............. : yes on x8612:43
cpaelzers390x as well12:43
cpaelzerso our recursion is ON which matches NO_RECURSE Off12:43
cpaelzerso we should be on the same level as the internal pcre fix inside mariadb12:44
cpaelzerchanging the test numbers for a test now12:44
cpaelzerI love invert_do_not_skip_not_thing = false code12:45
cpaelzerrbasak: it is not as easy as that :-/12:51
cpaelzerprobably because of the different pcre versions behaving differently the test adaption would need to be different as well12:52
cpaelzerrbasak: since the try to fix failed I documented the testbed and made it availabel to you13:01
cpaelzerrbasak: the last trello card update has all you need13:01
cpaelzerrbasak: and as a side note - this is a "regression" because these tests didn't exist before the .28 upload13:02
cpaelzerrbasak: so it is in fact much more a new test which just not works on s390x13:02
cpaelzerI wonder if in that POV we should mask just that test on just that arch instead of overriding it in a-proposed to migrate13:03
rbasakThat sounds reasonable13:03
cpaelzerthe automation for the dep8 already has a skip function13:03
cpaelzerwe could if arch then add one more13:03
rbasakYes I believe that's possible13:08
rbasakAnd I think the release team are happy to take merge proposals for that13:08
rbasakOr just ask them here I guess.13:08
cpaelzeroh, you mean in the overrides13:08
cpaelzerrbasak: I was talking about encoding that int he dep8 test to retain the coverage of all the other tests13:09
rbasakOh, I see.13:09
rbasakThat sounds better13:09
rbasakAs long as we know to lose it in the future I guess, but the presence of a delta will tell us that.13:09
cpaelzerrbasak: I'll file a bug as reference, copy over some of our data we have, and provide a fix13:09
cpaelzerrbasak: I'd ping you then so you can take a look13:10
cpaelzerunfortunately mariadb isn't imported to the version in propsed it seems13:10
rbasakI can run an import if you like?13:10
rbasakIt might take a while13:10
cpaelzerrbasak: you likely have the command closer than I have, that would be nice to run that13:10
rbasakIt should be current in Debian VCS though13:10
rbasakOK I'll run it now13:10
cpaelzerI could look at my qemu issue until you ping13:11
rbasakcpaelzer: it's importing.13:29
rbasakcpaelzer: but also you could use https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-mysql/mariadb-10.1.git if you like.13:29
rbasakSince it's in sync with Debian currently, it should match exactly.13:29
dupondjecyphermox: already upgrading WPA ? :)13:37
cpaelzerrbasak: yeah, I'd want your eyes/comments and if possible ondreys anyway13:38
cpaelzerso doing on the alioth is probably the bets13:38
cyphermoxdupondje: hum, wat?13:38
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dupondjecyphermox: https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2017/msg00261.html guess Ubuntu needs to follow :)13:44
cpaelzerrbasak: there is now a bug for the mariadb dep8 issue as well as a fix suggestion linked14:07
cpaelzerrbasak: I subscribed you and ondrey for your comments on the suggestion14:07
cpaelzerrbasak: never the less the test env still exists if you want to take a look yourself again14:08
cpaelzerrbasak: or if any of the discussion needs a check while I'm not around14:08
seb128bdmurray, hey, thanks for unblocking bug #1716357, I think the rule doesn't make sense though and I was trying to get a conversation going about it rather than making you do the work :-/14:35
ubottubug 1716357 in evince (Ubuntu Zesty) "a typo in evince-previewer.desktop breaks /etc/mailcap" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171635714:35
seb128bdmurray, it's likely that the zesty SRU is just never going to be verified and going to suck in proposed while zesty get deprecated, that feels like a waste of work14:35
rbasakcpaelzer: many thanks for your help!14:47
bdmurrayseb128: In this specific instance it was a regression from a security fix though so think it needs fixing regardless. However, I see your point about it possibly sitting in zesty unverified.14:47
seb128bdmurray, k, fair enough, I would have agreed with that more if the update was recent, but it has been half a cycle ago so users either don't mind about the issue or workarounded it or moved to some less buggy system by now14:49
seb128anyway, topic closed I guess14:49
seb128thanks for unblocked the fix!14:49
bdmurrayOh, I didn't notice how old it was.14:51
cpaelzerrbasak: I just now pushed the qemu fix I worked on, not sure I can complete the percona today14:53
cpaelzerrbasak: more likely start picking off of my triage duty and to that tmrw morning14:54
cpaelzerrbasak: ok?14:54
rbasakcpaelzer: that's fine.14:54
rbasakThanks again for your time14:54
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/+bug/1723909 strange nobody seems to pick this up ...15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1723909 in wpa (Ubuntu) "[security] WPA2: Many vulnerabilities discovered" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:26
sdezieldupondje: looks like the security team is aware and already at work, see https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2017/CVE-2017-13077.html15:30
ubottu** <A HREF="https://cve.mitre.org/about/faqs.html#reserved_signify_in_cve_id">RESERVED</A> ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-13077)15:30
mdeslaurdupondje, sdeziel: I'm publishing updates now15:30
sdezielmdeslaur: thanks15:31
dupondjemdeslaur: nice!15:40
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dupondjewho takes care of artful btw?15:41
jbichadupondje: it's already uploaded for artful but it needs to be manually accepted by Release Team because of Final Freeze15:44
dupondjeah! thx15:45
jamespagebdmurray: I know I could land this myself but could you do a quick sanity review for me - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/merge-o-matic/ubuntu-opnestack/+merge/33229716:03
jamespagepls :-)16:03
bdmurrayjamespage: approved16:10
jamespagebdmurray: ta16:15
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jamespagebdmurray: you don't happen to know whether that's an automatic deploy? or do I need to go poke someone to get things updated?16:27
bdmurrayjamespage: I do know and you need to poke someone like me16:31
* jamespage pokes bdmurray16:31
jamespagebdmurray: please could you put my changes live :)16:31
bdmurrayjamespage: it runs at 05,35 so might appear soon16:34
jamespagebdmurray: thanks!16:35
bdmurrayI've an 17.04 laptop which I upgraded to 17.10 with an external display connected and now I have to login using the laptop display not the external one. Is that a known issue?16:48
jibelbdmurray, it's similar to bug 172302516:49
ubottubug 1723025 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "no login screen when booting with an external monitor attached" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172302516:49
jibelbdmurray, in my case the machine turns the internal display off.16:50
jibelso I don't see the login16:50
bdmurrayAh, I can see it on the internal display just the behavior is different from the previous release16:50
jibelTrevinho, ^16:51
jibelbdmurray, can you file a bug against gdm316:51
bdmurrayjibel: Of course16:52
bdmurrayjibel: 172401717:04
bdmurrayjibel: bug 172401717:05
ubottubug 1724017 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Cannot login using external display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172401717:05
jibelbdmurray, thanks.17:05
coreycbdoko: I still can't reproduced the swift FTBFS for artful amd64. I'm not sure what I'm missing.19:19
codepython777One of my usb devices has stopped showing up in dmesg/lsusb - it still works - any ideas what might be happening? (Its a FTDI device - which I have a udev rule for)19:27
nacccodepython777: do you mean to be asking that in #ubuntu?19:39
codepython777nacc: will do, thanks19:52
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