
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:32
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Maybe take another cup of motivation .. getting nuts in main :)02:34
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: trolls or crowdy?02:35
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Naww just off the wall stuff non procedural responses .02:37
lotuspsychjelets c02:38
Ben64bazhang has too much patience02:41
Ben64i'd have ban hammered immediately lol02:41
Bashing-ombazhang been around here a while .. seen most of all I guess .02:42
Ben64<jas> since when do you run [junk] here02:43
Ben64/mode +b jas Since about 200702:43
Ben64would have been my response02:43
Bashing-omThat one is scating on thin ice presently .02:44
Ben64yeah who uses emoji in irc02:44
lotuspsychjeisnt that guy a regular volunteer? his nick sounds daily?03:06
lotuspsychjeoh its about jas nvm03:12
lotuspsychjelol oerheks05:01
oerheksreally, so obvious ..05:01
lordievaderGood morning06:11
ducassegood morning all06:18
lordievaderHey ducasse06:23
lordievaderHow are you doing?06:23
ducasseup and about, trying to plan out the day. sun is shining and it seems not-freezing :) how about you?06:25
lordievaderDoing good here06:26
lordievaderTrying to wake up with coffee06:27
ducassejust keep chugging it down, it's bound to work soon :)06:28
* lordievader bounce bounce06:49
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
BluesKajHowdy all12:03
BluesKajHI EriC^^13:04
EriC^^hi BluesKaj13:05
BluesKajhey oerheks13:06
oerhekshey guys, are you all on wifi ?13:06
BluesKajnot atm, my laptop is in suspend13:07
oerheksthis wpa2 crack makes more waves than kim jung ill & trump tweets together13:08
EriC^^what wpa2 crack13:08
EriC^^wpa2 isn't secure anymore?13:08
ducasse https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/10/severe-flaw-in-wpa2-protocol-leaves-wi-fi-traffic-open-to-eavesdropping/13:08
oerheksjups, and https://www.krackattacks.com/13:09
oerheksGerman dude http://papers.mathyvanhoef.com/ccs2017.pdf13:10
oerheksbut the attacker must be in your neighbourhood, and you must click something to reuse the key13:10
BluesKajheh, some of my neighbours don't know enough to use wpa2,  one didn't even use a wifi pw13:13
daftykinsit's all about 64-bit WEP keys13:14
BluesKajturns out he was using ethenet and didn't know his laptop was broadcasting wide open13:15
BluesKajthought ethernet auto-killed laptop wifi, unless it was a misconfigged router13:56
daftykinsnah both carry on at once always13:57
BluesKajHi daftykins, ok, makes sense then14:01
daftykinssurely it wasn't the laptop sharing out a network though, that'd be odd14:02
BluesKajguess I was mistaken, must have been the router14:03
BluesKajdon't think anyone around here would have realized there was no pw needed except me when I logged on to their wifi, but i let them know so not much piggy backing went on.14:07
BluesKajlocal cable guy set it up ...moron14:07
daftykinshmm, usually they're not allowed to touch consumer gear14:08
BluesKajit was the cable comapny's router14:09
BluesKajcable tv/internet bundle14:09
daftykinsah everything ISP supplied always has default keys ime14:10
lordievaderThe lovely thing about those company routers is that they usually have a backdoor. That way they can see everything which goes on in your network.14:10
BluesKajhe neglected to setup a pw...she told me the installer didn't show them how to set up the wifi pw etc14:12
ducassei always thought they handed out those routers to give to children to practice soldering on14:16
BluesKaji have my own router , a TP-Link-TL WDR3600 and a TP-Link modem as well, which was suggested by my ISP as a compatible brand14:17
lordievaderThose things can be evil on ipv614:17
lordievaderIIRC spamming dhcpv6 request at a rate of 300Hz while the network uses SLAAC14:18
BluesKajlordievader, what things?14:18
BluesKajmy ISP is strictly IPv4 afaik14:18
nicomachusso how is the KRACK vuln fixed? Can kernel upgrades do it, or is the protocol itself broken?15:50
ducassethe protocol, aiui15:51
daftykinsas he understands it15:51
daftykinsyeah so firmware all over the show15:52
nicomachusso we need a new protocol then.15:52
daftykinsmost likely gonna mean a lot of devices turn into crap15:52
daftykinsnah it's fixable15:52
ducassefor linux, a patch to wpa_supplicant, i think15:52
* nicomachus sets a check for updates every hour on the hour15:53
ducassesupposed to be made available later today european time15:53
nicomachusah, well that's timely. Good to know.15:53
nicomachusunrelated, but --progress really should be a default option on rsync15:55
daftykinsanytime i've tried to use rsync i've found it prohibitively slow :<15:56
nicomachuswhat's the alternative?15:58
nicomachusfor transferring files over SSH, anyway15:58
daftykinsdepends on the scenario really16:01
nicomachus"Notably, our attack is exceptionally devastating against Android 6.0:16:01
nicomachusit forces the client into using a predictable all-zero encryption key."16:01
nicomachusthat sounds like a serious problem for Android16:07
ducassetons of fun for the gazillion devices that get no more updates16:08
nicomachusI wonder what the market share is for 6.0 nowadays16:09
nicomachusI'm on 8, but last I heard 4.4 was still the most common16:10
daftykinsit's definitely a shit-show16:10
daftykinsdid i tell you mine made me download and install 8.0 on top of itself? o016:10
freakyydoes anyone find hosting rocket.chat myself would be worth it? ;D16:10
daftykinswhat's that and how does it relate to ubuntu?16:11
nicomachusdaftykins: what do you mean?16:11
daftykinsnicomachus: i'd put on 8.0 myself manually, then it prompted me to update to 8.0 :D thing downloaded it quite rapidly, then installed rapidly as well16:11
nicomachusI tried texting my dad a few questions about this whole deal because he's in netsec for some gov contractor and all he replied was "busy"16:11
daftykinsbuild didn't change or anything16:12
nicomachusoh, yea, mine did that too but I assumed it was something slightly different. Didn't check the build number. I had the 8.0 beta installed and it made me download and install the first 8.0 release.16:12
nicomachusLooks like patches may be public now: https://twitter.com/vanhoefm/status/91985311070053171216:40
nicomachushostapd and wpa_supplicant16:40
TJ-The patches were released just after midnight16:43
TJ-Ubuntu published updated packages about an hour ago, just waiting for the release team to push them to the archives16:44
nicomachusdebian fix: https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/2017/msg00261.html16:44
TJ-LineageOS (previously Cyanognemod) has the patches in review now, so should get merged later on16:45
nicomachusJust got a wpasupplicant update on my Ubuntu 16.04 laptop16:46
daftykinsseen a few defections to Lineage for OnePlus owners annoyed with the privacy woes that was a story in the last week16:46
nicomachusLooks like Android itself won't get an update until the November 6 normal security release16:47
TJ-unless someone releases an active exploit then Google/device-makers may move faster16:48
TJ-it's not a difficult set of patches to apply after all16:48
nicomachusrpi got the wpasupplicant update too.16:48
nicomachusand HTPC. So I'm all up to date except for my phone. :/16:48
nicomachusTJ-: I was hoping for something sooner just because Google is my carrier, manufacturer, and OS maintainer. Lol16:49
TJ-nicomachus: I know, I was suprised they said they're leaving it so long. I can only guess they weren't one of the manufacturers notified during the 5-month embargo window since the exploit was discovered16:50
daftykinsprobably down to how faceless Google is so you can't find anyone to contact :<16:50
TJ-otherwise I'd have expected them to have access to the wpa_supplicant patches early and apply them and get an update out. Same as Microsoft have done with Windows16:50
TJ-Ubuntu security devs didn't know about it until I told them at midday UTC16:51
TJ-so they've done fabulously to turn around the updates so quickly16:51
nicomachusYou would think the researchers would have notified Google since one of the strongest attack vectors was on Android 6.0....16:55
TJ-Yes. As I said, it's my guess based on Google's reaction. I may be wrong.16:55
TJ-You'd think with the way their Project Zero operates they'd have been ready and have a fix out before the embargo ended though16:56
TJ-You know what's neat about this exploit though?16:56
nicomachusThey have a decent reporting department don't they? I thought they were one of the best for responding to bounties, etc16:56
nicomachusTJ-: please do tell16:56
TJ-The researcher -  Mathy Vanhoef - found this because he was reading the source-code of wpa_supplicant whilst avoiding finishing writing up another paper he was working on, and noticed a function call ic_set_key(), and wondered what would happen if it were called twice. Made a note, went back to it some time later and discovered this issue16:58
TJ-So ... more eyeballs on code do sometimes make bugs shallow16:58
nicomachus+1 for FOSS?16:59
TJ-and as this is a protocol bug too, not implementation, that's even more impressive16:59
TJ-I'd say so yes.16:59
TJ-If he'd not been prevaricating from his other work he may not have discovered it.16:59
nicomachus+1 for procrastination16:59
TJ-There's some indication someone spotted this potential before him too, but no indication they ever followed up on their doubts on it17:00
nicomachusbut honestly, who procrastinates by reading the source code of wpa_supplicant?17:00
daftykinstrue smarticles17:00
TJ-so, this could be out in use as an exploit because I would assume anyone in places like GCHQ/NSA tasked with reviewing source code for vulnerabilities would easily come to the same conclusion17:01
TJ-It's the kind of question I ask myself as I'm scanning source-code all the time. I think most hackers operate in that way too17:01
TJ-hackers in the sense of code-hackers, not crackers17:02
nicomachusIn the words of Elon Musk: Nerd.17:02
TJ-That was just the Whiskey talking  :)17:02
TJ-daftykins: are you getting blown about by the storm?17:03
TJ-oh, in case you need to pass it on to others asking, this is the USN https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3455-1/17:03
daftykinsnah just saw the yellowy skies this morning and really low light17:03
nicomachusdaftykins: I figured out an alternative to rsync17:06
nicomachusinstead of transferring all the episodes of this series I wanted to watch from my HTPC to laptop, I just symlinked ~/Videos in /var/www/html/. :D17:07
daftykinsin London at the weekend i was tethering to a spare phone to get online... mooched a small TV episode from home :>17:09
nicomachushmm... pihole is blocking my access to the page for some reason.17:13
nicomachusand when I try to whitelist it says "not a valid domain". bugger.17:13
nicomachusoh I see now. nvm.17:19
naccoerheks: maybe i missed it, did ricmm say why they wanted to know about vivid?18:59

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