
rick_hmorning and such13:21
_stink_courtesy of SneakyPhil who comes here now and again13:22
jrwrenGood morning.13:31
jrwrenhttps://crocs.fi.muni.cz/public/papers/rsa_ccs17  was just reading that13:31
jrwrenkinda stinks they don't specify which hardware chips and in which popular hardware they are used for that RSA one.13:35
_stink_that URL must be getting hammered13:35
=== obscurehero_ is now known as obscurehero
rick_hyea, going to be fun13:50
rick_hI'm debating on if it's a good thing or not that I moved to google wifi for my network. I'd hope they'd be on top of updating things as it's a very push-update friendly setup13:51
rick_hthough guessing updating these thinkpads with older intel hardware...ugh13:51
jrwrengreat read: https://uss-la-ca135.org/60/1960Judkins-Knott.html13:56
rick_hjrwren: crazy14:05
_stink_jrwren: thanks for sharing!14:41
mrgoodcatjrwren: yea it sucks that they didn't specify hardware but from what I understand it is actually not an implemenation issue but an issue with the spec itself14:47
mrgoodcatso most/all correct implementations should be vulnerable14:47
jrwrenmrgoodcat: i was refering to the RSA case. You are citing the WPA2 case :)14:48
jrwrenmrgoodcat: the RSA case is specific to hardware.14:48
jrwreni'm pretty sure, but not 100% that all my RSA gen keys are OK since they were openssl software generators, not some TPM hardware junk.14:48
mrgoodcatoh wow14:49
mrgoodcati didn't look closely enough14:50
mrgoodcat2 major vulns in 1 day15:01
Scary_Guyhttps://www.krackattacks.com for more on the WPA2 thing17:46

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