
chalcedonyany idea what to do with hubby's ubuntu?00:00
evilbugsound like an accesibility option though.00:01
lordcirthchalcedony, it's only been a few minutes; hopefully someone will answer00:01
Bashing-omchalcedony: Not very clean, and might be better solutions, but kill FireFox from terminal ??00:02
ArMedicHas anyone in here ever placed Ubuntu on a chromebook?00:02
evilbuggoogle ubuntu screen zoom accesibility or something.00:02
chalcedonyBashing-om, nice to see you .. i'm bringing up putty. it won't let him do anything00:02
Bashing-omchalcedony: ctl+alt+t does not activate a terminal ?00:04
chalcedonylet me go try00:04
oerheksArMedic, not without bricking it, and then again, 16 gb is a bit small00:04
ArMedicoerheks, Okay.  I was thinking of giving it a try.  Now, maybe not.00:05
chalcedonybrought up a giant terminal00:05
Bashing-omchalcedony: Let us wait and see if some one offers a better option .00:06
chalcedonywell now i know his ip at least00:06
malkaunsif i used raid 0 for a single drive on my server can i use that drive in a different server (with different specs)?00:10
chalcedonycompizconfig-settings-manager: command not found00:11
chalcedonysp ot00:12
chalcedonyso it's not that00:12
lordcirthmalkauns, if you move all drives to a new server?  Sure, so long as it has mdadm tools installed.00:13
malkaunslordcirth: but I mean with hardware raid00:15
malkaunsnot software00:15
ericusanyone good with reverse proxy on apache2?00:15
malkaunsand just 1 single drive00:15
lordcirthmalkauns, oh I see.  You want to move the raid card and all drives?00:15
lordcirthmalkauns, oh, you used "raid 0" mode in order to just pass the drive through?00:15
malkaunsnope not the card00:15
malkaunsyes exactly00:15
lordcirthmalkauns, usually a raid card will do some custom formatting00:16
malkaunseven just for a single drive?00:17
lordcirthmalkauns, yeah.  I mean, you can try; if you don't write to it, it shouldn't hurt anything... but I wouldn't expect it to work00:17
malkaunsmmk thx00:18
malkaunsso if my server dies I can't even recover anything00:19
malkaunsunless a buy the exact same server again00:20
chalcedonywow.. we tried the windows key and scrolling, which does nothing, but the windows key brings up a menu of keyboard shortcuts only it blnks madly and i can't look at it00:20
chalcedonyhttps://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1409491.html  that was from here00:20
beshoocan i ask a general linux question ?00:27
oerheksbeshoo, there is ##linux for that00:27
oerheksubuntu answers might not apply to your situation00:27
beshoowell no one helped me there00:27
chalcedonywhat is it?00:27
beshooso i think here more pro users :)00:28
beshooi am using FastText , a facebook text classification tool , this tool works by passing text to it via stdin " ./fasttext predict-prob model.bin - " then ENTER , and each new line will go to fasttext, well i want to run this via web server , how can i make fasttext be in memory and can receive stdin from any script , e.g php shell_exec() , some one advice me to use named pipe , but when i send00:28
beshootext to named pipe , fasttext print to the std and exit , and never redirect output to the named pipe00:28
beshoo./fasttext predict-prob model_gender.bin named_pipe00:28
oerheksfasttext is not in our repos, sorry00:28
chalcedonyits a nicely asked question, but not something people are good with here00:29
beshoowell , yes that is why i saied it is general Linux , what i think here , all user is more advanced00:29
kostkonbeshoo, like you said, too general a question for #ubuntu00:30
beshooOk since ##linux no one help ? any other option :)00:30
kostkonbeshoo, a php or some other dev channel perhaps?00:31
chalcedonybeshoo, ask in #python maybe00:32
Bashing-omchalcedony: while we wait . what results ' ps aux | grep firefox ' . And we descend down the tree and see what we will kill .00:36
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chalcedonyBashing-om, its his whole everything00:40
chalcedonyhe rebooted and the screen saver is enormous00:40
chalcedonythe drop down menus are huge00:40
chalcedonynot just firefox00:41
Bashing-omchalcedony: Yuk .. K - What release and desktop is this again ?00:42
chalcedonyBashing-om, he has ubuntu 16.04 and runs ummm00:43
Bashing-omchalcedony: No . the environment of the desktop . does ' dpkg -l lightdm ' come back with " ii  lightdm        1.18.3-0ubun amd64  " ?00:52
cyphasein unity, is there a keyboard shortcut that pushes the current window to the back, like middle-clicking on the title bar?00:54
fishcookerany program that have antonym functionality of pidof? i know the pid but have problem with greping the name of processes01:34
fishcookerps matching only for second column then show the processes name, Ben6401:46
Ben64fishcooker: what01:51
chalcedonyhubby rebooted, it's at least better for now. thanks everybody :)02:13
teh_masterer_how do you transfer files from linux server to a windows machine using rsync?02:22
cfhowlett!server | teh_masterer_02:25
ubottuteh_masterer_: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server02:25
teh_masterer_cfhowlett: huh?02:26
cfhowlettask in the server channel02:26
teh_masterer_oh my mistake02:26
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bcowanAsk google would be a better response02:30
fishcookerBen64:  i want to get the processes name with the pids here is the number of pids $ ps aux | grep '\<3258\>\|\<1834079\>\|\<2862\>\|\<3248\>\|\<2538492\>\|\<3250\>\|\<315931\>\|\<2879\>\|\<3643440\>\|\<3254\>\|\<317001\>\|\<3256\>\|\<1\>\|\<3994411\>\|\<2068526\>\|\<155318\>\|\<812\>\|\<3252\>' | grep -v grep02:30
bazhangbcowan, we strictly d\ont tell users to google it02:30
Ben64fishcooker: uh don't do it like that02:31
fishcookerthat's why i want to get the grep exact match case, Ben6402:32
Ben64fishcooker: don't use grep. ps has the ability to accept a pid as input02:32
fishcookernoted, cool Ben6402:32
bcowanbazhang: ok well rtfm sucks and that wasn’t an Ubuntu question and asking Ubuntu server makes no sense because it’s not a server question02:33
bazhangbcowan, at worst we could them about alis02:34
bazhang /msg alis list term  bcowan to find a channel that was suitable02:34
fishcookerthanks Ben64 $ for pid in 3258 1834079 2862 3248 2538492 3250 315931 2879 3643440 3254 317001 3256 1 3994411 2068526 155318 812 3252; do ps $pid | grep -v PID; done02:35
Ben64fishcooker: why still grep02:36
bcowanbazhang: to me, a question like that is like copying someone’s homework02:36
bazhangbcowan, be that as it may, we server all types here, and never is telling someone to just google it an option02:36
bazhangbcowan, if you dont wish to help with that questions thats fine, but directing to the googs is not viable02:37
jasits the most obvious thing to do, helping them help themselves02:37
jasrather than spoonfeeding it to them in here02:38
bazhangnot how we work it here02:38
jassince when do you run shit here02:38
lotuspsychjejas: keep language familly friendly here plz02:38
bazhangno cursing here ever jas02:38
jaswow, grow a pair seriously02:39
cfhowlett!guidelines | jas   read and heed jas.  our guidelines apply to all - even you02:40
ubottujas   read and heed jas.  our guidelines apply to all - even you: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines02:40
bcowanStarting to wonder if it’s worse in here than old school Debian 20 years ago when the first response was always “did you rtfm?”02:41
bazhangbcowan, lets take the chatter to the offtopic channel please02:42
bcowanYep much worse, one bad apple02:43
jasno need to write back, going afk02:43
jasnot sure what youre trying to PM me about, save it02:44
bazhangjas ok, stay on topic here, chatter elsewhere, thanks02:45
nopeaI am trying to copy a file from a bash script to ovewrite another file, but I do not want to overwrite the permissions or ownership.  How can this done?  cp copies the file with me as the owner02:45
nopeaI mean, I dont want the original file to retain it's permissions, not take the new ones02:46
Ben64you don't want it to retain but you don't want new?02:47
nopeaBen64: from the bash script, I want to copy a file that overwrites another, but I want to keep the original file's permissions02:48
bcowanI’m lost, but maybe cp -a02:48
cfhowlettnopea, man cp would seem to suggest the --no-preserve option if I've understood you correctly02:48
nopeabcowan: thanks.. I have a custom 000-default.conf file that I want to use and replace Ubuntu's, but it keeps taking me as the owner02:49
Ben64cp doesn't change owner for me02:50
bcowanOr just stat the original file and chmod after the cp02:51
PomidoraSo I resolved a dependency manually... I really wanted to have a version that was not available yet for my dist. Now apt spits out that it has unresolved dependencies and won't let me install anything. How do I tell it that this particular package is resolved?02:52
nopeayeah, I am trying that in the bash.. didn't take the new permissions.  I have to keep playing02:52
Ben64cp doesn't change it, you must be doing something wonky02:52
bcowanYour script may not be elevated enough to do what you want02:54
bcowanor to say you’re not running your script with elevated enough privileges02:55
nopeabcowan: not sure it is that... it also install Apache2, MySQL, OpenSSH, vsftdp etc02:55
Ben64sounds like a bad script02:55
bcowanMy scripts usually make me goto sleep :p02:56
nopeaBen64: not the script.... same thing happens when I type it in02:57
Ben64type what in02:57
nopeasudo cp -rp 000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf02:57
malkaunsbcowan, i made a script: /usr/local/bin/sleep once which would put the system in suspend. was baffled when my system kept going into suspend for "no reason" :P02:58
Ben64nopea: you might want to look what -rp does02:59
bcowanWhat he said02:59
bcowanRecursive preserve03:00
nopeayeah - I get that now03:00
nopeakeeps the permissions of the file being copied not the one being overwritten03:00
bcowanDrop the p03:02
bcowanlike in a cup lol03:02
bcowanWhy do you need recursive if it’s just a single file???03:03
nopeaI dropped -rp and it is working now03:04
bcowanIf you’re calling a single file -r is useless and -pr is pretty much -a03:06
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ElminsterHi folks. I'm working on the installation of an ubuntu server on an old computer and -yes I've only got a couple of dozen hours under my belt- but I can't figure out the following problem: sudo apt-get updates --- It cannot find the ca.archive.ubuntu.com. I tried to ping, host -v, change the resolv.conf nameserver to the router ip dedicated to this machine... and no success.03:29
cfhowlettElminster, easy workaround: try a different mirro03:29
cfhowlettcould be the current one is down for some reason03:29
lotuspsychjeElminster: there is also #ubuntu-mirrors for known issues about your country03:30
ElminsterThanks. New to the system though -- which file do I modify to add a mirror^03:31
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cfhowlettElminster, system > settings > software and updates > download from03:32
ElminsterO.o I installed ubuntu SERVER :D03:33
cfhowlettOther > select best server03:33
cfhowlettah!  yeah that03:33
Elminsteris it /etc/apt nano sources.list?03:33
lotuspsychjeElminster: you doublechecked firewall/router block also?03:34
cfhowlettI think yes, but you will need the alternate03:34
ElminsterI mean, I don't have a GUI03:34
cfhowlettElminster, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors           perhaps select the one closest to you geographically03:34
ElminsterWell regarding router, was it correct to insert the assigned DCHP client IP of the router/machine (in that case of the new ubuntu server machine into the resolv.conf nameserver file?03:38
destinydrivenHet guys, I'm trying to set up a directory so that any new child directories have the same folder permissions03:40
destinydrivenI did some research and came up with this:  setfacl -R -d -m g::rwx -m o::rx files/03:40
destinydrivenIt didn't seem to do what I expected and I'm open to better approaches to this problem03:40
cfhowlettElminster, see the "use mirror protocal" segment https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-select-the-fastest-apt-mirror-on-ubuntu-linux03:42
ElminsterAll right - I<ve added mirrors, and they result in the same error: Could not resolve "miror.blahhh..."03:44
PosterElminster: you may want to temporarily update /etc/resolv.conf to use something like Google's public DNS, try putting this towards the top:03:46
Posterthen retry your operation03:46
destinydrivenSorry guys, turns out all I needed was this sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/example.com/public_html03:51
ElminsterPoster: yep, just tried that... no success either03:53
Bashing-omElminster: ' ping -c3 ubuntu.com ' has a positive result ?03:55
lotuspsychjeElminster: can you nmap your external ip to see firewall/router block perhaps?03:55
Elminsterping: ubuntu.com: Name or service not known03:56
Elminsterlotuspsychje: I<m unfortunately not familiar enough wit hthe process at the moment03:57
Bashing-omElminster: 'ping -c3 ' ?03:57
lotuspsychjeElminster: nmap -PN -sV your-ip-here03:58
Elminsterlotuspsychje: are we talking about the software from nmap.org? their book is on my to-read list for this winter...03:58
lotuspsychje!yay | destinydriven03:59
ubottudestinydriven: Glad you made it! :-)03:59
ElminsterBashing-om: network is unreachable03:59
Elminsterbut it was succesful during the install03:59
lotuspsychjeElminster: suco lshw -C network can show you if network drivers correctly?03:59
destinydrivenI'm learning slowly04:00
Elminsterlotuspsychje: canèt use nmap, itès not installed and i canèt reach the servers..04:00
Bashing-omElminster: Looks like the config is now inconsustent . hardware check ' ping -c3 ' .04:00
Elminsterlotuspsychje: yes, both network devices are disabled!04:03
ElminsterBashing-om: ping is succesful to
lotuspsychjeElminster: doesnt look good, shows driver= at bottom?04:04
lotuspsychjeElminster: tryed a reboot?04:06
Elminsterupon startup:Failed to connect to http://changelos.ubuntu......... Check your internet connection or proxy settings04:08
DrManhattandamn it. I can't find my spare dvi cable.04:09
ElminsterBoth network devices still show as disabled04:09
DrManhattanthis is all Drone's fault04:09
lotuspsychjeDrManhattan: no chitchat here plz04:10
ElminsterAnd on lshw network, where thereès usually eno0, eth0 or1, wlan0.... there's * instead. For both04:12
DrManhattanlotuspsychje, sorries - is there a social or OT chan available?04:13
DrManhattansome of us have no social lives04:13
lotuspsychje!chat | DrManhattan sure!04:13
ubottuDrManhattan sure!: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:13
Bashing-omElminster: ' cat /etc/network/interfaces ' verify it is simolar to this example : http://termbin.com/arl5 .04:13
lotuspsychjeDrManhattan: there is also #ubuntu-discuss04:13
ElminsterBashing-om: I only have the first two lines04:14
Elminsterauto lo // lface lo inet loopback04:15
Bashing-omElminster: this is a server and no GUI, no network-manager installed ?04:16
ElminsterBashing-om: Yes it is a server, no GUI --- I have not been able to install anything, except the auto-isntall (which had me successfully install the network)04:18
Bashing-omElminster: strange that networking was not set up automagically . I do think we should make up that file . Link name and router IP : ' arp -a ' .04:24
Elminsterlink name == ??04:26
Bashing-omElminster: in my case the link name is " enp1s9 " the name eth0 has been changed in recent releases .04:30
Bashing-omElminster: " sysop@x1604:~$ arp -a >> dlinkrouter ( at 6c:19:8f:eb:ca:1b [ether] on enp1s9 " .04:32
ElminsterAh! Yes. well under lshw -c network, there is only a star (*); therefore the "links" are unnamed..?04:32
Bashing-omElminster: I think once we have the interface file configured things will start to look up .04:33
Elminsterand I enter the ip and mac addresses I find on my router setting?04:36
Bashing-omElminster: the gateway is the router IP, and the adress is your machine IP . the mac is taken care of elsewhere .04:38
ElminsterHmmmm. didn't work. Gotta do more reading. Thanks Bashing-om.04:42
Bashing-omElminster: If your router is going to hand out DHCP ( where your ISP has not assigned you a permanent IP _ then the line will be " iface <enp1s9> inet dhcp " .04:42
Elminsteriface is not recognized as a command and empls9: No such file or directory..04:45
ElminsterAnd correct, i do not have a static ip04:45
Bashing-omElminster: enp1s9 is mine .. yours will be different ! I have 3 NICs in this box .04:46
ElminsterYes correct ;)  --- I cannot find mine! It's a * on the lshw network, and do not know anywhere else to find it? or do I create/assign it?04:47
Amm0nElminster, "ip link" should list available interfaces04:47
Elminster!!! Thanks Amm0n.04:48
ElminsterI get a half page full of errors04:48
Elminsterfresh install :\04:48
Bashing-omElminster: ' ip link ls ' might be a better result ?04:49
ElminsterO.o sorry - no mistake, I was reading the wrong part... erm.... .CLEAR04:51
ElminsterYes, I see the three devicers, wonderful.04:51
Elminster1: lo: LOOPBACK, UP, LOWER_UP (....)04:52
Elminster2: eno1: (BROADCAST MULTICAST)04:52
Elminster3: wlp2s0b1 (BROADCAST MULTICAST)04:52
Bashing-omElminster: The wired interface then is eno1 . :)04:53
ElminsterAnd the wireless is wlp2s0b1?04:54
ElminsterNo wire plugged in.04:54
ElminsterI tried the iface <eno1> inet dhcp04:54
Elminstereno1: No such file or directory04:54
Amm0neno1 would be for a wired connection04:55
Bashing-omElminster: Sorry then for me .. I have never configured a wireless interface on a server . others here will have to advise .04:55
Elminster(...installing switch...)04:56
oerheksNo wire plugged in....?04:57
Elminsterbad idea for a server eh04:58
oerheksoh good, continue configuring that wired interface then04:58
* oerheks leaves the troll04:59
ElminsterI'll leave it to that for now. Gotta be at work in 7 hours. I don't usually come across such helpful people..04:59
ElminsterO.o so I'm a troll? lol05:00
cfhowlettpretty sure he meant someone else05:00
Amm0nElminster, /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf edit to match your wifi settings05:00
Bashing-omElminster: get some skeep then .. as a fresh mind will be needed .. and mine is no longer that fresh :)05:00
lotuspsychjewait? a server without a cable?05:01
Amm0nthen: ip link set dev wlp2s0b1 up05:01
Amm0nwpa_supplicant -B -i wlp2s0b1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf05:02
Amm0ndhcpd wlp2s0b105:02
ElminsterAmm0n: I do not have a wpa_supplicant.conf file, while I do have the folder05:04
ElminsterThank you Bashing-om.. that was very helpful (I won't lose those new nuggets.. ;))05:05
kristhianhello can somebody help me out, how to install viber in linux?05:05
kristhianLinux kristhian-emachines-D725 4.4.0-96-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 12 14:58:51 UTC 2017 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:06
kristhianDistributor ID:Ubuntu05:06
kristhianDescription:Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS05:06
cfhowlettkristhian, download the .deb file, then sudo dkpg -i <path to the viber .deb>05:07
ElminsterYep - confirmed: I do not have a wpa_supplicant.conf file05:08
clickwirWhat package choose if I want to report a bug about the desktop in general for Ubuntu 17.10?05:08
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cfhowlettclickwir, desktop in general is not a package, so no bug report.  narrow your focus to a specific fail case and report on that package.05:10
clickwircfhowlett, ok, how about the Dock?05:10
cfhowlettclickwir, what is the failure?05:10
Amm0nElminster, well then you have to create one05:11
clickwircfhowlett, First click, opens the minimized window. Second click does nothing. Should minimize.05:11
cfhowlettclickwir, check your dock behavior settings05:12
clickwirThought I went through the settings, maybe I missed something. I'll check again.05:13
Amm0nElminster, couldn't find a good documentation for ubuntu but this should work out: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/WPA_supplicant05:15
ElminsterAmm0n: https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/plain/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf  ---- all right if I dig into that I'm not getting any sleep. Thanks a ton, and have agood day/night where ever you are.05:15
Amm0nyou too05:15
kristhiani686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux <- 32 bit architecture or 64?05:17
cfhowlettkristhian, match to your device05:18
kristhiani mean i duno if i686 is 32bit or 64bit05:18
Bashing-omkristhian: this is 64 bit result : x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux .05:20
kristhianok Bashing-om, thanks05:20
kristhiancfhowlett, it's dpkg -i <directory to debfile.deb?05:23
cfhowlettkristhian, easy way: drag and drop the .deb after sudo dpgk -i05:24
cfhowlett*** dpkg ***05:24
kristhianthank you05:30
kristhianbtw i got this error05:31
kristhiandpkg: error processing archive /home/kristhian/Downloads/viber.deb (--install):05:31
kristhian package architecture (amd64) does not match system (i386)05:32
kristhianErrors were encountered while processing:05:32
kristhian /home/kristhian/Downloads/viber.deb05:32
alkisgViber only supports 64bit installations, not 32bit05:32
kristhianactually i get this from this site05:35
cfhowlettkristhian, you can finagle 32 bit apps to run on 64bit devices.  NOT the reverse05:35
kristhiani think that is already 64bit05:35
alkisgkristhian: your installation is 32bit05:36
alkisgviber is 64bit05:36
kristhianill try it again05:37
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
alkisgkristhian: you would need to reinstall ubuntu, using the amd64.iso05:37
kristhianisnt mine 64bit already?05:39
kristhian2017 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:39
kristhianLinux kristhian-emachines-D725 4.4.0-96-generic #119-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 12 14:58:51 UTC 2017 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux05:39
alkisgkristhian: no, it isn't. `dpkg --print-architecture` will tell you i386.05:40
alkisgYou'd need to use http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.3/ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso instead of ubuntu-16.04.3-desktop-i386.iso05:41
kristhianhmmm, so why i got different output in 'uname -a' and 'dpkg --print-architecture'05:42
alkisg Linux alkis 4.10.0-37-generic #41~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 6 22:42:59 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:42
cfhowlettuname reports the KERNEL not the architecture05:42
alkisgThis is the output of uname -a from a 64bit installation05:42
kristhianwait brb05:46
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=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
nrdbwhich c dialect should I use? the choices are gnu90, c90, gnu99, c99, gnu11,  c1106:43
ducassenrdb: try ##c06:45
MannyLNJNot sure if this is a Ubuntu issue or a Virtual Box issue.. https://pastebin.com/v8znwi8Z06:51
Steristif I update to pre-release 17.10, then turn off pre-release updates afterwards, will I essentially end up with the standard issue on/around release day?07:18
hateballSterist: yes07:20
Steristawesome :)07:20
Steristand, anyone know how to troubleshoot VPN refusing to turn on in 17.10? it doesn't appear to be related to display server change07:22
Steristthe instant I click my setting that worked perfectly pre-update, it switches back off without error message07:23
Steristalready tried putting my password in again in case that didn't carry over07:23
Bashing-om!17.10 | Sterist07:25
ubottuSterist: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+107:25
Bashing-omSterist: :)07:26
aledesci have came across an issue i can't solve ....07:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:45
aledescthe key strokes to change workspaces stop working, i've installed 16.04 LTS07:45
aledesci'm doing development, is a pain in the ... cause i change ws all the time ..07:46
aledesci've googled a lot but can't find a solution07:46
aledescany  ideas ?07:47
aledescanybody have solved this before ?07:47
aledescany link pointing to a solution _07:49
hateballaledesc: It's not working despite you having configured the hotkeys for it?07:52
hateballI don't use Unity so I'm not familiar with how it works07:52
aledescyes, i went to keyboard configuration, shortcuts, and reentered the shortcuts... but still not working..07:53
aledescfunny thing is I've not changed anything on config lately07:53
aledescanything but the keystrokes07:54
Amm0naladesc, Ctrl+Alt+→ not working? tried to use a different keyboardlayout?07:55
aledescgonna try07:57
aledescAmm0m, changed to diff kb layotu, no gains08:05
aledescstill not working ....08:05
aledesceven, assigned keystrokes to go directly to wss, not working neither ..08:06
Amm0naledesc, maybe it's something with keymap, but i'm not sure how ubuntu 16.04 handles this, try "localectl status"08:09
Amm0naledesc, this is how systemd handles keymap: https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/vconsole.conf.html08:11
aledesci thing some daemon stop working08:11
aledescthink, sorry ..08:11
bryanfrommacauI would like to set up a personal ftp server, but I want it to be secure08:55
Amm0ndon't use ftp then08:56
bryanfrommacauI would like to avoid sftp, because I heard that the GFC slows down ssh traffic (I'm not sure if that's true or not)08:56
bryanfrommacauI was wondering if anyone had tips on ftps08:56
bryanfrommacautbh I don't know much about this kind of thing08:56
bryanfrommacau(I know I should google this, but I'm in china and am having trouble accessing my vpn lately)08:57
kristhianin what directory will i find the log of my history?09:00
bryanfrommacaucommand line history?09:00
bryanfrommacauis it still ~./bash_history09:03
bryanfrommacautype the word history into your terminal09:03
geirhals -l "$HISTFILE"09:05
Amm0nbryanfrommacau, GFC?09:05
bryanfrommacauGreat Firewall of China09:06
bryanfrommacauSorry I should have mentioned that I'm in china09:07
bryanfrommacauI think that they slow down ssh for some reason, rather than outright blocking it09:07
kristhianaw, yes09:07
kristhianthank you09:07
bryanfrommacauBut I'm not sure if that applies if my server is inside china also, so I would be willing to give it a try09:08
geirhahttps is also an option09:09
Amm0nif you want it to be secure, it should be encrypted and i don't know if there is a difference if you use something like vsftpd with ssl or ssh09:10
bryanfrommacauI would actually mostly like to send files to the server so that I can access them when I get home, can https do that?09:10
vijaikumarhello folks09:12
bryanfrommacauI'll look into vsftpd with ssl09:12
vijaikumarif i wanted to check what are all the file accessed by an executable in ubuntu (in an users home)09:12
bryanfrommacauboth should be secure, right?09:12
vijaikumars/if i wanted to/i want to09:12
vijaikumaris there any tool that can help achieve this ?09:14
hateballvijaikumar: lsof09:14
bryanfrommacauhow would https work?  I thought that was only for serving files....would I have to develop a web interface?09:14
vijaikumarhateball: Thanks. I will check out the tool.09:15
hateballvijaikumar: run with --help or read the manpage to see the different options you might want to use09:15
vijaikumarThanks hateball. Reading the manpage already :)09:16
bryanfrommacauis SCP a good method?09:20
hateballbryanfrommacau: SFTP (scp) is preferable to FTPS09:21
Amm0nbryanfrommacau, interesting: http://blog.zorinaq.com/my-experience-with-the-great-firewall-of-china/09:23
bryanfrommacauSFTP and SCP aren't different things?09:23
vijaikumarhateball: lsof -p pid helped my case :)09:23
Amm0ni hope it's not blocked09:23
hateballvijaikumar: :)09:24
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)09:24
bryanfrommacauseems it's not blocked....it's a long read, but I'll try to get through it :)09:26
ubottuscp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:27
bryanfrommacaumy understanding is that sftp is ssh and ftp, but scp seems to be something else09:28
bryanfrommacaussh but not ftp09:28
geirhasftp and ftp are similar only in name. Their protocols are entirely different. sftp being the sane one09:30
Amm0nsftp is an own protocol, it's not ftp over ssh09:31
Amm0nscp is copy files over ssh09:31
Amm0nthis gfc thing is pretty scary09:40
bryanfrommacauyeah, and it's  getting worse09:40
bryanfrommacauFor the past few days my vpn servers keep becoming unavailable09:41
bryanfrommacaubut we can still access most of the internet....just no google, facebook, youtube....09:41
Amm0nstartpage or ixquick?09:42
bryanfrommacauixquick.de seems to work09:45
bryanfrommacauno .com09:45
bryanfrommacauI'm not familiar with those09:45
bryanfrommacauI type sudo apt-get install openssh-server09:51
bryanfrommacauIt goes through the usual information and then says After this operation, 5,144 kB of additional disk space will be used.09:51
bryanfrommacauDo you want to continue? [Y/n] Abort.09:51
bryanfrommacauEach time it aborts09:52
TomyWorkOct 14 13:05:04 100-lu16-git systemd-journald[23915]: Runtime journal (/run/log/journal/) is 44.4M, max 39.5M, 0B free.09:53
Amm0nNot very practical but secure is to encrypt your files locally. Then the protocol you are using doesn't matter much.09:53
TomyWorkI suspect that one of my custom services goes into a broken state after that line in the logs09:53
TomyWorkas evidenced by EPIPE errors from the application09:54
TomyWork"Broken pipe @ io_write - <STDERR>"09:54
TomyWorkhow can i test this theory?09:54
TomyWorkcan i tell journald to do the same action deliberately?09:55
bryanfrommacauI thought about doing that too Amm0n09:55
okdanatell journald to do what action09:55
bryanfrommacauI'm actually not to worried about the content that I'm transferring, I just don't want to be a target for hackers09:56
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
Amm0nbryanfrommacau, openssh-server should be part of the ubuntu.iso you could extract it from there09:57
tomeaton17I have just install pulseaudio-equalizer, how do I now run this?09:58
vanstingerHello can anyone here tell me if snappy ubuntu is a good os for web development over a raspberry pi? Will it be too slow for performance in building website and search09:58
Amm0nbryanfrommacau, maybe another place to ask is ##networking on this server10:03
bryanfrommacauok, I'll try10:04
bryanfrommacaui got ssh installed using symantic10:04
bryanfrommacaui mean openssh10:04
Amm0ncool, gl mate10:05
okdanai noticed that zsh in artful wasn't updated from zesty, and is now two versions behind10:08
okdanawhat's the deal with that :/10:08
vanstingeris snappy a good os for web development10:18
rh10guys, best filesystem for external hdd drive?10:20
rh10good day, btw :)10:20
tenny-ehi . i need to compile an older version of apache 1.3.9 on lastest ubuntu but i get this when trying to compile http_protocol.c:662:12: error: conflicting types for 'getline'10:31
ss942hello, I used ubuntu already on VirtualMachine to use anbox (android VM), now I wanted to install xubuntu 16.04 on hard drive and I meet some problems...10:32
ss942problems with grub2 it hadn't installed properly I can't run nor manjaro nor ubuntu10:33
EriC^^ss942: what problems?10:33
ss942the source of problem is probably uefi10:33
EriC^^ss942: try launching the installer with "ubiquity -b" from the installer10:33
ss942is there cool tool that can do everything for me and I'd be able to install from live ?10:33
EriC^^*from the terminal10:33
EriC^^then manually install grub from a live usb chroot10:34
EriC^^ss942: does the installer actually make an error saying "grub2 couldn't be installed properly?"10:35
ss942EriC^^: it did when I picked automatic installation, then I did manual partitioning and it said that everything was installed correctly10:35
EriC^^ss942: aha, are you in the live usb right now?10:36
EriC^^ss942: ok, type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"10:38
EriC^^ss942: also type sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 999910:38
ss942no boot flag...10:40
ss942brb my cat would eat me If I wouldn't feed him right now10:41
EriC^^ss942: if you dont have any data on the pc, create a fresh partition table of type gpt, and reinstall10:43
TomyWorkokdana well it says "Runtime journal (/run/log/journal/) is 44.4M, max 39.5M, 0B free." and "Journal started". whatever that action is :)10:44
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okdanathat's just the message it prints when the journal service is started10:49
ss942EriC^^: I have some data on this manjaro (147GB partition) I can backup this but I have just 40 minutes to left house and go to job...10:52
EriC^^ss942: do it when you come back10:52
ss942sounds like plan10:53
ss942thanks, and bye then10:53
EriC^^no problem10:53
TomyWorkokdana so systemctl restart journald should trigger it?10:54
TomyWorkerr "systemctl restart systemd-journald", of course10:55
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=== EvilClown[away] is now known as EvilClown
leotreasurehello, I tried a newer kernel to get open source gfx but seems my apt is a bit broken now11:15
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leotreasuretrying to get vega working11:18
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EriC^^leotreasure: pastebin the errors11:23
EriC^^!paste | leotreasure11:23
ubottuleotreasure: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:23
leotreasure"software index is broken"11:23
leotreasurethanks EriC^^11:23
EriC^^leotreasure: what does "sudo apt-get -f install" give?11:23
EriC^^you say you installed the opensource drivers from the ubuntu repos?11:24
EriC^^leotreasure: pastebin dpkg -l | grep -Ev "^(ii|rc)" also apt-cache policy libdrm-amdgpu111:27
codepython777To remotely update and manage machines, what is a good software to use: landscale? ansible? salt? ... ?11:36
codepython777is there a way to run memtest but restrict it to only 30 seconds?11:44
leotreasurehi i didn't see anything anyone may have replied because i had black screen and had to reboot11:46
=== GWM-Deus is now known as GWM
BluesKajHowdy all12:03
lesshastehow do get remove a ppa from my system?12:03
geirhappa-purge, then remove it from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:05
geirhaor I guess ppa-purge already disables it, so the second step would be unecessary12:05
demetanhi I want to open port 443 on iptables, how I can do this please ?12:09
TJ-demetan: "sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT" I seem to recall12:11
demetanTJ: thank you12:11
sruliTJ-: I pm'd you12:12
gazlerCould someone help me diagnose a crash please? I had a system freeze, I could still use the mouse, but only on one monitor, the other monitor was frozen with the cursor in place. I couldn't actually do anything on the working screen though. I checked the syslog and found this: https://gist.github.com/Gazler/722c92e2cfbe8daecb7320333d9af1e712:27
gazlerI was able to execute REISUB, but it didn't fully reboot.12:28
gazlerUbuntu 17.04, kernel: 4.13.3-041303-generic #20170920060612:29
Cooleryou know nautilus has a very poor search function12:42
Coolerdoes it even check subfolder recursively?12:43
Cooleri type .java into nautilus in a folder full of *.java files and it shows up nothing12:44
ducassegazler: try with a kernel from the repos, see if it happens again.12:52
gazlerducasse: You mean from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?12:56
ducassegazler: no, those are just for testing. use an official kernel for your release.12:59
gazlerOh - it was happening before too, which is why I updated the kernel in the first place.13:00
=== aditya_ is now known as adityaduggal
CaptainQuirkHi people13:12
CaptainQuirkI'm stuck at installing java on my 16.0413:12
CaptainQuirkit even fails other package install13:13
EriC^^!paste | CaptainQuirk paste the errors13:13
ubottuCaptainQuirk paste the errors: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:13
CaptainQuirkEriC^^, on its way13:13
CaptainQuirkI guess I have to launch a dpkg command to solve this13:14
CaptainQuirkbut I have no idea how13:15
CaptainQuirkI was following install instructions from this : http://eclim.org/install.html13:15
CaptainQuirkI needed the JDK13:16
oerheksOracle Java 7 ?? even openjdk has nly 8 and 913:17
CaptainQuirkI still see an oracle-java7-installer when doing an apt-cache search13:18
oerheksi would use the webup8team ppa, it gives 6-7-8-9 .. https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java >>> ppa:webupd8team/java13:18
SquarismPeople happy with gnome base 17.10? Better or worse than Unity? Or just different?13:18
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.13:18
oerheksSquarism, join #ubuntu+1 for 17.10 discussion/support, until release13:19
CaptainQuirkoerheks, yes, well trying to install a jdk13:19
Squarismoh, thought it had been released13:19
oerheksSquarism, nope, 3 more days13:20
alkisgSquarism: for some reason you have an old java7 package, which points to an oracle link that no longer exists, so use the webupd8 ppa to install either a newer java7 package, or java8/913:21
CaptainQuirkoerheks, I keep on getting the same error after trying to install the oracle-java8-installer13:21
CaptainQuirksomething lingers in dpkg13:22
alkisgYou need to remove the old, bad java7 installer13:22
alkisgEither update or remove it13:22
CaptainQuirkas far as I've read, it never got installed13:22
alkisgCaptainQuirk: sorry, these were for you, not for Squarism ^13:22
alkisgIt's installed but not configured13:22
alkisgsudo apt purge oracle-java7-installer13:22
CaptainQuirkalkisg thanks13:24
oerheksalkisg, can i pm you ?13:25
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alkisgoerheks: sure13:26
alkisgI might reply a bit slow due to visitors...13:26
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
a0ssedWhat up, i have a problem with my /boot, its 100% full and i tried deleting old kernels but its somehow not working,   uname -r =  4.4.0-89-generic13:53
a0ssedwhen i list kernels with dpkg -l linux-image*13:53
a0ssed and try to delete old ones with    sudo dpkg -P linux-image-4.4.0-81-generic  it doenst work13:53
a0sseddpkg: error processing package linux-image-4.4.0-87-generic (--purge):13:53
a0sseddependency problems - not removing13:53
a0ssedautoremove doenst work aswell^^13:54
ducassea0ssed: add the linux-image...-extra package on the dpkg command line13:55
a0ssedlike that?   sudo dpkg --purge linux-image-4.2.0-15-generic linux-image-extra-4.2.0-15-generic13:57
ducassealso remember to remove the headers, or you will run out of inodes13:58
a0sseddpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove linux-images-extra-4.4.0-38-generic which isn't installed13:59
a0ssedgimme a sec.. i post everything14:00
ducassea0ssed: well, read the error to see which package it depends on14:00
=== EvilClown[away] is now known as EvilClown
=== bhuddah_ is now known as bhuddah
ducassewhat do you get if you just try to purge linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic?14:03
Coolerducasse: a broken os14:03
a0sseddpkg: error processing package linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic (--purge):14:04
a0ssed dependency problems - not removing14:04
a0ssed   same14:04
sohail-ahmedI have just removed xubuntu and have installed ubuntu-desktop but on login the login screen reappears. I have tried all the solutions available over the internet like removing .xauthority and setting a user permission on HOME. any help would be greatly appreacited14:04
ducassea0ssed: but which package does it say it depends on? post the full error14:04
a0sseddpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic:14:05
a0ssed linux-image-extra-4.4.0-38-generic depends on linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic.14:05
a0ssedim stupid... i wrote  "images"14:06
ducassea0ssed: you can use tab expansion of package names14:06
a0ssed>.< ye i know14:07
a0ssedumg it worked <3  i can autoremove and -f install  now :D14:17
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sohail-ahmedno answer14:25
LTCDHi I installed droppy from command line. I uploaded some files but can't find them, where are they? I typed which droopy into command line and it told me it's inside of:   /usr/bin/droopy14:41
LTCDNeedless to say I can't find them there...14:41
LTCDFound it in root nevermind14:43
sohail-ahmedI have just removed xubuntu and have installed ubuntu-desktop but on login the login screen reappears. I have tried all the solutions available over the internet like removing .xauthority and setting a user permission on HOME. any help would be greatly appreacited14:44
ioriasohail-ahmed, what do you mean ? you don't want a login screen ?14:44
ioriasohail-ahmed, or are you talking about the theme ?14:45
tgm4883ioria: sounds like X crashing back to login14:46
ioriatgm4883, oh, i see14:46
ioriasohail-ahmed, you mean you can't  login in ?14:47
sohail-ahmedioria: as usual when you enter your password on the login screen, you are supposed to get the desktop but i am getting that login screen again. thanks for responding14:48
sohail-ahmedioria:with out any additional message14:48
ioriasohail-ahmed,  can you open a console ?14:48
ioriasohail-ahmed,  so you first installed Xubuntu ?14:49
sohail-ahmedioria: yes14:49
ioriasohail-ahmed,  and on xubuntu you installed  ubuntu-desktop ?14:49
sohail-ahmedioria: it was there for over a year or two and then i installed ubuntu-desktop14:50
ioriasohail-ahmed,  uname -r14:50
LTCDGuys I have some files inside of root, I used gksu nautilus /   to access them. How can I copy them to desktop as it says permissions denied?!14:50
ioriasohail-ahmed,  that kernel dos not exist14:50
ioriasohail-ahmed,   cat /etc/issue14:51
sohail-ahmed ioria: but this is what i am getting when i type uname -r in terminal14:51
ioriasohail-ahmed,   i got it14:51
ioriasohail-ahmed,   cat /etc/issue14:51
sohail-ahmed ioria: for the record i am logged in with gnome[metacity]14:52
ioriasohail-ahmed,   cat /etc/issue14:52
ducasse!permissions | LTCD14:52
ubottuLTCD: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:52
sohail-ahmedUbuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l14:52
LTCDducasse I'll read into it, but is there a quick way I can change it now? On a time limit sorry.14:52
sohail-ahmedioria:Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS \n \l14:53
tgm4883LTCD: use sudo and the command line14:53
LTCDducasse Like I did chmod 777 file.docx but I still can't copy it :/14:53
ioriasohail-ahmed,     apt-cache policy linux-generic | grep Cand14:53
sohail-ahmedioria: d ioria:  Candidate:
sohail-ahmed 14:54
ioriasohail-ahmed,   ok, let's see what you have : dpkg -l|grep linux-image-[0-9]|grep ^ii|awk '{print $2}'14:55
ioriasohail-ahmed,   on paste.ubuntu.com, please not here14:55
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753482/14:56
LTCDtgm4883 Mind walking me through, I swear I have done this before without a single drama14:57
ioriasohail-ahmed,   eally don't know why 3.13 is on top of the list, but i suggest you to reboot and from Grub->Advanced Optio, choose 3.13.0-9814:57
Ha55anHi, is there any information on a possible patch to the krack wpa2 issue?14:58
tgm4883LTCD: 'sudo cp <filefrompath> <filetopath>'14:58
ioriasohail-ahmed,   sorry, really don't know why 3.11 is on top of the list, but i suggest you to reboot and from Grub->Advanced Optio, choose 3.13.0-9814:58
sohail-ahmedioria: would that solve my ubuntu logging in problem14:58
ducasseHa55an: it will soon be made available14:59
ioriasohail-ahmed,   idk, but you need to apt-get update and dist-upgrade14:59
catbehemothif I want to prevent vms running from being put into swap (if not used for a long time) will sysctl vm.swappinnes=0 do it or do I need to use hugepages or some other trick?14:59
sohail-ahmedioria: should i first reboot or upgrade first14:59
ioriasohail-ahmed,  rebbot15:00
catbehemothvm being windows 10 on kvm on top of ubunto server 16.0415:00
tgm4883Ha55an: there's a handful of CVE's to follow it seems15:00
sohail-ahmedioria:  ok see you in a minute or two15:00
LTCDtgm4883 It said no such file or directory, the report is saved in root.  sudo cp /report.docx /home/just1337/Desktop/x.docx15:00
tgm4883LTCD: well then you've got the wrong from path15:00
tgm4883LTCD: did you look in /root/15:01
Ha55anThanks Ducasse  & tgm4883. At work we got emails that Linux is affected but not windows :/15:01
LTCDWhat is path for root, like you said /root/ ?15:01
tgm4883LTCD: depends on if you're looking for root (/) or the root users home directory (/root/)15:01
nacccatbehemoth: 0 only means only use swap if OOM15:02
nacccatbehemoth: it does not mean don't use swap15:02
nacccatbehemoth: so you need to pin (mlock) your application memory if you want it to stay resident15:03
LTCDtgm4883 I've got them onto desktop but they have a padlock icon. How can I change permissions since I'm not the owner? Thanks for your help so far.15:03
nacccatbehemoth: note, also, that swapiness is a global, not a per-VM thing15:03
tgm4883Ha55an: that's funny, the source I'm reading states it affects pretty much everything "Android, Linux, Apple, Windows, OpenBSD, MediaTek, Linksys, and others, are all affected by some variant of the attacks."15:03
tgm4883LTCD: use chown or chmod15:04
Ha55anYes, they misread it. One type of attack doesn't apply to win7 and 10. But they are still affected.15:04
LTCDtgm4883 Sorry stupid question. Thanks so much, I feel like I drop 50 IQ points each time I step onto a computer :/15:06
catbehemothnacc: am I betting mlocking it or enabling hugepages?15:07
tgm4883Ha55an: These should be the CVE's to follow https://paste.ubuntu.com/25753532/15:08
nacccatbehemoth: they are different, and have different implications15:09
sohail-ahmedioria:  when I did advance options for ubuntu during reboot. I could not see 3.13.0-98. the options were 3.11.0-17 upto 2615:12
catbehemothnacc: hugepages permanently reserves the ram for a vm, mlock does it on per process basis right? so why are all the guides for performance tuning vms use hugepages and not mlock?15:12
catbehemothnacc: or am I not understanding something?15:13
nacccatbehemoth: because hugepages give their own impact15:13
nacccatbehemoth: also, iirc, on some archs, hugpeages are swappable15:13
ioriasohail-ahmed,  are you sure;  i see  3.13 kern from 44 to 9815:18
sudoman1I have opened port 22 for listening and sshd is running two but still I am getting connection refused on client machine.15:19
sohail-ahmedioria: yes i didnot see 3.13 i just did sudo update-grub and am doing the reboot now15:19
sohail-ahmedioria: shoud I15:19
ioriasohail-ahmed,  why did you update-grub ?15:20
sohail-ahmedioria: since the advance options were not showing my recent kernel versions15:20
ioriasohail-ahmed,  i'am losting you15:21
sohail-ahmedioria: where15:21
ioriasohail-ahmed,  ok, now can you select 3.13-98 kern ?15:21
sohail-ahmedioria: look15:21
sohail-ahmedioria: for that to see, i need to reboot15:21
alkisgsudoman1: can you run `ssh localhost` on the client itself?15:22
sudoman1alkisg: no15:24
alkisgsudoman1: then sshd isn't running?15:25
alkisgdpkg -l openssh-server; sudo netstat -ntap|grep :2215:25
sudoman1alkisg: client machine is my android phone and I am using an ssh client app on it. It worked yesterday but don't know what happened today.15:26
alkisgsudoman1: for android questions, try #android15:26
alkisgSorry, `ssh localhost` I meant on the server15:26
alkisgNot on the client15:26
alkisgCan the server connect to itself?15:27
sudoman1alkisg: yes on the server it can connect to itself. I have also checked sshd status it is active. I think everything is fine here15:28
sohail-ahmedioria:  it did not show up15:28
ioriasohail-ahmed,  meaning ? no 31.13-98 kernel ?15:28
sohail-ahmedioria: yes15:28
ioriasohail-ahmed,  uname -r15:29
alkisgsudoman1: try from an ubuntu client before trying with android15:29
sohail-ahmed ioria:3.11.0-26-generic15:30
ioriasohail-ahmed,   ls /boot15:30
sudoman1alkisg: ubuntu client but where can I get it ?15:31
sohail-ahmed ioria:http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753659/15:31
sudoman1I have only one machine here which has ubuntu installed on it.15:31
ioriasohail-ahmed,   do you see vmlinuz-3.13.0-98-generic   ? boot this one15:31
sohail-ahmed ioria: how15:32
ioriasohail-ahmed,   run  sudo update-grub and see if it shows up15:32
sohail-ahmed ioria:  i tried it just 2 minutes ago.. with update-grub and it did not show up15:33
ioriasohail-ahmed,   what is extlinux  ? why is there ?15:33
ioriasohail-ahmed,   btw, can you put sudo update-grub in a pastebinit ?15:34
sohail-ahmed ioria: i am over dual boot and made some partitions long ago and didnot rember the purpose of extlinux15:34
ioriaEXTLINUX is a Syslinux variant which boots from a Linux filesystem.15:34
ioriasohail-ahmed,    Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-98-generic and you're not dual booting15:36
bryanfrommacauhi, I have a partition on my hard drive which can be found at /media/username/D15:36
sohail-ahmedioria:  by dual booting i mean the windows is installed on the same machine15:36
bryanfrommacaubut when I SFTP into the machine, I can't find it15:36
bryanfrommacau(That's where I would like to send my files if possible)15:36
bryanfrommacauIs there another way to see this file?15:37
ioriasohail-ahmed,    as you wish, but grub has found 3.13.0-98-generic15:37
bryanfrommacaui mean partition15:37
sohail-ahmedioria:  this is the same message i get earlier and when i reboot the options for 3.13 were not there15:37
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ioriasohail-ahmed,   copy an paste  :   dpkg -l|grep linux-image-[0-9]|grep ^ii|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r| cat -n; echo "select kernel : "; read line; sudo  grub-reboot "1>$(($line+1))"15:40
sohail-ahmedioria:  its asking for the option, should i select the top one15:40
ioriasohail-ahmed,   the number according to 3.13.0-9815:41
sohail-ahmedioria: its askign for permission to reboot15:42
ioriasohail-ahmed,   yes15:42
motaka2Hi when I start my ubuntu, after the grub page, on the logo page, ubuntu 16.04 hals. What should I do  ?15:43
MannyLNJ16.04 LTS on a Ideapad 560 every time I boot I get the message that there was a system problem. I need help fixing this.15:45
striveMannyLNJ: I had that problem in the past and fixed it with: https://askubuntu.com/questions/566865/system-problem-detected-message-is-shown-everytime-i-boot-lubuntu-14-0415:46
lordcirth_work'cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sda1' doesn't prompt for a password and doesn't create a valid LUKS partition; but no error is given15:46
MannyLNJstrive, I will read that link15:48
sohail-ahmedioria:3.11.0-26-generic is returned when i do uname -r now. same as previous. additional i also could not see options for 3.13 in advanced option while rebooting15:48
alkisgbryanfrommacau: ubuntu automounts some partitions when you log in, so if you sftp and you're not logged in locally, you won't see them. To see them, you'd put them in /etc/fstab so that they're mounted at boot.15:48
ioriasohail-ahmed,   i guess because you're not using grub, but something else ?15:49
sohail-ahmedioria: how can i check that15:49
ioriasohail-ahmed,  dpkg -l | grep  extlinux15:49
sohail-ahmedioria:  i can see grub when i do command line options while rebooting15:49
alkisgmotaka2: do you mean "halts"? Does recovery mode work?15:50
sohail-ahmed ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753751/15:50
motaka2alkisg: I dont think so. now I see this message "welcome to emergency mode"15:51
ioria!info  extlinux | sohail-ahmed15:51
ubottusohail-ahmed: extlinux (source: syslinux): collection of bootloaders (Linux ext2/ext3/ext4, btrfs, and xfs bootloader). In component universe, is optional. Version 3:6.03+dfsg-14.1 (zesty), package size 126 kB, installed size 292 kB15:51
alkisgmotaka2: did it work previously?15:51
sohail-ahmed ioria: sory15:52
motaka2alkisg: It was working, I installed windows 10, then I used grub repaire, and now this happened15:52
alkisgmotaka2: do you have an ubuntu live cd?15:53
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:53
motaka2alkisg: yes15:53
alkisgmotaka2: nice, boot with that one so that we can have feedback15:53
motaka2ok please wait15:53
ubottuBoot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.15:54
alkisgmotaka2: boot with the live cd and paste that ^15:54
motaka2alkisg: ok15:54
motaka2thnks. it is booting15:55
ioriasohail-ahmed,   never used that pkg, idk what it does exactly;  btw you can try to update && dist-upgrade anyway15:55
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sohail-ahmed ioria: by package you mean extlinux15:56
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sohail-ahmed ioria: though i did long ago but i think its not a package but a partition just to made to increase you ram... so as to give your system another space to write down when ram is crowded15:57
ioriasohail-ahmed,   i linked you above the package details15:58
lordcirth_workMy bad, you need 'YES' not 'yes' on the cryptsetup prompt, and it gives 0 feedback15:59
kappa1hi! How can I see boot messages from 2 boots ago? the last one I can see by simply typing dmesg15:59
lordcirth_workkappa1, dmesg is the in-ram kernel log; if you enable persistent logging in journald then you can read past logs with journalctl16:00
sohail-ahmed ioria: what should i do now16:00
kappa1lordcirth_work, so there is no other way?16:01
MannyLNJI'm back. I rebooted but am still getting the message Sorry, Ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error. Actually I am getting two of them.16:01
ioriasohail-ahmed,   if i were you, i'd try to remove that pkg, then update/upgrade and degub your video issue16:01
lordcirth_workkappa1, iirc 16.04 doesn't keep kernel logs after reboot by default.16:01
sohail-ahmed ioria: how can i remove that package16:02
foca__Hey guys. Wicd is starting with a different ip, it's configured to get a static ip but it gets every time I start or restart it. What's happening ?16:02
ioriasohail-ahmed,   before that,  you should know why did you install  it (for what purpose i mean)16:03
motaka2alkisg: could you please tell me what I should do ?16:03
motaka2it is now on16:03
sohail-ahmed ioria: it was long ago.. i do not remember... any way even the worst happen ... meaning my ubuntu gets destroyed... its not an issue..16:04
ioriasohail-ahmed,  do you have other os on that machine ?16:04
sohail-ahmed ioria: yes windows16:04
MannyLNJMore info: One of the errors is in /usr/bin/mediascanner-service-2.0 and the second error is in /usr/bin/zeitgeist-daemon16:04
ioriasohail-ahmed, so you can destroy it too :)16:05
sohail-ahmed ioria: i would love but as soon as linux start supporting directx for gamming16:05
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striveMannyLNJ: Are those something you need?16:05
ioriasohail-ahmed, no, i mean try to remove that pkg, might make windows unbootable16:06
motaka2alkisg: I am back and I am sorry, could you please let me know what I should do ?16:07
alkisgmotaka2: see this:16:07
motaka2alkisg: nothing16:07
alkisg(06:54:23 μμ) ubottu: Boot info script is a useful script for diagnosing boot problems. Please run the script following the directions here: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/ and then !pastebin the RESULTS.txt for us to use to help diagnose your problem.16:07
alkisg(06:54:34 μμ) alkisg: motaka2: boot with the live cd and paste that ^16:07
sohail-ahmed ioria: thanks for being careful .. gaming is already hurting my time so that would be a blessing16:07
=== EvilClown[away] is now known as EvilClown
motaka2alkisg: paste what ?16:08
alkisgThe output of that script16:08
alkisgRead that site for instructions16:09
alkisgIt will show us the details of your setup16:09
sohail-ahmed ioria: btw i am using two hard disk, might of any help16:11
MannyLNJstrive, I have no idea what the /zeitgeist-daemon is needed or not16:12
ducasseMannyLNJ: it's an activity log service16:14
striveMannyLNJ: Check to see if that activity log service is running.16:14
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MannyLNJducasse, thanks, strive how do I see if that service is running?16:15
ioriasohail-ahmed, how do you boot win  .. from bios ?16:18
sohail-ahmedioria: i start my pc, the boot screen appears showing me ubuntu, advance options for ubuntu, memory tests and windows. and i select windows and windows starts16:19
foca__Wicd starting up with a different IP that's configured. Anyone could help me here ?16:20
ioriasohail-ahmed,  lets do this; sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ... and see what it tells you16:21
sohail-ahmedioria: simple upgrade or dist-upgrade16:21
Cat_BPRMHey, i have nvidia prime but it doesn't effect steam, it still uses the intel drivers. this is what i get when i type "sudo prime-select nvidia" http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753945/16:22
ioriasohail-ahmed, upgrade, for now16:23
sohail-ahmedioria: runing.... do you want pastebin the output16:24
ioriasohail-ahmed,  sure16:24
bryanfrommacauhow can I put them in /etc/fstab?16:26
bryanfrommacauoh sorry, I had scrolled up earlier, I didn't realize how high up my last comment was16:27
Cat_BPRMHey, i have nvidia prime but it doesn't effect steam, it still uses the intel drivers. this is what i get when i type "sudo prime-select nvidia" http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753945/16:28
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753984/16:29
ioriasohail-ahmed,  now,  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:31
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753995/ , should i run autoremove16:33
ioriasohail-ahmed,  it's all ?16:33
sohail-ahmedioria: yes16:34
ioriasohail-ahmed,  it should prompt you for install the latest  trusty kernel,  3.13...-13316:34
sohail-ahmedioria:  but no body prompted me yet ;[16:35
ioriasohail-ahmed,  can you paste  dpkg -l | grep grub ?16:35
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754006/16:36
ioriasohail-ahmed,  you have a grub problem, in my opinion16:39
EriC^^grub1 is installed and some grub2 packages16:39
ioriaEriC^^, he should install grub2 and remove grub (0.97)16:40
ioriasohail-ahmed, ^ EriC^^16:40
sohail-ahmed ioria: how, being a noob16:40
EriC^^sudo apt-get remove grub grub2+16:41
ioriasohail-ahmed, ^ E16:41
sohail-ahmedioria:  done16:43
sohail-ahmedioria: dist-upgrade16:43
ioriasohail-ahmed,  EriC^^ sudo apt-get install grub2 grub2-common  ?16:43
EriC^^ioria: sure16:44
ioriasohail-ahmed, ^16:44
sohail-ahmed ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754038/16:45
ioriasohail-ahmed,   paste  dpkg -l | grep grub , please16:45
sohail-ahmed ioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754047/16:46
ioriasohail-ahmed,  should be ok, EriC^^  try to rebbot ?16:48
alkisgsudo apt  purge grub; sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, to make sure?16:48
* alkisg didn't read above, though...16:48
ioriasohail-ahmed,  reboot, mate16:48
ioriaalkisg, sy, didn't see your comment16:49
alkisgnp, I only read the last pastebin, ignore me :)16:49
sohail-ahmedioria: EriC^^: now i can see the recent kernel version in advance options for ubuntu and uname -r also returns 3.13 but i am still unable to login into ubuntu16:55
ioriasohail-ahmed,  ok, please   show   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade output16:56
sohail-ahmedioria: its working16:56
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754091/16:57
ioriasohail-ahmed,  not what i was expecting;    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:59
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: unable to login how? it takes you back to the login screen?16:59
ioriaEriC^^, yes16:59
EriC^^did you check ~/.Xauthority ?16:59
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: ioria: yes i remove it couple of times17:00
ioriasohail-ahmed,  uname -r17:01
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: can you pastebin the output of 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?'17:01
EriC^^* 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log'17:01
sohail-ahmedioria: uname -r returns 3.1317:03
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754126/17:03
ioriasohail-ahmed,    3.13  ... what ?17:03
sohail-ahmed ioria: 3.13.0-98-generic17:03
ioriasohail-ahmed,   you still need to upgrade the kernel17:04
sohail-ahmedioria:should again run update and upgrade17:04
ioriasohail-ahmed,      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:05
sohail-ahmedioria: k17:05
ioriasohail-ahmed,      EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" , btw17:05
sohail-ahmedioria: sorry17:06
ioriasohail-ahmed,    you probably have some nvidia issues17:06
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ioriasohail-ahmed,    what about the previous  command  ?17:08
sohail-ahmed ioria: update and upgrade and dist-upgrade results .... http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754137/17:08
lafleurdubienI've recently been having a very irritating issue with the wifi/network manager where my connection drops every 1-30 minutes17:09
lafleurdubien10:09 AM <lafleurdubien> Sometimes its so bad the only way to reconnect is to manually stop and restart network manager. And even that only fixes it for a few minutes before it drops again. I'm hoping its fixed with the new version of network manager in 17.10, but I can't install that on 17.04. Any ideas what to do?17:09
ioriasohail-ahmed,   dpkg -l | grep linux-generic17:10
sohail-ahmedioria: returns nothing17:10
ioriasohail-ahmed,   sudo apt-get install  linux-generic    (put it in a pastebinit)17:11
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: do you have any hwe stacks installed?17:11
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: i dont know what it is17:11
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: can you pastebin '   dpkg -l | grep "linux.*generic"    '17:12
EriC^^nevermind, the packages also start with linux-generic , run ioria 's command above please17:12
sohail-ahmed EriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754164/17:12
ioriais installed   linux-headers-3.13.0-133-generic , wth17:13
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: its runing17:13
EriC^^good :)17:13
ioriasohail-ahmed, i really hope you don't have a separate /boot :)17:15
sohail-ahmedioria: separate boot17:15
EriC^^that makes a lot of sense17:16
ioriasohail-ahmed,  meaning a dedicated partition fro the kernel, but might be get full (with all those kernels)17:16
sohail-ahmedioria: how can i verify that17:16
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: df -h /boot17:17
ioriasohail-ahmed,  df -H17:17
sohail-ahmed/dev/sdb5       165G   55G  102G  35% /17:17
ioriasohail-ahmed,  so do you have a separate boot ?17:18
sohail-ahmedioria: i have windows installation17:18
sohail-ahmedioria: its a dual disk meaning 2 disks with some slave and master sata17:19
ioriasohail-ahmed,  yeah17:19
ioriasohail-ahmed,   3.13-133 is installed now17:19
sohail-ahmed ioria: working17:19
sohail-ahmedioria: thanks for your time may God bless you17:20
ioriasohail-ahmed,   thanx, you're welcome17:21
ioriasohail-ahmed,   in the meanwhile ; pkg -l | grep nvidia17:21
ioriasohail-ahmed,   in the meanwhile ; dpkg -l | grep nvidia17:22
niceprogrammeris there a easy way to route updating of ubuntu through a proxy17:22
sohail-ahmedioria: the installation is complete17:23
ioriasohail-ahmed,  you know ... reboot17:23
ioriasohail-ahmed,  sudo update-grub17:24
ioriathen reboot17:24
Cat_BPRMHey, i have nvidia prime but it doesn't effect steam, it still uses the intel drivers. this is what i get when i type "sudo prime-select nvidia" http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753945/17:26
sohail-ahmed ioria: uname -r now returns 3.13.0-133-generic17:27
sohail-ahmedioria: but i still cant login17:28
ioriasohail-ahmed,  ok,  sudo lshw -c Video17:28
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: what does "sudo ubuntu-drivers devices" give?17:28
=== EvilClown[away] is now known as EvilClown
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: ioria:  out put for both commands http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754245/17:30
EriC^^ioria: install nvidia-340 ?17:31
ioriaEriC^^, maybe, i'd firts like to see if it's ok with nouveau17:31
ioriasohail-ahmed,  can we try this:   sudo apt-get purge nvidia*   (note the *) andd reboot again17:32
sohail-ahmedioria: back17:38
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ioriasohail-ahmed,  yes17:39
sohail-ahmedioria: i am back17:39
ioriasohail-ahmed,  yes17:39
alkisgsohail-ahmed: are you the one that removed xubuntu and installed ubuntu?17:39
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ioriaand ?17:40
alkisgSo maybe the problem is in missing or additional packages and not in graphics?17:40
alkisgYou can't login, or you don't see xorg running?17:40
sohail-ahmedioria: still unable to login17:40
ioriasohail-ahmed,  grep cdrom /etc/apt/sources.list17:41
sohail-ahmedioria:# deb cdrom:[Xubuntu 13.10 _Saucy Salamander_ - Release amd64 (20131016)]/ saucy main multiverse restricted universe17:41
arunkumar413Hi friends, any idea on why I'm not able to resize the partition17:42
lafleurdubienI've recently been having a very irritating issue with the wifi/network manager where my connection drops every 1-30 minutes17:42
ioriasohail-ahmed,  sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop17:42
lafleurdubienSometimes its so bad the only way to reconnect is to manually stop and restart network manager. And even that only fixes it for a few minutes before it drops again.17:42
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sohail-ahmedioria: done17:43
ioriasohail-ahmed,  /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p17:43
EriC^^arunkumar413: it's currently mounted17:43
EriC^^arunkumar413: boot a live usb and resize from there17:44
sohail-ahmedioria: Error: no composite extension17:44
=== Majesticles is now known as RaptorJesus
arunkumar413EriC, I don't have a live cd17:44
EriC^^arunkumar413: make one :)17:44
arunkumar413I'm running the gparted as root but still not able to resize17:44
ioriasohail-ahmed,  ok, maybe we found something17:44
EriC^^arunkumar413: you can't resize it while it's mounted17:45
arunkumar413is it because of the mount point: /, /var/lib/docker/aufs17:45
EriC^^arunkumar413: yes17:45
arunkumar413EriC, I'm not able to unmount it17:45
ioriasohail-ahmed,  dpkg -l | grep compiz17:46
ioriasohail-ahmed,  and sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:46
EriC^^arunkumar413: you can't unmount the root filesystem, that's why i suggested booting a live usb and resizing17:47
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754339/ doing the remove17:47
EriC^^arunkumar413: or if you have another pc that has linux you can use that as a live usb17:47
sohail-ahmedioria: rm command returns rm: cannot remove ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’: No such file or directory17:48
arunkumar413EriC, getting this error while trying to unmount: https://imagebin.ca/v/3e0SUjhdvK0q17:48
ioriasohail-ahmed,  unity --version17:48
sohail-ahmed ioria: unity 7.2.617:49
EriC^^arunkumar413: i'm not helping anymore, you're not listening17:49
arunkumar413EriC I told you I don't have a live cd17:50
Cat_BPRMHey, i have nvidia prime but it doesn't effect steam, it still uses the intel drivers. this is what i get when i type "sudo prime-select nvidia" http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753945/17:50
ioriasohail-ahmed,  try to install nvidia drivers17:51
sohail-ahmed ioria: may be this is help full... i have 4 options to select desktop while logging in.. and they are gnome, gnome-flashback[compiz], gnome-flashback[metacity] and ubuntu. i can only login in through metacity17:52
sohail-ahmedioria: how17:52
ioriasohail-ahmed,  sudo apt-get install nvidia-34017:52
arunkumar413EriC is there an android utility that can ssh into the system and unmount and resize17:55
EriC^^arunkumar413: no17:56
arunkumar413EriC through recovery mode?17:57
Cat_BPRMIve been asking for upto 3 hours no, can someone help?18:00
sylockHello guys. I'm trying 17.10 and it is not booting anymore. Is there any kernel option to pass to grub to force x11? I would like to try.18:00
maddawg2isnt the firewall on ubuntu 16.04.3 disabled by default?18:01
arunkumar413sylock: does your system freeze at login screen?18:02
LooCfuris anyone here from switzerland18:02
maddawg2i installed openssh server but it seems to be refusing my connection (this is the desktop version)18:02
sylockarunkumar413: yes it is18:02
maddawg2LooCfur only my company is18:02
sylockarunkumar413: I have a GTX 670 and trying to use nouveau18:03
EriC^^arunkumar413: ask in ##linux they might know how it can be done without rebooting18:03
LooCfurmaddawg2, some guy is telling me a story about how he's being held by a gang in swizterland. Can I paste it to you in PM and see  what you think?18:03
maddawg2sure pm me18:03
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Cat_BPRMsylock have you tried going into the GRUB menu, highlighting ubuntu, presing E and typing 'acpi=off' at the end of line with quiet splash in18:04
Cat_BPRMit worked for me18:04
sylockCat_BPRM: I didn't I thought it could be because of wayland18:04
EriC^^that's kind of dangerous, it might disable the fan control of the cpu18:04
Cat_BPRMit didnt for me, thats only on windows i beleive18:05
arunkumar413sylock: try these commands: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/368748/ubuntu-16-04-gui-freezes-on-login-start-page18:05
sylockCat_BPRM: I'm gonna try but before trying, do you know if I can force X11 at kernel option? So if acpi=off doesn't work, I have a second try18:05
Cat_BPRMHey, i have nvidia prime but it doesn't effect steam, it still uses the intel drivers. this is what i get when i type "sudo prime-select nvidia" http://paste.ubuntu.com/25753945/18:05
sylockarunkumar413: I'm gonna try but have some doubts. It is basically reinstalling xorg and gnome shell?18:09
sohail-ahmedioria: should i logout and check is the login working or not now. the nvidia install is complee18:10
ioriasohail-ahmed,  reboot18:10
sohail-ahmedioria: ok18:11
sohail-ahmedioria: i tried to login in to ubuntu but its not working18:17
dgprattwhat's the default desktop environment in 17.10?18:18
leftyfbdgpratt: /join #ubuntu+118:19
dgprattah, sorry, didn't realize 17.10 was pre-release18:20
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: can you pastebin "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" ?18:24
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754491/18:25
ioriasohail-ahmed, no login yet ?18:26
sohail-ahmed ioria: yes no login18:26
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: do you have the binary "nvidia-xconfig" ?18:27
EriC^^try "which nvidia-xconfig"18:27
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: are you sure the cable to your screen is properly connected 100%?18:28
sohail-ahmedEriC^^: yes18:29
EriC^^ok, try try "sudo nvidia-xconfig --allow-empty-initial-configuration"18:29
pavlosmaddawg2: do you see sshd running ?18:32
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: try "sudo service lightdm restart" and logging back in18:33
nnybyhi, on ubuntu 16.04, i can start pgbouncer manually but not with systemd. error is: Failed to start LSB: start pgbouncer18:41
ToadisattvaI'm trying to download libsdl1.2debian-esd but I am unable to find that specific version (-esd) ubuntu 16.04 is there a ppa or something where I can find that?18:42
sohail-ahmedioria: EriC^^: sudo service lightdm restart was unsuccessful, i get logged out and a black screen appeared wih blinking cursor for some time. then i power off the pc and logged back in. still unable to logged into ubuntu.18:45
oerheks!find libsdl18:45
ubottuFound: libsdl1.2-dev, libsdl1.2debian, erlang-esdl, libsdl-console, libsdl-console-dev, libsdl-gfx1.2-5, libsdl-gfx1.2-dev, libsdl-gfx1.2-doc, libsdl-gst, libsdl-image-gst (and 44 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libsdl&searchon=names&suite=zesty&section=all18:45
EriC^^sohail-ahmed: can you pastebin "cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log" again?18:46
ricmmhey guys, anybody knows when the vivid archive goes offline?18:48
oerheksricmm, they are offline, only old-releases is the only server that is active18:48
sylockhello guy. I'm on 17.10 which was not booting. I tried acpi=off as someone advice and it works. I'm with nouveau for a GTX 670. Now I have an ugly resolution. Does some know how to better the situation and test things?18:49
nacc!ubuntu+1 | sylock18:49
ubottusylock: Artful Aardvark is the codename for Ubuntu 17.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+118:49
ricmmoerheks: vivid is still serving on archive.ubuntu.com and ports18:49
naccricmm: it's around for phone, I believe18:50
naccricmm: but not supported here18:50
ricmmsure, I guess the question needs rephrasing18:50
ricmmconsidering phone being unsupported from canonical,do we know when the vivid archive would be ... archived?18:50
naccricmm: why does it matter?18:51
oerheksricmm, #ubports should answer that?18:51
naccricmm: or i guess, why does it matter to you, unless you're using 15.04, which is unsupported18:53
ioriasohail-ahmed, why don't you try nomodeset18:56
sohail-ahmedioria: what is it18:57
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:57
sohail-ahmedioria:  should i do this as i dont have any of the problem mentioned in the definition.18:58
ioriasohail-ahmed, not sure will help, but could give some hints.18:58
sohail-ahmedioria: ok how should i start18:59
ricmmnacc: it matters for ubports work18:59
ricmmI'm after the exact date19:00
ricmmbut I dont know thats known here, no worries19:00
ioriasohail-ahmed, reboot, press 'e', find the 'linux 'line , where you see  quiet splash , just add nomodeset19:00
ioriasohail-ahmed, https://i.stack.imgur.com/BnUQa.png19:01
oerheksricmm, again, join #ubports and ask them?19:01
naccricmm: yeah, not an ubuntu question, as you seem to have realized19:01
sohail-ahmedioria: thanks for the image... so i will have to press e when on reboot screen. and have to replace 'quiet splash' with nomodeset19:03
sohail-ahmedioria:  correct/19:03
ricmmnacc: how is that not an ubuntu question? well - maybe its a canonical question19:04
ioriasohail-ahmed, i'am going to think your card does not support unity19:05
ricmmas someone made the decision to keep vivid alive in the ubuntu archive, im only after the "until when" part of it19:05
oerheksricmm, you know who can answer that..19:06
naccricmm: this is the ubuntu support channel. afaik, nothing of what you're asking about it is actively supported any longer.19:07
naccricmm: and as oerheks has said a few times, I think you want ubports, not ubuntu19:07
sohail-ahmedioria: still unable to logged in19:09
ioriasohail-ahmed,  can you try the guest account ?19:10
sohail-ahmedioria: its not enabled... since i cant see it in the options... how to enable to19:11
ioriasohail-ahmed,  'am wondering why it's not enabled19:11
sohail-ahmedioria: is it not normal19:12
ioriasohail-ahmed, nope19:12
ioriasohail-ahmed, did you install xinerama ?19:14
sohail-ahmedioria: i dont remember.. which xinerama returns nothing19:15
ioriasohail-ahmed, what's your cpu ?19:17
sohail-ahmedioria: you mean the model19:18
ioriayes, grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo19:18
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754769/19:19
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ioriasohail-ahmed, dmesg | grep kernel19:21
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754807/19:22
ioriasohail-ahmed, sy,   dmesg | grep Kernel19:23
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754826/19:24
ioriasohail-ahmed, you removed quiet splash ...19:24
sohail-ahmedioria: yes19:25
ioriasohail-ahmed,  can you run again   /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p19:26
sohail-ahmedioria: Error: no composite extension19:26
ioriasohail-ahmed,  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:29
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754862/19:30
ioriasohail-ahmed,  i'am still thinking it's a compiz issue19:35
sohail-ahmedioria: how should i check19:35
ioriasohail-ahmed,  cat  ~/x.session-errors19:38
ioriasohail-ahmed,  cat  ~/xsession-errors19:38
ioriasohail-ahmed,  cat  ~/.xsession-errors19:39
sohail-ahmedioria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754898/19:40
ioriasohail-ahmed,  do you have custom startup scripts   ?19:41
ioriasohail-ahmed,  ls .config/autostart/19:42
sohail-ahmedioria: no19:42
sohail-ahmedioria: dropbox.desktop  megasync.desktop19:43
ioriayou have19:43
ioriasohail-ahmed,  sudo apt-get install --reinstall  compiz compiz-core compiz-gnome compiz-plugins libcompizconfig0  compiz-plugins-default19:44
sohail-ahmedioria: done19:47
ioriasohail-ahmed,  sudo apt-get install --reinstall lightdm19:48
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sohail-ahmedioria: done19:49
ioriasohail-ahmed,  reboot19:49
codepython777One of my usb devices has stopped showing up in dmesg/lsusb - it still works - any ideas what might be happening? (Its a FTDI device - which I have a udev rule for)19:52
sohail-ahmedioria: still unable to logged in19:53
ioriasohail-ahmed,  add this http://paste.ubuntu.com/25754949/   at the end of  /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:55
ioriasohail-ahmed,  then logout / login19:56
sohail-ahmedioria: thankssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it worked.19:58
ioriasohail-ahmed,  alundulillah19:58
sohail-ahmedioria: is it a permanet solution19:59
kur1jIs it possible to explicitly add a specific package from a PPA? https://launchpad.net/~freecad-maintainers/+archive/ubuntu/freecad-stable/+packages19:59
ioriasohail-ahmed,  yes, but maybe you shold think about a fresh xenial (16.04) install20:00
sohail-ahmedioria: meaning do i need to do some thing to make it permant20:00
kur1jfor example I need freecad- 1:0.16.670-1ppa2-ubuntu16.10.120:00
ioriasohail-ahmed,  nope, it's written in xorg.conf20:00
sohail-ahmedioria: by fresh you mean getting rid of present installation and then install newest vresion20:00
kostkonkur1j, what are you trying to do exactly20:01
nacckur1j: you are on 16.10?20:01
ioriasohail-ahmed,  if you want ....20:01
ioriasohail-ahmed,  not needed until 201920:01
kostkonkur1j, you can manually download the package from that page20:01
sohail-ahmedioria: so doing dist-upgrade may pose some problems20:01
ioriasohail-ahmed,  nope20:01
sohail-ahmedioria: would doing dist-upgrade be a still called 'fresh' installation20:02
ioriasohail-ahmed,  no,  do-relase-upgrade is... but i always suggest a fresh (new) install20:03
sohail-ahmedioria: i am sorry but what is fresh install20:03
kur1jon 16.0420:04
ioriasohail-ahmed,  when you download an iso from the ubuntu website, burn it on a media (like usb) and boot it in order to install it20:04
ioriasohail-ahmed, meaning : reinstall  or a new install20:05
sohail-ahmedioria: ok does doing this require you to format your existing partition20:05
nacckur1j: why do you not want the latest version in that PPA?20:06
ioriasohail-ahmed,  yes, you 'll erase your disk (will loose your data unless you have previously copied)20:06
kostkonkur1j, there is a freecad snap with the latest version.   sudo snap install freecad    and you are set20:07
kostkonkur1j, forget about the ppa20:07
ioriasohail-ahmed, the practice is to have back-ups (your data saved on a different media) , so you can easily reinstall the os20:08
sohail-ahmedioria:sorry to ask this.. are there better ways to keep data other than usb drive20:09
B105PH3REok so I have pulseaduio raop module but when I connec to speaker output it doesn't connect... I had a command before to run and would fix it and it would show speaker with the port also... any ideas...20:09
B105PH3REits an airplay speaker20:09
ioriasohail-ahmed, sure, on a different(separated)  /home partition20:09
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ioriasohail-ahmed, but you can also use a random (separated) partition20:11
sohail-ahmedioria: yes like they do on windows... c;\ for os and other drive for data20:11
ioriasohail-ahmed, yes, something like that20:11
ioriasohail-ahmed, sy, have to go, come back if you have problems20:12
sohail-ahmedioria: thank you very much for your time and brainstroming20:12
kur1jnacc: because i get this error messsage. freecad-dev : Depends: freecad (= 1:0.16.6707-1ppa2~ubuntu16.04.1) but 1:0.16.6712-1ppa3~ubuntu16.04.1 is to be installed20:13
kur1jso i think the ppa is messed up and pulling the wrong dependencies20:13
nacckur1j: where did you get freecad-dev from?20:13
kur1jits in the PPA20:13
nacckur1j: https://launchpad.net/~freecad-maintainers/+archive/ubuntu/freecad-stable does ot show it20:14
nacckur1j: manually downloading a deb does not mean it is meant to be installed20:14
nacckur1j: i feel like you know this, or you wouldn't be doign it.20:14
kur1jnacc: Its the issue that the PPA references the wrong freecad-dev package20:15
nacckur1j: there is non freecad-dev package available in the PPA20:16
nacckur1j: you went and downloaded something manually from a URL20:16
nacckur1j: also, PPAs are not supported here, contact the PPA owner20:16
kur1jnacc: no I didn't download anything outside of the ppa. I just downloaded the ppa installed it, ran apt-get install freecad and it installed  1:0.16.6712-1ppa3~ubuntu16.04.1 freecad. I then apt-get install freecad-dev and it gives me the error looking for the wrong version20:18
kur1jso I assumed that the ppa was messed up20:18
kur1jaight ill take it up with them20:18
latemusI'm sorry I spammed you guys months ago20:31
latemusI's wrong to20:31
Cryptofunis there a nice appz to transfer music to iphone on ubuntu?20:35
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oerhekssome mediaplayers do give a plugin, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone20:37
oerheksnever tried myself20:37
lordcirth_workHowever, Apple issues "security" patches whenever anyone gets that working well20:37
oerheksor this post, read it all through, https://askubuntu.com/questions/812006/how-can-i-mount-my-iphone-6s-on-ubuntu-16-0420:39
nopeaHi guys, I just did an apt-get install mysql-client5.7 and since then I cannot run mysql commands with out an error.  And I am unable to restart the mysql service - just keeps saying it is not found (but my website still runs ok)20:40
lordcirth_worknopea, what did you have previously? 5.5?20:43
nopealordcirth_work: not 100% sure... let me see what WordPress says...20:44
nopealordcirth_work: 5.7.19 is what WooCommerce is showing20:45
Kanovhas been the WIFI bug been patched for ubuntu or what20:45
kostkonKanov, yes20:45
Kanovkostkon, has it been made available20:45
kostkonKanov, yes. https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3455-1/20:46
Kanovkostkon: if I were to run an apt dist-upgrade at this moment, i shall be forever secure from this bug?20:46
kostkonKanov, check for updates, yes20:46
Kanovvery good20:46
kostkonKanov, don't forget to reboot20:46
Kanovofcourse im not that much of a beginner20:46
nopealordcirth_work: mysql -V gives me mysql  Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.19, for Linux (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper20:48
naccnopea: what version of ubuntu is this (lsb_release -sd)20:49
naccnopea: and maybe pastebin the tail of /var/log/dpkg.log20:50
macksfieldI'm having an issue where if I plug in my headphones, it shows my speakers are unplugged, and to get the speakers to play/show up in sound settings, I need to unplug my headphones.20:52
macksfieldanyone know how I can have Line-Out showing AND headphones in sound settings?20:52
nopeanacc: 16.04 LTS20:52
macksfieldwould rather not have to be plugging things in and out just to change sound output20:52
lordcirth_worknopea, 16.04.3?20:52
nopealordcirth_work: sorry, I am new to Ubuntu... how can I check that?20:53
lordcirth_worknopea, the command just mentioned, lsb_release -sd .  On my system it prints 'Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS'20:53
nicomachusnopea: in terminal: lsb_release -a20:53
lordcirth_worknopea, so you haven't done updates in months?20:54
nopealog file https://pastebin.com/nX38GYL520:54
lordcirth_workInstalling new software while behind on updates can cause problems due to version mismatches20:54
Cryptofunthx oerherks n others appreciated20:54
nopealordcirth_work: I didn't want to on our live server just in case LOL - but maybe I should have20:55
naccnopea: what does `sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -s dist-upgrade` report (20:55
lordcirth_worknopea, then test it on your dev server first - and running a prod server without security patches is a very bad idea.20:55
nopealsb_release -sd only gives me Ubuntu 16.04 LTS20:55
naccnopea: the -s will only simulate the dist-upgrade, but will provide a pastebin-able output of all packages it would have upgraded20:56
nopealordcirth_work: thanks... but for now I have to solve the mysql issue20:56
naccnopea: my initial guess is what lordcirth_work said, you have just istnalled a mysql-client package that is not compatible with mysql-server package on the same server20:56
lordcirth_worknopea, the mysql issue may be *caused* by the lack of updates.  A recent version of mysql-client and an old version of server.20:56
naccseems totally expected, if the server is not updated20:56
naccjinx lordcirth_work :)20:57
nacc(in essence)20:57
naccnopea: the prior requested pastebin (from dist-upgrade with -s) will help show how out of date you are. You can also provide `apt-cache policy mysql-server`20:57
nopeano mysql service is listed when I run service --status-all20:57
naccservice is the wrong command to use on 16.04, anyways20:57
nopeasystemctl does not work wither20:58
naccnopea: please provide the two pastebins, so we can see the system state20:58
nopeanacc: sorry - what other pastebin can I provide?20:59
naccnopea: i've asked for two -- the result of apt-get update; apt-get -s dist-upgrade (with sudo). and the result of apt-cache policy mysql-server21:00
nopeanacc - sorry, I just ran those commands, where can I find the output?21:01
nopeathat I can paste21:01
naccnopea: well, if you ran those comands, they produced output21:01
nopeanacc: https://pastebin.com/dqHKnnns21:02
naccnopea: right, so you're pretty far out of date (134 packages need upgrading)21:03
blkadderHi, I am building my own internal deb packages and have a question: If I create a dependency for a package on another package, is that package fully installed before the one requiring the dependency is? Assuming the answer is yes, just looking to make sure.21:03
naccnopea: and the policy output?21:03
nopeawhich command should I run for that?21:03
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naccnopea: `apt-cache policy mysql-server`21:04
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nopeanacc: https://pastebin.com/6VQttGuu21:04
nopeanacc: if not installed how is my site still running?21:05
naccnopea: i don't know, maybe you built mysql from source?21:05
naccnopea: also you have a nonstandard repository21:06
nopeaI cannot recall - this is a Rackspace cloud server I setup a while ago21:06
nopeanacc: I used a Rackspace Ubuntu image when I set up the server, so I am guessing they have configured it diff.21:07
naccblkadder: technically "depends" only means that it is available to use at runtime by the installed package. I'm not sure you can rely on finished insntallation of the dependencies. Nor should it generally matter?21:07
naccblkadder: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ch-pkg_basics.en.html#s-depends21:08
blkadderWell it seemed to work but that is concerning.21:08
nopeashould I try to reinstall the mysql server again?21:08
naccblkadder: I mean, it's possible that it does work, but I'm not sure it's policy that it has to be so ordered21:08
blkaddernacc: Understood.21:08
naccblkadder: A depends on B. What does A need from B at install-time?21:08
blkadderIn this case package a installs into a directory and creates a symlink to the install. Package B relies on that symlink being present to write another file into it.21:09
naccblkadder: I assume you mean A relies on it?21:10
naccblkadder: (given my dependency phrase)21:10
naccblkadder: A depends on B, and B relies on a symlinkn from A?21:10
blkadderB relies on a symlink created by A being present21:10
naccblkadder: then B should depend on A, not A o nB.21:10
naccblkadder: I wrote "A depends on B"21:11
blkadderI set it up so B relies on A.21:11
blkadderAnd that fixed my issue.21:11
blkadderI am concerned though that this might not be entirely deterministic.21:12
blkadderWill take a look at the link, thanks.21:12
naccmight also be relevant21:12
naccblkadder: you might need a pre-depends21:12
blkadderAhh, perfect.21:12
blkadderYes I see.21:12
naccalthough pre-depends are pretty rare and probably mean something wrong in your srcpkg :)21:13
naccnopea: well, i wouldn't suggest installing mysql-server if it's not already installed21:13
naccnopea: tbh, if this is a rackspace image, you should be talking to rackspace, I think21:13
naccnopea: coudl you also pastebin `apt-cache policy mysql-server-5.7` ?21:14
blkaddernacc: Well the whole thing is currently a mess and I am trying to undwind the mess and get into system packaging, so you are no doubt correct. crawl->walk->run. ;-)21:14
naccblkadder: yep :)21:15
NoImNotNineVolthi. what does the 'install ubuntu alongside windows boot manager' actually do?21:16
nopeanacc: sure - sorry I had stepped away for a sec.  And I agree that I should talk to Rackspace.21:16
NoImNotNineVoltit doesn't seem to have installed grub where i expected it to.21:16
NoImNotNineVoltor, at least, i'm still left with windows boot manager booting me to windows after post.21:17
nopeanacc: https://pastebin.com/qt9KyqVp21:17
naccnopea: hrm, yeah, can you do `ps aux | grep mysqld`, pastebin that -- or look for hte binary that is actually running and then do a `dpkg -S <binary>` to see what package it comes from?21:18
nopeanacc: https://pastebin.com/pBSVgpFk21:19
naccnopea: yeah, so i'm not sure you are running mysql then ( you could also run `ps aux | grep mysql`, i guess)21:19
naccnopea: but yeah, the way that istance is setup, it's the rackspace cloud archive + ubuntu security, which basically makes it a rackspace product21:20
nopeayeah when I run dpkg -S mysqld it says that the client only is running21:20
naccit's possible they are fully in sync, but it's hard to say21:20
naccnopea: so what makes you think mysql server is isntalled?21:20
nopeanacc: I appreciate the time you have taken, I think I should see what Rackspace says21:20
naccnopea: seems reasonable, and np21:21
nopeanacc: well my WordPress site is still running... and I assumed that the server would have to be installed for that21:21
naccnopea: you are hosting your wordpress site (note that is highly likely to be insecure too :)21:22
nopeaoh man!!!!!!21:22
naccnopea: that was meant to be a question, sorry21:22
nopeanacc: I am soooooo sorry... I just realized that this system was setup differently than the dev machine.21:22
naccnopea: :)21:22
nopeaThe mysql server is on another machine... oh man do I need sleep or more coffee21:22
Bashing-omNoImNotNineVolt: A lot of dependent factprs . Win - EFI ? intall mode to match Win ? install method where the default grub placement is sda ?21:23
naccnopea: iirc, wordpress itself only relies on the client being available locally. Yeah, the server can be anywhere (and most put it somewhere else)21:23
nopeanacc: yeah, I just had a brain fart there... I have mysql server on another machine and WordPress is connected to it.  I am sorry to have been a pain LOL21:24
naccnopea: np21:24
NoImNotNineVoltBashing-om: nevermind, turns out i can't even disable secureboot on this thing. switching to legacy bios and trying again.21:25
Bashing-omNoImNotNineVolt: Bear in mind IF single disk and Win is EFI .. then ubuntu install must also be in EFI mode .21:27
NoImNotNineVolti'm assuming that's what it did. it gave me a secureboot password.21:27
NoImNotNineVoltbut i'm never prompted for it after rebooting.21:28
NoImNotNineVoltor, rather, it asked me to set a secureboot password, and told me i'd be prompted for it on next boot. that never happened.21:28
NoImNotNineVoltwin10's bootloader took over.21:28
Bashing-omNoImNotNineVolt: Wont hurt tp disable secure boot , but the ubuntu image is now signed .21:29
nicomachushi, I'm getting a crash every time I try to start the program "mpdscribble". Here's the crash report: https://i.imgur.com/FEbxq7r.png21:32
nicomachusnot sure where to find more verbose logs...21:32
nicomachusany clue what's actually causing the crash?21:33
naccthat's a SIGTRAP21:33
naccnicomachus: anything in dmesg?21:33
naccnicomachus: did it generate a core dump? you can run it in gdb if so21:33
nicomachusnacc: this is the only thing I see in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25755420/21:34
nicomachusnot sure about the core dump... I closed the window and now it's not crashing like it was (even though I made 0 changes, go figure)21:35
ubottuDebian bug 776306 in mpdscribble "mpdscribble: Fails to start because of error in pidfile creation" [Grave,Open]21:36
naccmaybe related?21:36
naccdunno, lots of hits on google21:36
nicomachuslemme try commenting out the pid file creation line in the .conf and see if that works.21:37
nicomachusnacc: well, no error when I started it after commenting out that line, so let's see if it scrobbles correctly.21:38
nicomachusnothing in the cached journal. :/21:40
nicomachusand no scrobbles.21:41
nicomachusah. well I'll work on it tomorrow. time to shut down for the day. Thanks nacc, maybe I'll work it out later.21:42
dinomodehi guys I installed znc on Ubuntu 16.04 using "apt install znc" but systemctl doesn't find it21:46
dinomodeI want to run "systemctl enable znc.service"21:46
naccdinomode: maybe it doesn't shipa  systemd unit?21:46
dinomoderight.. so I should use a cronjob?21:47
naccdinomode: for what?21:48
dinomodestart znc on reboot :)21:48
naccdinomode: i don't konw, seems like you could, sure21:49
oerheksdid you use sudo ? sudo systemctl enable znc.service21:50
dinomodesystemctl can't find it :D21:51
dinomodeill just use a cronjob thanks guys21:51
patarrDoes apt-get install packages in the order speciifed on the CLI?21:54
oerhekspatarr, yes.21:55
naccoerheks: does it really respect order?21:56
naccoerheks: i guess i wouldn't rely on that if you care (but also why do you care, patarr ?)21:56
mistik1It would respect the order if that does not conflict with dependency tracking21:57
naccI can see it doing that21:58
naccbut like I was saying for somethign else earlier, that seems like an implementation detail21:58
naccit might be true right now, but I don't think it's a 'policy' to rely on21:58
oerheksI think it does, dependencies are key ofcourse21:58
mistik1nacc: Indeed21:59
naccif you need to install A, then B, use `sudo apt-get install A; sudo apt-get install B`21:59
naccbut I'm failing to see why that would be necessary in most cases21:59
CarlFKhow do I edit the command that launcher buttons execute?  like I want to add --disable-prompt-on-repost to chrome22:05
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pavlosCarlFK: try "gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/chrome.desktop", there is an Exec=22:19
CarlFKpavlos: thanks22:27
=== Anthaas_ is now known as Anthaas
ArMedicI had windows 10 on this laptop.  Wi-Fi connection speed was around 30Mbps...my phone that is currently connected to to the Wi-Fi is 27Mbps....Ubuntu I am at around 5Mbps most of the time...I have tried some fixes I have read on the internet. None have worked.  Any help to speed this up?22:28
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
nicomachusnacc: mpdscribble just crashed on boot and I have the error log up again. It says CoreDump is just binary data22:31
nicomachusnacc: and that's with the pid stuff commented out, so it's not that bug.22:31
naccnicomachus: strange22:32
naccnicomachus: there are others that mention traps (in cursory googling). Sounds like a bug in the program. You could run it in gdb and see if you can see where it is crashing22:33
hoe`Hi, what's the Windows Subsystem for Linux channel?22:34
Sleakerhoe`: ##windows-wsl22:34
hoe`ah bummer, seems dead.22:35
nacc!alis | hoe`: for future reference22:35
ubottuhoe`: for future reference: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:35
hoe`thank you.22:35
nacc!ubuwin | hoe`: may be more active, not sure if it's the same22:35
ubottuhoe`: may be more active, not sure if it's the same: Canonical and Microsoft have announced that Windows 10 will be able to run Ubuntu programs without needing porting/recompilation. This functionality is still in beta and is not supported in #ubuntu. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows.22:35
hoe`I'll give them a try.22:36
Sleakerubottu: pretty sure it's not beta anymore.22:36
ubottuSleaker: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:37
jasArMedic what kind of wifi hardware?22:37
naccSleaker: i think you can submit a fix to the faq, if you want22:37
Sleakerah bott has old definition in it's list still22:37
* Sleaker shrugs.22:37
Sleakerand yah that other channel is mostly empty too haha22:38
jasoh ok22:38
nicomachusnacc: gdb?22:38
Sleakerhoe`: honestly probably fine to just ask a generic question in here or in #linux depending on what the question is.22:38
Sleakerif it's specific to WSL then it might be different, but otherwise probably fine.22:39
hoe`this is a very WSL question, hehe.22:39
naccnicomachus: gnu debugger22:39
naccnicomachus: anything in the stacktrace?22:43
nicomachusnacc: reading up on gdb. never used it before. just a mo22:45
daxSleaker: apologies if someone addressed this while I was gone, but WSL is still Beta in Creators Update. I'm unsure about FCU, but FCU isn't out yet anyway.22:54
Sleakerit is?22:54
daxyes, I'm sitting at a Creators Update computer in Windows Features looking at the "Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)" line ;)22:54
Sleakerah yah it shows beta still in the features list22:54
Sleakeralthough it looks like it's not just ubuntu anymore.22:55
daxand yes, #ubuntu-on-windows is quiet. not a lot of people use WSL compared to regular Ubuntu, and a lot of them are more the github/twitter/etc. type22:55
Sleakerthey got openSUSE SUSELE and Ubuntu flavors now22:55
daxthere's been discussion about closing or moving the IRC channel, but I don't think it went anywhere22:55
nicomachusThere's probably a gitter chat somewhere22:55
daxit's an Ubuntu IRC Team channel, not a Canonical/Microsoft one, so very best-effort and pseudo-official22:56
daxhrm, maybe not even IRC Team, I think it's just some random #ubuntu-* channel I transferred to the IRC Council22:57
nicomachusleave it to dax to go meta-irc22:57
daxyeah, i'm bad about that :s22:57
daxSleaker: oh hey, turns out WSL is leaving beta in fall creators update. so i will fix ubottu tomorrow :P23:02
Sleakersounds good.23:02
quirkyQt`hi :)23:27
StickyNipplesanyone here use thinkpads?23:31
oerheksAsk your real question and find out?23:34
StickyNipplesoh, duh... Theres some sort of docking connection and wondering what its for and if it works with Linux23:36
nicomachusStickyNipples.... what?23:36
nicomachusA dedicated Linux hardware port?23:36
nicomachusoh I read that wrong.23:37
StickyNipplessorry, I am trying to think of how to ask my question. Its like english is a second language when speaking to other people23:38
oerheksa dock is just a port replicator, for vga, usb and networking, without specs i cannot tell anything about it, if it works.. knowing thinkpad it could well be23:38
kostkonStickyNipples, you mean you've got a dock for it23:38
oerheksi think he wonders what that port underneat his thinkpad does23:39
StickyNipplesWell I want to know if the dock would even be usable, are drivers necessary?23:39
oerheksno drivers needed, afaik23:40
StickyNippleswhat about the fingerpringt scanners? do they work in linux? does linux even unlock with fingerprints?23:41
oerheksyes, there is a list of working models https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui23:42
oerhekslsusb or lspci would tell the 8 digit hex number23:43
StickyNipplesoooooooh I cant wait to get a T470 and put Neon on there! :D23:44
StickyNipplesI was nervous before but now Im excited!23:46
StickyNipplesthanks for the help!!!! :D23:46
MInor723How can I get ubuntu to show me the menu bar in qbittorrent? I need it so i can enable rss manager23:59

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