
krytarikUh oh, just noticed we didn't do a translation sync/upload for the docs.00:26
Unit193slickymasterWork: That new Core I promised is up, btw.10:02
slickymasterWorkgreat Unit193, thanks10:10
slickymasterWorkwill download it tonight and will report back10:11
slickymasterWorkthe download url is the same, right Unit19310:11
slickymasterWorkoki doke10:14
Unit193base-files is up, looks like I should re-do them, then. :P10:15
willcookeflocculant, ack16:44
flocculantalways a welcome sight :D16:46
flocculantbluesabre: I've copied pad note stuff to the wiki rn18:47
flocculantstill got stuff to do there below though18:48
flocculantochosi: what you want to say about the 'sometime' double network dooby? 18:56
flocculantsomnething sort of 'yea we know, not had time to deal with that, you can restart network, panel or plugin to resest if you wish, though it is only an appearance issue at this point'18:59
ochosiflocculant: yeah that sounds about right :>19:28
flocculantochosi: ok - I'll tart it up a bit though :D19:28
flocculantI'll change yea to Yes :p19:28
ochosihehe, i had hoped so19:28
flocculantis it some sort of race condition? 19:29
flocculantI thought I remembered bluesabre saying 'yea that's going to be great to fix :(' a while back?19:30
ochosiyeah, i'd classify it as a race condition19:31
flocculantok - will sort somethign for the rn soon :)19:31
flocculantochosi: I guess I should report that so we've got something to remember in bb :)19:36
knomeflocculant is signing up for the next big brother season?19:37
knomewith ochosi?19:37
knomethat'd be something to see19:37
flocculantochosi: Currently at times the panel could show 2 network icons, this appears to be a race condition which we have not been able to rectify in time for release. While this is an appearance issue only as far as we know, you can if you wish restart networking, the affected plugin or the panel. This does not however stop the issue from re-appearing.19:38
ochosisuggestion "This fixes the issue in your running session but does not prevent the issue from re-appearing."19:39
flocculantknome: I assume you've got the wordy release announcement all in hand19:39
knomeof course... not19:39
flocculantochosi: ack - that sounds better19:39
flocculantknome: :D19:40
knomei guess i should work on it "someday" :P19:40
knomeideally before thursday19:40
flocculantsomeone should - it won't be me this cycle -- last full week in current job, with the new driver following me around19:40
knomei should have time on thursday but i'd rather not count on that :P19:41
flocculantochosi: what to report this against though? 19:41
ochosithat's the problem, it's not really clear19:42
flocculantochosi: :) ok - then I'll just add something to one of the bp's19:42
ochosiyeah, makes sense so we don't forget19:45
flocculantok - added to rn so it's not forgotten this week 19:45

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