
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
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smoserblackboxsw: tell me what to do15:35
blackboxswsmoser: sure, was making coffee, feel free to do that too15:41
smoserblackboxsw: ?15:41
blackboxswok I'm on puppet/landscape SRU verification now15:41
* powersj must have missed a message15:41
* smoser too15:41
* blackboxsw made coffee15:41
smoseryeah, let me warm some up. tell me what sru item to work on15:42
blackboxswsmoser: if you wanted to grab  TEST: [5bba5db2](https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=5bba5db2) [#1686485](http://pad.lv/#1686485) cc_ntp: fallback on timesyncd configuration if ntp is not installable15:42
blackboxswor - TEST: [10f067d8](https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=10f067d8) [#1717598](http://pad.lv/#1717598) GCE: Fix usage of user-data.15:43
smoserrharper: can you look at verifying https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/171828715:43
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1718287 in cloud-init "systemd mount targets fail due to device busy or already mounted" [High,Fix committed]15:43
blackboxswor the Azure dhcp networkd test. (need to verify xenial zesty still work15:43
smoserit is really just a ticky mark we're lookign for as I know you made significant effort to diagnose and verify on trunk.15:43
smoseror maybe suggest to someone else if they could test with -proposed .15:44
blackboxswwow, smoser want to lopk at this. I'm seeing strange behavior from lxc15:45
powersjWe do need to make sure we get MAAS test results, as well as a Curtin, run with cloud-init in proposed per our SRU exception.15:46
blackboxswhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25760062/  my user-data listed in /var/lib/cloud/instance/user-data.txt15:46
blackboxswinside the lxc... but cloud-init.log says: 2017-10-17 15:21:16,445 - cc_runcmd.py[DEBUG]: Skipping module named runcmd, no 'runcmd' key in configuration15:46
powersjblackboxsw: is runcmd indented under puppet?15:47
blackboxswyet is saw the puppet config key and ran that module15:47
blackboxswahh lemme see15:47
blackboxswthanks powersj15:47
blackboxswwhat's a silly bit of whitespace between friends15:47
blackboxswI love how often I shoot myself in the foot w/ writing the yaml file15:48
blackboxswok done with landscape and puppet SRU verfication16:14
* blackboxsw moves on to - TEST: [f761f2b5](https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=f761f2b5) [#1715738](http://pad.lv/#1715738) [#1715690](http://pad.lv/#1715690) cloud-config modules: honor distros definitions in each module16:15
rharpersmoser: yes I'll look at that one (mounts)16:15
blackboxswI'll also spin up a xenial-daily on aws for the ipv6 test16:19
blackboxswok done w/ #171573816:39
blackboxswok done w/ bug#171573816:39
blackboxswonto aws ipv616:40
smoserblackboxsw: sorry...  so on http://pad.lv/#168648517:10
smoseryou were the test you showed didnt really do much... right?17:10
smoseror was i missing something17:10
smoseryou just tried an invalid 'ntp:' config.17:10
blackboxswsmoser: that ntp config is valid and should install only the ntp package not timesyncd on xenial zesty17:18
blackboxswan emty ntp config only installs the 'ntp17:18
blackboxswan emty ntp config only installs the '$ntp' package17:18
blackboxswon snappy i'd expect that ntp doesn't get installed17:19
blackboxswwith that same config17:19
blackboxswbut yeah the test  didn't intend to test much other than ntp being installed (not broken by our  snappy-related  changes17:20
blackboxswadmitedly, that test doc needs work, as I have invalid comments about spacewalk/intent there17:21
blackboxswI have a couple other tests docs that I've fixed as I went through the testing, I'll copy them into my sru-info in the next couple mins17:24
blackboxswand smoser please review the bug verification suggestions I had for these bugs as you are already doing to make sure I17:25
blackboxswam not going crazy (or testing nothing)17:25
smoserblackboxsw: thanks.17:26
smoseri think you probably gave invalid config there.17:26
smoseroh. guess not.17:27
smoser$ python3 -c 'import yaml;  print(yaml.load("ntp:\n"))'17:27
smoser{'ntp': None}17:27
blackboxswIf both pools and servers are17:27
blackboxsw                         empty, 4 default pool servers will be provided of17:27
blackboxsw                         the format ``{0-3}.{distro}.pool.ntp.org``.17:27
blackboxswyeah we had a discussion w/ rharper on that when I was doing json schema definition for that module17:28
smosercode though does17:28
smoser  if not isinstance(ntp_cfg, (dict)):17:28
blackboxswso it should default17:28
smoserraise runtiome17:28
smoseri sued17:28
smoserprintf "%s\n%s\n%s\n" "#cloud-config" "ntp:" " pools: []" > my.cfg17:28
blackboxsw    ntp_cfg = cfg.get('ntp', {})  # at the start though17:28
blackboxswso it'll default to empty dict if None17:29
* blackboxsw checks my python 17:29
blackboxswright if None is actually set for the key, then it falls over as you said, becuase17:30
smosermine works.17:30
smoserand verified.17:30
smoserare you putting stuff int he bugs ?17:30
blackboxswI was going to put the SRU templates in all the bugs once verification is done (and my test scripts are vetted ;) )17:32
blackboxswI can start putting the templates up on each bug description for the logs I've already handled17:32
smoseri'm not rushed on it.17:32
smoseri'll update the sru template that have.17:32
blackboxswbut, do you think it's a good idea to put them there?17:32
smoserwould like to show results too...17:32
blackboxswsounds good.17:33
* blackboxsw needs to run an errand back in a bit17:34
smoserpowersj: i remember that i was supposed to provide a list of "launch on cloud" commands17:54
smoserfrom our sprint17:54
smoseri dont know that i did17:54
powersjsmoser: correct17:54
powersjor a link to a gist :)17:54
smoserthat is what i have.17:55
smoserjust written down once during an sru when i wanted to validate stuff.17:55
powersjsmoser: awesome17:55
intheclouddan[m]has anyone run into issues with cloud-init and creating multiple directories with mkdir -p? I'm passing in a shell script on AWS that has mkdir -p /opt/path1 /var/log/path1 but when I look at the output of cloud-init it's only showing mkdir =p /opt/path1....I'm really confused as to how this could be happening17:59
smoserintheclouddan[m]: can you give config you're  using ?18:02
smoseryou're using runcmd?18:02
smoser - [sh, -c, 'mkdir /foo//bar/ /zee/wark']18:02
smoser - mkdir /foo/bar /zee/wark18:02
smoser - ['mkdir', '/foo/bar', '/zee/wark']18:03
intheclouddan[m]no passing in a bash script18:03
smoserwell, output shoudl be collected in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log18:03
smoseri'd look there for errors.18:03
smoserand also /var/log/cloud-init.log18:03
smoserfor WARN18:03
blackboxswnice paste reference smoser18:21
* blackboxsw is trying to figure out (remember) again how I setup the ipv6 association on an instance 18:43
blackboxswit seems I had it setup on my xenial vm, but not on my zesty vm18:43
blackboxsw... ec2 that is. gotta dig through the docs18:43
* blackboxsw is specifically not asking the tome of smoser knowledge for this, because I want to make this painful for me so I learn it 'right'18:44
rharperblackboxsw: likely a flag during instance launch under advacned18:49
rharpergoogle knows the awscli command to toggle it18:49
blackboxswheh, tome of rharper knowledge.18:50
rharperwell, possible answers book18:50
rharpersmoser: testing underway on the fstab one;  an up-to-date xenial VM falls over right away;  -proposed is 8 reboot loops in with no issues;  how far do we want to run up the count to declare success ?18:56
rharpersmoser1: testing underway on the fstab one;  an up-to-date xenial VM falls over right away;  -proposed is 8 reboot loops in with no issues;  how far do we want to run up the count to declare success ?18:58
rharperblackboxsw: where are we updating our test-case and results for the SRU ?  a single bug, or the various bugs we're validating ?19:11
blackboxswrharper: I've only so far been adding a log comment to the megabug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/172184719:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1721847 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Zesty) "sru cloud-init 2017-10-06 (17.1-18-gd4f70470-0ubuntu1)" [Medium,Fix committed]19:11
blackboxswbut when done, all test verification and log output will be updated  on each specific bug description19:12
blackboxswso each separate bug that relates to ubuntu will have it's desc updated with verification script  && results19:12
rharperblackboxsw: ok, so I'll keep my own log for this specific bug, and we can append to both places as needed19:14
rharperI think I'm going to call success on this case, 1) the change ensures that datasourceOVF doesn't poke any block device unless it has iso9660 files on that; I can verify that current cloud-init pokes *each* block device and -proposed pokes *none*;  I've got about 28 reboots with no issue so far.19:16
blackboxswok sounds good rharper19:37
blackboxswthanks for the reboot run. just attaching output of the reboot script w/ anecdotal evidence of # of successful reboots should be good19:37
blackboxswI just attached updated SRU validation for ec2 ipv6 support to the megabug19:38
blackboxswfound the cli params needd19:38
blackboxswaws ec2 assign-ipv6-addresses --network-interface-id eni-3b32d910 --ipv6-address-count 119:39
blackboxswthen clean-reboot (rm -rf /var/log/cloud-init* /var/lib/cloud*);19:39
blackboxswsmoser: rharper anyone working on - TEST in artful: [9d2a87dc](https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=9d2a87dc) [#1718029](http://pad.lv/#1718029) Azure, CloudStack: Support reading dhcp options from systemd-networkd.?19:41
rharperblackboxsw: I'm not, collecting my logs for the fstab one19:41
blackboxswand s-"=frequent IRC quits"-moser is probably dealing with network issues today :)19:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1724354 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Zesty) "WARNING in logs due to missing python-jsconschema" [Medium,Confirmed]19:45
smoserblackboxsw: that and i am transitioning (i think) to weechat from xchat+bip19:47
smoserpartially as a result of finicky network... i for some reason when teathering i'd get errors connecting to freenode about needing SASL and bip does not support that at all19:48
smoserso, here i am learning a new irc client.19:48
blackboxswheh, agreed, I figured I'd give this irccloud a try for a year, but yeah I'm compelled to go back to xchat+bip. I'm not a fan of the forced backscroll to pull content from overnight or last week etc .19:54
blackboxswso irccloud you have to keep requesting to download a zipped collection of all IRC back channels so you can grep them etc.19:55
blackboxswsmoser: I'm working on cmdline azure test for SRU19:57
blackboxswand I'll update the sru-info/bug for that when I get the magic19:57
blackboxswjust ran into this v20:13
blackboxswon azure-cli (artful)20:13
blackboxswtrying xenial20:13
smoserblackboxsw: fun20:15
blackboxswyeah, tempted to just use the UI for the moment. even the cli install instructions are busticated.20:16
smoserblackboxsw: hold on.20:16
blackboxswsmoser: can you check your env for where you grabbed "azure" cli20:17
smoser'azure' is the node version20:17
smoser'az' is the (newly favored) python client.20:17
smoseri think if you use that 'az-ubuntu' it should work20:19
smoserworked for me a couple days ago20:20
smoserspits a command line like you'd never want to type20:20
smoser$ az-ubuntu . --dry-run20:20
smoseraz vm create --name=smoser1017x --image=Canonical:UbuntuServer:16.04-DAILY-LTS:latest --admin-username=smoser "--ssh-key-value=ssh-rsa AAAAB3...keydata.kerhe...Hw== smoser@brickies"20:21
blackboxswawsome thanks20:22
smoserblackboxsw: you can 'snap install azure-cli' . i think i just installed it with pip.20:38
blackboxswnpm version works well20:38
blackboxswat least for login and group creation20:39
blackboxswstill looking over your az-ubuntu20:39
smoserblackboxsw: its a mess. :) 'azure-ubuntu' (which may well work if you have the npm cli) was what i had originally, but that only works with the old 'asm' mdoe.20:42
blackboxswlooks like cmdline options changed20:43
blackboxswhere's what works for me20:43
* rharper moves to zesty for the fstab tessts 20:43
rharpertests even20:43
blackboxswazure vm create  -n xenial-azure-test -g srugroup1 --image-urn=Canonical:UbuntuServer:17.04-DAILY:latest --ssh-publickey-file=/id_rsa.pub --admin-username=ubuntu20:43
blackboxswhrm looks like it's still prompting me for location even though my group is defined in useast220:44
blackboxswman naming convention is bogus eastus2 not useast220:45
blackboxswimproper ordering20:45
blackboxswjust to be != EC220:46
smoserblackboxsw: it changed too between ASM and ARM mode20:47
rharperwhat about that launcher that Robert had ?20:48
smoserRobert ?20:49
smoserrcj ?20:49
smoserblackboxsw: https://gist.github.com/smoser/580614721:17
smoserthat is updated, and just "worked for me" here.21:17
blackboxswtrying again. I went UI for xenial21:26
blackboxswbut will test21:26
smoserwell, it did just work for me.21:26
smoserand i mentioned that you ahve to add the group21:26
smoserthats a pita21:26
smoserbut.. oh well, and also showed how to get a list of locations.21:26
* smoser goes to dinner21:26
blackboxswsmoser: here's the diff to your script that works for me http://paste.ubuntu.com/25761944/21:42
blackboxswsince I'm also reckless and run as root in my lxc I also specify --admin-username=ubuntu as azure is smart and says (don't use root)21:46
blackboxswok azure  verification done. thx smoser  for the az-ubuntu love22:05
* rharper kicks off recreate loop on zesty instance and grabs dinner 22:13
blackboxswsmoser: I'm marking Azure validated for https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1718029  for the cloudstack component. we'll probably just notify the most recent interested party22:14
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1718029 in cloud-init "cloudstack and azure datasources broken when using netplan/systemd-networkd" [High,Fix committed]22:14
blackboxswrharper: same above22:14
blackboxswok two SRU bugs remain needing verification22:21
blackboxsw- TEST: [da6562e2](https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=da6562e2) [#1718287](http://pad.lv/#1718287) DataSourceOVF: use util.find_devs_with(TYPE=iso9660)22:21
blackboxswI think rharper is on this one22:21
blackboxswand I think smoser is on this one - TEST: [10f067d8](https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/commit/?id=10f067d8) [#1717598](http://pad.lv/#1717598) GCE: Fix usage of user-data.22:22
blackboxswfor tomorrow of course.22:22
blackboxswbut I think that wraps up ubuntu's 17.1 SRU  for xenial/zesty22:22
rharperah, that's why we can't recreate on Zesty, it only runs the EC2 datasource since Zesty doesn't have the backwards compat ds-identify configuration; we  never run OVF on Zesty EC2 instances23:21
rharpersmoser: blackboxsw: so, I think in the SRU detail I'm mention that Zesty doesn't run the OVF datasource so the bug was never present there;23:22
rharperblackboxsw: smoser: ok, updated fstab test-case log;  on zesty which used strict-mode ds-identify, OVF never runs so it always passed, I showed that it worked on current version and proposed didn't regress that.23:41

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