
burton-aushml CI check passed, but may need someone to review and verify it https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/794001:25
hmlburton-aus: ty01:26
burton-ausbabbageclunk and axw you may want to review the PR or verify it https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/794001:26
* axw is looking01:27
babbageclunkIf it's a trivial backport (ie it didn't require changes to apply to the other branch) we typically don't require a review of the backport PR.01:29
* babbageclunk goes for a run01:40
burton-aushml you can issue the merge comment now, axw has approved the change.01:49
hmlburton-aus: done01:50
burton-aushml yep01:50
burton-aushml babbageclunk test failed http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-merge-juju/356/console, nothing is trivial.03:12
burton-aushml babbageclunk weird - [xenial] -bash: line 59: go: command not found03:15
babbageclunkburton-aus: yeah, that seems pretty weird03:16
burton-aushml babbageclunk it was run on juju-core-slave-b, so I went there and got:03:19
burton-aushml babbageclunk which go03:20
burton-aushml babbageclunk /snap/bin/go03:20
burton-aushml babbageclunk not sure if I should create a soft link under /usr/bin03:20
burton-aushml babbageclunk let me re-run the job first.03:21
babbageclunkburton-aus: did you work out what the problem with the test run was?04:01
burton-aushml babbageclunk email sent04:22
babbageclunkburton-aus: if `which go` works for you, why can't the test run script run go?04:25
burton-aushml babbageclunk the test runs on a instance created on the fly, not the machine I run which go.04:26
burton-aushml babbageclunk overall I have no knowledge on the recent go version change, just debugging on the spot.04:31
babbageclunkburton-aus: ah, right04:32
burton-aushml babbageclunk we may can merge it directly, to let CI handle the test.04:34
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
thumpero/ redir21:08
redir\o thumper21:10
redirHow was NYC?21:16
thumperredir: pretty good22:01
redirsounds highly productive:)22:10
thumperredir: actually it was very good, good things happening23:36
redirThat is awesome to hear23:45

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