
ahoneybunAndres did a few as did I00:08
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Fwd from Kernellinux: hey guys, I don't usually do the whole "please share" thing but this week is seems particuarlly important. if anyone is on social media if you could please share this week's episode of Ask Noah Show and try to get the word out... … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKtqvbaqgAE04:04
valorieI don't have time to watch it right now -- what's so special?04:08
tsimonq2It really correctly talks about the whole security thing and what went down.04:16
valorieI don't much like discussing CVEs and such until the patch is available04:17
tsimonq2Patches are available04:17
tsimonq2And public04:17
tsimonq2And distributed04:17
tsimonq2And and and :)04:17
valoriewell, for ubuntu04:18
valorienothing for my phone yet04:18
acheronukclive IS ALIVE!!11:38
acheronukclivejo: ^^11:38
clivejoam I?14:47
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> You were earlier14:47
clivejolot of clearing up to do14:48
acheronukcareful with chainsaw!14:48
acheronuk*with the14:48
clivejoshhhh don't tell anyone14:49
clivejooh my14:59
clivejosomeone with very bad English has video footage of me watching porn15:00
clivejoand wants money to stop it going public15:00
clivejogood morning. I have something for you. If you don't be a porn lover - I will not disturb you.15:07
clivejoYour device was under my controll few times ago. I put a private virus on 900 web-sites with porn, known as 501 VR. When you tapped on the play buttom your device allowed to show the screen and camera record through "webrtc" and jscript . Then I found your webpage in social resources (your coockies helped me), so I have the splitscreen vid (you're playing with yourself and record of porn vid) and all your contacts: relatives, collegues and15:09
clivejofriends. Moreover, I have put the keylogger in your device, so I could use it as dedicated server <br /><br />15:09
clivejoI can spoil your social status now in my opinion some money can help you. 285 usd is enough for your hobby15:09
clivejoI give you 1 day since you read my letter. TrPX is inside the html file so I will know where you read it<br /><br />15:09
clivejoYou can ask police to support you, but they don't have necessary equipment to find me. I am under different IPs, moreover I dont live in your country.15:09
clivejoThink about it, I think that your shame costs more than I asked to pay.15:09
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> (Photo, 2310x1454) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/wQzhuQBP/file_3393.jpg poor ol' WPA2 … https://redd.it/76yaoe … by @programmer_humor16:29
valorieclivejo: that's hilarious19:37
clivejomy coockies helped19:38
valoriecoockies always help19:39
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> https://twitter.com/tsimonq2/status/91989265050919321619:40
acheronukmore new ISOs on the way19:40
acheronukwrong chan :P19:40
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Oh19:41
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Shoot19:41
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Well enjoy it anyways :P19:41
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> Er19:41
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> You're talking about your own comment19:42
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> :P19:42
acheronukvalorie: plasma 5.11.1 is built in staging for artful. so far so good20:05
valorieoooo, we might be ready for zero day then!20:06
valoriehadn't heard it was released20:06
clivejoI don't think BlueJay should be telling users to use staging PPA's20:08
acheronukwas released today. maybe be able to go with it this week. depends on feedback in the next 2 days I think. there is nasty unfixed breakage in the gtk config kcm module20:08
valorieworth waiting on then20:09
acheronukperhaps. could always not let that be upgraded, as 5.10.5 version works ok20:10
clivejoacheronuk: you following conv in kubuntu?20:11
acheronukjust have to play it as it comes20:11
clivejoguy trying to install 16.04.320:11
acheronukbooting from the HD, not the iso, but the sounds of it20:18
acheronukthe randomness on ubuntu IRC channels certainly picks up near release days20:25
valorieI've noticed the same20:32
acheronuknearly done: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ArtfulUpgrades/Kubuntu20:32
acheronukjust one image to do on thurs20:32
valorielooking really good, acheronuk20:32
acheronuktsimonq2 will hate the use of kdesudo on that :P20:33
wxlyou should make a list of all the contributors20:34
wxljust make sure the last names are in all caps20:34
acheronuklast spin of ISOs being done - baring world ending errors20:36
valoriedear god no20:36
acheronuknot sure how much testing I will be able to do tomorrow, but I should be able to mop up any remaining test cases early Thurs morning if there are any20:39
valorierainy on and off today, so I hope to do some testing here20:46
acheronukhave dug out an i386 laptop, but it can only do 1GB of RAM20:49
acheronukand can't boot off usb20:49
acheronukif I can fond a blank one less than 5 years old and still writeable20:50
valorieI bought a small stack of them last year for LFNW20:53
valorieand have burned ONE I think20:53
valoriewhich ended up thrown away anyway because we didn't need to rescue the older Mac20:54
valoriewhich was our group accomplishment at SeaGL20:54
valorieI need to write my blogpost about that20:54
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1549272721:44
IrcsomeBot<acheronuk> not sure if we could suggest anything for that, but interesting21:45

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