
tgBot<Tiago> @Tiago, Ok. got it. installation in progress with CPT.00:02
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @savetier, on my blog i talked abt it in few places. I even have post about setting up shh with x forwarding all the way into the container. so hou ssh into your ut phone then chroot into a container and run app inside remptely onto your desktop. … kriscode.blogspot.com00:10
tgBot<savetier> @KrisJacewicz, Thanks :)00:11
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @KrisJacewicz, chroot!00:11
tgBot<wayneoutthere> we covered 'chroot' in our audiocast00:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> np, i will try to make a post dedicated to x forwarding scenario where o compile all the info in one place00:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @wayneoutthere, nice00:12
tgBot<wayneoutthere> I think you'll like my explanation of it00:12
tgBot<wayneoutthere> it's in the techlish section00:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i wrote post on my blog about containers in ut phone i used debootstarp as an example00:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @wayneoutthere, will checknout!00:13
tgBot<wayneoutthere> enjoyez vous l'audiiocast00:13
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @wayneoutthere, alors nous allons l'enjoyer :D00:14
tgBot<wayneoutthere> voici un plan pour tout le monde! this is on topic... or not.00:16
tgBot<wayneoutthere> Judge Ivan?00:16
tgBot<wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/5KD2fXBH/file_1244.mp400:16
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> (Photo, 258x29) https://irc.ubports.com/RARwwouV/file_1246.jpg00:18
ubports_botProject daily-hammerhead build #353: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-hammerhead/353/00:25
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1175: SUCCESS in 1 min 49 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1175/00:27
tgBotmacchanmatsuda was added by: macchanmatsuda05:57
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @neothethird, Very agree with you Jan. Let us magine, among my translations I would ad adds. But the main problem is webrowser, there are so many ads today. And even with cookies and history I disable and clean continously, the ads come back from the sites I visited. When I visit my parents in-law, I guess what are their medical issues,....05:57
tgBot<Vijaypraj> Is it possible to install Ubuntu in moto g4 plus?06:44
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @Vijaypraj, Hi Vijay, if your phone is not listed in the  Core devices or Legacy devices on the ubports website, then it's not possible at the moment unless you try to port it yourself.... so right now the best thing to do is get a nexus 5 or a oneplus... one of the core devices. sorry.06:50
tgBot<Vijaypraj> Ok06:50
tgBot<Vijaypraj> How to porting?06:50
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @Vijaypraj, Porting : because every phone is so different and plagued by proprietary blobs that don't come with documentation, porting involves following the wiki which just tells you the general idea for building the kernel and setting up the filesystem, flashing etc.... getting it to actually work means spending ages sifting through log files every time it crashes and fixing those errors until it finally boots.... The Halium project will mak06:55
tgBotthat process simpler some day. you're welcome to read up on halium and give it a try.06:55
tgBot<Vijaypraj> πŸ‘06:56
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/UBports-Development-Information06:56
tgBot<Vijaypraj> Thank you bandi06:57
tgBot<Vijaypraj> I will try06:57
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @Vijaypraj, πŸ‘πŸΌ cheers06:58
tgBot<Vijaypraj> 😊06:58
tgBot<tylnesh> What\s the status of libertine in UBports?06:58
ubports_botProject click-import build #27: SUCCESS in 5.8 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/click-import/27/07:01
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @tylnesh, it works. very useable... i see Kris recommending developing apps directly on the phones using Lazarus IDE and Geany, so it's gotta be good for that to work out. ;)07:01
ubports_botProject vivid-rootfs-armhf build #162: SUCCESS in 10 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/vivid-rootfs-armhf/162/07:01
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1176: SUCCESS in 0.49 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1176/07:01
tgBot<tylnesh> I used to use texstudio, qtcreator, and many more in my old Ubuntu Touch days07:01
tgBot<tylnesh> Forgot about how to do it, any links?07:01
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> https://wiki.ubports.com/wiki/Libertine%3A-install-and-manage-desktop-applications07:03
tgBot<tylnesh> Thanks! Gonna give it a try once I get back from work07:04
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @tylnesh, πŸ‘πŸΌ have fun07:04
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> http://kriscode.blogspot.tw/2016/10/lazarus-development-for-ubuntu-phone.html07:06
tgBot<tylnesh> How's running cli apps in libertine container?07:07
tgBot<tylnesh> I assume I'd install a terminal app07:07
tgBot<tylnesh> and run them from there07:07
tgBot<tylnesh> right?07:07
tgBot<tylnesh> can't wait to put byobu on a tablet :)07:07
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> yep. gnome terminal... just like normal07:07
tgBot<tylnesh> okie-doke07:07
tgBot<tylnesh> also, how do I enable ssh on UBports?07:10
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i want to note that you could do native programming on the phone either with or without containers (ie Libertine), and each approach has own pros and cons07:10
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @tylnesh, enabled by default07:10
tgBot<tylnesh> I'm not really gonna do development for UBports just now07:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but ut devices only allow publick key authentication07:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> no password authentocation07:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so you need to have ssh id on your client07:11
tgBot<tylnesh> I need to finish my diploma thesis first07:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and import its public ley into the ut device07:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> then u connect without password07:11
tgBot<tylnesh> import? Just add it to .ssh/authorized_keys?07:11
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> also if you want to use x forwarding with ssh you need to install xauth package on the phone07:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> otherwise upon connection you wont be able to generate .Xauthority file07:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and x forwarding wont work07:12
tgBot<tylnesh> I use mostly cli apps. but I may as well isntall it.07:12
tgBot<tylnesh> thanks!07:12
tgBot<tylnesh> I'm gonna play with the development of apps for UBports after I finish my diploma thesis07:13
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but if u install xauth package then the .Xauthority will get autogenerated the first time you connect. you will se a warning about missing file but it will be autogenerated and will work07:13
tgBot<tylnesh> I just wanna use my tablet as I used to. As an on-the-go netbook replacement07:13
tgBot<tylnesh> I wonder if apps like redshift would work :)07:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> well does redshift come for ARM architecture?07:34
tgBot<tylnesh> @KrisJacewicz, Dunno, but what's stopping you us from building it?07:40
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> redshift is for Xserver07:40
tgBot<tylnesh> Hmm.. ssh port is not open07:41
tgBot<tylnesh> ah, ok07:41
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i didnt know if it had sources available or not07:41
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @SwizzlaKalongie, it doesnt matter ut jas xmir07:41
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> also almost never an app uses xorg api directly mostly it uses widgetset api like gtk or qt07:42
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> gtk has not been poted to mir yet although some work was initiated07:42
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> if it ever matures then u could run gtk apps in mir dorectly07:42
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> cuz apps mostly call gtknapi not xorg api directly07:42
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @KrisJacewicz, doesn't redshift set the colour globally ? so you're saying it will just change the colour temperature for the one app?07:43
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> anyways u can use gtk apps on ut so if redshift has sources that you can compile for arm then you should be able to run it on the ut device07:43
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @SwizzlaKalongie, i dont know for sure but i think it would run but maybe you would not see anything happen in mir window manager07:44
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> not sure how much mir has in common with xorg07:44
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> bit afaik it provides compatible api via xmir07:44
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so it should be possible to teat it07:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> *test07:45
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> the page says "Your graphics driver and X server needs to either support at least RANDR version 1.3 or the VidMode extension"07:45
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> yep... test needed...07:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @SwizzlaKalongie, i installed randr on ut directly07:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i hoped that i could change dpi setting07:45
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> oooo07:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so that gtk apps in xmir would scale better07:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so it ran and didnt cause any exception07:46
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> just that there was no visible effect either :P07:46
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> my guess is that xmir provides compatible apis but not all of them produce visible results07:46
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> some may be kind of placeholders, dummy apis07:47
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> just there so that compilation succeeds07:47
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and so that execution runs without crashes07:47
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but that is also another big problem with UT's xmir: while mir reports actual dpi, xmir seems to always report constant 72 or 90 (dont remember)07:48
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so if your gtk program calls xorg api for checking screen dpi it will not get the real value07:49
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i think it is a bummer, because some apps would scale properly if xmor would report real dpi07:49
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @KrisJacewicz, hmm... interesting07:53
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> all speculations though, I dont actually know07:53
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> yep...speculation based on knowledge... kinda works out lol07:55
tgBot<tylnesh> How to open port 22? No matter what, it always refuses connection07:58
tgBot<tylnesh> on BQ m1007:59
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> Michal do you use key authentication?08:00
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @tylnesh, did you import client's public key?08:00
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> because ssh is open by default08:01
tgBot<tylnesh> It shouldnt matter, as I edited the config to allow password08:01
tgBot<tylnesh> and it straight out refuses connection, not refusing the key08:01
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> afaik it wont work08:01
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i tried08:01
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> some other settings somewhere else overwrite your editted config08:02
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> at least that was my experience08:02
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so import the key and check08:02
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i will bet u it will work08:02
tgBot<tylnesh> the servce was off by default08:05
tgBot<tylnesh> ssh daemon08:05
tgBot<tylnesh> that was the problem, after I run it manually, I connected without the key08:05
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> alright!08:06
tgBot<tylnesh> I wonder.. can you create libertine containers on sd card?08:06
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @tylnesh, otherwise i import key likenthis: … $ export KEY=$(ssh supervizor@ cat /home/supervizor/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) # ensure that you got the key by printing it and ensuring it is set: $ echo $KEY # now you can import the key: $ echo $KEY >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys08:07
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/FeO5bI2a/file_1248.jpg08:07
tgBot<DanChapman> @tylnesh, Have you enabled developer mode? That should get it to auto start08:08
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @tylnesh, Libertine has its own path but you can move it to sdcard and create symlink08:08
tgBot<tylnesh> of course08:08
tgBot<tylnesh> that is great news, since back when I was using it, I mostly had problems with lack of space on the device08:08
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and if you make your own container not via Libertine than you are free to put it anywhere08:08
tgBot<tylnesh> 16 gigs is really small for my use-case08:08
tgBot<tylnesh> texstudio is a beast :D08:08
tgBot<AlexiPistonrod> So will UBports be rolling out a security patch for KRACK?08:09
tgBot<tylnesh> Hopefully08:09
tgBot<tylnesh> I hope08:10
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @DanChapman, inthink that is the reason why i didnt hv to turn it on!08:12
ubports_botProject daily-fp2 build #371: SUCCESS in 13 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-fp2/371/08:23
tgBot<tylnesh> Unity8 is qt5, right?08:24
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1177: SUCCESS in 1 min 13 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1177/08:24
tgBot<DanChapman> correct08:24
tgBot<Lorxu> @tylnesh, Yes, QML to be more precise08:24
tgBot<tylnesh> K! I might port some of the small educational games I made for my nephews.08:26
tgBot<tylnesh> what do I need to make the symlink of?08:48
tgBot<tylnesh> to move libertine?08:48
tgBot<tylnesh> .local/share/libertine ?08:48
tgBot<Flohack> @DanChapman, Dev mode starts ssh? This is new for me ;)08:50
tgBot<DanChapman> well it starts the ssh-daemon does it not?08:51
tgBot<tylnesh> It did not for me08:51
tgBot<tylnesh> Had to start it myself08:51
tgBot<Flohack> @DanChapman, Dont think so because its off in /etc/defaults or whats the name? Even when its starting the script, it would bail-out because of this variable setting08:52
tgBot<DanChapman> Ah yeah my bad. Dev mode just enables the adb server. phablet-shell does the  rest with starting ssh and copying keys.08:56
tgBot<el_namor> Hello folks. As my BQ E4.5 broke I got a N5 now running Ubports Version of UT. … I wanted to ask if there is any opportunity to get the BQ guitar ring tone to the N5?09:03
tgBot<TronFourtyTwo> @el_namor, If you get the original file you can set it as custom ringtone09:06
tgBot<el_namor> Any way to extract it from the BQ image file? I dont have my phone anymore. :/09:11
tgBot<Stereofont> @el_namor, Guessing a user can extract it and send it to you. Mine is also dead sadly09:14
tgBot<el_namor> Ok09:17
tgBot<Milan Korecky> I have Bq 4.5, i will try when back home09:35
tgBot<tylnesh> BTW... when vivid repositories stop working, what will happen with Libertine?09:58
tgBot<Stereofont> (Sticker, 512x452) https://irc.ubports.com/YX0E2VgU/file_124909:59
tgBot<tylnesh> on BQ M10? :)09:59
tgBot<Stereofont> There are space problems. They hog a lot of resources10:00
tgBot<Stereofont> There was a concept of multi-snaps with one shared resource. Still debates over whether snaps are the future10:02
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @Stereofont one small question, dont tell to anybody πŸ€“, in which file i should look for the ring tones? Thanks10:14
tgBot<Milan Korecky> maybe user/share/sounds/ubuntu10:18
tgBot<Milan Korecky> I see them, I found them10:19
tgBot<tylnesh> @Stereofont, Well, if you can install snaps to sd card and symlink them to your home, wouldnt that solve the size issue?10:19
tgBot<tylnesh> Also with Solus, Fedora, Arch and Elementary jumping on the bandwagon, I think this is foregone conclusion10:20
tgBot<tylnesh> Where do libertine containers reside?10:24
tgBot<Flohack> @Stereofont, I tbh I dont see this being practical, you would to have a meta-database which knows about which requirement form a snap is in another snap. In the end it defeats the aomtic behaviour of snaps since you need to install additional dependencies10:25
tgBot<Flohack> @tylnesh, Just because Desktop distro jump here or there does not mean we have to follow without thinking10:25
tgBot<vanyasem> @Flohack, look flatpaks10:26
tgBot<vanyasem> they just have several default runtimes for flatpaks10:26
tgBot<tylnesh> @Flohack, Sure, I meant for the snaps to be the future on the desktop, not mobile. I'm curious how that will work out.10:26
tgBot<vanyasem> @vanyasem, gnome, kde, freedesktop, etc10:26
tgBot<Flohack> @vanyasem, Hm I am more concerned about security flaws like libssl being out of date in snaps.10:26
tgBot<vanyasem> I hate the entire idea of both snaps and flatpaks tbh10:27
tgBot<vanyasem> maybe just being conservative here10:27
tgBot<tylnesh> @Flohack, Shouldn't that be the concern of the snap maintainer?10:27
tgBot<tylnesh> @vanyasem, I for one love being able to install recent software on 16.04 without going  the PPA route10:28
tgBot<Flohack> @tylnesh, Exactly but what if he does not maintain it? We, UBports are then being notorious for having insecure phones. Thats the bottomline everybody will understand. Explain this to press and media, that it was just one sloppy maintainer10:28
tgBot<tylnesh> Well, maybe add a check if the version of the libraries in snaps are recent and showing a warning if there's a known vulnerability10:29
tgBot<tylnesh> something like" Proceed at your own discretion10:29
tgBot<Milan Korecky> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/oGBRyUvk/file_1250.ogg10:29
tgBot<tylnesh> anyways... again, nobody knows where libertine containers are stored?  :)10:30
tgBot<Flohack> @tylnesh, Ok so we need a database on the phone, that will inspect all snaps for versions, and then give warnings? That makes things more and more comlicated. We need to maintain this db and sync it to all devices. Then we are better off by patching the stuff from upstream, as a normal shared lib. Thats the beauty about shared libs, you can update everything in one goi10:30
tgBot<tylnesh> True.10:31
tgBot<tylnesh> well, it's one big sliding ruler10:31
tgBot<tylnesh> convenience β€”------------β€” security10:31
tgBot<Stereofont> @tylnesh, Expansion to SD would solve a lot of problems. A problem for Nexus 7 though. Would it be fast enough and reliable enough  for a standard architecture, rather than 'as and when'?10:32
tgBot<tylnesh> True, but how else will you otherwise solve the availability of desktop software past closing of vivid's repo?10:33
tgBot<Flohack> @tylnesh, This what makes Android so secure, they have Java bytecode which is not tied to a certain version of a lib. You can exchange/update whatever you want and it will (probably) not break10:34
tgBot<Stereofont> @tylnesh, Xenial, presumably10:34
tgBot<Flohack> @tylnesh, We are in distribution hell, yes. It makes weird things to us such as openstore needing sooner or later multiple versions of Apps for multiple releases available10:34
tgBot<Flohack> Every developer will give up if he has to maintain his App across 3 releases. Thats simply not appealing10:35
tgBot<tylnesh> Yeah, and there's no easy way to solve it either10:35
tgBot<samzn> Isn't snap with dependencies basically what we have now except sandboxed10:35
tgBot<samzn> What we've always had with package managers*10:35
tgBot<tylnesh> The thing is, that in my selfish mind I never even hoped for Ubuntu Touch being successful on the mobile platforms. I don't really give a crap if there's appstore with milions of apps doing fart noises on the platform. I just wanna something open and that I can screw around with and do crazy stuff like installing QtCreator and TexStudon on.10:38
tgBot<Flohack> @samzn, Snaps solve a bunch of things in a good way. but they consume a lot of space, and need super-aware maintainers. I can see snaps shining where a big group of people delivers software, like lets say eclipse as a snap. Or QtCreator. Can be. But the Android ecosystem exploded by the inclusion of single hobby developers. To shift all the burden of reading security advisories on a daily basis, patching and updating in record time, is not fair tbh10:38
tgBot<Stereofont> I can see the need for a quantum shift in system architecture at some point in the future but that means having maybe 200,000 established user base?10:41
tgBot<samzn> Multisnaps could work for big dependencies, for example lets say you depend on electron, you could just point to a shared base10:41
tgBot<TronFourtyTwo> @tylnesh, .cache/libertine-container/10:54
tgBot<tylnesh> Thanks, I already found it. Although I made a silly mistake of trying to move whole folder to sdcard10:54
tgBot<tylnesh> *without sudo10:56
tgBot<el_namor> @Milan Korecky, Hi Milan, you got them? :) can you send it?11:15
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @tylnesh, i totally get you! and i feel Canonical lied when they said that i itially UT would be targetted at enthusiasts, developers and fanboys. How I ask, if even terminal app was missing from default installation. Ubuntu without app???? Also while providing xmir they didnt think to provide gtk triggers for maliit which weight next to nothing, so as a consequence while they allow you to run grk apps but you cant use onscreen keyboard with them12:00
tgBotunless you manually install related packages. To me they totally said one thing and did another :(12:00
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> *Ubuntu without terminal app????12:01
tgBot<tylnesh> I didn't mean it as a rant, though. I could care less about what's preloaded on the device, since installing Terminal app is just a few clicks away.12:24
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> what would stop us from supporting click, flatpak and snap?12:29
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> k... a half-stupid question: what if i were to package something in a flatpak or appimage, any way to get that working on the phone, to show up in libertine etc? or if it were compiled to work on unity etc...12:29
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @rogieroudshoorn, +112:31
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> i mean - the point of this platform (for me) is freedom and to be independent of the big companies that want to know all about me12:32
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> why not open up as wide as possible for as many development methods as possible - as long as we don't maintain more then one ourselves?12:32
tgBot<Flohack> @rogieroudshoorn, As long as the overall maintainence effort for UBports is not exploding, its ok. But you know, we need to be small but beautiful in the beginning. We can add a tons of features, but people will turn away if they are not well maintained12:34
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> of course, as long as we can with minimal effort12:34
tgBot<rogieroudshoorn> i would hope that - for instance - mainstream browsers in flatpak or snap could lessen the burden somewhat12:39
tgBot<Milan Korecky> @el_namor, I have sent all of them and directly to you12:39
ubports_botProject daily-mako build #146: SUCCESS in 12 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-mako/146/12:55
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1178: SUCCESS in 0.52 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1178/12:55
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> That seems a bit too fast @mariogrip12:56
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @KrisJacewicz, that's funny.  just started using that redshift thing recently.  really helps my eyes in my cave14:18
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @el_namor, find anyone who has it and then get really close with a great microphone and record it, export to useable audio format, then import into phone.  no one will know it's a ghetto reproduction.14:20
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @tylnesh, hopefully we can help you consider success as an option as well! ;)14:22
tgBot<NikosChat> ...15:20
tgBotNikosChat was added by: NikosChat15:21
tgBot<tylnesh> @wayneoutthere, Well, I hope it's successful for the sake of all the fine people that did such  great job so far15:22
tgBot<tylnesh> But for my use case it's irrelevant, as long as it's somewhat maintained and got browser, a terminal and a way to install regular apps15:22
tgBot<Stereofont> @NikosChat, Welcome!15:22
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @SwizzlaKalongie, if i just think about it then it feels like making, say, flatpack image that you install on the phone directly to show up in libertine, an overthinking. Of you flatpack somwthing then it should show up the same place you install it on. So if you install it on the phone directly, the app should go into the phone os directly even if it requires xmir. If you want the app to go into libertine than you should download it into liberti15:38
tgBotcontainer and install it in there.15:38
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @KrisJacewicz, k. thanks. i don't know much about how libertine works, so...15:40
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> however if you really want, you could deploy some sort of daemon in the libertine container an on the phone let flatpack be handled by custom service not the actual flatpack installer. your own service intercept your flatpack and sends it into libertine via a daemon running there, then once moved over, starts normal flatpack installation procedure in the libertine container.15:43
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @SwizzlaKalongie, libertine is basically just a chroot jail plus some utils and a service on the phone to control the container and start apps within it.15:44
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> it is also a scope that lists app launchers15:45
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @KrisJacewicz, sounds very complicated15:45
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> it simplifies things to the point that you just click and things happen automagically in the background15:46
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but you could also manually create your own container and install apps inside of it and you could even creaye a custom launcher in the main scope (not a dedicated one) to start apps from your container onto the phone screen15:48
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> or you can skip container entirely and install your x apps in the phone directly15:48
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> with app launcher in the main scope15:48
tgBot<SwizzlaKalongie> @KrisJacewicz, sounds good... i like it.15:50
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> personally i think that there is only one real limitation that makes libertine needed. the limitation is the space on the / partition of the UT device. When you install apps from .deb packages they take up space on the partition that has very limited size. When you use Libertine everything goes into userspace where you have much more storage space. Other than that it is not necessary at all to have libertine in order to use gtk or other x apps on15:55
tgBotphone.  β€¦ Manually you can try to move some data to userspace after installation and then create symlinks, but not everyone wants to go through the steps of doing it, so Libertine offers convenience.15:55
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i personally dont use libertine at all any more, but as a tradeoff i have to manually ensure that my / space does not run out.15:56
tgBot<samzn> maybe soon we can unify the equivalent of /data/ and /system partitions :)16:08
tgBot<samzn> not sure how sensible snapdragon is to partition changes but it works fine on my kindle fire16:08
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Partition changes are potentially dangerous if you want to move back to Android16:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> And that's a choice that we don't want to get in the way of16:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> Either way, / isn't stored in /system16:09
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> It's stored in /data/rootfs.img16:09
tgBot<JBBgameich> I'm thinking about unpacking the rootfs to /system ... And using /data as /home. So there wouldn't have to be something changed really. on the partition layout.16:09
tgBot<JBBgameich> I opened an issue on the halium projectmanagement repo about that, just to get some feedback16:10
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> If I could snap my fingers and make a change, /data would be overlayed over /system.16:10
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> So you can hack your system all you want, but go back when you inevitably screw something up16:11
tgBot<JBBgameich> https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/2716:12
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @samzn, all that would be great however i see a flaw in the core design of linux software. Apps that absolutely dont require any sudo are packaged with foxed paths that are outside of user's home. Deb format doesnt even allow for installing into home folder paths unless via script. Also you cannot dpkg -i someapp.deb without sudo. I find it really bad practice. lot of crossplatform apps come in portable flavor on Windows but on Linux they keep aw16:12
tgBotfrom that even though userspace portablenprograms are both more convenient and safer. … That is precisely why things lile flatpack exist.16:12
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @UniversalSuperBox, Problem is that only the most spartan of overlay-type filesystems are included in Android kernels. And they're buggy.16:15
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> essentially on windows an app expects all its files to be under the folder where the executable is, all os kept together paths are relative and things easily become portable. Same apps on Linux suddenly abandon that design just because of some traditional paradigm that some things go to /usr/share, some to /usr/lib, some to /opt etc.16:16
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so now out of that weird paradigm in order to make all simpler we still dont abandon the paradigm but instead package apps with container-like approaches16:17
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> what a weird way out of the problem16:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> why not just change your code so that app can entirely be fit inside the folder that you can put anywhere u wish16:18
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> with all the .so libs there too16:18
tgBot<samzn> @KrisJacewicz, The issue is that the ((very) limited) phone storage is split into two partitions, in a model that only android really uses16:18
tgBot<samzn> Actually iOS also does it like that but at least they are competent :)16:19
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> @samzn, so i am working on an alternative store app for UT that allows for packaging apps in a way that thwy get installed to the userspace16:20
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so that users can install apps without sudo16:20
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and into userspace16:20
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> @samzn, Again, not under Ubuntu Touch or Plasma Mobile16:20
tgBot<samzn> packages?16:20
tgBot<samzn> @UniversalSuperBox, without repartitioning you can't unify the two partitions, can you?16:21
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> lets take terminal app as an example16:21
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> you download the click and extract it as its just a zipped archive16:21
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> i side you hc lot of stuff16:21
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but u take out the app binary16:21
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> copy into a folder say ~/terminalapp16:22
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and place customized launcher in ~/.local/share/applications/16:22
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> all data is in the userspace16:22
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> no sudo required at all16:22
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> app launcher is in the apps scope with all other apps16:22
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and u have a portable terminal app without any apparmor confinement16:23
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> without all the click stuff16:23
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and same with gtk/x apps16:23
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> so i am developing an appstore like app that hosts apps packaged for this type of deployment and handles everything automatically without sudo and into userspace only16:25
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> only some apps are more troublesome than others, example geany, it just forces you to put aome stuff under /usr/share/geany, so even if u move the binary to the userspace and create custom launcher also on the userspace it will only look for some data files outside of your home directory16:26
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> for such cases i will want that actual data still goes to userspace under a folder with the binary and all the rest, but the installer makes symlinks which still write to the / partition but arw tiny and generally wont make your space run out16:27
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> but as much as i am absolute fan of Linux i think that it is a stupid design that installing software throws application's files all over the place16:29
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> and it is not a requirwment, just some sort of mannerism that developers blindly follow16:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> take Telegram desktop app linix version as a good example16:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> no sude16:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> extract to your home folder and it just works16:30
tgBot<KrisJacewicz> all tight together16:31
tgBot<Ern_st> @wayneoutthere Did you try to set a day for the alarm clock ? as mentioned here https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/288 ?16:34
tgBot<wayneoutthere> Thanks @Ern_st .  that launchpad link doesn't work there (I commented this) and I just set an alarm now trying to set a day to make sure there is a day set and see if that helps.  Thaks for the lead and I'll let you know16:40
tgBot<Ern_st> Regarding podbird, it simply stop to work on my Nexus 5 from one day to another one. After a config + cache clean, desinstall and reinstall it's working like a charm.16:43
tgBot<garrogarri> #Question when will you release a patch for Krack?16:57
tgBot<Michele> does anyone know if there's a way to install ut apps (`.click`) on ubuntu desktop?16:57
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Ern_st, cool man. this might be working now but the solution wasn't what I expected.  You can see my last two responses in the git (GIT!) hub above.  thanks again in the process i may have got it working16:59
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Ern_st, on behalf of @exar_kun we at the Ubuntu Touch Audiocast thank you!17:00
tgBot<Montefrio> @KΓ©vin, how to do config + cache clean on UT?17:02
tgBot<Michele> you can do it with UT Tweak Tool17:03
tgBot<Montefrio> thx17:06
tgBot<JBBgameich> @garrogarri, Probably when someone rebuilds a fixed version of the package wpasupplicant for vivid. Which version of wpa is included in vivid by default? Maybe the fix for debian jessie will fit here too.17:33
tgBot<JBBgameich> OK, found the patch (https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/wpa.git/patch/?id=5e1d735e15aef8dc762761c5e938dec9db209bdd). Just apply this on the ubuntu vivid version of the wpa source package and rebuild. Should be fixed then, as long as the android part doesn't has to do something with this.17:36
tgBot<Matteo> @Matteo, I think I resolved this issue by deleting data for the system setting app with TweekGeek πŸ˜πŸ‘ . Now I switched back to release candidate.17:53
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @Michele, You can compile and install from source locally but it's not that trivial. I am currently investigating this. If you are interested although it's rather a hack and will not work for any app currently in the openstore but only a very few i can send you my work-in-progress docs18:11
tgBotAfzalAlam was added by: AfzalAlam18:12
tgBot<AfzalAlam> I'd like to install UT via MultiROM. Any ideas where I can get a compiled version of UT from ubports to flash that?18:13
tgBot<AfzalAlam> Bacon user btw18:13
tgBot<Matteo> @AfzalAlam, As far as I understood, MultiROM is no more supported by Ubuntu Touch developed by UBports...ah by the way, welcome Afzal18:15
tgBot<AfzalAlam> @Matteo, Thanks Matteo.18:16
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @AfzalAlam, yes, I always see @UniversalSuperBox saying "Sorry, no multi-rom".  I dn't know what it means but it must be true :(18:43
tgBot<samzn> @AfzalAlam, attempt to use efidroid18:44
tgBot<TronFourtyTwo> @samzn, Does EFIdroid instead supports ut?18:47
tgBot<Michele> @demokrit atomos, yes, pleaseπŸ‘πŸ»18:50
tgBot<demokrit atomos> @Michele, At the link directly go to the section about local building: https://github.com/demokrit011/own_docs/blob/master/Creating%20a%20clean%20Yunitbuntu%2016.04.md18:52
tgBot<el_namor> @Milan Korecky, yeah I've seen it thank you :)19:07
tgBot<el_namor> Well guys, I have quite sever issues with my N5. :( … Unfortunately UT runs far worse than before on my BQ E4.5 :(19:08
tgBot<el_namor> There are the minor annoying and known things like 1970 date or screen not switching on with brightness sensor activated ... … But also severe things: … First problem is strong battery drain (also in comparison to android) … Now the network manager was crashed somehow, WLAN was not found, flight mode did not work. … The phone freezed totally in one point and got quite hot (without doing something special except trying to connect to WIFI). …19:10
tgBotoff the phone but it did not shut down totally: the screen was black but phone still activated. … Now it seems to be in kind of a boot loop with always the google logo showing up, going black again, then UT loading logo then again google logo ... :/19:10
tgBot<Ern_st> Force the shutdown, plug it and then restarting. It can behave a bit crazy time to time if it's low in battery.19:19
tgBot<Ern_st> @el_namor For the 1970 do you have a cell network on your phone ?19:20
tgBot<el_namor> yes … and with network signal it sets then actual date but it's a strange bug I did not see at the Aquaris E4.519:20
tgBot<el_namor> I tried to shutdown but always when I press the on/off button the phone will start again showing the google screen for quite long time then getting black screen and then suddenly showing the ubports loading screen until it's black again and nothing happens :/ … It's connected to the plug already 😐19:21
tgBot<el_namor> Unfortunately, this is not usable like this for daily driver (as my BQ has been for 1.5 yrs with canonical image and 0.5 yrs with the ubports image)19:23
tgBot<el_namor> Can I break this boot loop somehow or do I have to wait until deep discharge of the battery? (which is not a good thing actually for the battery ...)19:23
tgBot<el_namor> Ah I managed to get into recovery mode and at least switch off the phone from there properly.19:25
tgBot<el_namor> Ok I'll leave it charge now for some time and then try again restarting ...19:26
tgBot<Michele> If I have this what can I do? reboot the phone? but why does this appen?19:29
tgBot<Michele> (Photo, 540x960) https://irc.ubports.com/deriJhJu/file_1252.jpg19:29
tgBot<el_namor> This is a bug I had already with my BQ E4.5 (Canonical an Ubports image) … Phone continues working generally ... … But the indicator won't be fixed unless you restart.19:30
tgBot<Michele> bq 4.5 me too...19:31
tgBot<Ern_st> @el_namor, Unfortunatly we have an opposite view. Yes you need to break the boot loop, by pushing power button long enough at the right moment.19:32
tgBot<el_namor> @Michele, Just restart. I seems to crash randomly ... I didn't notice any rule behind this.19:32
tgBot<Ern_st> Ok great, keep us update. for the brighness sensor is working, no issue to report on that.19:33
tgBot<el_namor> @Ern_st, well I am happy to have broken the boot loop now. … But I must say that for me the N5 is running worse than the BQ E4.5 before (which unfortunately broke :( ). … I had these not being able to connect to wifi (not seeing it) also with the BQ E4.5 but usually switchin to flight mode shortly solved the issue. Then there was no battery drain with phone getting hot without any action and these boot loops ... … I know that it is not comparab19:35
tgBotyou guys adjusted all the image yourself for the N5 (which is an amazing achievement) but it seems that there is still quite severe bugs present.19:35
tgBot<Ern_st> @el_namor, No worry, it's your experience that i don't doubt about it. I'm trying to share mine and understand yours.19:36
tgBot<Ern_st> For information I didn't adjust anything on my N5... i'm just using the official image.19:36
tgBot<el_namor> @Ern_st, the date issue is already labelled for OTA3 … https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/5 … the brightness sensor is working on my device too, but screen wont switch on properly then. its also labelled already for OTA-3 … https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/6519:37
tgBot<el_namor> @Ern_st, so you are on Android?19:37
tgBot<Ern_st> Ah it's not the brightness sensors, it the initial wake up. Yes i do have this bug. I push the power ONCE button and swipe the screen. Voila !19:39
tgBot<Ern_st> (Sticker, 448x512) https://irc.ubports.com/6xizDgE0/file_125319:39
tgBot<Ern_st> No Ubuntu touch Devel supported by Ubport 😁19:39
tgBot<el_namor> well I don't understand then what you mean with "official image" … I have the UBports image for N5 also. Stable channel, OTA-2. There was no official canonical image for the N5, was it? I thought there was only one for the N4 and N7. … I flashed the UBPorts image and installed my apps from openstore and the three apps I still need from ubuntu store (Dekko, Stream-Player and German News Webapp) and nothing else.19:41
tgBot<el_namor> No manual messing around via apt or libertine or whatever at this point.19:41
tgBot<el_namor> Ok after some charging I tried to boot and it works now πŸ‘πŸ» … I'll let it charge19:42
tgBot<Ern_st> Officially supported by Ubport19:43
tgBot<el_namor> this I have also19:43
tgBot<Ern_st> Yes i noticed your bug at low battery once or twice, really annoying but i couldn't find a way to reproduce it19:43
tgBot<el_namor> Moreover, there seems to happen battery drain from time to time. … With Android the battery time of the device was not great, but about 1-1.5 days with moderate use19:45
tgBot<el_namor> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/6uie00lg/file_1255.jpg19:45
tgBot<el_namor> this is with UT … I already noticed, that 4G drains a lot, so I switched network to 2G/3G only and was connected today mainly to WIFI and normal moderate use with Telegram, browser, one or two calls and quite long stand by times in between … the battery time is defenitely worse than E4.5 and than N5 with Android. And as said, I noticed the device gettin very warm from time to time without special activity done by me. … Could it be that this rel19:48
tgBotissue with boot loop at low battery?19:48
tgBot<Alexander> Yes, I agree , but if you don't use the screen the battery time is increased a lot. I think that it's mainly because the screenbrightness is too strong on Utouch, see https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/21319:48
tgBot<Ern_st> try to reboot one more time... otherwise try to run from a computer a top on your phone see what is consuming cpu.19:49
tgBot<el_namor> @Alexander, well today I had the phone on almost minimal brightness (manually) as I was annoyed by the screen not switching on properly bug with automatic screen brightness19:49
tgBot<Alexander> Yes, because the minimal brightness is still so bright in my opinion19:50
tgBot<el_namor> @Ern_st, atm it seems fine … But before it got into the boot loop and when it didn't find the wifi and did not enter flight mode it was one of the occasions when it got hot also ...19:50
tgBot<malditobastardo> Automatic works fine in my N5 but the power button bug annoys me19:50
tgBot<malditobastardo> Battery lasts very well on my device too. 26hrs with medium use is crazy good19:51
tgBot<malditobastardo> For me at least19:51
tgBot<el_namor> well I've been using the N5 with Lineage now for about 2 weeks and it was fine also in range 24-36h depending on using intensity19:53
tgBot<el_namor> but for me, with UT it hardly lives 12h with same using intensity :/19:53
tgBot<el_namor> The BQ E4.5 acutally lived longer with UT than with Android (without google apps calling home all the time). … In the beginning more than 48h with UT and even in the end easily over 24h with 2.5 yr old battery19:54
tgBot<malditobastardo> Of course. The good thing in my situation is that I bought an used N5 😺19:56
tgBot<malditobastardo> My old samsung s4 lasted half a day19:57
tgBot<malditobastardo> And my iPhone 4 lasts 15-20hs after 5 years19:57
tgBot<malditobastardo> The funny part in the N5 is that the battery drains quick from 100 to 70% but after that it lasts well19:58
tgBot<el_namor> my N5 is also used from ebay. … battery was an issue already when I flashed first UT in september (short battery time) … But the pre-owner said, the battery was changed in january. Hence, I checked with lineageOS ond my N5 and there it runs 24-36h and now in UT hardly 12h :/19:59
tgBot<malditobastardo> Hmmm19:59
tgBot<malditobastardo> Weird19:59
tgBot<malditobastardo> 12hrs normal use? Telegram. Dekko. Some browsing ?20:00
tgBot<el_namor> yupp20:00
tgBot<el_namor> maybe even one or two 5min calls (very old fashioned: make calls with a smartphone πŸ˜†)20:00
tgBot<malditobastardo> Lol20:01
tgBot<malditobastardo> Of course20:01
tgBot<malditobastardo> It should last much more tbh20:01
tgBot<malditobastardo> At least 20hrs easily20:01
tgBot<malditobastardo> 12hs is not so great20:02
tgBot<el_namor> well from a 2nd hand phone you never know in which condition the battery is. so I checked with lineageos but as I saidthere it was easily 24-36h in normal android mode. … In this power saving android mode also 48h20:02
tgBot<malditobastardo> Right now my device is on 15% and I xharged last time yesterday at 9pm ( right now here is 22pm)20:02
tgBot<malditobastardo> True.20:03
tgBot<el_namor> well this seems reasonable20:03
tgBot<malditobastardo> I don't know tbh20:03
tgBot<malditobastardo> I hope the Devs can optimize the battery in the future20:04
tgBot<malditobastardo> I know they will20:04
tgBot<el_namor> maybe your phone would last 70h with android and oyu have an outstanding battery ^^20:04
tgBot<malditobastardo> I never tried  to listen to some music when in public transport like everybody does nowadays. I may do that tomorrow20:05
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @malditobastardo, sounds like my car.....20:05
tgBot<malditobastardo> Haha20:05
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @el_namor, woah! old skool!20:06
tgBot<el_namor> I even checked the internet about N5 and sailfishOS (as I saw in MDT that there is an image for the N5) but it seems even far more buggy than UT so I didn't even try ^^20:11
tgBot<el_namor> Hower, lineage rom worked without any bugs I noticed on the N5 … but you notice  every now and then that you are using an OS without google that is not meant to be used without google ...20:13
tgBot<wayneoutthere> I've just reviewed a song! It's a masterpiece....  it's about our community here.  I'm just making sure that it's suitable for all audiences.  So far so good....20:33
tgBot<wayneoutthere> ok, our judges and review panel have decided....20:35
tgBot<wayneoutthere> that it's suitable.20:35
tgBot<wayneoutthere> Proof that Work is Being done at UBports: … https://soundcloud.com/ubports/i-never-sleep20:35
tgBot<wayneoutthere> (courtesy of MC Joe (in here)???20:36
tgBot<UniversalSuperBox> This is truly a use of my voice20:52
tgBot<Matteo> @wayneoutthere, Lol!! Great work Wayne, I really appreciate πŸ˜πŸ‘20:52
tgBot<tembleking> hey, is there any alternative to kik on ubports?20:53
tgBot<tylnesh> Can you use ppas with libertine?20:57
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @tembleking, We have Telegram, Matrix, IRC, and a Google hangouts client20:58
tgBot<tembleking> @PhoenixLandPirate, no, I mean an alternative client to kik20:58
tgBot<PhoenixLandPirate> @tembleking, No20:58
tgBot<malditobastardo> Great Job with the remix20:59
tgBot<malditobastardo> Great skills there20:59
ubports_botProject daily-bacon build #303: SUCCESS in 11 min: http://ci.ubports.com/job/daily-bacon/303/21:02
ubports_botProject ota-push build #1179: SUCCESS in 1 min 1 sec: http://ci.ubports.com/job/ota-push/1179/21:03
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @malditobastardo, that one was all Joe (@exar_kun ) he used his sick-time well :)21:11
tgBot<malditobastardo> 😺😺 I really enjoy the podcasts and I understand all the effort involved by you guys21:18
tgBot<malditobastardo> Thanks21:18
tgBot<rubencarneiro> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/TgKWmWk5/file_1257.jpg21:19
tgBot<exar_kun> @malditobastardo, Yes, I'm "krillin" today *cough*. Thank *you* for listening!21:19
tgBot<Michele> @rubencarneiro, please, can you send it?21:24
tgBot<Ian L> @exar_kun, Love the song and the community. Great job to all involved.πŸ‘21:26
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @rubencarneiro, sweeeeet.21:27
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @Ian L, thanks for feedback and encouragement!21:27
tgBot<Ian L> Np21:28
tgBot<rubencarneiro> @Michele, not finished yet21:35
tgBot<Frank Fricke> @el_namor, Try command "restart indicator-display" in terminal, works for my BQ M10 to bring the indicator back without restart21:38
tgBot<rubencarneiro> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/X514qM54/file_1259.jpg21:46
tgBot<mariogrip> @wayneoutthere https://ninja-build.org/21:52
tgBot<mariogrip> @wayneoutthere chroot (children root) is a way to run rootfs on top if an existing rootfs in a children process (kinda like virtualbox but without the kernel) and qemu is a way to emulate arm syscalls on non arm systems21:58
tgBotNikosChat was added by: NikosChat21:59
tgBot<Stereofont> @el_namor, The N5 is a work in progress for sure. Getting it working overall was an amazing achievement. With limited resources 'everything working, more or less' is a pretty good starting point. It isn't a 'product' from a manufacturer and I think we shouldn't judge it in that way. It is a great volunteer project22:57
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @mariogrip, I think my understanding was way cooler.23:54
tgBot<wayneoutthere> @mariogrip, oh! it's not a lolipop???23:55

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