
vltalkisg, nemo: I had already tried (and mentioned) iconv before. It doesn't complain. `echo $?` is 005:49
vltlibreoffice shows only Gdk-WARNINGs on the command line.05:50
vltpluma: "** (pluma:20260): WARNING **: Hit unhandled case 34 (Incomplete multibyte sequence in input) in parse_error."05:52
vltI doublechecked in Python again: data.decode("utf8") works without raising an exception.05:57
alkisgvlt: did you configure pluma to use iso8859-15 instead of utf8?06:00
alkisgCan you pinpoint the line that causes the problem?06:00
alkisgE.g. cut half of the file, then again the other half etc, binary search, until you pinpoint the line06:00
alkisgIt shouldn't need more than 5-6 bisections...06:01
alkisgThen paste the line somewhere so that we can reproduce it06:01
* vlt does that.06:08
vltalkisg: Looks like pluma chokes on a \x0006:16
alkisgvlt: text files don't contain that :)06:16
alkisgthat's binary06:16
vltWhat does "binary" mean here? Is \x09 binary, too?06:19
alkisgNo, it's text06:25
alkisgtab, space etc are text06:25
nemoalkisg: \x00 is definitely invalid utf-813:25
nemoif python is accepting that they are not validating13:26
nemoit would kinda have to be invalid utf-8 or C strings would be in trouble 😉13:26
nemowell is invalid ascii too 😉13:27
nemo(for strings)13:27
nemoeh... I guess the python is just doing encoding validation, not validating that they are C-safe strings13:29
nemohm... why would pluma care about this...13:29
* nemo makes a test file13:29
nemoI tried test^@test13:30
nemopluma thought it was... UTF-16 I guess13:30
nemogenerated something that looks like a mashup of CJK but unselectable and uncopyable13:31
nemo2nd attempt w/ more utf-8. same result. RIGHT let's try putting a null inside some larger UTF-8 text file.13:32
nemoah-hah. finally13:34
nemohad to copy a whole article off of lemonde.fr and insert a null in the middle of it ☺13:34
nemoat that point it did in fact fail validation13:35
nemoor at least fail detection13:35
nemosimilar issues with "file" command13:35
nemo$ file test13:35
nemotest: UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long lines13:35
nemo(prior to the null13:36
nemoafter the null is just test: data13:36
nemowouldn't surprise me if pluma's using same underlying lib13:36
nemoheh. found an annoyed HN commenter a while ago https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=390675513:38
nemobut, eh, in a text editor this isn't totally illogical to me13:38
nemoalso invalid XML actually and probably invalid in a fair # of other text formats13:55
alkisgnemo: it was vlt that had the issue, not me :)13:57
=== Menzador is now known as Wreckedzador
sigurdsonhiya i am at the ubuntu-mate.communnity site but i cannot find "post new" anywhere?15:23
sigurdsonOk, i will ask here.. I had a power down in my house and i had to connect 1 and 1 drive to get them to work.. I am worried that some of the internal parts has fault, allthough i dont know.. That is why i need some linux tools to help me. Checking the drive state on my harddrives, my motherboard graphic card and RAM. Anyone know what tools i should use?15:30
Wreckedzador(1) This is indeed a support channel :)15:30
Wreckedzador(2) Did you run a fsck?15:30
sigurdsonI just asked how to post things on the community but i got no awnser :)15:31
nemooh well maybe he'll be back15:39
swift1102Hey guys18:38
swift1102sup folks19:26
=== caleb_ is now known as arch_n00b
arch_n00bthis channel is used for frequent questions, correct?20:05
sixwheeledbeastHe'll be back tomorrow.20:55
Dekkardwhat is the current LTS?23:03
fernandoboa noite a todos23:24
fernandoalguem pode me informar como faço para instalar o realplayer no ubuntu23:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.23:32
tsimonq2fernando: :)23:32

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