
naccrbasak: i'm thinkning i need to rethink the quiltify and changelogify logic, so feel free to pause that review00:43
cpaelzergood morning05:28
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
vinayushi guys i have an issue while deploying ubuntu-server via preseed.. same preseed file works fine with ubuntu-server-16.04.2 iso image but not with 16.04.3.. basically all i am trying is to automate postgres server installation.. can anyone help?07:33
vinayusabove links are preseed file and the image.. i would really appreciate if anyone can help me with this.. issue is also seen on daily release builds as well..07:34
vinayusand to note, these installations are attempted on an isolated environment where connection to internet is not there..07:38
cpaelzerjamespage: hi, can you see the effects of bug 1720887 or do I have to wait for cnewcomer / freyes to be around to check?08:51
ubottubug 1720887 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "Default settings for virtlogd results in "too many open files" errors" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172088708:51
RoyKhi all. how can I check when bareos first came in to the ubuntu repos?08:57
ikoniaRoyK: packages.ubuntu.com09:00
ikoniaRoyK: it will show you the first time it was in the repos09:00
oerheksRoyK, launchpad > https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bareos  i think Xenial 16.0409:00
oerheksthe 1st build support is way back, 8.04 https://github.com/bareos/bareos/tree/master/platforms/ubuntu09:03
RoyKsure - I was just wondering about when it came in officially09:04
RoyKI still think it lacks lz4, though, unless newer bareos uses the normal libs09:04
RoyKhm… it's a bit annoying that libfastlz isn't in the repos09:19
RoyKwhy was this again? Bareos uses it for lz409:19
jamespagecpaelzer: no I've not directly seen that so we'll need freyes09:51
JenshaeIs ppa:xorg-edgers known and considered to be safe?09:54
Jenshaewiki.ubuntu.com/XorgOnTheEdge same thing?09:56
oerheksi would recommend https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa for testing09:57
JenshaeContext: Someone managed to yank on a cable so hard that they broke a graphics card port and since all the staff use dual monitor setups, I tossed the Nvidia GeForce 9500 into the archive server I am making. (Will it assist when running virtual machines that do have graphics processing?)09:58
JenshaeThank you oerheks I would prefer just a stable driver if possible?09:58
oerheksyes, for that card i would use the regular drivers in our repos09:59
Jenshaewww.binarytides.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-14-04/ is that guide I am following but I was unfamiliar with the PPA they direct me toward.09:59
oerheksbroken port.. we cannot tell you if that affects the use of the card09:59
JenshaeI think it is just physical damage to the pins.10:00
JenshaeThe card itself seems fine.10:00
oerhekswell, worth a try10:01
JenshaeI was fiddling with a program that wanted a library, which is found in mesa, so I "updated" the graphics and lost them completely. I forgot it is not longer Intel / AMD and is now Nvidia.10:01
JenshaeSSH is still working praise the Nix gods!  ;D10:02
JenshaeThanks oerheks I didn't even think you would have default repositories for Nvidia. Good stuff.10:05
joelioRoyK: submit a ITP then?10:24
JenshaeOn the bright side, the graphics are working now, however, getting a lot of message on boot along these lines now, "[FAILED] Failed to start Login Service ... "11:32
Jenshae... and ssh now has, "Connection refused."11:34
JenshaeIs it possible to make a live USB of ubuntu-server?11:34
JenshaeSeems to have died, hardware is on, disk activity dropped off and screen went blank. Not entirely frozen because the NumLock is going on and off.11:36
JenshaeHard reboot has worked for some reason.11:44
JenshaeI noticed it loaded SMB/CIFS, that is the protocol that was also vulnerable to WannaCry, right? How about the new one, Anubi, is it safe from that one?11:46
lordievaderGood afternoon12:09
freakyy18.04 will be the next LTS right? ;D12:52
freakyythat's cool ;D12:52
freakyyim running 17.10 right now12:53
freakyyoh well but not on the server nm ;D12:53
freakyyon my server i run 16.04 ;D12:53
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04.1). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.12:54
lordievaderRight, even years. So yes, next is 18.04, then 20.04, etc.12:54
JenshaeSalutations lordie :)13:03
Jenshaeiostat seems to be weird. Why is the raid volume on a lower kB_read/s than the physical drives?13:06
lordievaderCaching, probably.13:07
mnaserjamespage coreycb - have you done any recent changes to the neutron packaging?  puppet openstack integration jobs are failing -- http://logs.openstack.org/08/511708/2/check/puppet-openstack-integration-4-scenario001-tempest-ubuntu-xenial/ab9e376/logs/neutron/neutron-l3-agent.txt.gz#_2017-10-17_11_29_13_858 (alongside a timeout assigning floating ip to port)14:44
coreycbmnaser: what release is that?14:48
mnasercoreycb pike -- http://logs.openstack.org/08/511708/2/check/puppet-openstack-integration-4-scenario001-tempest-ubuntu-xenial/ab9e376/logs/dpkg-l.txt.gz14:49
coreycbmnaser: that's pike-updates (vs pike-proposed) so you should be running with the same versions we released when upstream pike released.14:51
mnasercoreycb could it be an unrelated packages that broke things (maybe ovs, kernel?)14:52
mnaserbecause things were working okay until a week ago where we started noticing that failure14:52
coreycbmnaser: do you run with the default xenial kernel?14:57
coreycbmnaser: arp seems to be having issues in your log14:57
mnasercoreycb the booted kernel is 4.4.0-97-generic14:59
mnaserwhich seems to be the latest14:59
coreycbmnaser: ok i'm deploying xenial-pike and running tempest against it on my end now. i'll double check the kernel version matches.15:13
mnaserthanks coreycb15:22
JenshaeI just went through typing "logout" on all the ttys and hit ctrl+alt+F7, discovered there is a graphical login!?15:52
JenshaeIt won't start a session. What is it?15:52
tewarddpb1: sorry for nonresponse earlier.  Got stuck with no Internet because Comcast decided to do 'maintenance'16:25
tewardthat schedule *should* be fine, I'll triple check and get back to you.16:25
dpb1teward: thanks!16:26
mnasercoreycb sorry to bug you, any update on your side?17:10
coreycbmnaser: good timing, tests finished.17:11
* mnaser ducks from window behind you :p17:11
coreycbmnaser: i didn't hit any issues running tempest smoke against a xenial-pike deployment17:11
coreycbmnaser: confirmed too that the kernel is at 4.4.0-97-generic17:11
mnaserthe failing test is: tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_actions.ServerActionsTestJSON -- not sure if smoke runs it17:12
mnaserbut it's consistently failing17:12
mnasercoreycb deployed with ovs?17:12
coreycbmnaser: yes17:12
mnaserhttps://github.com/openstack/puppet-openstack-integration -- scenario001 is failing, rest are all passing17:13
coreycbmnaser: i don't know if this is related but worth sharing: https://ihrachyshka.com/2017/05/17/gratuitous-arp-for-openstack-neutron/17:35
coreycbmnaser: search for "bind: Cannot assign requested address"17:35
coreycbmnaser: are you using router HA?17:35
mnasercoreycb ran into that exact article but didnt get a chance to start reading the whole thing yet.. will take sometime today.  it is possible we are, i'll have to check the manifests.  but the same manifest works in centos 717:36
coreycbmnaser: there's this too https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/171730217:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1717302 in neutron "Tempest floatingip scenario tests failing on DVR Multinode setup with HA" [High,Confirmed]17:41
mnaseroh thats very recent and interesting coreycb17:43
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
naccrbasak: ok, I just force pushed my branch up that seems to work22:16
naccrbasak: we'll see if it can pass jenkins22:16

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