
oerheksMInor723, if your focus is on Qbittorrent, the top panel has the menu00:00
oerheksyou can switch this back, system settings > appearance , tab behaviour - show menus for a window ..00:01
MInor723oerheks, i have tried several times and it down not work. it works in the hexchat program00:02
MInor723Does ubuntu work like gentoo where i can add rss support? maybe its just missing00:06
oerheksi have no clue about rss + Qbit00:07
eaglestarhi i wanted to know I just installed 16.04 LTS x64 on an old computer but when I try to view available packages to install there are none, what do I have to do?  I alread ran sudo apt-get update00:10
Bashing-omeaglestar: Now what shows ' sudo apt full-upgrade ' ?00:15
o_aHello, all. What happened to the Artful RC images? All I can find are the Beta 2 images00:40
o_a...and a bunch of news talking about the release candidate00:40
eaglestarBashing-om: i will try that it is for my friends computer00:41
Bashing-omeaglestar: K; make sure that ' sudo apt update ' preceeds full-upgrade command .00:42
eaglestaris there a way to install a ubuntu on a linux mint machine and keep the contents of the home folder?00:43
eaglestari currently run linux mint on an old laptop but it overheats which is a common problem with this laptop from what I hear... I want to install ubuntu specifically lubuntu00:44
neydergood night!!00:49
neyderI have doubts about using .vmdk cloud image, is this place to ask?00:50
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
sourceslayerI have a piano synthesizer that has a couple of MIDI outputs, I've seen a few MIDI-USB devices but I don't know which ones have drivers for Ubuntu and which are best to use01:20
sourceslayerHow would I go about capturing MIDI output from a device to my computer01:20
sourceslayerI don't know much about the topic01:20
oerhekssourceslayer, if you don't find an answer here, maybe reask in #ubuntustudio or post on askubuntu?01:22
sourceslayerAh, okay, I guess I should do that starting with the former01:23
sourceslayerThank you01:23
oerheksdunno if there is a list of devices01:23
oerheksmaybe it works ootb ..01:23
sourceslayerHow likely do you think it would be for something to work out of the box where I can read the input using SDL?01:23
sourceslayerEh, I guess, I just wanna be sure before I buy anything01:24
oerheksit is midi, not that advanced over usb01:24
oerheks*compared to01:24
sourceslayerEh, I'm still rather new to it though01:27
oerheks#ubuntustudio is my best bet01:28
sourceslayerAlready asked01:29
sourceslayerNow, I just wait01:29
sourceslayerThanks mate01:29
pijama_boyMy spotify desktop client doesn't show its menu bar (even when I change "appeareance/behaviour" to always display menus in windows), is this happening to anybody else?01:35
pijama_boy*** solved *** there's not really a meu bar, you change settings by clicking on own username01:40
StickyNipplesOh they removed the menu bar? That's dumb.01:40
StickyNipplesI don't like that they make their apps all concentric but don't adhere to the native UI in any way.01:41
jamie_1hey, i need some help. the hdd slot on my laptop died so i have attached an external hdd and been booting from it, right now my laptop is telling me no bootable media. i pluged in my live boot ubuntu and im on that now, any ideas how to fix it?01:49
jamie_1is there a way to repair the boot sector?01:50
ElminsterHello folks -- I have a question regarding the setting up of an Ubuntu Webserver. When I set up the machine on my local router, it has the address It is designated as eno1, and can assign it to be static quite easily in /etc/network/interfaces file. So now I have a LOCAL static ip accessible @ But this does not make it so for the internet. So then how can I make my "external" ip static? Or how can I access my01:50
Elminsterwebserver machine from outside my LAN? Is it the ISP that provides such service for extra $ ?01:50
Elminsterjamie_1: same hd, but different connector?01:51
jamie_1Elminster: no, a whole different external hdd01:52
Elminsterjamie_1: have you tested it on another machine that it has a working os?01:52
jamie_1Elminster: yes01:53
Elminstercheck boot priorities01:53
jamie_1Elminster: already past that01:53
jamie_1i know i can reinstall and it will work fine but i would rather fix it and not loose my setup01:54
ElminsterYep, sorry I can't help01:55
jamie_1it shows when i mount the drive to /mnt/ubuntu and then cd to ./boot and grub is there as it should be but when i try to reinstall grub it tells me there is no bios boot partition02:06
jamie_1when i can go in and physially see it02:06
StickyNipplesI'm very curious about the answer to this.02:11
Frigid_CryotankSomewhere between Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04, /usr/bin/devhelp stopped allowing selection of a "current" book versus "all books". I'm on 16.04 now.. downloaded the latest sources for devhelp.. and the autogen.sh script malfunctions because m4(1) is out of date.  Have I just jumped down the rabbit hole of cascading updates?02:11
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texlaHow do I move files from Mint 18.2 to ubuntu 16.0402:20
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socommHow would one go about disabling the ubuntu 'upgrade available' motd?02:30
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ovidnisi'm having trouble adding facebook as an online account02:32
arooniquestion; i tried putting this in my crontab but it doesnt seem to run automatically ; it does run fine on the command line /usr/bin/xbacklight -set 3002:32
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macksfieldam I able to update just the gnome terminal? I'm on 16.04 for hardware issues, but the 17.04 terminal window was great04:48
cfhowlettmacksfield, you are on an LTS release which 17.04 will NOT be.  you can use the EOLupgrade process once it is released04:50
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | macksfield04:50
ubottumacksfield: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades04:50
macksfield@cfhowlett I'm not looking to upgrade to 17.04, just the terminal shell to the fancy one that exists on 17.0404:51
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macksfieldi believe it's jsut the gnome terminal shell04:52
cfhowlettget the package name and sudo apt install <packagename>04:53
macksfieldI'm new but not that clueless XD04:54
macksfieldI believe the version is gnome-terminal-3.24.2? Can't seem to find info on the packages actually contained in ubuntu 17.0404:55
Scienidewhen does 17.10 release?04:55
cfhowlettenabled backports in your software sources, refresh your software library and search again04:55
cfhowlettOct 19 Scienide04:56
Scienidecfhowlett: ahh okay, i have it and fedora 27 confused then i think, i was thinking it released today04:56
Scienidecfhowlett: does the iso usually release at midnight or during the day of the 19th?04:57
cfhowlettmidnight in what part of the world?  :)04:57
Scienideit's 1am here right now, so that's what? 6am UTC04:58
cfhowlettScienide, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtfulAardvark/ReleaseSchedule04:58
macksfieldfound what I was looking for: https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/17.04/ubuntu-main-amd64/gnome-terminal_3.20.2-1ubuntu8_amd64.deb.html04:59
Scienideim getting sick of using OpenSuse atm to just get use of Gnome 3.26 easily. haha04:59
cfhowlettScienide, I've been on xubuntu since gnome was dropped.  MIGHT be tempted to return to plain vanilla ubuntu now that gnome has returned/refreshed05:00
elkycfhowlett: you really gotta just say what you wanna say instead of fumbling with factoids.05:12
cfhowlettI haven't touched a single factoid today.  What do you mean?05:13
cfhowletteh, right.05:13
pabedguys , I need to install hp lazerjet 1006 on ubuntu 16.04 , in system setting / hardware /printer it added automatically but I cannot print and that odd thing is that in it qeue it said print completed05:27
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pabedmy problem solved https://askubuntu.com/questions/800289/hp-printer-install-fail06:05
cr1t1calwhat happens if I get ffmpeg/avconv not found in PATH variable?06:14
cr1t1calor something?06:14
EriC^^cr1t1cal: what's giving you that error?06:21
cr1t1calEriC^^: my discord bot06:21
cr1t1calEriC^^: it tries to run a player using ffmpeg06:22
EriC^^cr1t1cal: try "which ffmpeg avconv"06:23
cr1t1calEriC^^: yeah shows me nothing06:23
cr1t1caljust returns 006:23
ironhoofDuring a power outage I had a hard-drive rescan. It lost package manager install list. So I did the --reinstall option on everything now I got 2 init, 2 upstarts is there a way to fix this?06:24
kostkoncr1t1cal,  sudo apt-get install ffmpeg?06:25
ironhoof2 dbus-deamons too06:25
cr1t1calkostkon: lol. say no package06:25
cr1t1calkostkon: what else can I do?06:25
cr1t1calkostkon: no package meaning no package found btw06:25
kostkoncr1t1cal, what release are you on06:26
cr1t1calkostkon: 16.04 lts06:26
kostkoncr1t1cal,    cat /etc/apt/sources.list06:27
cr1t1calkostkon: one sec06:28
cr1t1cal^ i added the xenial ones <- kostkon06:29
kostkoncr1t1cal, so you are actually on 12.0406:29
kostkoncr1t1cal, sorrt 14.04 which is still supported ok06:30
cr1t1calkostkon: pardon?06:30
cr1t1calkostkon: sort?06:30
kostkoncr1t1cal, sorry*06:31
cr1t1caloh right soz06:31
cr1t1calbut why can't i ge tit?06:31
cr1t1calget it *06:31
cr1t1calpretty sure ffmpeg is a package in xenial MAIN06:31
kostkoncr1t1cal, there's no ffmpeg in the 14.04 repos. Looks like avconv is in libav-tools  so you could try  sudo apt-get install libav-tools06:34
kostkoncr1t1cal, i doubt the xenial lines you've added will ever work06:35
alkisgcr1t1cal: they may even break your system...06:37
alkisgRemove the xenial lines06:37
alkisgIf you want xenial, do a proper do-release-upgrade06:37
cr1t1calalkisg: nah06:37
alkisgOK, it's your installation...06:38
cr1t1calalkisg: its a vm on a server for a shitty discord bot06:38
cr1t1calalkisg: i wont be installing much06:38
alkisgAh, if it's ok to break, go ahead and break it06:38
alkisgEven just apt upgade will break it06:38
cr1t1calalkisg: okay fine06:38
cr1t1calkostkon: btw06:55
cr1t1calkostkon: if there is no ffmpeg06:55
cr1t1calkostkon: what do i do?06:55
cr1t1cali am still getting the ffmpeg and avconv not found error06:57
Ben64 you'd need to install libav-tools07:02
kryptonian"This method regards starting your website from a remote location. Since you will be entering passwords, you shouldn't use an unsecured connection. Either set up a ssl server"   Is this project beyond me? How reasonable is it to setup OpenSSL?07:27
kryptonianI just wanted to play around with MediaWiki07:27
hateballkryptonian: either use a selfsigned cert or use letsencrypt, it's not super hard but requires some reading :)07:34
kryptonianreading is managable, paying fees not so much. So I will look into selfsigned cert & letsencrypt07:35
kryptonianletsencrypt is actually very cool, just read their about us page07:43
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egonsenwhen will there be a wpa2 patch for ubuntu?08:20
egonsenhow can i check if it is already installed? "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" tells me that there's nothing to upgrade08:23
Ben64what version of ubuntu are you on08:24
egonsen17.04 64 bit08:24
Ben64apt-cache policy wpasupplicant08:26
Ben64if it says 2.4-0ubuntu9.1 is installed, you're good08:26
egonsenit does. thanks!08:28
fly_Yo, what is the thing to clear up when dpkg dies halfway through an install because of missing dependencies then apt-get doesn't work08:50
fly_I forget how to do this08:50
oerheksfly_, in your error you would read something about apt install -f, no?08:51
EriC^^fly_: sudo apt-get -f install08:51
fly_it sounds right but I'm still failing :S08:52
oerheksfly_, paste the full output, command and output, on paste.ubuntu.com please08:53
fly_(Trying various things, it fails at this a bunch)08:54
fly_I might've shot my own foot off, no worries08:54
* fly_ bleeds everywhere08:54
EriC^^fly_: did you run sudo apt-get -f install?08:54
fly_I did now08:55
oerhekslibc-dev-bin is already the newest, and you have held back packages, fix that first: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade08:56
TazmaniaHello, can any of you please direct me to the right channel in the chat?  I have some questions about the Ubuntu Core 16 that is running on my Dell Atom based platform.  The PC came pre-installed with Ubuntu Core 16.08:56
fly_oerheks: that seems to be getting somewhere, thanks08:57
oerheksTazmania, join #snappy for Snappy and Ubuntu Core08:57
Tazmaniaoerheks: thank you very much08:58
demophobiaI'm having trouble getting video to play on a website. Specifically, http://southpark.cc.com/full-episodes/s21e04-franchise-prequel#source=6154fc40-b7a3-4387-94cc-fc42fc47376e:fb76a7de-1c31-4186-abf9-2be2e3af4312&position=4&sort=!airdate ... Any ideas what I should do or check?09:17
oerheksdemophobia, on what browser?09:18
oerhekschrome works fine ( be right back in 21 minuts)09:18
demophobiaMozilla Firefox 55.0.209:19
oerheksupgrade please, firefox is @ 56 now09:19
oerheksso you also have an old flash, though this should play in html5 too09:21
demophobiaspend three weeks in a hospital and the whole world has changed :D lol thanks for the notice; i'll update now09:21
demophobia(how do you know my flash is old? is it packaged with firefox versions?)09:21
oerhekswelcome back on behalf of the ubuntu community09:21
oerheksehm, i noticed a flash update recently, that is why09:22
* demophobia does a feeble dance.09:23
CVirusWhy is do-release-upgrade -d trying to upgrade me to 17.10 if it is not released yet?09:25
EriC^^CVirus: because of the "-d"09:27
demophobia... Wasn't there ##ubuntu-offtopic? Was it closed?09:27
CVirusmy bad .. should have rtfm'ed .. sorry09:27
oerheks.. 2 more days09:29
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demophobiaWhile installing updates just now, a window titled 'Debconf' flashed on/off my screen a few times ... Any thoughts on that?09:42
demophobiaSeems odd.09:42
alexasso is the latest patched ubuntu vulnerable to key reinstallation attack? or it is also very much depend on the router patching?10:06
ducassealexas: the ubuntu patch was released yesterday10:07
alexasducasse: so i have it then, thanks10:11
mircx1hello i have a question how i install AntiSpamMeta10:32
Scoop7sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm vs sudo chown -R $USER ~/.npm   <--- It's the same, right ?10:34
ezra-sScoop7: should be10:36
ezra-sScoop7: doesn't hurt to try changing the actual command with an "echo"10:36
EriC^^mircx1: try /join #freenode10:38
ducasse!alis | mircx110:40
ubottumircx1: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"10:40
mircx1i need to know how install AntiSpamMeta not inside to freenode channel10:41
EriC^^mircx1: they might know in #freenode10:41
EriC^^you're in #ubuntu technical support channel10:41
PCatineanIs there a way I can have my phone plugged in but not charge it via USB?10:52
ezra-sPCatinean: that's usually controlled by the phone software11:01
brymcan anyone direct me to the best place for networking support please?11:04
brymmuchly bazhang11:05
bazhangbrym, for future, /msg alis list term11:05
brymbazhang: noted. thank you11:06
PCatineanezra-s, you think it's possible?11:09
ezra-sPCatinean: I recall that happening as a matter of fact, a while ago when I wasted some of my time in xda-developers installing custom ROM11:11
PCatineanezra-s, yeah it would need to be rooted11:14
PCatineanI was thinking it might be simpler to disable the charge port from the usb on my laptop11:15
ezra-sPCatinean: I'm not saying custom ROM is the only way, perhaps some manufacturers have that option in their software, I don't know, I do know or at least think I know it can't be controlled through the host machine where you plug with usb11:16
PCatineanoh I see11:16
MacroManpulseaudio crashes when I login: 'pulseaudio crashed with SIGABRT in pa_sink_input_finish_move()'11:17
PCatineansearched a bit for the Oxygen OS for my Oneplus 3t but nothing so far11:17
MacroManI'm don't know where to start with fixing this11:17
ezra-sPCatinean: perhaps their forums is the best place for asking about this11:17
MacroManMy audio has been working fine since I installed Ubuntu on this machine 11 months ago11:17
PCatineanezra-s, indeed it is, thanks! :D11:17
ezra-sMacroMan: if it seems like a bug, you should file one with most of the information you can get about your system and why it fails, if you can easily reproduce it just by starting pulseaudio manually perhaps you can get a trace log and attach it to the bug, or find if there is a similar issue already reported11:19
hateballPCatinean: you can disable the +5V in type A-B cables, but not sure how you'd do that with USB-C that the OP3T uses. And iirc you need power for at least some devices even to initiate data transfers11:20
PCatineanhateball, ah damn then :)))11:20
hateballPCatinean: but like ezra-s said, xda or OP forums are probably your best bet11:20
MacroManezra-s: Debugging it myself is a bit beyond my ability. I've sent the error report that automatically generates, but most of the info is garbage to me.11:22
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
MacroManI've removed the indicator-sound-switcher program encase that's causing it and I'll restart.11:24
kostkonMacroMan, delete the folder ~/.config/pulse and then logout11:25
joaopaulosrHey guys, can anybody help me to fix my cedilla comp key? I'm using a us intl keyboard layout and whey I press ' plus c i get ć11:27
joaopaulosrAlready tried a lot of stuff from ubuntu foruns but still got nothing11:27
joaopaulosrThis is my setxkbmap -query result:11:28
joaopaulosrrules: evdev, model: pc101, layout: us, variant: alt-intl11:28
xcom169Do you think this ' HP 22" FullHD LED  HP 2211x ' worth 60 EUR ( 6 years old )11:48
C00kieHi there :-)11:48
kostkonC00kie, hi11:50
C00kieHow can i configure my server to ignore the powerbutton shutdown? :-) Ask google gives me only laptop an workstation advices.11:50
C00kieUbuntu Server 16.04.3 LTS11:50
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
foca_Hey guys. I've disabled NetworkManager on my system and now it cannot open system settings. Anyone could help me here ?11:53
Tin_manC00kie, might try this link, the was not for server but I think the first answer might apply.11:53
C00kieTin_man: Thx the first is for gnome... but the second answer with editing /etc/systemd/logind.conf and reboot did the trick :-)11:58
Tin_manwell good, i was looking at my /etc/systemd/logind.conf mine server is 14.04, and it has the #HandlePowerKey=poweroff option, i'm going to try and see if it works..11:59
Callekso I'm on 16.0.4 LTS , I also have docker installer with bridged networking, however it seems that my network connection completely dies periodically, with wifi.12:02
Callekits as if it stops establishing connections, and stops existing connections, with time outs. The wifi icon in my dock never goes down, clicking the network name (to disconnect/reconnect) always works12:03
Calleknothing in syslog to indicate that it dropped. (except when I reconnect I can see those entries)12:03
Callekanyone ever experience this, or have suggestions12:03
Calleklocal provider+router is Verizon Fios, and I'm on a Lenovo "X1 Carbon" (gen 3) which uses an Intel card for wifi12:04
akikCallek: make sure you don't manage iptables with anything else than what docker creates for itself12:04
Callekin my own case, the network drop is systemwide, I only mentioned docker because I'm concerned its interferring (but not sure)12:05
baxxdoes java need PPA on 16? Or is the one in the repo alright12:06
akikCallek: did you check journalctl -xe when this problem happens?12:06
akikCallek: or journalctl -f to see it live12:06
CallekI've done `tail /var/log/syslog` have not looked in journalctl12:07
Callekbut nothing has stood out...12:09
BluesKajHey folks12:10
AnticomHi all. I'm looking for a good solution to sync my google drive to my machine12:15
AnticomI'm on 16.0412:15
AnticomI've seen that there's multiple solutions available and since I've never any of those before i need some help making a decision12:16
MrokiiHi. This is most probably not directly Ubuntu-related... I have installed the "ScreenSaver" app and tried to set a slideshow of images. However, there's always one one image chosen, which never changes (despite effects being shown that seem to suggest a change from one picture to another). Any ideas what the problem could be?12:21
MrokiiI've seen this effect on another system as well and wanted to test it out on mine.12:21
Tin_manAnticom,  if you install gnome-control-center i believe you can set up google drive inside of the center.12:25
AnticomTin_man: I have my ubuntu linked to my google account12:26
Anticombut that doesn't sync anything afaik12:26
AnticomOr does it?12:26
Tin_mani'm looking now..12:26
SchrodingersScatMrokii: odd12:28
SchrodingersScatMrokii: everything in the advanced tab checks out?12:28
Tin_manunder settings go to online accounts, and give ubuntu authorization to access your account.12:28
AnticomTin_man: did that already12:29
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: Yep, looks good to me.12:29
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: The only relevant setting I see on "advanced" is the one to set a path (which is set correctly).12:30
SchrodingersScatMrokii: hmm, which screensaver program might this be? I assumed xscreensaver, which may be making a you know what out of me12:31
Tin_manstill reading..12:31
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: Yeah, the GUI uses xscreensaver.12:35
maziarI had a ubuntu with some storage configuration, after reinstall OS, I wnated to add this hard drive but it backed with old configuration ! I want to delete every thin on this hard  "/dev/sdc1" and add it as fresh hard, what should I do? would you please kindly give a tutorial12:36
ioriaMrokii, xscreensaver-gl and xscreensaver-gl-extra are installed ?12:37
SchrodingersScatMrokii: ^ because GLSlideshow has options, and works for me.12:39
foca_System settings stopped to work after I've disabled NetworkManager. What's happening ?12:39
Tin_manAnticom, keeps sending me to Web authentication for Google, then a ubuntu wiki page, don't know how to get past this, if i find out I'll let you know.12:40
Mrokiiioria: They are.12:41
ioriaMrokii, and  xscreensaver-data-extra ?12:42
MrokiiSchrodingersScat: All the options seem to be accepted (they're written to the config-files). But the image never changes. I know that the folder is correct because whenever I start a demo, one image is chosen randomly, but only once and then never changes until I restart the demo.12:42
Mrokiiioria: Yep.12:42
ioriaMrokii, idk, maybe you need to remove gnome-screensaver12:43
dbuggerhello everyone12:43
dbuggerI have a quite weird bug... my laptop cannot seem to detect a monitor I have, if I use the connector of the "Display Port". Why could this be??12:44
AnticomDoes anyone else have any suggestions what sync client to use for google drive?12:44
hateballdbugger: what chipset/driver is this?12:47
dbuggerhateball, i think Intel... can you remind me the command to tell you exactly which one?12:48
dbuggeri fear I dont know it myself12:49
hateballdbugger: lspci |grep VGA12:50
hateballdbugger: you can run "xrandr" to show available outputs, DP should be there if things are working correctly12:50
dbuggerhateball, This is the output of my xrand: https://www.hastebin.com/acapeqepex.css12:52
dbuggerThe first command gives me this output: "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Device 591b (rev 04)"12:52
Tin_manAnticom, use the second option here at this link I used to use it, but had to find it.. >>https://askubuntu.com/questions/838956/ubuntu-16-04-set-up-with-google-online-account-but-no-drive-folder-in-nautilus12:53
hateballdbugger: and no mention of nvidia?12:53
dbuggerhateball, i pasted all that I had...12:53
hateballdbugger: hmmm. and is the DP cable connected now that you ran xrandr?12:54
fly_gnome-terminal insists on hiding my cursor and then whenever it does a full redraw it will re-display the cursor, which is annoying. how do I get it to stop either one, maybe just display the cursor all the time.12:54
dbuggerhateball, yes12:55
AnticomTin_man: don't get me wrong but i'm asking for first-hand recommendations12:55
donofrioneed advice I do not want to change my id_rsa.pub but I'm missing files I guess to I cannot "ssh localhost" ;(12:55
AnticomI know that there are multiple solutions but i'd like to hear the oppinion from s/o that's actually using a client and eventually has gone through trying a few12:55
dbuggerI should maybe clarify. The port on my laptop is HDMI. I got it it connected to the displayport through a HDMI<->DisplayPort adapter12:55
Anticomhateball: are you using a gdrive sync client?12:56
hateballAnticom: I am not12:56
hateballdbugger: there's no hardware switch to enable external output? like Fn+SomeKey12:57
Tin_manAnticom, that option has been around for sometime now, and it works fine.. I believe it is the best option since google does not provide a option themselves12:58
AnticomTin_man: So are you actually using it?12:58
dbuggerhateball, nop...12:59
dbuggersorry, yes, there is. But it does nothing12:59
Tin_mannot now, because i set up my own cloud, and run my own file server.. but I did use it and it worked just fine..13:00
hateballdbugger: Do you know if the output works properly with HDMI<->HDMI ?13:00
hateballdbugger: Just to rule out an adapter issue13:00
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LTCDHey, I want to change a file header to appear to be a jpg. What is the quickest way to do this on Ubuntu?13:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:17
SkyLord12345Hey! Try to google - hex editor for linux13:17
sud0x3LTCD: Why do you want to do this?13:21
pankaj_I have a vague knowledge about POSTFIX and System V. Can any body clear the concept and their differences.13:22
LTCDsud0x3 Am doing pen testing, trying to bypass a filter (it checks file extention but I believe it also tests header).13:22
leftyfbpankaj_: one is a Mail transport, the other is Unix operating system13:24
pankaj_leftyfb: I am so sorry. POSIX and System V13:24
ducassepankaj_: try ##linux, this is not an ubuntu issue13:25
leftyfbpankaj_: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4582968/system-v-ipc-vs-posix-ipc  ... from google13:25
sud0x3well as you said change the header this is pretty basic stuff you said you were a pentester?13:25
LTCDWhat file header do I use to make a file appear to be jpg?13:26
LTCDsud0x3 Never used a hex editor on windows is all, ignore my other question above.13:26
sud0x3a jpg file header, yeah your question honestly makes me think your up to no good if im honest.13:28
donofrioneed advice I do not want to change my id_rsa.pub but I'm missing files I guess to I cannot "ssh localhost" ;(13:29
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donofrio(wastold to "ask again" in this channel from #debain so that is why I'm asking again)13:30
donofriowas told I meant13:30
sud0x3donofrio: what did you do since the last time ssh was working13:30
donofriofirst time I tried it as a server - as a client it's been great13:31
sud0x3so never then?13:31
LTCDsud0x3 It's fine I figured it out for myself, I have a habbit of looking into space.13:31
donofrionever on this host as server no13:31
sud0x3okay, what files were missing?13:32
donofrioit's in the apaste at the bottom13:33
sud0x3I dont see it13:33
ducassedonofrio: you need authorized_keys13:36
leftyfbdonofrio: what version of ubuntu are you running?13:36
leftyfbdonofrio: do you have your public key in ~/.ssh/ ?13:37
leftyfbeither in authorized_keys or id_rsa.pub13:37
dbuggerhateball, sorry, i got a call13:38
ducassedonofrio: just copy id_rsa.pub to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys13:38
donofrioyes it exists and I'm using it on my servers that I connect to that is why I do not want to change it...13:38
donofriook I'll try that13:39
donofrioducasse, I do not have an rsa.pub13:39
leftyfbdonofrio: you said it exists13:39
leftyfbdonofrio: what's in ~/.ssh/ ?13:39
ducassedonofrio: ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub13:39
ducassedonofrio: it's in the paste13:40
donofrioducasse, oh ok looking13:40
leftyfbducasse: ah, I see13:40
leftyfbid_rsa.pub should work13:40
DomingoMontoyaAnyone else having wifi dropping out issues after last nights update to wpa_supplicant?13:44
donofriodid that but when I do "ssh localhost" it returns "Permission denied (publickey)."13:44
leftyfbDomingoMontoya: no13:44
leftyfbdonofrio: I would look in /var/log/auth.log as you're trying to connect to see what the ssh server is complaining about13:44
kostkonDomingoMontoya, no here as well13:47
donofrioleftyfb, that auth.log doesn't exist - https://apaste.info/tYxw13:47
ducassedonofrio: 'chmod +r ~/.ssh/authorized_keys' - if that doesn't work, post the output of 'ls -ld ~/.ssh'13:48
DomingoMontoyaokay. Thanks. I'm thinking my AP is actually just crapping out on me now. Seeing it on a non updated system now too.13:48
donofrioducasse, Permission denied (publickey). donofrio@WSAL0131:~/.ssh$ ls -ld ~/.ssh returns drwx------ 0 donofrio donofrio 4096 Oct 17 09:40 /home/donofrio/.ssh13:49
ducassedonofrio: ok, try the chmod i gave you13:50
donofrioducasse, I did before I did the ls (cause you said try chmod and if not work ls) so that is what I did13:51
EriC^^donofrio: do you have public key authentication enabled on the server?13:51
leftyfbit's a little disconcerting you don't have an auth.log13:52
donofrioEriC^^, dunno...13:52
allurehey guys.... cant install wine now. it says wine1.6 is required and is not going to be installed. Ubuntu 16.04.3 that I just installed on a new computer here at work13:53
allurewhat's up with that? :-)13:53
EriC^^donofrio: what does "cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config" give?13:53
EriC^^!paste | donofrio13:53
ubottudonofrio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:53
Cooler_how do i fix my broken ubuntu13:53
Cooler_is there a repair option13:53
leftyfbCooler_: depends on the problem. Please detail your issue13:54
donofrioEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/25759533/13:54
EriC^^donofrio: what does ssh -vvv localhost give?13:57
leftyfbEriC^^: he's posted it several times13:59
allureanyone here already had to do office365 integration with ubuntu?14:00
Cooler_my certs are broken14:00
Cooler_openssl fails, wget fails14:01
Cooler_hexchat fails14:01
donofrioEriC^^, https://apaste.info/UWou14:01
Cooler_chrome and firefox work fine cause they have their own certs14:01
leftyfbCooler_: what did you do to break your certs?14:02
leftyfballure: I use that with chrome just fine. Really nothing to do with ubuntu14:03
leftyfballure: actually, I take that back. I use office online ... or whatever it's called14:03
allurethat's the same, isnt it?14:04
Cooler_leftyfb: well a week ago everything was fine, then i shutdown my laptop, next day i opened it and hexchat stopped working14:04
leftyfbCooler_: define "stopped working"14:04
leftyfbCooler_: is your date set properly?14:04
justin8766when I add the module snd_usb_audio to the /etc/modules file and reboot, it doesn't get loaded? it does exist in /lib/modules/.../sound/usb/14:04
Cooler_leftyfb: https://hastebin.com/ladiqugosa.sql14:04
leftyfballure: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/office-online/ndjpnladcallmjemlbaebfadecfhkepb?hl=en14:05
donofrioCooler_, #remmina perhaps?14:06
donofrio#hexchat I meant14:06
allureleftyfb: oh, ok! this seems nice14:06
leftyfbdonofrio: it's a bigger problem then just hexchat14:06
Cooler_donofrio: what?14:07
Cooler_this isn't hexchat problem14:07
Cooler_openssl fails with the same "can't get local issuer cert" error14:07
leftyfbCooler_: is your date set properly?14:08
Cooler_and wget https://www.google.com  says "can't verify certificate locally"14:08
donofrioCooler_, ok sorry, awaiting help from EriC^^ tried to help ya14:08
Cooler_yup time is correct14:08
leftyfbCooler_: and date?14:09
kostkonCooler_, tried this already?:  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install ca-certificates ca-certificates-java --reinstall14:10
donofrioEriC^^, I'm still here if you have ideas14:14
donofrioneed to get files transfered and ssh seemed like the right option14:15
leftyfbdonofrio: you don't have /var/log/auth.log?14:15
donofrioI'll check again....14:15
yotamI installed python-language-server with pip and I can see the package in ~/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyls but I don't have it in my path, what is the correct way to do that? In fedora it added a file to ~/.local/bin/pyls but I want to know if there is a better and hopefully automated way to do this in Ubuntu14:16
donofrioleftyfb, nope - https://apaste.info/TozM14:16
pavlosdonofrio: can you paste, ls -al .ssh/14:17
oerhekscheck the ssh keys and folders, folder 700 and public key 664 and private 60014:18
donofrio"pastebinit ls -al .ssh/" returned "Unable to read from: ls"14:20
leftyfbdonofrio: pastebinit ls -al ~/.ssh/14:21
donofriopastebinit ls -al ~/.ssh/ Unable to read from: ls14:21
donofriogoing to use apaste one moment14:21
leftyfbdonofrio: ls -al ~/.ssh/ |pastebinit14:22
leftyfbI don't understand why you don't have an auth.log14:23
leftyfbdonofrio: cat /etc/issue14:23
donofrioUbuntu 17.04 \n \l14:24
maddawg2question... how come older kernels arent automatically removed from the /boot14:26
maddawg2it really should just keep only like 2 or 3 versions but instead i end up with tons that i have to remove manually14:26
donofriomaddawg2, try autoremove/autoclean options of apt-get14:27
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oerheksmaddawg2, that is why 17.04 is stored on 1 partition, no more full /boot errors, just 'full disk'14:27
oerheksthere have been tons of discussions about this, ubuntu has no right to remove kernels by design?14:28
pavlosdonofrio: can you change perms on authorized_keys to 60014:29
leftyfbI feel it should automatically remove kernels older than the current and previous kernel that were only installed from the official ubuntu repo's14:29
mzKasdumb question. if im using 17.10 beta2, when 17.10 gets out in 2 days, will it update normally to final version or i need to upgrade it somehow?14:30
maddawg2oerheks, i was not aware of that.. i have yet to upgrade to 17.0414:30
maddawg2i wont until it gets to an LTS release14:30
oerheksmaddawg2, upgrade does not change partition layout, only fresh installs14:30
maddawg2oh yea i'll do a fresh install14:30
maddawg2i usually do it that way anyways14:30
oerheksi do both :-D14:30
maddawg2i've had shit luck upgrading14:30
maddawg2oops excuse my language14:31
maddawg2forgot what channel i was in14:31
daxubottu: final | mzKas14:33
ubottumzKas: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Artful and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 17.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.14:33
mzKasoh thanks14:33
mzKasdidnt knew about the "full-upgrade" option14:34
donofriopavlos, did that https://apaste.info/mKdo still cannot work ;(14:35
=== juboxi is now known as jubo2
pavlosdonofrio: authorized_keys should be a file, not a directory. Can you rename it to something else, cd ~; mv .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/keys.bak14:38
maddawg2how come whenever i change my folder view to "Detailed view" or list it never keeps that setting14:40
maddawg2the next window i open is back in icon view14:41
maddawg2is there a way to make that the default view for all my windows14:41
Oscilliusnew to Ubuntu.  Q: what's the difference between an app packaged as a "snap" and one packaged as an "apt?"14:42
donofriopavlos, "No Joy!" https://apaste.info/Hya814:43
pavlosOscillius: https://docs.snapcraft.io/snaps/intro14:45
donofriopavlos, https://apaste.info/Hya8 ;(14:46
pavlosdonofrio: cd ~; ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa localhost ... does it fail?14:47
BeforeClickhow do you find ALL unmet dependencies? I seem to be runing in circles ...14:47
donofriopavlos, yes it failed just like everytime so far this morning - "donofrio@WSAL0131:~/.ssh$  cd ~; ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa localhost" return "Permission denied (publickey)."14:48
maddawg2BeforeClick, try "sudo apt-get -f install14:49
maddawg2after you install the package and get an error about unmet dependencies14:49
wook"sudo apt-get -f install" seriously has saved my life many times14:49
BeforeClickhmm done that a number of times14:49
maddawg2you didnt add a package at the end did you?14:50
maddawg2just sudo apt-get -f install14:50
maddawg2no package14:50
BeforeClickno I didn't14:50
BeforeClickit keeps haning at some point tell me the file exists and when I look it's not there14:50
BeforeClickI tried a different version of the package already but to no avail14:51
maddawg2which package?14:51
naccBeforeClick: what file? what version of ubuntu? use a pastebin14:52
BeforeClickhang on since I can't install patsbinit I need to catch the output manually14:52
ducasseBeforeClick: use 'command | nc termbin.com 9999' instead14:53
BeforeClickOh I rattled the cage a little too much it now does somwehting new :), I'll update soonest14:53
BeforeClickthat's the package that doesn't want to et installed "linux-libc-dev"14:54
naccBeforeClick: use the nc commannd from ducasse and provide the exact command annd output14:56
BeforeClickignore me I'll now do something drastic to the machine :)14:56
BeforeClickbut thanks14:56
BeforeClicklxrun /uninstall /full15:00
donofrioI'm still hopeing this can work15:00
BeforeClickoh ww, sorry15:00
Sbur3Got a Vasco Digipass 905 ID card reader and Ubuntu 17.04.  I am trying to access an administration in Belgium, but am told that I need drivers for the access to be possible.  Anyone wanna help?  I looked at Vasco web site, but no mention of Linux-based help15:00
pavlosdonofrio: cd .ssh; cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys15:00
pavlosdonofrio: and paste an ls -al .ssh/15:01
lordcirth_workDoes ubottu have a !tell equivalent?  Sbur3 left before I could answer15:04
oerheksSbur3 downlooad the .deb from vasco site : https://retail.vasco.com/install/how_to_install/905/installation_instructions_for_digipass_905.aspx#linux15:06
AnticomHi all. Is there any way to add rar (and potentially even 7z) support for file-roller?15:11
sYnfoHey, I'm trying to use aptdcon (to avoid issues with locking) on ubuntu 17.04 docker image, but I get the following error:15:11
sYnfodbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.FileNotFound: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory15:11
sYnfoWhat to do with it?15:11
foca_Hey guys. I've disabled NetworkManager on my system and now it cannot open system settings. Anyone could help me here ?15:12
Scoop7Ok I am confused, should I chown all my files/folder to user so that npm installs would not require sudo or is it normal for npm to be used with sudo ???15:13
BeforeClickfoca_: how did you disable it15:14
=== Menzador is now known as Wreckedzador
foca_BeforeClick systemctl disable NetworkManager.service15:18
donofriopavlos, second command output at http://paste.ubuntu.com/25759939/15:18
AnticomScoop7: although it's offtopic (#npm !!) here's a quick solution: You can add an .npmrc in your ~ to point your global packages somewhere into your home dir, that way you won't need sudo anymore15:19
AnticomHowever packages won't be *global* anymore (on a multi-user system)15:19
pavlosdonofrio: please change perms on authorized_keys to 60015:19
donofriopavlos, k here is output so far - still not working https://apaste.info/KhD5 I'll rerun that chmod (ran it once already)15:19
donofriothat did it15:20
donofriochmod 600 to the "file" called authorized_keys15:20
donofrioyah me!!!15:20
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pavlosdonofrio: ssh localhost works, right?15:22
donofrioyes sir15:22
pavlosdonofrio: good deal!15:22
donofrioyep wsl ubuntu rockin I am ;)15:22
BeforeClickis that just me but pastebinit is not returning a valid URL15:23
BeforeClickwith -b the only one working I found so far is slexy.org15:24
pavlosBeforeClick: ls | pastebinit15:24
donofrioBeforeClick, "just you" cause I used it and it works (but I also use apaste.info when I need to)15:24
BeforeClickpavlos read what I wrote15:24
donofrioBeforeClick, oh didn't catch -b till you said something15:24
nicomachusBeforeClick: what url is it returning?15:25
nicomachusmine is working fine.15:25
BeforeClickroot@BTIS1000003883:/# ls / |pastebinit http://paste.ubuntu.com/ root@BTIS1000003883:/#15:25
BeforeClickhmm that doesn't look nice15:25
nicomachuswhy are you root15:25
BeforeClickjust to ensure there is nothing in between, I normally don't do that15:26
BeforeClickoh ignore it, I found it15:27
nicomachuswhat was it?15:28
BeforeClickthis is command line box and it will appear http://paste.ubuntu.com/ is blocked by my firewall ...15:28
BeforeClickslexy isn't :)15:28
BeforeClickok let me fix that and thanks for bouncing it15:28
sYnfoSo I figured out the issue is that D-Bus is not running, how can I start it on the server?15:29
WreckedzadorThat isn't the only pastebin you can use, you know :)15:30
pavlosBeforeClick: pastebinit -s will list the supported sites ...15:31
pavlosBeforeClick: pastebinit -l will list the supported sites ...15:31
pavlosl not s15:31
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dserodio"Software updater" is telling me I need to reboot to finish installing updates. How can I find out which updates are these?15:42
eziohow do i install https://www.ubuntuupdates.org/package/core/artful/universe/base/php7.1-fpm in 16.0415:42
kostkondserodio, probably this https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3455-1/15:45
pavlosdserodio: if this exists, /var/run/reboot-required there is another file that lists the updates15:46
ultimaqHello, i was just wondering if there was anyone who could help me out? Currently I have ubuntu 16.04 running on my computer but it seems to freeze on boot, it lets me decrypt my hdd but it freezes, usually upon loading samba, and either freezes there or just at the text login for the tty15:54
dserodiokostkon: thanks, I had already installed that update yesterday16:00
tomeaton17How do I force apt to get a package from a ppa not the default repo?16:00
nacc!pinning | tomeaton1716:01
ubottutomeaton17: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto16:01
urgodfatherhello room, has anyone used rsync?16:02
d0uglasHi. In the process of moving from an old hdd to a fresh and larger ssd. Tried clonezilla but couldn't get it to boot, so now I'm DDing one to the other. I assume I'm going to get, if it works at all, a 260GB clone of the old disk on the 1TB hard drive that I'll want to resize. Is my best bet as a non-genius to try to do that in gparted or with fdisk, or should I try harder to boot with clonezilla? Thanks.16:03
d0uglas(clonezilla kept counting down from 30s and jumping back to 30s, trying to change options didn't help)16:04
dserodiopavlos: thanks. why should updating gconf2 needs restarting thou...16:04
pavlosdonofrio: I dont know ... maybe other packages trigger reboot16:05
dbuggerHello everyone. For some reason my laptop cant seem to recognize a monitor I am trying to connecto through the Display Port, but weird enough it works through DVI. Can someone give me a hand how could I make it work through DisplayPort?16:05
pavlosdserodio: I dont know ... maybe other packages trigger reboot16:05
pavlosdonofrio: sorry16:05
d0uglasand when using dd to clone my active root partition, is that bad, do I need to be unmounted and booted with something else?16:05
dserodiopavlos: /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs only mentions gconf216:05
ultimaqdoes anyone have a possible fix for a boot issue with 16.04? my work desktop is in need of assistance16:10
EriC^^ultimaq: what's the issue?16:10
BluesKajd0uglas, I've used dd to clone both / and /home successfully, but the target partitions have to be slightly larger then the source. Then after finishing use gparted live media to check the the target p[artition(s)16:11
ultimaqon boot, after decrypting hdd, it freezes and the screen starts to flicker, it seems to be freezing once trying to start Samba SMB/CIFS daemon16:11
mitmfhow can i know standrary library path?16:15
anddamon xenial should I have an actual "$vt_handoff" bit as kernel parameter or should it be a "vt.handoff=[…]" piece?16:16
nszcetaIs there a guide on how to install CUDA with the standard ubuntu repositories?16:21
nszcetaEverything I see online involves 3rd party repos16:21
EriC^^!cuda | nszceta16:21
nszcetaNo worries.16:21
pavlosnszceta: look at the developer.nvidia site16:22
nszcetaThat site wants me to download directly from nvidia16:22
nszcetaI want to use the CUDA in the ubuntu repos16:22
nszcetaI want the old one on purpose because of some old code I am debugging16:23
nszcetaI am working with ubuntu 14.0416:23
nszcetaEvery single "guide" online ignores the elephant in the room: the CUDA and nvidia driver that comes with ubuntu in the repos!16:24
nszcetaMaybe it is because of this level of insanity. Any ideas?16:28
pavlosnszceta: does this help, https://gist.github.com/mGalarnyk/f3b78fb90ca58855bba01738dd88ef2c16:28
nszcetaI appreciate it pavlos but I want the cuda in the ubuntu repos16:28
d0uglasBluesKaj: Well my situation might be simpler, the HDD with Linux installed (and running now) is 261G, the target SSD 1TB, and I'm only dealing with one partition, didn't split up /home /var etc. So instead of fdisk I'll do what you did, use gparted live media. A little curious how I'm getting away with cloning from a source I'm using and, for example, writing logs to as the clone runs, maybe it's all loaded in memory?16:28
nszcetapavlos if I give up on this quest I will use your suggestion16:29
nicomachusi'm running a program called mpdscribble which scrobbles tracks from MPD to a couple services. I'm having a couple permissions issues. It's trying to create a pid file at /var/run/mpdscribble.pid and journals at /var/cache/mpdscribble/lastfm.journal and /var/cache/mpdscribble/librefm.journal, but it doesn't have permission to access /var/.16:29
nicomachusI've always been bad with permissions. Do I need to set a user for mpdscribble? run it as root?16:29
foca__System Setting is not working after disable NetworkManager. What's happening ?16:29
EriC^^d0uglas: if you don't have a live usb, you could always remount the rootfs as read-only and then clone16:30
d0uglasBluesKaj: though is gparted not an option (not the bootable gparted) with the target drive that I'm not yet using and is not mounted to resize?16:30
nszcetaWhy does ubuntu bother bundling nvidia and cuda if the packages in the repo are UTTER CRAP16:31
nicomachusnszceta: chill. relax.16:31
nszceta100% of every guide on the internet tells you to immediately remove anything nvidia or cuda related and then to switch to the nvidia repos16:31
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BluesKajd0uglas, I would use gparted only after your dd copy was successful. I have no experience using gparted to actually copy a partition.16:33
BluesKajd0uglas, sorry I have to leave for 20mins or so16:34
d0uglasOkay, so once dd is done I'll make sure I can boot up with the new drive, then go on to use gparted to try to expand the partition to fill up the new drive16:34
BluesKajd0 no, I would set up the target partition to be slightly larger than the source with gparted first16:36
d0uglasohh. k16:36
lfowlrso what is the ... software updater not asking me for root password?16:41
lfowlrit's just uppdates without it ????16:41
lfowlrwhy don't i need root to update my system?16:41
EriC^^lfowlr: sometimes it uses older confirmations, you would have pressed the password but it never got to finish16:42
kostkonlfowlr, that's the default behavious since... ages ago16:42
EriC^^it does ask for the root password, just not always, it hit me as a surprise too, it's continuing an older update that's all16:43
otaviojrifowlr: maybe your user can do sudo without password. check /etc/sudoers16:43
kostkonlfowlr, it only asks when new pacakges are about to be installed, e.g. new kernel updates16:43
lfowlrno it installed new security update packages.16:44
kostkonlfowlr, not kernel ones I assume16:44
lfowlrEriC^^: I didn't feed the old password, it's fresh reboot fro yesterday. i never fed the passowrd16:44
lfowlrotaviojr: on ubuntu the default account always needs password. idiot16:45
lfowlrI checked /etc/sudoers16:45
ElminsterHi folks -- Webserver newbie question: So, I want to build a webpage accessible on the internet, but hosted on my webserver. I set up an old pc with ubuntu server and set a LOCAL static ip for my internal network. But now, how do I have it accessible to the internet? DO I absolutely have to pay my ISP for a static ip? DIrections are most welcome.16:46
tgm4883lfowlr: calling people idiot is an interesting way to try and get help16:47
lordcirth_workElminster, if you don't need constant reliability, you can get a free dynamic DNS (DDNS) service, where your router or server will inform the DNS whenever your IP changes16:47
ElminsterLordcirth_work: Services such as DYN DNS?16:48
CarlGaussElminster: besides what lordcirth_work said, remember that you need to set up your router to correctly forward port 80/44316:48
ElminsterCarlGauss: Thanks. noted.16:49
lordcirth_workElminster, yeah, I use noip myself.  And yeah, gotta forward ports, and I recommend using TLS with LetsEncrypt16:49
bigpictrying to use zfs on ubuntu for the first time..  I pulled a tried from the chasis and zpool status is saying it’s still online?16:49
bigpicit’s suspended the IO on the pool16:49
bigpica drive*16:50
foca__Can't open system settings after disable NetworkManager16:55
nicomachusfoca__: how are you trying to open it?16:56
lfowlri get error? system error? how should i solve it?16:56
lfowlrand also trace it16:56
nicomachuslfowlr: gonna need some more detail about the error...16:56
lfowlri just don't want to disable the pop up.16:56
lfowlrso i clsed that window. how do i fetch more details16:57
lfowlrdoes apt has error checkingj16:57
nicomachuscheck 'dmesg | tail'16:58
otaviojrlfowlr: sudo apt-get -f install16:58
lordcirth_workbigpic, what kind of pool?  raidz?16:59
bigpici’m going to destroy the pool and try it again16:59
lordcirth_workbigpic, probably the chassis does not hotplug properly and the OS is blocking on the drive rather than seeing it's gone17:00
lordcirth_workLook at dmesg and lsblk -f17:00
nicomachuslfowlr: a little info about what you're trying to do that caused the error would be helpful as well. This just looks like a bluetooth problem.17:01
nicomachus!pm | foca__17:01
ubottufoca__: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.17:01
lfowlri did that nothing it showed otaviojr17:01
lfowlrnicomachus: ok which info do you want? I already gave you dmesg17:02
nicomachusfoca__: try to open system settings from command line and see if it throws any errors.17:02
lfowlrupon boot it shows that annoying error message, and doesn't show the error itself?17:02
lfowlrnot my fault17:02
nicomachuslfowlr: what we don't know what the "annoying error message" is so... not our fault either.17:03
ironhoofI am ubuntu 14.04 and after using -reinstall in the package manager I now have 2 init, dbus daemons, and 2 upstarts is there a way to correct this?17:04
lordcirth_workironhoof, 2 packages of each?  2 running? or what?17:05
ironhoof23 running17:05
nacclfowlr: presumably you mean you logged in and got a "system error" popup. Rather than providing only a sample of dmesg, can you provide the full output.17:05
lordcirth_workironhoof, after a reboot?17:05
ironhoofThey all always startup17:06
lfowlrnacc: yes upon every boot i get that error? but dmesg full output you want?17:06
lfowlrdo you even understand it's ouput?17:06
lfowlrbut hte output of the pop up window error is different.17:07
nacclfowlr: yes, I understand dmesg's output.17:09
nacclfowlr: what do you mean "the output of the pop up window is different"? Different from what?17:09
lfowlrbut it's the system in the package management of ubuntu, not dmesg.17:10
lfowlrit's some broken deps or soemthing. ?17:10
nacclfowlr: what?17:10
nacclfowlr: "but it's the system..." what is it?17:11
ironhooflordcirth_work, I had a power outage and I got a corrupted package manager list. I followed some directiion using dpkg with the reinstall option. It corrected the list, but doubled those three items on every boot.17:11
nacclfowlr: dmesg is just a command that dumps the kernel log buffer.17:11
lordcirth_workironhoof, I see, that's odd.  Not sure how to fix it.  I'm using systemd on 16.04 myself17:11
ironhoofright, I do have that one too on a seperate drive, but my AMD machine I need the gpu support so im hanging on to it kind of important for now.17:12
alkisgironhoof: which items are doubled?17:17
ironhoofInit, dbus-daemon, and upstart-dbus-bridge17:18
alkisgThey run twice?17:18
ironhoofTogether yes.17:18
alkisgCan you paste the `ps faux` lines for the double entries?17:19
alkisg(or all of it...)17:19
ironhoofOne moment:17:20
ironhoofAll of right here in chat?17:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:23
ioriaironhoof, it's normal having 2 instances of init (it's not the old init, it's the upstart - init)17:25
alkisgAnd 2 dbus too, one for system and one for session17:26
ioriaironhoof, when a user logs in, a new init process is created for that user session17:26
ioriaironhoof,   118:  init --user17:26
bigpiclordcirth_work: is it better to use the labels under /dev/disk/by-id/ over the /dec/sd*?17:27
ironhoofOk, so its just forked then... Maybe I just never noticed, but since I had a problem I am looking harder.17:27
alkisgNot really forked, one runs as root and the other as the user17:27
ironhoofOh, I see!17:28
lfowlrOHMY GOD17:28
lfowlrI get that famous boot error. adn no one tells me how to corrrect. it17:28
lfowlror trace it17:28
nacclfowlr: "that famous boot error"?17:29
ironhoofI was just concearned that they might conflict, but geuss its just a false alarm. Well thank you anyways I will put it out of my mind.17:29
nacclfowlr: i asked you followup questions, which you have ignored.17:29
nicomachus"no one tells me how to correct" the error that I can't define or explain any further17:29
lfowlrnacc: that error which says report to canonical ...17:29
nacclfowlr: ok, let's clarify some basic terminology, then. There was an error (for some definnition of error). A monitoring tool (I believe this is apport) detected that and is trying to let you know that something was detected. That is the popup you are seeing. Did you click yes, report it?17:30
lfowlryes aport17:32
lfowlryes i reported it17:32
lfowlrbut it did't tell what that error is, and how to removeit17:32
lfowlrit's a infamous ubuntu eror17:32
ioriayea, very infamous17:32
nacclfowlr: how can you know if the error is "infamous" if you don't know what the error is?17:32
lfowlrok it is very famous17:33
nacclfowlr: do you mean the popup is infamous?17:33
nacclfowlr: the popup is *not* the error.17:33
iorialfowlr, ls -al /var/crash17:33
lfowlrI know it is errors or better said a famous family of erros17:33
nacclfowlr: what?17:34
nacclfowlr: i don't think you know that.17:34
lfowlrdrwxrwsrwt  2 root whoopsie 4096 Oct 17 22:11 .17:34
lfowlrdrwxr-xr-x 14 root root     4096 Aug  1 17:04 ..17:34
nacclfowlr: you don't know what the error is yet.17:34
lfowlrwho is that whoopsie user. i never created it17:35
lfowlrhow do i see all the users.17:35
nicomachuslfowlr: that is a user the system users for apport17:35
nacclfowlr: you didn't create most of the users that probably exist on your system17:35
lfowlrok good to know i thought i got hacked17:35
nicomachusbut I do love that it's "whoopsie"17:35
lfowlri'd reinstall the infamous system17:37
ironhoofFirst time I saw whoopsie I nearly fell off my chair.17:37
lfowlrbut are the bugs old in this ubuntu? so if they are known it's not secure? xenial?17:37
lfowlris the default installation secure?17:37
tgm4883lfowlr: yes17:37
lfowlrnacc: on ubuntu security  there was several bugs..17:37
nacclfowlr: you seem to be jumping all over the place. Do you want help figuring out what the error is or ot?17:37
nacclfowlr: "on ubuntu security"?17:38
lfowlrnacc: yes, but no helped me.17:38
nacclfowlr: what?17:38
lfowlron security listings.17:38
nacclfowlr: we have been asking you questions, which you seem to not be answering.17:38
lfowlrubuntu.com/usn or something17:38
nacclfowlr: so ... the security team reported security fixes and you think that makes you insecure?17:38
tgm4883lfowlr: if you format your questions in complete sentences someone might actually know what you're talking about17:38
lfowlrhow to correct the apport error17:40
lfowlrsudo apt-get -f install didn't wokr17:40
tgm4883lfowlr: fix the problem17:40
lfowlrfix ? i don't even know what the problem is !!!17:40
lfowlrubuntu is infamous for these errors17:40
tgm4883look at it17:41
nicomachuslfowlr: stop saying that, it's wrong.17:41
nacclfowlr: ok, please stop saying that. You are referring to a popup, not an error.17:41
nacclfowlr: the popup might be annoying, but on its own is unrelated to the error detected.17:41
lfowlris it a security risk?17:43
nacclfowlr: is what a security risk?17:43
ironhooflfowlr, a popup window is just a report from a problem without the popup you might not even know what the problem is. Like a seg fault will just close the program, but it reports it to you so you know why. A popup is a helper not the problem.17:43
lfowlrnacc: programs crashes are a severe risk17:44
nacclfowlr: how is that an answer to my question17:44
tgm4883lfowlr: no they are not17:44
nacclfowlr: i feel like you're perhaps missing some basic bits of conversation17:44
nacclfowlr: I asked "is what a security risk?" Was your answer "program crashes"?17:44
lfowlrthose family of errors17:45
nacclfowlr: *what* family of errors?17:45
nacclfowlr: you don't know what the error is!17:45
tgm4883lfowlr: that's not a family of errors17:45
lfowlrit's not just one error- but a "family" of errors that ubuntu is infamous for17:45
tgm4883lfowlr: please stop trolling17:45
lfowlrgeneralised erorrs, that apport reports.17:45
nacclfowlr: ok, you're a troll, i'm done helping. Good luck learning about Linux.17:45
lfowlrnacc: i don't want your "help"17:45
TJ-lfowlr: When you shutdown the system, do you have to manually power off?17:46
TJ-ahhh, good answer :)17:46
vishal_golchahave a pc build issue here . is intel z270 still facing ethernet issues on ubuntu installation ?17:50
ironhoofWhat kind?17:51
ironhoofsorry, what kind of issues?17:51
vishal_golchaseveral forums show z270 having ethernet problems becuase of lack of drivers and some NVMsum check problem17:52
vishal_golchathose posts date back to april or before17:52
Term1nalIs there a way to keep the updater from over-writing a .destop file in the package when updated?17:54
Term1nalVSCode uses a really terrible icon, and every time I update the package, I have to go back and change the icon. Can I in some way keep the file from being over-written when the rest of the package is updated?17:55
nicomachus!info dpkg-divert | alkisg17:56
ubottualkisg: Package dpkg-divert does not exist in zesty17:56
TJ-Term1nal: "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /path/to/file.diverted --rename /path/to/file"17:56
Term1nalTJ-: what does that do exactly?17:57
TJ-Term1nal: Tells dpkg the file has been diverted, and renames it to ..../file.diverted. Any future package upgrades will affect .../file.diverted, not .../file17:57
Term1nalI see, so I can divert it to /dev/null ?17:58
TJ-Term1nal: thus preserving your .../file17:58
hosasironhalik: he's trying to build a system, and he noticed his chosen motherboard seems to have drivers issues as shown here: https://superuser.com/questions/1104537/how-to-repair-the-checksum-of-the-non-volatile-memory-nvm-of-intel-ethernet-co so, he's wondering if it has been resolved, so that he won't need to patch it or something like that17:58
foca__nicomachus I've tried to run using terminal unity-control-center, but it shows with no icons on it17:58
TJ-Term1nal: I wouldn't recommend that! usually it gets renamed to /path/to/file.distrib so you could use that format17:58
ducassewouldn't a copy of the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications just override it?17:58
ikoniaTJ-: are there any restrictions around dpkg-divert ?17:58
nicomachusfoca__: try 'unity-control-center -v' and then paste the output of that to a pastebin and link here please.17:59
Term1nalducasse: I haven't tried that actually.17:59
TJ-ikonia: it won't create non-existent paths. I wrote a wrappe a few weeks ago to do that for me, so I move all diverted files to /etc/dpkg-divert/orig/path/to/file17:59
nicomachusfoca__: you ARE using Unity and not Gnome, right?17:59
ikoniaTJ-: thats interesting and useful17:59
TJ-ikonia: makes it easy to see all diverts, and to know where they came from17:59
foca__nicomachus I'm using gnome18:00
TJ-ikonia: see http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/dpkg-divert18:01
nicomachusfoca__: ok, that's a different package name. One sec lemme find it18:02
nicomachusfoca__: gnome-control-center18:03
TJ-ducasse: usually (my experience with Firefox) is it'll create duplicates18:03
hosasioria: can I pm you? thanks18:05
foca__nicomachus I tried to install that package but it installs NetworkManager again and it's causing some problem here18:06
ikoniaTJ-: useful, thank you18:06
nicomachusfoca__: well maybe we should work on fixing the NetworkManager problems?18:06
foca__nicomachus The only way that my system stops to get log errors was using WICD instead NetworkManager. When NetworkManager is installed it returns this error NetworkManager[907]: nm_device_get_device_type: assertion 'NM_IS_DEVICE (self)' failed18:10
=== jelly-home is now known as jelly
TJ-bug #156856018:11
ubottubug 1568560 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "nm_device_get_device_type: assertion 'NM_IS_DEVICE (self)' failed" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156856018:11
nicomachuswell, TJ-, get to fixin18:12
TJ-pfft, I'm only the butler :)18:12
nicomachusfoca__: is that you on the very bottom there? looks like it. diegofoca12318:13
foca__ubottu I wrote the solution there, was the same that I did here using WICD instead NetworkManager18:14
ubottufoca__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:14
foca__nicomachus yes it's me :D18:15
vishal_golchacan someone suggest motherboards that install with all drivers flawlessly for ubuntu 16.04 , for deep learning18:15
nicomachusvishal_golcha: this channel generally doesn't do hardware recommendations.18:15
TJ-foca__: What is the make/model of the PC with the problem?18:15
vishal_golchafoca__ it's asus strix z270f ,16gb ram , gigabyte gtx 1070 oc18:17
TJ-foca__: the thing is, "assertion 'NM_IS_DEVICE (self)' failed" isn't a report related to the actual issue, but that can be generated as a result of an underlying issue.18:17
foca__TJ- Intel® Desktop Board DH67BL18:20
TJ-foca__: this is on 16.04 is it?18:21
CapprenticeHi! Left click on touchpad not working. Ubuntu 16.04, MSI CX62 7QL18:22
Capprenticewhere do I start looking?18:22
foca__TJ- 17.0418:23
pmitrosI have a program which often fails on startup. It's not an Ubuntu package (it's a wonky rabbit-mq thing which came with an enterprise piece of junk). I'd periodically like to try to restart it if it fails. What's the best way to do that?18:24
pmitrosI wrote a short script with a loop: service rmq status && service rmq restart; sleep 5s;18:24
pmitrosBut that seems (1) unclean. (2) For some reason, service rmq status goes into less (even if not at a terminal)18:25
TJ-foca__: Are you using that PC right now on IRC? If so can you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; ip link show)"18:26
TJ-pmitros: if the init system is systemd you can create a unit file for it and tell systemd to restart it automatically18:27
=== jstein_ is now known as jstein
pmitrosTJ: Can you point me to a doc or similar? I'm not quite sure what a unit file is.18:27
pmitrosTJ: Is that the name of the files in etc/init.d?18:28
naccpmitros: `man systemd.unit`18:28
TJ-pmitros: what version of Ubuntu is it? 16.04 ?18:28
naccpmitros: and no, it's not, to the particular questio you just had :)18:28
naccpmitros: (note also that service is a 14.04-ism, I believe)18:29
pmitrosTJ: 16.0418:29
pmitrosUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS18:29
pmitrosThe script is /etc/init.d/rmq18:29
TJ-pmitros: so the default is systemd, so you can use a .unit service file. Let me find the help wiki page for this18:29
MannyLNJIs this a Ubuntu or a Virtual Box issue?  Virtual Box 5.1.30 on Ubuntu. Guest is Windows 7. System sees my iphone and starts to install drivers but the install fails. Any help is appreciated18:30
foca__TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/25760899/18:30
nicomachusMannyLNJ: which system is trying to read the iPhone?18:31
MannyLNJnicomachus, I assume Windows 7 guest because I want to use itunes to backup the phone18:31
naccMannyLNJ: "install fails"?18:32
nicomachusMannyLNJ: then that's probably a Windows issue, but it's tough to tell for sure. Is USB pass-through enabled on the Vbox?18:32
TJ-pmitros: see https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server/issues/135918:32
pmitrosNeat! I'll try that.18:32
pmitrosThank you!18:33
MannyLNJnacc, I get a code 10 in the windows system, nicomachus I beliebe USB Pass through is enabled because there is the check mark newxt to Apple Iphone18:33
nicomachusMannyLNJ: sounds like a Windows issue installing the driver then? I'm not sure. Windows + iPhone is the opposite of my specialty18:34
pmitrosActually, hold on. That might be a bit complex. There's a pretty big init.d script already. Converting that would be a bit of work....18:34
TJ-foca__: the PC has 2 wired interfaces (Intel 82579V and Realtek 8111/8168/8411) - which one is it you're using18:34
naccMannyLNJ: yeah that sounds like an ubuntu issue18:34
stochastixhas 17.10 done away with Unity already?18:34
nicomachusstochastix: yes. Also, see #ubuntu+1 for 17.10 questions18:35
stochastixAhh, ok thanks. for the +118:35
foca__TJ- Realtek 8111/8168/841118:35
MannyLNJnacc, I just tried to pass through another USB device and it failed. I think there is an underling issue.18:35
TJ-foca__: is the Intel device not used, or used for something else?18:36
TJ-foca__: there have, historically, been a few issues with RTL8168 type devices where the wrong driver loads. I'm wondering if that might be at the root of your inconsistent network IF issues18:36
TJ-MannyLNJ: check /var/log/auth.log and /var/log/kern.log for clues - maybe permissions issues, or a driver-in-use type thing18:37
foca__TJ- no, I just installed other network card to check if that problem could gone, but it occurs with both networks18:38
TJ-foca__: That's a useful datapoint. Did the issue occur during the current boot cycle? If so can you show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"18:40
foca__TJ- That error was happening before I've installed WICD, now that error is gone, These command is still useful to check that ?18:42
MannyLNJTJ-, thank you. I have no idea what to look for in the log18:43
TJ-MannyLNJ: I'd look for any errors/denied messages at the end of each log file which should relate to when you last tried to initiate the pass through18:44
TJ-foca__: no, it would only help if the problem occurred during this boot cycle. What we may be able to do is identify an older syslog file that will cover a time when the issue did happen, and read that. Can you show us "pastebinit <( ls -ltr /var/log/syslog* )"18:45
foca__TJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/25761016/18:49
TJ-foca__: when was the last date when you had the issue with NetworkManager?18:51
nicomachusbug report was 10/1118:51
foca__TJ- 06/1118:52
foca__TJ- 06/10 sorry18:52
nicomachusfoca__: October60th or June 10th?18:53
TJ-hehehe 6th October (in English)18:53
nicomachusOctober 6th*18:53
TJ-So if it's still there it'll be in the syslog.4.gz which was saved on the 10th. I've a feeling that won't contain the messages from the 6th though, those will have been deleted.18:53
TJ-foca__: show us "pastebinit <( zcat /var/log/syslog.4.gz ) "18:54
foca__TJ- yes kkk, so bad English here18:54
jscatalahello im trying to configure cgroups on ubuntu 14-04 LTS. As far as I can see, cgroup-mount is not available, that means I cannot run the daemon script. This is a know issue or any reason why this happen ? thanks in advance18:56
sliptteeshi guys... i have little issue.  Common users run applications in the wine. But, Active directory users can not run any aplications. I never see this before :-(18:56
foca__TJ- I have to go, talk to you again tomorrow, thanks for helped18:58
sliptteeshi guys... i have little issue.  Common users run applications in the wine. But, Active directory users can not run any aplications. I never see this before :-( pastebin.com/fFn5CsKp18:59
alkisgslipttees: and what's the error message?18:59
nacc!patience | slipttees18:59
ubottuslipttees: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:59
TJ-jscatala: are you using cgroup-lite ?18:59
sliptteesnacc: add link for paste!18:59
sliptteesnacc: no repeat msg18:59
flying_sausagesHey guys, is off-topic allowed here?19:00
nacc!ot | flying_sausages19:00
ubottuflying_sausages: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:00
naccslipttees: uh, you verbatim repeated the text up until the paste. So next time, just say, "Here's the paste..."19:00
flying_sausagesnacc, cheers19:01
jscatalaTJ-: yes, I want to add all tasks from a certain user to a memory limit.19:01
sliptteesnacc: Ok. Master of galaxies!19:01
alkisgslipttees: can they run winecfg?19:02
sliptteesalkisg: yes19:02
alkisgslipttees: can they run other programs that are not in /opt? Maybe permissions issues?19:02
akfHi all, I've upgraded to ubuntu 17.04 recently and now audio isn't working. I only have digital audio output available -- all other ports are marked as unavailable, despite the system recognizing the device. Any ideas?19:03
sliptteesalkisg: i try install adobe reader inside Active directory user. Same problem.... but common user open all. wine 2.0.2 stable!19:03
TJ-jscatala: cgroups-mount is in cgroup-lite. Is there a specific error you're seeing?19:03
alkisgslipttees: try asking in #winehq as well19:04
jscatalaTJ-: I cannot restart the daemon because does not exists19:04
TJ-jscatala: what doesn't exist? can you show us the error?19:04
sliptteesalkisg: ok bro. thanks you!19:04
sliptteesnacc: kiss ;-)19:05
jscatalaTJ-: and when I try to enter into the /etc/init/cgroup-lite.conf I see that there is a pre-start test -x /bin/cgroups-mount || { stop; exit 0; }19:05
jscatalaTJ-: I don't have an specific error,  service cred status cred: unrecognized service19:06
TJ-jscatala: "unrecognized service" means there's no "/etc/init.d/cred"19:09
akfnvm, figured it out. Thanks anyways!19:09
jscatalaTJ-: ok. so how could I apply the current changes then if I have no service?19:10
alkisgI'm frequently booting systems just to run `apt update; apt dist-upgrade` on them. And I have to wait for unattended-upgrades (apt locked), without any visual indication of when it'll finish. Isn't that annoying as a default? Isn't it supposed to run some random time after boot, and not immediately?19:11
TJ-jscatala: I feel like we're talking at cross purposes here. if you're issuing the command "service cred status" that implies you previously installed a package or service called 'cred', and it installed a /etc/init.d/cred start/stop script. The error says that file doesn't exist. Where did you get the command from?19:11
ignoohey there folks, running ubuntu GNOME 16.04. any good text editor to view any files as text even if not properly text files? or any good extention for Gedit?19:12
alkisg`less file` prompts "might be binary, open anyway?" and it allows you to do so19:13
ignooneed to inspect some code, as gnome user the world impossible is a bit too much to me to stand.19:14
ioria!info ghex19:14
ubottughex (source: ghex): GNOME Hex editor for files. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.18.3-1 (zesty), package size 977 kB, installed size 3042 kB19:14
ioriaignoo, ah, you mean source  ?19:15
ignoois there a xenial version too? not switched to zesty as new ubuntu official would be gnome and i don't agree with some features so i'd rather stay on last LTS as long as LTS is supported.19:15
acevicI was looking for a solution to install git on Ubuntu 16.04. I tried using sudo apt install git. However, I got an error that says,19:16
acevic"The following packages have unmet dependencies: git : Depends: liberror-perl but it is not installable E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages."19:16
acevicI have tried running19:16
acevic"sudo apt-get update",19:16
acevic"sudo apt-get -f dist-upgrade" and19:16
acevic"sudo apt-get -f install".19:16
acevicHowever, I'm getting the same error. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong?19:16
alkisgacevic: try sudo apt install liberror-perl19:16
jscatalaTJ-: ok so let me start again, sorry. I want to use cgroups to limit the access to certain user to all the resources so the machine does not get halted. until now I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/25761171/. can you guide me to what do I still have not done yet? thanks !19:16
ioriaignoo, what you need exactly ?19:17
ignooioria, yeah just to see source of files, but even those not properly free, or with some restrictions...19:18
ioriaignoo, what's the problem with gedit ?19:19
acevic@alkisg Just tried. It says "E: Package 'liberror-perl' has no installation candidate"19:19
ignooit works good with free and open source, i need something for non free or non open stuff. possibly free and open.19:19
alkisgacevic: what's the output of this? sudo apt update; apt policy liberror-perl19:20
TJ-jscatala: I'm afraid I have to leave now, sorry. I'm wondering if you might get more targeted assistance from the #lxcontainers or #lxc #lxd or similar channels since cgroups at their core19:20
ioriaignoo, sy, can you give me an example of non-free source ?19:21
acevicalkisg: It's downloading a bunch of stuff, apparently.19:23
alkisgacevic: copy/paste all the output to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the link19:24
ignooioria: (namefile.something) - gedit” is not responding.You may choose to wait a short while for it to continue or force the application to quit entirely.19:24
acevicalkisg: Might be a while. Connection is sluggish.19:24
ignooioria: any files gedit can't process as text19:24
mertyildiranHi, I'm looking for people who are interested in Speech Recognition & Synthesis, NLP topics to collaborate in Dragonfire open-source virtual assistant project. (https://github.com/DragonComputer/Dragonfire) I'm also curious to hear your feedbacks.19:25
ioriaignoo,  source IS text .... maybe you are processing a not-text file19:26
ignooioria: ghex anyway is for sure more complete than gedit.19:26
ignooioria: and yes. i want to see non-text files as text.19:26
ioriaignoo,  ghex is  for binary19:26
ioriaignoo,  if it's not text ... what it is ?19:27
ignooif i open a .mp3 with text editor it doesn't matter if useless code, i want to see it.19:27
ioriaignoo,  ok, let's try an hex editor, then :þ19:27
oerheksmertyildiran, normally i would say: no ads please, but this is an interesting project19:28
oerhekslet me read19:28
lesshasteis there a tool to do a diff at the byte level?I have two text files that look the same but I suspect there are hidden differences19:28
alkisgdiff file1 file219:28
lesshastewill that show non-print differences too?19:29
ioriaignoo,  you have an hamburger, now you want the cow again  ... :)19:29
alkisglesshaste: yes19:29
mertyildiranoerheks: thanks :) it's a completely non-commercial project. I'm looking for friends.19:29
lesshastealkisg, thanks19:29
alkisglesshaste: if those are text files, "meld" can do it visually as well19:29
alkisgIt has options to not-ignore white space etc19:29
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oerheksmertyildiran, maybe it is good to talk about this in #ubuntu-discuss, this is technical support19:31
oerheksor hmm, maybe it is technical19:31
EriC^^lesshaste: diff <(xxd file1) <(xxd file2)19:32
ignooeven if crypted, or difficult to read. i need something that does not return errors when opening non-text files, and that is able to change character encoding as well in more practical way19:32
ignooghex not so good for that.19:33
ioriaignoo, http://www.multiweb.cz/twoinches/mp3inside.htm19:35
ignoomaybe should use some multi-purpose program for coding instead of a viewer? any suggestion? is geany capable of doing what i need to do?19:36
ignooand i not need to open specifically mp3s..totally pointless :P19:36
mertyildiranoerheks: I'm developing this project for ~2 years. It aims to fill the missing virtual assistant in Linux. But it's a challenging project. Even between the Ubuntu's own versions packages differs. This project desperately needs more people to become widely available.19:37
ignoojust need something that open files as text and don't need to know extension of file to open it.19:38
ioriaignoo,  geany is a good ide (editor) , but for code19:38
mertyildiranoerheks: maybe looking for Speech Recognition & Synthesis, NLP people in here was not the best idea though I need to find more Ubuntu super users for sure.19:39
ignooi used textpad under windows.. but it is not in official repositories for obvious reasons.19:39
ignoobeing on gnome and feel the need of propertary programs is totally against nature of gnome.19:40
enzogorlomiwhat about gedit?19:41
ignoothat is the reason why too i will not install next version of ubuntu, wich will use gnome but have features that are not in gnome philosophy...just to say.19:41
ignooas a ubuntu gnome user i feel betrayed a bit but that is another matter. don't talk about this now.19:42
ignooenzo gedit unable to process files which doesn't know the extensions...19:42
enzogorlomiwow really? i didnt know that19:43
ignooor not fitted to be text files.19:43
ignooenzogrlomi : well now you know.19:43
leftyfbgedit can open files without extension just fine19:43
oerheksmertyildiran, #ubuntu-accessibility and #ubuntu-app-devel19:44
mertyildiranignoo: oh are they migrating from Unity desktop to GNOME desktop? That's a good news and a bad new at the same time :)19:44
ignooyes bad news because ubuntu gnome is not just ubuntu with gnome.19:45
oerheksunity will be available next release.. but not the default on the 'ubuntu-iso'19:45
ignooand now ubuntu gnome will be deleted because of ubuntu with gnome is the official version? whoot? are you kidding me canonycal?19:45
oerheksignoo, ??? that is not what it says19:46
mertyildiranoerheks: Dragonfire's scope beyond accessibility though I will try #ubuntu-app-devel thanks!19:46
leftyfbignoo: gnome is open source software. It is completely acceptable for anyone to take it, modify it and incorporate it into their software solution. Expected even.19:46
oerheksgnome3 will be default.19:46
mindofmateoHi.  I'm (still) having problems with my system intermittently freezing.  Still don't know what to do.  My question is this, is it a dumb or bad idea (ie would not be helpful) to add this to my crontab to try to see what happens?  I'm at a loss because the only thing I've been able to do is hold the power button down to do a hard reset, not even Al19:47
mindofmateot+SysRq+R-E-I-S-U-B nor Alt+SysRq+F or K does anything.   Job in crontab:  https://thepasteb.in/p/0ghJwvVp6o1C519:47
akikmertyildiran: what's the current status for dragonfire?19:47
ignootake back your commercial amazon features and your non gnome phylosophy compatible files and then maybe i could be happy to upgrade to new version...19:47
leftyfb"non gnome phylosophy compatible files"   huh?19:47
mertyildiranakik: with status, in terms of what?19:47
ignooin my opinion cancel ubuntu-gnome is a big fail.19:47
oerheksignoo, do you have a support issue, or just to rant and spread FUD?19:48
ignooi don't care consider it just an opinion. i don't need to give more explainations, you may like or may not like that decision. and i disagree.19:48
akikmertyildiran: is it usable for day-to-day usage?19:48
ignoooerheks: i have a support question, yes.19:49
leftyfbI want to know what a "non gnome phylosophy compatible file" is19:49
mindofmateoPeople have asked for `dmesg` output before, so by logging its output minute by minute (hopefully) when it happens again (when, not if) there will be `dmesg` output leading up to that moment.19:50
ignooGNome have an history. and reasons to be. You can't just say who the hek cares.19:50
mertyildiranakik: Speech recognition part is not perfect as commercial speech services (such as Google Speech API) though it's fun to open nautilus (file manager) via a voice command for example :D19:51
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
mertyildiranakik: or with just a voice command automatically opening the target Wikipedia page and hearing the all text from your speakers.19:53
ignooubuntu too had.but last version is unrespectful to gnu in my opinion because they will accept to be compromised..ubuntu gnome was less compromised than ubuntu official..cause was just alternative version, now they made conditions to accept for gnome users and removed right to have an alternative to be that much official as official version is...19:56
mertyildiranakik: if non-commercial Speech Recognition would be able to compete with commercial ones today then everyone would be using Linux instead of Windows or macOS.19:56
krytarikignoo: As indicated, you might want to drop this.19:56
ignooi don't know if you can understand that feeling, that opinion. call me idealist call me however you want...it's not support topic so i drop this as indicated.19:56
leftyfbI didn't think RMS used IRC19:57
akikmertyildiran: try posting it to hacker news and reddit so you'll get more coverage19:58
ignooit's just that someone decided ubuntu-gnome didn't make sense anymore...we didn't had amazon stuff before and other non-needed stuff.19:58
ignooubuntu business is not a matter of some gnome users. that's it.19:59
alkisgBroken record :)19:59
mertyildiranakik: I posted it in Reddit, in the past some other dude posted it in Reddit. HackerNews is a good suggestion I will do that. Do you have any other platform ideas to mention about Dragonfire?19:59
oerheksignoo, unity will be available, ubuntu-gnome will not go but renamed to ubuntu-desktop. https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/ubuntu-desktop --- https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/unity20:00
CarlGauss@mertyildiran just spam it on r/linux20:01
akikmertyildiran: i thought whether you could combine it somehow with the leap motion gesture control20:01
acevicalkisg: Not sure what happened, but I could successfully run the sudo install git command and install git after running the commands you sent me20:01
oerheksso gnome3 will not go, if that is what your worry is.20:01
acevicalkisg: Thank you for the support. Saved me a whole night of trial and error.20:01
ignoooerheks, you miss the point. ubuntu and ubuntu-gnome are not the same thing.20:01
ignooit's blasphemy to me. that they removed us.20:02
ignooand forced us to be official.20:03
ignooT_T i feel like a native american in western era.20:03
oerheksignoo, there is vanilla gnome too..  https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/vanilla-gnome-desktop20:03
mertyildiranakik: Dragonfire is actually a part of a much bigger idea (http://dragon.computer/) I thought about using leap motion gesture control in Dragon Helmet though I haven't considered it as a rational option until you said.20:05
mertyildiranakik: could you give me a good use case scenario?20:05
akikmertyildiran: actually i meant to say the discussion about it doesn't belong on this channel20:06
oerheksignoo, so get the mini iso, and wired internet and go wild20:06
leftyfbI think ignoo is looking for http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/cvs/gnome/gnome-desktop.html20:07
mertyildiranakik: OK if you want to discuss about leap motion gesture control then please come to our Gitter chat room. So we will avoid that discussion here.20:07
leftyfbor maybe some way to put gnome on top of herd :)20:07
oerheksyes, pure gnome20:07
oerheksthat is what the vanilla package gives20:07
oerheksone can even consider -no-install-recommends20:08
enzogorlomiestimated disk space required 23 mb :)20:08
oerheks*pure gnome*20:08
ignoorun to the hills some would say, oh no ubuntu putting me in reserves..I tough ubuntu was democracy and civilization O_O that someway found a good compromise to the unlimitness and the you can't do that.20:09
leftyfbignoo: ubuntu was never a democracy20:09
ignoonow they say just do it. but with nike commercial logo.20:09
oerheksubuntu is not a democracy, it's a meritocracy20:10
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
ignoomeritocracy? because of scheduled bugs?20:11
ignoodon't make me laugh man.20:11
oerhekslet me guess: you would vote for rolling release20:12
TJ-ignoo: this really is off-topic and not a support issue. Best way to influence events is to be onvolved in the development.20:12
leftyfbignoo: https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/conduct20:12
leftyfb"We are a meritocracy; we delegate decision making, governance and leadership from senior bodies to the most able and engaged candidates."20:12
ignoook. sorry for that.20:12
oerheksi cannot make a change, there is no i in team, but you can.20:13
ignooi'm not a developer.. i'm just a user that someway had some reasons to stay ubuntu gnome instead of ubuntu official20:14
ignooif i had skills and time to do linuxfromscratch i would have created my personal distro too.20:17
ignoobut i'm a nobody here, just a user. not that special to make something good, but i think you can't blame me to disagree.. if i would move to another distro or not it's only a matter of mine..don't want to influence none, i just think having an opinion is totally fair. don't want to go off-topic so i just stop talking about this here..20:20
ignoocan someone answer me to my support related question,instead?20:20
tgm4883did you have one?20:21
tgm4883ignoo: I just read 30 minutes of backlog and didn't see a question in there. Can you repost it?20:23
ignooi can't open some non-free non-open non-text files with GEDIT  cause it crashes with some files which are not properly designed to be open as text but i just need to inspect some files to at least know what they refer too, they suggested me GHEX but i fear the lack of character encoding switch to satisfy any needs would not fit with any files...20:26
ignooso i just need to do that and i need some good program to do that, do you know something that could be useful in that situation? something that opens any files as text without needing to know extensions and that someway overrides some restrictions?20:27
Ben64ghex sounds like what you want20:27
ignooghex,as said not the best because it doesn't allow to switch character encoding and i think it is a bit tricky to explore dependencies...20:29
ignoo(does not allow it by default)20:30
Ben64but you said the file isn't text20:30
naccyeah, this seems like a rather circular request20:31
naccI want a text editor that can open non-text files20:31
nacc(character encoding doesn't particularly make sense outside of text)20:31
Ben64gedit can do it though20:31
Ben64it just complains about invalid stuff (as it should)20:32
ignoo(hexcode is not so readable that's why usually hex editors translate hex to text)20:32
naccright, that's what I would expect -- it's not clear to me where ignoo's crashes are stemming from20:32
jhutchins_wknacc: vi20:36
naccjhutchins_wk: yeah, I would use vi as well (it will presumably open it as raw)20:36
naccjhutchins_wk: but i presume that would be for ignoo anyways. I don't mess with non-open non-free non-text files.20:37
ignooi think even if i don't need to do really serious stuff, i just need some reverse engineering tools to do that...as i'm not practice with that as i come from years and years of windows experience (don't judge me for that,as it is just been part of my studies and this does not mean I don't embrace free software phylosophy)20:39
ignooi just decided to never look back and go back to windows but i still feel the need sometimes to inspect some non-free non-open files cause that's my hobby.20:40
jhutchins_wkignoo: THere are plenty of tools in OS/Linux.  That's where a lot of the Windows tools come from.20:42
ignooi just would like what are the most proper softwares to do that in linux and if there are some good free software to do that.20:43
lordcirth_workignoo, I'm not sure this is a really useful place to ask; might want to look somewhere more specific20:44
lordcirth_work!alis | ignoo20:45
ubottuignoo: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:45
jhutchins_wkignoo: hexedit, vim.20:45
jhutchins_wkignoo: It's up to you what option you like best.20:45
jhutchins_wkignoo: aptitude search hex20:47
jhutchins_wkignoo: aptitude search hex | grep edit20:47
ignoolordcirth_work: thank you20:47
ignoojhutchins_wk: thank you20:47
jhutchins_wkignoo: Have fun!  I'm a former MSCP, but I don't touch windows these days.20:48
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ignoojhutchins_wk: i think usually men tend to fear the unknown, i chose to live without fear. ignore the unknown pushes you back to start someway. aknowledge the unknown instead, it's just a way to keep walking, and to be free of all lies of our times.20:53
ignoofor that reasons and some more, I think knowledge someway it's just part of freedom i embrace , it gives sense to my freedom. it satisfies it.20:56
kostkonignoo, you've kinda overwhelmed the channel with your chatter, stick to support question if you can20:58
striveignoo "the wise"21:00
ignoostrive: lmfao i don't deserve that title, really. I just reflect on things with some principles of coherence, this does not make me wise, this only makes me coherent with my way of thinking, in those terms when there's coherence any point of view can be considered wise only if you agree with the point of view,otherwise it's just something else , and coherence is not a matter of opinion. and coherence is not the same thing of wisdom.21:07
striveignoo "the coherent"21:07
ignoobetter XD21:08
ignoowell this is really off, so am I.21:08
striveignoo " the off-topic coherent"21:08
ignoostrive "the funny guy"21:08
linuxlovehey guys21:13
ignoook i go, bye, an thank you for help.21:13
linuxlovei have ubuntu 16.04 installed in my pc21:13
striveHello linuxlove !21:13
linuxlovei need to have double boot and install windows 1021:14
linuxlovei really cant imagine to lost my ubuntu after installing windows21:14
linuxloveis it possible for me in 100% to have both ?21:15
striveVery much so.21:15
linuxlovei need a functional solution for that21:15
linuxlovei am going to install windows now21:16
striveThere are a multitude of guides online, here is one I have used in the past: https://www.tecmint.com/install-ubuntu-16-04-alongside-with-windows-10-or-8-in-dual-boot/21:16
linuxlovei had experience before21:17
linuxlovewhen i first installed windows21:17
linuxloveand then i installed ubuntu21:17
striveSo it shouldn't be hard for you to follow that guide :)21:18
linuxlovebut this time is difference and i have ubuntu installed and i want to install windows21:18
vithiriIn my experience, Windows will find and nuke whatever else there's around. I always install anything else first. Hopefully, there are other ways.21:19
strivelinuxlove: That sounds tricky. Normally, after Windows is installed it'll clear out the "MBR".21:20
linuxloveand how can i recover my linux?21:20
striveWindows then Ubuntu.21:20
linuxloveand while i dont want to lost this ubuntu21:21
linuxloveyou mean there is no way ?21:21
striveThat's not what I mean. Maybe there's an advanced way of doing it; I've never experieced that.21:22
vithiriHaven't found a way to fully prevent the Windows installer from messing up whatever else there may be around so far yet at least.21:22
TJ-linuxlove: is the PC using UEFI firmware, or BIOS?21:22
Bashing-omlinuxlove: With Wondows installed last . will require that grub be RE-installed .21:22
TJ-linuxlove: if it is UEFI Windows will co-install with Ubuntu "nicely"21:22
linuxloveTJ-, how can i know that ?21:22
striveYay! UEFI to the rescue.21:23
TJ-linuxlove: PC manual, or entering the firmware setup screens at boot-time, or if you're running Linux right now check that the EFI file-system exists with "ls /sys/firmware/efi/"21:24
linuxlovels /sys/firmware/efi/21:24
linuxlovels: cannot access '/sys/firmware/efi/': No such file or directory21:24
striveUh oh.21:24
TJ-linuxlove: or check that "dpkg-query -l 'grub-efi*' " shows ^ii which means installed21:25
TJ-linuxlove: So, either the PC isn't using UEFI *or* you didn't install in UEFI mode (but the PC could still be UEFI)21:25
linuxloveit is what i see21:26
linuxlovewhat does it mean ?21:27
TJ-linuxlove: the "un" means UNinstalled - not installed, so no, not configured for UEFI21:29
linuxloveTJ-, it means that i cant install windows now?21:29
TJ-linuxlove: so you will need to deal with Windows wiping out GRUB. Tell me, is the boot disk using MBR or GPT disk label?21:30
linuxloveit is a bootable usb flash21:30
linuxlovei dont know it uses MBR or GPT21:31
linuxlovewindows 10 is on a bootable usb flash21:32
linuxloveTJ-, how can i know?21:32
linuxloveTJ-, https://pastebin.com/ifz7xFpN21:35
TJ-linuxlove: are you planning on installing Windows into that drive (/dev/sda) ?21:38
linuxloveTJ-, https://pastebin.com/YdeGGHcw21:38
linuxloveTJ-, yess21:38
TJ-So you will install Windows into one of the existing partitions that currently is marked as a Linux ext4 file-system?21:39
linuxlovei have ubuntu 14.04 and ubuntu 16.0421:40
linuxloveand i will install on one is free21:40
TJ-linuxlove: OK. I can give you a 'trick' that'll help you to quickly fix the lost GRUB once you've installed Windows. It'll still require you to boot from an Ubuntu LiveISO after installing Windows to apply the fix though21:40
linuxlovei have 2 bootable flash21:41
TJ-linuxlove: then once fixed you'll have to use GRUB to discover Windows and add it to the boot menu21:41
linuxloveone is include windows1021:41
linuxloveand one is include ubuntu 14.0421:42
TJ-linuxlove: I thought you said these devices are USB?21:42
linuxlovei can recover my linux OS after installing windows?21:43
TJ-linuxlove: earlier you said Windows 10 is on a bootable usb flash device21:43
TJ-linuxlove: so if you just plug that in and choose that device to boot from, it won't affect the existing Linux install21:43
TJ-linuxlove: do you mean the Windows 10 *installer* is on the bootable USB flash?21:44
linuxloveit will effect21:44
linuxlovei tried on my laptop21:44
linuxlovei couldnt enter to my ubuntu after installing windows21:45
linuxlovegrub diapeared21:45
nacclinuxlove: answer TJ-'s last question21:45
TJ-linuxlove: if you have 2 seperate bootable devices, 1 with Linux, 1 with Windows, and choose which to boot from using the motherboard's boot menu, you can boot to either device21:45
TJ-linuxlove: but if you *change* the *default* boot device in the motherboard setup to the Windows device, then it'll always boot to Windows21:45
TJ-linuxlove: in which case you'd need to press the motherboard's manual boot menu key at power-on to *manually* choose the device with Linux on21:46
linuxlovei need to have both linux and windows in grub21:46
linuxloveim really confused21:47
linuxlovein my laptop21:47
TJ-linuxlove: so, have both devices connected with the Linux device as the default set in the motherboard boot menu. Once Linux has started use "sudo update-grub" which will call "os-prober" which should discover the Windows installation and add it to the GRUB boot menu21:47
linuxlovei had ubuntu 14..04 installed21:47
linuxlovei installed windows and grup disapeared21:48
TJ-linuxlove: if you install Windows after Linux on a single BIOS/MBR disk that is expected. Windows over-writes sector 0 of the disk which contains the bootstrap code of GRUB.21:48
TJ-linuxlove: so the fix is to boot from an Ubuntu LiveISO after Windows has been installed, and then repair the broken GRUB install.21:49
linuxloveyou mean after installing windows i just need to have live boot in ubuntu and use sudo update-grub21:50
TJ-linuxlove: so as was said about 30 minutes ago, please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Installing_Windows_After_Ubuntu21:50
TJ-linuxlove: That, but mainly you save sector 0 of the boot disk before installing Windows, and then restore it from the LiveISO afterwards.21:52
TJ-linuxlove: you can do that now whilst you're still in Ubuntu. Save the file to a location you won't forget of course21:52
linuxloveTJ-, yess21:52
linuxlovei will note21:52
linuxlovedd if=/dev/sda of=/mbr.bin bs=446 count=121:53
linuxloveTJ-, Mount your root partition in the LiveCD21:59
linuxlovewhat does it mean?21:59
TJ-linuxlove: let's assume whilst the LiveISO is booted it's know as /dev/sdb and the existing install disk is still /dev/sda22:04
TJ-linuxlove: if you run the "Try Ubuntu" option of the LiveISO you'll get a desktop. From there you start a command-line Terminal. Once there you'd do "udisksctl mount -b /dev/sda1" (since sda1 is the partition containing your current bootable Ubuntu).22:06
linuxloveokay got it22:07
linuxlovei have 2 partition include ubuntu22:07
linuxlove14.04 and 16.0422:07
TJ-linuxlove: that will tell you where the device is mounted. If it tells you it's mounted at /media/sda then you can access the saved boot sector as /media/sda/mbr.bin. So running the command "sudo dd if=/media/sda/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda bs=446 count=1 will write the 1st 446 bytes of /media/sda/mbr.bin to sector 0 of the boot disk22:07
TJ-linuxlove: 2 installs doesn't matter, there's only one sector 022:08
linuxloveTJ-, /dev/sda1 is ubuntu 16.04 that i am running now right?22:10
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
baxxhow to view what version of something is in the repo?22:20
TJ-baxx: "apt-cache policy <package>"22:21
naccbaxx: apt-cache policy <pkgname>22:21
naccbaxx: or rmadison <pgkname> if you want to see the whole archive status22:21
baxxok cool thanks22:22
baxxso running apt-cache policy default-jdk  doesn't seem to bring up the version number? The java version that Is22:24
TJ-baxx: you'd need to know the name of the package. "apt-cache search -n ^openjdk"22:25
kus_ubuntui686trying to install artful on a virtualbox vm inside xenial and it says it was not possible to install the bootloader at that location. what do?22:25
baxxalso - do you use OPEN jdk or DEFAULT jdk , ?22:25
baxxTJ-: that was the package name i thought :/ I'll try with the other one, thanks22:25
kus_ubuntui686trying to install artful on a virtualbox vm inside xenial and it says it was not possible to install the bootloader at that location. what do? artful-beta-2 none of the buttons works22:25
naccbaxx: that is the package version22:25
naccbaxx: package version not necessarily = language version22:26
naccbaxx: default-jdk, in particular, is just a metapackage that helps install the default jdk22:26
baxxnacc: yeah it just had this though, there wasn't a language version there that i could see , from policy22:26
baxxnacc: ah ok22:26
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: sounds like the device being installed to isn't correctly partitioned, and hasn't left space for GRUB's core image22:26
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: did you allow the installer to choose partitioning automatically?22:27
baxxOh Ubuntu seems to have a current version of java in the repo :) cool22:29
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: and is there only a single logical 'disk' allocated to the VM?22:29
kus_ubuntui686yes I will try again22:30
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: I'd recommend checking the hash/checksum of the ISO installer image in case it is corrupted22:31
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: rule out all the obvious, easy, things first22:31
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: i've seen that issue with multiple disks connected where the installer has picked the wrong one to put the bootloader on22:32
kus_ubuntui686maybe because I chose LVM?22:32
kus_ubuntui686I will try without LVM22:33
TJ-No, with LVM it'll work fine usually. It still partitions automatically and makes one partition an LVM PV. It should still ensure sufficient space is reserved at the start of the disk. IS it installing to an MBR or GPT disk label?22:35
kus_ubuntui686md5 looks fine. Maybe because the disk wasn't a new one but I reused an old vm disk? not sure about mbr or gpt e47df00b078b5f9daed0871f0e90d33f e47df00b078b5f9daed0871f0e90d33f22:36
baxxoh the install failed. crap22:37
baxx 22:37
baxx 22:37
baxxErrorMessage: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h', which is also in package openjdk-9-jdk-headless:amd64 9~b107-0ubuntu1  , hrm22:38
TJ-kus_ubuntui686: well that's good then. Did you use the "Try Ubuntu" option and then fire off the installer? I was wondering if therefore you can use the terminal to figure out what is wrong22:39
TJ-baxx: have you previously installed a similar java version from somewhere other than the archive?22:41
baxxTJ-: not to my knowledge, i just rm -rf'd the /usr/lib/jvm and tried again22:41
baxxwhich might not have been wise , it didn't work22:41
TJ-baxx: which ubuntu release are you using?22:42
TJ-baxx: that kind of package-content conflict is not supposed to happen22:42
TJ-baxx: what was the 'apt install ...' command you issued that resulted in that error?22:42
baxxhrm, i have the full report22:42
baxxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-9/+bug/1550950 < TJ-22:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1550950 in openjdk-9 (Ubuntu Xenial) "package openjdk-9-jdk 9~b102-1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h', which is also in package openjdk-9-jdk-headless:amd64 9~b107-0ubuntu1" [Medium,Confirmed]22:42
TJ-baxx: right, a bug!22:43
baxxTJ-: cool, not my fault then :')22:43
TJ-baxx: I'm dismayed that the bug-task for 16.04 (an LTS) has been left since February22:44
baxxsurprised? Or just disappointed22:44
oerheksapt install -f ?22:45
baxxi'll try22:45
baxxif i upgrade now i get a bit error message :P22:46
baxxoerheks: no that doesn't seem to have worked22:46
TJ-I can think of a way to workaround it, using dpkg-divert22:46
naccwell, no one should be using openjdk 9 on xenial22:46
naccit onnly went GA about a month ago22:46
baxxGA, ?22:47
naccno one may be a bit strong, but you get the idea22:47
naccgeneral availability, actually released22:47
baxxright well if it's me  GA then it should work really on a LTS22:47
baxxi guess ? Idk, all good22:47
naccbaxx: you understand 16.04 came out more than a year before jdk9 went GA?22:47
baxxthis is the apt upgrade error : http://vpaste.net/XrFyT22:48
naccwhat you're asking for is an impossibliity22:48
TJ-the version in the archive is a beta but the package shouldn't contain a packaging bug22:48
naccTJ-: the package bug was in debian and no one cared at the time, tbh22:48
oerheksugly would be: sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install openjdk-9-jdk22:48
naccbut yeah, it can be fixed, should be, but it's in universe :)22:48
naccso if someone wants to fix it, it's presumably easy enough to do22:48
baxxso what do i do now? install 8 ?22:48
TJ-baxx: "sudo dpkg-divert --package openjdk-9-jdk-headless --divert /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h.distrib --rename /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-openjdk-amd64/include/linux/jawt_md.h "22:49
baxxTJ-: i'm happy to use 8 instead btw22:49
baxxi'll try that22:49
TJ-baxx: that'll make all packages *except* opendk-9-jdj-headless install that file to a different filename22:49
baxxcan i just delete everything openjdk-9-blah related?22:49
TJ-baxx: you mean as in "sudo apt remove openjdk-9*" ?22:50
baxxwasn't sure if it was purge or something22:50
baxxso i've removed that and i'll try 8, thanks22:51
TJ-baxx: purge is to also remove system configuration files (for services, etc.)22:51
TJ-linuxlove: ? did you get your dual-boot working?22:51
linuxlovei couldnt enter to my bootable flash22:52
linuxlovewhen i used f1222:52
TJ-linuxlove: you mean the device wasn't listed, or it was listed but trying to boot to it failed in some way?22:52
linuxloveno i couldnt see usb flash22:53
linuxloveit wasnt listed there22:53
TJ-linuxlove: then the device isn't bootable, or the motherboard firmware doesn't recognise it as bootable22:53
linuxlovei just saw atapi i think22:53
baxxjava seems alright now, thanks22:54
linuxloveand a device that it was in the long words22:54
TJ-linuxlove: ATAPI is the interface to an ISO9660 CDROM device22:55
TJ-linuxlove: ATAPI is the interface to an ISO9660 CDROM device22:58
linuxlovei used usb322:58
linuxlovei have two options now22:58
linuxlovetoshiba transmemory22:58
linuxloveand uefi:toshiba transmemory22:58
linuxlovewhich should i choose?22:59
TJ-linuxlove: are you sure that PC doesn't have UEFI? listing a device as ATAPI hints that the form of the interface is important. Usually for BIOS it isn't and it'd just list CDROM22:59
bazhanglinuxlove, please dont use enter as punctuation22:59
TJ-linuxlove: aha, so you DO have UEFI!22:59
TJ-linuxlove: I'm sure I asked earlier and got the answer that it isn't UEFI. That changes everything, again!22:59
TJ-linuxlove: With UEFI you can boot to multiple OSes independently without one affecting or overwriting another23:00
linuxloveTJ-, i sent for you output from command line23:00
linuxloveyou mean i should choose UEFI?23:00
TJ-linuxlove: yes, which only showed that Linux was NOT installed in UEFI mode. I also told you to find out if the system is UEFI you have to check in the firmware setup at boot time. You've now confirmed it does have UEFI at boot time :)23:00
linuxloveabout before steps23:01
linuxlovewe should ignore them ?23:01
TJ-linuxlove: Whether you *can* boot those images in UEFI mode depends on if they are UEFI images or not. We know your ubuntu 16.04 in sda1 is NOT UEFI bootable. So the question is whether the device with Windows installed on it is UEFI bootable or not23:01
TJ-linuxlove: let's hold that question for now until we have complete information23:02
linuxlovewhat should i do at moment23:02
ignooWhite man came across the sea He brought us pain and misery He killed our tribes, he killed our creed He took our game for his own need We fought him hard, we fought him well Out on the plains, we gave him hell But many came, too much for Cree Oh, will we ever be set free?23:02
ignoo:D to my dear ubuntu again.23:03
TJ-linuxlove: let me try to draw a picture that is easier to understand. Ideally what you need is [PC.UEFI]->[DISK.GPT]->[OS.UEFI]23:03
linuxlovei should choose uefi:toshibatransmemory ?23:03
bazhangignoo, thats completely offtopic here23:03
linuxloveTJ-, okay23:03
ignoothere's no free gnome channel for ubuntu23:03
TJ-linuxlove: but, we already know you have, for 16.04, [PC.UEFI]->[DISK.MBR]->[OS.BIOS]23:04
TJ-linuxlove: now, if for the device with Windows on you have [PC.UEFI]->[DISK.GPT]->[Windows.UEFI] you could boot Windows using UEFI mode and Linux using BIOS mode23:04
linuxloveyou mean i should change mode every time that i need to enter to difference OSs?23:06
TJ-linuxlove: *however*, if the Windows device is [DISK.MBR] then you can't boot it in UEFI mode. That then means to have a dual-boot with both devices connected you'll need to configure your UEFI firmware boot options to use BIOS/CSM mode *and* set the Linux device as the primary boot device.23:06
TJ-linuxlove: that way, the system will always boot from the device containing GRUB. So as long as update-grub discovers the Windows OS install and adds it to its menu, you can dual boot without Windows overwriting any GRUB files at all23:07
linuxloveTJ-, you have complete information23:07
linuxlovejust tell me what should i do at moment to have dual boot23:08
TJ-linuxlove: BUT ... if you want to move/install Windows onto the same device as Linux is on, then you've got to potentially deal with that boot sector 0 save/restore workaround23:08
linuxlovei just want to change between linux and windows in one grub23:09
TJ-linuxlove: connect both devices, in the motherboard's boot options set the Linux device to be the primary boot device. Boot to it (as I assume you have done right now) and the use "sudo update-grub" which should discover Windows and add it to GRUB's boot menu23:09
linuxlovebut if i can do some way23:10
linuxloveto separated both OSs to prevent from effect to each other23:10
linuxlovethis is a better way23:10
TJ-linuxlove: That's just what I've described to you23:11
linuxloveyes you said23:11
linuxlovebut please get this easy23:11
linuxlovei restart now and use f1223:11
linuxloveand i choose uefi:toshibatransmemory23:12
linuxlovein the motherboard's boot options set the Linux device to be the primary boot device after installing windows??23:13
TJ-linuxlove: no, because that suggests you're asking to boot in UEFI mode. Doesn't the system boot into the Linux device by default already?23:14
linuxloveit boots to grub23:15
linuxloveand i see ubuntu 14.04 and ubuntu 16.0423:15
TJ-OK, which is what you want. Does the PC still boot with GRUB when the Windows device is connected?23:15
linuxloveyes it is what i want23:16
linuxlovei want to move between linux and windows in same grub23:16
TJ-right, so with Linux booted "sudo update-grub" should add Windows to the GRUB boot menu.23:18
linuxlovethen i should choose toshibaransmemory without UEFi right?23:19
TJ-linuxlove: if you don't see Windows listed, then that is a problem with the os-prober tool that GRUB calls not finding it23:19
linuxlovei have not installed windows yet23:19
TJ-linuxlove: I think so, but not being able to see the PC I can't be 100% sure.23:19
linuxlovei really cant imagine that i lost my ubuntu23:20
linuxlovei can ignore windows if it is possible that i couldnt boot into my ubuntu23:21
linuxloveif you are sure that i can boot to my ubuntu i continue this way23:21
linuxlovejust tell me whats your idea ?23:22
linuxloveTJ-, ignore or continue?23:23
linuxlovewhat should i do ?23:27
linuxloveif i choose uefi mode23:27
linuxloveand install windows in UEFI23:28
linuxloveand change bios setting to uefi23:28
linuxlovei can just see windows23:28
TJ-linuxlove: I thought you said the USB device containing windows was a pre-installed Windows. Are you now saying that is just the Windows installer?23:29
linuxloveTJ-, yes23:29
oerheksinstall windows 1st, then ubuntu in uefi mode too, with the uefi manual, 100 mb fat32 partition, etc etc23:30
linuxloveit is a bootable flash usb that installs windows 10 on /dev/sda6 that i formatted it to ntfs with gparted already23:31
TJ-linuxlove: you'd have to completely repartition/reformat the disk that currently has Linux on it, if you want both Linux and Windows on it booting in UEFI mode23:31
linuxloveTJ-, i cant do it23:32
linuxloveand about other way ?23:32
TJ-linuxlove: if you're installing to the existing Linux disk, which is using [PC.BIOS]->[DISK.MBR]->{OS.BIOS] mode then Windows has to also install in BIOS/MBR mode, which means Windows installer *will* overwrite sector 0 of the disk23:32
gswallowGrr Oracle.23:32
TJ-linuxlove: so you'll need to save boot sector 0 as that wiki page shows, and restore it afterwards using the Ubuntu LiveISO.23:33
linuxloveTJ-, okay23:33
linuxlovethen i should choose toshibatransmemory only23:34
linuxloveand install windows23:34
linuxlovethen i enter to usb live ubuntu23:34
oerheksbackup your important data :-)23:34
linuxloveoerheks, why??23:34
TJ-linuxlove: I believe so yes23:35
TJ-linuxlove: backup in case you make a silly mistake!23:35
oerheksoh wait, without backup, it is not important data.23:35
ignoohello, running ubuntu GNOME 16.04, have some issue with ubuntu ArtfulAardvark: https://pastebin.com/W1tBbqpq . Thank you for your support.23:38
fpapaI am having issues installing oracle-java8-installer from ppa:webupd8team/java because of an Oracle resource that was apparently moved. Is this worth filing a bug on Launchpad?23:43
linuxlovei was in mistake usb flash23:44
linuxloveit was ubuntu23:44
linuxlovei changed usb flash23:44
linuxloveand there was just one option and siliconpower usb flash without UEFI23:44
oerheksfpapa, that happens , maybe your ubuntu distro is EOL, end of support,23:45
linuxloveit is usb flash of ubuntu 14.0423:45
linuxlove i continued23:45
linuxloveand when i arrived to choosing partition for linux23:45
linuxlovefor windows^^23:46
linuxlovei formatted the partition23:46
linuxloveand it was logical23:46
fpapaoerheks, I am using a Docker ubuntu 16.04 image23:46
linuxlovebut windows couldnt installed on that partition23:46
linuxlovewhat should i do ?23:46
linuxlovePlease unmount any logical partitions having a number higher than 623:48
linuxloveTJ-, what should i do in this step ?23:48
FrEtEgIafternoon guys23:49
FrEtEgIso installed ubuntu-server.  trying to build a raid 1 with an encrypted lvm on it23:50
linuxlovewhy cant i delete a logical partition ?23:50
FrEtEgIdm-crypt the way to go on that?23:50
oerheksfpapa, maybe you need to set docker to accept the license, see https://github.com/mlaccetti/docker-oracle-java8-ubuntu-16.04/blob/master/Dockerfile23:51
oerheksRUN echo "oracle-java8-installer shared/accepted-oracle-license-v1-1 select true" | debconf-set-selections23:51
Bashing-omlinuxlove: Windows will not intall to a logical partition . You must figure out another partitoning scheme .. OR delete the contents of a present primary partition .23:52
TJ-FrEtEgI: either DISK>PART>LUKS>PV... or DISK>PART>PV>VG>LV>LUKS>FS - depends how much FDE you want23:55
FrEtEgITJ-: well just finished sync'ing the raid device.  starting with /dev/md0 completed23:56
linuxloveTJ-, i cant install windows and i failed23:57
linuxlovebecause of logical partition23:57
FrEtEgITJ-: so guess just continue on building the the lvm, then luks, then fs...23:57
oerheksinstall windows 1st, then <linux> uefi mode too, with the uefi manual, 100 mb fat32 partition, etc etc23:58
fpapaoerheks, thanks for the suggestion, but I was accepting the license. The Docker file you pointed to errors out the same way: 404 code because the Oracle JDK resource cannot be found. My script worked this morning, so it seems something changed in the last few hours23:59

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