
sourceslayerI've already asked this in #Ubuntu, but I'll give it a shot here01:27
sourceslayerI have a piano synthesizer that has a couple of MIDI outputs, I've seen a few MIDI-USB devices but I don't know which ones have drivers for Ubuntu and which are best to use01:28
sourceslayerHow would I go about capturing MIDI output from a device to my computer01:28
sourceslayerI don't know much about the topic01:28
OvenWerksI don't know for sure the general rule is that if it works on a mac with no extra drivers it will work with Linux.01:48
sourceslayerOkay, so look for something that works out of the box with Mac OS X?01:49
OvenWerkspretty much. Personally, I take my laptop notebook into a music store and try a few.01:50
OvenWerksThe last one I had was a roland something. (I don't remember now) I use an old AudioPCI gameport for my MIDI these days.01:52
OvenWerksThe one I had looked like this: https://www.avshop.ca/recording-midi-interfaces/roland-um-one-mk2-usb-midi-interface?gclid=Cj0KCQjwsZHPBRClARIsAC-VMPBdA7bXb_3gw9Aju_puKgYHLCkYrCzVIOZVgoe_Qq-v6oj3__aN8qwaAvq3EALw_wcB01:55
OvenWerksI think it was a UM-One, but not a MK201:56
sourceslayerAnd this works out of the box?02:00
sourceslayerBtw what software do you use?02:00
OvenWerksThe one I had did yes.02:00
OvenWerksIt has been a while though. maybe around 12.04 or 14.0402:01
sourceslayerAlright, thanks02:27
studio-user902djfree need advice04:06
cfhowlettask your question04:07
studio-user902i have ipods and need good dj software04:08
cfhowlett#opensourcemusicians would know much more04:08
studio-user902thank you04:09
studio-user435Algum brasileiro?19:31
Maglithiumis there a way to upgrade standard Ubuntu 16.04 to Studio?21:51
OvenWerksMaglithium: Yes add the ubuntu studio metas you what you have22:00
OvenWerksMaglithium: be forwarned that running lowlatency audio on unity desktop can be problematic22:00
OvenWerksso you are looking for the two ubuntustudio-audio metas (one says core)22:01
OvenWerks (these should be installed using apt-get... not the unity GUI installer22:02
OvenWerks (the unity installer will install jackd incorrectly with wrong permitions)22:02
OvenWerksThen there is -graphics -video -publishing -photography22:03
OvenWerksif you are doing audio I would suggest also ubuntustudio-controls22:04
OvenWerksIt corrects some permission problems that the ubuntustudio install has already done.22:04
Maglithiumok, thank you23:20

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