
flocculantbluesabre: re artful plus ppa's - could we try and get together before bb is too old to plan that? 07:23
flocculantdon't want to leave it too long - earlier people are using it the better for you :D07:23
Unit193Any ideas yet on the plan for that?07:33
bluesabreflocculant, Unit193: we could add some packages to xubuntu-staging since that's kind of it's purpose09:50
bluesabreCould also add a new template to xfpanel-switch to upgrade their panel09:50
bluesabreWe also have a login script that runs (that's how templates get updated)09:51
bluesabreIf we have any other ideas for what we want to do or how we want to do it, I'm game :)09:54
Unit193Still not sure exactly the goal, but at least currently I think the point of staging differs.09:54
bluesabreI kind of fits... "This is a staging PPA for Xubuntu. The packages and package versions in this PPA are being prepared for inclusion in Xubuntu. The packages are uploaded for the convenience of people testing these new package versions and features. Some of them are daily builds used in testing."09:56
bluesabreBut I'm also cool with setting up a different one for this purpose09:57
bluesabreflocculant: tweaked the formatting on the release notes10:07
bluesabreUnit193: the basic goal is to get people testing and reporting bugs early for some of the new things we want to include10:11
bluesabrethere we go, pretty happy with the release note now10:28
* flocculant trots off to undo formatting on release note :D11:02
knomeworking on the release announcement11:52
knomedraft: https://xubuntu.org/?p=4339&preview=true11:56
flocculantknome: thanks :)16:35
knomeno worries17:13
knomei'll have time again tomorrow as situations changed17:13
flocculantalso I did look17:13
knomeanything silly?17:14
knomeyou happy with the picked highlights/issues?17:14
flocculantyep - iirc :D17:14
knomewell i'm sure if you weren't, you'd remember and remind me :P17:15
flocculantdefinitely happy with the encrypt one :D17:15
flocculantyep - just checked 17:16
flocculantany of the other listed ones are a bit 'appearancy'17:16
flocculantor parole17:16
knomealso a slight change from the 17.04 announcement; now pointing out that users might want to wait until 18.0417:16
flocculantyea saw that - good call17:17
flocculantknome: might be worth mentioning parole - believe that generally issue there is 32 bit rather than both arch's17:18
flocculantbut - not bug #'s, just comment17:18
knomewell you're editing17:18
knomeanyway, bbl17:18
flocculantno I'm not :D17:18
flocculantand yep - cya later17:19
ochosidoes anyone here have a gtk2 panel handy for testing?19:33
flocculantnot me - unless in a vm?19:38
flocculantnot even sure whether we gtk2 or 3 panel in current image19:39
* flocculant is totally lost on what's what now :)19:39
flocculantochosi: could boot a 16.04 iso if that helps19:42
ochosinobody has a gtk3 panel in any distro yet afaik19:44
flocculantoh well - then yea :)19:44
ochosithe main part i would like to ask you to check is when using "autohide" or "intelligent hiding" whether there is a small delay when showing/hiding the panel19:44
flocculantin my daily - small delay when showing/hiding 19:45
flocculantin 16.04 live and 17.10 live - small delay when showing/hiding19:46
ochosiflocculant: ok, good to know. that delay is broken in gtk3 :/21:08
=== Justanick1 is now known as Justanick
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-notifyd 0.4.0 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-notifyd-0-4-0-released-tp49931.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)21:25
bluesabreevening all22:23
bluesabreknome: announcement looks good22:27

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