
powersjlarsks: Could you comment on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/172441402:18
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1724414 in cloud-init "rhel distro selects FQDN as hostname" [Undecided,New]02:18
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=== shardy_afk is now known as shardy
larskspowersj: I don't have a strong preference re: that issue; just make sure that whatever hostname we pick we are consistent.  The current situation is the result of fixing an issue in which cloud-init would select the unqualified hostname initially but the fqdn would be used after a reboot (or something like that), which was causing ugly issues with stuff that used the hostname as an identifier.13:12
larsksI guess I'll add that to the issue.13:12
smoserblackboxsw: updated to take your patch on az-ubuntu. thanks.14:12
smoserthe 'azure-ubuntu' that i had was more helpful, it "knew" of regions and sizes and things. i'd like to add that back at some point, but for this at least knows about the '--image=Canonical:UbuntuServer:17.04-DAILY:latest' magic.14:13
blackboxswNetwork dead15:09
rharpersent over the network15:24
blackboxswHeh cellular :)15:39
smoserpowersj: https://github.com/canonical-server/jenkins-jobs/pull/1315:56
powersjsmoser: thanks15:58
smoserblackboxsw: bug 172463417:27
ubot5bug 1724634 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "groups added with a user list must have all users present." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172463417:27
smoser(just fyi)17:27
blackboxswsmoser: nice apport bug btw :)17:54
smoserblackboxsw: yeah. other than i coudlnt type 1117:56
smoser(bug 1722564)17:56
ubot5bug 1722564 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport question will not accept multi-character responses" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172256417:56
smoserblackboxsw: we get double '.txt'17:57
smoser(see attached files... user_data.txt.txt and cloud-init-output.log.txt.txt)17:57
blackboxswI think I'll attach that patch to apport I suggestd to your bug there so there's something to chew on there17:57
blackboxswohh yeah, right, cloud-init apport bug there then.17:58
smoser blackboxsw yeah... of course you need to do that. i had thought you had.17:58
smosergaughen is the maintainer of apport. lets bother her.17:59
smoser(per https://launchpad.net/apport)17:59
gaughenspecifically me?17:59
gaughenoh geez18:00
blackboxsw<with devious mousish voice> ... excellent Pinky.... let's take over the Foundations team :)18:01
gaughenI thought smoser you were making some broad stroke statement of the foundations team18:01
smosergaughen: well, that definiteliy would be possible. but no, you are specifically the maintainer.18:02
gaughenI see that18:02
gaughenthus my "oh geez"18:02
smoseryeah, i wonder what other projects you maintain18:02
* gaughen checks to make sure cloud-init isn't on her list18:04
* smoser should have thought of doing that18:05
gaughenso now I have to look and see why you all are talking about apport... I see bug 172256418:08
ubot5bug 1722564 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport question will not accept multi-character responses" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172256418:08
smoserpowersj: i think that moving examples around broke/changed the default tests that are run in cloud_tests.18:21
powersjsmoser: how so18:23
smoserok. i guess not. its not running 'examples/' tests though18:24
powersjlet me see if they are enabled18:24
smoserwhich the c-i runs18:24
smoserso i ran something locally, it passed, i pushed a MP, it failed on c-i18:24
powersjall tests in examples are "enabled: False" in the yaml18:25
powersjci runs the following command: sh 'python3 -m tests.cloud_tests run --verbose --os-name xenial --test modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml --test modules/ntp_servers --test modules/set_password_list --test modules/user_groups --deb cloud-init_*_all.deb'18:26
powersjfrom: https://github.com/canonical-server/jenkins-jobs/blob/master/cloud-init/jobs-ci.yaml18:26
smoserpowersj: powersj i'm missing something18:29
smosertest_no_warnings_in_log failed (line 3497)18:29
smoserthe test test_user_barfoo ran18:29
smoserwhich is from tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py18:30
powersjwhich also happens to be in ./tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py18:31
powersjgrep -ir "test_user_barfoo" .18:31
powersj./tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py:    def test_user_barfoo(self):18:31
powersj./tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py:    def test_user_barfoo(self):18:31
powersjpython3 -m tests.cloud_tests run --verbose --os-name xenial --test modules/apt_configure_sources_list.yaml --test modules/ntp_servers --test modules/set_password_list --test modules/user_groups --deb cloud-init_17.1-21-gbc70e157-1~bddeb_all.deb18:31
powersjis the command it ran18:31
powersjand there is the modules/user_groups test18:31
smoserhuh. indeed it does18:31
powersjwhile I like the bugs dir and our attempt to organize things18:32
powersjI'm not a huge fan of the examples dir18:32
powersjespecially if everything is disabled18:32
powersjseems pointless18:32
powersjand you know... causes uncessary confusion :)18:32
smoser*and* its 100% duplicate18:32
smoserat least18:33
smoser tests/cloud_tests/testcases/examples/including_user_groups.py18:33
smoser tests/cloud_tests/testcases/modules/user_groups.py18:33
* powersj would be happy to see examples get blown away18:33
blackboxswyeah, I thought the same about duplication. There is merit in making sure that the syntax/intent of our examples is testable. But, I don't think verbatim that example copies into integration tests will really *work* for us.18:37
blackboxswtoo many external services etc that need to be faked18:37
* blackboxsw is cut-n-pasting verification results into each SRU 17.1 sub-bug now.18:48
smoserblackboxsw: i assumed you were going to be launchpad-libbing that18:48
smoserblackboxsw: you able to hang out for a minute ?18:49
blackboxswgood point, will do that. do we want it as a comment of bug description smoser18:49
blackboxswyeah definitely18:49
blackboxswhanging out18:49
blackboxswcloud-init channel18:49
smoserblackboxsw: almost there.18:54
blackboxswno rush. just tweaking your lp-bugs-released script18:57
smoserblackboxsw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/curtin/+bug/172180819:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1721808 in curtin (Ubuntu Zesty) "sru curtin 2017-10-06 - 0.1.0~bzr532-0ubuntu1" [High,Fix committed]19:20
blackboxswsmoser: ci passed https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33238320:00
blackboxswshall I land it in master or are you?20:01
smoserblackboxsw: i can land20:04
smoserblackboxsw: merged.20:11
blackboxswok see it. starting the cherry pick20:15
blackboxswsmoser: wanted to double check. so I'm upstream-snapshotting into ubuntu/devel right?20:16
blackboxswthen cherry pick into xenial zesty20:16
blackboxswor cherry pick all ubuntu/devel, ubuntu/xenial and ubuntu/zesty20:17
smoserblackboxsw: just ignore artful (ubuntu/devel) for now20:18
smoserand cherry-pick to ubuntu/xenial and ubuntu/zesty20:19
blackboxswok won't touch it20:19
smoserhave MP ready, and i'll review later. i have to run now.20:19
blackboxswsee ya20:19
smoserif you care... here is what i started writing20:19
smoserfor SRU template on that bug20:19
blackboxswok, debugging cherry-pick not working in my env20:35
blackboxswstrange thing is if I take the diff from within the cpick file, patch applies cleanly20:41
blackboxsw...  I'm not seeing the diff content for cloudinit/config/cc_users_groups.py and other files in the cherry picked patch diff. just a couple of the unit test files listed in the cpick file.20:43
blackboxswn/m I see the full diff/patch. looks good relative to changes that went into master... although cherry-pick is claiming it didn't apply cleanly20:46
blackboxswchecking quilt output20:46
blackboxswtoday bbsw learns about quilt21:02
blackboxsw QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push cpick-41152f1-schema-Log-debug-instead-of-warning-when-jsonschema-is21:02
blackboxswI needed to override QUILT_PATCHES defaults so it can actually find the series file in debian/patches/series so that I can run smoser's cherry-pick script21:03
blackboxswahh much better21:04
blackboxswzesty is up for review https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33244621:09
blackboxswxenial is up for review https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33244721:16
powersjblackboxsw: I added a few things to the SRU checklist21:16
powersjnamely collecting results for other tests, per our SRU exception21:17
blackboxswpowersj: URL? is it the cloudinit SRU exception page21:17
blackboxswI'll reread now since I'm in the thick https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CloudinitUpdates?21:17
* blackboxsw reads the page thanks21:18
blackboxswok pulling together suggestions now for that page.21:19
blackboxswsince I'm through my 2nd round of SRU uploads on this SRU.21:19
blackboxswhrm not sure if I have edit rights, I can't seem to login to the wiki.ubuntu21:22
powersjblackboxsw: best not to make edits, but propose them first somehow21:23
powersjif it is more than minor, we have to get things approved21:23
blackboxswsounds good pooling suggested edits now.21:24
blackboxswpowersj: this is all I have http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/25768388/21:34
blackboxswyour changes look good21:34
powersjblackboxsw: that is 100% fine :) I wasn't sure if you were going to change the process or make changes such that we would need to ask for re-approval21:35
blackboxswnah, nothing big, just that we've added attachements to the SRU process bug  with logs instead of dumping all those manual results inline in the SRU template as it is unreadable with all that content21:36
blackboxswwe will also likely add bug tasks for xenial/zesty on each SRU non-process bug. to allow marking that bug as fix-released in the specific series once it's published (post SRU)21:37
blackboxswnot sure if that would need documenting on cloudinitupdates wiki page,  but it'll be part of our process going forward21:37
blackboxswto really document when a bug is released to a stable series21:37
powersjblackboxsw: ok, thanks :) as far as bug tasks for that page, we are concerned with the one big that tracks the SRU21:39
blackboxswyeah figured21:41

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