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deenoI have questions about kde/plasma and wayland. are they working together yet?01:42
mparilloI do not know personally, but I think generally good enough for testing purposes, so long as you do not have Nvidia graphics01:45
valoriedeeno: yes-ish, if you are not using wayland01:53
valorieyou can regard it as a testing environment still, however01:54
valorieall of new plasma development is first tested on wayland, and not released until it's working01:54
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stinhow do i connect to a different network?02:23
valoriestin, you mean a different IRC network?02:35
valoriebecause that depends on your client02:35
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lordievaderGood morning06:09
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taufiq123Can You Update KDE 5.11 Plasma08:27
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Maakuthhave you people seen this sort of color scheming? https://shell.wilan.org/~markuz/libo-color-scheme.png09:06
Maakuthi have kubuntu 16.04 with kde packages from the ppa09:07
ForceRecongood morning everyone09:08
ForceReconday two of nightly build 17.10 :) going wellish.. gonna rebuild one more time to get identity correct.. I noticed 267 running processes.  Seems like a lot..09:09
hateballThat's normal09:11
ForceReconman you are up early too.. nice to see you mate09:11
ForceReconwhen i click on my drive I also get this - An error occurred while accessing '476.2 GiB Encrypted Drive', the system responded: An unspecified error has occurred: No such interface 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem' on object at path /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d009:12
hateballForceRecon: Well, timezones are a thing, so it's not so early here ;)09:13
hateballForceRecon: In Dolphin?09:14
hateballI dont have any experience with encrypted disks, so I don't know if Dolphin is supposed to handle them09:18
hateballForceRecon: Googling suggests that if it's LUKS you need to open the volume from cli before you can access it in Dolphin09:23
hateballForceRecon: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=13249409:23
ForceReconhateball: what's weird is usually I see the drives based on swap, grub, and all available.. in kubuntu I see a 731 Mib drive that is grub, a 476.2 Gib which is encrypyted and sprouts the error in dolphin but I still the see the stuff and a 460.2 GiB Hard Drive as well that does not indicate Encryption09:28
ForceReconactually when you click on the encrypted drive it just shows you what was in the last folder or drive you clicked on09:29
ForceReconanyhow, gonna rebuild the machine again.. see if anything changes based on installation tactic.09:29
ForceReconbut so far it has been pretty awesome.. not to thrilled about the integration of all that kmail stuff with calendars and memos and stuff.. a lot of things I don't need but are just running09:30
hateballYou can disable akonadi if you so desire09:30
hateball"akonadictl stop"09:31
ForceReconwhat side effects will that have09:31
ForceReconwill kmail still function?09:32
ForceReconI need a mail client and would like to keep it default09:32
hateballHmm, that's more than I know, actually09:32
hateballThat will probably break it09:32
ForceReconI kinda thought the same.. okeeedo.. gonna rebuild, be back I hope in a little while..09:33
ForceReconthanks boss09:33
hateballForceRecon: anyhow, as for the drives, the last post here explains it https://www.reddit.com/r/linux4noobs/comments/4wvo6t/luks_encrypted_flash_drive_unlocks_but_dolphin/09:34
ForceReconshouldnt the installer know to do that when you encrypt the drive?09:37
ForceReconor from that reading... is this already correct?09:37
ForceReconI understand it but its just a bit over my head.. so unsure if it is working correctly or something I need to fix during installation09:38
hateballIt is working correctly09:38
hateballIt is just that Dolphin has no way of unlocking the encrypted block device and map to partitions09:38
ForceReconokeedo.. I just won't click on it.. :)09:38
ForceReconbbiab.. thanks again09:39
hateballForceRecon: so what you see as 476 is the "drive" and the 460 is an unlocked partition09:39
ForceReconcorrect.. I kinda felt that way.. just was not sure why it was doing it and showing it to me09:39
ForceRecontalk later.... thanks09:40
=== madagu is now known as MadAGu
ForceReconhello all10:59
ForceReconwell reinstalled.. but I still cannot boot properly.. I have to do a recovery mode, then choose to use resume normal then the reboot works and I get in using nvidia.. If I just boot it comes up with lvm password request LARGER then usual and you cannot type in the box. I have to reset the computer using the reset button11:01
ForceReconoh and wireless is asking for a gnu pgp usage of the wallet but I don't have any keys.. How do I get a key11:02
hateballForceRecon: are you using UEFI?11:02
ForceReconI am pretty sure that the bios is UEFI yes, nice graphical interface..11:03
hateballI suppose the nvidia blob is installed properly, guess you got a question to set a password to disable the shim module verification?11:03
hateballif you enabled installing drivers during install11:04
ForceReconI did enable installing driver during install..11:04
hateballanyhows, I dont use FDE myself so I dont know what issues one run into there11:04
ForceReconevery time the machine starts it wants to connect to wireless, but always asks for me to save the password in a wallet using pgp11:05
hateballnvidia blob doesnt have a proper KMS driver so that's why it doesnt look right until you get into X11:05
ForceReconwhen I try it says that I don't have any keys yet and I need to set up a key11:05
ForceReconyeah I knew it was a video issue, but to not be able to type, kinda sux..11:05
hateballForceRecon: if you alt+f2 -> type kwallet -> go into the managment, does it ask you anything?11:06
ForceReconif I could just put in the password it might move along11:06
hateballForceRecon: well that bug with not being able to type should have been fixed a while back11:06
hateballForceRecon: which version of the driver is it? I use nvidia ppa so I am not sure what is repo default11:06
ForceReconKDE wallet config or manager does not ask for anything if I launch them11:07
ForceReconsince I am already connected to the wireless and clicked cancel I don't think it will ask again11:07
ForceReconas far as nvidia goes it is using..   please hold11:08
ForceRecon4.5.0 Nvidia 384.9011:08
hateballyeah should certainly be fixed there11:09
hateballthen umm... I dont really know11:09
ForceReconwhere is the interface to see what optional drivers are in use like the wireless and the option for nouveau or nvidia along with the intel firmware I think11:09
ForceReconwhere is that gui11:09
hateballalt+f2 -> driver11:10
ForceReconcan you see that or is it too small11:14
hateballForceRecon: yeah that looks11:14
ForceReconso where do I get the key for the wallet to save the password for the wireless or can I just turn off the KDE wallet subsystem11:14
ForceReconand it won't ask for a key anymore?11:15
hateballweeeeeeeeell you can disable kwallet... but that seems terrible unless you dont like password managment11:15
hateballthere's also the option of saving the network as available systemwide, then it gets saved to an encrypted file in /etc, so no need for your wallet :p11:15
ForceReconwhere do you normally get this key?11:16
ForceReconstrange it would ask for one and not let you create one11:16
hateballI can't recall ever seeing such a question11:16
hateballForceRecon: do you see any wallet at all in the kwallet manager?11:18
ForceRecon_every time I connect to a wireless network I get that message11:19
ForceRecon_oh.. heh11:21
hateballForceRecon_: oh!11:21
hateballForceRecon_: well you just... follow through the wizard :p11:21
hateballto setup a wallet11:22
ForceRecon_yeah it asks for a key and no wizard shows up.. just says hey.. you need a key.. make one11:22
hateballForceRecon_: well, just go with blowfish for now then11:22
ForceRecon_Ill play around, because each time I try... I lose the room.. I will be back after more testing.. :)  Thanks man11:23
hateballotherwise you manually need to make a GPG key and store it somewhere safe I guess11:23
ForceRecon_yeah how do you make a gpg key11:23
ForceRecon_where is the wizard..11:23
ForceRecon_I could use terminal11:23
ForceRecon_rather like the wizard..11:24
hateballForceRecon_: hmmm, seems kwallet-pam only supports blowfish anyhow11:28
hateballForceRecon_: which means that if you set it up using anything else, it wont unlock the wallet when you login11:28
ForceRecon_good to know..11:33
ForceRecon_I will use blowfish then.. until well that changes :)11:34
ForceRecon_thanks for the good info11:34
ForceRecon_hey what are using to chat? what program11:34
ForceRecon_I like polari, but anything you can suggest11:34
hateballMe? I use Quassel now11:34
hateballAt home I use irssi11:34
ForceRecon_I really loved quassel... but it was a pain some times.. polari.. if you have not checked it out, do so.. its pretty slick, simple and nicely done..11:35
=== skoochis is now known as ForceRecon
ForceReconokay back in business11:38
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ForceReconOkay.. Wireless is taken care of I think..11:47
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Guest37987the top bar of my windows and my apps are black.. very hard to read.. How do I change that to a lighter color?11:49
hateball!screenshot | Guest3798711:50
ubottuGuest37987: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.11:50
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sonofaanyone know what the network is that #polari is on?  I thought it was OFTC12:16
BluesKajHi folks12:29
ForceReconit's more likely that the theme you are using isn't handling split headerbars correctly12:29
ForceReconcan anyone confirm this?12:29
ForceReconHey BluesKaj12:30
ForceRecontotal rebuild on kubuntu...  today.. having some issues, working them out12:30
BluesKajHi ForceRecon12:30
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ForceReconHey BluesKaj I was being helped earlier, but we could not figure it out.. maybe since I am using a nightly build it might change by tomorrow.. but having issues with nvidia as default when I reboot.. It just will not reboot I have to go in in recovery mode and then resume normal to get past lvm encryption13:01
hateballForceRecon: are you sure that it doesnt accept input btw?13:06
hateballForceRecon: iirc the bug was that it didnt show anything being input, but it still worked13:07
hateballfor unlocking luks, that is13:07
BluesKajI don't use lvm or encryption so I can't answer13:08
hateballForceRecon: I see some people have it working by disabling 'quiet splash' in grub also13:08
BluesKajyes quiet splash  or nomodest13:09
ForceRecondisable quiet splash and type and hit enter and just wait.. see what happens.. Gonna try it now..  I can disable quiet splash by 'e' correct?13:09
BluesKajerr nomodeset13:09
BluesKajyes 'e'13:10
ForceReconokay.. bbiab13:10
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BluesKajhmm, doesn't look good, it's over 10mins13:21
ForceReconstupid programs keep locking me out of freenode13:29
ForceReconhave to keep coming back and releasing myself to get back oni13:29
ForceReconI took a photo of the location of where I need to edit.. but I am working on putting on this pc.. so I can add it to imgur and then ask you what exactly to edit so I don't crash the entire machine13:30
ForceReconis there any way in kubuntu to see images icons as thumbnails..13:32
ForceReconthis trying to figure out what image is which is a real pain in the you know what13:32
hateballForceRecon: in dolphin? sure13:41
hateballyou have a button to toggle previews up top13:41
ForceReconwhat do I modify pretty please..13:45
ForceReconthe typing the password without seeing it type did not work13:45
D0U91Emorning folks13:49
D0U91Emorning folks13:49
hateballForceRecon: you see the line with ro quiet splash and so on, just remove the 'quiet splash' bit13:50
ForceReconany required amount of spaces between anything13:50
hateballwell, one13:50
hateballbut nothing breaks if you have two13:50
ForceReconokeedo.. here I go again..13:51
ForceReconthat did nothing as it did not save it13:57
ForceReconit bascially says edit then f10 to boot..13:58
ForceRecontaking out no splash does exactly what recovery mode did and a resume13:58
hateballForceRecon: so taking out quiet splash did not allow you to boot and enter the password?13:59
hateballIf it *did* allow you to boot as expected, make the change permanent14:00
ForceReconyeah, exactly what I did when I clicked recovery mode.. but it does not save it so the next time I have to do it again, or I can modify grub and always see all the text on boot and only put the password in once14:00
hateballForceRecon: Yes, sudo nano /etc/default/grub14:00
ForceReconI guess I have no choice.. you think it will ever be fixed?14:01
hateballForceRecon: then on GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= you remove quiet splash from inside ""14:01
hateballForceRecon: No14:01
ForceReconwell why not.. its a problem14:01
hateballnVidia dont seem too keen on fixing their drivers14:01
hateballafter you remove it, you run "sudo update-grub" to regenerate the grub.cfg14:02
BluesKajForceRecon, also after installing the nightly build your default gpu driver is now the open source nouveau, you'll have to use the driver manager to install the recommended driver unless you know which proprietary driver to use14:03
hateballthat's already done BluesKaj14:03
ForceReconit is actually using nvidia as the driver14:03
hateballthat's what causing this issue in the first place14:03
ForceReconbut good call14:04
hateballas nvidia blob as no proper KMS support and cant show a tty14:04
ForceReconyeah nouveau was working fine other than complaining all the time14:04
hateballworking fine as long as you dont want to play any other games than kpat :p14:04
ForceReconand then change nvidia fixed that, but here we are.. I have to work out somethings here.. this password to use the wifi every time is a pain in the ass..14:05
hateballForceRecon: didnt you set it up with blowfish?14:05
BluesKajmake sure you have dkms installed, quite sure it's default on 'buntus now14:05
ForceReconI am not able to delete or manage my share SMB..14:05
hateballThrough Dolphin? I recall it might try and use the wrong version of SMB14:05
ForceReconand this video stuff,, and using preview in dolphin with images just make the thumbnail icon larger but does not display a thumbnail of the image14:06
hateballAnd there's some config you can change for that14:06
BluesKajForceRecon, also enable OpenGL 3.114:06
ForceReconI set it up with blowfish cause I don't have a key for the other one14:06
ForceReconand now every time I boot it pops up asking for a password so that it can connect to the wifi, but not the wifi password, the password protecting blowfish14:07
hateballthat *should* all work automatically if this is a fresh install14:07
ForceReconjust did it 2 hours ago14:07
ForceReconnothing else on this machine14:07
hateballlog into your session with sddm, kwallet-pam should unlock the wallet14:07
hateballthen again, I don't use encryption myself, so no idea how it might factor into all of this14:08
ForceReconlunch time.. gonna do my best to keep this distro as I like it ALOT..  but I don't want to spend my time doing lots of work arounds either.. so.. gonna do some lunch, then come back and hit it hard.. learn something new14:09
ForceReconthanks for all the help guys!14:09
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IrcsomeBotGiovanni was removed by: Giovanni16:19
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IrcsomeBotedeyuarudo was added by: edeyuarudo21:48
IrcsomeBot<edeyuarudo> Anybody know if there is a Spanish telegram group...???22:07
valorie!es | @edeyuarudo22:09
ubottu@edeyuarudo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.22:09
valorieoh, Telegram -- that I don't know22:09
IrcsomeBot<edeyuarudo> Doesn't matter... I got kde cañas y bravas...22:10

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