
bdxI'm hitting some issues -> https://imgur.com/a/u8QCD00:28
bdxI don't even know where to start debugging00:28
bdxI've deleted/re-enlisted the servers, 0'd the block devices, tried what seems to be everything I can think of00:29
bdxI can't seem to get past what you see ^00:29
bdxI probably just need to take a step back, and a breather, but I'm having a really hard time getting any introspection into these issues00:30
bdxI've filed bugs on what I seem to be hitting00:30
bdxI figured I would come around asking here before I waste another day00:30
bdxI guess the bugs are a good start00:30
bdxif anyone knows how to get some info on the commissioning and/or rescue mode errors from ^00:32
bdxplease share00:32
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mupBug #1724553 opened: maas shows negative resources in pods <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724553>11:43
mupBug #1724556 opened: MAAS not configuring proper IPMI passwords <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724556>12:19
mupBug #1724556 changed: MAAS not configuring proper IPMI passwords <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724556>12:25
mupBug #1724556 opened: MAAS not configuring proper IPMI passwords <4010> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724556>12:43
[Kid]what is the easiest way to have maas keep a server powered on during the first discovery?14:25
[Kid]i have booted several servers on and they pxe booted, but then they powered off. they are in MAAS, but i don't know which auto-generated name is which server.14:26
[Kid]there is no mapping14:26
catbus[Kid]: the only way I know is https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/troubleshoot-faq#debugging-ephemeral-image, but would knowing MAC addresses of the nodes help you map them to the physical server? If so, you can click on 'mac address' on the nodes overview page to switch the display from node name to node mac address.16:29
bdxhello all, I'm getting "00-maas-06-get-fruid-api-data" failed on all nodes16:42
bdxits causing commissioning to fail16:42
bdxwhat's odd, is there is a comment in the code around that that indicates not to fail commissioning if the test fails16:42
bdxany idea whats going on here?16:43
mupBug #1724618 opened: [2.3b1, UI] I should be able to edit Tags in place <nys-feedback> <ui> <MAAS:New for m-vrachnis> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724618>17:10
mupBug #1724624 opened: failing commissioning script <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724624>17:10
mupBug #1724627 opened: 00-maas-06-get-fruid-api-data fails relentlessly, causes commissioning to fail <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724627>17:10
bdxis there a way to revert maas database migration?18:05
bdxbdx: nm^18:31
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[Kid]catbus, yes MAC would be awesome19:26
[Kid]i completely missed that19:26
[Kid]is there a way to bulk edit, or is it mainly scripting?19:33
catbus[Kid]: edit what? the node name?19:52
catbus[Kid]: you might be looking for https://docs.ubuntu.com/maas/2.1/en/manage-cli19:53
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[Kid]yes, the node name, the interface IP address, the IPMI settings?19:56
mupBug #1724677 opened: [critical] TFTP back-end failed right after node repeatedly requests same file via tftp <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <foundations-engine> <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1724677>20:29
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catbus[Kid]: The interface IP addresses should be managed by MAAS DHCP and IPMI settings are automatically detected and credentials are created in enlistment. What's the need to change them?21:21
catbus[Kid]: certainly the node names can be scripted to change in bulk via cli.21:22
[Kid]catbus, i have Dell iDRAC and i noticed it did pull the right IP, but there is no user of maas on the Dell side21:24
[Kid]so it couldn't manage it21:24
[Kid]and what if i want static IPs?21:24
[Kid]these are servers.21:24
[Kid]should be a pretty common item i would think. sorry if that sounds rude, i am not trying to be21:25
catbus[Kid]: in the enlistment phase, maas should be able to create the 'maas' user account on the BMC. When it fails, it's almost because the node has problem accessing the internet to pull down packages to do so.21:25
[Kid]yeah, i was getting a connection time out when it was trying to connect to BMC it said21:25
[Kid]ohhh, i think i know what it was21:26
[Kid]i changed the Dell to allow IPMI over LAN21:26
[Kid]but i also changed the username and password in the IPMI settings in MAAS21:26
[Kid]and then it was able to control21:26
catbus[Kid]: I can't tell from your description if MAAS was able to create 'maas' username on BMC when it first pxe boots the node.21:30
catbusmaas supports ipmi 1.5 and 2.0 and I believe it works with dell idrac out of box, meaning you don't have to change the bmc username/password, once machine pxe boot in the network and maas picks it up, maas can power on/off the node as it needs for commissioning and OS deploying.21:30
catbus[Kid]: my understanding is maas is deigned to provide cloud style provisioning for physical servers, hundreds of it ie minimal manual intervention as possible, the common use case is to use maas to manage the IP addresses for the cluster.21:35
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damayaQuestion regarding Global Kernel Parameters in the MAAS GUI: Do these params have any impact on PXE booting or are they just set in place for the installed OS?22:27
damayaMAAS GUI = MAAS Web Frontend.22:28
kevingcWhat is the recommended network topology for a MAAS region controller and slaves?23:57
kevingcI currently have them all connected to the same router, with the WAN port on the router connected to a core router. Is this correct?23:57

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