
luisolivem guys, is ubuntu 17.10 already out there?00:56
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months (non-LTS) or 5 years (LTS). More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases00:57
ubottuIf you install a development version of Ubuntu Artful and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 17.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.00:57
TJ-drat! what's the factoid for the release date?00:57
luisolivty, i needed that last command00:57
TJ-end of month I think00:57
luisolivoh i see00:58
ubottuNope, it's not out yet.  Check back on Thursday!02:36
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liuxgwhen I run a command inside a container like "ssh root@$IPADDR lxc-attach -P /usr/lib/lm_containers -n ivi -- ls *.rpm", it complains "ls: *.rpm: No such file or directory". does it mean that I cannot use * inside the command? If I remove the *, it runs well. what should I do? thanks08:48
FauxYou can sometimes use sh -c 'ls *.rpm'08:50
FauxQuoting / commands over ssh is a *nightmare*, it's almost always easier to write a script and pipe it into "ssh root@host bash".08:51
liuxgFaux, thanks for your tips. I will have a try for it08:52
Fauxprintf '#!/bin/sh\nprintf "== %%s ==\\n" "$@"\n' > debug-args.sh && chmod a+x debug-args.sh && ssh localhost ./debug-args.sh foo 'bar baz' quux08:54
liuxgFaux, thanks your method works.08:55
rebbel1good day12:16
rebbel1i deleted sda with windows 10 on it, installed ubuntu 17.04 on sdb2 from Live CD, no bootable device found12:17
freakyyrebbel1: u have to install grub ... on the right device12:20
freakyytry putting grub on /dev/sda12:20
rebbel1thanks freaky12:38
rebbel1thanks freakyy12:38
rebbel1can i create a new sda with grub in Gparted ?12:39
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v3n0mubuntu 17.10 slow boot 17:23
lordcirth_workv3n0m, "systemd-analyze critical-chain" ?17:26
v3n0mwhere's the bin?17:26
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:26
lordcirth_workpastebinit is handy17:27
v3n0mAlso, sometimes it took once almost 50 seconds in systemd-analyze 17:27
v3n0mkernel boot + user space17:27
oerheksis that slow?17:29
lordcirth_workv3n0m, look through dmesg for errors; are you on a hard drive, if so, what rpm?17:29
v3n0mcommand please17:29
lordcirth_workdmesg | grep -i error | less17:30
lordcirth_workOught to catch most things17:30
v3n0mIts 5-6 seconds longer than usual from ubuntu 17.0417:30
v3n0mand it once took almost 50 seconds17:30
v3n0mhere it is17:31
lordcirth_workv3n0m, so, is the OS installed on a hard drive or SSD?17:32
v3n0mI think when I shut the computer down and turn it on it takes more time. Rebooting I guess take less. I don't seem to notice the difference but systemd-analyze tells me.17:32
v3n0mhard drive.17:32
lordcirth_workSo, 50s is not absurdly long for a full desktop boot on a hard drive.17:32
v3n0mBut that wasn't the case on ubuntu 17.0417:33
v3n0myou are not getting the point.17:33
lordcirth_workv3n0m, 5 seconds longer than 17.04?17:34
v3n0mYeah, and it once took 50 seconds17:34
v3n0mI mean the kernel takes only 3 seconds or so17:34
v3n0mthe user space programs take time17:34
lordcirth_workv3n0m, are you on wifi or ethernet?  I notice networkmanager is taking a long time17:34
lordcirth_work50% chance it's wifi causing the delay17:35
v3n0mYeah, I had a network not connecting problem in my university campus. Can be because of that17:35
v3n0mBut still, is there a way to decrease the boot time even more?17:35
v3n0msome grub config maybe? I know that has nothing to do with systemd-analyze but I just like my machine booting up fastly.17:36
lordcirth_workv3n0m, yeah, I get that :) I once spent a day tweaking Gentoo to get 28s from grub to login.17:36
lordcirth_workv3n0m, if your grub is showing a menu during boot, and you don't need that, you can skip that17:37
v3n0mAlso, the logo appears like just for a second. Its just pink screen. No, it's hidden. The hidden thing is enabled I guess.17:37
lordcirth_workIf you aren't using snapd - most people don't - you can run 'systemctl disable snapd'17:38
v3n0mits the Ubuntu snaps feature?17:38
lordcirth_workPersonally I remove the 'quiet splash' text from the grub settings.  Probably doesn't speed up much but it's cooler and better for troubleshooting17:39
v3n0mlordcirth_work: the drive is fine right no problems? I gave you a pastebin of it.17:39
v3n0mI just like the ubuntu logo17:39
lordcirth_workv3n0m, I don't see a paste of drive info? 'smartctl -a /dev/sda' will get drive health17:40
v3n0mactually, I am talking about the demsg errors17:40
lordcirth_workOh yeah nothing there.17:41
oerhekslloks like sda2 is flaulty, mounted read-only17:42
v3n0mAnyone used tor here? I had done proxy settings in torrc file since my campus has proxy set up but I used to do an https proxy and it would work in archlinux but I haven't been able to make it work in 17.04. Not tested in this one. But the tor process just gets active (exited) by seeing the status of the tor service.17:43
v3n0mwhat sort of problem?17:43
v3n0msda2 is my root partition. How can it be read only?17:43
v3n0mwhy are you saying it's faulty?17:44
naccoerheks: the prior paste just shows that the option to remount ro on errors is set, it doesn't say it is mounted ro yet17:45
oerheksoh oke, then why posting the message..17:45
v3n0mso why is this behaviour?17:45
v3n0mis it trouble worthy nacc?17:46
oerheksand quick change subject to tor. ..17:46
v3n0mwhat do you mean oerheks? I wasn't changing subject. I had that problem too but you sort of put me wondering that is there a problem with sda2?17:48
lordcirth_workv3n0m, no, it's fine.17:48
lordcirth_workv3n0m, for TOR you'll probably need a different channel17:48
v3n0mSo is that error to everybody?17:49
v3n0mbtw, I am on the devlopment release. Tomorrow, when Ubuntu 17.10 is released officialy, I will update to the point release right? No need to reinstall?17:50
lordcirth_workv3n0m, ? the second line there is just saying that your filesystem was mounted with a setting that will go read-only if there's an error17:50
lordcirth_workv3n0m, yeah just updating works I think17:51
v3n0mI mean that thing comes in everybody's demsg error or not?17:51
vithiriAnyone else experiencing that the battery status icon doesn't update to reflect the actual battery levels currently? If I click the indicators, the actual level displays in the menu.17:52
lordcirth_workv3n0m, the command I gave is not finding all errors, it's looking for all messages that contain the word "error".  Slight difference.17:52
lordcirth_workAnd yeah, it's normal.17:52
v3n0mso its fine17:52
v3n0mAlright. You think that I will be updated to the point release or are you sure? There is a big different between these two.17:53
v3n0mbtw, tweaks isn't present by default?17:54
jbichav3n0m: there are no point releases for non-LTS releases like Ubuntu 17.1017:55
jbichathe Tweaks app is not installed by default but it's easy to install17:56
v3n0mso what's the 17.10 release called then?17:56
jbichaUbuntu 17.1017:56
v3n0mbut still if a person upgrades from 17.04 won't it be a point release then?17:57
jbichabut the most recent LTS is Ubuntu 16.04.317:57
jbichawe use the term "point release" to talk about that final 3rd part of the number which is only present for LTS releases17:57
v3n0mActually, I was wondering that whether the pacakges in 16.04.3 gets updated17:57
jbichaall Ubuntu releases get security and bug fixes17:58
v3n0mLike seriously it will be like really long about 2 years to get new versions17:58
jbichabut if you want brand new versions of software, you (usually) have to upgrade to a new Ubuntu release17:58
v3n0mlike some software might have changed or devloped much17:58
jbichaor you can use snap's17:58
v3n0mdoes a point release provide updated software?17:58
jbichano, it's just regular security and bug fixes (and an updated kernel and some graphics drivers)17:59
oerheksLTS gives stable packages, not the *newest* , yet it gets security updates backported17:59
jbichait's just more convenient to install from a point release that has a lot of those bug fixes pre-installed instead of having to download as much afterwards17:59
lordcirth_worknewer minor versions, not major versions, in general17:59
v3n0m2 years is a long time and software change a lot in that time18:00
lordcirth_workv3n0m, yep, that's what ppas are for18:00
v3n0mso that's what I am asking. Like is the software never updated.18:00
lordcirth_workI have haproxy 1.7 from a ppa, for example18:00
v3n0mBut I don't really trust ppas.18:00
v3n0mThey can break my system.18:01
oerheks" Like is the software never updated" is not true18:01
lordcirth_workv3n0m, well you shouldn't automatically trust them; but when the developer is the one making them, they are safe18:01
v3n0mSo yeah, but still you have the worry of dependency conflict18:01
v3n0mAnd some dependencies which migh be newer18:01
lordcirth_workv3n0m, depends on what software you are installing18:01
v3n0mand cause problems to your software18:01
lordcirth_workDon't ever install glibc from ppa, lol18:02
v3n0malready installed or ones you want to install18:02
v3n0mnot much. I would prefer nvidia drivers and some programming ides etc18:02
lordcirth_workWell, if you want newer stuff, then upgrade every 6 months instead of using LTS's.18:02
v3n0mnvidia drivers from ppa are safe?18:03
v3n0mhow about backports?18:03
v3n0min lts18:03
oerheksbackports are tested, sure18:04
oerheksi just wonder why you ask if they are 'safe'..18:04
v3n0mso safe then.18:04
v3n0mI mean that won't really cause problems to my system in terms of dependency18:05
lordcirth_workv3n0m, the great thing about digital systems is that it's trivial to reinstall and load your backups18:06
v3n0mwell can you answer my question please?18:09
lordcirth_workv3n0m, I don't know everything, most ppas don't break things, use common sense and have backups18:10
lordcirth_workI use nvidia ppa drivers, as do many others, and they are generally pretty stable18:10
oerheksproposed repo, is what you should avoid, unless you have a *reason* for it.18:31
oerheksbackports are fine18:31
oerheksbut you will find no backports in 17.10, it is not out yet.18:32
ignooHello,running ubuntu GNOME 16.04, have some issues with ubuntu Artful Aardvark: https://pastebin.com/BgBHExes ; Thank you for your Support.18:52
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ke-escHello all. I have 17.10 running on my PC with an nvidia card. The monitors won't power off after delay. I tried running 'vbetool dpms off' but it throws an error that open/dev/mem is not permitted23:07
ke-escAny thoughts?23:07
naccke-esc: did you try with sudo?23:09
ke-escnacc, yes, ran that with sudo23:09

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