
jibelgood morning04:55
dufluMorning jibel04:55
dufluHappy release day04:55
dufluWait, no, tomorrow04:56
dufluMeh, it will still be the 18th when it's the 19th here :)04:56
jibelyes, 1 day to go.04:59
jibeland another release04:59
jibelthat will be my 16th release05:00
jibelnot counting phone OTAs05:00
dufluThat's pretty unusual in the software world. In other circles you'd actually code freeze 6 months before release :)05:04
dufluBy which I mean there would not be 2+ releases each year. Although it's mathematically possible with overlaps05:06
jibelwhat about the phone where we released 15 OTA in 2 years. Pretty short freezes05:09
dufluPrepare for the bug report spike05:16
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:01
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:12
oSoMoNhey duflu, how are things?06:14
dufluoSoMoN, things are OK. How about you?06:14
oSoMoNduflu, I'm doing good06:16
dufluTrevinho, hey remind me how/why mutter logs nothing by default?06:21
dufluI used to know this06:21
Trevinhoduflu: hey06:21
Trevinhoduflu: not reason... but you can enable the debugging flag at compile time also if you need more06:22
dufluThanks Trevinho06:22
dufluThat was nonobvious06:22
oSoMoNhey Trevinho06:22
Trevinhohi oSoMoN06:23
Trevinhogood morning :)06:23
Trevinhoduflu: it should be just --enable-debug iirc06:24
dufluThat's a bit weird. You don't know you need the log until after an error happens. So disabling logging by default assumes you can always run it twice and reproduce an issue06:25
Trevinhoduflu: it also depends the flag is for debugging log06:26
Trevinhofor the rest just use the classic G_DEBUG or G_MESSAGES_DEBUG (=all) vars06:27
didrocksgood morning06:29
oSoMoNsalut didrocks06:30
didrocksça va oSoMoN ?06:31
oSoMoNbien, et toi?06:31
oSoMoNMartin va mieux?06:31
didrocksil tousse encore, mais plus de fièvre…06:32
didrockspar contre, quinte de toux la nuit, donc niveau repos pour lui, bof06:32
seb128good morning desktopers06:35
seb128didrocks, oSoMoN, salut les frenchies06:36
didrockssalut seb128 !06:36
seb128oSoMoN, désolé j'ai vu ton msg hier soir en passant avant le diner et j'ai oublié de faire le sponsoring après, j'y ai repensé qu'une fois au lot06:37
seb128je fais ça dans un moment (si personne ne s'en est occupé entre temps)06:37
seb128hey flexiondotorg06:37
didrocksbonjour flexiondotorg !06:37
flexiondotorgSur le train. Aller au bureau de Londres.06:39
didrocksflexiondotorg: tu arrives à quelle heure ?06:39
flocculantflexiondotorg: you're brave believing the train efficiency :D06:45
flexiondotorgIt's supposed to arrive at 8:15, I've automatically given the commuter adjusted arrival time😉06:48
flocculantha ha ha06:48
jibeldidrocks, any progress with debugging bug 1723577?07:22
ubot5bug 1723577 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Artful won't start with Wayland activated (AMD?)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172357707:22
jibelbonjour :)07:22
didrocksjibel: no, we did a lot of reverts, but still nothing. Here is syslogs with gdm in debug mode: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/341191466/Syslog307:26
didrocksgot a 3rd person complaining about his config not working (but he didn't detail his GPU)07:27
didrocksOct 17 13:13:19 valeryan24-desktop gnome-shell[1206]: Failed to use linear monitor configuration: Invalid mode 775501120x892744761 (0,000001) for monitor 'ACI ASUS VW220'07:28
didrocksOct 17 13:13:19 valeryan24-desktop gnome-shell[1206]: Failed to use fallback monitor configuration: Invalid mode 775501120x892744761 (0,000001) for monitor 'ACI ASUS VW220'07:28
didrocksis the only thing that could impact, maybe?07:28
didrocksjibel: we don't have any iso from the 5th or 6th, correct?07:29
didrockswe could go the other way, getting them booting an older iso and upgrading pieces by pieces07:30
jibeldidrocks, we don't07:31
jibeldidrocks, we do have the beta but it's more than a week older07:32
didrocksjibel: hum, maybe we can start from there… Better than nothing…07:32
didrocksapart from this monitor configuration, I don't see anything else wrong07:33
didrocksjibel: do you mind double checking if you spot anything in the debug gdm logs? ^07:33
jibeldidrocks, yes07:33
didrocksit sounds like we are launching the gdm user session successfully07:33
didrocksgoing through the phases07:33
didrockswithout any warning/errors07:33
didrocksOct 17 13:13:21 valeryan24-desktop gnome-session-binary[1198]: DEBUG(+): GsmManager: starting phase WINDOW_MANAGER07:34
didrocksOct 17 13:13:21 valeryan24-desktop gnome-session-binary[1198]: DEBUG(+): GsmManager: ending phase WINDOW_MANAGER07:34
didrocks-> this is where gnome-shell is launched07:34
didrocks(actually Oct 17 13:13:19 valeryan24-desktop /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-wayland-session[1194]: gnome-session-binary[1198]: DEBUG(+): GsmManager: Phase DISPLAY_SERVER07:34
didrocksin gdm)07:35
oSoMoNseb128, looks like nobody did it yet07:45
seb128oSoMoN, good, I'm doing it now07:46
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke07:57
seb128good morning willcooke07:57
oSoMoNseb128, I’ve updated the bug description (bug #1718446) to make it SRUable, do I need to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors?07:58
ubot5bug 1718446 in gdm3 (Ubuntu) "Ensure wayland -> xorg fallback to the corresponding session" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171844607:58
seb128oSoMoN, no, I'm handling that part07:58
willcookeduflu, seb128 - no BT meeting today07:59
seb128willcooke, oh, less meeting, good :)07:59
dufluwillcooke, OK. My mutter work thanks you. Predictably fixing one thing reveals more problems07:59
oSoMoNseb128, that's what I thought, thanks07:59
didrockshey willcooke08:01
didrocksmorning Laney08:04
seb128hey Laney08:10
Laneyhey didrocks hey seb12808:12
Laneyanything new?08:12
didrocksnot much, didn't get yet to the bottom of the ATI bug, a little bit worried about that one08:13
didrocks(don't know how much widespread it is)08:13
seb128is anyone in the having an amd graphic machine?08:24
dufluseb128, I can make my dev machine into AMD easily but I've adopted too many bugs for the moment08:24
seb128duflu, k08:25
dufluIt's probably advisable anyone ever working on the shell has some AMD and NVIDIA hardware at home08:25
dufluEven when I was working on Mir, often I was the only one who could test things08:25
dufluwhere things are Nvidia and AMD08:27
seb128yeah, we should probably expense some machines for that08:27
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Laneyis it possible to access things in the taipei lab graphically?08:31
jibelwe do have access to nvidia and amd machines in the lab but not graphically08:32
Laneysounds like you can't tell from logs that it's broken for this bug?08:33
jibelno, I've been reading the logs but there is nothing obvious08:33
didrocksLaney: which is one of the issue08:41
didrocksok, I requested more env variables to print mutter/wayland more debugs08:41
didrocksthe only potential issue in syslogs is:08:41
didrocksOct 17 13:13:19 valeryan24-desktop gnome-shell[1206]: Failed to use linear monitor configuration: Invalid08:41
didrocksmode 775501120x892744761 (0,000001) for monitor 'ACI ASUS VW220'08:41
seb128jamesh, hey08:42
jameshseb128: hi08:42
seb128jamesh, could you have a look at bug #1724316 please?08:42
ubot5bug 1724316 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) ""Sorry, something went wrong cannot authenticate to snap store ..." without any way to fix" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172431608:42
seb128jamesh, you might know if there is a way to re-enter credentials from the UI? or does one need to use the command line?08:43
jameshseb128: gnome-software doesn't share credentials with the command line tool08:43
seb128jamesh, my artful is having the issue if some debug info or state details would be useful08:43
liuxgwhen I run a command inside a container like "ssh root@$IPADDR lxc-attach -P /usr/lib/lm_containers -n ivi -- ls *.rpm", it complains "ls: *.rpm: No such file or directory". does it mean that I cannot use * inside the command? If I remove the *, it runs well. what should I do? thanks08:49
jameshseb128: I assume you'd previously entered U1 credentials into gnome-software?08:51
seb128jamesh, I guess I did? I installed that machine early in the cycle and don't remember the details of what I did08:53
seb128oSoMoN, k, gnome-session/gdm changes merged & uploaded, the SRU bug description looks good as well, thanks09:12
oSoMoNseb128, cheers09:20
jameshseb128: still investigating, but I suspect the problem is in libsnapd-glib or snapd itself09:51
jamesh(added some intermediate info to the bug)09:51
willcookedidrocks, I just realised we're not adding the LibreOffice icons to the launcher by default, I /think/ we used to have them there.  Any reason either way?10:08
didrockswillcooke: we reviewed and discussed that at the fit and finish sprint: the decision we took was keeping ubuntu GNOME default list + adding amazon.10:10
willcooke:) thanks didrocks10:10
didrockscan be revisited for LTS ;)10:10
didrocksfunny, we still have evolution.desktop in it10:11
didrocksshould be cleaned up :p10:11
didrocks(and adding thunderbird, probably)10:11
willcookeI've added a card to the backlog to review10:11
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didrocksLast post of the cycle, Day 16 is out :)10:33
willcookecongrats ddi10:41
seb128jamesh, thanks11:58
tkamppeterseb128, did you already have a look into the gvfs-mtp log file?12:45
seb128tkamppeter, yeah, but I'm a bit unclear what issues you have, the file copy was different from the other segfault right? did you report the copy one with apport? what was the backtrace?12:46
tkamppeterseb128, The apport crash reports are all of some plug/unplug/unlock event as an apport crash report did not happen yesyerday and only yesterday I tried to transfer files.12:48
seb128tkamppeter, what error did you get when trying to copy files then?12:48
seb128did it work under valgrind the copy?12:48
tkamppeterseb128, yesterday I only had that different valgrind apport report.12:49
tkamppeterUnder Valgrind the copy also did not work. I get "Error transferring track, Could not open resource for writing.".12:54
tkamppeterseb128, ^^12:55
seb128tkamppeter, could you report that bug on bugzilla against gvfs mtp backend? include your device reference since it might be specific to it13:06
seb128detail but it looks like the "install third party software" installer option is not showing translated in french?13:18
seb128andyrock, you are assigning me bugs now? :)14:05
andyrockseb128: ahah I saw you proposed the patch upstream14:05
willcookedidrocks, cyphermox might have the right machine!14:15
willcookeKernel driver in use: radeon14:15
willcookeKernel modules: radeon, amdgpu14:15
willcookecyphermox might be able to save the day again :)14:15
willcookeseb128,, jibel - FYI since you're in the loop ^14:16
seb128willcooke, upstream #gnome-shell has an idea of a problem in the code that could explain it14:16
willcookeah nice14:16
rbasakI don't think I can help, but for future reference, I have an MSI R7 370: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25766124/14:17
rbasakI don't think it uses amdgpu though, and I won't be near this particular machine for a month or two :-/14:17
seb128rbasak, thanks14:17
willcookethanks rbasak, good to know14:17
didrocksok, so…14:20
didrocksshould we revert the headless commits?14:20
didrockswhich is what the user tried?14:21
didrocksand both seb & I tried those reverts to ensure that the Shell still starts?14:21
willcookedidrocks, I'd like to test the resume/suspend cycles as well14:22
willcookecan I install it?14:22
didrockswillcooke: sure, https://launchpad.net/~didrocks/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/1359153114:24
didrocksinstall the 2 debs14:24
didrockswillcooke: there shouldn't be any impact on resume/suspend, the commits aren't reverted or linked14:25
willcookethanks didrocks, worth testing all the same14:26
didrocksyep :)14:26
didrockswillcooke: I'm preparing the real upload meanwhile14:26
seb128didrocks, you prefer reverting now than giving upstream let's say half an hour to suggest a fix?14:26
didrocksseb128: I'm away in half an hour and unsure the guy will be able to test the fix14:26
didrocksbut if you handle it with the community guy, sure14:26
seb128well I was asking what you think is best if we ignore logistic14:27
seb128then we can see if logistic works so we can do what is best14:27
seb128or if we do plan B14:27
didrocksI'm unsure this headless mode really gives us anything for this release14:27
didrocksbut if you feel it's important to us14:27
seb128no, but the #gnome-shell log suggests that before its change gnome-shell was segfaulting14:28
didrocksI would personnally go for a revert and proper fix as an SRU14:28
seb128that was sending users back to fallback14:28
seb128and I'm wondering if the segfault means apport prompts etc14:28
didrocksyeah, but at least, they are on xorg14:28
seb128due to timeline constrains I think I would agree with the revert14:28
seb128willcooke, Laney, others, ^ opinion?14:29
Laneyask Jonas what he thinks about that, but seems ok14:29
willcookeI think we should probably get things ship-shape before EOD.  So I'm +1 and then we can always SRU something tomorrow14:29
didrocks(only the gdm user gnome-shell is segfaulting AFAIK)14:29
seb128Laney, you should be on #gnome-shell :p14:29
LaneyI am14:29
seb128oh, you are14:29
seb128ask then :)14:29
seb128well anyway they asked for more info14:30
seb128it just takes roundtrip through contributor on forum14:30
seb128so it might take a while14:30
willcookeI'm happy with suspend here14:31
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tkamppeterseb128, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78915014:36
ubot5Gnome bug 789150 in mtp backend "gvfs-mtp backend crashes on plug/unplug/unlock of Android phone, file transfer to Android phone does not work" [Normal,New]14:36
seb128tkamppeter, thanks14:37
andyrockseb128: hey I proposed a fix for a crash we had in gnome-control-center when adding google accounts14:39
andyrockthe fix is in gtk14:39
ubot5Gnome bug 789141 in Backend: Wayland "Segmentation fault when adding Google online account" [Normal,New]14:39
seb128andyrock, I saw, thanks14:39
andyrockthere was a first review14:39
andyrockseb128: you see everything14:39
andyrockwe might want to SRU the fix14:40
seb128let's wait to get it reviewed another time, the first review was ebassi doing stylistic comments14:42
cyphermoxseb128: willcooke: fwiw, wayland starts fine here.14:57
willcookethanks cyphermox14:58
willcookeSo we're dealing with a fairly narrow case then14:58
seb128we have a revert upload and it looks like upstream understands the issue and is working on a fix as well14:59
cyphermoxwillcooke: maybe I spoke too fast15:15
cyphermoxnot sure what's going on but I couldn't get back to my session again after screensaver started15:16
cyphermoxI will lock my screen again now.15:16
cyphermoxworked this time, I'll let you know / file a bug when I hit the same issue again15:17
sil2100Could you guys also give gnome-shell from artful-proposed some testing?15:36
jbichadidrocks: hi, I haven't read all the details about the ati stuff you were working on today, but…16:33
jibelsil2100, I can install on a test machine and do a quick check16:33
jbichaI used to have problems with some time my computer hanging on wake from suspend that I believe was fixed by the headless fixes16:34
jibelbut it's an intel16:34
jbichanot loading at all is worse than having problems waking up, I'm just pointing out the potential downside :|16:35
jibeljbicha, can you help testing gnome-shell in proposed then and tell how bad are the wake up issues16:37
willcookejbicha, I /think/ that wake up issue was different.  proposed working fine here on Intel16:39
jibelsil2100, gnome-shell from proposed looks fine16:52
jbichasil2100: I'm going to test gnome-shell too in a minute16:56
jbichaI'm not able to duplicate the wake-on-suspend hang here. I think it'll take me an hour or so to test on the computer that had the problem until last week17:07
jbichasil2100: didrocks ^17:08
didrocksgood :)17:09
sil2100jbicha: thanks!17:09
sil2100I think it got enough testing so it's now migrating to the release pocket17:09
v3n0mvery slow boot time of Ubuntu 17.1017:22
didrockswillcooke: It's nice to see that that the fix worked for smb (at least 4 persons in the limited testing, I guess it worthed it)17:35
willcookeneat!  I saw he said that it was broken, I didnt know it worked for him, so that is good news indeed17:35
willcookenice work didrocks17:35
* didrocks really off now17:38
willcookenight didrocks17:38
oSoMoNnight all17:38
jbichaok, I tried 10 times and wasn't able to reproduce the hang on suspend with gnome-shell .26.1-0ubuntu417:51
jbichaI think my issue was fixed by last week's mutter uploads17:52
willcookecool, I hoped that would be the case17:53
jbichamaybe even 3.26.1-2ubuntu117:53
willcookegonna call it a day, seems like everything is good to go.17:59
willcookeI'll be on telegram if needed, but otherwise catch you in the morning18:00
ignooHello,running ubuntu GNOME 16.04, have some issues with ubuntu Artful Aardvark: https://pastebin.com/BgBHExes ; Thank you for your Support.18:52
jbichaignoo: thanks, but go away18:52
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vithiriDoes anyone else notice the battery status indicator always being at 100% in 17.10 currently? If I click it, the correct percentage will be displayed in the drop down menu.20:50
jbichavithiri: I don't think it always shows 100%, but take a look at https://github.com/system76/pop-distro/issues/4420:58
vithirijbicha: Hmm. Interesting. Thanks for the link.21:01
vithirijbicha: I didn't let it drop below 60%, so I can't confirm if it's the same issue now. But I'll keep an eye on it.21:02
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jackpot51I would like to thank everyone on a great Artful release!21:52
vithirijackpot51: Is it already relesed or are we just celebrating CET+1 midnight? :)22:01
dmj_s76jbicha: Are you blocking on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=788493 atm?22:02
ubot5Gnome bug 788493 in general "Gnome 3.26 does not properly unredirect fullscreen windows" [Normal,New]22:02
jbichano, but if we're going to a mutter SRU, we might as well include the fixes for that too22:03
jbichasince an SRU can take a week or two before it's published to -updates for all users22:03
dmj_s76do you know of any regressions with the patches for this bug?  I haven't looked very closely at it yet.22:04
jbichaI've not heard any reported yet22:04
jbichaI thought since I believe gaming performance is a priority for System76, you might want to work on filing the LP bug we need for tracking that fix22:05
jackpot51vithiri: I am celebrating the current version of Artful. The release will probably be the current set of packages in the release archive22:06
jackpot51Unless there are outstanding issues to fix22:07
vithirijackpot51: Ah, yes. Based on using it for the past month, I'd say celebrating it sounds like a reasonable approach.22:07
dmj_s76Proper vsync (including gsync) behavior is definitely important to us.  We have some gaming customers though it's a minority of nvidia customers actually.22:13
dmj_s76jbicha: Might need to think more carefully about the vsync patch since it's claimed to cause tearing on videos in firefox.22:14
dmj_s76We definitely will get support calls about that.22:15
dmj_s76Previously the equivalent compiz plugin had an override to control fullscreen unredirection for windows of certain applications.22:17
jbichacomment 48 says there's a GNOME Shell extension you can have them install22:18
jbichathe behavior in mutter 3.26.1 was a regression from previous GNOME versions, I believe we want the behavior in 3.26.222:19
jbichait sounds like the problem is that Firefox doesn't enable hw acceleration by default on Linux ?22:20
dmj_s76jbicha: yeah, I think the right thing here is to allow unredirection&tearing if that's what the fullscreen app wants, but provide a mechanism to automatically override this for apps where tearing is an obviously wrong thing.22:44
dmj_s76Not to be ornery...will try to dig deeper and do some testing tomorrow :)22:57
jbichano problem, I appreciate the help :)22:58
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vithirijbicha: I've let it run down to 52% now, and while the experience isn't great since the icon shows ~75% it seems to be by design.23:39

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