
cpaelzergood morning05:39
lordievaderGood morning06:08
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darkadHi all09:58
darkadI'm running some commmands within the x11 console, the execution seems to be faster than running commands in the root rescue mode, does someone confirm this?09:59
lordievaderIf the one uses a framebuffer and the other something proper.... then yes, the proper one will look faster.10:12
mybalzitchdoes anyone know where mount gets the default (auto) mount settings when mounting a nfs share?12:23
JenshaeThe bug with systemd not shutting down correctly persists, error, "Not tainted 4.4.0-96-generic #119-Ubuntu" Sometimes it works but mostly it doesn't and a hard reboot this time has resulted in an error and recovery mode. Tried fsck without any results.12:59
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JenshaeDPS self test has failed on a drive. :(15:28
JenshaeLaters o715:28
BrazierCustomsIs there a way to import an LXD image into glance? I've searched everywhere..17:01
BrazierCustomsI tried extracting the tarball to a loop mounted image and importing the image Raw but I get no valid host when I try to boot it17:21
andreashas anybody seen systemctl on xenial throw out this error:17:44
andreasFailed to get properties: No such interface ''17:44
andreasit's doing that for any service, even ones that don't exist17:45
andreasroot@ci:~# systemctl status ssh17:45
andreasFailed to get properties: No such interface ''17:45
andreasroot@ci:~# systemctl status foobar17:45
andreasFailed to get properties: No such interface ''17:45
BrazierCustomsAndreas maybe this will help? https://askubuntu.com/questions/894419/systemd-on-ubuntu-16-04-gives-no-such-interface-error18:04
BrazierCustomsAndreas no problem18:06
jbichaI have a server where I run an IRC client in byobu that I updated a week or two ago to 17.1018:19
jbichaI ssh in, when I press F6 to detach, it often kills the byobu session (and therefore the irc client)18:20
jbichathis didn't happen when I ran 17.04. Any ideas what configuration I should look into or whether this is a new bug?18:21
TJ-jbicha: did you also update the local host you're ssh-ing from?18:24
TJ-jbicha: I'm wondering if it's at all related to the local client side's key handling18:24
jbichaI'm using 17.10 on both but I have been on 17.10 on my client for a few months18:32
jbichait's possible I have something wrong in my sshd_config but it seemed ok to me18:39
DammitJimwhat is a partition called: /run/user/10000 ?18:53
sarnoldDammitJim: that's the newfangled XDG_RUNTIME_DIR from https://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html18:55
sdezielDammitJim: it's technically not a partition but a tmpfs mount point </nitpicking>19:00
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ppetrakianyone around that can help with usb passthrough to a lxc container? ppetraki@:~$ lxc config device add cuda-trusty jetson usb vendorid=095520:43
ppetrakierror: Invalid device type for device 'jetson'20:43
ppetrakippetraki@:~$ lsusb | grep -i vidia20:43
ppetrakiBus 001 Device 006: ID 0955:7140 NVidia Corp.20:43
truelaiHowdy. I have a sudo user on a server that doesn't have to use pass for sudo. There are no such entries in visudo. How else could this be happening?20:51
TJ-truelai: probably a file under /etc/sudoers.d/20:55
TJ-truelai: "sudo grep NOPASSWD /etc/sudoers{,.d/*} "20:55
sdezielppetraki: try adding "productid=7140" maybe?21:04
stgraberresponded in the LXC IRC channel21:04
stgraberthe problem is that LXD 2.0.x doesn't support USB passthrough21:04
stgraberyou need LXD 2.1 or higher for that, which means using xenial-backports to get LXD 2.18 in this case21:04
sdezieloh, thanks I didn't know that21:05
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truelaithanks TJ-. You da MVP today.21:36
truelaistgraber: Thanks for all of your work on LXD. It's appreciated.21:37

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