
TJ-linuxlove: right. I said earlier you'll likely need to do a complete reinstall to have both OSes booting from the same disk if you can't make a primary partition available00:00
linuxlovei should choose between ubuntu 16.04 and 14.0400:00
TJ-fpapa: would adding an entry to /etc/hosts to fake the oracle host fqdn on localhost and having a local HTTP service return some text work?00:01
linuxlovei should delete one of them for primary00:01
oerheksservers could be down, i wonder how to check00:01
TJ-linuxlove: that or shrink the file-systems down to minimal and use LiveISO, Try Ubuntu, and GPartEd to jiggle partitions around to make room00:02
fpapathis is the URL that fails: http://download.oracle.com/otn-pub/java/jdk/8u144-b01/090f390dda5b47b9b721c7dfaa008135/jdk-8u144-linux-x64.tar.gz00:03
TJ-fpapa: maybe they changed the version number and removed that one (8u144)00:03
demophiliaI've connected my iPod and it only shows DCIM photo folder. Given the disclaimer at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod should I try to go further to get it working with ubuntu 16.04?00:04
demophiliaGNOME Mplayer > File > Open iPod(TM) did nothing.00:04
fpapaTJ-: that might be the case, but it doesn't work to do "add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java && apt-get update && apt-get install oracle-java8-installer". I mean by this that I don't specify that version, it is in the deb file00:05
demophobiaSorry for connection issue; is it difficult to get an iPod 5.1.1 working with ubuntu 16.04?00:07
oerheksfpapa, check the version manually -- http://jdk.java.net/8/ 8u16200:07
TJ-fpapa: oh, its fetching the Oracle package itself. I thought it was just fetching a click-through license text00:07
demophobiaor just Gnome MPlayer doesn't work as advertised?00:07
demophobiaWhy does the iPod get mounted twice on my desktop?00:11
demophobiaRhythmbox isn't detecting anything, either, from this iPod.00:12
demophobiaLooks like Apple has successfully hidden everything from Ubuntu?00:13
fpapaoerheks, thanks for the link. I will work around the issue for now by manually installing, but I think I should file a bug for the webupd8team ppa about this00:13
demophobialooks like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod needs to be updated accordingly00:13
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:13
SwenssonSo this is insane, I booted my Linux live USB at Home and it worked fine, but now I tried at friends pc and it got straight into grub prompt and I can't do anything here:s00:14
demophobiahm, ipodhowto redirects to that page.00:14
TheNH813So, I installed LXDE, but most of the settings applications have squares instead of text.00:14
TheNH813What font didn't the lubuntu-desktop package install?00:15
TheNH813It's REALLY broken looking.00:15
oerheksTheNH813, did you choose for updates during install?00:18
MInor723How can i make deluge startup with ubuntu 17.0400:18
TJ-TheNH813: did you install LXDE as a package on top of an existing installation00:18
TheNH813I installed LXDE on plain Ubuntu.00:18
TheNH813Using the lubuntu-desktop package.00:18
klausfiendis this an appropriate channel for questions about preseed issues or is there a better channel for that?00:18
TheNH813Or... well.. it's a metapackage.00:18
TheNH813But you get the idea.00:18
klausfiendi'm encountering a strange and thorny preseed/grub bug.00:18
oerheksupdates would fix such issues i guess00:19
TheNH813Call me outdated, but I use Grub4DOS and manually edit the menu when necessary.00:19
TJ-TheNH813: I'd create a new user and try logging in as that, to see if this is a system-wide or existing-user-config issue00:19
MInor723Is there a way to start deluge with ubuntu00:20
TheNH813Okay, will do.00:20
TheNH813Logging in as Guest will work for that, right?00:20
TJ-TheNH813: should do :)00:20
TJ-TheNH813: I usually create a new user so I can compare the (text) config files with the existing user to try to discover the setting(s) that are causing the issue00:21
TheNH813Looks perfect.00:22
SwenssonSo this is insane, I booted my Linux live USB at Home and it worked fine, but now I tried at friends pc and it got straight into grub prompt and I can't do anything here:s00:22
TheNH813Sounds like a good idea, to copy the settings of a new account.00:22
drewbertHello! I am having an issue after a fresh install of 17.10 beta 2 to a dual boot system. My system boots to a grub prompt UNLESS I enter bios at startup and exit (without changing anything).  In that case, my system boots to the normal grub boot menu.00:22
MInor723What is the best torrent program for ubuntu that supports rss? Deluge looks dated and not that great00:22
drewbertI should add that grub cannot see the hard disk containing my linux partition from the prompt.00:23
TheNH813Are the right filesystem modules in the grub folder?00:23
TheNH813Is it safe to erase .cache?00:24
TheNH813It will just be regenerated as necessary, right?00:24
Tobain your homedir00:24
drewbertTheNH813: how do I check that?00:24
TheNH813So, basically go to the grub folder from a Live USB or your main OS if you can get it to start, and look for files in grub/i386-pc.00:25
TheNH813Other then that, I'd try reinstalling GRUB completely.00:26
TJ-drewbert: is the system a UEFI based PC?00:26
TheNH813Disable Secure Boot if it's enabled.00:26
TheNH813That very commonly causes issues for me.00:26
oerheksdrewbert, sounds like your bios is locked, on the motherboard00:26
oerheksjumper setting00:26
drewbertTJ-: it is UEFI00:27
TheNH813What the..... I got permission denied when trying to delete .cache.00:27
TheNH813I think that could be the problem.00:27
TJ-drewbert: OK. and the GRUB prompt you get is it "rescue >" or just "grub >"00:27
drewbertI'll reboot and check if secure boot is enabled, but I'd be surprised that grub boots at all if it was a secure boot issue.00:27
drewbertTJ-: just "grub >"00:28
TJ-TheNH813: ownership issue? maybe used sudo on files in the $USER directories?00:28
TheNH813Oh. Yeah I have done that before.00:28
TheNH813Thunar in specific uses the user's home even when run with sudo.00:28
Adiehi, can someone explain the difference between terminal, xterm, and uxterm. I'm wondering why we need all 300:28
TheNH813Which is really dumb.00:28
TJ-drewbert: OK, that tells us GRUB's core.img loaded (grubx64.efi) but it couldn't find the GRUB directory on the boot device, so doesn't know how to draw the menu or load required device drivers00:29
MInor723How do I add Deluge to Ubuntu startup00:29
drewbertTJ-: I presumed as much.  When I run `ls` in the grub prompt, it only sees my first hard drive.00:29
TJ-drewbert: which suggests the motherboard's UEFI boot menu options are being messed up on a direct boot. Do you have multiple SSD/HDD and/or USB storage devices attached?00:29
TheNH813Allright, xterm is a very simple terminal, and it shouldn't be uninstalled because applications may require it. Uxterm is a fancier version of it, and terminal is the desktop envrionment's installed terminal.00:29
drewbertI have two ssds.00:29
Adieokay, thank you00:30
drewbertTJ-: ^00:30
TheNH813I'd just leave them all installed. They take barely any space. :D00:30
TJ-drewbert: is the bootable installation all on a single device or are required file-systems spread over the two?00:30
MInor723How do i add an applicatio to auto start?>>>>>00:30
TheNH813BRB gonna fix my account.00:31
drewbertTJ-: it's really disorganized. I think I have a grub on each drive00:31
=== QualityAddict is now known as Guest68997
TJ-drewbert: that could be part of the problem, although as its UEFI then it ought not to cause an issue since each device can have an EFI partition. It could be a problem if the motherboard firmware stores the path to the boot device in a generic way which doesn't uniquely identify the device to use...00:32
MInor723Where are application installed00:32
drewbertTJ-: interesting... I think I'll just keep experimenting then?00:33
TJ-drewbert: ... e.g. instead of using the form <disk-model-serialno>/EFI/GRUB/grubx64.efi it uses something like <disk1>/EFI/GRUB/grubx64.efi - in which case depending on which device is first in the boot order you'll be loading a different instance of GRUB00:33
MInor723THanks for the help everyone00:34
TJ-drewbert: try checking the firmware's device boot order if it has that option00:34
drewbertTJ-: it does have that option.  When I set it to the first drive it boots straight to windows.  When I set it to the second drive, it boots to linux.  When I reboot, the grub prompt appears.  If I reboot and enter bios, then exit without changing anything, it boots to linux.00:35
drewbertIt's almost like my hard drive needs more time to turn on.00:36
jerichowasahoaxdrewbert: what's your rootfs00:36
TJ-drewbert: it sounds rather like a subtle bug in the motherboard's UEFI implementation00:36
klausfiendHello! I'm running into an issue with Xenial preseed where the installer fails to install GRUB. It's a fully networked/automated install but Preseed complains that it can't find the debs for GRUB and friends, which I can't explain. It's not a hardware thing, as it's happened with every U16 install I've tried to date.00:37
TJ-drewbert: since the way it loads the bootloader is to read it's NVRAM stored default boot option number, then reads that boot menu entry, which contains a path to the device and bootloader EFI module (grubx64.efi) which then should know where it's own /boot/grub/ partition/file-system is. But if the motherboard has swapped the disks around it may be trying on the wrong device00:37
TJ-drewbert: it sounds like the firmware sets up a different boot order when you go into Setup first which sets things correctly for your configuration, but a direct boot to default entry doesn't00:38
TJ-drewbert: are you able to test booting with only the Linux device connected?00:38
drewbertEek, I can try that.00:39
urgodfatherhello room, are there any really savvy server admins avail. i want to pic you brain about how to achieve a goal. long story short, im looking to build an PXE imaging server that can be relatively easy to use, and make the images captured sync across 3 sites. ubuntu will be the os, fog project for imaging and ownclowd for the file sync. thoughts?00:40
jerichowasahoaxTJ-: then wouldn't that mean the device in the NVRAM entry is wrong?00:40
oerheksurgodfather, ltsp project https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP00:41
TJ-jerichowasahoax: it depends on how the firmware is storing the path as I said earlier. If it's a generic path based on device order then I can imagine this happening00:42
TJ-jerichowasahoax: but if the path is device-ID based then we ought to be able to rule that out. But I'd like to see the efibootmgr output to show the actualy raw menu entries.00:42
urgodfatheroerheks what is ltsp?00:42
jerichowasahoaxTJ-: if the motherboard is storing devices by boot order then i'd say "never buy from that manufacturer again"00:43
drewbertHere's my efibootmgr output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25762762/00:44
drewbertTJ-: Here's my verbose efibootmgr output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/25762779/00:47
TJ-jerichowasahoax: it wouldn't surprise me, I've seen so many awful implementations. Remember the problems with some Lenovo models not being able to wipe NVRAM when it was more than 50% full which was showing up as "Linux bricks UEFI systems"00:47
TheNH813It's fixed.00:48
TheNH813LXDE looks normal now.00:48
TJ-drewbert: It's a while since I did any UEFI bootmenu hacking but the "HD(1,GPT,..." suggests those paths are saying "find this on Disk 1" rather than "find this on the disk with serial-number X"00:49
TJ-TheNH813: :)00:49
TheNH813I just backed up what I wanted and typed "sudo rm -rf .*" in my home directory to nuke all the configs.00:49
TJ-TheNH813: harsh!00:49
TheNH813Then copied ones from a new account and changed permissions and ownership.00:49
TheNH813Reminds me of the time the kernel packages got corrupted.00:50
TheNH813I had to apt-get purge all kernels, install the linux-image and linux-firmware packages and hope the power didnt' fail. lol00:50
TheNH813LXDE is so much nicer then XFCE in terms of speed.00:51
TheNH813ONly problem is I don't know how to edit keybinds.00:51
TJ-drewbert: so I'm suspecting the bug is in the way the firmware is ordering the disks since you said you thought you had GRUB installed on both. If you can confirm that it would tend to lend weight to the hypothesis00:51
TJ-TheNH813: I find the opposite actualy00:52
TheNH813Really? That's unusual.00:52
TheNH813Perhaps I have too many background services in the startup then.00:52
TheNH813Where are keybind settings in lxde? I can't find them under keyboard and mouse.00:53
urgodfatherLTSP is a thin client environment...00:53
urgodfatheri work for an agency that sells/maintains pc's for customers. being that we have multiple sites, there's an inconsistancy in images deployed to the pc's00:53
urgodfatherso, to replace ghost b/c we all know how old ghost is... i need something that will do PXE and will work with UEFI00:53
TheNH813Perhaps making a post on the Ubuntu Forums would be a good idea.00:54
klausfiendIPXE will do that00:54
TJ-urgodfather: MAAS00:54
TJ-urgodfather: MAAS can install images and configure them using cloud-init. You could then let them loose from MAAS. It's rather fast because it does bare minimum.00:55
TheNH813Am I insane.... or are there no keyboard shortcut settings on here?00:55
urgodfathermaybe so.... i know this isnt the  best place and of course ubuntu related topics would take priority... id be ok if someone wants to pm me to avoid clogging up the chat00:56
klausfiendTJ-: have you ever heard reports of preseed failing to install GRUB?00:56
TJ-urgodfather: MAAS is a Canonical/Ubuntu project so on topic00:56
TJ-klausfiend: I think so, but it was a long time ago.00:56
klausfiendany suggestions for how to debug something like that?00:57
klausfiendmy U14 installs are smooth like glass00:57
klausfiendbut U16 gets stuck complaining that it can't fetch grub-pc et al from repos it uses successfully for every other package00:57
urgodfatherwhat is maas00:58
klausfiendit's probably something i've butchered in the preseed but i'm not sure where to start tweaking to test00:58
TJ-klausfiend: are you using an apt cache of any kind?00:58
klausfiendurgodfather: metal-as-a-service00:58
klausfiendTJ-: no, hitting us.archive.ubuntu.com direct00:58
TJ-klausfiend: in what way is it complaining? Has network connectivity but gets a 404? loses network whilst working?00:59
urgodfatherim reading that now. cliffs notes.. short and sweet. how can it do what i need?00:59
klausfiendit looks like 404s, but if i chroot into /target and apt-get install, it's just fine00:59
klausfiendi ran apt-install with -x and i get an error code back from the job it tries to run, but i have no idea what that code suggests00:59
klausfiendi can re-run the install and get some screenshots/text, if you give me ~5 mins01:00
klausfiendit's supposed to be fully automated, but of course, this step ruins that :-)01:00
TJ-klausfiend: when you chroot in, do you add external bind mounts to things like /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf ? Wondering if name resolution is an issue01:03
klausfiendi don't do anything explicit like that01:03
klausfiendi think bind mounts get made by preseed, but i know i'm not adding any01:03
TJ-klausfiend: OK, so it does have internal resolving ability then. I was wwondering if that failed to get setup somehow01:04
klausfiendyeah, it's really mystifying01:04
klausfiendsince the other stuff that gets installed doesn't throw any kind of connectivity error01:04
TJ-maybe it's not a fetch error but an extract/configure issue?01:05
klausfiendmaybe? how would i test that?01:05
klausfiendi'm tempted to just roll up the netinstall-image files i'm using as they're probably a bit old and maybe it's an old bug or interaction01:06
TJ-hmmm... well, if the package isn't fully configured dpkg ought to be able to tell you, or maybe "apt-get -f install" would then force incomplete jobs to run, which would be the easy way to know01:06
* klausfiend nods01:06
TJ-in theory nothing should be left unconfigured. if something is, you've got closer to figuring it out01:07
klausfiendlet me see what i can see when this thing coughs again01:07
TJ-also check in the /var/log/apt/term.log area01:07
klausfiendin /target or the preseed env?01:07
TJ-In /target/var/log/apt/01:07
klausfiendit's debootstrapping now01:08
TJ-it might indicate any actual package errors that were returned01:08
Fretegiok have a server with a raid1 array and lvm on it that is strictly for data on file server, would like to encrypt the raid volume, whats the best approach?01:11
TJ-Fretegi: contains existing data?01:11
FretegiTJ-, no sir.  just a freshly built xfs fs01:12
Fretegineed it to mount be available automatically upon boot01:12
TJ-Fretegi: I'd suggest LVM > LUKS/dm-crypt > xfs01:13
TJ-Fretegi: but you can do DISK > LUKS > LVM > ...01:13
TJ-Fretegi: if you want the entire VG encrypted then the latter would be easier01:13
TJ-Fretegi: if you want different keys for different LVs then the former01:13
FretegiTJ-, at the moment i have /dev/md0 >> LVM >> XFS01:13
klausfiendhere we are01:13
FretegiTJ-, nope, the whole array will just be one big lvm01:14
TJ-Fretegi: a single VG and you want the entire thing encrypted?01:14
FretegiTJ-, that would be great.  the whole thing will be data in some sense, seperate array from os etc01:14
klausfiendTJ-: the error message in the console says "in-target: E: failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/o/os-prober_1.70ubuntu3.3_amd64.deb Temporary failure resolving 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'"01:14
TJ-Fretegi: then I'd suggest DISKS > MDADM > LUKS > LVM ...01:15
TJ-klausfiend: so, DNS resolver issue in the target . has it already managed to resolve hostnames/ fetch some packages at that point?01:16
klausfiendyeah, it's got everything but grub at that point01:16
klausfiendi did dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii and i don't see any unconfigured/broken packages01:16
FretegiTJ-, k i can break down the cuirrent lvm no big deal.  so is there a good guide on the dm-crypt fr that.  also im sure i have to have the key somewhere and im sure there is an easy way to set that up so that the volumes mount and are avialable following boot right?01:17
TJ-klausfiend: so, is there some name resolver action/refresh going on in parallel ?01:17
TJ-Fretegi: the key storage is your 'key' issue :) is it going to be external hardware, or a passphrase typed on boot?01:18
urgodfatherTJ-imi still not understanding how maas will do what i need01:18
FretegiTJ-, wont have access to the machine so needs to just boot up, fire up the array, mount the encrypted volumes and be ready with no user intervention01:19
TJ-Fretegi: if you want to use a key-file you've got to fight systemd-cryptsetup because it doesn't support that01:19
FretegiTJ-, ha, another issue with systemd huh ;)01:19
klausfiendTJ-: that sounds like what might be happening … looking …01:19
TJ-Fretegi: then you're going to have some problems I'm afraid01:19
FretegiTJ-, well suppose i could have a key on a usb drive,01:20
TJ-Fretegi: I've been recently working on ripping out systemd-cryptsetup and replacing it with the tried and tested cryptsetup initramfs/init services that support key-files. I've used them since 2008 and systemd severly broke it01:20
FretegiTJ-, gotcha... so that would allow the the initramfs to load the keys and unlock the volumes01:21
TJ-Fretegi: but if the init system is systemd it only supports typed passphrases01:21
TJ-Fretegi: for data volumes the key doesn't need to be available until after the main init system starts (unlike unlocking rootfs and/or /boot/ )01:22
TJ-Fretegi: the workaround, as I said, is to rip out systemd-cryptsetup and replace it with a custom key-script and key device/file called by the original cryptsetup init scripts01:23
FretegiTJ-, and thats my case... the entire VG is nothing but a data array for file serving and other server type stuff01:24
TJ-Fretegi: as long as the key device is only plugged in during a boot it'll be secure if someone walks off with a powered off system.01:24
FretegiTJ-, right.  not a very enterprise environment.  i can make arrangements for someone to plug in a usb prior to boot and not leave it in.  no worries there.  just not always going to be someone around with proper admin rights to ssh into the thing and start firing up services and maaging passphrases etc01:26
klausfiendTJ-: seems to be an interaction between our in-house package of unbound01:27
klausfiendthe package gets installed but the service doesn't start, so the resolver in /target is helpless01:27
klausfiendwhelp, that blows.01:27
TJ-klausfiend: at least you know why01:27
klausfiendnow the fun part of getting the team that built it to take automated provisioning into account  :-)01:28
TJ-Fretegi: you'd need to disable "lib/systemd/systemd-cryptsetup" and it's associated generator, and then enable the cryptsetup package's sysvinit scripts and config01:28
klausfiend… or just working around its stupidity01:28
TJ-klausfiend: could you do a late install of that and hard-code a temporary resolver?01:28
klausfiendi thought i was, tbh01:29
TJ-klausfiend: or even hard-code the archive hostname into /etc/hosts temporarily01:29
klausfiendit's loaded as part of d-i pkgsel/include01:29
codepython7771I've a large bash script that I use to install a piece of code on an ubuntu box. Is there an easy way to convert it to a .deb file?01:30
klausfiendlet me see what happens if i don't try to install it.01:31
klausfiendcodepython777: you may want to check out a ruby gem called 'fpm'01:31
FretegiTJ-, thank you for the help sir01:31
klausfiendif you pack your script up sanely, it can help with the fun that sometimes is packaging01:32
codepython7771klausfiend: thanks! Is there something similar in python?01:33
TJ-codepython7771: creating a basic deb package is relatively straightforward01:33
klausfiendnot afaik but it's a standalone command01:33
klausfiendso you can just do something like 'fpm -s dir -t deb <dpkg options> <dir where your stuff lives>'01:34
klausfiendit's way more useful than something like alien01:34
codepython7771klausfiend: TJ-: My code is pretty extensive. It compiles and installs redis, opencv, ... tons of other packages from source, before I install my own code.01:34
klausfiendif you're using something like Salt or Puppet, that's where that should live01:34
klausfiendif you're not, you should maybe think about it hahaha :-)01:35
codepython7771klausfiend: If I had to use salt/puppet, probably I'll use ansible01:35
codepython7771but .deb is nicer I thought for ubuntu, than using ansible.01:35
TJ-codepython7771: why from source? aren't there versions in the archives suitable?01:37
codepython7771TJ-: I'm using nightly versions of some of these code bases. Some relatively new versions. Some of my own modifications.01:38
codepython7771TJ-: I currently install everything in /opt and then go from there. I'd like that to be done in .deb file for example01:38
TJ-codepython7771: you mean build the sources then install them into a .deb file?01:41
codepython7771TJ-: I want to be able to distribute my package to users. So that I can update the code remotely. Isn't deb files the way to go for that?01:41
TJ-codepython7771: in that case I'd add  debian/ packaging to each upstream project, plus my own package containing the bash script(s), and set that package to depend on the packages-versions of all the ones that were built.01:42
TJ-codepython7771: in most cases you could simply copy the debian/ packaging from the latest Ubuntu package in the development archive, add your own custom version number to it, and build the package the debian way.01:44
codepython7771I see01:44
codepython7771is there a tool that helps with this? Perhaps a good tutorial to do this?01:45
TJ-codepython7771: good all round intro/info is at http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/01:45
TJ-codepython7771: in your case you have existing mainline code which you just need to graft the latest existing debian/ packaging directory into, bump the version number/add your own version tag, and build the Debian/Ubuntu way to get a .deb01:47
TJ-codepython7771: versioning is done in debian/changelog, by adding a new entry to the start of the file. "dch -i" is generally used to increment it but you need something a little more custom due to what you're doing01:47
codepython7771I have a bunch of updates on multiple projects. I will start by trying to create a PPA that can serve the latest redis for instance, then go from there?01:49
TJ-codepython7771: that sounds like a good plan. Also check to see if someone else hasn't already packaged the versions you want or does a similar thing01:52
TJ-codepython7771: if you really need daily updates I think you'll be doing it all on your own though.01:53
TJ-sounds unusual if that's being pushed out to production for customer use though01:54
dingir_how do i update ubuntu to patch the latest wpa2 vulnerability?02:00
oerheks!info info wpa-supplicant02:04
ubottu'wpa-supplicant' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xenial-proposed, yakkety, yakkety-backpor02:04
oerheks!info wpa-supplicant02:04
ubottuPackage wpa-supplicant does not exist in zesty02:04
oerheks!info wpa_supplicant02:04
ubottuPackage wpa_supplicant does not exist in zesty02:04
oerheksoke https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-3455-1/02:05
dingir_for android do you know how?02:06
oerheksnope, sure there is info to find02:08
nicomachusdingir_: android updates won't be until the next round of security updates on Nov. 602:09
nicomachusThat's when GOOGLE will push the update. Then it goes to your device manufacturer, then your carrier.02:10
dingir_fucking shit02:10
nicomachusit's going to be awhile for Android. What version are you on?02:10
nicomachus(this is off-topic but the channels pretty dead)02:10
dingir_ok so even if my router is patched, my phone could still be hacked?02:10
dingir_one sec lemme look02:10
nicomachusit's not very likely. Android 6.0 is the most vulnerable. I don't know of any working scripts in the wild that take advantage of the vulnerability yet.02:11
nicomachusIf you are really, truly worried then you can use an always-on VPN service or try out a different ROM. I know LineageOS has been patched.02:12
dingir_install lineageos on my phone?02:12
nicomachusYou'd have to root the device and flash the rom for it, yes. Not recommended if you haven't done it before.02:12
dingir_ok thanks a lot02:13
nicomachusLineageOS is the continuation of CyanogenMod. It's still Android, just a different "flavor".02:13
dingir_might just wait for the fix november 602:13
dingir_so sad it takes that long02:13
nicomachusShould be safe.02:13
dingir_thanks again02:13
dingir_ill update my ubunto when i get gome02:13
nicomachusidk why Google didn't push the update in October. Maybe they weren't notified during the 5 month window, but that would be a huge oversight by the researchers...02:14
dingir_money make people dont care02:14
nicomachusmoney make people want to make more money by not alienating their entire customer with huge security holes. but c'est la vie02:14
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:29
lotuspsychjeartful release party has opened for those who want02:30
ubottuPlease remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !artful release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/02:30
nicomachusevening lotuspsychje o/02:33
lotuspsychjehowdy nicomachus02:33
dingir_what is that party thing release?02:34
lotuspsychjedingir_: tomorrow ubuntu 17.10 releases final02:34
lotuspsychjedingir_: party is the celebration channel for it02:34
dingir_17.10 release?02:34
lotuspsychje!artful | dingir_ yes02:35
ubottudingir_ yes: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+102:35
dingir_is this a long term support02:35
lotuspsychjedingir_: no its non-lts02:35
dingir_why should i install 17.10?02:35
dingir_im on 16.something02:35
lotuspsychjedingir_: but still its a big change release with gnome and wayland by default02:35
dingir_ill try it02:36
lotuspsychjedingir_: its your system and you have the freedom of choice02:36
dingir_it will come with the latest wpa patch hopefully02:36
lotuspsychjedingir_: wich patch are you talking about02:37
hggdhdingir_: patches already in02:38
dingir_so wayland is a display server02:40
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dingir_why the switch, xorg is not doing it anymore?02:40
lotuspsychjedingir_: an updated system should always give you latest usn security patches02:45
codepython7771once I install the dropbox client on ubuntu, is there a way to use the commandline to supply it login and password of the account?02:45
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lotuspsychjecodepython7771: https://www.dropbox.com/help/desktop-web/linux-commands03:31
codepython7771lotuspsychje: note that - that command set does not allow you to login from cli03:40
Fretegican someone give me a hand with samba?  my share is not presenting04:16
lotuspsychje!samba | Fretegi04:31
ubottuFretegi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html04:31
Fretegiubottu, thank you.  so i have a built smb.conf but the thing just is not visible on my network, workgroups match, no errors with testparm... looking into firewall issues now04:32
ubottuFretegi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:32
Toadisattvakinda random question, I have a folder full of files with numerical prefixes (3456 - file name, 8893 - file name, etc) is there a way can batch rename them to remove the numerical prefix?04:34
Toadisattvahaha got it04:44
GODOFMINECRAFT4just wondering if anyone knows why webmin wont load its webpage04:56
GODOFMINECRAFT4runing Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS04:57
Toadisattvaloaded right up for me on the desktop version04:57
GODOFMINECRAFT4i had it working then the wm failed and i had to fresh install04:58
Fretegiok i sorted it out04:58
Fretegiended up being a firewall issue on my client end...  catch is adding samba to the allow list is not fixing it.  is there a way to see what port is the problem so i can open it up04:59
GODOFMINECRAFT4i use advance port scanner on my windows pc05:00
Fretegidmesg looks as though its reporting ufw blocked port udp 137, but that is listed as accepted on ufw...05:02
GODOFMINECRAFT4ports 139 and 445 tcp as labeled as samba ports for me05:03
magkneetoei instaled ubuntu manually and left about 300 free space. I am able to install windows right? with the free space05:05
FretegiGODOFMINECRAFT4, yea me too.. so apparently there is a bug or something with UFW... i enabled like 2 hours ago Samba as allowed.. verified again and again and again.  i manually added those ports for kicks, all works just peachy now05:06
EriC^^magkneetoe: yeah 300gb is enough05:07
magkneetoephew EriC^^ thx05:07
Fretegitake that back lol, ufw still fighting it05:12
GODOFMINECRAFT4im trying to get my ubuntu server vm to stop bloody failing05:15
Fretegiso were both wrestling with servers ha.. im stumped, i dont see why this thing is refusing connections and nothing in logs...05:17
GODOFMINECRAFT4im trying to get mine set up as a mc server05:18
GODOFMINECRAFT4time to fresh install again05:19
Harishello all05:19
Fretegigood luck pal05:19
Harishow can one upgrade mysql 5.5.x to 5.6.x on 14.04 lts ?05:19
HarisI mean how with apt-get ?05:20
GODOFMINECRAFT4is a noob at linux btw05:20
HarisDo I have to change repos' or do something else ?05:20
GODOFMINECRAFT4google is your friend05:20
Fretegiah ha... what aboiut destination ports?05:26
Harisok. apt-cache shows mysql 5.6.16 is possible on 14.04 lts05:27
Haristhis is before I updated apt-get, aptitude05:27
FretegiHaris, https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-mysql-on-ubuntu-14-0405:31
FretegiGODOFMINECRAFT4, ok....  so fixed mine with a dirty hack... i just added a rule to allow all traffic from my server's IP and it all works swimming..  apparently the ports themselves werent enough.  ufw log clearly shows packets from ports i accepted and confirmed as such being dropped.  just FYI if  you run into similar issues05:34
alkisgHaris: you can see the available package versions in https://packages.ubuntu.com/mysql , mysql in trusty is 5.5.5705:35
Fretegiim out folks, have a good one05:43
rockokwwhere can I find the header file defining the types like SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_DGRAM, etc.? I've searched /usr/include and /usr/src/linux-headers... with no luck :[05:49
mr_louQuick question: Are there any official disc labels for the various Ubuntu releases?05:50
Haris5.6.33-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 is in security for 14.04 lts ?05:51
Hariskg mgmt system is pretty complex05:51
xuanruiIs there a PPA for haskell stack?05:52
rockokwnvm found it05:53
lotuspsychje!ppa | xuanrui05:53
ubottuxuanrui: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge05:53
rockokwwhoa cool bot05:54
xuanruiCool bot05:54
Abhijitdoes ubuntu have fix for latest wifi wpa2 vulnerability?05:54
xuanruiBut the exact problem is, it's hard to search :-(05:54
rockokwupdate your wfasupplicant package05:54
rockokwor cut all your wireless cables, they won't be able to get you then :)05:56
rockokwAbhijit: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wpa/2.4-0ubuntu6.205:56
xuanruiTypo: it's wpasupplicant05:57
rockokwoh my bad, thanks!05:57
xuanruieventually used pinning and got haskell-stack package from artful...05:57
lotuspsychje!usn | Abhijit check here also06:04
ubottuAbhijit check here also: Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.06:04
rockokwdoes the bot have a help command?06:04
lotuspsychjerockokw: help on what?06:06
lotuspsychje!factoid | rockokw06:07
ubotturockokw: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone06:07
fly_Hi, how do I get ubuntu to get this fix so I can run a thing: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=86692406:09
ubottuDebian bug 866924 in src:openjdk-9 "Crypto classes crash on start: "unlimited" policy" [Important,Fixed]06:09
fly_same thing seems to be failing here :/06:10
lotuspsychjefly_: ubuntu version plz?06:11
fly_I wonder if I'm getting outdated packages, since it looks like it was fixed in July06:12
lotuspsychjefly_: always keep your system up to date06:13
lotuspsychjefly_: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade06:13
rockokw!domo arigato | lotuspsychje06:14
ubottulotuspsychje: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)06:14
rockokwopps :)06:14
fly_I ended up resorting to deleting everything java and switching to openjdk-806:29
GODOFMINECRAFT4attempt 20 at geting the Ubuntu server 16.06 LTS vm to bloody work06:43
Ben64GODOFMINECRAFT4: well whats the issue06:43
GODOFMINECRAFT4and other things06:44
Ben64webmin isn't supported06:44
GODOFMINECRAFT4it was working fine the first time i set it up06:44
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.06:44
Ben64it's not good to use06:45
GODOFMINECRAFT4well what other webuis are there06:45
Ben64i'd suggest not using one06:45
GODOFMINECRAFT4i dont have access to the pc all the time06:46
ezra-san all caps nick is quite bothersome06:46
ducasseGODOFMINECRAFT4: then use ssh, that's the normal way to do remote admin06:46
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for its homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)06:48
GODOFMINECRAFT4i would be accessing it from school most likely06:49
GODOFMINECRAFT4and students cant run exes that arent aloud06:49
shaggycatHi all! I should run Xorg with unpluged monitor. I found this solution: https://exain.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/booting-ubuntu-without-monitor-plugged-in-switched-off/ but I use lightdm instead of gdm. How to this using lightdm? I checked /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz file, and found only option: ///# exit-on-failure = True if the daemon should exit if this seat fails///06:52
shaggycatProbably it's not what I looking for06:52
rockokwif I want to get more familiar with a kernel module (one listed from lsmod) where should I start? like find code for example06:53
Ben64shaggycat: what are you actually trying to achieve06:54
v3n0mHi! Is the Ubuntu 17.10 released officialy yet?06:54
Ben64v3n0m: no06:54
Ben64rockokw: if it's from the kernel you could look at the kernel source06:55
shaggycatBen64, running Xorg with unpluged monitor. It's my xorg.conf: https://pastebin.com/8RH0dUiM06:55
v3n0mAlright. Yesterday, I tried to update from 17.04 but had a buggy DE which was very slow.06:55
Ben64shaggycat: but for what purpose06:55
v3n0mBut after installing from the latest build, it runs smooth.06:55
shaggycatBen64, I use two different videocards, and pci-passhtrough in the kvm/qemu virtual machine second videocard. But sometimes I run Xorg in the second videocard instead of passthrough it in the VM and run Xorg in the first videocard06:56
shaggycatall works very well, excluding running Xorg without monitor06:56
shaggycatBen64, sometimes I forget to switch my hdmi switch to correct monitor06:57
shaggycatin this case xorg fail :(06:57
Ben64well yeah, it doesn't have a display06:57
shaggycatI want to force run X if my monitor unpluged06:57
shaggycatI'll plug it after several of minutes06:57
Ben64but if you don't have a monitor you can't see anything on it anyway, i'm not seeing the point of this06:58
shaggycatBen64, If I'll see nothing, I can press HDMI switch button. In next second I'll see :)06:59
shaggycatBen64, If Xorg runs, and If I unplug monitor using HDMI switch, then Xorg not fail06:59
Ben64sounds about right07:00
shaggycatHow to force start Xorg with unpluged monitor?07:00
Ben64connect a monitor first...07:00
Ben64it's so much easier07:00
Ben64and you have to connect it anyway07:00
shaggycatit's very borred reboot PC again and wait booting. Or login to the console and run systemctl reboot lightdm07:01
shaggycatI need another solution07:01
Ben64connect monitor before starting lightdm07:01
shaggycatI need a solution to force start X without monitor07:01
shaggycatBen64, I can forget it07:01
Ben64or just do things in the right order07:01
shaggycatNo, I want a solution to start Xorg without monitor.07:02
Ben64gl with that07:02
rockokwshaggycat: infinite loop to automatically restart when it dies?07:03
shaggycatthis solution maybe works: https://exain.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/booting-ubuntu-without-monitor-plugged-in-switched-off But I want to still use lightdm. This solution for the gdm07:03
v3n0mUbuntu 17.10 is going to release tomorrow.07:05
v3n0mIs the upgrade safe from 17.04?07:05
shaggycatrockokw, how to do this? Thank you for the idea07:06
v3n0mHey, is the upgrade safe from Ubuntu 17.04?07:07
dingir_release tomorrow or this morning?07:07
pankaj__How and why porting is made diffecult if an operating system is written in higher level language like c and others?07:07
v3n0mWell, at my time and country, it's going to be tomorrow.07:07
shaggycatpankaj__, I think, C is not really low-level lang :) In the 2018 a lot of controllers supports C/C++ programming :)07:08
shaggycatin 2018, C/C++ is low-level lang07:08
v3n0mLinux kernel is still in C so.07:09
shaggycatv3n0m, yes. I think, It's impossible to re-write it using Go/Rust :(07:09
pankaj__shaggycat: My main question is that how porting an OS to other hardware is made difficult if an OS is written in high level language. What are the overheads of it?07:09
Ben64v3n0m: probably going to be closer to 2 days until 17.1007:09
v3n0mWhat 2 days? Isn't it going to be released tomorrow?07:10
Ben64it's not even wednesday everywhere in the world yet07:11
v3n0mIt's wedneday here though.07:12
shaggycatpankaj__, I bealive, It's impossible to wrote modern OS using ASM. And I bealive the modern languages is more ported then old languages. The low-level Rust/Go maybe has similar difficult to port software to another architecture as PHP or Python07:12
Ben64v3n0m: right07:12
shaggycat*and modern languages have more abilities to port07:13
v3n0mYou can import it.07:14
ducassepankaj__: this is not an ubuntu question, please take it to a more appropriate channel07:15
shaggycatMy problem still actual :(07:18
ducassev3n0m: new releases are usually released near the end of the working day, uk time. i'm not saying that will be true this time around, though.07:18
v3n0mYeah, right. Hoping the upgrade form 17.04 would be fine. Actually, things weren't working for me yesterday when I upgraded. I had to do a clean install of Ubuntu 17.10 from daily build.07:20
v3n0mAlso, I have the build from 15th October and I think upgrading it daily would get me to the latest stable point release right?07:21
Ben64!final | v3n0m07:22
ubottuv3n0m: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Artful and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 17.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.07:22
v3n0m!final |07:23
ubottu: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Artful and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 17.10 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade » in a terminal.07:23
v3n0malright so that's the thing.07:23
sirru5hHello Everyone07:26
v3n0manyone tested ubuntu 17.10?07:33
v3n0mIt's having a really slow boot time.07:33
Ben64#ubuntu+1 for support and discussion until release07:33
pingwindyktatorHello. I want to bind some key combination to terminal restoring action. Is there any way to do this?08:09
Ben64what does that mean08:12
pingwindyktatorLets say I want to ctrl + ` restore my terminal window. If terminal is open - bring it to the top. That's how windows' conemu works and it's great. You dont have to alt+tab several times to get into open terminal08:15
ducassepingwindyktator: you can probably create a script with wmctrl to do that08:16
ducasseanother option is to use a terminal that has drop-down functionality08:17
pingwindyktatorgreat, that's what I was looking for08:17
pingwindyktatordrop-down terminals are not my favourite ones08:17
pingwindyktatorIll take a look at wmctrl08:17
ducassepingwindyktator: just grab the window id with wmctrl (or maybe xprop) first, then call wmctrl to bring it to top08:19
alkisgpingwindyktator: mate has "tilda", a terminal that drops down with f12. You can probably install it to other DEs too....08:21
ducassexfce4-terminal also has that built-in08:23
pingwindyktatorwmctrl -a Terminal08:24
pingwindyktatorthat's all ;)08:24
=== sunrunner20_ is now known as sunrunner20
dbuggerHello everyone08:36
dbuggerI am trying to make my DisplayLink on my 17.04, but I am not being very successful... I dowloaded and installed the driver 1.3.54 but I still cannot see my other monitors connected. Does someone know why could this be happening??08:37
nzoueidiHello guys, a dumb question, is it okay to install eglibc-2.19 on Ubuntu 12.04?08:44
Ben64it's not okay to be running 12.0408:45
nzoueidiBen64: yep it is not supported anymore. But my work obligate me to not migrate to any newer versions at least for the moment08:45
Ben64you don't seem to understand what that means08:46
nzoueidiCan you explain it to me then :)08:46
Ben64every vulnerability that has been discovered in the past 6 months works on your system08:47
Ben64theres absolutely no reason to be running 12.04 still08:48
nzoueidiYep I understand that, and I am backporting any critic patches to my Ubuntu 12.04.. I understand that this is painful but althought I am obligated to do so.08:49
Ben64well you're not supported here and likely critically vulnerable so gl with that08:49
nzoueidiI see. Thanks Ben6408:50
Flannelnzoueidi: the best way to know if something is going to "break" with a newer version is look at dependencies.  Both "what does this depend on" and "what depends on this".  If they both seem pretty loose, you're probably "ok"-ish.08:50
Flannelnzoueidi: If package A depends on package B, then changing a major version of package B may break package A, etc.08:51
FlannelSimilarly, changing a major version of package A may depend on a newer version of package B, and may not work.08:52
nzoueidiAlrighty, thanks Flannel08:53
shaggycatmy problem still actual09:24
shaggycatI should run Xorg with unpluged monitor. I found this solution: https://exain.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/booting-ubuntu-without-monitor-plugged-in-switched-off/ but I use lightdm instead of gdm. How to this using lightdm? I checked /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz file, and found only option: ///# exit-on-failure = True if the daemon should exit if this seat fails///09:25
shaggycatProbably it's not what I looking for09:25
Ashyi have "broken held packages", how do i fix this?  - ubuntu 17.0409:26
alkisgshaggycat: I'm booting computers without monitors with no issues, why do you have that issue?09:26
Coolerhow do i get a hot corner like windows?09:26
alkisgshaggycat: do you mean that it just sets the wrong resolution?09:27
Cooleri want to go to desktop if i click in the lower right corner of the screen09:27
Cooleri am used to being able to do that and its very annoying when i accidentally try to do it and it fails09:27
darkadI'm running some commmands within the console, the execution seems to be faster than running commands in the root rescue mode, does someone confirm this?09:29
shaggycat<alkisg> shaggycat: do you mean that it just sets the wrong resolution? // it's run Xorg in another videocard09:30
shaggycatalkisg, i have two videocards09:30
shaggycatand if I connect the monitor to correct videocard,09:31
shaggycatthe xorg runs in the correct videocard09:31
shaggycatif I connect monitor to another videocard, then Xorg fail09:31
yesimanoobhi guys. i need to format my encrypted disk to ntfs. right now its my ubuntu system drive. Ive booted to ubuntu liveusb and opened Gparted. The drive has three partitions> dev/sbd1 (ext2), dev/sbd2 (extended) and under sbd2, theres sbd5 (crypt/luks). how should i prepare the drive for windows install?09:35
hateballyesimanoob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions09:37
hateball"It may in fact be easier to re-install and restore your data from backup rather then attempt to resize your encrypted partition."09:37
yesimanoobto clarify. I dont want to backup anything. I just want toremove the encryption to be able to install windows on the partition again09:38
yesimanoobcan i just start windows installer and format the partition or do i have to disable the encryption first?09:39
=== adellam_ is now known as adellam
hateballyesimanoob: No idea about how Windows behaves, but you can just wipe the MBR with gparted and it's now a blank drive09:40
yesimanoobso should i just select dev/sbd5, right click and select format to ntfs?09:43
yesimanoobso encryption is there to just secure the data, not to render the drive useless without the password?09:44
alkisgshaggycat: do you need 2 videocards? Why don't you disable one of them?09:44
Coolerhow do i get a hot corner like windows?09:45
Cooleri want to go to desktop if i click in the lower right corner of the screen09:45
shaggycatalkisg, yes, I need it. I use pci passhtrough technology09:48
shaggycatalkisg, https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/775ito/how_to_run_xorg_when_the_monitor_unplugged/ - additional details09:48
hateballyesimanoob: That's correct09:49
yesimanoobthanks. appreciate it!09:50
alkisgshaggycat: nvidia drivers don't play nice in multicard scenarios, I only tried with open source ones09:52
alkisgI.e. can't help, wait for others09:52
shaggycatalkisg, it's xorg error. It print "can't found monitor"09:52
shaggycatif monitor attached, it works09:53
alkisgThe driver finds the monitor09:53
shaggycati think, xorg should have an option to ignore monitors09:53
alkisgSure, you can set HorzSync and VertRefresh in xorg.conf, but I don't know if the nvidia driver respects them09:54
alkisgYou can also pass an edid parameter in the kernel cmdline, and again I don't know if it respects that09:54
shaggycatalkisg, how to do this? Thank you for an idea09:55
alkisgE.g. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/kernel_mode_setting#Forcing_modes_and_EDID => drm_kms_helper.edid_firmware=VGA-1:edid/your_edid.bin09:55
alkisgThere are several built-in ones09:55
alkisgBut I don't know what works with nvidia and what not09:55
alkisgTest it...09:55
alkisgshaggycat: see also the horzsync/vertrefresh use in this: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/NVIDIA_TV-out_and_Video_Tearing09:58
alkisg(ignore the rest of the article)09:58
shaggycatalkisg, probably it works with this Xorg.conf: https://pastebin.com/kBxtFWiz10:03
shaggycatOption "AllowEmptyInitialConfiguration"10:03
alkisgCool... I avoid the nvidia binary driver though, so... ;)10:03
freakyyalkisg: why do u avoid it? oO10:08
freakyyjust wondering10:08
freakyyi have a big pc wherei have an nvidia card i use the binary driver there10:08
freakyybecause it hast he glx extensions etc.10:08
alkisgfreakyy: I'm using a single installation to boot dozens of clients, and nvidia drivers don't play well with open source ones, they provide custom gl libraries etc, so they break the image10:09
freakyyhm ok ;D10:09
alkisgI think there's a plan for the future to allow nvidia to coexist with other drivers10:09
freakyyi dont know10:09
freakyyright now im on a laptop here, with ati nd the open source radeon driver10:10
freakyygames seem to run10:10
alkisgFor new hardware we avoid nvidia, yeah10:10
freakyyyyok ;D10:11
JuJUBeeI have an epson interactive projector (new) and extended desktop.  To get the interactive portion to be able to control my extended screen I have to enter "xinput map-to-output 20 HDMI-0"  How do I make this persist between power cycles (of projector) or disconnections (taking laptop home)?10:26
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
foca__System settings is not working after I disabled NetworkManager. What this could be ? (Ubuntu Gnome 17.04)11:07
srulihow can i rsync multiple sources to multiple targets over ssh in 1 go? e.g. /path/to/remote/file1 -> /local/path1/, /path/to/remote/file2 -> /local/path2/, /path/to/remote/file3 -> /local/path3/11:07
Ben64you don't11:09
sruliBen64: ^ refering to my rsync question?11:09
sruliBen64: any ideas how to achieve updating multiple dirs? all in the same root dir on remote but not same root on local11:11
Ben64multiple rsync commands11:12
sruliBen64: its over ssh, want to avoid putting in my password 10 times and keyfile is not an option11:13
hateballput your target paths in a textfile, make a for-loop feeding rsync them as a variable?11:13
hateballyou'd still need to auth for each run, yeah11:14
Ben64why isn't key an option11:14
sruliben64: target machine is not mine11:14
srulii guess will need to copy to 1 target and write a bash to mv each file to final target11:15
srulioh crap, cant use --update in that case11:16
sruliwill figure a workaround, thanks11:16
mybalzitch[Wed Oct 18 05:17:57 2017] sh: page allocation stalls for 51824ms, order:1, mode:0x16040c0(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_COMP|__GFP_NOTRACK)11:18
mybalzitchan error like that usually indicates the box went OOM?11:18
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
dbuggerHello, everyone11:36
dbuggerI have a rather weird situation. I have a DELL laptop connected to a DisplayLink dock station, and I have managed to connect to the dock 2 monitors, but the monitors keep showing artifacts all over...11:37
dbuggerEven though i am not sure if the dock or the monitors are the culprits.. I am kinda lost with this bug11:37
yesimanoobsup guys. just installed lts 16.04 on a new drive. install finished succesfully but I cant boot to it. I dont even get to the bootloader (where I have options to do memtest, boot to ubuntu etc) it just shows black screen with blinking text cursor11:39
ioriayesimanoob, dual boot ?11:40
yesimanoobno... i formated the drive first on diskpart using winpe stick, then used ubuntu stick and installed using the option to write to empty/rewrite11:42
EriC^^yesimanoob: if you hold shift do you get grub?11:43
ioriayesimanoob, if you're not dual-boot, usually the grub menu is hidden, you need Shift11:43
yesimanoobi tried shift already. no affect11:45
yesimanoobcould this be a bios problem? idisabled quick boot already11:45
yesimanoobliveusb boots normally11:45
EriC^^yesimanoob: are you in the live usb right now?11:46
yesimanoobbootin to. gonna check gparted to see what the partition looks like11:46
yesimanoobany hints what to check?11:46
EriC^^yesimanoob: pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l; blkid" and "sudo efibootmgr -v"11:47
EriC^^*sudo blkid11:47
ioriayesimanoob, have you tried to open a console ?11:48
yesimanoobone sec. going to pastebin.11:50
yesimanoobioria, what do you mean? checking something on terminal?11:50
ioriayesimanoob, if it's just a graphic issue, the system boots  but you don't see anything; but yoiu can open a text mode console11:51
foca__System settings is not working after I disabled NetworkManager. What this could be ? (Ubuntu Gnome 17.04)11:52
EriC^^yesimanoob: also "sudo parted -l"11:52
EriC^^yesimanoob: you have 2 hdd's ?11:52
yesimanoobyea. one for storage11:52
ioriayesimanoob, ha, using encryption11:52
EriC^^ioria: we can try installing grub to the mbr again and show the menu, if the bios doesn't show it then we know the problem11:54
EriC^^what do you think?11:54
ioriaEriC^^, yeah11:54
EriC^^yesimanoob: are you sure the right disk is selected in the bios boot order btw?11:54
yesimanoobyes. triple checked :D11:54
ioriayesimanoob,  sudo parted -l, please11:55
yesimanoobsudo parted -l error:could not stat device /l no such file11:55
ioriawhat ?11:56
pingwindyktatorducasse: remember my wmctrl problem? see https://github.com/pingwindyktator/dotfiles/blob/master/unix/terminal_quick_access ;)11:58
EriC^^yesimanoob: -l not /l11:58
EriC^^too much windows :P11:58
yesimanoobthere is no boot flag on the drive12:04
ioriayesimanoob,  what's on sda ?12:05
yesimanoobtheres a 500gb drive just for storage. not meant to boot on that12:05
yesimanoobsdb is the one i want to boot on12:06
EriC^^yesimanoob: run sudo fdisk /dev/sdb12:06
ioriayesimanoob,  you have ubuntu encrypted on sdb, right ?12:06
yesimanooberc ok12:07
EriC^^then press "x" and press "m" to see the options, and choose toggle legacy bios bootable flag12:07
yesimanoobpressed x, it enabled expert command. but i cant see an option to toggle leacy boot flag12:11
yesimanoobfound it12:11
yesimanoobpartition number? default is 5.should i select 1? its the primary partition on sdb12:12
yesimanoobno, i guess its 512:12
yesimanoobthats the encrypted one12:12
ioriayesimanoob,  1 is your boot partition12:15
EriC^^yesimanoob: select 112:15
ioriayesimanoob, You can toggle flag with a command, iic12:15
yesimanoobbooted already. gonna try again :D12:17
ioriayesimanoob, i mean the 'a' command12:17
yesimanoobhow do i disable the boot flg from partition 512:20
EriC^^yesimanoob: i think enabling it on 1 disables it on 512:20
yesimanoobor does it matter if both, the 1 and 5 both have boot flags?12:20
yesimanoobi just checked12:21
yesimanoobboth have that flag12:21
EriC^^yesimanoob: try "toggling" it for 5 again12:21
EriC^^it might disable it12:21
yesimanoobthat did it12:22
yesimanoobgonna bboot again12:22
ioriayesimanoob, did you press 'w' ?12:22
yesimanoobdidnt help. still stuck. im gonna remove the other drive. if it matters at all12:24
yesimanoobit shouldnt really12:25
iAmSlowso is 17.04 going to be LTS like 16.04?12:25
akikiAmSlow: no, lts is every two years, 14.04, 16.04, 18.0412:26
iAmSlowok got it12:26
goofy_i have ubuntu12:26
goofy_how to remove proxy settings?12:26
goofy_from command line12:26
iAmSlowi need some distro whit latest mono and monodevelop would be nice12:27
Ben64iAmSlow: should ask in ##linux then, this channel is for ubuntu12:28
BluesKajHi folks12:29
demahumIf I change the IP address by manually editing /etc/network/interfaces file everything goes well and I get the new IP address after reboot. However, in /etc/hosts file old IP remains. Why is that? Why that does not get updated even though I rebooted the server?12:30
BluesKajdemahum, pastebin your /etc/hosts12:34
demahumBluesKaj: https://pastebin.com/T3fyiYPk12:35
demahumBluesKaj: And I have changed my IP to:
demahumAnd that part works.12:37
demahumBut I wonder why is this line in hosts file not updated, although I rebooted the server.12:37
alkisgdemahum: /etc/hosts isn't supposed to have your ip at all12:37
alkisgYou manually put it there12:37
demahumalkisg: No I did not. :)12:38
demahumThis is fresh install on the VM.12:38
alkisgThis is the servername line in my hosts:
demahumJust set the IP during the installation proces.12:38
BluesKajdemahum, and what is apt doing there beside said IP12:38
demahumBluesKaj: apt is the hostname. :)12:38
alkisgdemahum: how so, did you define a static IP somewhere in the installation?12:38
demahumalkisg: Yes.12:38
alkisgWhich installer did you use?!12:39
demahumalkisg: the default one that comes with Ubuntu server 16.0412:39
alkisgdemahum: in any case, the installer doesn't run on each boot, to update your hosts12:39
alkisgdemahum: for ubuntu server there's the #ubuntu-server channel12:39
DbuggerHello everyone. Does anybody has experience configuring the dock "DisplayLink" in Ubuntu?12:39
demahumalkisg: So, you want to say that this installer put the line there?12:39
alkisgIt's ok to ask here too, but you should say that you use the server version12:40
DbuggerI am getting artifacts in my screen now :(12:40
alkisgdemahum: yup12:40
demahumalkisg: I am saying it's the server from the beginning. :) But ok, it is possible to install desktop version as well. Thanks. :D12:40
demahumalkisg: Thanks for the idea. I'll check it out.12:40
alkisgdemahum: you can just remove the line from hosts12:41
alkisgIf you frequently change your IP...12:41
demahumalkisg: ofc, the line is clear to me, I was just confused why it wasn't updated. I'll check by not setting the IP during the installation. Thanks for the idea. :)12:41
BluesKajodd that he would use the hostname "apt"12:42
foca__System settings is not working after I disabled NetworkManager. What this could be ? (Ubuntu Gnome 17.04)12:44
BluesKajfoca__, have you relogged in or rebooted since ?12:48
Dani-hpIs there a way to create an encrypted user home via cmd without prompting for password? for example to directly pass a hash in the command?12:52
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
foca__BluesKaj Yes, since I've disable NetworkManager system settings stopped to work12:52
akikDani-hp: for luks, you can setup a key file to open the encryption but i wouldn't do it12:55
akikthe reason you encrypt your disk is to keep it safe from thiefs12:56
iAmSlow when i dd iso on usb can i make live boot have more free space12:56
Sven_vBhi :) I'm trying to debug a program that opens too many HTTP connections, to the extent that my firefox can't connect anywhere while the program is on a rampage. I tried ulimit -n to restrict the # of FDs but then the program crashes on normal file operations. is there a way to limit TCP connections specifically?13:01
Dani-hphm okey akik13:02
Dani-hpWhat way would you go when you want to have your system/user homes encrypted with arround 30 users? And every user should be able to unlock the system with his personal password13:03
akikDani-hp: you can have up to 8 luks keys13:06
Dani-hp8 is to few13:07
Dani-hpwe want every user to be able to unlock with his personal eky13:08
akikDani-hp: maybe look into truecrypt/veracrypt volumes13:08
badlooptrying to use conjure-up to install openstack, but no matter what i do, it doesn't recognize that lxd is installed13:18
badlooplog shows that it is attempting to run this: LXD query cmd: lxc query --wait -X GET /1.013:18
badloopbut lxc doesn't have a "query" option13:18
LTCDHey I just installed WINE but cannot figure out how the Hell to open it?! https://wiki.winehq.org/Ubuntu13:45
akikLTCD: you can run winecfg to configure it or just wine program.exe13:49
=== KindTwo is now known as KindOne
pingwindyktatorCan someone help me with booting Windows 7? I tried to backup both "system reserved" ans OS's partitions and recover them to another drive (Windows was installed on SSD, I wanted it to be on HDD). Then I installed Ubuntu on SSD (/dev/sda) and windows cannot boot  saying "windows failed to start blabla 0xc000225". That's how it looks now: https://im14:08
pingwindyktatorgur.com/a/EiTmN https://paste.ubuntu.com/25766008/14:08
alkisgpingwindyktator: that would be a support question for #windows, not for #ubuntu...14:15
alkisgWindows has several issues when moving/copying the C: drive... some times windows repair fixes some of them14:15
thesebhelp!  live lubuntu doesn't run cron.daily scripts after suspend but does run cron.hourly stuff....why? (syslog shows no cron.daily info)14:40
=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw
oerhekslive iso and suspend..didn't know that was possible14:45
pavlostheseb: does cron.daily appear in /etc/cronttab?14:45
pavlostheseb: run-parts --list /etc/cron.daily/ will list the scripts in cron.daily14:49
john_doe_jris there a way to mount a few entries in the fstab configuration file with out having to use mount —all14:53
thesebpavlos: thanks..trying now14:55
leftyfbjohn_doe_jr: , yes, manually. Or write a script to parse your fstab and mount what you want.14:55
thesebpavlos: it is there i see the needed cron.daily scripts from your run-parts command!14:56
pavlostheseb: I dont know if there is something different with a liveCD, you can look at /var/log/syslog for CRON entries14:57
necrophcodrHow do I ensure that I retreive an IPv6 adress from my router?14:58
thesebpavlos: right..that's the puzzle...it is silent on daily stuff15:00
oerheksnecrophcodr, your router provides the ipv6 ip, ubuntu should automatic use that15:00
necrophcodroerheks: i suspected as much. it seemed unreasonable to work differently, so i'll look into getting help with my router instead then15:01
SwedeMikenecrophcodr: IPv6 works by means of Router Advertisements. So your router sends RAs that contains the information "I am a router" and "Here is a /64 prefix you can take addresses from and use".15:01
pavlostheseb: does grep cron.daily /var/log/syslog return anything?15:05
pavlostheseb: Oct 18 06:25:01 intel CRON[5336]: (root) CMD (test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ))15:06
oerheksi wonder, why would a live iso have cron.daily ...15:06
pavlosyou could run a liveCD for days ...15:07
alkisgAnd do what, install security updates in ram? :)15:07
thesebpavlos: only has cron.hourly version of that line15:07
bcowanTons of livecd “distros”15:08
thesebpavlos: i *could* hack a script that runs hourly to rerun cron.daily scripts but that's not pretty15:08
thesebalkisg: yes15:08
thesebalkisg: i do that now ;)15:08
thesebalkisg: here's the deal.....company locks down Windows laptops..only way to run a 'buntu is with live cd ;)15:09
lordcirth_worktheseb, not USB?15:09
alkisgtheseb: not really, you can install to a usb stick/disk15:09
alkisgtheseb: and have a normal, not "live" installation15:09
lordcirth_workthough with frequent backups because you will wear it out15:09
theseblordcirth_work: sorry..mean live U S B15:10
thesebalkisg: ^^15:10
alkisgtheseb: right, you can install ubuntu to a stick and normally update things, instead of using a live stick15:10
pavlostheseb: grep at previous syslogs, I assume uptime > 24 hours15:10
alkisgE.g. you install security updates, which need reboot... then what? you reboot and lose the updates?15:11
thesebalkisg: yes i learned about permanent storage and made a new live usb stick with that ;)15:11
thesebalkisg: life is good15:11
alkisgtheseb: permanent storage isn't the same thing as normal installation15:12
alkisgUse a normal installation if you're planning to do that for a "real" os15:12
thesebpavlos: uptime is 7 days! ;)15:12
oerheksinteresting question, not sure to laugh or to cry15:13
thesebalkisg: it isn't15:13
pavlostheseb: ls -l /usr/sbin/anacron is it a link?15:13
thesebpavlos: it is a link to /bin/true15:14
alkisgtheseb: you boot from a live stick, and you select "install ubuntu to a disk". And then you select a *second* stick, which will contain the real installation, like if it was an internal disk15:14
pavlostheseb: aha ... that's why15:14
hatTiphowdy #ubuntu15:14
alkisgThat installation doesn't use "casper", the live layer, so it doesn't have the issues you're reporting15:14
lordcirth_workhatTip, welcome15:15
hatTipi installed 17.10 on my daily driver yesterday morning. i've almost got things to a point where i can work effectively.15:15
thesebpavlos: what is why?15:15
hatTipthanks @lordcirth_work15:15
ubottuUbuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+115:16
oerheksone more day ...15:16
thesebalkisg: wow...if you wouldn't have said that i would have used persistent storage15:16
hatTipthanks @oerheks15:16
pavlostheseb: cron.daily uses anacron but anacron points to /bin/true, which is do nothing15:16
theseboerheks: for YEARS I've been wondering comes after Z........i suspected double A's....problem is now i'm confused how they'll get a double b15:17
thesebpavlos: well why the hell did lubuntu do that!?!?15:17
nicomachusbashful badger15:18
oerheksit is double A again15:19
thesebnicomachus: so! the pattern is to have words that start with DOUBLES...like aardvark15:19
oerheksartful aardvark15:19
pavlostheseb: LiveCDs usually run for a few hours to fix an install or test, no reason to run cron jobs ... my opinion15:19
nacctheseb: no, AA is Artful Aardvark. The second a in aardvark doesn't make it AA.15:19
thesebnicomachus: banging BB's15:19
nacctheseb: also there isn't a strict pattern.15:19
thesebnacc: but then ubuntu is just repeating the old pattern15:20
cat_bprmHello, i have many problems, my first problem is that i cant get steam to launch, it goes through the update process then stops, its still in the task manager but isnt launching15:20
thesebnacc: i was looking for a new twist15:20
nicomachustheseb: yep.15:20
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, do you get any output when you run from terminal?15:21
oerheksA A is the 1st A series, ubuntu started with B15:21
nicomachuscat_bprm: try launching from terminal with a verbose flag and paste the output in a pastebin then link here.15:21
cat_bprmhow do i do that?15:21
nacctheseb: it's not alphabetical anyways15:21
cat_bprmim a noob with ubuntu15:21
nicomachusnaming discussion -> #ubuntu-discuss15:21
thesebfwiw....i'm glad ubuntu doesn't do something lame like toy story characters15:21
naccnicomachus: +115:21
cat_bprmtheseb: Apple watch roast?.. ILL KILL YOU AHH XD15:22
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, open Terminal and type 'steam' and <Enter>15:22
cat_bprmRunning Steam on ubuntu 16.04 64-bit STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically Pins up-to-date!15:22
cat_bprmshoudla done a paste15:22
lordcirth_workI'm not aware of a verbose switch for Steam15:22
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, is that all that shows?15:22
nicomachussame here.15:23
cat_bprmlordcirth_work: oh its because i had steam still open in task manager, i ran the command again and now its coming up with more, hold on15:24
thesebalkisg: mind still blown by the double usb sticks trick15:24
lordcirth_work!paste | cat_bprm15:25
ubottucat_bprm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:25
cat_bprmi know, i forgot the first time15:25
thesebpavlos: thanks....i'm very impressed you solved the puzzle and didn't give up15:25
pavlostheseb: np ...15:26
cat_bprmlordcirth_work: console says what it said before but with http://paste.ubuntu.com/25766495/  below, and nothing else is happening.15:27
ubuntu_is_funi used "getconf LONG_BIT" to know if system is 32 bit or 64 but i don't have 32 bit system can you just tell me if this is universal and will show only 64 for 64 bit systems and 32 for 32 bit system for all ubuntu flavours15:27
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, and then crashes or?15:27
cat_bprmnope, nothing is happeneing, and i cant make another input15:28
mutanteubuntu_is_fun: or look at the kernel name, like if 'uname -r' has string amd64 in it?15:28
akikubuntu_is_fun: it says "32"15:29
oerheksubuntu_is_fun, yes, that should work15:29
cat_bprmany ideas?15:30
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, but steam isn't working?15:31
bratchleyI saved this to /etc/apt/preferences.d/kernel and was wondering if anyone could tell me if this looks correct: https://dpaste.de/uewT15:31
cat_bprmyep steam isnt working15:31
thesebpavlos: how turn anacron on for reals?15:32
foca__[pulseaudio] bluez5-util.c: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit: Unit dbus-org.bluez.service not found.15:32
foca__What this error means ?15:32
oerheksfoca__, when do you see that error?15:33
oerhekse.g. what do you launch from terminal?15:33
pavlostheseb: you need to find the anacron binary and remove that link->/bin/true. Or modify /etc/crontab and make the entries same as the cron.hourly15:33
pavlostheseb: mine is -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 34840 Dec 28  2014 /usr/sbin/anacron*15:34
foca__oerheks Right after install ubuntu gnome15:34
cat_bprmlordcirth_work should i try uninstalling and reinstalling steam15:35
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, can't hurt I guess15:36
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, what Ubuntu version?15:36
cat_bprmit seems to be working so far15:38
thesebpavlos: /usr/sbin/anacron.distrib ?15:39
cat_bprmokay now i get an error in console15:40
thesebpavlos: yea i think that's it..thanks again15:40
cat_bprmlordcirth_work i've never had this error15:41
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, did you do all Ubuntu updates and reboot somewhat recently?15:41
cat_bprmididnt update but i uninstalled and reinstalled ubuntu about 2 days ago, full cleanup, no transferred files15:42
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, you need to do updates after installing15:42
cat_bprmso i need to update now?15:43
cat_bprmlordcirth_work should i update, im on 16.04 and i beleive there is an update to 16.04.315:44
TheMontyChristhow to forcefully uninstall libboost-all-dev15:48
TheMontyChristand then reinstall it15:48
lordcirth_workcat_bprm, yes you are way behind, that causes problems.  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:49
Cat_BPRMHello, i was here earlier with a problem with steam, and it not booting15:57
Cat_BPRMits fixed now by the way15:57
oerhekshave fun!15:59
oerheksTheMontyChrist, sudo apt-get install --reinstall libboost-all-dev // sudo apt-get purge mypackage && sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev // or maybe this is helpfull: sudo dpkg-reconfigure libboost-all-dev16:01
lordcirth_workCat_BPRM, good!16:01
lordcirth_workCat_BPRM, in future don't install new software without updating first16:02
Cat_BPRMbut i also habe another problem that i need to verify quick16:02
Cat_BPRMyeah i have an nvidia gpu and nvidia prime installed and thats set to nvidia in console, but steam wont use my gpu... it uses the integrated graphics...16:04
Cat_BPRMhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/25766736/ is what i get when i use sudo prime-selectnvidia16:07
Cat_BPRMprime-select nvidia*16:07
Cat_BPRMWhen i try shutdown my system using software shutdown, it hangs at the shutdown screen16:12
TJ-Cat_BPRM: ACPI DSDT problem with the motherboard firmware, most likely16:13
Cat_BPRMif its ACPI, i have that disabled in GURB16:13
TJ-Cat_BPRM: we get this very often; I've written an article and instructions for a possible fix. It's at http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html16:13
TJ-Cat_BPRM: Disabling ACPI *will* make things go wrong. It's *vital*16:14
Cat_BPRMbut if i have it enabled, my system wont boot16:14
Cat_BPRMwill your article fix that aswell as the shutdown?16:15
TJ-Cat_BPRM: Without Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) the OS cannot correctly control or even see critical power and thermal motherboard services16:15
Cat_BPRMbut when its on, my laptop wint boot16:16
TJ-Cat_BPRM: I have no idea but it will generally solve almsot all issues around shutdown not powering off, suspend/resume, platform devices not working correctly.16:16
TJ-Cat_BPRM: what make/model is the PC?16:16
Cat_BPRMROG GL752VW laptop16:16
TJ-Cat_BPRM: "won't boot" doesn't really tell us anything of use. How does it not boot? what happens? What messages do you see?16:17
TheMontyChristI have protobuf in /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib16:17
TheMontyChristhow to eliminate /usr/local/lib16:17
TheMontyChristjust delete it?16:17
TheMontyChristelimine boost files in...16:17
Cat_BPRMit goes into boot but on the loading screen (ubuntu logo with 4 dots) it hangs at the third or fourth dot16:17
Cat_BPRMunless acpi is off16:18
TJ-Cat_BPRM: does it boot into a Recovery shell? Also, did you try removing "quiet splash" from the kernel command-line so you can see messages telling you what's going on?16:18
TJ-Cat_BPRM: often there is something useful hidden by the splash screen16:19
Cat_BPRMno and no16:19
Cat_BPRMif youre going to help me fix this, can we do it in discord because all i have other than my laptop is my phone and IRC wont work on there... and if i need to do anything in GRUB, i cant use IRC16:20
TJ-Cat_BPRM: both of those are very useful tests since the Recovery starts a very limited set of services - if that works you get a clue that the issue is probably to do with service starts and additional drivers being loaded. Without "quiet splash" you get scrolling kernel messages and if it hangs the last few often give a clue as to what went wrong.16:20
Cat_BPRMokay, so can we talk on discord while i try that>16:21
TJ-Cat_BPRM: Can I suggest before that, you first remove any "acpi=off" from /etc/default/grub and then run the commands in my article (which add an appropriate acpi_osi=.... to that file. Then do a reboot test in case that solves everything. If it doesn't work then we can go into more detail.16:22
TJ-Cat_BPRM: it's worth reading the explanation so you understand why these problems occur and what the change does16:22
Cat_BPRMokay, i shall do that and before i reboot we shal have to use discord16:22
oerheksdo not forget to run update-grub after that16:22
Cat_BPRMokay, so how do i edit the grub file using console? (i dont want to use gedit oranything as im trying to learn more about the console...)16:24
TJ-Cat_BPRM: show us "pastebinit /etc/default/grub" please16:24
Cat_BPRMTJ- http://paste.ubuntu.com/25766790/16:25
oerheksthere is a beautifull grub manual16:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:26
dropkick100How can I add the zetsy repos to my xenial with the priority set on xenial16:26
dropkick100can't find a decent tutorial16:26
Cat_BPRMmanuals... who reads them KEK16:26
naccdropkick100: why would you do that?16:26
naccdropkick100: it's not a supported configuration16:26
oerheks"with the priority set on xenial" there is no such manual or legit way to do that16:27
naccoerheks: i think you can actaully do it with pin-priority by 'a=', but it's still not a good idea :)16:28
TJ-Cat_BPRM: OK, you can remove that entry easily with "sudo sed -i 's/acpi=off//' /etc/default/grub" ... then do "grep acpi /etc/default/grub" to ensure it has gone *then* run the commands in my article and *then* do "grep acpi /etc/default/grub" again so you know the change that has been added. Then you can do a reboot test16:28
dropkick100nacc: because I need libxcb-xrm-dev16:28
naccdropkick100: then run 17.04 or 17.10.16:29
naccdropkick100: or look for it in a PPA16:29
oerheksnacc, maybe, then you would run into dependencie hell, not tho mention artfull<>xenial conflicts16:29
naccoerheks: absolutely :)16:29
Cat_BPRMokay, done those, now moving on to the aricle16:29
TJ-dropkick100: another option is to use debootstrap to build a 17.04 chroot16:29
naccTJ-: I would presume it's way faster to just use a 17.04 LXD :)16:30
Cat_BPRMi guess there isnt supposed to be any output TJ- but i may be wron16:30
TJ-Cat_BPRM: correct. when grep doesn't display anything it didn't find anything16:30
Cat_BPRMokay good16:30
oerheksdropkick100, build it yourself, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xcb-util-xrm as there is no ppa available16:30
TJ-nacc: that too; it depends on how you want access to it.16:30
naccTJ-: yep16:30
TJ-nacc: A chroot allows you to use LD_LIBRARY_PATH on the host to run a process there that links into a .so library in the other release without any cross-contamination16:31
naccTJ-: yeah, I know. I think it's relatively error-prone for new users, LXD works pretty well from an isolation perspective. But yeah, it all depends on use-case.16:32
naccOr even a VM (uvt-kvm makes that pretty easy too)16:32
Cat_BPRMTJ- when i did http://paste.ubuntu.com/25766810/ it returned http://paste.ubuntu.com/25766811/16:32
TJ-Cat_BPRM: Wow! and Ouch! I guess that is because you've booted with "acpi=off". In which case you'll need to (try to!) reboot with ACPI enabled. Hang fire while I think this through a bit - see if we can figure a way to do this without getting your PC stuck in that 'failed to boot' situation!16:34
Cat_BPRMTJ- add me on discord, i will reboot my computer as i can readd that back in using GRUB (ive done it so many times...)16:35
TJ-Cat_BPRM: I don't have/use discord16:35
Cat_BPRMhow about skype?16:35
Cat_BPRMor steam16:35
TJ-Cat_BPRM: hang fire. I'm going to find a BIOS image for your make/model and find the required value that way16:36
TJ-None of those. IRC has been good enough for me since the 1990s :)16:36
Cat_BPRMis there a freenode app for ios?16:36
TJ-Cat_BPRM: besides which, this is shared support. If I have to go someeone else can take over16:36
TJ-Cat_BPRM: it's only IRC - any IRC client can connect to Freenode16:36
Cat_BPRMlet me try using my tablet16:36
Cat_BPRMi'm going to leave the irc in asecond to join on my tablet16:37
Cat_BPRMokay im leaving in 10 seconds16:38
Cat_BPRMTJ- I'm back16:39
Cat_BPRMOn tablet16:39
Cat_BPRMTJ- any ideas?16:41
TJ-Cat_BPRM: I've grabbed the latest firmware upgrade for that model; extracting it now with binwalk16:42
TJ-Cat_BPRM: From https://www.asus.com/ROG-Republic-Of-Gamers/ROG-GL752VW/HelpDesk_BIOS/ - latest is dated 12th Sept16:42
chars6which log file contains logs for service starting/stopping daemons?16:43
Cat_BPRMSo where am I installing that?16:43
kostkonCat_BPRM, from your efi bios16:44
TJ-Cat_BPRM: You're not! I've used it to find the string you need to add into /etc/default/grub before rebooting the PC. I've got it now, let me marshal the command you need for it16:44
Cat_BPRMOh ok16:45
TJ-Cat_BPRM: Command follows copy/paste verbatim:  VERSION="Windows 2015"; sudo sed -i "s/^\(GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=.*\)\"$/\1 acpi_osi=! \\\\\"acpi_osi=$VERSION\\\\\"\"/" /etc/default/grub16:45
TJ-Cat_BPRM: after, do "pastebinit <( grep acpi /etc/default/grub)" and show us the result16:46
Jordan_Uchars6: Such logs would be best accessed through the systemd journal, via journalctl.16:46
Jordan_Uchars6: What information are you looking for specifically?16:47
TJ-Cat_BPRM: alternatively, use a text editor to add \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\" into GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX string in /etc/default/grub - just realised you're now on a tablet!16:47
gsharp__Hi there I have a 1Tb hard disk of which 116 gb is alloted to win10....and the rest to ubuntu....I want to shrink the ubuntu partition....how would I do it?16:49
Cat_BPRMTJ- yes I am, I'll go with the text editor16:49
TJ-Cat_BPRM: something like "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" or "sudo vim /etc/default/grub" then16:49
chars6Jordan_U: i'm trying to upgrade a jenkins testing server, which is normally just swapping a single file, but when i do it refuses to start with `service jenkins start` anymore16:49
alkisggsharp__: boot from a live cd and resize it16:50
alkisg(with gparted)16:50
gsharp__alkisg: Thank you :)16:50
Cat_BPRMTJ- I'll send a screenshot do it for verification16:52
chars6Jordan_U: journalctl is not installed, could the logs be elsewhere, in a flat file i can access?16:52
gsharp__I also want to learn commands and various quickies for ubuntu...any website for help16:52
chars6this is ubuntu 14.0416:52
TJ-Cat_BPRM: whilst you're editing also add in jsut before that bit "acpi_osi=! " too ... so the entire thing reads acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\"16:52
TJ-Cat_BPRM: so you'll end up with GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015\""16:53
Cat_BPRMYep got exactly that, now save?16:54
TJ-Cat_BPRM: once you have that you can do "sudo update-grub"16:54
TJ-Cat_BPRM: yes, save :) then update-grub16:54
Cat_BPRMLet me move the irc back to laptop as it's easier16:55
TJ-Cat_BPRM: what error now?16:55
Jordan_Uchars6: Check /var/log/syslog , and check where jenkins itself stores logs.16:58
Cat_PGoTTJ- for some reason i couldnt use Cat_BPRM so i used my other account...16:58
Cat_PGoTi got this error. http://paste.ubuntu.com/25766950/16:59
Cat_PGoToh now that account times out even though i left17:00
TJ-Cat_PGoT: yes, you can change back if you want now using "/nick Cat_BPRM"17:00
=== Cat_PGoT is now known as Cat_BPRM
Cat_BPRMso yeah, error for some reason17:01
TJ-Cat_BPRM: OK, that error means I think you missed off an ending " mark. The line should end \"" not \"17:01
Cat_BPRMlet me check17:01
Cat_BPRMGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015/"" is what i have17:01
TJ-Cat_BPRM: should be \"" not /""17:02
Cat_BPRMstill the same error17:02
lordcirth_workA backslash 'escapes' the quote, making it be treated as just a bit of text rather than ending the quoted string17:03
TJ-Cat_BPRM: show us the complete line again please17:03
Cat_BPRMGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=! \"acpi_osi=Windows 2015/""17:03
Cat_BPRMdidnt save for some reason17:03
TJ-Cat_BPRM: :)17:03
Cat_BPRMthere we go :)17:04
TJ-Cat_BPRM: OK, now here's what to do to test it.17:04
Cat_BPRMwill it restart my computer?17:04
TJ-Cat_BPRM: First reboot enter the GRUB menu goto Advanced and choose the Recovery option. If you're able to boot to a root shell and the display is working (you can see the console!) then reboot with a normal boot and see if it can get to the desktop...17:05
Cat_BPRMim joining the irc on cat_pgot17:05
TJ-Cat_BPRM: ... if that 2nd boot doesn't work (as was happening before), reboot, enter GRUB menu, edit the boot entry (pressing 'e') and remove "quiet splash" from the kernel's command-line then press Ctrl+X to boot with that change... see if that helps.17:06
=== Cat_PGoT is now known as Cat_BPRM
Cat_BPRMHolding shift outs you in grub right?17:08
Cat_BPRMOh, it doesn't,  but guess what, my computer booted into the os17:09
Cat_BPRMDo I still need to go into the grub recovery menu?17:10
Cat_BPRMTJ- thanks loads! My computer is working fine now, it even enabled my back light17:12
Cat_BPRMNo way, TJ- I think you also fixed my nvidia prime problems too17:13
Cat_BPRMYes you did17:14
Cat_BPRMThank you so much, I wish I could repay you17:14
lordcirth_workCat_BPRM, well, if you keep learning, in a year you can be here answering beginner's questions... *the circle of life*17:16
Cat_BPRMI shall17:16
TJ-Cat_BPRM: glad to hear it :)17:17
TJ-Cat_BPRM: Sorry I didn't respond immediately. Had an emergency here - dog dug up mud and then tried to get into the house! Had to throw him in the wet-room :)17:18
TJ-Cat_BPRM: The GRUB boot-menu key is [Esc]ape now, especially on UEFI systems17:18
TJ-Cat_BPRM: it's such a common cause of problems nowadays17:19
Cat_BPRMWell I gotta do chores now and fast as I only have an hour, after you wasted my time with the ubuntu tips that I asked for and needed Kappa17:19
TJ-Cat_BPRM: hope we don't see you again soon :D17:19
Cat_BPRMHope I never come back :D17:20
lordcirth_workTJ-, well that's interesting.  why change?  Did UEFI bind Shift?17:20
TJ-lordcirth_work: Shift isn't picked up in the UEFI handler like it can be in the BIOS handler17:21
TJ-lordcirth_work: in BIOS/raw, the state of shift-ctrl-alt are each single-bit flags in a single byte you read from the keyboard I/O port. In UEFI you don't have that raw access17:21
v3n0m17.10 released yet?17:22
oerheksv3n0m, no.17:22
TJ-lordcirth_work: which is why on BIOS you could simply hold the shift key down and wait, but with UEFI you have to hammer at Esc and hope you hit it as the keyboard is being checked17:22
lordcirth_workTJ-, good to know, thanks17:23
lordcirth_work!17.10 | v3n0m17:23
ubottuv3n0m: Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) will be the 27th release of Ubuntu.  It is due to be released in October 2017. Discussion in #ubuntu+117:23
lordcirth_workReleases tomorrow iirc17:23
v3n0mits having a slow boot17:24
v3n0malso systemd-analyze gives a rather big time17:24
lordcirth_workv3n0m, 17.10 is?  Discuss in #ubuntu+1 , as mentioned17:25
=== purist_ is now known as purist
v3n0mYeah, no one replying there.17:25
oerheksbe patient..17:26
radiushey, I'm wondering if anyone has stumbled on this17:26
radiusmy dell poweredge t20 has ubuntu server installed, all good and working17:26
radiusexcept for the fact that USB keyboards do not work17:26
radiusbut kbd works fine on bios, grub17:27
TJ-radius: USB via front AND back ports? or does it only have front ports?17:27
lordcirth_workradius, what version of ubuntu and is it up to date?17:27
radius16.04.3 LTS17:28
TJ-radius: and, does a USB keyboard work whilst in the BIOS Setup?17:28
radiusfront and back, neither work17:28
radiusTJ-, yeah and in grub too17:28
radiuslsusb shows the kbd though17:28
TJ-radius: can you "pastebinit <( dmesg )" from the PowerEdge17:28
radiussure, it's rebooting, sec17:29
pavlosv3n0m: can you pastebin the analyze blame output?17:30
TJ-radius: OK, I see "[    1.212578] usb 2-1.5: New USB device found, idVendor=258a, idProduct=0001"17:31
TJ-radius: I'd expect to also see a line of the style: "input: XXXX as devices/.../usbXXX/...input/inputY"17:32
radiusah, creating the nodes?17:33
TJ-radius: that suggests that either udev rules are missing or not recognising this as an input device, or the input sub-system is not working properly. Is there any custom system configuration in those areas?17:33
radiusno, it's stock ubuntu server17:33
radiusbroke after some update17:33
alkisgradius: i've seen this when using an older kernel that is left in /boot, while it's uninstalled, so no modules in /lib/$(uname -r)17:36
alkisgDo you have the 4.4.0-38-generic kernel properly installed?17:37
TJ-radius: can you show us "pastebinit <( lsusb -v -d 258a:0001 )"17:37
TJ-radius: for an HID the usb class driver should find it17:38
TJ-alkisg: dmesg shows that other modules are being loaded so I would doubt the kernel's modules are missing (ZFS and SPL and vmmon are all being loaded)17:39
radiusalkisg, properly installed? I jst upgraded with apt-get dist-upgrade17:40
TJ-radius: that looks good - HID recognised17:41
radiusthis pastebinit util is nice17:41
TJ-radius: does "lsmod | grep usbhid" report anything? if not, try "sudo modprobe usbhid"17:42
alkisgradius: ls /lib/modules17:43
radius~$ sudo modprobe usbhid17:44
radiusmodprobe: FATAL: Module usbhid not found in directory /lib/modules/4.4.0-38-generic17:44
cristian_cwhen I use mozplugger, opening pdf files, I notice a strange behaviour about input events. If I use arrow keys on keyboard, they don't work, but if I use the mouse wheel scrolling, it works, instead17:44
TJ-radius: "modinfo usbhid"17:44
radiusalso it's using 4.4.0-38 even though -97 is installed17:44
radiusmodule not found17:44
cristian_cHow could I fix the issue for embedded pdf files using it?17:45
cristian_cAny ideas?17:45
TJ-alkisg: so you've got custom out-of-tree modules still there but the kernel's package was removed without removing /boot/vmlinuz-<version>17:45
TJ-alkisg: radius so you've got custom out-of-tree modules still there but the kernel's package was removed without removing /boot/vmlinuz-<version>17:45
TJ-radius: did you do some manual kernel package removal at some point?17:46
radiusno, but I had vmware workstation removed17:46
radiusmaybe that one had a kenerl package17:46
alkisgTJ-: no, i mean for example for rasperry pis or netbooted clients or chroots that boot from a kernel in a separate partition, and it's not there in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)17:46
TJ-radius: I'm struggling to figure out why the GRUB menu wasn't updated to the latest installed kernel17:47
TJ-alkisg: right, but linux-image-<version>-<flavour> contains both /boot/vmlinuz-<version> and /lib/modules/<version>/... so if the package is removed all those files should go at the same time17:48
radiusfor some reason I don't have linux-image17:48
radiusfor the -97 kernel17:48
radiusgonna reinstall that17:49
TJ-radius: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image" might also pull the correct latest dependency if it is missing17:49
TJ-radius: or you might need to ensure "linux-image-generic" (or "linux-image-lowlatency") are there17:50
TJ-radius: they always depend on the latest published kernel image17:50
badloopno matter what i do, conjure-up can't seem to see that lxd is installed... anyone have this issue?17:50
mboardhi all, is there anyway I can remove all gui from an ubuntu install so it is a server based machine only or it need to be reinstalled?17:56
mutantemboard: possible but reinstall would be the cleaner way to do it. i would decide based on how much manual work i did on it already17:59
TJ-mboard: generally something like "sudo apt remove ubuntu-desktop; sudo apt autoremove" - I've not done that recently though so not entirely sure removing ubuntu-desktop will cause all the other dependencies to be listed for autoremove17:59
mboardmutante it is an empty install of ubuntu 16.04 desktop version, it will be used as a home server for file backups etc but it is very slow :)  TJ I will have a check thank you18:00
mutantemboard: also, i would just install Debian netinstall image and not select anyhing to be installed. it should be pretty much identical,  Ubuntu just copies all that and then puts desktop stuff on top of it.18:01
mboardmutante ok, I will check that out also.  Thank you18:01
TJ-mutante: not exactly, the base (ubuntu-minimal) install differs in many ways from Debian18:02
mutanteTJ-: what would be one of those ways?18:02
mutantei yet have to find an ubuntu-only package that is relevant to servers18:03
mboardTJ- oh?18:03
mutantemboard: well here is what i meant. not sure what is different about Ubuntu but all packages i know are 1:1 copies from Debian  https://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/   and then just don't select any software/desktop during install . it will be quick and clean and get you to that18:04
radiusTJ it reinstalled the image but it's still showing the problem and booting -3818:05
radiusby default18:05
TJ-radius: then your /boot/ device isn't being updated as you're expecting. Are you using a separate /boot/ file-system ?18:05
alkisgTJ-: see above ;)18:06
alkisg(for weird reasons why /boot isn't updated :))18:06
TJ-mutante: mboard there are various differences starting with the kernel builds and which modules are built-in vs dynamically loadable through package differences where Ubuntu adds changes on top of Debian's patches.18:07
dlamis there a way to show the sort column on screen in 'top'?     (i know you can see if after pushing f)18:07
radiusas far as I remember, everything is on sda, the other two drives (ZFS) are data only, boot is mounted in /dev/sda1 as expected18:07
TJ-alkisg: the only reason, when there's a separate /boot/ FS, is if it is not mounted and changes are being written into the rootfs /boot/18:07
radius /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext2 (rw)18:08
TJ-radius: OK, so is "sudo update-grub" failing?18:08
mutanteTJ-: i wonder if they matter. so you suggest he uses "ubuntu server"? is that still a thing?18:08
TJ-radius: right, so a separate /boot/ FS. Where is the rootfs ?18:08
radiusnope not at all18:08
leftyfbdlam: have you tried htop?18:08
radius /dev/mapper/vm--tools--vg-root on / type ext4 (rw,errors=remount-ro)18:08
TJ-radius: right, so you do have a separate /boot/ on sda1. Has it run out of space? "df /boot"18:09
lordcirth_workmutante, Ubuntu Server is quite definitely a thing; my entire organization runs on it18:09
radiusah yeah... but update-grub isn't failing, nor the upgrades18:10
radiususually upgrades used to fail when it was full18:10
TJ-mutante: we ship ubuntu-server ISOs (which encompass what used to be the alternative installer), and the (virtual) package "ubuntu-server" has the depends for a base server install18:10
radiusall the images there are 3.1318:10
mutantelordcirth_work: ok, i guess it's because you are actually using official support contract then, right18:10
lordcirth_workmutante, nope18:11
radiusso I have to clear some space18:11
radiusand apt-get -f install18:11
radiusweird tho... I'm able to install other packages18:11
TJ-radius: try this: "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/rootfs; sudo mount --bind / /mnt/rootfs/; ls -altr /mnt/rootfs/boot/; sudo umount /mnt/rootfs"18:11
mutanteTJ-: aha, *nod*18:11
lordcirth_workradius, you can use du to find where the space went, and in future once you can install packages, ncdu is great18:12
radiusTJ-, nah sorry wrong terminal thankfully I did nothing yet :p18:12
TJ-radius: Grrrr :D18:13
radiusyeah plenty of space... /dev/sdc1 on /boot type ext2 (rw,relatime,block_validity,barrier,user_xattr,acl,stripe=4)18:13
radiusnot sure about all those parameters18:14
radiusmust be defaults nowadays18:14
doebijust installed 17.10, all went fine.18:14
TJ-radius: you've got a RAID array?18:14
doebithen installed "nvidia-current" now everything is broken18:14
radiusno, just one drive for OS and two drives for ZFS18:15
radiusfor data18:15
Toadisattvalol install nvidia drivers and now everything is broken = story of my life18:15
TJ-radius: so what have you discovered so far? Is /boot/grub/grub.cfg correct, and lists the latest kernel version as the default boot entry?18:16
radiusTJ-, there are no entries for 4.4.0-9718:17
doebiToadisattva: is there a solution to this. i've been having this problem ever since..18:17
texlaI want to move data files from ubuntu 16.04 to Mint 18.2..How can I accomplish this chore ??18:17
TJ-radius: so do "sudo update-grub" look at it's output, then compare that to /boot/grub/grub.cfg and make sure they match on the versions18:17
ToadisattvaI ended up settling on just stick with noveau as no matter what I did trying to install proprietary drivers it just wouldn't work for me, perhaps someone more skilled than I can get you through the troubleshooting (and I'll certainly be taking notes if so lol)18:18
TJ-Toadisattva: did you install the nvidia drivers using "ubuntu-drivers" command-line tool ?18:18
radiusit lists -38 and -97 twice when I run the command18:19
radiusthen it doesn't add -9718:19
TJ-radius: and there is free space on /boot/ according to 'df' ?18:19
radiusyeah 18% used18:19
TJ-radius: can you pastebin the terminal ouput you got running update-grub ?18:20
ToadisattvaI tried from the command line, I tried all different ppa's, I tried downloading directly from the website and installing from grub, I've tried 3 or 4 different cards on different machines, same result every time,black screen gotta switch back to nouveau18:20
statusfailedHow does "mkpasswd" combine the password and salt values?18:20
TJ-Toadisattva: so a modesetting issue.18:20
statusfailedI've tried concatenating them and doing a sha-512, but it doesn't get me the same result :[18:20
lordcirth_workstatusfailed, if you look closely, it uses $ as a separator18:21
lordcirth_work6 means sha51218:21
lordcirth_workOh, sorry, I misread; not what you were asking18:22
statusfailedlordcirth_work: I'm trying to reproduce the "hash" value18:22
statusfailedah no worries :-)18:22
TJ-lordcirth_work: but that's not what statusfailed was asking ... as you noticed :D18:22
TJ-statusfailed: it concatenates the salt + password then runs the result through the cipher the required number of rounds18:22
TJ-statusfailed: best to pull the source-code and read it to know the guts18:23
statusfailedTJ-: I tried concatenating salt+password and running the hash but it doesn't work18:24
statusfailedperhaps that's because it has multiple 'rounds'?18:24
statusfailedI'm assuming that means it just hashes the hash?18:24
lordcirth_workstatusfailed, that is what rounds usually means, yes18:25
statusfailedOK, that's probably why it doesn't work then; I'm using "openssl dgst -sha512 -binary" to do the hash18:26
TJ-statusfailed: lines 273 onwards of mkpasswd.c shows how it works. ("apt-get source whois")18:29
doebirunning "apt install nvidia-current" leaves me with a system incapable of mouse input, weird artifact rendering and general strange behaviour. and using the ubuntu driver util to install the "tested" driver leaves me with a system i cant even log in anymore18:30
dlamleftyfb:  ooo yer right 'htop' does show sort column on the screen!18:38
lordcirth_workmost 'top' questions can be answered 'htop' :P18:39
statusfailedTJ-: oh cool, thanks :-)18:39
ignooHello,running ubuntu GNOME 16.04, have some issues with ubuntu Artful Aardvark: https://pastebin.com/BgBHExes ; Thank you for your Support.18:52
oerheks!ops | ignoo spams again and again18:53
ubottuignoo spams again and again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu18:53
krytarikoerheks: Already gone.18:54
oerheksjust warned them, so they can block, thanks for noticing.18:54
geniioerheks: Some kind of bait and switch in the pastebin?18:54
alkisgradius: did you solve the issue? Was it kernel without /lib/modules/$(uname -r) dir?18:55
oerheksgenii, just one record, iron maiden..18:55
ioriaoerheks, this ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGuNj26gSJk18:57
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
TheNH813Allright, how do I disable grub from installing to the MBR but keep it installed?19:08
TheNH813Another application depends on it, otherwise I'd just remove it.19:08
oerheksgrub does not install to the MBR, it sets a flag there what partition it should look for.19:10
TJ-oerheks: Yes it does.19:10
ioriaTheNH813,  have you tried grub-install /dev/sdaX19:10
EriC^^TheNH813: in what context? the installer? later when the grub package makes updates?19:10
TJ-TheNH813: you could dpkg-divert /usr/sbin/grub-install and create a symlink instead to /bin/true19:11
alkisgTheNH813: sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc, and don't select any disks19:11
TheNH813ioria: That's exactly what I don't want. XD19:11
alkisgIt will prompt you "are you sure?" and you're done19:11
TheNH813EriC^^: On the desktop, already set up and installed\.19:12
TJ-oerheks: with grub-pc (BIOS) grub-install installs its bootstrap code into sector 0 of the boot device, usually the MBR, and it's core image into the following sectors up to the start of the first partition sector19:12
ioriaTheNH813,  X it' s a random partition , not mbr (sda)19:12
TheNH813TJ-: Sounds like an option.19:12
EriC^^TheNH813: try alkisg or TJ- 's suggestion19:12
TheNH813alkisg: That should work too.19:12
EriC^^maybe both, what the heck19:12
oerheksGRUB 2 normally writes its bootloader information to an area just beyond the Master Boot Record19:13
alkisgoerheks: BIOS loads the boot code from sector 0, always19:13
EriC^^oerheks: that's the stage2 stuff19:13
alkisgIf grub doesn't write there, the PC won't boot19:13
TJ-oerheks: no, it writes core image from sector 1, but bootstrap code goes into the first 446 bytes of sector 019:13
oerheksTJ-, yes, and his issue is an other <something> wants to be there.. or am i wrong?19:14
TJ-oerheks: this is why with BIOS+GPT there needs to be a a BIOS Boot Partition of about 1MB where GRUB can install core.img19:14
TJ-oerheks: if this is a follow-up from yesterday, the issue was dual-boot with Windows - so I'm inferring that TheNH813 doesn't want GRUB over-writing the Windows bootstrap code.... is that correct, TheNH81319:15
TheNH813I didn't ask about dual boot yesterday.19:15
TheNH813You must be thinking about someone else.19:15
TJ-TheNH813: Hmmm... I must, with a very similar nick too!19:15
TJ-TheNH813: so what's the rationale? trying to prevent replacing another OS's bootstrap ?19:16
TheNH813I use Grub4DOS for reasons I'd rather not explain because it's complicated and I just don't want Grub2 nuking it.19:16
TJ-TheNH813: I'd go the dpkg-divert route, that way it's impossible to accidentally install even if you try :)19:16
TheNH813Very interesting someone has a name like mine. XD19:16
TJ-TheNH813: "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/sbin/grub-install --rename /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib; sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/grub-install"19:17
TJ-TheNH813: so if you really want to use it you call grub-install.distrib instead, but no scripts or other components know that but you19:18
TheNH813Leaving 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib to /usr/sbin/grub-install'19:19
TheNH813I assume that means it didn't work.19:19
johnnyfiveIf I were to randomly download a .deb file from the /pool/, how would I determine what distro/release/category it belonged to? (eg xenial-updates vs xenial-secure, etc)19:19
oerhekswhy not remove grub and https://askubuntu.com/questions/771152/using-grub4dos-to-boot-ubuntu-16-0419:19
johnnyfiveI'm looking for any artifacts on the .deb themselves that describe where it came from19:19
TheNH813Ubiquity, Remastersys and a few other applications depend on grub.19:20
EriC^^johnnyfive: does dpkg -I file.deb show anything?19:21
TJ-TheNH813: oh foeey, I typed the arguments backwards! hang on19:21
TJ-TheNH813: "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib --rename /usr/sbin/grub-install; sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/grub-install"19:21
TJ-TheNH813: the new name comes before the existing name!19:21
TheNH813How do I undo the first one?19:22
TheNH813local diversion of /usr/sbin/grub-install to /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib' clashes with 'local diversion of /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib to /usr/sbin/grub-install19:22
TheNH813I think we confused it now. XD19:22
TJ-TheNH813: oh foeey #2 ! let's try to to remove the first one then...19:23
EriC^^run sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/sbin/grub-install --rename /usr/sbin/grub-install ?19:23
TheNH813I'v never used dpkg-divert before, let alone knew it existed. I'l remember that for future use.19:23
TJ-TheNH813: "sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/sbin/grub-install"19:24
TJ-TheNH813: it makes dpkg aware of the move so package upgrades use the new location and don't break things19:24
TJ-TheNH813: then "sudo dpkg-divert --rename --remove /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib"19:24
TJ-TheNH813:  Now you should be clear to do the original command19:25
TJ-TheNH813: "sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/sbin/grub-install.distrib --rename /usr/sbin/grub-install; sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/sbin/grub-install"19:25
johnnyfive@EriC^^, not that I have found. There is a 'section', which sometimes has things like 'non-free', but it also has 'libs', which doesn't really fit that19:25
ioriaTJ-, why not installing grub in another  partition ? does not work ?19:26
TJ-ioria: well it's only the bootstrap code TheNH813 is wanting to protect19:26
ioriaTJ-, ok, tx19:26
TheNH813Seems to have worked. Thanks.19:26
TJ-ioria: the rest of what grub-install does won't be touched anyhow as long as the GRUB4DOS bootstrap remains in place19:27
TheNH813I also changed the installation to another partition just to be sure.19:27
TJ-TheNH813: monitor, especially kernel upgrades that trigger grub-install, in case that does break something19:27
TheNH813Will do.19:27
TheNH813Is it a bad idea to just use cp for backups, or should I use RSync?19:30
johnnyfiveMaybe this is a better question, how does Ubuntu build the repos, and decide where the packages go? Is there a master list somewhere (other than the repos themselves), or build files that contain that information? (looking at trying to figure out what repo/category a .deb file came from)19:30
TheNH813Normally I just use cp -Rfvn /home /media/Backup19:31
TJ-TheNH813: not a lot of difference locally; remotely rsync can/will apply compression19:31
TheNH813Ah, okay. So it can speed up network transfers.19:31
TheNH813That makes sense.19:31
TheNH813jhonnyfive: If you mean the package index, yes, there's a database of all packages.19:32
TheNH813It's used by apt-get when installing and updating packages.19:32
TheNH813They contain all of that information.19:32
TheNH813Inside each package will be build information, maintainer, etc.19:33
TheNH813I don't know of any other place for that.19:33
johnnyfive@TheNH813, ya, thanks, but that doesn't contain the information about which repo/category it came from19:33
TheNH813I see what you mean.19:34
mutantejohnnyfive: there is a package called "popcon" for 'popularity contest'. people who opt-in report what packages they install. based on that data decisions are made which package goes on the first .iso (becuase it's the most popular). at least that is the theory in Debian19:34
johnnyfive@mutante, thanks but not sure how that applies?19:34
johnnyfiveoic, nvm, so where is the list that calculates those decisions?19:34
mutanteeh, yea, i just saw the "decide where the packages go"19:35
mutantethinking of CD/DVD images like back in the days :P19:35
johnnyfiveah, ya ok, not xenial vs xenial-security etc19:35
johnnyfiveheh, k ty19:36
TheNH813And now I'm complete. I made a /usr/local/lib/grub4dos folder and simlinked bootlace.com to /usr/local/bin.19:37
TheNH813Now I don't need to find the folder with grub4dos whenever I need to install it. XD19:37
TJ-johnnyfive: "apt-cache policy <package>" reports which pocket etc the package came from19:40
johnnyfiveTJ-,  That's if it was downloaded through apt, ya? But nothing on the actual .deb has that information?19:43
naccjohnnyfive: the .deb is not tied to where it is stored19:43
TJ-johnnyfive: no, that's info just from the package lists19:43
naccjohnnyfive: what is your question? how a .deb ends up in a given pocket?19:43
TJ-johnnyfive: the .deb itself is agnostic19:43
johnnyfivenacc, yes19:44
naccjohnnyfive: during development, they go into -proposed then the release pocket. Once a release occurs, the release pocket is frozen and uploads go -proposed -> -updates. The security team can upload to the -security pocket. The backports team can upload to the -backports pocket.19:44
johnnyfiveok, so is there a list somewhere of these packages per pocket? i'm rebuilding tons of packages (long story) from source, and need to then figure out which 'pocket' they belong to19:45
naccjohnnyfive: the component something is in is distinct from the pocket, so main/universe/multiverse is a different thing annd about support/freeness19:45
naccjohnnyfive: the pocket something is in is a publishing artifact, you'd need to look at the publishing records by source to determine where something was uploaded to.19:46
naccjohnnyfive: it sounds like what you're doing is probably not a sane approach.19:46
naccjohnnyfive: and i'm not sure why the pocket matters in any case19:46
johnnyfivei'm rebuilding the entire xenial-* repo from scratch and want to mirror it's output19:46
naccjohnnyfive: why?19:47
johnnyfivelong story, but basically scrambling the compiled binaries at a memory signature level19:48
ioriaok, i'am out19:49
TJ-johnnyfive: maybe this helps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArchiveAdministration#Component_Mismatches_and_Changing_Overrides19:49
TJ-johnnyfive: you mean the RAM image of the binary, or the ELF headers etc?19:49
kostkonTJ-, does it really matter at this point19:50
naccjohnnyfive: I feel like what you're doing does't make a lot of sense and I can't undersatnd why it's worht it19:50
TJ-kostkon: it's an interesting topic, in that maybe Ubuntu is missing something security-related that could be added at some point19:51
TJ-johnnyfive: are you talking about ASLR-type and/or PIE stuff?19:52
johnnyfiveTJ-, What the binary looks like from a memory footprint standpoint. nacc, it's so that attacks based on pre-calculated memory signatures become useless19:52
johnnyfiveASLR type stuff19:52
naccjohnnyfive: that's all done at runtime19:52
TJ-johnnyfive: are you aware of all the security features already employed? see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features19:52
johnnyfiveNo it's not. ASLR, exec shield don't do this. It's close19:53
TJ-johnnyfive: if it has value have you thought to talk to the security team about it in #ubuntu-hardened ?19:55
ioriajohnnyfive, it has something to do with  extracting function signatures from a binary and then scanning for them at run-time ?19:57
rdhTJ-, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/Features#mmap-aslr ?20:00
naccjohnnyfive: or maybe point at something that shows what you're doing (forkingn Ubuntu) is worth it20:00
lordcirth_workIf there's something that is unambiguously better than how Ubuntu is doing things, then it should be done in Ubuntu.20:01
TJ-rdh: are you asking me a question?20:01
rdhTJ-, is that not what you are describing?20:02
nacclordcirth_work: +120:02
rdhsry meant for johnnyfive20:02
TJ-rdh: I'm asking what it is johnnyfive is actually doing, and pointing out what we already do20:02
TJ-rdh: ahhh! :D20:02
nils_I'm having a few issues with power management on my laptop. Once AC power is disconnected the machine suspends (something I don't want), also once it resumes it automatically suspends again.20:10
TJ-nils_: and is the battery full/not empty?20:11
johnnyfiveTJ-, There's a difference between ASLR's "move this entire memory blob to a random location" (ie loading a program into memory) with the same footprint over and over, vs doing that + randomizing the footprint of the individual ROP gadgets within a binary. That's the difference. What we're doing requires recompilation of all sources, can't be done at runtime.20:12
nils_TJ-, yes it is.20:14
TJ-nils_: can you show us "pastebinit <( for n in  /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/*; do [ -f $n ] && echo $n=$(cat $n); done )" please, just to confirm that?20:14
lordcirth_workjohnnyfive, isn't the latest mainline kernel doing that sort of thing?20:14
TJ-johnnyfive: talk to the security team; sounds like something they may well be interested in20:14
johnnyfivelordcirth_work, similar, but not to this degree that I am aware of. Feel free to point me towards anything that says otherwise though ;)20:16
nils_https://paste.ubuntu.com/25767999/ shows battery full.20:17
rdhjohnnyfive, do you mean for the local functions in a binary or loaded?20:18
rdhjohnnyfive, and what flags are you using to recompile binaries?20:19
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johnnyfiverdh, custom compiler, wouldn't make sense to discuss.20:20
rdhjohnnyfive, so is that randomization for local functions then?20:21
naccwhile i am also interested in the answer, this seems like no longer ubuntu support, rdh, johnnyfive20:27
thesebanyone use Xming for the "Windows (Ubuntu) Linux Subsystem"?  How did you make Xming increase the font for ALL X apps w/o doing it on app by app basis?20:27
nacc!ubuwin | theseb: WSL isn't supported here20:28
ubottutheseb: WSL isn't supported here: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide20:28
TJ-nils_: sorry for the delay I was day-dreaming :) I'm going to take an educated guess and suggest the issue is due to the sytem's ACPI DSDT not enabling all functionality20:30
TJ-nils_: read up my article, and if you think it fits, try the suggested fix. http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html20:31
lifeboyI have inherited a server 14.04 and need to copy data from this machine to another.  I can log into the console, but despite the network being correctly configured, I can't reach the internet20:33
lifeboyI can't even ping the gateway address20:33
TJ-lifeboy: have you verified the cable is working? have you checked if a firewall is blocking? can the PC see any other devices ("ip neigh show") ?20:34
lifeboyI have iptables -F to clear any potential block, UFW in not running, but still no comms20:34
TheNH813Subnet mask?20:34
nils_TJ-, that might be it, thanks. I believe I once had some vendor packages installed that set acpi_os but I since overwrote it with ansible.20:34
TJ-lifeboy: Is it using a static IP address or DHCP?20:34
lifeboyCable is working.  IF I boot from an ISO (via the ILOM), the network works20:34
TJ-nils_: you'll be the 3rd person today where this has solved issues20:35
TJ-lifeboy: anything showing for "ip neigh show" (ARP cache) ?20:35
TJ-lifeboy: can other devices ping this server?20:35
TJ-lifeboy: any VLAN involved?20:35
TheNH813I'd check to make sure that the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway are right. Also, remove any DNS entries. They could be wrong.20:36
lifeboyYes, 'ip neigh show' says it can reach the gateway address20:36
TheNH813Usually when I have connectivity problems, it's the DNS.20:36
lifeboyIt's not DNS, I can't ping any addresses.20:37
TJ-lifeboy: well that's good :)20:37
TJ-lifeboy: so, check the subnet, check the routing20:37
TheNH813What's the current address and subnet?20:37
nils_lifeboy, flushing iptables might not be sufficient, check the policies as well.20:37
TJ-lifeboy: any ebtables rules might affect it?20:37
lifeboyno rules.20:37
lifeboyie not ip tables20:38
lifeboy@nils_  What policies?20:38
nils_lifeboy, e.g. iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT20:38
TJ-lifeboy: I can ping that IP. start a tcpdump see if you can see the ICMP packets.20:38
TheNH813. /29? That's a variably subnetted network. Make sure you have the right starting address for the currently set IP.20:39
lifeboynils_ that shows nothing20:39
nils_lifeboy, iptables -L INPUT would show you the policy.20:39
TJ-lifeboy: "sudo tcpdump -ni <IF> icmp"20:40
nils_Hetzner also tends to have a somewhat peculiar network setup.20:40
analogicalno 17.10 yet huh?20:40
lifeboyTJ- I can ping ti too, but from the machine I can't reach anything.20:40
TJ-lifeboy: right, so is the gateway dropping all it's packets (via the gateway's FORWARD table)?20:41
lifeboyThe gateway works 100% from the booted iso, but not when booted from the Ubuntu server.20:42
lifeboyiptables -L list no entries20:42
TheNH813Do you set the same IP on the iso or let it use DHCP?20:42
lifeboyI set the same address on the iso20:43
TJ-lifeboy: This is from bare metal, no VMs or containers involved?20:43
lifeboyI'm pretty sure the machine was locked down for security reasons, but apart from ufw / iptables, I can't see how they did this20:44
lifeboybare metal, yes20:44
nils_apparmor / selinux for example.20:44
nils_what kind of errors are you getting when establishing outgoing connections?20:44
TJ-lifeboy: if you do "sudo tcpdump -ni <IF> " do you see any ARP or Ethernet packets coming in (not originating from the server)20:44
TJ-lifeboy: is it just pings that fail, or all outgoing connections?20:45
lifeboyno errors, just all packets dropped20:45
nils_so it's timing out?20:45
TheNH813Are there mac address filters on the router?20:45
lifeboyI can actually ssh into the server20:45
TheNH813Or switch?20:45
nils_lifeboy, can you check the OUTPUT chain?20:46
lifeboywell, its a straigh forward hetzner trueserv server, so not fancy firewalling or filtering20:46
TJ-lifeboy: I'm wondering if it has policy routing configured20:46
lifeboyI did service apparmor stop and now it's talking20:48
ppetrakianyone around that can help with usb passthrough to a lxc container?20:48
lifeboySo nils_ you were right, it was apparmor20:48
TJ-lifeboy: now you need to identify the specific apparmor profile causing that20:49
naccppetraki: you may want to try #lxcontainers20:49
nils_interesting, usually you'd also need to do a teardown.20:49
ppetrakinacc, didn't know that existed, thanks!20:49
TJ-lifeboy: check /etc/apparmor/init/20:49
TJ-lifeboy: apparmor should be logging to /var/log/auth.log for denials too20:50
nils_and usually one would get an "operation not permitted" error20:50
* TJ- nods20:50
naccppetraki: yw, and that's lxd from what i can tell, not lxc; also https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/03/29/usb-hotplug-with-lxd-containers/20:51
naccppetraki: may be useful20:51
ppetrakinacc, that's why im followiing :) doesn't work. im on 16.0420:52
TheNH813I'm also on 16.04. I'm hanging around until the 18.04 LTS or maybe the one after that.20:53
wallbrokenthis script could work on ubuntu?20:56
TheNH813It's a bash script, right?20:56
TheNH813Looks like it will.20:57
TheNH813The script will edit Google Chrome and Apt settings to use the proxy you enter, by the looks of the code.20:57
TheNH813Not apt I mean the user startup script20:58
TJ-wallbroken: the sed could be rewritten more succinctly as " sed -i "s_\(Exec=/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome %U\)_\1 --proxy-server=${proxy}_"  "20:59
TheNH813I really need to learn how to use sed better. The only think I'v ever done is substitutions.21:01
lifeboyTJ-, I only need to copy all the code from the box to another, so I'm not going to bother with moe details.  apparmor is not running, now and I'm copyin the files already21:02
TJ-I generally find (g)awk much more flexible for doing serious manipulation of text21:02
lifeboythanks for help all!21:02
TJ-lifeboy: I'd be interested to know what profile was blocking all outgoing though :p21:02
wallbrokenTJ-, somebody told me that the script is dangeours because it does not remove what it adds, true?21:03
lifeboyOnce I've copied all the files I'll have a look21:03
TheNH813wallbroken: It appears to be able to remove what it adds. At least in the remove function.21:04
TheNH813Worst case scenario, you can manually delete the lines it adds.21:05
TJ-wallbroken: it looks to reverse the change, you've got two sed commands, one for setup() and the reverse for remove()21:05
TheNH813TJ: Gawk is something I'v never touched. It also looks more complicated. I'l look into it.21:07
TJ-TheNH813: it's great when you need to do proper programming-type changes inline, or catch multiple conditions or cascades21:07
|Night|so tomrrow is 17.10 time :21:08
TheNH813TJ-: Well since grymoire.com has a page for it, I'l be able to figure it out. They have some really good tutorials/manuals.21:08
TheNH813TJ-: Thanks for the info.21:09
TJ-TheNH813: yes, they do. I had to use it extensively back in 2007 and since then I've used it alot for text processing.  I used it for analysing ACPI DSDT functions. A taster: http://tjworld.net/snc/sourcecode.html#scripts21:10
TheNH813TJ-: That's some seriously complicated code. :o21:14
TJ-TheNH813: but very close to C so easy to quickly get up to speed with21:14
TheNH813TJ-: Quite interesting. Well, since this is a hint off topic guess I'm done. Thanks once again for the information and also help with the bootloader issue earlier.21:15
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iAmSlowwhat is defoult font on budgie my theme got broken after update21:36
TheNH813You mean the Budgie theme for Windows?21:37
iAmSlowwhat its form solus21:38
bcowaniAmSlow: goto the budgie start thing , there is an option to put everything back to default21:38
TheNH813Oh that's an actual distro.21:38
iAmSlowand anyone know why on 16.04 there is no redshift applet21:38
ubottuUbuntu Budgie is a community !flavour of Ubuntu featuring the Budgie desktop. Its first official release is 17.04. As with all development versions, for questions involving Ubuntu Budgie 17.10 support, visit #ubuntu+1. Ubuntu Budgie 16.04 and 16.10 are not supported by the Ubuntu project. https://ubuntubudgie.org/21:38
iAmSlowbcowan,  if i do that it will rewert all changes21:39
iAmSlowcant you just write me , wind tile interca document monospace21:39
iAmSlowand have 1 more issue i have 2 internet menus in menu21:40
TheNH813Do they open different browsers?21:40
bcowaniAmSlow: Im not logged into budgie right now to check21:40
TheNH813Otherwise, look in .local/share/applications in your home directory.21:40
TheNH813There could be a duplicate in your account of what's already in /usr/share/applications21:41
iAmSlowkinda i added firefox --private and chromium whit flags, they are both in .local/share/application21:41
iAmSlowbut shoudet thet make it ignore those in usr/bin21:42
TheNH813Change the name variable on the ones you added to .local/share/applications to differentiate them.21:42
TheNH813That would make it look nicer.21:42
TheNH813The system one is always going to be there.21:42
TheNH813Because it's for all users to be able to access.21:43
iAmSlowhmm that sux21:43
iAmSlowanywya just pressed defoult on budgie fornt still ugly broken21:43
iAmSlowi think21:43
iAmSlowguess i can just edit whit sudo those in usr/bin21:45
iAmSlowwhen this menu cant filter21:45
TheNH813Don't chant anything in /usr/bin21:45
TheNH813Edit the shortcut in /usr/share/applications if necessary, but don't touch the binaries.21:46
iAmSlowanyway anyone know why no redshift in applet on 16.04 on 17.10 there was21:46
TheNH813It was likely added after 16.04. I'v never heard of redshift.21:46
iAmSlowyep i mispoked wanted to say i will edit those21:46
iAmSlowtry it its good for eyes21:47
dax!info redshift-gtk xenial21:47
ubotturedshift-gtk (source: redshift): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen with GTK+ integration. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10-5ubuntu1 (xenial), package size 29 kB, installed size 443 kB21:47
iAmSlowfor me its good for before bead time cuz blue makes you awake21:48
iAmSlowand whit readshift ON i can fall to sleep eazyer21:48
TheNH813Yeah it's like the blue light removal option on Android and FireOS. I get it.21:48
TheNH813It is in the repos on 16.04.21:48
TheNH813I just typed sudo apt-get install redshift-gtk and it came up with the package.21:49
iAmSlowi wanted budgie applet21:49
iAmSlowits nicer just click on off21:49
TheNH813Install it and add redshift-gtk to the startup applications. It makes a tray icon you can click to toggle it.21:50
TheNH813I might make use of this. Seems like a pretty nice tool.21:51
iAmSlowapplet one looks better but this does the job too21:53
TheNH813Allright. Need help with anything else?21:55
varaindemianWould you uphrade to 17.04?21:55
TheNH813I personally would wait for 17.10 or 18.04 now.21:55
TheNH813It's only a couple days till 17.10.21:56
varaindemianI guess it’s supposed to be launched today21:56
TheNH813For my own computers, I'm going to update to 18.04 or maybe wait for 20.04. I stick to LTS releases. But it depends what is the right choice for each person.21:57
TheNH813If you want the newest desktop and updates with the installation, by all means go for each 6 month release/21:57
iAmSlowi am using 16.04 cuz mono support dont see it for 17.1021:58
varaindemianWill there be any problems with the upgrades between 17.10 and 18?21:58
varaindemianThe problem is that I like gnome21:59
varaindemianThe way it is implemented in 17.0421:59
varaindemianBut the stability of 16.04 is tempting21:59
TheNH813I'm uncertain, but I plan to do a full reinstall when I upgrade next time.22:00
varaindemianTheNH813: are you using a ssd?22:01
varaindemianOr anyone else22:01
iAmSlowduno i just came form void, solus is good too , i only come back to ubuntu cuz latest mono and monodevelop22:01
TheNH813No. I use 3 HDDs.22:01
varaindemianShould I make some changes after installation (16 or 17)?22:01
TheNH813I'l probably get a 64GB SSD to exclusively use as a OS partition someday though.22:02
varaindemianChanges regarding the ssd config22:02
TheNH813Changes after install? What exactly do you mean by that? Install software, tweak settings, etc?22:02
gambl0rewhats the cleanest way to upgrade mysql to latest version?22:02
TheNH813Oh SSD config? I'v never had to do that so I wouldn't know. Someone else probably will.22:03
varaindemianContinuous trim22:03
varaindemianAnd so on22:03
TheNH813Well, it'd be in the same place in /etc/fstab. Guess you'd just have to take a look.22:04
gambl0rewhats the cleanest way to upgrade mysql to latest version?22:05
varaindemianIf someone knows if ssds need some special confing after installation pls let us know.22:05
[n0mad]rubber gloves22:05
TheNH813I don't know about mysql so if you don't get an answer here try the Ubuntu forums.22:05
varaindemianUbuntu official site doesn’t mention anything22:05
varaindemianWhy doesn’t ubuntu have something similar to arch’s wiki22:06
gambl0reTheNH813, well thank goodness you're not the only in here that can answer my question22:06
TheNH813gambl0re: Hope you find the answer you need.22:06
TheNH813varaindemian: Well, if the filesystem doesn't have defaults,discard in the mount options atfer installation, I would change it.22:06
TheNH813You could install it in a virtual machine and tell the VM it has a SSD, and see what it does.22:07
TheNH813Actually I could do that now.22:07
TheNH813Gimme a minute.22:07
varaindemianAnd thank you for your time22:07
varaindemianAnd regarding wiki22:07
varaindemianAny idea why isn’t something similar to arch?22:08
Bashing-omvaraindemian: I found : https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd ; http://www.ocsmag.com/2016/04/30/using-solid-state-drives-on-linux/ . Helpful . The kernel now takes care of the trum operation .22:08
varaindemianBashing-om: cool22:09
varaindemianSo no need to do anything regarding the ssd performance22:10
Bashing-om!preload | varaindemian22:10
Bashing-om!info preload | varaindemian22:11
ubottuvaraindemian: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (zesty), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB22:11
TheNH813All right then. Good to know that.22:12
varaindemianBashing-om: are you using an ssd?22:12
Bashing-omvaraindemian: Affirmed . Samsung 850 EVO .22:13
daxvaraindemian: Ubuntu's SSD config should work out of the box. If I recall correctly it doesn't have discard in fstab, it uses a cronjob with fstrim insted22:13
varaindemian@dax: good to know that dax. Thx22:14
varaindemianSo, is there a wiki or something else similar to arch wiki?22:15
TheNH813wiki.ubuntu.com I think22:15
TheNH813Yup that's it.22:16
varaindemianDoesn’t look like an arch wiki22:17
TheNH813There that's more like it.22:19
TheNH813"This user-created and maintained wiki is a reference for various Ubuntu-related Howto's, tips, tricks and hacks."22:19
TheNH813So the community Wiki is likely the one to look for tips and instructions.22:20
=== med_ is now known as Guest99060
gambl0reTheNH813, upgraded mysql success22:28
TheNH813Allright. Good to know that went well for you.22:29
lol-md5ok so i just bought a new 256GB SSD to replace my 128GB SSD. It's full disk encrypted with LUKS. What's the best way to copy all of my data over to the new drive?22:30
lol-md5i'm thinking of booting into a live USB, mounting both drives, creating a new encrypted volume on the new drive and copying the unencrypted data from the old to the new22:30
lol-md5that way, the new drive has a new static key22:30
TheNH813That sounds like an effective method.22:31
lol-md5do any of you have a separate /home and /root with LUKS on Ubuntu here?22:31
TheNH813Only other option is to clone the encrypted partition and then expand it to the full size. Not sure if there's any special methods necessary.22:32
TheNH813I'v not used LUKS before. Unless that's what Puppy Linux uses to encrypt it's save files.22:32
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TJ-lol-md5: Yes, and /boot/22:40
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TJ-lol-md5: All my laptops have encrypted /boot/ separate from encrypted rootfs, etc. One thing to be aware of is if using systemd, you can't use key-files if you intend systemd-cryptsetup to manage it. It doesn't support anything other than typed passphrases22:41
lol-md5how did you do it? last time i tried to set that up in the installer GUI, it would install to the encrypted partitions, but then wwouldn't boot because it assumed they would always be mounted22:43
ke-eschey all- I've recently installed 17.10 on my pc and i can't get the monitors to fall asleep or find a setting that would control it. Anyone know?22:44
TJ-lol-md5: first off I don't allow the isntaller any say! I use manual partitioning to configure it. partition for /boot/, partition for an LVM PV, create a VG in the PV, create LVs in the VG for rootfs, /var/ /home/ /usr/local and some others (SourceCode, Projects, Media, Manuals that get mounted under /home/all/...)22:45
TJ-lol-md5: and add to /etc/default/grub "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" so GRUB can decrypt /boot/ to get to its modules and concfig22:45
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lol-md5it's easy to resize them right?22:46
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lol-md5Jantz how come you don't use the built-in IRC away status22:46
TJ-lol-md5: so the kernels and initrd are encrypted in /boot/ ... I then either store key-files in the initrd (via initramfs-tools hooks scripts) or use an external USB key and use cryptsetup's tools to read it at boot time22:47
lol-md5law enforcement can seize a USB key, but not your password22:47
TJ-lol-md5: well, with LVM you can resize on demand. I don't allocate all the space the VG has to LVs iunless they need it because it is trivial to extend especially if using ext4 FS: "sudo lvextend -L +2G VG/LV; sudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/VG-LV"22:48
TJ-lol-md5: they have to get the correct one though!22:48
lol-md5they will take all of them22:48
lol-md5all digital media22:48
TJ-lol-md5: and, in many jurisdictions you can be compelled (on threat of prison) to reveal a passphrase and passwords22:48
lol-md5i don't think so?22:49
nacclol-md5: TJ-: seems like you've gone offtopic :)22:49
TJ-lol-md5: right, but they need to know where and which data is the key, is my point22:49
lol-md5TJ- that's still pretty trivial. they would figure it out22:50
TJ-lol-md5: Finding the correct 4096 bits amongst say 32GB on a single device? Not trivial. You can also configure the system to receive the key over network22:51
nacclol-md5: TJ-: that didn't mean keep talkinng here. take it to #ubuntu-offtopic22:52
TJ-ke-esc: sounds like a DPMS issue22:52
lol-md5TJ- join #ubuntu-offtopic please22:54
antanascia yra lt?22:55
antanasspek litaun?22:55
kostkon!lt | antanas22:56
ubottuantanas: Šiame kanale bendraujama anglų kalba. Jei ieškote pagalbos lietuvių kalba, prisijunkite prie #ubuntu-lt kanalo.22:56
kostkonhopefully that's the correct language22:56
lol-md5it's the correct country code, for sure22:56
lol-md5!zh | lol-md522:57
ubottulol-md5, please see my private message22:57
mattflymy libreoffice version 4 is not openning, nothing displays when i open from terminal, no -v and no loading screen. how do really get debug info from it?? can anyone help with this?  iom on ubuntu 16.0422:57
kostkonmattfly, 16.04 comes with libreoffice 5.122:58
mattflyand how to just make it work xD22:59
kostkon!info libreoffice-gtk xenial22:59
ubottulibreoffice-gtk (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite -- GTK+ integration. In component main, is optional. Version 1:5.1.6~rc2-0ubuntu1~xenial2 (xenial), package size 212 kB, installed size 664 kB22:59
mattflyim with ibreOffice 40m0(Build:2)22:59
mattflyi have libreoffice as a command line option but it never loadsw22:59
naccmattfly: that is not the ubuntu 16.04 versio23:00
naccmattfly: are you running the snap?23:00
mattflyi think so23:00
mattflywas the best for my language23:00
naccmattfly: well, that's the candidate/edge versionn23:00
naccmattfly: and you should contact the snap owner23:00
naccsnap info libreoffice | grep contact23:00
mattflyokay but how to make it verbose at least?23:00
naccmattfly: dunno, the snap is not an ubuntu package23:00
mattflywell okay23:01
naccmattfly: you could strace it, but snaps get a bit weird, as they all go through snapd (so you'd need -f, atl east)23:04
naccmattfly: but really, the snap is onnly supported by the owner, and they provide a nice link23:05
ke-eschmm.. so 17.10 uses wayland instead of x. I have an nvidia card. Do the open source drivers maybe not support dpms for my card?23:05
naccke-esc: 17.10 is still in #ubuntu+1, hasn't released yet23:06
ke-escnacc, sorry, will switch23:06
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bobmarleyHi all I'm trying to resize my efi partition on windows 10 to 500 mb i'm in gparted live right now but it won't let me increase it from the normal 10023:32
bobmarleyhow can I do this?23:32
bobmarleyI click resize/move and it won't give me any options to increase, any help would be a GODSEND23:32
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bobmarleyOH do I need free space on the main disk, duh23:35
bobmarleyanyone? :D23:37
Bashing-ombobmarley: Win10 - be best to do this with Windows tools . Moving the 2nd partition to make space for the 1st - messing with partition data make sure you have back ups !23:39
bobmarleytoo late! :D23:40
bobmarleygparted is resizing partition now23:40
bobmarleyI'm shrinking the ENTIRE disk from 465 gigs to 349, then i'm going to expand my efi partition23:40
bobmarleyi think it'll work, i know it'll work23:40
bobmarleyhow come no one talks here lol23:42
johnnyfiveWe're all fixing our installations23:42
bobmarleyoh lol23:42
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bobmarleydoes it make sense what i'm doing though lol23:43
johnnyfivebobmarley, your efi partition has to be at the front of the disk23:43
johnnyfivewhich means any other partitions were probably started right after it, which means it has no room to expand23:44
bobmarleyok it moved it how do I move it back23:44
johnnyfiveso yes, you could try making your main partition smaller, and have it start 500mb away from the start of the disk23:44
bobmarleyi made my main partition smaller23:44
bobmarleythen i expanded my efi partitoin23:45
bobmarleybut hte problem is it errored on grow file system to fill the partition23:45
bobmarleyso now I have unallocated 300 mb of space tried to grow it from 100 to 40023:45
bobmarleyand it's at the BOTTOM of the list23:45
bobmarleyso shrunk my disk now I'm trying to expand efi partition. but it gives me an error, am I fucked?23:45
johnnyfivehrm, well it sounds like it might've shrunk the end of your main partition, and not the front23:46
bobmarleyhold up, so there's a little block at the front then /dev/sda2 my main disk then unallocated 115 gb23:46
bobmarleydoes that mean I messed it up23:46
johnnyfivethe unallocated needed to be before main disk23:46
johnnyfivewell 500mb of it23:47
johnnyfivethe little block at the front is your efi23:47
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bobmarleyok so how do I fix this23:47
bobmarleyre-expand my main disk?23:47
johnnyfiveuh, well you can try, at this point it sounds like you're in a situation that is above my capability to troubleshoot over irc23:48
johnnyfiveso i'd do backups23:48
bobmarleyk too late lol!23:48
bobmarleybut it's alright no important data anyway23:48
johnnyfiveinsert windows cd and try recovering efi, that's about it23:49
johnnyfiveif you care about windows side23:49
johnnyfiveotherwise do same for ubuntu23:49
bobmarleyk so how would I recover efi from windows23:49
bobmarleyoh it doesn't even matter I didn't screw up anything!23:51
bobmarleywindows is booting fine23:51
bobmarleyI regrew the partition back and now I'm back in windows23:51
bobmarleylet me see what disk manager says23:51
Guest90068hi guys23:54
Guest90068how to I execute a config file?23:54
oerheksGuest90068, let the app doe that, the config file belongs to23:55
mutanteGuest90068: what kind of config file23:55
bobmarleyoh shit everything work23:56
bobmarleyit resized it to 400 mb23:56
Guest90068I downloaded the tar23:56
bobmarleyand my paartition is still alive with windows23:56
oerheksGuest90068, that is no config file, it is a sourcecode23:56
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:56
mutanteGuest90068: you mean the "To start, execute the ./configure script " part?    you literally type that, ./configure23:57
mutantestarting with the .23:57
Guest90068Thank you so much23:57

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